#☾✰ ⊹ to smile 、beautiful people ♥
whalyrae · 1 year
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“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
Summary : All your life, you thought you were a beta, a simple and boring beta. Until everything change. But now that you've presented yourself as an omega, how will you manage to live and hide it from your six friends and best friend, all alphas and all in the same pack? (a/n : I'm a shit for summary I'm so sorry-)
Genre : soulmate au (of course I'm a bitch for this), omegaverse, bangtan alphas au!, omega reader, fluff, angst, eventual smut, polyamory relationships
Status : In process
Word Count : 2.6k
Warnings : the usual one I guess, like smut, angst, fluff (yeah its a warning for some people ) mention of depression, abusive parents (physically and morally), violence and blood, PTSD, scars, self harm,...
A/N : Here's the chapter 3 ! Hope you'll like it !! Thank you so much for all your love and votes and shares and comments too !! You can't imagine how much it's important for writers !! ♥ Feel free to send your reactions, questions etc in my inbox or directly in private !! And thank again for the cute anon for their sweet message yesterday, if you read this, I'll never thank you enough for your words ;w; ♥ ♥
Masterlist | ao3 | wattpad
Chapter 2 // chapter 4
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"I've worn enough suppressor patches to know how to identify them... and to my knowledge betas don't wear them..."
You froze and took a step back, staring at him. No, it was impossible, he was probably playing with you, he was teasing you, he couldn't know who you were already... You had been so careful…
“Don't worry, I won't say anything if that's what scares you, you must have your reasons !” Wooyoung offered you a sweet smile to reassure you, “just try not to abuse it, that's my only advice!”
“I... “ you hesitated for a few seconds, biting your lip nervously, “It's complicated.”
You sighed and shook your head. You couldn't believe that your secret had been discovered not even a day after you did so much to hide it. If Wooyoung found out so easily, that would mean that anyone could…
Questions raced through your head. Your heart rate increased, as did your breathing, and you began to panic. What if this stranger had guessed at a glance? It would take Jimin less time to realize the trickery... No, it couldn't be possible, you didn't want to lose him, you didn't want to lose them.
"Y/n ? Hey, calm down, it's okay..." Wooyoung gently waved his hand in front of you, "Look, we're going to be seeing a lot of each other and working together for a while so... I'm not forcing anything on you, but I'm here if you need to talk, okay ? And as for the complicated part, don't worry, I know a bit about complicated stuff."
"What do you mean ? More complicated than my situation... I must be honest... it seems impossible."
"Listen, what I suggest is that we’ll sit and have a drink and I'll explain a little. Then, if you want to talk about your issue, that's up to you !"
You hesitated few seconds, but finally agreed, on the condition that you would offer the drink to Wooyoung, who had no choice but to accept in turn.
You both entered the café. While Wooyoung went to find seats for you, you went to the counter to order. While waiting for the two coffees, your phone vibrated in your pocket. You took it out of your pocket and unlocked it. A message from Taehyung.
TH : Look at the composition I had to do today ! It made me think of you !
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The attached photo was a beautiful bouquet with lavenders. Along with the poppy, lavender was one of your favorite flowers.
You could only smile at the message. Taehyung always sent pictures of the bouquets he created when they contained flowers that reminded him of you or one of the boys. It was always something that made you smile and warmed your soul.
Taehyung was incredibly good at what he produced as a florist. He was able to create beautiful pieces from nothing, or from a simple little element. He always asked for as much information as possible about the recipient of the order, so that he could compose the most personal bouquet possible. Everything he created was full of poetry. The art and language of flowers took on a whole new meaning with him. It was as if the profession of florist had been invented for him.
You flinched when the waiter called you to say that your coffees were ready. You awkwardly put your phone in your pocket to take your orders and thanked him. You joined Wooyoung, who was laughing because he had been following the whole scene.
“What was it that captured your attention so much ?”
“My florist friend sent me one of those arrangements. He knows I like lavender so…”
You took out your mobile phone to show him the picture. Wooyoung whistled, impressed. You let out a small laugh and gave him his iced coffee before taking a sip of yours.
“I was thinking,” you began, looking up at him, “we haven't even talked about dancing yet... what style are you more into ? Do you have any ideas of what you'd like to do ?”
“I started with ballet, but I really prefer anything hip-hop! As for ideas... I don't really have any I must admit, do you ?”
