#♚ — ( elliot ) headcanon.
kinglyisms · 8 months
Location: To the Right of Abarith, several acres long, magically restored / growing itself.
Residents that live in the Forest: the Abarith Werewolf Pack, Toshiro (Alpha), Elliot (Beta / Second in Command), Elijah (Pack Member) and his son Slias. Ceto and Chyrvin, the Dragons who own Dandelion Apothecary.
   The Forest of Abarith is home to many creatures that inhabit its protective magical border. A dense, lush land of green, the Forest has many magical and supernatural properties that flow through its dense underbelly. Sitting on top of the ley lines that run through Abarith, magic flows as freely through it as the river that trails along its center. Deep inside the Forest, closer to the heart of it, the Werewolves that call the Forest home can be found living in the cabins. Around that same area the actual heart of the Forest can be found, a great Eiphream Tree, in which the ley lines run from. The Tree is often seen glowing at night, the magic of the forest dancing around it like an unsung song. 
   During the reign of the Bloody King, much of the forest had been lost due to the King having ordered to cut the trees down and harvest whatever could be found. The Abarith Pack fought with everything they had to defend the forest and a great rift had formed between the Pack and Abarith itself. With at least thirty percent of the Forest lost, the magic had begun to bleed from it in great numbers, the tree weakening especially with its lifeforce. 
   After the death of the Bloody King, his replacement and son Hiroki had decided the first thing he needed to do was breathe life into the Forest. Using the gift he had gotten from his mother to grow and give life to plants, he gave the Forest nearly everything he had to replenish what it had once lost to return the stolen life. 
   The Forest absorbed his magic like a starving creature, nearly draining him entirely, and life bursted from the Forest in waves. The trees re-grew, the grass, flowers, weeds and moss spread across the entire forest. The dying Eiphream Tree arched itself back up in a new and healthy glow. Hiroki’s magic tangled in with the ley lines, merging into a new and more gentler form of magic that could be felt through the entirety of the Forest and those that inhabited it. The forest had accepted the King and his sacrifice for it, and the inhabitants of the forest by extension did as well. 
   Abarith’s Forest has since continued to feed off of the magic Hiroki fed it. The Forest is constantly rapidly growing, alive, and expanding into the desert that borders Abarith to the South. Hiroki and the Wolves have an agreement to harvest the wood necessary based on the growth level of the Forest itself. 
   The Abarith Pack hunts animals in the forest and owns a Butcher Shop in Abarith itself, run by the Pack. Inside the Forest as well is Dandelion Apothecary, a herbal and tea store owned by the Dragon Brothers Ceto and Chyrvin. They are indirect members of the Abarith Pack, accepted by the Wolves but Ceto is uncomfort and has declined to join the Pack, which made Chyrvin turn it down as well. The Pack frequently checks on the brothers to make sure they’re alright, and Chyrivn gives free medical aid to the Pack members when needed. 
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hellpontifex · 1 year
♚ Do you agree with fandom interpretation of your character?
— the writer's interpretation. ( accepting )
        hmmmm — sometimes? i hardly agree with some / most canon interpretations of my character. people in the community, small as it is, characterize pinhead in a myriad of ways, which i love - most of the time. there are personal headcanons i have (ex: elliot being gay, transfemme, etc.), but i don't disagree with people who think otherwise? i think the different ways people view them are interesting and cool.
the first "fanon interpretation" of priest that i disagree with that comes to mind, is how people view pinhead and kirsty's interactions as romantic. i don't see it, it's just not for me. secondly - obviously i'm biased, but they're a really complex character, so it annoys me when i see them rendered down to one dimension that's usually some variety of "evil stonefaced demon". i think it does them a disservice. they're a character steeped in tragedy, and taking that away from them makes them very ... boring? flanderization is probably my biggest issue with fandom interpretation of them, and that, while annoying, isn't that bad. of course, there is also a minority of people that depict them as other things i won't get into, but i don't even really care to think about them.
i also really hate seeing cisgender hell priest interpretations. like it pisses me off substantially. if you look at that and tell me that's a cisgender man i will crash my car into a fucking telephone pole and take us both out
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kinglyisms · 8 months
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The Wolf Pack. Location: The Great Forest of Abarith Alpha: Toshiro Kobayashi Second in Command: Elliot Pack Member: Elijah, Ceto, Chyrvin, Hiroki.
   The Abarith Pack has been around nearly as long as Abarith itself, having settled into the Forest where they were far more comfortable though a few Pack Members live in the Town out of convenience. Out of all the Packs and Covens in Abarith itself, the Werewolves have the most numbers and standing in Abarith, followed second by the Witches. Toshiro while also being Pack Alpha is a member of the King’s Court and the voice of all the creatures that fall under the category of “Forest Creature” (i.e. the wolves, fae, unicorns, centaurs). He is also the youngest Alpha in Abarith’s history, having taken the title after his father’s death when he was Eighteen years old. 
