#☾ (Dash Games)
lunarruled · 18 days
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Comfort List
Comfort food(s): Pizza, chicken nuggies and fries (yeah I'm not an adult lmao)
Comfort drink(s): Flavored water, coffee, and Tequila
Comfort movie(s): The Boondock Saints, Splash, The Goonies, Hell House, Grave Encounters
Comfort show(s): wrestling (any of them), The Walking Dead, South Park, American Dad, Ridiculousness
Comfort clothing: Any over-sized shirt and either shorts or leggings
Comfort song(s): Nothing that's come out recently lmao. This bitch is stuck in the early 2000s sadly.
Comfort book(s): The Bluest Eye, If Beale Street Could Talk, Stage Fright, The Pigman
Comfort game(s): UNO, Monopoly, Solitaire
Tagged by: @legendsxx (thank you so much!!) Tagging: Anyone that hasn't been tagged yet!
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macabrepuppet · 2 years
What color does your love feel like?
warm burnt orange
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Riding off into the sunset, the hope of a happy ending, the bitter after taste that still in it's own way smells kinda great. Your love is all bitter hopefulness, all about a broken heart that refuses to quit, all about the unshakable knowledge that a burning fire has a great comforting warm and a soft glowing light, all about the way when the sun comes down there's a beautiful starry night. It's stubbornness, it's the refusal to give up, the clutching of broken shards despite the searing pain and being adamant that dammit you can still make a beautiful stained glass window out of it. Yours is a screaming heart, a pleading love, a bitter and almost belligerent hopefulness that things will still work out even if you have to roll up your sleeves and make them. And god, aren't you tired? Isn't your heart heavy? Is all your hard work worth it? Don't you just want to curl up and let it be? Let the fire turn to ashes and the sky turn dark and let love die down and watch people leave? But you don't, do you? You're the bravest out of all of us, so you pick up the pieces and you keep going, you keep believing and you keep your heart full of hope because some day. Some day you know you'll get it. You keep riding off into the sunset and you keep filling my heart with hope as you go because god, how do I wish you finally get it too.
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goetiiaprince · 6 days
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Finally, true acknowledgement.
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starlitcircus · 3 months
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PARTY WORM!!!!!!!!! Tagged by @codenamejudas!
Feel free to yoink!
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glacialswordsman · 7 days
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NAME: jamey is my name gay is my game (but also idrc what you call me. i've been called many-a-thing, such as: jammy, jimmy, jimjam, james, yimmy, yammy, yimyam, yamey, jamnelius, jamison the third, etc)
PRONOUNS: he/him ONLY! <3
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: if i hardly know you, IMs on tumblr is best until i know we vibe OOCly! then i'll give you my discord
NAME OF MUSE(s): kaeya alberich on this blog ofc but i also muse wriothesley, il capitano, xianyun, aether, jing yuan, boothill, argenti, hua cheng, xie lian, wei wuxi-- alright i'm not gonna put everyone here, if you wanna know the rest go to my mumu LMFAO
BEST EXPERIENCE: honestly a lot of my best experiences just stem from Meeting all the people i have and getting to befriend so many creative & wonderful individuals. making connections eclipses all else for me tbh
- no OOC communication. i refuse to RP with anyone who doesn't talk to me OOCly, because i want to make sure that 1) we vibe, 2) we have the comfort of knowing we can talk to each other about boundaries/icks/plots, 3) WE VIBE.
- possessiveness. exclusivity is different because i really only do that with people i've known for A WHILE and that i trust. but if we're shipping (not exclusively) and you don't let me even interact with someone/someone's muse that's the same character as yours, even if it's just one-off/not for shipping purposes??? nah. i'm good.
MUSE PREFERENCES: characters that have gone through so fucking much and try their best for everyone around them, themselves, or the object of their affection. characters that paint themselves to be the villains so they can keep the focus on themselves and take all the blame so those they care for don't get lumped with them. powerful. sacrificial. giant heart. smiling but dying inside. hot as fuck. yknow.
PLOTS OR MEMES:  both!!! i like both a lot! they're very situational because not everyone has the time to hunker down and plot stuff, or they just may not have the spoons or whatever other reason. plots are fun because you can get really in-depth and talk long term/potential ideas. memes are easy to use since, yknow, they already have ideas to build off of.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i really don't mind either way, all i ask is that i'm not given one-liners if it's a serious rp. if it's some crack/one-shot, then whatever! but if we actually plotted something out, it'd devastate me if i was just met with like, one to three lines. to me, it says "i'm not really interested in this but i'm putting up with it." another thing i don't really want is to CONSTANTLY reply with like... 600+ words... i love writing a lot, i love setting up the exposition and doing dialogue, etcetc-- but i don't want to write out Every Single Detail or Every Single Thought about my character/my character has for EACH response, you know?
