#♛♛ the answer remains unchanged
inviincibly · 9 years
"I broke my promise, huh? Our last Spring High... But I suppose it can't be helped. Coach'll skin me alive if I screw up my elbow before our match with Korea." He drops his gaze to his arm, fingers massaging cream into the joint, before he lifts it again, watching his friend finishing changing. "It's just the regionals anyway. Nationals are after Korea. I can set for you then. We'll still win our last nationals tournament together."
He’s glad that Eita doesn’t apologize; the words would have echoed off the metal lockers strangely. This is enough--this confirmation of what he’s already known. 
                ❝ Of course. I look forward to it. ❞
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inviincibly · 9 years
spanks u???? ? l:
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@rexaquilae I heard that Goshiki would like to do fifty laps around Sendai. 
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inviincibly · 9 years
It's easy enough to get away with being from another school when his team has a practice match (even if he's technically suspended). He adjusts his team bag over his shoulder, still trying to get used to wearing his team jacket with only one arm in a sleeve and his right hand stuck to his chest in its sling, and pokes his head inside the the gym. His lips pull into a frown when he can't spot who he's looking for and his eyes fall on the only person he can see. "Is Tendou-senpai around?"
                ❝ Not right now. He hasn’t been to club.❞
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And maybe not ever, a thought supplies. Not if practices continue to be built on empty echoes in the gym and long cold silences between them all. Wakatoshi eyes the boy’s bag. It’s grounds enough to allow this outsider, whoever he may be, to stay. 
@aquailae, @yamatoos, @kaiju-suisoku
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inviincibly · 9 years
hi dad.
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                ❝ Hinata Shouyo.❞
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inviincibly · 9 years
Do you know what I did last night? I looked up at the stars, and matched each one with a reason why I love you.
                They say the universe is expanding. Each of the galaxies, stars, and planets are moving further and further away from each other everyday. Sometimes, on clear nights, looking up at the sky in Miyagi makes Wakatoshi feel like he is flying. It’s odd that he feels the same sensation now, at noon. It’s not unpleasant. 
                “There are a lot of stars.” 
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inviincibly · 9 years
*aggressively forgets to switch to anon; you SUCK!! i bet you eat your spaghetti with ALFREDO SAUCE!! also you're LAME AT BASICALLY EVERYTHING!! take THAT, USHIWAKA-CHAN!! *heh! he'll never know it's me. SEND.;
[ seen, 02:59 ]
                For various reasons. From afternoon to mid-evening, Wakatoshi is eating dinner with his team. After that, he takes the scenic route home, where he is immediately roped into clearing up his room and watching the new historical drama with his grandmother, who is over for the weekend. In late-evening, the doorbell rings. A man with a smile and eyes just like Wakatoshi’s has brought him his second place trophy; he hadn’t realized he’d forgotten it in the stadium. They go out for a long walk, although Wakatoshi’s legs are still protesting from the game. But the stars are beautiful tonight, so they stay out for longer than they should pointing out different constellations–just like they used to so long ago. 
                At 0:00, Wakatoshi is in his room with his eyes closed. He’s waiting to fall asleep. At 2:50, sleep still won’t come. At 2:55, it sinks in that he will continue to fail. 
                When it’s 2:59, he can’t put off talking to his team any longer. He turns on his phone and scrolls through his notifications. Oikawa’s is the first name that sticks out. Wakatoshi stares at the message, uncomprehending, for five minutes before deciding that this will be the time where Oikawa never gets a response. 
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inviincibly · 9 years
I won!!! Just so you know!
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                I was there. 
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