“ Same here…” you made a little pout while sipping your drink before straightening up suddenly, “since we're a duo, and a mixed one as well, could we base ourselves on that ? You know, like Zendaya and Zac Efron in The Greatest Showman ! Ah ! That movie was so good…”
“ I loved that movie ! I know all the choreography by heart !”
This was followed by a long conversation, mostly punctuated by ‘Are you kidding? I love it too!’ from both of you. You had quickly discovered that you had a lot in common and that your tastes in music, dance and even films were very similar.
Wooyoung had quickly put you at ease, and you realized that he was someone with whom it was easy to communicate and express yourself without fear of being judged.
Finally, after a short silence where you both took a sip of your drinks, you thought about his words earlier. A question was burning your mind, and as you hesitated, he encouraged you to take the plunge by offering you a small smile of encouragement.
You took a more serious tone, without daring to look at him.
“If you hadn't seen the patches…”
“Could I have guessed that you were an omega ? It's true that without them, I could have believed you if you had told me you weren't one, but when I saw you with them, it's hard to think otherwise.”
Wooyoung was of course talking about Jimin, Hoseok and Jungkook.
“I've had... some problems with second year alpha's earlier this year, they're just... wary and protective I guess.”
“That's not what I was getting at…” he paused for a moment to take another sip of his coffee, “you know, when I was telling you about the complicated part of my life, it's not really complicated in reality I tend to exaggerate a bit…”
He shrugged and let out a small laugh.
“I'm part of a pack, there are three omegas and four alphas, one of them is even in our school, in third year !” His eyes lit up at the mention of his boyfriend, “Oh but I will introduce you to him ! My Sannie is incredibly talented, he might even give you some really good advice !”
This was not what you expected at all. Packs were not a rare thing, but they were not particularly common either. Wooyoung was the first omega in such a large pack that you had met. In fact, he was the first omega you actually took the time to talk to. Not that you avoided them, on the contrary. You were just used to being in an environment where the different classes didn't mix. You still remembered very well the near scandal in your high school when you started to appear in public with Jimin.
“It's awesome to be in a pack, especially with them. They're all amazing, adorable, caring and sweet.” the dancer had a big smile that he shared with you, “But the point is that your friends act the same way as my alphas. I felt their protective auras directly, it's not really the kind of thing you give off with someone you consider just a friend... I'd say it was even stronger in the one next to you hm... Jimin I think? Yes, Jimin.”
“He's the one I've known for the longest time but... They don't know,” you finally admitted, “that I'm an omega. In fact, I didn't even know myself... until a week ago.”
Seeing Wooyoung's confused look, you resumed the situation. What happened last week, your first heat, and your mother's reaction. To your surprise, he wasn't that shocked.
"It's more common than you think, especially in families where you're pressured from birth about what you're supposed to be... how you're supposed to act, about your future, that sort of thing.
"Tell me about it…”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair.
“This beta, alpha and omega stuff doesn't change who you are and why people like you,” Wooyoung continued, “I think people who pay attention to these kinds of details are idiots. 'No, I don't want you because you're a beta' or 'you're just an omega, you can't do this, or that', that's really lame.”
You totally agreed with him. What worried you most was how your friends would react. How Jimin would react. It was bad enough that you sometimes felt like you were too much, or that you were 'crashing' with your best friend's pack of alphas, but if they found out that you weren't who you said you were, what would be the repercussions?
The subject had never come up because you were supposed to be a beta and besides that, you had always been clear that you put dancing before everything else. You always told anyone that you weren't interested in relationships. You'd had a couple of hook-ups, with one or two people, but never anything serious. 
Or maybe you'd always had a crush on Jimin, then on the other boys too, and you'd repressed all your feelings because of what you thought you were, a beta, and therefore felt incompatible? And because your friendship with Jimin was so important to you that you didn't want to risk losing him and being alone.
Your fear of abandonment and loneliness had always been a source of stress and anxiety for you. You were ready to do anything, absolutely anything, to not lose Jimin.
“Ah, it's too complicated,’ you finally say, taking your face in your hands, ‘the best thing to do would be to drop everything and go live in Australia.”
"It's always confusing when you lie to yourself... and to others... Hey, can I give you my opinion?"
"Oh... um..." surprised he asked, you straightened up before answering, "yes, of course!"
Pleased with your answer, Wooyoung had straightened up. He took a few seconds before he began to speak. He was looking for the right words, the appropriate formulation.
