dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
I am here to raid your music and offer some in turn! Send me anything you think has Boba vibes or Wolffe vibes :D My offering: https://youtu.be/-xi-cbhWPgA Voltaire's cover of Hallelujah
No point killing the dead. 
One could argue the truth behind the sthat if you stare long enough at a mirror, your mind plays tricks on you — some ‘bloody mary’ bullshit Boba heard about from a prompted excursion on a planet called ‘Earth’. He frequented there mainly because he could easily get lost in the crowd without his armor — not that he couldn’t do it elsewhere, but this so-called Earth had weird shit that seems to have captivated Boba and his vast knowledge of the galaxy’s inner workings that seem to elude this primitively unadvanced planet.
Though that may be so, Boba stares.  Move. 
And stares. Move.
And stares. Move, goddamn it. 
And stares. I said mov—Oh.
And move he indeed did. Wolffe grunted and clung to his side — a broken rib maybe, a fractured bone. It didn’t really matter. He got to push Sinker to the side before he—- “What the kri…”
(tempted to make Boba go, sup bro because I can’t write anything serious — fuckkk)
Frantic eyes sought to grab the blasters that were neatly a nudge away from reach only to be reeled back by the unabashed pain that kept the clone commander in place. 
Seemingly satiated, Boba — who had perched himself on a log by the fire, tucks a worn-down instrument beneath his arms. He took a moment to admire them — scars of time; scratches from the sharp edges of the very armor that once were blue as the Kaminoan seas now green as… well — Doesn’t matter.
Admired the dents and chipped wood that resonated with the pride of battle-bounty ragged armor. Do I make you proud?
Boba could answer whatever it was that he heard. Or he could just fucking not. Fett’s don’t really give two shits when they’re being overly dramatic. Today was no different. Today was full of drama.
He moved. He’s alive.
That’s all that mattered. Whether to him, Jango Fett’s son. Or to himself, another man in the mirror.
He’s alive.
********* Context because I write like shit even though I said no context. - Boba saves Wolffe who saves Sinker from falling off a cliff, in which he falls to his death — not really, we don't do deaths in this house. Boba swoops in. Saves b r o t h e r .
Please assume he sang the song you sent. Doesn't have to. But my Fetts are dramatic with no chill.
Let Boba bust out tunes ktnxbyeeeeeeeeeeeee!~
@kimiheartblade thank you for participating ♥ Had to listen to it like 6 times. I know the song, but this cover be nice ♥
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theregrator · 1 year
Is it just me or that sometimes you feel like you’re so used to a certain moral alignment that it’s hard to make a switch?
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azotas · 1 year
Blog Update
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its going to be a bit before I get used to work, so it'll be very low activity going forward
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solomons-poison · 7 months
Taaarren ♥3♥ How bout Nanami + reading a book together? 🥺
Hi hi Venus!! 💜💜💜 sure I'd love to write that 🥰
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♝: Reading a book together
Pairing: Nanami Kento x GN!reader
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Nanami was well aware of the effect of his voice on others. His colleague, Gojo, claimed his voice was boring and stiff, too "corporate businessman" for his tastes. His students claimed he was too strict sounding, intimidating and a little cold, although they knew better just how caring he truly was of them.
However, and more importantly, to you, his voice was a source of comfort, strength, and oftentimes wisdom. It was an accident the first time you admitted this out loud to him, but ever since, you made sure to reassure him that you really did enjoy listening to him talk. Hearing his familiar cadence always helped to calm you down, make you feel whole and stable, having helped you before in moments of panic and worry.
Tonight, it was simply difficulty sleeping. It wasn't anything unusual, occurring typically when things have been busy and your mind has been working nonstop to solve problem after problem. You and your students had dealt with a particularly nasty curse in a factory that day, the product of unhappy workers in poor conditions for too long, and although the fight had ended on a positive note, your brain didn't seem to get the memo.
Nanami had already fallen asleep beside you, so you'd done your best not to toss and turn. But sleep simply wouldn't come. Eventually you slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him, and made your way towards your kitchen, hoping a warm drink would make you sleepy.
As you stood at the stove warming some milk and honey, you heard shuffling footsteps come down the hallway from behind. A pair of warm arms wound around your waist, and you felt a soft kiss get pressed to your shoulder.
"Having trouble sleeping?" Nanami asked, voice husky from just waking up.
You leaned back against him, enjoying his warmth.
"Yeah, just the usual," you replied, turning to reassure him with a smile. "I'm going to drink some milk and see if that helps. You can go back to bed."
Nanami looked down at the saucepan then back at you.
"Does drinking milk normally help?"
"Not really, but it's all we have, so I thought I'd give it a try," you said, shrugging.
Nanami seemed to think for a moment, letting you go so you could poor the milk into a mug, before speaking up.
"I have an idea."
Ten minutes later, you were both snuggled up on the couch together, nestled under a blanket as you sipped at your mug. Nanami held up a book to you, showing you the cover to see it was a collection of poems. You gave him a confused look, unsure what it meant.
"Sometimes reading makes people tired, so I thought I'd read you some poems," he explained, opening the book to a page already marked with a flag. The creases in the cover and bind told you this was a well-read book and you couldn't help but wonder just how often he read these poems.
"I'm not a little kid, Kento," you said, pouting.
He only smiled at that. "I didn't say you were. But you said you like my voice because it's calming for you, right?"
Although you'd told him so before, you couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed still, simply nodding in response.
"Then let's give it a try. At worse, it doesn't do anything and we'll have just spent our time reading some nice poetry. Okay?"
