#♚ — ﹝ꜰᴀᴄᴛꜱ﹞; casimir.
kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
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casimir / feeding.
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Casimir is half incubus, on his father's side. His mother had been a very lovely, caring, and respectful woman--and also human. Being half incubus and raised by a human, Casimir's feeding habits for a very long time were very bad. For a long time he would starve himself, for as long as possible, until it very nearly killed him. Satoru at that point sat him down and had a very important conversation that summed up to; either he has sex, or he dies.
Casimir can feed from other things too, emotions and feelings of affection. Gentle touches, kisses, even familial ones can feed him for a little bit longer. They're nice, he likes them, he does not pull energy from children since it can harm them no matter how much affection they show Casimir.
A typical feeding for Casimir involves him going to Starlight. He'll pick someone up, share a small night with them and then go right back to work the next day. He has a small pool he pulls from usually, people who are familiar with him and that he's had one night stands with before. People who are used to Casimir and knows he isn't looking for attachments. Wyatt is in that pool, and he's usually one of the first one's Casimir will go to since he knows Wyatt has no interest in romantic entanglements.
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Casimir fluctuates between male and female but he's more comfortable as a man. There are days he feels feminine and will take the female shift rather than the male. He responds to either pronounes and he doesn't care which one. It's the same for bed partners. He doesn't care for their gender as long as they feed him good emotions and not negative ones. To many negative emotions can make him physically sick and even bed ridden.
Romance is difficult for him because of what he is. At one point he did have a long term commitment and that had ended when the person told Casimir he didn't love them but rather what they were. The pull Casimir has on people lures them in. It makes them want him and conflicts with real feelings. He never knows if what someone feels is a product of what he is or because of who he is. It makes him very unsure in romantic situations.
Another reason he likes Wyatt is the man is entirely blunt and tells him straight to his face that he only likes Casimir because what he is makes sex more enjoyable.
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kinglyisms-archived · 10 months
Does Casimir have a favorite flower?
♚ — Casimir.
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"Roses." Soft, gentle, he smiles a little. "They were my mother's favorite flower too. Not because of what they mean, but everything they mean. Did you know, the meaning of the rose changes with the color of it? My mother's favorite was yellow, it meant friendship and joy. When she wanted to express more than one thing, she'd mix the colors. They have so many different meanings and are such elegant flowers."
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kinglyisms-archived · 10 months
♚ — @mundanemiseries ;; Casimir, Hiroki and Toshiro 4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive? 5. what is your muse's ideal first date? 12. does your muse get flustered easily? how would they typically react to compliments from someone they are interested in/dating? 13. what traits does your muse value in a romantic partner? 16. what is/are your muse's love language(s)?
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"I really hate talking about love." Funny, coming from an incubus, he knows. "Attractive physical features--probably someone's scars. You can tell a lot about them from them, and I don't have any. Trait of an incubus, they just--go away. I fell off a roof once, ripped my arm open, had several stitches. And the scars from that--they just went away. Vanished. We're supposed to be attractive, apparently the curse doesn't consider scars attractive."
He takes a deep breath and shifts uncomfortably. "I've always wanted to go to an aquarium. They look--fun, interesting. We don't have one in Abarith." New, interesting experiences. His dates tend to include some alcohol and a bedroom--not exactly a date. Not unless you as Wyatt.
"No. I suppose I'm rather hard to fluster... do you know how many people hit on me daily? The words they throw at me? The disgusting fliration they think is fun? The amount of times someone has told me my eyes resemble the stars in the sky or whatever--" a breath. "I don't really like compliments like that anymore."
He just wants something real.
A bit of a puse at the last question and he shrugs his shoulders a bit. "It's probably touch and yes, that is probably a result of what I am. Most things are." How does he even tell anymore what's him or what's the incubus?
Casimir took a love styles test here.
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Pro and Con of dating Casimir
Send "Pro" or "Con" and I'll share one five Pro or Con of Dating my Muse. Choice: Casimir, Professor at Alutora.
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Loves to smile and be happy. Wants to encourage happy emotions in others.
Knows a lot about the people in Abarith and all the ins and outs of the place.
Is very good with children and loves taking care of them as well as other people.
Has a very big heart that cares endlessly for people.
Is damn good in bed.
Has a heart that bleeds for people. Is to trusting and kind.
As an Incubus he has to feed on people. Meaning he craves sex, romance, kissing, love.
Enjoys gossip, will eagerly share what he knows with people.
Spends to much time at Starlight Bar to feed on people.
Struggles occasionally with entirely accepting himself and what he is.
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What gender is casimir?
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“Oh, I fluctuate. And I’m fine with any pronouns. I have male and female forms, I do prefer my male one though. I don’t care which pronouns you use for me to be honest.”
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“Unless you just straight up refer to me as trash constantly like a certain shitty god we have.”
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😭🍓🍧 (For Casimir!)