“So, first of all, Australia is a very good idea! But watch out for the animals, they're pretty well known for being very big and very dangerous.” He winked at her, causing her to giggle, before regaining his seriousness, “Then, when I'm faced with a tricky situation, I try to make some sort of ranking of what's most important. In your case, it's to 'learn' to be an omega and above all, to accept that you are one, because whether you like it or not, it's what you are, it's anchored in your DNA, you can't change it. You will have your heat, your body, your smell and your hormones will be agitated when you are in contact with the people you are physically attracted to. The story is similar in beta actually, it's just... less powerful and less noticeable.”
"Wow you... you seem to know a lot..."
"One of my alphas, Seonghwa, is studying psychology, it's really exciting to listen to him talk! He could help you, if you accept of course! He would explain you much better than me, and in more detail. I'll give you his number along with mine! "
You nodded. Wooyoung was right, like it or not, you were an omega. Even if you hid it from your friends and roommates, you couldn't deny it and suppress it, unfortunately.
"He also taught me that repressing our desires can become painful, especially for us omegas, though I can understand how it might be scary for you who never felt that way before. The change between beta and omega must have been violent for you..." he murmured with compassion.
“What scares me the most are their reactions. Jimin has been my best friend since high school. He's all I have in this world. He's... the most important person in my life. I may not have known the others for that long but... I like them like... a lot. They've never rejected me for being different, unlike... absolutely everyone else before them, in fact. Including family.”
You breathed in and out deeply, pursing your lips for a few seconds. Wooyoung remained silent, letting you take the time to express yourself, and you were very grateful.
“And what if they only accept me because I'm a beta?”’ you resumed, looking up at him, “And what if what I feel for them... this attraction that's been growing since those damn omega pheromones showed up, is only a matter of biology and I'm only attracted to them because of those hormones? What if…”
Wooyoung cut you off by gently taking your hand, as he sensed that you were starting to panic. The last question he heard made him smile inside. He was ready to bet that you didn't even realize what you had just said. You didn't know yet that the hormone thing didn't work that way, but he was saving that information for another time. He was even thinking more and more about asking Seonghwa for some help with this more delicate and technical part. He felt you were completely lost, and even though the best people to help you would be Jimin and his six other alphas who seemed to have taken your heart, this idea was anything but possible for you.
“I can't pronounce because I don't know them, but from what I saw earlier, the way they reacted instantly when they saw me…”
“I'm sorry again, all seven of them are like that with me. It's their alpha nature I guess…”
“That's where you're wrong. Sure, an alpha acts that way, but not with just anyone. When we left... it was the same thing, that protective... and dare I say possessive aura. You may not have felt it because you're probably used to it since you live with them but…”
He paused for a moment and gently squeezed your hand, tilting his head to one side with a small smile.
“My alphas act exactly the same way with us, I told you. I'd even be willing to bet that they don't realize it themselves because as you so rightly say, it's natural and has always been that way for as long as you've known them... I know what I'm talking about and if you want to be sure, I might have an idea…” 
You frowned, you didn't understand a thing, even though in the end, and this is what amused Wooyoung, it was quite simple.
“Trust me! Well, I know that saying it like that when you've only known me for a few hours is a big thing, but…”
“No ! I... look, all I want is for things to stay the same, between me and them, I'll do anything for that.”
“To the point of using suppressants excessively? You're on medication too, am I right?”
He let out a small sigh, and finally stood up, holding out his hand to you.
“Y/n, ah, can I call you Noona? No, don't answer, I'll call you Noona! Well Noona, I think our meeting wasn't just for the dance,” he said in an almost theatrical tone, “it was Fate that put you in my path, there's no doubt about it!”
Slightly confused, you regained your senses and laughed, grabbing his hand as he led you outside.
“First of all, we're going to be the best pairing this school has ever seen,” you said, a hint of defiance in your voice, “I'd like to show the three idiots who are my friends what we can do! And by the way, we'll take the opportunity to nail all those pretentious alphas who like to spend their lives looking down on us!”
“Competitive? I love it! Then I'll personally take care of teaching you to be an omega, to accept who you are. We'll go little by little, but not too much because…” he paused, and the words that followed made your blood run cold, "your next heat will come faster than you think.”
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
Walking On Glass
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⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅Master List⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅⋅
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I : Yang fucking Jeongin.