BEST TIME TO WRITE: late afternoon/evening/late night for me, usually! it really depends on what i'm doing that day, and how long my daily chores take (including game dailies/weeklies lmao)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): UH? i don't???? think so??????????? i mean. i definitely try my best for everyone, and... uh. hm. maybe in some aspects i guess alksfmalkgm
tagged by: @ccaptain THANK U SAM STINKIE SMELLIE MWAMWAMWA tagging: ERM. UM. AUGGHHH the usual clowns @inblazes, @tartagla, @poswiecenia, but also @maskednihilism and @crimsononiarataki
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firstwcman · 2 months
What’s Your Role in a Found Family Dynamic?
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—— ✧ the protective one .
it does not require much for you to take someone under your wing. you have a knack for seeing the best in others and rooting for them, and they look up to you in turn. they feel that you are safe to go to in times of chaos or strife, and are calmed by your presence. you take extra measures to make sure everyone feels supported. things that others might not even consider, you have already likely accounted for. in most scenarios, you are "the leader." your struggles tend to come from your desire to provide things to others. you want to give, to see those you love happy, to make wherever you are a place of comfort. your failures hit you hard because you see this as your responsibility, and you hate to let people down. ...okay, yes, there's no avoiding it: this is the parent friend.
tagged by . @fallenmorniingstar — thank you, dear!
tagging . @heavenslie, @punchedpentagram, @arachnaemboss, @crimsonsharked, @angelichooves, @ducklord666, @flameandindifference, @edcnfell, @voxxisms, @tocliimb ( roo :) ), @primordialhazbin && whoever else that sees this!
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orangeshinigami · 8 months
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"Not sure if I should feel INSULTED or flattered."
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miidnighters · 3 months
what color is your aura?
tagged by @nabaidhean-neonach / tagging @fairytaletold | @soulmissed | @pohlepen | @epistrefei
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geodes, club lights, ferris wheels, sunglasses, hummingbirds, eyeshadow, outer space. your essence is purple: you are gracious and thriving, and that is all you want anyone to see. you become a social chameleon to be exactly what they desire; your ambition adapts, pursuing whatever will come with recognition. you are a leader -- burning bright and never shy to speak. you are the star. you are the demonstrator. you find kinship in like-minded individuals of lilac, royal, mauve, and orchid, who share your decorum and aspirations. you are also drawn to the determined grey and red, who will help you grow and let go of your image to accept your flaws. however, you may struggle to get along with the free-floating personalities of yellow and brown who don't understand your far-reaching ambitions.
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primordyalsoul · 5 months
What Ghost Haunts You, Rei ?
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the ghost of your bloodline
you were doomed from the start, weren’t you? born to bend yourself to the will of a bloodline that sneers at every effort you take towards betterment. you are stained by the hand of your father, your mother, perhaps a family member that looms over your weary shoulders. the first grave is the childhood home, after all. you can escape all you wish. your body can leave the home, the state, the country, but you will always be haunted by what raised you. when chelsea dingman wrote, “i have been trying to go home my entire life.” when graham greene wrote, “from childhood i had never believed in permanence, and yet i had longed for it.” when oscar wilde wrote, “a burnt child loves the fire.”
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the ghost of the damned
you rot with the need for something more than what you have. the ghost is built up of the feeling of stagnation. you find it staring at the ceiling with sleep - blurred vision ; this is the third night you have met its eyes in the early hours of the morning. you tear yourself apart looking for comfort, for validation, for acceptance. but it never feels quite enough. you ruin everything you touch, despite every attempt to be more than what you have always been. you would sculpt yourself as something perfect for those around you, but you are no artist. when albert camus wrote, “be silent, heart; there is no hope!” when lucille clifton wrote, “maybe i should’ve wanted less. maybe i should’ve ignored the bowl in me, begging to be filled.” when taylor swift said, “i’m still on that tightrope, i’m still trying everything to get you looking at me.”
Yoinked this from @foolshoujo !
tagging: @mundmutter , @dnangelic , @digitalworid , @nagarese , @razrbomb , @dimitresca . @cloistress and you!
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armafidelium · 8 months
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mun v. muse !
yoinked & u shoudl yoink too
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tazmilyxfamily · 26 days
Making You the Patron Saint of Something
Patron Saint of Bones
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patron saint of frameworks. of structures. of solidity. patron saint of things that break. patron saint of things that are left behind. the bones survive long after the body, the building: what is there left for them, when the rest has gone? what do bones do, with nothing to hold around them? who holds the bones?
Patron Saint of Heartbreak
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not of comfort. not of condolences. there is a heart and there is a fissure, a fracture, something that starts to splinter and break open. you're the patron saint of the way a heart is rent open. the way it tears itself apart. patron saint of the rift. patron saint of the gash. when they say to "open your heart" to somebody, you are the patron saint of bleeding out.
tagged by @abyssembraced :]
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lunarruled · 4 months
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What Color Personality Are You?
