#♡ ˙ ✧ ━━This is the place I call home. I'm not going anywhere ❪ Otakemaru ❫ [HC]
wiildcardd · 2 years
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大 嶽 丸 --- ah, the old soul, nice to meet again. the time of ages is etched into your bones, you see clearly. you've watched the heartache in this realm and sworn to solve it. but kindness without limits is self-destruction. oh little leaf, strong and wise, you seek to bring peace with your presence. I'd be wrong to say you fail at this effort, but you mustn't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. you wish to please everyone, to protect them all. but if you shield the saplings from the sunlight they will never grow, and you one day will wither. protect yourself too.
 you know there are no happy heroes, so don't be one. be a friend. your loved ones will not forsake you for not being perseus slaying all their demons. you have your own monsters, why not meet them first before you conquer anyone else's nightmares. oh true-hearted paladin you are brave, and you are good enough. you know that right? be true to yourself, one cannot do anything saintly if they did not tend to their own wounds first.
Tagged by: @jiingweii Tagging: @guiltscorched ( ayato ), @lunaetis ( dehya ), @bishonenprince , @sortilegii ( orochi ), @kiriisu ( asura ), @wolvensden and anyone else who sees this! (tag me if you steal~)
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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OTAKEMARU ICONS DONE!!! Two different sets depending on pre-Heian and post! Will love @kiriisu forever for helping me with the aesthetic hnnngh i kiss kiss
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@jiingweii sent: " otakemaru. " solemnity follows the ends of vocals as the lord of mt. suzuka approaches , tail flicking behind her as mismatched hues sought the other's familiar stature. a mere shadow of the family she nurtured , in a land that remains a memorial of all they have built. " it wasn't your fault. i don't intend to excuse your actions for the trouble & loss it caused the capital , but you have paid the price for it. however , what happened to mt. suzuka ... it wasn't your doing. " steel lacquers locutions as a hand gently , but firmly places itself 'pon his shoulder , " you've done what you could. i’m sorry i was too late. " ( from suzuka 😌❣️ )
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~{大嶽丸}~ For so long he waited, waited for his sister to return home to provide assistance in helping their people and saving them from the fate that awaited their home... And yet Suzuka never came. Nonetheless, he would perform his self-proclaimed duty within the new vessel that his soul bestowed upon him to cleanse and purify the taint that continued to spread within his now lifeless home.
But a presence, that felt all too familiar approached and already the voices within Otakemaru's mind began to whisper thoughts of rage within him. But he fought the urge for now, gritting his teeth as he floated from his levitated perch above the now frozen sea. Wisps release from his body, urging him to rise and battle, but his stubbornness to remain in control left him frozen to the spot, that was until he heard her.
As a gentle hand was placed upon his shoulder, Otakemaru raises his head to meet the gaze of someone he thought long gone. "S-Suzuka..." He utters, taken aback at the sight before him. "No, no, no... You aren't real, you can't be real..." Thoughts of doubt rushed into his mind, the perfect leverage for the menagerie of evil spirits coalesced within his form whispering lies upon lies.
He swats away the hand on his shoulder as he feels himself slowly succumbing to possession once more, letting out pained groans and hisses as tears well in his eyes. "You said you'd come home... You told me that you'd never abandon us, that this place would last forever..." His voice quivered, as if he was stifling the need to break down and let out centuries of anguish in that one moment. "What took you so long?"
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"If you're really her..." Part of him hated her, the emotions manipulated by the toxic poison that his body had absorbed for many long years, but another... Just wanted to collapse in her arms and lay bare the burdens that he had carried. "Please... never leave me alone again..." It was hushed, as if the enemy within were trying to repress his true emotions. She was finally home and yet... why does it hurt so much?
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry...!"
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@s-erpentes sent: ❛   caress .   gently  caress  my  muse’s  face .
Prompt from: a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts || ACCEPTING!
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a touch so evil and so cold graces itself upon his cheek and yet the guardian of mount suzuka, the lone inhabitant of the now cursed and icy field finds familiarity within the fingertips that now caressed his face. forlorn eyes open to be greeted by the sight of the snake, causing him to flinch and immediately swat the hand away.
❝ you dare step foot on sacred lands, my land, my home, wipe that smirk off your face you-!  ❞
in that very moment, his body lurches forward and a cry that would crack the icy surface they stood upon let loose from the vessel that housed the corruption as wisps of miasma unleash themselves from the body of the poor soul known as otakemaru. whimpers leave him until the souls quieten, on his knees at the evil god before him.