   The Pack lives in the heart of the forest, near the Great Tree which gives power to the rest of the forest. The Wolves protect the forest and its magic, and in turn the forest protects the wolves. Though the Pack is very close it is in the middle of a conflict within itself. The Pack doesn’t view Toshiro as strong enough to lead them, and that conflict carries over into fights for power, which Toshiro has always managed to win. He has the respect of a majority of the Pack due to this, but those that wish to see him toppled over is great enough to create an unrest in the Pack. 
   The Pack has bonding nights on the weekends, typically Saturdays. They enjoy cooking outside, holding bonfires, hunting together and things of typical nature. Elijah is usually tasked with Barbecuing, Elliot gathers a few members together to go hunting, Toshiro helps set up and direct members together in what to do. As Alpha Toshiro tries to stay very close to the Pack members, especially the younger ones, and only goes out leading the hunt if Elliot can’t or if he feels he’s needed. 
   As Alpha Toshiro can sense where the other members are and if they’re in danger. The Pack bond is stronger with the members he’s closer to but especially as a Wolf. This bond goes both ways, but Toshiro has the greatest feeling over it. 
   All the wolves can smell someone's emotions. Happiness, sadness, distress, arousal, they all have different smells and though most of them won’t point it out to non-pack members, Elijah will having been raised entirely around the Pack the majority of his life until he joined the King’s Army. They can also hear someone's heartbeat, unless they don’t have one, and can tell when they’re being lied to. Wolves do not like being lied to.
   The Pack is very touchy with each other, enjoying having their scent on one another and reassuring each other that they’re there. Toshiro will drift toward whatever Pack member is closest and stand practically against them, keeping close contact with them. They won’t do this with strangers, or people from other Packs, wolf or not. 
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kinglyisms · 8 months
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origin: abarith gender: Male age: 30 height: 5′12 Birthday: sometime in Feburary Sexuality: hot people Eye color: blue Hair color: brown Scars: far to many. Gift: Half-werewolf/half-witch
Being born as a halfling he's treated as bad as the humans of Abarith are. He was looked down upon and referred to as a mistake or halfbreed. Because of this, Elliot's learned early on to hide his emotions with a smile. He is quick to fight back with violence if words don't work, and because if this he does have quite a bit of scars along his body.
He doesn't find anything wrong with who he is. His mother taught him to take pride in it, to smile and keep going, that everything will be alright. Due to this he has a soft spot for the halflings. He stands up for them as well as humans.
   Elliot was born to a mother who was a witch and a father who was a werewolf. A very kind and loving family that raised him to be proud of what he was, of the things that he could do. Elliot grew up in the Witch district in Abarith, who didn’t truly give him a hard time. His father was a soldier in the King’s army and his mother was an apothecary who ran a store in town. His parents were very loving people, and Elliot often helped his mother in the shop and went harvesting for ingredients in the forest for her. 
   When Elliot was ten, during one of the wars King Gaito was dragging Abarith into, his father was killed on the battlefield. His mother went through several stages of depression, struggling with keeping herself together, and between school and dealing with bullying from being a half-breed, he tried to take care of her. Elliot learned to cook, cleaned as best as he could, and even tended to the shop in her place. He did everything he could to support and try to get her mother through this. 
   His efforts just weren’t enough and just a few short years later, he lost his mother too. 
   After being on the street for a while after that, fighting for both life and stealing food, Elliot was adopted in by the Alpha of the Abarith Pack and his five year old son. Wanting to prove he wasn’t a burden Elliot put everything he had into helping both the pack but the Alpha and his son Toshiro. Having dropped out of school after the death of his mother, and not studying much before that, he didn’t have much in the line of educational knowledge but he had the power to fight. Had the strength to make himself useful. 
   He protected Toshiro, showed him how to fight, how to be strong and the future of the pack. Toshiro grew very fond of him and in turn Elliot was protective of him. They bonded like real brothers and the bond was incredibly tight. When Toshiro lost his father to disease, Elliot supported and helped him through it. When he became Alpha of the Pack, he made Elliot his second in command. 
   Elliot is Toshiro’s strongest confidant and the person he turns to for decision making. Elliot doesn’t fight Toshiro’s fights for him anymore, knowing that reflects poorly on him as an Alpha. It is quite difficult for him to stand by and watch someone fight Toshiro for his position in the pack. 
Due to a fight that rupturered his eardrums, Elliot is extremely hard of hearing and practically deaf. He can read lips very well if the person is facing him.
Elliot bartends at Starlight on Satuday nights.
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