♥: Yang Jeongin x AFAB Reader ★: The author is prone to adding tags as they go, Mentions heavily of death, Mentions of Murder, Anxiety, Past Trauma, and Nightmares -- It's a dark fic.
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“There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion” -Edgar Allan Poe, Ligeia, 1838
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The piercing sound of your alarm jolts you awake, another day passed you by yesterday and now a new one calls out to you. You can’t help but groan, at the idea of having to leave the comfort and warmth of your bed. Reluctantly and with a heavy sigh you finally muster the energy to get up and drag yourself through the apartment, still half-asleep. Gathering your things, you prepare yourself physically and mentally for the day ahead. 
 Your walk to the bus stop was rather uneventful, with cars whizzing past you, and the pedestrians hurrying along in their daily rush to work. You nod in appreciation to the bus driver as you step onto his bus, immediately drowning yourself out from the world by placing your headphones on, in hopes to avoid any sort of conversation. 
A couple of stops pass, and just as you settle into your music-induced bubble, May boards the bus in a rush, her bag half-open in her hands. Spotting you, she waves frantically and quickly pays her fare. Without delay, she darts towards the seat next to you, yanks one of your earphones out, and places it in her ear, as if inviting herself into your private world.
Surprised by May's sudden intrusion, you offer her a half-hearted smile, unsure of how to react. She always had an unpredictable energy about her, and you knew resisting her enthusiastic company was often futile.
“How’d I know you’d be listening to this song?” She laughs,
“Woke up late again?” You sigh.
May chuckles and tosses her hair playfully, her confident demeanour shining through. "Oh, you have no idea! Looking this good takes some serious effort," she teases 
“If only you’d put as much effort into your studies as you do your looks; you’d be unstoppable.” You smile back at her as she sits down.
“Not everyone can be like you, Y/N. I can’t be pretty and smart, that's too much work!” She giggles, as she pulls out a hair brush and begins to tie her hair back into a loose ponytail. 
As you arrive at the school May turns to you and says, “I hear we have a new student coming in today; I hope he’s nice.” 
He of course it's another boy, another distraction for her. 
“Great.” You sigh. 
You make your way slowly to your morning lecture, quickly finding your spot as May turns around in her seat to face you as everyone else files in, 
“He’ll probably end up falling madly in love with me an-”
“Madly in love with you?” Seungmin scoffs as he sits beside May. “I got a look at him, and you’re totally not his type.”
“HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT,” May’s flustered face says it all, she doesn’t want to be his type anyways Seungmin. 
“Trust me, you’re not his type. He looks like he’s dropped out like five times- actually, honestly, he kinda looks like the type to shoot up the-” 
“Not funny Seungmin.” You sigh, “School shootings are an actual problem, and people who do those kinds of things are mentally ill. You can’t just go and label someone you don’t know as someone who would do something like that, just because of his appearance.” 
“My bad little miss ‘I’m going to study murderers for fun’, All I’m saying is he’s the type to want to be alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was some creep though. He has these like-” leave it to Seungmin to remind you of your goals in the most condescending way. You love your best friend you truly do, but at times you wonder if he truly understands why you set the goals you have. Not that he would ever fully get it. Not that anyone in the room would truly ever understand your fascination with the inner workings of the mind of a killer.
“ALRIGHT CLASS SETTLE DOWN.” Professor Wade says as he walks in, adjusting his glasses and placing his books on the podium at the front of the class, “Today as you’ve all heard we have a new student. Please come in and introduce yourself to the class.” he gestures for the student to come in from the hall. 
“My name is Yang Jeongin.” He says coldly as he stares toward the back of the class. “I transferred here from another country. That’s all you need to know about me.” Your professor stares blankly at him. Seungmin was right though, the guy is offputting. Sharp brown eyes, and long black hair. Dressed in all black, and topped off with a dead look in his eyes, anyone would think he was some ‘weirdo’ - a loner. 
“Alright, now why don't you go and sit beside Y/N.” Jeongin smiles at the teacher and makes his way up the lecture hall stairs to the seat next to yours. 
“Hi, I’m May!” May whispers excitedly to him, 
“Don’t talk to me.” He says looking annoyed as he finds his pen. May looks at him with a confused expression, she reaches for her phone and sends a text to your group chat.
