#♛ headcanon ( sebastian )
tofeelthecold · 2 years
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ghostiiess · 1 year
[NSB HEADCANONS] - how the nsb boys would give you the princess treatment
pov: the title says it all!
warnings: princess treatment i think? super fluff and cute! i think that's all? let me know if there's more!
type: fluff and wholesome!!
members: all of them!
each member have five of them!
reblogs and likes are greatly appreciated! :D
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i feel like oliver would let you nap in his arms!
he's so cute :(
if see you being sleepy? this man put his arms around your shoulders and put your head on his shoulders while playing with your hair
he would also carry you with his arms when you're hurt
your shoulder hurt? he'll carry you
your feet are sore? he'll carry you
this man won't let you walk if you're in pain
and even if you weren't, he love carrying you around
he feel like a prince
next thing i think oliver moy would do, would be him buying thing you wanted or needed but never bought
you said you wanted to have the latest kpop album? he'll buy it for you if it can make you happy
he only want your happiness
you said you loved the dress in that clothes shop? he'll buy it for you
isn't he the sweetest??
oli is just super caring and cute, you can't tell me otherwise
ofc, he would listen to you when you're angry, sad, upset..
we all know how oli is with the boys and the media team
he's super respectful and wouldn't mind if he had to sit for like 3 hours straight on your bed and listen to you venting
he would love that actually
communications is key and knowing you can be vulnerable and showing your true emotions and your true self in front of him, make him super happy and proud
finally, we all know how i can't stop saying that oliver is a respectful guy and a super caring boy
because it's true!
so i think he'll always make sure you're happy and comfortable
he know emotions can be up and down and all, but he loves seeing you happy and would always try his best to at least cheer you up and try to make you laugh or smile on a bad day
(rest of the members under the cut!)
first, i think seb would call you with a sweet nickname
like a nickname he don't really use often
we know how seb don't really use nicknames or petnames in a relationship other than babe or baby, so i think he'll find one petname that's really original
seb would also compliment you as much as he can
and he would make you blush and smile with that because this man is so flirty 🙄 istg
we all know how flirty seb is (i already said it lol)
so please..
expect seb to flirt with you and compliment you a lot
like a lot
seb would take you out on dates randomly
it could be on your job, on your work, on your outfit, what you have done today.. everything!
he wouldn't say "join me at this place at this hour"
i think it's a very sebastian moy thing to do
he would just say "be ready, imma pick you up in 1h. wear smth chic like black so we can match"
and he would pick you up with his motorcycle 🏍
seb would also sing you to sleep
and ofc he would love the feeling of you holding super tight on him and your arms all wrapped around his belly
"you're so cute what the hell??" with his soft smile
can't sleep? he'll sing you a soft melody, so it can make you sleepy
no because his voice is relaxing 😭
finally, seb would post you on his social medias
like in their song "COLD WAR" (it's a masterpiece wow) he sing and bye, it's so "satisfaying" idk how to describe it, but yeah
it's your birthday? he'll show you off and wish you a happy birthday on his sc and ig story
he wouldn't mind having a page with tiktoks with you tbh 😭
want to do a tiktok with him? he'll do one and he'll be super happy
and he'll even learn new trends so you can try it together
he love showing you off and that's a fact 😂
justin would fix your hair and outfit
he's like the fashionista of the group for me
why his outfit always so good-looking
i mean all the boys' outfit are really good-looking, but justin?? damn
he could wear a white tshirt and blue jeans and he would find a way to style it and make it cool
so ofc he would help you with that
he would also make you spotify playlist for every occasion
he would also fix/do your hair (straight them, curl them, brush them...)
and even dye them if that's something you would love to do!
feeling stressed? he have one for you
feeling angry because your parents shouted at you? he have one
for every occasion, justin have one
when he's bored and have time, he create music playlist so if one day you're feeling like that, he'll be able to send it to you!
people who do that >>> i love you omg-
he would put post-it all over your room with sweets messages on it
the messages would be like "hey, you looked cute today"
or like "don't forget to stay hydrathed today!"
or even "you did your best today and i'm so proud of you for that"
justin would also keep all the promises he make
just simple but yet so cute messages to make you smile during the day :)
if he told you that one day he'll bring you out on a stargazing date, he'll do it
like this man won't broke any of his promises
he truly believe in pinky promises (he love doing some with you!!)
so ofc if he had to break it, it would not only break his heart but also make him sad
because jp don't promise something that he know he won't be able to do in the future
the last thing justin would do for this hc would be picking you up when you're tired of walking
so thats why he doesn't really say "i promise you" randomly
unlike oli, he wouldn't pick you off and do piggyback rides or something like that
he'll pick up with his car and would literally be so happy to say "sorry boys, i need to pick up my girl! she's a bit drunk"
bye you weren't even drunk, he just wanted to say that 💀
but anyways, he love picking you up
even if you have your own car and all, he love giving you rides!
as we know, ryan love going to the arcade
so i think he would win you plushies
or like anything you loves if you're not into that stuff haha
he love playing with you and saying "this one's for you, y/n"
ryan also love reminding you how he's happy to have you in his life
and he doesn't miss 🤧 wow
so i guess it'll be the same for you
we all know how ryan talk with his best friends
he's not the first guy in the group who'll go "hey man i missed you"
ryan doesn't say things like that without meaning them
he won't tell you a lot that he appreciates you
only times to times
but know he does appreciate you!!
i think ryan would hold your hand in public
this man is so so not pda-
like pda only at home!!!
