#☾ ⟶ ❝ v : forever and forever and forever ❞
divescustos · 11 months
@mvndrvke / starter call.
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THE ONCE EMERALD GREEN LEATHER COVER had discoloured over the years, carted as it was from location to location. I didn't normally keep it close to hand – a single look had allowed me to memorise every single page, after all. But at least once a decade, I would take it out, and feel a sense of a connection with my past.
And I wanted to share it with Bella.
"Here," I murmured, handing it to her as I sat next to her on the bed that now took up such a chunk of my room. It was large, the pages thick even without what they held. The original leather tie had long disintegrated, and it seemed ready to fall open of its own accord. "It's a scrapbook my mother made. You've shared so much of your childhood with me, it seemed only fair I share what I can of mine."
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serpentandlily · 1 year
Untouchable III - Azriel x Reader
Untouchable - Azriel x Rhysand'sSister! Reader ✨
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you have always had feelings for Azriel, your court's spymaster. But after centuries of watching him pine after your own cousin, hoping he'd eventually move on, your wish came true. He moved on-with Elain, your brother's mate's middle sister. Unable to watch him fall in love with someone else again, you flee from Velaris, from him. But things are a lot more complicated than that - more complicated than you ever imagined.
Warnings: angst
a/n: Okay all your comments/reblogs have literally made me dieeee laughing. Y'all are so funny lmao. Hope you enjoy this one! I had lots of fun writing it <3
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI ➻❥ Part VII ➻❥ Part VIII ➻❥ Part IX ➻❥ Part X
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Part III
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The cool night breeze kissed the flesh exposed by your silk nightgown as you sat on the railing of your balcony, dangling your legs over the edge. You could faintly hear music and the sound of laughter as Velaris came alive around you. You blew a loose strand of hair out of your face as you gazed up at the bright moon glowing down on you in the night sky. 
“I need some advice right now, Mama,” you whispered into the night. “Everyone seems to be finding their place in this world but I…I don’t know where I belong or what I’m even here for. And everything has been falling apart recently and I could really, really, use one of your hugs right now.”
After the disastrous training session this morning, you had spent the rest of the day watching over Nyx. Being with him made you feel better. Your nephew was a reminder that there were more important things in your life than a certain shadowsinger and his crazy mood swings. 
But now Nyx was asleep and you were left alone with your thoughts once again. 
Azriel had been so rough with you today, so cruel. And your heart panged with the thought that he would never dare treat Elain, or even Mor, like that. You let out a sigh and drew one knee to your chest, resting your head against it. Would this heartache ever go away? Or were you cursed by the Mother to forever yearn for a male who would never want you? 
Somehow you could sense him before you even heard the flap of wings. A thud sounded behind you and the smell of night-chilled mist and cedar flooded your senses. His presence felt heavy and dark and you refused to turn around despite the way it put you on edge. 
Silence. Nothing but tense silence filled the air. If it wasn't for Azriel's looming presence behind you, you might've thought you imagined him coming. You waited a breath...then another. Still nothing. You felt him take a step closer to you; his shadows eased their way between your arms, over your shoulders, through your hair. You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck. 
Another moment went by and you couldn't take it anymore. You blew out a low breath. 
"I didn't snitch on you if that's what you're thinking," you scoffed, your gaze never straying from the moon. "You can blame that on Cass. So if my brother sent you here to apologize, save it."
Silence once more. Your grip on the edge of the stone railing tightened. Why wasn't he saying anything? Why did he come here? 
"Rhys didn't send me here." You almost jumped at the sound of his voice, your heartbeat rising. "In fact, your brother forbade me from seeking you out."
Yet here he was, going directly against his High Lord's orders. Your brows furrowed but you refused to turn around, refused to look at him. So much had changed between the two of you in the last twenty-four hours.
"So why are you here?"
"I hurt you." His voice was as dark as his shadows.
You glanced down at your bandaged hand. The image of his cold face as he struck down on you with his sword replayed in your mind. But you weren't sure which had hurt more. The slice down your palm or the words he had spat at you. 
"You did." 
"Y/n..." he whispered your name. You felt his hand ghost over your shoulder, as if he were about to touch you, but his touch never came. "I'm sorry. I was...I was angry and I took it out on you—”
"You weren't just angry, Az," you cut him off. "You were angry with me. Why? What did I do to earn your ire?"