Jeez, what's wrong with the new guy? He was so mean… she pouts. Seungmin put his hand on her shoulder and laughs
“I told you, you aren’t his type” He whispers, May turns to him and lightly punches him, 
“SHUT UP!” she yells, the silent class looks towards her, her face turns a bright shade of red from embarrassment “Sorry.” 
You study the boy next to you as your professor recaps the last lesson. As you noticed earlier, Jeongin wears all black. He’s got long black hair, but you can see the glint of silver jewelry shining through it. Piercings. He wears a silver chain around his neck, but the pendant is hidden under his shirt. Silver rings, and black boots. Sharp eyes that stare coldly towards the front of the room. He’s pretty but rude. Arrogance, radiating off of him. Does he think he’s too good to be here? 
“Staring is rude, if you want something- ask now or leave me alone.” he deadpans, looking at you as if he was looking through you. Almost as if he was reading your mind, “Whatever it is your brain is thinking about me, forget it. Whatever assumption you’re making about me is wrong.”
“I- was just admiring your outfit” you mutter, bringing your eyes back to your notes. 
“Don’t lie to me either. I can see through that shit. You’ll do better by being honest with me.” he slowly places his pen down and shifts so that he’s leaning closer to you, “Listen. I don’t care about whatever your first-year psych brain is attempting to say about me, I’m not your patient. So stop trying to analyze me.” he turns away from you and continues on taking notes. Whatever issue Yang Jeongin has, you want nothing to do with it. You can only hope the semester passes by quickly, and that you won’t have to ever interact with the person beside you.  
After a few excruciating hours of listening to Professor Wade go on about the psychological effects of trauma you’re finally released from prison. “Let's go to the cafe to study today.” You say with a smile, Seungmin nods in agreement and May follows along. You enjoy going to the cafe after classes, the warm evening breeze and the smell of fresh coffee is relaxing after class and the cozy environment of the cafe provided the perfect atmosphere to study in. Seungmin heads towards your usual booth, with May tailing behind him as you go to make your coffee orders. 
“One large Strawberry coconut refresher, one Large iced americano, and one Caramel Macchiato with extra caramel please” You smile at the cashier who punches in your order, 
“Three drinks for one person? Are you that thirsty?” A voice says from behind you, you turn around and look up at  Yang fucking Jeongin. 
“I'm here with May and Seungmin actually,” you smile, it was better to be civil than to give him the actual expression your brain so desperately wanted to give. He looks down at you seriously.
“Hm. Excuse me, could you add a second large americano please.” the cashier nods as he steps in front of you and pays for the order, he was so rude to May and now he’s paying for our drinks. What’s with him? “I’ll help you take these to your friends.” he picks up the Americanos and looks to you to guide him to your spot.
“Would you like to sit and study with us?” you ask with an awkward smile,
“Sure.” you walk up the steps to your booth where Seungmin sat watching May take selfies. You hand May her strawberry drink, and Seungmin his caramel drink, then slide into your spot on the opposite side of them. Jeongin sits next to you and places your coffee by you; May makes a confused face and looks back at her textbook. 
“He paid for our drinks so I asked if he wanted to study with us. I hope you don't mind.” You kick Seungmin  lightly under the table and force a smile at him notifying him to get May to cooperate 
“Oh. OH No we don't mind at all right May?” He smiles awkwardly and May only let out a huff. You spent the rest of the evening studying and joking amongst each other, though Jeongin stayed silent for most of it, only ever talking when it came to studying. Most of the time it felt less like he was studying the curriculum and more like he was studying the group the entire time, by the end of the night you could feel he was bored of your company. 
“I should head out guys, I have things to do around the house,” You say as you begin packing up your books, 
“Your apartment is in pristine condition, what could you possibly have to do?” Seungmin laughs 
“Tidying mainly” you sigh, “Chores don't get done themself you know” You let out a small sigh, 
“Chores? You live alone and you give yourself chores?” Seungmin looks at May and laughs at the confused look on her face “What I'm serious! If I lived alone I’d be free and live as I wanted!” 
“That’s why we always go to Y/N’s place. I can't imagine what your room looks like.” Seungmin laughs, Mays's face burns red, as she looks down to hide her clear embarrassment.
“Shut up.” Seungmin you idiot.
“I should head out as well.” Jeongin says abruptly, “Thanks for letting me stay.” He gets up, grabs his things and walks out. 
“He’s so strange,” May says, as you all get up to leave. Soon after you say your goodbyes and head out. 