but if he see that is smth that can make you happy and that can make you less stressed and less anxious, he'll do it
because he want you to be happy
and comfortable
another thing nguyen would do to give you the princess treatment would be giving his hoodie to you
and not stressed
sure it's not super woah, but if we know how ryan is, we can clearly tell how precious and how important his clothes are to him
he rarely give others people his clothes (except for the members because they all live in the same house) so if ryan ever give you his hoodie, his cardigan, his vest or like anything related to clothes (except underwear ofc, because no ❤), then you are super lucky, bc except for the boys, he'll never ever ever give his clothes like that
finally, he'll open the door for you
he's a shy (and cute) gentleman, let's say it
simple but yet cute and nice!
kane would give you massages when you're in pain
he love massaging the members
and like all the members love his massage since he's super good and know the perfects techniques
so ofc if your back is sore or like if you have pain on your back, tell kane
he'll also make you know that you're the only one for him
he'll do one for you and it'll make him super happy!
plus, he's super romantic
he'll do like such a cute ambiance
with like candles, soft light, oil, relaxing music..
he'll be like "y/n, i love you" or like "you're so pretty"
but istg when this man'll say "you're like the ideal type for me"
nah but for real, i think he'll do that
idk how to explain it, help 😍 hope you guys can understand
like ty (aka the manager and his brother), he's searching for a strong and long-time relationship
he believes in soulmates
so if he tell you something like "you're kinda the one for me.." know that he cares a lot about you
and that he see you in his future
kane would leave goodnight texts/ morning texts so when you wake up, you'll think about him
when you say, "i'm going to sleep" he'll wait for like two hours so he know you're not on your phone or at least not checking your messages
like this man would wait just so you can have a surprise tomorrow 😭
his goodmorning and goodnight texts would be so cute
"hey i know you're sleeping rn, but i just wanted to say that you were so cute today and that i love you very much. may your night be blessed with sweets dreams and a nice healing comfort. sweet dreams my lover, we'll talk more tomorrow"
"good morning my pretty y/n. i hope you slept well and you didn't do nightmares, if so, you can tell me and i'll listen to you :) i wish you an amazing and fantastic day. i love you, and i can't wait to talk to you more today. much love baby <3"
kane would also bring you flowers
spoilers: sometimes he'll buy some just because he want to
had a bad day? flowers.
had a great day? flowers.
lastly, kane would support you in everything you do
it's a friday and it's 6:56pm? he will give you flowers
like this man love giving you flowers or like giving you things that'll make you think of him
he doesn't care if it's like 7:23am or 21:04pm
he'll still go buy you some just because he loves it
he'll support you in your projects, your experiences, your life.. literally everything he can support, he'll be here for you
he's already doing that with the boys so it wouldn't be a surprise for me if he did that to you <3
our sweet caring boy :(
darren would give you snacks or make you drink if your hands are occupied
he'll also buy your skincare products if you're running out of them
working on a essay and you're hungry? this man will feed you
you're cooking and want to drink something but can't because of the dough? he'll make you drink water with a straw (or smth like that)
he's such a good boyfie :/
this man think about everything
he love doing skincare with you
darren takes a lot of care of his body, his face, his skin.. he know which products are good or nah
and it also involves foods!
he'll buy you the stuff, even if it's not skincare!
like if you're running out of mascara, he'll buy you some
running out of your favorite food? he'll buy you some more just because he know you like it
darren would cook to you
that's it, that's all
he doesn't even want you close to the kitchen 🙄😭
he LOVES cooking and he loves it even more when it's for you <3
he would cook for you on special occasion
but also on not special occasion
he love seeing you eat what he made for you
his cooking skills >>
he would also kiss you in the rain
idk why but he gives me this vibe?
imagine: he put his arms around your waist and kiss you slowly while the rain is falling miserably on you two
lastly, darren would stand by you every single time
like omg it'll be so adorable
on a fight? this man's on your side
nah but for real
he doesn't really know what's going on, but..
he's on your side
let's be honest
he really cares about you
even if he doesn't show it a lot like some others members do, he would stay by you during the good and bad times
always here for you :(
this man would tell you how much he loves you in public
he doesn't really say it often
he's more like a "secretive person" when it comes to the confession if i can say it like that
he wouldn't mind saying the l-world in public, but he usually prefer when it's only between you two
also, talking about public..
but he wouldn't mind saying it if it would make you happy!
and plus..
he kinda love saying it 😭 mostly when there's a lot of people in th same place
he'll say "baby!! check these out!" a little bit more louder just so people can know you two are together
he love showing you off, what can i say?
he wouldn't refuse to do pda in public
sure, he would rather keep these things like the ily's and all the pda between you two
but as again, he's happy to do that
he'll treat you like he's a gentleman
he want to show you off
idk why i said "like" bc regie IS a gentleman 😭
regie would also put his hand around your waist and talk to you in your ear
he would open the door, be super respectful.. takes care of his responsabilities.. everything that a gentleman do lol
idk if this one is princess treatment, but..
he'll do that
he'll speak in your ear so you can only hear him
if you're feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed.. he'll do that
finally, he would buy what you need when you're on your period
at least, hear him better than the others sounds around you
most of the time, it'll be random stuff lol
like sometimes he could say "come here.." or "i love you..!"
but otherwise, it'll be stuff like:
"this guy was so weird, wtf!"
or like "dang, you have a nice a$$"
he don't really mind if he have to do four shops to find what you need
periods, for him, are normal
it's like.. only blood?
so like, he would buy you whatever you need
everybody have blood
he wouldn't be anxious or stressed
just like okay, but where do i find these???
the only time where he'll be a bit anxious would be when he have to choose between ultra soft or super comfortable and he doesn't know which one are the best for you since not everyone have the same preferences when it comes to period's supplies!
taglist (open! send an ask if you want to be in it): @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0
hope you guys liked it!!
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
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