#☾ ─── ⋆ interactions ⦈ lordofthestrix .
h1rezzie · 2 years
@lordofthestrix // x.
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There  is  a  secret  in  her  family.  What  else  is  new?  But  this  one,  she  did  not  knew,  no  one  alive  to  let  them  know  the  risks  of  breaking  the  cycle  of  the  Merge.  Where  it  came  from  or  why  it  was  made.  Magic  comes  with  a  price,  specially  such  high  magic  that  is  created  to  mantain  a  prison  world.  It's  there  in  order  to  be  a  lock  for  a  great  evil.  But  the  Merge  has  never  happened  and  never  will  now  with  her  being  a  Heretic.  A  failsafe.  The  secrets  of  the  Gemini  Coven  are  uncovered  when  she  starts  to  have  dreams  of  Shadows  and  a  man  at  the  center  of  them.  An  elemental,  something  that  was  not  real  until  now.
 "The  prison  world  was  in  place  in  order  to  keep  him  safe.  They  just  know  him  as  the  Darkling.  400  years  ago,  the  Coven  locked  him  in  the  first  prison  world  and  that  type  of  magic  requires  a  sacrifice,  hence  the  Merge."  Combine  the  power  of  two  into  one,  enough  to  stable  the  nature  of  it  until  another  pair  of  twins  come  along  and  so  the  line  continues.  Perhaps  Kai  Parker  knew  about  this  and  his  desire  to  continue  the  Merge  with  Jo  was  justified.  Or  maybe  his  killing  attempt  on  the  twins  came  for  a  desire  to  free  the  man.  Either  way,  Lizzie  drops  the  book  on  the  table  before  Tristan,  as  she  speaks  of  her  findings.
 "I  thought  the  dreams  were  just  weird  but  dreams  are  barely  just  that  when  you  are  a  witch.  He  is  breaking  free,  if  not  already  out."  It  wouldn't  be  that  difficult,  there  isn't  that  many  prison  worlds  left,  they  are  there,  lingering,  crumbling.  "When  I  died,  the  lock  was  broken."
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pugionemarchive · 3 years
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@lordofthestrix​ ; ❛ You’ll let me have a taste? ❜ ((For Davina))
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                emerald  colored  eyes  gazed  up  at  the  vampire .  her  hand ,  reaching  to  move  her  hair  to  one  side  so  that  her  neck  was  completely  bare  for  him .  “ mmhmmm .  under  one  condition  though .  “  davina  replied .  “  don’t  drain  me .  i’d  rather  not  die --  again .  “  she  wasn’t  sure  why  she  trusted  the  man  but  she  did .  maybe  it was  his  charm  and  the  fact  that  he’s  been  polite  to  her  unlike  the  others .  
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h1rezzie · 2 years
@lordofthestrix asked: "Would you believe this may be somewhat outside my areas of mastery? I'm gifting you something used, to begin with. It would be within your rights to feel outraged already." Casual humor introduced the present.
At the very least the distinctive pocket watch didn't look used. Once a unique creation expertly crafted for him, it now gave the impression of an impossibly well preserved museum piece. Or perhaps a treasure robbed out of its proper time.
"A favorite of mine a number of centuries ago." Tristan found a measuring silence. As if for once he wasn't sure how to complete the sentence.
"The truth is I was more phantom than vampire back when I first encountered you. I like to assume I still recalled how to put on a proper performance but beneath it all this world was hollow to my eyes. Darkened and lifeless. Time had left me behind as it is the curse of some immortals. And then you..." He gazed in Lizzie's direction. Deeply. "And then you were you. And you both slowly and ferociously painted all shades back into the world. Until there were fireworks of refulgent colors I had never contemplated before. I suspect the reason why, in spite of your obvious lack of need for this watch considering the shining screen resting inside your pocket, I'm still choosing to give you a timepiece is that somehow, bewitchingly no doubt, time returned to me when I began counting the seconds separating your smiles. The increasingly agonizing silences that divided the opportunities to hear your voice." The gaze lingered still until the moment he finally relented. Mystified with himself.
"Some chocolate treats, as well. Far more of an obvious choice for today's celebration, are they not? " Tristan introduced a box of delicacies to accompany the pocket watch with casual amusement. As if calling attention away from the mysterious, uncharacteristic sides of him the self made Lizzie Parker Forbes was capable of awakening.