You finally turned around and gasped as you caught sight of his face. He had a black eye, his left cheekbone was surrounded by black and purple bruises, and his bottom lip had been split open, though it looked to be already healing. His hair was tousled as if he had spent hours running his hand through it, some pieces hanging down his forehead. 
"I deserved it," he said, darkly as your eyes searched his face for any more injuries. You knew your brother had been behind them. "You've done nothing wrong. Like I said, I wasn't angry with you."
You let out another scoff and jumped down from the railing. The ground was cold against your bare feet as you brushed past Azriel and strode towards the glass doors leading to your bedroom. 
“Where are you going?”
You waved a dismissive hand in the air. “I refuse to entertain a conversation with you if you’re going to blatantly lie to me.”
“I’m not lying,” he ground out through his teeth. 
You whirled around, crossing your arms. “Then why did you say all those things to me? If you were just angry, why not let off steam by sparring with Cass like you always do? You targeted me.” 
“I didn’t mean any of the things I said, y/n.”
“You still said them.” 
“Fine,” he snarled. He stalked towards you looking like a fallen angel straight from Hell, wings and all. You couldn’t help but take a step back. “Do you want to know why I’m so angry, princess?”
You gasped as he pressed a large hand flat against your sternum and pushed you against the wall, holding you there. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. His expression was dark, his jaw clenched. 
“I’m angry because you let that undeserving, piece of shit male put his hands all over you,” he growled. “I'm angry you even let him look in your direction.”
You glared up at him. “Why should it even matter to you?”
“Because it does.” He slammed a hand against the wall beside your head causing your heart to pound in your chest. “It fucking does.”
“Why?” Your voice was a mere whisper. 
Azriel sucked in a breath, his head dropping into the crevice of your neck. You didn’t think your heart could beat any faster or you might possibly die. He splayed his hand out on your stomach, holding you in place. 
“Azriel?” you questioned, uncertain of what he was doing. He had never acted so erratic around you. You went to take a step forward but he slammed you back against the wall with the hand on your stomach. 
“Don’t,” he said through gritted teeth. “Don’t move.”
Your breath got caught in your throat. He trailed his nose up your throat column, barely brushing against the fragile skin. Butterflies erupted in your stomach at his touch, at his closeness to you. 
“Az,” you started, placing your hand on his chest. “What are you—”
You stopped talking as he laid his hand over your much smaller one. He closed his eyes, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “Don’t touch me.”
But his hand squeezed yours, keeping it in place. You were so confused—so utterly confused by his behavior. He pried your hand off his chest after a moment and you let your arm fall limp.  
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” His voice was so low, it sent a shiver down your spine. His hand gripped your hip so tightly, the fabric of your nightgown bunching in his fist. 
When his eyes opened again, he looked wild—feral. His hand slid up your waist, grazing the side of your breast, until it lingered on your throat. Heat started to coil inside of you. Fire burned a trail through your veins. You couldn’t find any words, your mind suddenly empty of every single thought except one.
Azriel took a deep inhale and you were certain he could smell your arousal. Your cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. But his pupils dilated at your scent, making his eyes look black, as the hand that was on the wall clenched so tightly, parts of the brick chipped off, clattering to the floor. His other hand moved up your throat to cup the side of your cheek, a scarred thumb brushing against your skin. 
You swallowed audibly, frozen in place. You could scent his own arousal, could feel it pressing against your stomach, as his hard body kept you as its prisoner. Your mouth parted in a gasp and his head dipped down, his nose brushing against yours. And then his lips hovered over yours and you held your breath. Your body screamed at you to do something, anything. But he had ordered you not to move, not to touch him.
Your heart nearly stopped as his lips feathered yours and you waited. Waited for him to make the final move, to press his lips against yours for real. To kiss you. Something that had only ever happened in your dreams. But instead, he let out a loud grunt of pain and pulled himself away from you so quickly, it felt like you had been slapped. 
You blinked up at him, disorientated. “A-Azriel?”
He let out a frustrated growl, running a hand through his hair, as his whole body seemed to tense. When he met your eyes, goosebumps covered your skin because of the darkness in his gaze. The hand at his side clenched in and out of a fist. Like he was restraining himself from something. 
You were shaking like a leaf, glad the wall could support you, otherwise you were sure you would’ve crumbled to the floor. You waited for him to speak, to say anything that might explain what the hell had just happened. But when he finally did, his words were like a spear to the heart.