"... Alright."
"This one is called 'On the Lake'," he said, clearing his throat before continuing. "'When the crisp moon ventures out, // we'll climb into the little boat. // The waves will lap in gentle sets, // with breezes also joining us.'" ...
After a little, Nanami happened to glance over at you, wanting to gauge your interest in the poems. However, he was met by your peaceful sleeping face, mouth slightly open as your breaths were even and shallow. He couldn't help but smile, glad you see you at ease now. He pressed a soft kiss to your temple, before putting aside his book and settling in beneath the blanket with you, slipping into sweet dreams at your side.
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chao-thicc-hcs · 11 months
hi!!! i hope you’re well😚
i was wondering if you can write a bonten rindou x reader where the reader has an ed (kind of a emergency ask) and gets skinner each time he sees them and eventually passes out on a date with rindou and he helps her get better! hope you have a good day/night!!🩷🩷
and ps your writing is AMAZING 🫂
AAA TYSM ANON. I am so sorry this took long iuergtoig My love goes out to anyone fighting eds. You're beautiful and strong, remember <3
His s/o fighting their ED.
♝ft. rindou haitani
warning(s): mentions of ED, fainting, threats, insecurities, reader is nb but there's mentions of feminine clothing and manneurisms
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-art by AME on pixiv
Rindou always kept you far away from whatever he was doing within the gang, not wanting to hurt or tarnish his precious angel. It resulted in both of you not seeing each other for months, but he never failed to video call you during the evening and message you whenever he's busy. You'd always come home to numerous, big packages of presents flooding your doorstep, all filled with presents from your boyfriend.
Rindou was quiet, but observing. He noticed every detail in your body, even the tiniest of changes like buying new earrings, or just tried out new skin products, your scent - everything. He was more than just infatuated.
This included your change in shape. The way your clothes were getting baggier and how you tried to hold them together in various ways. How your body was less softer when you sat on his lap, how tinier you were now compared to him.
Every time he laid eyes on you after weeks of not meeting you, his stomach felt tiny and a strange whirlwind of anxiety raged inside his chest. You didn't look healthy. He is all about body positivity, and will love you in all shapes and forms, but you were crossing the line of what's healthy and isn't, judging by the way your eyes had little to no color, and your skin was paler.
During a winter nocturne, both of you were in your apartment, cuddling under a blanket as the snow fell outside, creating a peaceful ambience both of you enjoyed, better than the opulence of the spacious restaurants you used to visit before. The TV was playing a random movie you came across, succeeding to entertain both of you during this chilly night.
-Y/n. Are you eating well? -he suddenly spoke up, his eyes not darting away from the TV
You lifted your body up and looked at him, confused at his sudden question. -I am eating well, Rin. Why are you asking all of a sudden?
-You always seem... skinnier each time I see you, and I am worried. You want to keep going even when you're already skinny enough.
-Rin, don't stress it! I am just working out more often and I watch how I eat.
Rindou blinked. His eyes looked at the small plate of fruit tarts he bought for you. They used to be your favorite, but now remain untouched. His hand reached to grab one and feed it to you, but his brows furrowed at how you waved your hand in front of your face with disgust written all over it.
-Rin, stop it, I told you I am watching my meals.
His eyes didn't leave your face. He was gobsmacked, to say the least. There was definitely something wrong, but digging deeper into the wound would just result in an argument, so he kept his mouth sealed for the sake of the night progressing peacefully.
Noticing his expression, you dug out the worry in his eyes, and let out a sigh. You ate the tart reluctantly. Rindou examined every wrinkle on your face as you grimaced, letting out a sigh and turning his head around.
Rindou loved buying clothes for you and ogling at the way every fabric swayed and wrinkled around your body. He'd always pull you for a dance when you happen to be at his club, or even at an expensive restaurant, hands roaming around your figure, gripping the fabric with desire flowing at the tip of his fingers. His nose buried deep into the crook of your neck, inhaling your intoxicating scent.
He noticed everything. The way the fabrics of your favorite attires became looser and looser, how your body appeared smaller and more fragile. Your facial structure changing, your hands appearing skinnier.
He couldn't quite grasp the idea of why you decided to torment your body and not share anything with him. After all both of you enjoyed talking and venting out all of your frustrations... so why is it different this time? He blamed none other but himself - for not being around you as much, maybe not giving you enough compliments.
He felt uneasy. Stifling in his bed and finding himself looking up at the ceiling for hours. He cares, he really does but doesn't know how to bring up the topic. He wanted to discuss it with you, but was afraid he might say something that could upset you.
It wasn't hard for him to soon come to the conclusion you are developing an eating disorder. It ate him up and corroded his insides, specifically his chest area. ''If only I was around them more often to tell them how absolutely drop-dead gorgeous they are... this could've never happened."
You were finally able to see each other for this evening after a month. Rindou decided to take you to his and Ran's club so both of you can dance the night away, holding each other and swimming in the sweet fields of expensive inebriation. He couldn't wait to embrace you while the music is blasting in the background, swaying left and right.
You wore the tiniest skirt known to mankind, one that you knew was going to make Rindou frothe at the mouth, kneel down and worship the ground you step on, and thick, heavy heels that made the ground shake with your steps. You did a quick turn to examine your features completely before heading down to his car.
His eyes widened at the sight of you approaching his vehicle. Your potent fragrance wafting in the air and hitting his nostrils with a hard punch, making him almost levitate in his seat.
-Well hello there, gorgeous.-he opened the door for you and returned to his seat, eyeing you up and down-You look breathtaking.