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! @sansloii 😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily? 🍓 STRAWBERRY - do they eat their fruit & veg? what is their favourite fruit or vegetable? 🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
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"I don't think I cry that easily!" He does. "I cry over sad movies. Have you seen the Notebook?" Maybe he does cry a little easily. He is influenced by emotions around him. When the children cry because they have a booboo he might tear up.
"I prefer fruits to vegtables! I love peaches and strawberries." He's not a green vegtable type of person. If it's green and squishy he probably doesn't like it.
A soft hum at the last question, curious and contemplative. "My childhood ended kind of abruptly. I still have my mother's jewlery but there isn't much sentimental attachment to it. I think I'd just be disappointed, mainly in myself, if I misplaced any of it."
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English form of the Polish name Kazimierz, derived from the Slavic element kaziti "to destroy" combined with miru "peace, world". 
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i love you and i wish you knew just how much
the pining, the aching, the wishing, and hoping; it's what you whisper to yourself under the cover of darkness as you fall asleep thinking of them. it's the text you've typed out and deleted before sending at least a dozen times. it's the countless pictures of them you have of them on your phone, the home screen image of their smile that you know will give you away the next time they jokingly swipe your phone. it sits restless and suffocating at the back of your throat. rip dude, i know how that is.
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what jewel are your bones made of?
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well hello, beautiful. ✦ how does it feel to have their eyes on you all the time? ✦ do you like to perform? do you like the way their hands reach for you as you turn in the spotlight? ✦ do you wish they would stop? ✦ they won’t. they can’t help it. ✦ is that the reaction you wanted? you want them to laugh, to cry, to moan, to yell at you maybe. ✦ you only exist in the lines spreading across the faces of others, right? ✦ if nobody thinks of you, you aren’t. so you make yourself headline news and they won’t look away ✦ attention won’t solidify you when the sun comes up and love won’t fill that hole inside. ✦ you might want to install an alarm system. just because they want you, doesn’t mean you have to give yourself.
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What Crystal Are You?
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rose quartz
you have a strong heart and a warmth which spills forth almost effortlessly. no one knows how hard it is for you to feel so much. no one knows how difficult it is to keep your heart open no matter how often it is broken. you're a romantic. it doesn't have to be sexual in nature. you appreciate connections of all kinds. but sometimes you feel like few people truly know you. there's more than meets the eye. when was the last time you allowed yourself to be angry? when was the last time you let your darkness show through. let people know what lies beyond the glitter and polish.
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Okay but tea on the KING Casimir?
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Can she be... arrested for this? No... no... probably not. She should restrain herself, should... but she has such good gossip on him.
"He absolutely and totally killed his father." She's leaning against her desk, practically vibrating. "No one knows for certain but he gets so twitchy and dark when asked about it and he--he tastes like regret... hurt a bit." She frowns, pressing her lips together. "His emotions get complicated over it. I think that's part of the reason he can't get the Astral Projection under control. He's struggling a bit with himself and that put rather dark emotions and feelings on himself. To Astral Project, one needs to have confidence and a steady connection with themselves. He just doesn't have that."
Hiroki is a wonderful King. But he struggles with himself. With how he came into power, with how he was doing as Royalty forced into the position so young. Amir and Akira can only support him in that so far, he needs to find that inner peace and confidence on his own. And he can do it, Casimir has faith in them.
"His favorite flower is the Otretta. It's a flower that only grows in Abarith, and his Mom actually created it with her magic. It's this dark purple large leaf flower, with heart shapped petals, that blooms at night. It sparkles with magic. You'll find them abundently in the Queen's Garden."
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Fact: You can ask Casimir about literally anyone in Abarith. He has such good gossip on everyone.
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origin: Abarith
gender: Male & Female (changes at will)
age: approxamately 50 (appears late 20's)
species: half-human / half-incubus
height: 5'9"
Birthday: March
Sexuality: Whoever gives them attention
Eye color: Purple
Hair color: blonde
Gift: Incubus
Casimir is a very smiley person, even when he doesn't want to they'll force a smile onto their face so that they can keep from making themselves sad or someone else. Typically a very happy person though he manages to keep a good and playful mood, even trying to brighten someone who seems to carry an air of despair around them. Being an incubus they don't like to be around people who carry negative emotions and if they have to be they'll try to cheer the person up.
Bright emotions are what they like to feed off of, what makes them feel good but he doesn't feed until the last possible second when he has to. Casimir is coming to terms with what he is, but doesn't care for talking about it even if the subject is brought up. Despite this though he knows not feeding will end up killing him and thus, chooses to do so only when it becomes far to painful to keep from doing it. He'd learned, from Luka, that starving was a far more painful processes than living.
   Casimir was born to a completely normal human mother and a father he never met though was told frequent stories about them when he was younger. According to his mother, he was just some man she picked up at a bar that showed her a rather good time. His mother, having been fairly young to have a child, was rather unprepared to bring a new life into this world. Her home was to small, she didn’t have the spare funds to do it, or the support system one would require when raising a child. 
