#♛ headcanon ( sansa stark )
tofeelthecold · 2 years
sansa tags
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quccnnorth · 5 years
talk about how great i am
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: robb stark was the first character i fell in love with in this series (even before sansa and theon which to some may be shocking) i watched the show before reading and i literally recall screaming and sobbing at my tv during the red wedding bc my heart couldn’t handle it. robb had the potential to be the greatest kitn and i truly believe he was killed off bc his character would’ve been too good and interfered with a better storyline for some other characters i shall not name. robb is amazing i just have so many feels for him. and sansa does too. she loves her big brother sm. we miss him. how they play them: look - there’s a reason i’m exclusive with your version, and it’s not that i don’t think other people can play him well, which people can. but it’s just our visions have aligned so closely. you have taken a character with 0 pov chapters, or if ur going by the show, 3 seasons, and turned him into a fucking powerhouse. you have made robb stark so real to me. how you play him, our chemistry as writers - i have based a lot of my headcanons and muse around your portrayal. your robb is literally engrained in my portrayal forever. i have to say you are one of few people who have gone so above and beyond with their muse, siphoning through so little source material and creating what you have. standing by your convictions, even if some people are bigots and claim they’re false (which robb stark is bi-sexual, thank you very much). you don’t just love robb, you’re protective of him, and it definitely shows considering out of our original gc ur the only one who has stayed consistently through without leaving for a bit at least. the mun: i’m really gonna get sappy here - sorry dj ur gonna end up just calling me a nerd or dork at the end of this bc that’s UR GO TO MOVE WHEN I’M A SAP. there, called out. but, dj was literally like the first friend i made in the asoiaf/got rp community back in last april/may. i was so nervous coming into this fandom, but dj was so nice. i was intimidated by her bc she was so funny and so popular and wrote like a fucking beast (in the nicest way) but when i got to know her she was so kind and so funny. do you ever feel like you connect with someone instantly? that’s how i felt with dj. like it’s so rare to find someone who makes you laugh so hard, who you feel like you can come to with any tea and not feel judged. if i wanna be a bitch, dj lets me be a bitch and doesn’t judge me. i know i poofed for a bit and we didn’t talk as much when i left to deal w real life, but dj was still a consistent friend through it all and i’m glad i’m back and have more time to talk to her bc i missed her sm. i can truly say she’s one of the best friends i have made on this fucking site. dj is so special and i just hope she knows that bc it’s important to me she does. 
do i;
follow them: for now until she says something mean and i unfollow her like a petty queen for all of 5 minutes. rp with them: of coursewant to rp with them: always. i love the dynamic we’ve built between robb and sansa and it’s so much more than anything we’ve read or seen. it feels real and i think their relationship is super down played in the fandom. robb is the reason why sansa is adamant on northern independence. and i’m grateful to dj for having the chance to be able to write what we should’ve seen more of. ship their character with mine: hahaahahaha no they’re siblings, but folgers is always yummy in the morning. so is making them ur present. 
what is my;
overall opinion: i’ve run out of things to say, you can read what i wrote above. but ilysm and u mean a lot to me. now i’m gonna be mean the rest of the night to make up for it. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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