A chuckle escaped your mouth, your confidence elevating to new levels at how you easily captivated your lover, who even after years of dating still worships you the same.
The drive to the club was tense with Rindou making the silliest of mistakes just because he couldn't stop glancing at you and letting himself being bewitched by your scent. You stepped out of the expensive car and intertwined your fingers with him. All eyes were on you in the club once you stepped foot inside. Neon lights painting your figures as your mere presence emitted confidence and dominance. Rindou led you to a table, where only the two of you could have your moment.
-Order what your heart desires, sweetheart. My treat.
You tried to be humble, but the way he looked at you with his sultry eyes glazed with a lustful gaze made your heart skip a beat, impulsively ordering some of the most expensive cocktail the club has to offer. Rindou ordered for a special jewel to be placed inside of it, to which your heart fluttered.
Your head was pounding, all of a sudden you felt numb and exhausted before you even began indulging in drinking. Rindou felt heat waves all over his body as you held your forehead with your hand.
-Y/n, dear, is everything okay?-Ran cooed, placing his hand on your shoulder
You couldn't really say anything as the fatigue overwhelmed you with the excruciating headache at the back of your head. It felt as if the club was spinning around you and everyone turned into blurry figurines swaying in the air.
. . .
-...Y/n, Y/n... Y/N!!
A familiar voice echoed through the walls of the abyss you were thrown into all of a sudden. Your eyes opened slowly, vision still blurry as you took your time to process what was happening. You were inside a hospital. Your head was heavy and you couldn't lift anything up. A couple of pair of eyes were staring at you in worry, including Rindou's, who was holding your hand tightly.
-Rindou...where am I?
-In the hospital, silly... you fainted in the club.
You furrowed your brows at his words. The doctor next to you had to explain to you just like anyone else that you should eat and focus on increasing your calorie intake. The shit-eating grin that Rindou had on him was annoying the hell out of you, but you couldn't oppose him at this time, not that you had the power to.
The next couple of hours were serene. You were sleeping peacefully while Rindou watched over you like a guardian angel.
-Sir..you have to leave. The patient needs rest.
-No, thank you.
-Sir. It's past visiting hours already-
-Shut up or I will blow your brains out.
The man was left speechless, and the hollowness in Rindou's eyes indicated he isn't joking the slightest. Quickly, both of you were left alone in the room, as Rindou resumed looking at you while you slept. His expression softened and he reached out to grab you by the hand, gently massaging it with his thumb. His eyes felt heavy by this time, so he lowered his head and placed it on your thighs, quickly falling asleep, his hands shifting to wrap over them.
The remaining days in the hospital were like a fairytale. Rindou wasn't allowed anymore in the hospital because of the threat he gave the doctor, and he came to see you every evening under the window, which happened to be coincidentally facing the backyard of the hospital. He visited all the time, or even told the doctors to hand you the gifts he sent you.
-Y/n, let down your hair~
This made you chuckle uncontrollably, especially how he looked kneeling down illuminated by the shitty hospital lights. You rubbed your temples, amused by how "creative" your lover can be.
-Good lord, Rindou. You could've saved yourself this foolishness if you kept your mouth shut.
-Where's the fun in that?
You couldn't deny it the slightest. His shenanigans always made you laugh and forget whatever burdened you. Especially how his smile sparkled under the eerie light source.
-If I throw this bouquet up, will you catch it?
-Let's find out.
You extended your arms and he threw the bouquet. It was a hair's breadth away from you missing it, but you managed, although one of the attached ferrero rocher fell down next to Rindou's legs.
-This one's for you, dumbass.
And half of the night was spent in a chit-chat with your boyfriend, who stayed in front of the hospital even after you said your goodbyes. He visited almost every night until you felt better and got discharged, immediately wrapping his hands around you, squeezing you tightly.
-Y/n, promise me you will never be this dumb.. okay..? You are way more than perfect, both spiritually and physically. I will love you even if you were a goddamn worm..
The slight crack in his voice made your heart tingle and you tightened the grip around his body, burying your face in the crook of his neck. -I won't... I promise.
-Good, now you're coming with me to finally spoil you after being away for god knows how long before all of this.
You ended in his own apartment. You'd forgotten how cozily messy it was and how at ease the scent of it made you feel. Noticing the huge shelf filled to the brim with pictures of you and him just.. maturing together brought the familiar sense of warmth all over your body.
-You will stay here with me during my week-off from the gang. I want you by my side at all times so I make up for all our missed moments.
He cooed gently as he had you in a bear hug, placing gentle kisses on your shoulders and neck, his hands massaging your stomach. For the first time in what seemed like months - you felt like you were a precious jewel, you felt loved and how your insecurities dissolved into thin air when the infatuation could be felt in his touch. He held you close and didn't want to let you go anytime soon.
-I am sorry I was not there when you needed me. I am sorry that I didn't take down enough stars for you so I could prevent this from happening.
-Rindou, it's not your fault. You've always been such a caring and compassionate man and I'd never switch you for anything else in the world. I was the one who inculcated negativity in my own mind and let myself sink into insecurities that I made up about myself...
You held each other for the entire day as you poured out all your frustrations about seeing different people with a more attractive body structure than yours, all while Rindou coaxed you into eaing the risotto he had prepared for you, including an aloe vera gel that helped with detoxing and cleansing. His words of affirmation and compliments mixed with his touch let you go of your strains.
He prepared himself, researching various ways to subsequently and carefully increase your calorie intake and set your mind aside from the searing insecurities plaguing your mind and driving you to do harm to your body. Rindou made sure to engulf you in sweet words and affirmations about your figure in the most nausea-inducing detail you could imagine. The shape of your legs to the way your hands move when you speak or just do anything in general, how you're an angel sent from above to him.