   Despite this, Casimir’s mother gave everything she had to take care of him. To raise him despite the odds being against her. She was just a human woman who didn’t quite understand all the hardships that came to Casimir, all the ways in wish he was different. Casimir was drawn to happy emotions, to people, to hugging anyone even if they were a stranger. Though cute when someone is little, it quickly turns malicious when he gets bigger. Weirder when he’s ten and kissing other children. 
   Often scolded and disciplined for his overly friendly personality, for the affection he threw around so freely, Casimir tried to stop from touching anyone without their permission. This quickly grew dangerous when he grew hungry, but was sated off enough by attention from his mother. The warm hugs, the kisses to his forehead, the loving affection. Despite the cruel things people said to him, or the way they attacked her for her parenting, she still loved him unconditionally. 
   At twelve he lost his mother to a sickness that swept through the town, taking quite a few human villagers. His tiny heart broken, his world shattered, he found himself picked up by Satoru and brought to the Academy. As a ward of Alutora and Satoru, he trained closely under the Headmaster, admiring him almost as a father figure but the closest thing he had to as a friend as well. 
   Casimir studied hard to understand what he was but also how to gain control. For a very long period of time in his early years he absolutely detested what he was and though part of that hatred and frustration carried over later in life–he’s grown somewhat to accept it. He understands he can’t change what he is and the town Vampire, Luka, had taken the time to sit down and explain what happens when people like them decide to not feed. Starving is worse than living, starving and hurting someone is worse than just feeding. 
   At this point in his life Casimir teaches at Alutora. His primary class is History and Emotional Stability. He also holds a reading circle for the younger children in the library every morning before lunch. 
   Casimir’s favorite place is Starlight, it’s easy to find people to feed from there.
Teleporting: Akin to ‘blinking’. A simple spell that works better if they’ve visited/seen the place before. Most demons are able to use this. (doesn't have full control)
Emotional Drain; (through touch) feeding on the emotions of another person (usually done by children). It's not filling for an adult and an adult would still need to feed and it only works on strong emotions. Emotion drain causes no harm to the human/ provider.
Feeding; The actual sin. The Incubus feeds off the life energy of others (typically given through sexual acts). Kisses, while gives a little, doesn't sustain their hunger for long. Different types of sexual acts gives them certain amounts of sustenance.
Obsession; Kisses can be like a drug with just a little bit of power. If he wants to he can make someone be completely dependent on him and mindless, an unbreakable bond that only he can break. The human will feel that they could never live without him. He can't quite control this yet and has accidentally done it before.
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kinglyisms-archived · 11 months
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satoru & casimir.
   Casimir and Satoru met when Casimir was only a child. After the loss of his mother, Casimir had lived in the run down house for as long as he possibly could, letting himself deteriorate away without any real means to actually prevent that. He was too young to manage on his own, no money for the means to take care of himself, and the only person who had taken care of him dead. Casimir, especially as an incubus, was near the breaking point of simply losing his own life due to the terrible conditions. 
   Satoru had been in the area chasing rumors of the child, the terrible and somewhat even scary rumors that had been circling around. He broke into the house and found the twelve year old knocking on death’s door. 
   Satoru had never thought of having children of his own, never thought of what it would even mean to be a parent with what he was. However, he had wanted Casimir to live, to thrive, and the boy had absolutely no one left to rely on. No one there with him anymore. So, he took him in and he helped work him back up slowly to a more healthy place, a place that he could breathe and function as a normal child. Casimir, initially, was incredibly wary about him. Of their joint living situation. But Satoru tried incredibly hard. He cooked for him daily, ate with him, and even took him to the Academy with him to attend lectures. 
   Over the years the two of them developed an incredibly close bond. Satoru is protective of Casimir and loves him deeply. As an Elf he’ll live an drastically long life, but everything in his will is left to Casimir in the event that anything does actually happen to him. From the Academy to everything he owns. 
   Casimir worries constantly over Satoru and genuinely sees him as his father. He cares and loves for him with every bit of his heart, and he doesn’t ever want to see anything happen to him. Something Satoru makes difficult with how much he doesn’t take care of himself and runs away relic and ancient book hunting only to not come back for weeks to months at a time. These things also frustrate him as well because it leaves Casimir to handle everything on his own. 
   Their bond is incredibly deep, and though Satoru didn’t legally adopt Casimir they do consider each other family.
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Love Styles Test & Capacity to Love Test
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Your strongest love style was Touch (100%).Your capacity to love is very high (83%).
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what soft romance cliché are you?
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love at first sight
let's be real, only children believe in "love at first sight." but you're a hopeless romantic probably sitting around in coffee shops waiting to meet "the one." and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. infatuation at first sight is more accurate. you are the moment when two people lock eyes, and the whole world stills. nothing is there but you and them. and there is suddenly a strong sense of longing. you love love, don't deny it. flowers, chocolates, the whole nine yards. because of this you are loved by many. hopefully you know it too: you are loved.
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