“Do yourself a favor, princess, and stay the hell away from me.” The words came out in a snarl and his huge wings snapped out, casting a dark shadow over your form. Before you could even say anything, he launched himself into the air and disappeared into the dark night sky. 
The breath you hadn’t known you’d been holding in was expelled out of your lungs and you slid down the wall until you were on the floor, drawing your knees up to your chest. Your mind whirled as you tried to figure out what just happened. 
But hours later, when the sun began to crest over the horizon, you were still so lost. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
A few days passed by without you so much as catching a glimpse of Azriel. Apparently, your brother had sent him off on some mission, likely out of spite. Or perhaps even for your benefit. As much as you wanted to see him after that night on the balcony, his absence gave you time to think about what you wanted or needed to do. 
Ultimately, you decided the next time you came across him alone, you would force him to talk to you, to tell you what the hell that night was about. It was only fair. You deserved an explanation after all. He had treated you like shit, then came to you and nearly kissed you, before disappearing. And his words had been ringing in your head every single night.
Do yourself a favor, princess, and stay the hell away from me.
They made no sense to you. It had seemed like he wanted you that night, judging by the arousal you had scented, the feel of him against you. And you knew he could tell you wanted him too. So why would you be doing either of you any favors from staying away from him? It made no Godsdamn sense and you needed an answer to his cryptic words. So you would demand it of him the next time he came around. 
You stretched your legs out on the couch, yawning as you placed a bookmark to keep your place in the novel you were in the middle of reading, and snapped it closed. It had been a long day of taking care of Nyx while Rhys and Feyre had to attend to some courtly duties. The house had been noticeably vacant today, just the two wraith twins occasionally floating in to check on you and baby Nyx. 
Normally Elain was around to keep you company on days like this but even she had run off somewhere for the day. You had just started to get up, ready to retire to your bed, when the front door slammed open. You jumped at the noise, whirling towards the foyer. Rhys and Feyre weren’t due back until tomorrow morning, so who else could it—
Elain stumbled into view, followed by Azriel. Both hadn’t even noticed your presence as they kissed wildly, bumping against the walls as they moved inside. The scent of Elain’s arousal flooded the room and you choked on the scent causing them to break apart in surprise. 
Your stomach sank at their appearance. The top buttons of Azriel’s shirt were undone, exposing some of the tattoos on his chest. Elain’s hair was in disarray, her lips swollen, as if they had been up to this for a while now.  Well, that explained why Elain had been gone all day. 
You stared at them with wide eyes as hurt slammed its way into you. Azriel had returned from his mission. He had returned and had sought out Elain. Hadn’t even thought to come to you to maybe give you some explanation of that night. You were probably the last thing on his mind right now anyways, that much was clear. 
“Oh my Gods,” Elain exclaimed, placing a hand to her chest. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I knew Feyre and Rhys would be gone and assumed you’d be in bed by now.” 
Azriel said nothing, only stared at you with a cold, unfeeling look. You felt your breath shallow out, your nerves causing your hands to shake. You wanted to scream, wanted to vomit, to cry. But you did nothing. Just mustered up a small smile and muttered, “It’s okay.”
Elain went to say something else but Azriel grabbed her hand and leaned down to whisper in her ear, holding eye contact with you the entire time. “Come on, let’s go.”
He smirked as she blushed red and you could do nothing but just stare and stare at him. You didn’t move an inch as he pulled her away and up the stairs, Elain giggling the entire time. You didn’t move even after you heard her bedroom door slam close. 
You thought there was no way he could’ve hurt you more, but you had clearly underestimated him. How could he? How could he…act like that with you and then just carry on as if nothing happened? How could he just carry on with another girl after that charged night? You hand clenched the book you were holding as you struggled through your feelings. 
Your already broken heart somehow found even more ways to tear itself apart. But unlike months ago when you had caught them in the same predicament and cried all through the night and eventually fled from Velaris, no tears came this time. No tears at all. Instead white hot anger burned through you instead. 
You were tired of being captive to your own feelings. Tired of letting the stupid shadowsinger have so much power over you. You were so unbelievably tired of being constantly hurt by him. You couldn’t even use the excuse that he had no idea what he was doing to you when he had just made it so clear he did.