He'd prepare a nice table with your favorite meals and pour you some of the most exquisite wine brands he loved collecting, He'd make mixtapes and playlists devoted for you that you would listen when he had to go out. He'd show you just how precious you are by embracing you every night and holding you close to him and not letting go.
His rough hands travelling up and down in a massage, while squeezing the sides of your body. Stretch marks? That's fine, you're his litte tiger. Spots all over your body? He doesn't notice them the slightest.
The moonlight emitted comfort during this evening, illuminating your features with a yellowish hue.
Rindou once again held you tight in his embrace, back pressed into the soft mattress of the bed, hands travelling up and down your body. Your bodies felt like they were becoming one with how swiftly the passion grows within the air around you, your tongues swirling in a lustful dance...
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©chao-thicc-hcs; reblogs are appreciated
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dontyouworrydaddy · 8 months
hi!! i stumbled across ur blog and i loved ur writing so i thought i’d drop a request ^_^
so…. 141 x famous! reader
like…. HEHHEHE
like im talking realllyyy famous
celebrity type
ofc there would be some problems but whenever they get on leave reader just immediately frees up her schedule for the time he’ll be back !!
concert? sorry…..
touring? oops…
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𝐀 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫
Task Force 141 x gn! reader
YOU ARE A GENIUSSSSS!!!! OH MY GODDD I absolutely love this idea and I‘m soooo excited to write about it.
Thank you so much! I hope you love this one💘
♛ ♕ ♚ ♔ ♜ ♖ ♝ ♗ ♞ ♘ ♟ ♙
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Simon Riley
Simon had always been the quiet and private person. Just a simple guy in the army who has a high position.
You, known simply as "Little Star" for the world, which you got the name from Simon, are a phenomenal actor and song writer, making millions out of acting in songs you produce.
It was a love that had surprised everyone, including themselves. Polar opposites in every sense, but they say opposites attract, and in your case, it couldn't be truer.
"Hey my little star." Simon murmured as he walked through the door of your shared apartment. He had just returned from a long, grueling mission.
You looked up from the colorful bouquet you were arranging, your face lighting up as you rushed into his arms. "Simon! You're back! I've been counting the minutes."
Simon's usually stern expression softened as he held you close. "I missed you too," he admitted quietly.
Months passed the last time you saw him and it wasn't always easy, of course. Simon's work often kept him away for long stretches, and the secrecy surrounding it meant that there were many moments he couldn't share with you. But whenever he had leave, you had a knack for freeing up your schedule, as if nothing else in the world was as important as those moments with him.
"Hey, y/n.." Simon would say, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and love. "I can't believe you're here with me."
You'd smile and reply, "Of course, Simon. You're my priority when you're home."
It wasn't always smooth sailing. You were the extrovert, and Simon was the introvert. He preferred quiet nights in, while you loved going out with friends. But you learned to compromise, to find joy in the little things.
One evening, you sat on the couch with a pile of board games in front of you. "Come on, Ghosty, let's have some fun tonight."
Simon raised an eyebrow but couldn't resist your infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, little star. You're on."
The game night ended up being filled with laughter, playful arguments, and a hot make out sessions. But amidst the chaos, there was a connection that ran deeper than any mission or song/show.
Ad you both lie on the bed, out of breath, you notice Simon looking… distracted by something. "What's on your mind, Simon?"
He sighed, looking at you. "Sometimes, I wonder if I'm cut out for this. The darkness, the secrecy... it's a lonely path."
You sat down beside him and took his hand. "Simon, you're more than your job and past. You're a person with a heart, with emotions, and you have me. I'll be your light in the darkness."
Tears welled up in Simon's eyes, and he pulled you close. "I don't know what I'd do without you, You."
Love was the force that held you two together. It was in the simple moments like cooking dinner together, sharing stories about your day, and in the way Simon's eyes lit up when he saw you waiting for him.
Simon looked at you with an intensity that made your heart skip a beat. "You mean everything to me," he said. "I don't say it enough, but I love you more than words can express."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you replied, "I love you too, Simon, more than anything in this world."
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John MacTavish
The first time you met, it was in a bar on the outskirts of a small town. John had just returned from a covert mission, weary and battle-scarred. You were seated at the corner of the bar, reading a book and sipping a glass of wine. John couldn't help but be drawn to you, the serenity in your eyes a stark contrast to the chaos he had witnessed.
"Can I join you?" he asked, his voice gruff from days in the field.
You looked up from your book and gave him a soft smile. "Of course, you can. You seem like you could use some company."
That night marked the beginning of a connection that would change both your lives. You and John spent hours talking, discovering that you had little in common on the surface, but something profound connected you deep within. He regaled you with stories of his missions, and you listened with unwavering attention. You spoke of your passions and dreams, and he hung onto every word.
Despite the challenges of John's career, you made it work. Your relationship was a blend of late-night phone calls, handwritten letters, and stolen moments whenever he was on leave… and some moments with you and him in his car, somewhere quiet. There were also times when it seemed impossible, the worlds you inhabited so far apart, but every time he was home, you dropped everything just to be with him.
One evening, as the two of you sat on a quiet beach, watching the sun dip below the horizon, John took your hand in his and said, "I can't believe you make time for me every single time I come home. It means the world to me."
You smiled, leaning your head on his shoulder. "You're worth it, John. You make my life feel complete, even in the midst of chaos.. where I‘m stressed with my open life."