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❝  It was you... this whole time, this corruption was born from you. i can sense it, feel it in my bones and in my mind... it was your voice in my head. what in the hells do you want with me?  ❞
gritted teeth and growl leave otakemaru, unable to resist or fight the evil god as his body refuses to strike out at the one that had created the toxic energy that coursed through the veins of the oni. mustering the strength to stand on his feet, eyes narrowed and chest puffed at the taller god. one day, he will learn to control what is inside of him...
and when that day comes, he will not hesitate.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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Tagged by: @s-erpentes Steal it!! (tag me if you did <3)
I think from this we learn that Otakemaru is a Bloodborne boss and has everything you'll ever need in a boss fight :3
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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A little thing for my Onmyo peeps that Otakemaru is slowly dying in the Great Demon King scenario. Sure, he may have survived Heian-kyo and is even making amends for his actions. And yes, he may have purified the corruption in Suzuka but the sheer fact that he had to use his own body to do so?
There is still no happy ending sadly while initially he lives his best life and it's all happy, that toxic miasma that he's taken into his body and continues to do so until the source is stopped completely is eating away at him from the inside. He rejects its power, refusing to succumb to it as it screams for him to use it as a weapon at the cost of his mind. Otakemaru knows that he's on borrowed time, he just hopes he lives long enough to see the head of the snake removed before he does die.
There's always a caveat with these but at least in this timeline he can leave Mount Suzuka willingly with enough persuasion~
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@sortilegii (Shuten Doji) sent: ' i am aware of the serpent's workings. his poison has spread throughout the lands for too long. it brings me to sorrow to understand, at long last, what it has done to you and your people. i would be willing to be burnt to ashes for oeyama. thus, i understand your pain, too. but, we have a chance now to repay all the suffering the serpent deity has inflicted on our land. will you join me? ' ( shuten doji for otake ! )
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The Great Demon King of Mount Suzuka, had only recently been coronated after he worked tirelessly to purify his home for his people. Inherited from his sister, it took a great amount of power and effort that almost cost him his life, let alone his sanity. The request from his fellow Yokai did not fall on deaf ears however as he leaned forward on his Brass Throne, pondering this request.
"For many years, this place you see before you had been beset by the corruption. During those years, I was left to defend it... You are asking me to leave my home vulnerable to the very corruption that I have fought tirelessly to rid to fight in this war with a small likelihood of success?" He rises from his seat, an almost angered expression on his face as he takes slow steps towards his fellow mountain lord. "Perhaps the Otakemaru of old would have accepted this adventure, if only out of desperation to save his home."
His expression softens as he places a gentle hand on the taller demon's shoulder. "Standing up to the serpent is one thing, I would gladly raise my blades to help you. But with my sister still missing, I cannot in good faith leave Mount Suzuka without its guardian." There was a sense of regret in his voice, he had heard the tales and news, it enraged him to no end, a side effect from the corruption he had taken into his body. "We're still rebuilding, restoring what was lost. I'm sorry, Doji. If there's anything else you need, I will gladly help as much as I can."
The King squeezed his shoulder before moving a hand to his cheek and offering a reassuring smile. "Just make sure you come back alive, alright? There are so much our cultures could learn from one another. You're not too ugly to look at either." That toothy grin returns. "If there is anything else I can offer you then I will provide it, you're more than welcome to stay for the next few days to rest and eat before your grand quest."
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wiildcardd · 2 years
The Guardian of Mount Suzuka - Otakemaru
Well, here it is! Thought I'd finally detail how I'll be portraying my mountain shark Yokai. I'm going to be sticking with most of the Onmyoji canon but adding a little bit of my own flair into it just to spice things up, considering it's been about a year and Otakemaru hasn't had any new tidbits added to his story since his SP event.
PS: Forgive me for how messy this is, I wasn't sure how to format it so I'm just gonna bullet point it all XD
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Choosing to remain in the mortal world, Otakemaru remains in Mount Suzuka, keeping watch and protecting the mountain even after his death. In a constant battle within his body, the many vengeful spirits that now comprise his body leave him in a constant battle to control the vessel that he now resides in and even with this in mind, he intends to honour the memories of his once beautiful home.
In this constant battle to maintain control of his mind and body, those few who choose to come to Mount Suzuka to pay respects or offer mourning gifts will find an Otakemaru who is sane and able to converse for a short while, a semi-possessed Otakemaru who is silent and brooding but nonetheless accepts the gifts, or a fully consumed Otakemaru who aggressively interacts with anyone who steps into the Mount Suzuka boundary.