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Life   has   been   a   rollercoaster.   All   of   her   life,   Lizzie   had   felt   out   of   place,   even   with   her   own   family,   the   heretic   had   felt   out   of   place,   with   a   sister   who   seemed   to   resent   her,   a   father   who   pay   no   attention   to   her   and   a   mother   who   tries.   She   understands   it's   not   conventional.   All   the   more   reason   why   perhaps   the   most   unconventional   of   all,   was   her,   dating   a   vampire   as   old   as   time   itself   almost   and   who   has   a   view   of   the   world   she   could   never   reach,   not   yet   anyway.  
She   had   always   been   fascinated   by   the   way   he   speaks,   timely   yet   piercing,   her   hands   reaching   for   the   watch,   delicate   fingers   touching   even   more   delicate   heirloom.   "It's   gorgeous."   San   Valentine's   Day,   she   is   in   her   zone,   really,   always   loved   how   it   made   her   feel.   "What   is   a   girl   supposed   to   say   after   a   speech   like   that?"   A   little   choked   up,   Lizzie   tries   her   best   to   compose   herself,   a   smile   on   her   lips,   closing   fingers   over   his   own   and   the   watch.   "I   love   you   sounds   about   right."   The   heretic   proclaims   and   it   feels   right,   because   well,   she   does.   And   sure,   she   might   be   rushing   into   things   but   it   felt   just   about   right   for   a   long   time   now.
A   quiet   whisper   spell   is   enough   for   her   to   make   a   watch   appear   in   his   wrist,   somehow   her   present   combined   with   his   very   own.   "It   has   my   initials   on   it,   and   yours.   .   .its   enchanted,   you   just   think   of   the   person   you   want   to   know   about,   and   the   watch   will   tell   you   how   they   are."   it's   simple,   child's   play,   really.   But   she   thought   it   would   be   a   token   to   symbolize   her   trust,   now   that   she   was   sometimes   off   with   the   rebranding   of   the   coven.   "Tap   it   twice   and   I   will   appear   if   you   need   me."
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pugionemarchive · 3 years
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@lordofthestrix​ ; ❛ You didn’t think I could eat regular food? ❜ For Freya
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                  her  assumptions  about  vampires  continued  to  grow  wrong . the  werewolf  stared  at  him  ,  amused  honestly  as  she  reached  for  her  beer  to  take  a  swig  of  it .   “  i  really  didn’t .  “  the  werewolf  replied ,  eyes  remaining  on  the  vampire .  “  it’s  actually --  pretty  awesome .  does  it  work  though  like  it  would  on  mortals ?  “  she  couldn’t  help  but  ask  questions . she  was  full  of  them .   considering  she  didn’t  know  they  existed  until  she  moved to  new  orleans ,  she  truly  didn’t  know  a  single  thing  other  than  legends  and  books .  which  neither  did  justice   for  the  creatures . 
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pugionemarchive · 3 years
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@lordofthestrix​​ ; ❛ Sorry, I’ve never met an angel before. ❜ ((For Azrael))
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              she  remained  within  the  circle  that  was  used  to  summon  her .  eyes  wondering  from  the  witch  she  held  such  a  strong  glare  towards ,  and  onto  the  strix  leader  as  he  spoke .  head  tilted  ,  hands  moved  to  rest  at  her  hips  .  “  i  detect  a  sound  of  admiration  in   your  voice .  flattering .   and  now  you  have .  “  the  archangel  replied .   “  though --  we  do  tend  to  blend  in  with  society .  so  i’m  sure  at  one  point  in  your  long  life ,  you  have . “  eyes  adverted  downward  as  she  took  a  small  step forward .  practically  standing  on  the  edge  of  where  the  circle  was  drawn .  she  hated  this  being  trapped  nonsense .  completely  unethical  in  her  opinion  to  contain  something  such  as  herself .  if  they  wanted  questions  or  a  favor ,  they  could  have  done without  this  imprisonment .  
                           “  now  ,  i’m  a  very  busy  being --  why  don’t  we  cut  to  the  chase  and  you  tell  me  what  you  want  before  i  break  out  of  this  unnecessary  trap . “                       
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