Your relationship was a rollercoaster of emotions. There were nights of tears and longing, but there were also days of pure happiness. When John was deployed, your world revolved around waiting for his safe return and it was also the time you weren’t really home because of you tourings. And when he was back, you created moments that felt like a lifetime's worth of love in every stolen kiss and embrace.
One night you whispered to your boyfriend, "John, I never thought I'd find someone who understands me so completely. This is why my upcoming Album is about you."
John held you close, his voice full of love, "You, my love. I can't imagine facing the world without you by my side. I‘ll make sure to listen to it even if I‘m in the middle of a battlefield "
You both laughed as you laid in each other's arms, you both found love and solace amidst the chaos of your worlds.
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John Price
In a chaotic city of England, you and John Price were a match that shouldn't have worked, yet somehow, you complemented each other perfectly. Your life, filled with the fame and glamour of the city, was a whirlwind of events and you touring through the UK.
Despite your wildly different lives, your love was undeniable. John would often tease you, saying, "I still can't believe you make time for a rough old captain like me." And every time, you'd respond with a smile, "You're worth every second, John."
In the evening, you stood on the balcony of your penthouse apartment, gazing at the city lights. John wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a tender kiss to your neck. "I can't believe you've cleared your schedule for my leave again."
You turned to face him, placing your hands on his chest. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be, babe."
He smiled, his blue eyes filled with warmth. "You know, I never thought I'd find someone like you."
"You're my everything, John," you confessed, your fingers tracing his stubbled jaw. "I love you."
His lips met yours in a passionate kiss, and for a moment, the world around you disappeared. In the midst of this whirlwind romance, love was the constant that held you both together.
Over the years, you faced your fair share of challenges. John's demanding career and your busy social life often pulled you in different directions, but whenever he was on leave, your schedules aligned.
As you cuddled on the couch, John traced a finger along your cheek. "You're everything I've ever wanted," he said, his voice filled with emotion.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you replied, "And you're my rock, John."
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Kyle Garrick
It was one of those rare moments when you both had some time off. Kyle, exhausted from his rigorous military duties, looked forward to spending his leave with you. You, on the other hand, were in the middle of an art project, but you knew just how much he needed this break. So, you cleared your schedule with a quick text that read, "I'm all yours when you're back, love."
As you waited for him, your mind wandered back to the first time you met. It had been at an art gallery where your work was being showcased. Kyle had stood there, captivated by the vibrant colors and abstract forms on the canvases. He approached you, and your worlds collided in a beautiful mess of colors and light. You'd never met anyone like him, and he'd never met anyone quite like you.
Now, as you prepared for his return, you couldn't help but smile at the memories that flooded your mind. The first time he'd attempted to sing with you, ending up with cringing as he heard himself singing over your instrumentals and how you'd laughed until your sides ached. He, in turn, had shown you the discipline and honor that came with his job, and you admired him for it.
Finally, the day came when Kyle returned home. The excitement in your heart was palpable as you rushed to the airport to greet him. When you saw him walking towards you in his uniform, it was like something out of a movie. You rushed into his arms, your emotions bubbling over.
"I missed you," you whispered, your voice filled with love.
Kyle held you close, his strong arms wrapping around you. "I missed you more, you have no idea."
The drive back home was filled with laughter and stories of what you both had been up to. Kyle had a knack for making even the most mundane military anecdotes sound fascinating. You, in turn, shared the progress on your latest album, and he glanced at your creativity.
Once you were home, you cooked his favorite meal, and you both sat down to eat. As you sipped wine and shared stories, the hours slipped away. The love and connection you both felt were undeniable.
Later, you found yourselves snuggled on the couch, watching a movie. Kyle's fingers traced lazy circles on your hand as he said, "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. You make everything look so normal, even in the midst of chaos."
You smiled and nestled closer, your head resting on his shoulder. "And you bring a sense of order and purpose into my world. Together, we make the perfect blend of chaos and discipline."
As the night wore on, you realized that this was where you both belonged – in each other's arms.
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rainbowsillz · 11 months
˗ˏˋ I'm Etihw from Thailand, nice to meet you! This account will brainrot yandere fics and I make reader inserts. ´ˎ˗
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My other writing side acc is @mewpangxin . . ! Anyway, my pronouns are she/her if you're wondering about it.
About me. | Tag system. | mutuals + anons (tba).
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WALKING THROUGH THE FIELDS OF ROSES, you stumbled upon an unfamiliar venue, you ought to be careful, gorgeous.
The Red Queen doesn't take kindly for a guest showing up uninvited after all, I hope you brought a letter to his party, yes?
⤷ Shh, listen closely.. the monarch.. he is observing you.
♝•°•═════ஓ๑【 ♛ 】๑ஓ═════•°•♝
-> Masterlist for Twisted Wonderland. <-
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✦ — The Doll Maker || TWST HC. — ✦
Yan! Overblot Riddle X GN! Reader.
Yan! Overblot Malleus X GN! Reader.
“That guy is my pookie, so stop touching him—!” - Pairings: Multiple Characters X GN! Reader.
Rollo Flamme. | Character interaction | Genre: Fluff?
Floyd Leech. | Character interaction | Genre: Fluff?
“ Dating? As if they would let this continue on.. ”
Their voicelines about you.
Mysterious disappearance 🦢✨
Azul Ashengrotto. | Interaction | Genre: Dark?
How they react with someone mocking you.
How they react with a marriage proposal.
The dorm leaders x GN! Reader that plays with their hair • (Multiple Characters).