If you've watched the full SP CG movie, you may see an ice statue of the original Otakemaru in front of the Torii gate that leads into the frozen beachfront. That is the boundary in which Otakemaru can walk up to without becoming a wisp. Those who step foot into the boundary must present themselves as a friend or Otakemaru will attack them, the ferocity of which depends on his mental stability and his level of possession.
For one day in a year, the spirits within Mount Suzuka and the corruption subside, allowing Otakemaru full control of his thoughts and allowing small respite from the infighting within his vessel. He still cannot leave, but in this fleeting moment of silence, he climbs to the peak of the mountain and meditates. One day, he hopes that the splendour of his old home will shine once more... But one eventually has to wake up from such dreams.
Because he is on his own pretty much all of the time, it leaves him susceptible to succumbing to rage and anger which the spirits in him cry out for. Those who come back consistently to check up on him helps greatly in him maintaining his sanity. He will still be very upset and gloomy, but he can be courted. Otake might not show it at first, but this means the world to him.
He can be taught to control his anger and these spirits, but alone it's incredibly difficult. Having someone there with him keeps the spirits at bay, and while they may peak through the seams, he's strong enough to wrestle them back as long as the person with him keeps him calm.
Finally, when someone comes to visit, he will often want to know their stories and why they chose to come to his mountain. Maintaining conversation for longer does keep him happy, and it spites the spirits who probably want to do more than just converse with an individual.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@infernocharged sent: collapse.  for Ibaraki Doji to catch Otakemaru, preventing them from falling to the ground.
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Once more the corruption spread throughout the frostbitten mountain that he called home, and it was up to the Young Master to purify it. Calling forth the power within him, Otakemaru channels his energy, the toxic miasma slowly seeping out of the permafrost below and into his vessel. Over time, the flowing power within his veins begins to pulsate as the souls in his body release outwards uncontrollably.
It was moments like these that he dreaded, afraid that he will lose his mind again as the spirits within his body take over to complete his task. In his constant battle, sometimes he would pass out with no memories of what had transpired, just face down in the cold icy sea. Perhaps this time will end the same.
Minutes pass by, that felt like hours as he begins to battle for control of his form as the corruption finally reaches its full potency. The Mountain was safe again, but Otakemaru now vied for power. This causes him to let loose feral roars of pain, agonising screams as he frantically convulses and shivers in the air, not realising that another was in the boundary of his eternity home.
He couldn't make out the figure as the souls surrounded him until he could take it no longer. With one final burst of energy, he suppresses the souls surrounding him by using the corrupting energy he absorbed, taking its toll on him as his body scars and sparks with the toxic power. The last thing he could remember was his vision blurring as he begins to fall once more, and the visage of a horned demon. Another Yokai just like him...
"W-Who are you...?" He lets out in strained breaths before falling into a slumber.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@s-erpentes cont. from here! Otakemaru joins Orochi - The Fall of the Guardian
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cold finger touches his jawline, letting loose a soft purr as he allows himself to gaze into the hypnotic gaze of the snake. their breaths mixed so quickly, the scent of which sent a chill up the spine of the corrupted mountain king. the question offered by one so evil that the lonely demon now found solace in would be met with a devilish smirk, his lips daring to brush against the snake's glossy lip before leaning in to whisper into his ear.
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❝ you wanted the demon? the powerful warrior who almost brought about the destruction of the capital? ❞ he had a smirk on his face, hoping he had ticked all the boxes for who would soon become the one who would be the source of such new and unfounded power. how tragic that the mighty hero, who resisted as best he could, would fall to the very evil that had corrupted his home
there did otakemaru pull away from orochi's ear, daring to glide a tongue from his jawline all the way back to their initial stare down, lips mere inches away. ❝ i cast aside my bindings to seek my sister and to gain the power to restore this home... i offer myself in your service, lord orochi. ready to commit whatever sin you wish. ❞
and there it was, the vow that his master was looking for as his hands reached to firmly ground themselves on the sides of his face, toothy grin growing wider as the corruption at last settled within.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@shigisan sent: " I remembered the expression on our faces when neither of us had yet to experience hell. Don't you think that returning to such moments is what our hearts inexorably crave ? " A question asked from Asura's mouth aimed straight at Otakemaru. Sadness or perhaps yet anxiety painted itself on his face when the memories hit him. " I missed you. Even if things don't look the same anymore… " A smile appeared on God of War's face as he grabbed Otake's hands tighter. [ softies for otake and asura uvu ] ---- RANDOM PROMPTS ALWAYS ACCEPTED
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❝ a-asura... you look so different now... hardened by combat, by war. your voice is-... why have you come here? it's embarrassing for one such as your stature to see me like this. ❞
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forlorn gaze meets the intense yet soft glare of the god of war, memories of a time long past filling the mind of the vessel that had absorbed so much of the toxic miasma that laid bare upon his now accursed home. those warm hands sending a chill up his spine as it contrasts with the ice-cold fingertips and palms of the oni who had taken up as the guardian of mount suzuka.