Your jaw tightened and you gave yourself over to the rage you felt. He had told you to stay away from him. So you would. But you sure as hell were about to make it impossibly hard for him to stay away from you. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The next two days, you did exactly that. You ignored Azriel entirely. Didn’t so much as look in his direction. At training each morning with the Valkyries, you made sure to have a sparring partner ready to go before he could even open his mouth and demand you train with him. You didn’t greet him, only hugged Cassian good-bye each day, and pretended you didn’t hear him when he would call out your name. 
Meanwhile, you had spent your time in heated negotiations with your brother. You were ready to carve a place out for yourself in this court and after many discussions with him, Feyre and Mor, you three had reached a compromise. A certain letter that came from the continent had helped you plead your case. 
And that is why when Rhys stood up at family dinner, clearing his throat to get everyone’s attention, you knew exactly what he was going to announce. You kept your hands folded in your lap, your shoulders held back, and your body angled away from the end of the table where the shadowsinger sat. 
“Another announcement in a week?” Cassian laughed. “Don’t tell me Feyre’s having twins!”
Everyone chuckled as Nesta slapped him on the back of his head. He only grinned at his mate, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. You smiled at their interaction despite the envy that crept its way into your head. Oh how you wished for that kind of love. Perhaps one day you would find your own mate and forget about the shadowsinger entirely. 
“Gods no,” Feyre chuckled from beside Rhys who conjured a piece of parchment in his hand. “We come with some news from the continent.” 
“I received some correspondence from Prince Cedric,” Rhys explained. “The King of Vallahan’s first born son and Heir to the Throne.” 
“Go on, read it to them,” Mor said with a giddiness that caused you to smile. 
Rhys read from the letter out loud:
To High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand,
I am writing to you because I have had the pleasure of spending the past month in the company of your lovely sister, y/n. I must admit, your sister has charmed my heart with her kindness, grace, wit and loyalty to your court. We know very little of Prythian’s courts here on the continent, but if your sister is a shining example of your citizens, I must admit, I am all the more curious about your court. As you might know, I am next in line for the Crown and my time may be coming soon.
In a world dictated by power, alliances between territories have allowed for stability and peace. When my time to wear the crown comes, I would like it to also come with the forging of two strong realms. With the utmost sincerity and goodwill, I believe a union between our territories through marriage would not only reward me with a beautiful bride, but prosperity and peace between our people. I assure you, High Lord, that I will propose with sincere commitment to your sister, to give her a life filled with love and respect as my future Queen. 
I understand that this is not a decision that will be made without proper communications, so I am prepared to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter further. I hope you consider my request and I will remain with anticipation until you reach out.
Sincerely yours,
Prince Cedric of Vallahan
Heir to the Throne
A fork dropped on the table somewhere behind you and the room was silent for a moment before Cassian let out a loud whistle. “Holy shit, y/n!”
Mor cackled, reaching over the table to give you a high five. “That’s right, our girl bagged herself a Prince.” 
Your cheeks turned a bit pink at the attention. To be honest, you had no idea that Prince Cedric had been captured by you. It wasn’t like you engaged in any romantic courting or even so much as touched each other's hands. But your mere personality had won him over. Too bad he just wasn’t the male your heart had set its course on. 
“Not just a Prince, girl,” Amren chimed in. “A future King.” 
You could feel a heavy gaze settle on you from the other side of the table but refused to look that way. 
“And what about you, y/n?” Nesta asked. “Did the Prince win over your heart as well?” 
“I must admit, the letter came as quite a surprise to me,” you answered honestly.
“To me, as well,” Mor jumped in. “I mean, it’s not like they spent much time together outside of the formal dinners and parties we attended while there. Unless, of course, you snuck off with him while I wasn’t watching, you naughty wench.” 
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I assure you, I was a proper lady during our time at the King’s Cross.” 
“You certainly weren’t a proper lady during our time in Nysa,” Mor mumbled under her breath with a smirk. You kicked her under the table with a glare. 
You couldn’t stop yourself from glancing at Azriel this time. He was already staring at you, his jaw set, his fist clenched around the stem of his wine glass. You could’ve sworn a bit of jealousy shined in his eyes. You quickly looked away, not wishing to show him you even cared about his reaction, though you did. 
“Well, as fun as this is,” Cassian said. “There’s no way you’d marry off your sister to go live in another territory. Right, Rhys?” 