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X. Masterlist for Kimetsu No Yaiba. X
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I don't write explicit smut or nsfw. Not that that I don't wish to, it's due to my lack of inability.
Asking to be moots are alright through DMs. Or in my inboxes, don't worry about it.
I do not support any fandom drama, this will be sfw and where you can be cozy and warm :)
I love ocs and yume inserts, so you can share.
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★⋆RULES ★⋆
I will not accept anything about gore, incest, pedophilia, vore, age play, and etc.
I don't romanticize yandere irl, it's for fictions so if anyone do it, please contact a therapist because that's not normal and it's not alright.
Dead Dove: Do Not Eat is a big nope because I'm admittedly not that dark T-T of a person.
I don't do requests currently 🩷 Okay I lied, I can haha but only for characters that I'm familiar with- most dorm leaders are fine for me.
Please don't send anon hate or mean things.
Genres which I do? Yandere, fluff, mature, a bit spice? Oh, maybe crack.. and that's about it.
Readers are gender neutral, however if it's for male and female readers, I'll tag on for such.
I will reblog dark contents, so be careful.
 Character x Character and Character x OC? I have no problems to chat about them except if it's incest (Naur —that's a no.) but I doubt my characterization on them will be decent.
There are characters that I don't write for, NRC staff + teachers, Ortho and RSA students.
Sebek, Jack and Silver probably not yet too.
© I don't agree if anyone is going to repost, translate or modify my fics without permission.
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darkuselesssomebody · 9 months
dark stranger things masterlist
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader)
** i also write for other characters, all you have to do is request!
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my full masterlist
everything for all fandoms in one place
my non-dark stranger things masterlist
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♜ - angst ♞ - fluff ♝ - smut ♛ - personal favorite ♚ - most popular (currently over 100 notes)
text type
⌲ - oneshot ↳ - mini - series ✞ - series │ - drabbles
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dark b.h. masterlist (coming soon!)
for all my work on billy hargrove
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dark s.h. masterlist (coming soon!)
for all my work on steve harrington
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dark e.m. masterlist (coming soon!)
for all my work on eddie munson
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muffinsin · 2 months
♝ About Me ♜
For all that showed interest and asked for a post like this🙌
↠ What I like
Baldur’s Gate 3
Dead by Daylight rip
Far Cry 5
Story based games (Detroit, tlou; supermassive games-games, etc)
Horror/Survival Games (the evil within, days gone, outlast, etc)
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My gf (obv.)
My work!
I currently work part time in HR, while studying for a degree
On here, of course
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↠ What I’m like
Sleep deprived on the main
Playful & teasing at times
Not quick to get attached//quick to get unattached
Can be quite bold
Considered rather tall
Patient & impatient at the same time
↠ My favorite…
Depends on my mood
Resident Evil-game
Probably re4 (original or remake), then re7
Many, though I like myself a wolf a lot ;)!
Dimitrescu sister
None :)! Depends on my mood and whoever I’m in the mood to write for, too
Lord from re8
Alcina, Donna, Heisenberg, Moreau
Greek food😚
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dukeoftheblackstar · 10 months
How do you feel about ghost reblogs?
People who will like and reblog to add notes to your fics without either having commented/provided feedback or read it in the guise of a signal boost of sorts?
Other reasons may include, reblog for queue or to-read later... But primarily just to get those notes growing for more exposure?
Asking for a friend. Friend may or may not be me.
Idk, cause some of your teasers are pretty dope. Summaries, art for the promo, etc.
Also, have a Boba to keep you safe today ♥
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theregrator · 1 year
@destinyrcigned​ // cont
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"I’m afraid that sloth is a sin, dear Capitano. Thus, it would be a sin to retire so early when there’s plenty of work yet to be done.” Mostly paperwork, but work is work. Thankfully for Pantalone there seldom were times when he actually leaves the headquarters. His work encompasses of pulling strings, writing letters and burning them, digging out moles, and organizing the workings of factories operating under the Fatui. These were all tasks he could coordinate with from a distance, somewhat like a player glancing upon a board of chess. 
He lifts a hand to place it on the railings as he takes his place next to his colleague. Unfortunately for them not all the Fatui were pleasant people to get along with, but occasionally, once or twice they would find someone who clicks. “It’s a night as cold as any other, except we now acknowledge that one of us will never again see the light of the sun. Ah, may she rest in peace, Lady Signora.”
That one day they will all face death, however unexpectedly, is a truth that has been etched onto their minds ever since the first day they joined the Fatui. Pantalone knew that all of them knew this, and so none of them were truly sad or surprised to hear that Signora passed away. However, he’s quite certain that neither of them had expected that Signora would be the first to go. At least for him, Tartaglia had been higher on that list. 
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uselesssomebody · 2 years
eddie munson masterlist
** the urge to write for this man
** the urge to read about this man
** the urge to strangle the duffers for what they have done
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader but most are/can be read as gender neutral)
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my full masterlist
everything for all fandoms in one place
my stranger things masterlist
all the stuff i’ve written for any stranger things character
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♜ - angst ♞ - fluff ♝ - smut ♛ - personal favorite ♚ - most popular (currently over 100 notes)
text type
⌲ - oneshot ↳ - mini - series ✞ - series │ - drabbles
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✞ 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
↳ rumors - ♜/♞ + ♛
summary || in which the reader thinks he’s just a sweet guy, but is constantly reminded she lives in hawkins
↳ froot loops and cigarettes - ♜/♞ + ♛
summary || in which he becomes the reader’s sweet guy
𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
↳ biology girl (I) - ♜/♞
summary || in which eddie tries to help his crush out
⌲ like to love - ♞ + ♛/♚
summary || in which eddie finds a picture in the reader's locker
⌲ can i...? - ♞/♝ + ♚
summary || in which eddie finally talks to the cute bartender ! this fic is 18+, please do not interact if you are under 18 !