salty dew, a familiar feeling, begins to form from eyes of sadness and longing. how long had it been? for three hundred years he has sat here, with only the spirits and voices in his head to keep him company, it was so surreal that from the darkness was the red fiery light of one he thought he'd never see again.
in an instant, otakemaru rushes forward and embraces the larger frame of the god of war, letting out a cry that he had left inside of him. his family in his mind was all but gone, lonely heart stabbed by millions of angry souls from the corrupted font of the ice field they stood. a sob, a true heart piercer for those who pitied him, and through sniffles and hiccups the former young master would at last speak.
❝ i have missed you too... i thought you weren't real, i thought you an illusion to once again torment and mock me... but you really are here! ❞ a hand rises to touch soft cheek, head tilted with tear stained cheeks, curiosity and sadness written on broken visage.
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@s-erpentes sent: ☭ for otakemaru and orochi
Prompt from: Send ☭ x for a vs. battle quote to your muse || ACCEPTING!
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Battle Intro: [OPPOSING SIDES] "You... This is for my home and for my people, you wretched snake!" "You will taste thunder and lightning again, evil god. This time by my own blade!" "I have nothing more to lose facing you... I will kill you, Orochi, even if I die trying!"
[ALLIED SIDE] "We fight together... for now..." "Watch your back, snake... Never know who or what might strike you."
Victory: "Suzuka... I did it... I saved us all..." "Mount Suzuka will flourish once more with you gone." "Get up, heathen. You've knelt for long enough; I haven't finished punishing you for your crimes!"
Half HP: "I'm not done yet! Strike harder!" "Surprised I'm still standing? Three hundred years of your corruption does wonders for Yokai resiliency."
Low HP: "No... Not yet...!" "Gotta keep.... Going!" "You're going to need a bigger sword..."
Defeat: "Suzuka... Forgive me..." "Come back here you coward... I'm not... Finished yet..."
Death: "More will come for you, snake... More that are stronger than I will ever be, you can't manipulate forever... Some day, you will bite your own tail, and by then it'll be too late for you to save your treacherous self..."
Assist: "Let's show them our combined strength!" "The great Orochi needs my help? Hah!" "Nuh-uh, no one gets to kill you except for me!"
Taunt: "You destroyed my home... Separated me from the only family I have left... Know this, serpent. I will muster the power within my body to cut you down and banish you back from whence you came. It's time you got a taste of your own medicine, behold my Monumental strength! The wrath of the greatest Yokai!"
Reacting to Taunt: "Flouncy words and poisonous charisma? What a loud of crap, raise your sword already." "If I wanted to flirt or trade verbal barbs, I wouldn't be here."
Flee: "Sometimes fighting to run away is a necessity!" "Too strong, we must regroup..."
Reacting to Flee: "Cowardice befitting of a serpent, typical." "Ah yes, Orochi's greatest attack! Running away... Tch."
Tie: "Are you even trying? Take me seriously, you pathetic god!" "Oho! Impressive moves, but let's see how you do against my full strength!"
Perfect Victory: "This is fate, this is justice. Do not rise again, Yamata no Orochi, or I will cut you down with ease once again." "So the snake falls... and yet his presence still lingers. I will be here once you return, to finish what the thunder god started."
Low HP Victory: "So this is what it's like to face a god... that bloody hurt..." "If someone asks me to slay a god again... I think I'll politely decline... Nnngh-!"
Finishing Move: "Behold the Jade Blade of Yasakani!" "With my last breath, I stab at thee!" "Your jugular is exposed, now die!"
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@taiixuan sent: can i kiss you here? ( susabi to otakemaru ! )
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Illusive strands of hair were splayed over the pillow that Otakemaru rested upon, still reeling over what had happened the night before. A small groan left him as he sat up, only to be greeted by the sight of the one he had bedded from last night. It all happened so fast; it almost didn't feel real as the demon gently placed a hand upon his head.