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Your color is Grey
Attributes: powerful, mysterious, provocative
Power and mystery are dominant factors that characterize people, like you, whose personality color is Grey.
As a Grey, you know no fear—and no limits. You like to keep people guessing. People crave mystery and uncertainty—they want to find out more about you. But you won’t let them; you never let anyone get too close, to fully discover who you are. You have an air of aloofness; you play coy and hard to get. Never the one to initiate, you attract all sorts of invitations to various events from those around you.
Tagged by: @myriadxofxmuses (thank you my friend!) Tagging: everyone who sees this is tagged!
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macabrepuppet · 2 years
What's your role in a found family dynamic? the brains
the brainspeople are not so much your forte. you are more at home with thoughts, ideas, hobbies, skills. as such, you probably have to learn how to work well with others--but once you do, hey, it has its moments. while you are treasured for your ability to solve problems, people also have this unique love of novelty. when you break from your schedule, when you say something no one is expecting--that's novel. you are as curious and lovable as the subjects you study. you are family. this place is not the same without your witty comments and wry observations. you definitely feel more comfortable when someone needs a straightforward answer than a shoulder to cry on, but it's not impossible to give both. know that your family loves you for more than that, though, and will (usually) remember to respect your boundaries.
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goetiiaprince · 9 hours
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Realistically, there is only 1 accurate answer. But he will let them figure it out.
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hiohaku · 1 month
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 ` . . . oh gentle comrade, you know what it takes to make others shine. you live your life assisting others to reach their goals, but many say you are lackluster and unnecessary. but alas, do we need the stars any less for their dim light helps the moon glow brighter! you are warm inside and out, perhaps made of sunshine one might ask? but I can see you are as weary and worn as the hero you so desperately cling to. your purpose is to serve? Is it not? it's those moments of undying loyalty that make your bones ring true with honor. "I am right beside you," you whisper, for unlike the ones who lie through their teeth you will be with your ally through joy, through heart ache, through death. it is a difficult thing to gain your trust back if one has shattered it though, you are forgiving yes? you give many chances, but alas, one can only look away from a wrong doing so long. you can't exactly turn your other cheek as once wrings a blade through your middle.
you are made of a steadfast heartbeat and a tired, knowing smile. you bring solace to the aching, and comfort to the wronged. but what happens when your protagonist loses? what happens when your valiant heroes fail you? will you pick up a sword and vanquish their enemy or will you wait patiently for yet another savior to appear and save the day? one must live long enough to see their heroes die. but are you brave enough to take their place? the only strings that bind you to your oaths of subservience are your own doubts. "am I good enough?" they whisper in your ears. you answer that yourself love. for the only difference between the paladin and the stable boy are mettle. it is not the question of can you be a hero. it is simply, will you be?
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TAGGED BY — @ak4rin TAGGING — @kuraokcmi , @usagimen @chipen @venstm + YOU !!
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glacialswordsman · 12 days
what color character are you?
𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⸺ Orange characters are charismatic and talented. They push themselves to be the best at everything they put their mind to, and get upset when they can’t meet their own standards. They tend to be prodigies, seeming almost superhuman in their genius or abilities, but they often base their self-worth off of how well they can perform, making them feel isolated from the others around them. While most people see orange characters as cocky and self-absorbed, they are actually quite insecure in themselves. They want attention and validation from others, but because of their faux confidence and the constant (and often somewhat empty) praise from the people around them, the people that are truly closest to them often withhold it from them. This often leads them to push themselves beyond their limits to succeed and/or act out in unhealthy and self-destructive ways, in an effort to get some kind of recognition. These characters seek to impress, and have a hard time telling praise from love. They have a constant need to be the hero, in whatever context that means for them. These characters usually have a sense of humor and wit that can tend to flatter themselves (although much of what they say is rooted in truth), but it’s contrasting to some of their more self-deprecating natures. They can be serious loners, since they isolate themselves from others in an attempt to protect themselves. Although they would never admit it, they crave acceptance and belonging. Others generally don’t see this, because orange characters are loathe to admit weakness and build up defenses by making it clear that they don’t care what others think, although they do. In childhood, it is likely that their parental figures were either absent or abusive, often holding them up to high standards while not providing enough positive reinforcement. Other characters need to treat orange characters not as an annoyance, or give up on them quickly, but to make it clear that they are willing to love and support them regardless of how useful they can be, and to voice compliments where they are due.
tagged by @poswiecenia (1/3) tagging @citrinitxs (whichever muse) @crimsononiarataki @maskednihilism and whoever else wants to do it!
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