⌲ fairy princesses and astronauts - ♞/♝/♜ + ♛
summary || in which eddie spends a night with a woman of the night - who's also his ex best friend ! this fic is 18+, please do not interact if you are under 18 !
⌲ trick or treat (dad!eddie munson x mom!reader) - ♞ + ♚
summary || in which eddie, the reader, and their daughter celebrate halloween part of my week to hallows' eve halloween countdown
⌲ pretty girl (ghostface!eddie munson x reader) - ♞/♝ + ♚/♛
summary || in which eddie's got a surprise for his girlfriend part of my week to hallows' eve halloween countdown ! this fic is 18+, please do not interact if you are under 18 !
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rosietrace · 1 year
『 For you? Anything. 』
Characters featured: Victoria Shard, Victoria Le Fay(@starry-night-rose )
Pairing: Shard x Le Fay
Synopsis: Le Fay got stood up during her date. And it seems Shard came at just the right time.
Warning(s): Potentially ooc, Shard is referred to as “Regina”, getting stood up on a date
{ Apologies for any out of character moments }
[ Reblogs > Likes ]
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Victoria sat there, impatient and disappointed. And no, this wasn't the Victoria of Pomefiore.
It was the one from Diasomnia. Victoria Le Fay, in all her prideful, confident glory, had been asked out.
And so far? It hasn't been going well for her.
That pretentious snail…. She thought, crossing her arms in annoyance as she felt a vein appearing on her forehead. To think, they'd leave me hanging like this…
She looked down at the ground, barely even bothering to touch the menu. The other people around her looked at her in both pity and slight amusement, depending on the person. Because they all knew what had happened.
Her date had stood her up.
And Victoria knew that as well. She uncrossed her arms, finally beginning to compose herself in an attempt to hide any signs of sadness.
She liked that guy. They were nice, handsome enough, and even went as far as to promise to pay for her meal during this date.
And yet they didn't come.
A waiter nearby soon approached. “Um, miss?” they called. “Have you…. Have you finally decided on what you shall order?”
Victoria pursed her lips, unsure of how she was to answer. She was hungry, sure, but…. There was that hope. That sliver of hope that, maybe, possibly, they'd show up.
As the waiter began growing all the more concerned, a voice was heard behind them.
“She'll have the pomegranate-based cheesecake.”
Both the waiter and Victoria turned to see who the source of the voice was.
Ah. It was the other Victoria, the one from Pomefiore.
Victoria would often call her Regina, in order to differentiate between her and the woman in front of her at the moment.
Regina looked at Victoria, raising an eyebrow. “What?” she asked. “Did you come here for nothing?”
A moment of silence passed between the two. The tension between them was so thick that the waiter between them would have cut it with a knife.
Even so, Victoria sighed, sending a nod. It was unclear if she sent it to Regina's way, or the waiter's.
Regardless, Regina sat across from her whilst the waiter wrote down Victoria's order. They turned to Regina. “And you, ma'am?”
Regina hummed, not even bothering to look at the waiter. “Vanilla and chocolate parfait.”
The waiter gave her a firm nod, writing down their orders before walking off.
Victoria tensed up, narrowing her eyes a little. “Why are you here?” she questioned.
Regina arched a brow. “Do you not want me here?”
“Wha- That isn't what I meant,” Victoria clarified. “I was just…. Surprised to see you here.”
Regina shrugged. “I can see why,” she said. “Let me guess: That date didn't go as planned?”
As surprised as Victoria may have been, she didn't bother to question Regina. Crossing her arms, Victoria allowed herself to slouch in her seat. “I'd barely call it a date.”
“Oh?” color Regina intrigued. “How come?”
Victoria huffed in annoyance. “He didn't even bother to show up,” she told her. The look in her eyes bordered between annoyance.
And hurt.
Regina noticed that, right away. She gave Victoria a look of pity. “Are you sure you're okay?”
There was genuine concern in her tone, so much so that it caught Victoria off guard for a moment.
“Hm. Of course, I am!” she feigned the confidence she had when she first entered the damn restaurant, moments before she realized: she got stood up. “You know me already, Regina, the great Victoria Le Fay isn't one to be so caught up over such frivolous matters!”
As soon as she said that, she knew - Regina didn't buy that little lie one bit. Manipulative as she may be, Victoria knew that Regina claimed to “uphold” one thing.
The truth. And what Victoria said, was far from it.
“Hey,” Regina called out, reaching out to place her hand on Victoria's. “You're lying. I know it.”
“This isn't any of your busine-”
“I can't help you if you continue to lie about your feelings, Victoria,” Regina told her, letting go of her hand to fold her arms over her chest.
Victoria looked away. “This isn't any of your business.”
Regina sighed. “I know,” she replied. “I just happened to be at the right place, at the right time.”
From the corner of Victoria's eye, she saw genuine sincerity filling Regina's eyes. “What I can do to help is to at least listen to you let out those frustrations you've been bottling up.”
It was ironic, to say the least. The girl who bottled her emotions the most is telling the girl who is most vocal about her opinions to do just that.
Still, Victoria was touched by her words and took a deep breath. “Fine,” she breathed.
And so, she told her everything.