They had been seeing each other for a long time now, both finding solace in one another as the yokai gradually regained his sanity thanks to the time that the lord of fate spent with him when he could. Otakemaru was grateful, owing to him more than just simple jade and gold... but his affection entirely. With a gentle groan, he shuffled a little to allow leverage to move Susabi into a more comfortable position upon his chest.
What soon followed was the god's awakening, bringing a relieved and satisfied smile across the face of the forlorn mountain demon as he brushed the stray hairs away from Susabi's flawless and beautiful face. "Good morning, beloved of the stars..." Whispered the starstruck vessel, but it was the question that soon followed that took him by surprise.
Not because he was against the idea, but because Susabi did not even give him a chance to answer before soft breaths escaped his tender lips. He was surprised, despite the inexperience of the two of them, Susabi had... a certain calibre in the way that he bestowed kisses. His chest was now at the mercy of his star, his guiding moonlight. Gradually, he could feel the heat within his soul returning, a certain lust growing as the kisses intensified.
"Susabi... Need you, down there... Please..?"
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@sortilegii (Shuten Doji) sent: [ YANK ]:     seeing the receiver is in immediate danger, the sender hastily grabs them and pulls them against them, out of harm’s way. ( mountain boi x mountain boi thank u )
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Pouring forth from the sea beyond they came, monsters and yokai with black banners above their ships arriving at the shores of Mount Suzuka once more. Were they here to plunder the treasures of his people? Or carry out something more sinister? Either way, they will not pass, nor will they succeed. With the Jade Blade of Yasakani in hand, Otakemaru prepared for battle.
Wave after wave, the Great King cut them down. Utilising a combination of the great energy within his sword and his own feral aggression, he dispatched the assailants with relative ease. But he was but one Yokai against a sea of enemies. A mild concern was on his face however as the ships repositioned, groups of yokai still emerging from the sea.
"Is there no end to you? I'll kill you all!" Cried the Demon King in defiance, hacking and slashing his way on the beachfront with style, grace and fury that only a mountain god can do. But the onrushing tide of foes grew too much, pinning down the mountain lord. A roar of rage left Otakemaru, as he was disarmed and the all too familiar sound of cannons firing filled his ears. Eyes widened as violet balls of inferno flew towards the beach. Dishonourable bastards, all of them... Resorting to artillery and even risking their allies' lives.
It wasn't until he realised the direction of some of the fire that he realised they intended to harm more than just he, but the tranquil and peaceful areas surrounding the Mountain. Fear sets in, not wanting to unleash the devastating power that destroyed Mount Suzuka when he was a child. "STOP THIS NOW!"
It happened so fast, as if they were fireworks, each conflagrated speck explodes in a sea of violet flames in a blink of an eye. He feels himself swept off his feet, the enemies surrounding him dispatched with as he's carried to the safety of... The forest? It wasn't until he was let down that he realised his knight in shining armour was none other than...
"Shuten Doji? W-What are you doing here?" He gets onto his feet, dusting himself off before scoffing. "I suppose I owe you after this, but before that I could use your help.... I suppose."
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wiildcardd · 2 years
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@sortilegii (SHIRANUI) sent: ' so, you, too are like me. ' though coldness was that which her fingertips found upon his cheek, ri did not withdraw. she sought to cut his face entirely in her hand. ' trapped in a world without possibility of escape. but, if you like, i could sing for you. ' ( shiranui for otakemaru GIVE THEM TO ME RIGHT NOW )
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Golden hues gazed into the fair lady that had found herself in the boundaries of Mount Suzuka. Her voice could be heard from across the seas, a serenade for the Yokai that was trapped in his home eternal. The comforting voice and the songs that he heard from beyond until this stranger arrived was a soothing joy that he had long since thought gone for someone like him, and yet here she was offering her voice before him.
The demon bows his head for a moment before taking a seat on the icy cold surface beneath him and offered a solemn smile. "If you find me worthy of such a gift, then I would be honoured." Her words were profound, in some ways he could relate with her own plight. An existence spent alone, or in his case, forever battling the souls buried deep within his new vessel.
"We share fates and tragedies that happen too often to those who care too much. As much as I stand by my virtues... I wondered how long it would take before they would be washed away by the corruption within me." It had been too long since the sun shone upon Mount Suzuka, buried within sheets of accursed permafrost. His words were a reflection of his home, death had come and yet his soul is being put to the test for the good of his home. A testament of hope to some, a lost cause for others.
"Have you ever danced with a demon? It's been some time since I have danced for anyone."
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