The bus ride back to your apartment was quiet and short. Your brain was doing its best to wrap around something you didn’t quite know. A feeling you’d never had before. Some sort of familiarity but from what? You wouldn’t be able to tell. 
After a hot shower, You sit yourself on your couch and turn on the tv. “I should eat,” you mumble to myself, you walk to the kitchen as the news plays on the screen in your living room, 
“Reports from [your city]’s 11th ward state another young woman has been murdered,” the tv blares, “The woman was found in her home with a gunshot wound to the chest, [Your city] police say they have no witnesses and no leads.” The newscaster reads out,
Another one. This is starting to get closer to home too. It makes me sick to my stomach. You close your fridge. I'm not even hungry anymore. 
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Tags: @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup @lieghscloud @foxinnie8 @scarletbedlam @kpoppin-to-the-beat @stay-berry @bbymatz @kurxxmi
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unbiasedarmy · 2 years
ℋ𝓊ℯ𝓈 ℴ𝒻 ℐ𝓃𝒹𝒾ℊℴ ₊˚.༄
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Namjoon has left me in a puddle of emotions as his solo album finally dropped last night. #Indigo Having felt such deep emotions, I couldn’t help the inspiration that grew from within and led to me creating my own little piece of Indigo.
But while I was in the process of painting in all of these different shades of blue, an intrusive thought crept into my mind… What if Namjoon walked into my room with a super heart warming smile on his face cause he loved my painting…
Aaaaand now we’ve got a little drabble because I couldn’t let this beautiful, comforting thought go to waste. :) I hope that you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it. 💙
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It has been longer than I would like to admit since I felt that creative pull to start a painting. So long in fact, I had actually forgotten what that spark of inspiration felt like. That is until last night.
I really wasn’t doing anything special, I was hanging out with some friends, grabbing a couple drinks when I realized that RM’s new solo album would be dropping at midnight. Once that realization dawned on me, I was so giddy and excited that I set an alarm for midnight immediately. After that, I resumed catching up with my friends as I waited for the moment that I could experience that deep color blue.
Flash forward to midnight, I am quite literally skipping with glee out onto the patio to be clear of all the noise from within the bar, waiting with baited breath for the first song to play. (Absolutely not grinning like a mad person, could never be me…) Thankfully for me, after trying to listen to the first two songs from the album, my friends had decided to call it a night, and after bidding them goodbye, I hopped right in my car and cranked the volume as Change pt. 2 began to play.
Having a wonderful jam session filled with soul, sadness, sexuality, peace, and chaos, I finally arrived home with this feeling of completion. With my endorphins flowing freely, thinking of the sheer pride I carry for the man who put out his heart and soul for the whole world to see, I decided to call it a night (but not before putting the new album on repeat of course).
As my alarm goes off the next morning I bask in the morning light and the after glow of the previous night, unable to kick this need to create something. It was like an itch that needed to be scratched. And so, scratch I did.
Once I was ready for the day, I finally decided to pull out all of my art supplies, cringing inwardly at the amount of dust that had gathered on top of everything. As I get my mini easel set up on my bed, I cannot get Lonely out of my head, so I decide to que up the playlist I had already created: 🧵🐋🌏🦋🌧️
I grin to myself with excitement for what is yet to come, ready to create something with so much meaning, not just for me, but for so many people around the world. As the music plays in the background I hum along to the parts I’ve already committed to memory, and listen openly to the parts I have not as I get several different shades of blue prepped for my painting.
I decide to create something simple, since there is already so much meaning behind just the color alone, the painting itself didn’t need to be complex in order for it to make sense. At least not for me, and this is a painting I wanted to keep. I take my brush and run it through the darkest blue first, nearly black, like the color of an abyss.
With the music so loud, I didn’t even hear the front door open, or close, nor did I notice when a large man walked down the hallway to the open doorway of my bedroom, leaning there quietly. Only when I’m about to dip my brush into a lighter shade of blue do I notice his relaxed frame standing there as he watches me. Once I realize he’s there I nearly jump out of my skin, a blush immediately beginning to overtake my cheeks, flooding down my neck in a blotchy trail of pink and red.
“Oh, hi! I uhm, didn’t hear you come in.” I speak once I’ve turned down the music significantly, fiddling with my paintbrush with a sheepish grin.