▹ †𝆤࿙๋࿙࿚⊱【 ♛ 】⊰࿙࿚๋࿚𝆤†
That ended up being exactly what she needed. For someone, it didn't matter who, to listen to her voice her opinions with little to no qualms about it.
Regina was quite the listener. A couple of comments here and there, but mostly silent. Letting Victoria take the initiative as her words started becoming all the more frustrated.
And that frustration only revealed itself fully once Victoria had a flavorful taste of pomegranate cheesecake.
“I just can't believe they'd do such a thing,” she continued to complain, taking a bite of her cheesecake with very few complaints about its taste.
Regina hummed. “Yes, a rather ridiculous thing to do, indeed.”
“Admittedly…” Victoria trailed off. Regina stopped any words from leaving her lips, in order to patiently await what Victoria had to say.
“Admittedly,” she began. “I… Actually quite liked them.”
And that's what made it hurt more.
Giving her a look, Regina pursed her lips, possibly thinking of something to say to respond to that.
And she found that reply, almost immediately.
“I see,” she said finally. “I'm not an expert at this sort of thing… But I can at least tell you this.”
Victoria arched a brow, (im)patiently waiting for whatever Regina had to say to her.
“You shouldn't be too caught up on someone like them.”
Victoria became all the more confused. “Why are you so concerned about my feelings? You don't need to do anything for me..”
Regina chuckled so softly that Victoria felt her cheeks heat up ever so slightly.
“For you? Anything.”
Victoria flinched, but allowed Regina to continue with what she told her. In doing so, she attempted to shake off the redness of her cheeks.
“Besides,” Regina rested her chin on her hand, leaning against it while looking at Victoria with a gentle smile.
“Who knows? Maybe the person you're looking for could be right in front of you.”
But, you're the…. As her thoughts drifted elsewhere, Victoria felt her face heat up in realization.
Was…. Was Regina referring to herself?
To be fair, it wasn't like Victoria felt like she could complain about being with Regina. She was poised, beautiful, and intellectually advanced….
Oh. Oh.
Victoria was in love with Regina. Or rather, in love with Victoria Shard.
At that realization, Regina looked at her with a look of concern. “Victoria?” she called out to her, pulling her out of her train of thought. “Are you okay?”
Victoria remained silent, unsure of what to say next. Obviously, she couldn't just tell Regina of these recently realized feelings right then and there.
But….. Y'know what, that was a problem for future Victoria Le Fay.
Smiling, albeit a little more softly than usual, Victoria shook her head.
“I'm fine.”
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🥥 @starry-night-rose • @windbornearchon • @nem0-nee • @authoruio • @fumikomiyasaki • @sakuramidnight15
@oseathepebble • @geminiiviolets • @twsted-princess • @revolllutionary • @celiica • @terrovaniadorm • @vivaresmala • @vaporvipermedia • @spadecentral
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tacitoru · 6 months
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ tini | she/her | aquarius | 23
disclaimer: this blog contains mostly nsfw content! minors & ageless blogs, pls dni!
♝jjk, aot, multifandom
♗former kpop fic blog, now i mainly write for aot, jjk
♝masterlist | fic recs | abt
♗ twt | main | ko-fi | ao3
♝recent: above snakes - cowboy!choso x reader
♗ upcoming: pleaser - probasketball! au g.s x reader x g.s.
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theatrekidstatus · 1 year
call me jay
Im gender fluid
I am inspiring actress but writing/drawing is my hobby i stand with 🇵🇸
my TikToks are: “21hamiltonheights” for theatre and “Finneasguitarriff” editing. my instagramas are: “yourfavtheatrekid78” and “singleandabouttoturn18ingle”. X(twitter):Anthonyramossfavfan&billiesbra,other blogs:thelovejustinbelivesin,ilove21chumpstreet,justinswifewrites,famdomandfilmshit
✑artistAva max,Billie eilish,Anthony Ramos,Jasmine cephas jones,Megan thee stallion,cardi B, Nicki manage,daveed diggs,Leslie Odom jr✑
Overall fandoms
☾West side story☾
☁︎Into the woods☁︎
☔︎Sound of music☔︎
☃︎LILO and sitch☃︎
★High school musical★
☇The Little mermaid☇
♡Kim possible♡
♢21 chump street♢
♛Marry poppins♛
♝Winnie the poo♝
♞Freaky Friday♞
♔Jungle book♔
♕Sheriff Callie♕
♗Pj masks♗
♘Puppy dog tales♘
♝Mickey Mouse club house♝
♙Bluey (not weird)♙
⚁Toy Story⚁
⚂Zootopia (not weird)⚂
⚄Lion king⚄
☹︎The wonder years☹︎
☺︎Lady and the tramp☺︎
☕︎Dance moms☕︎
✌︎Wizard of oz✌︎
✍︎12 forever✍︎
✎In treatment✎
✏︎Heart stopper✏︎
✐Bad guys✐
Master list
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darkuselesssomebody · 9 months
dark bucky barnes masterlist
** y'all are gonna understand how much of a whore i am for this man - i have so much i’m gonna write for him
** all works are x reader (written as x fem!reader)
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my full masterlist
everything for all fandoms in one place
my non-dark bucky barnes masterlist
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♜ - angst ♞ - fluff ♝ - smut ♛ - personal favorite ♚ - most popular (currently over 100 notes)
text type
⌲ - oneshot  ↳ - mini - series  ✞ - series │ - drabbles
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✞ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 (dark reader)
series summary: in which the reader has been cursed with an eternity of solitude, until she found someone that would bring that eternity to an end. she would make sure of it (lighthouse keeper!bucky x siren reader).
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coming soon!
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coming soon!
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