There’s a smirk that quirks up the corner of his lip for just a moment, realizing the effect he has on you, before it’s replaced with eyes filled with wonderment.
“Yeah, that music was pretty loud, huh? Must be pretty good whatever it is..” He trails off with a cheeky grin, putting his fingers to his chin as if to contemplate whose music you were listening to.
I couldn’t even scold him for being so witty when my mind was filled with all of the praises that were nearly falling off of my tongue.
“Namjoon.. The album is.. Beautiful. And that in itself is such an understatement, you really, truly, put your heart and soul into it and it’s so evident in your lyrics, your flow, just everything. It’s perfect. I’m so proud of you.”
A shy smile begins to form over his lips as he walks over to you, still sat on the bed, taking a seat next to you. His eyes scan your painting and it’s hard to decipher what he’s thinking. Until he tells you of course.
“This, is beautiful y/n. These colors are so vibrant. And it looks like you really captured that feeling of drowning in the abyss but swimming towards the light. When did you make this?”
I feel my heart swell and my eyes begin to water at the unexpected praise, making me bite my lips to try to keep my composure.
“I started it this morning, I just couldn’t shake this feeling of inspiration and creativity after listening to your album last night. You made me feel so many feelings. And I guess I wanted to do the same, even if this particular piece of art will be kept within these walls.” I finish speaking with a smile as I recall all of the different emotions Indigo has made me feel.
Taking a glance at you before he focuses back on the painting he just sits there, like he’s admiring a work of Van Gogh. There’s a comfortable silence that settles before he turns to you fully, gently placing one hand on your cheek and one on your waist.
“This is one of the most beautiful pieces of art I have ever laid eyes on. It’s been so long since you’ve painted and I am honored to be your muse. I want to get a frame for it as soon as it’s finished, I wanna take a picture of it for the whole world to see.” He punctuates his deep feelings by pulling you closer, nudging his nose against yours, looking deep into your eyes with his own dragon like ones.
As I look into his eyes which are like two unending pools of emotion, my cheeks feel warm once again. I shyly wrap my arms around his neck, snuggling closer to him.
“What could I have done in my past life to deserve such an amazing man like you, Junie?” I whisper, feeling like if I speak too loudly he’ll be blown away, like a dream fading away far too quickly.
At this he leans closer, barely pressing his lips against mine, but just close enough that I can feel them curve into the shape of a beautiful smile, one that is sure to make his cheeks dimple.
“You know, I was going to ask you the same exact thing..” He speaks quietly before slowly pulling back to move the paint supplies and painting off of the bed.
Once the bed is cleared off Namjoon kicks off his shoes and gently lays me down with him, side by side, my head resting on his chest as he slips his legs between mine. We both release a deep sigh in sync with each other, resulting in us both breaking out in a fit of giggles. The kind that makes your cheeks hurt. But once the laughter dies down I gaze up at him, feeling nothing but peace.
As he peers back down at me he runs his fingers through my hair, making me all the more relaxed, causing a lopsided smile to appear on my face as I’m transfixed on his beautiful features.
“Namjoon-ie, you’re so beautiful..”
Hearing this compliment, he can’t resist the smile that invades his features. He shakes his head ever so slightly before speaking.
“No baby, that’s you. My beautiful y/n.” His voice sounds more husky as sleep threatens to take over, but he fights it off by planting a gentle kiss to your lips.
I smile against his soft, full lips, unable to contain my happiness as butterflies invade my stomach. Our lips move together very slowly, like we have all the time in the world. Yet like there’s no tomorrow. Finally pulling back from a kiss that I can only imagine feels like heaven, I bury my face in his chest with a small grin.
This makes him chuckle as he continues to play with your hair. He then places another kiss to the top of your head, pulling your body closer to his.
“I think that your painting is so cool babe, I seriously can’t wait to frame it and post it on Insta.”
I can’t help but giggle as he continues to gush over my painting. I decide to take a peak up at him with a questioning brow.
“You really think it’s that good..?” I ask hesitantly.
His mystical eyes meet mine before he speaks with the most genuine smile.
“I know it’s that good, love. I think ARMYs will absolutely love it. But we have to keep it here, I wanna keep it.” He finishes with a small pout.
I lean up and kiss his pouted lips before reassuring him.
“No worries, I actually painted that for myself. To remind myself that when I’m in those dark times, that there will always be light at the end, and that I just have to keep swimming towards that light.”
He seems satisfied with that answer as he simply rests his head on top of yours with a small nod, snuggling closer to you. He then places one final kiss on your forehead, bidding you goodnight and wishing you the sweetest dreams.
Okayyyyyyy! I just want everyone who reads this to know that this is my first ever drabble! I have tried to write novels in the past, but I’ve never done like a one scenario kind of situation so I really hope that if you read it, you enjoyed it! But if you didn’t I am 100% open to any constructive advice you all have for me!
Either way though, thank you so much for giving this little read a chance, and I hope if nothing else it gave you the same comfort that it gave me to write it! 💙 . ♡︎ Much love ♡︎
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seawitchwritter · 2 years
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Hola te amo
ERES TUUUUUUU <3 mi gatito bb TE AMO, <3
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marastriker · 3 years
All of the headcanon things but for CB
clown baby
☾ - sleep headcanon
Two modes: Either he's clinging/attaching to whoever he's in bed with or he's moving around SO MUCH that he probably falls off the damn bed. There is no in between.
★ - sad headcanon
He doesn't actually think anyone would like him for the way he actually is, so obviously pretending to be happy and helpful all the time can only result in people trusting him.
☆ - happy headcanon
He goes to carnivals in his spare time and when he can find one! He loves roller coasters and amusement park rides!
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
He's never actually angrily yelled at anyone - as far as you know, at least. It's quite scary when it happens because he's also probably crying and his eyes get very wide - unnaturally wide.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Slut (affectionate). Is down to be fucked by literally anyone. Will try anything, and I mean anything, at least once.
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Where. Is. The Floor? We don't know. He has a lot of Stuff that he's collected. But no place to put that Stuff. His shed is too small to put the stuff away normally so I guess it lives on the kitchen counter.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Haha what's that. No, but seriously. The only romance he's seen has been in movies and he knows nothing about it outside of that context. Dinah has to teach him that not everything is a Disney movie.
♥ - family headcanon/▼ - childhood headcanon
I am combining these two - BV is his older brother and I will recount a story that happened when they were kids cause people should know. They had bunk beds and CB INSISTED on getting the top bunk, but because he kept falling off in the middle of the night, Chessie (their Mom, for anyone who doesn't know) demoted him to the bottom bunk, much to BV's delight. Though, the bottom bunk is a bit roomier, and low and behold, BV actually fell off the top bunk this time cause he was used to having a bit more room. Chessie deconstructed the bunk bed into two Normal beds as punishment. CB still falls off from time to time.
☮ - friendship headcanon
He's closest to Rusty and Dustin, like I mentioned in Rusty's post. He's slept with both of them, but isn't necessarily up for anything romantic with Dustin, but maybe he had a crush on Rusty...👀
Rusty saves all the toys from his happy meals to give to CB to add to his collection.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
He likes to make a lot of abstract art. He also does pottery, but it never looks perfect. The vases and containers and stuff he spins are always crooked and imperfect, but he thinks that's what makes them beautiful. He doesn't care to learn how to make them "properly" - he thinks art should be fun, not about perfectionism.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Likes - flowers, toys from happy meals, disney/animated movies, pranks, being a gremlin
Dislikes - being alone, nightmares, cold weather/showers
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
My...mind is empty on this one. You can't kill a Clown Bitch that's all I'm saying lol
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Please don't ever let CB cook, he will set the kitchen on fire. Though he does BAKE with Dinah, he loves decorating cookies and cupcakes and stuff. Though he probably shouldn't have too much sugar...
☼ - appearance headcanon
Smol boose. 5'3" tall. Curly strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes. Has some scars on his face from accidents throughout his life and/or getting beaten up on occasion. Cute little freckles that he doesn't mind showing off. Usually can be seen smiling, but he's not happy all the time.
ൠ - random headcanon
He has drank the contents of a lava lamp on one occasion. I say one, cause he don't do that again after that hospital visit.
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seawitchwritter · 3 years
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holaaaa tkm 💕
HAAAI miss lily 💕 le mando un abrazo y mora por montón! jajaja
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seawitchwritter · 3 years
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS preciosa divina hermosa chiqui baby 🎊🎊🎊 atrasado pero pos ya conoces como es una :D te amo cariño mío ❤️
AY NOE!! hajjaja gracias por su saludo, se agradece, no importa si es después 💕 la amo mas preciosura de mi corazón!
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