Rhys looked inclined to agree but Feyre nudged him in the gut with her elbow. “If that is what she wishes, she will always have my blessing. It is her choice, of course. But a marriage is not the announcement I planned on making today. I merely read this letter to you all to show you how successful y/n has been as a representative of our court. And because of that, we have officially decided to not only give her the title of Emissary, but she is also going to take over Mor’s position in the Court of Nightmares since Mor has had her hands full with negotiations on the continent.” 
“It's about time you let your sister prove herself as a valuable member of this court,” Amren said, the closest thing you’d ever get as a congratulations. She did give you a small smirk, pride shining in her silver eyes. 
“She has always been a valuable member,” Cassian snided but smiled at you regardless. “If this is what you want, y/n, then congratulations! I’m glad I’ve taught you all the ways to kick ass, especially if you’re now going to be spending more time in Hewn City.” 
You laughed but gave him your thanks. Feyre proposed a toast for you and you couldn’t keep the smile off your face for the rest of the night as they planned for announcing the shift in leadership to Hewn City. You had already bought your dress for the occasion, ready to make the shadowsinger eat his heart out. You even felt a bit vindicated as a certain male decided to spend the rest of his own night brooding in his shadows. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Azriel tossed and turned in his bed, unable to sleep. Both his mind and his shadows seemed to be in a permanent state of chaos ever since dinner. He couldn’t get the image of you smiling as Rhys read the Prince’s letter out of his mind. He had never considered the possibility of you leaving this court, had never thought Rhys would ever allow that. 
He threw his sheets off, standing up and prowling towards the floor length mirror in the corner of his room. His eyes fell on the skin above his hip, on the small tattoo of Illyrian wings with a sword going straight through the middle of them. 
He wished he could take truth-teller and slice that bit of skin right off his body. But even with its absence, the burden of it would never disappear. He let out a curse, pure rage racing through him. How could he have known things would turn out this way? How could he have known how much pain that tiny tattoo would eventually bring him?
His fist shot out, punching straight through the mirror. He was so angry he didn’t even feel the pain of the tiny shards of glass piercing his scarred flesh. Gods, this was all so fucked up. So incredibly fucked up. 
His heart pounded as he thought about how you had felt pressed against him that night on your balcony. How your scent had driven him crazy. How stunning you had looked under the moonlight in that tiny nightgown. The Princess of Night was an accurate title for you and all your beauty. 
He fell on his knees, the broken shards of glass crunching under his weight, letting the blood from his hand drip down on the floor. No pain would ever compare to the one he felt now. The pain of craving you. Craving the touch of your skin, the taste of your tongue, the moans he could drag from that pretty little mouth. 
And Gods, the way you had looked at him. He had almost caved. Had almost decided to burn it all to the ground for one chance to taste you, feel you, claim you. But he couldn’t. So he went back to doing what he always had–keeping you at a distance. It hurt to do so, even more so whenever he saw how much it hurt you, but it was better this way. You needed to move on, needed to look for love elsewhere. 
Life had always been unfair to him but this, this was quite possibly the worst of it. For he knew he would always yearn for you, crave you, love you—but only ever from a distance. Because for him, you…you had been made untouchable. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Tag List: @kalulakunundrum @going-through-shit @thelov3lybookworm @tinystarfishgalaxy @cat-or-kitten @abysshaven @vhjlucky13 @polli05927 @nightcourtwritings @wicked-mind @mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @nightless @a-frog-with-a-laptop @woodland-mist @tothestarsandwhateverend @lizziesfirstwife @e-dollly @hyemishii @pricklepearbloom @whyonearthisyourusernamethi-blog @bookishbroadwaybish @pinkangelskies @naturakaashi @sofietargaryen @minakay @alexboshallex @amysangel @i-am-infinite @furiousbooklover @glitterypirateduck @valencia-rou @pinkcowracing @marvelpotter @kennedy-brooke @stupidwingboy @foreverrandomwritings
*If you asked to be added to the taglist and don't see your username, it's because it wouldn't let me tag you for some reason :(
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rinhaler · 9 months
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And a LU$T 4 LIF€ keeps us alive
✧˖*°࿐: 18+ only, no minors.  ✧. ┊  ex fiancé!rin itoshi x f!reader
☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ SYNOPSIS : It's only been a few months since you broke things off with your ex fiancé, but you haven't broken things off with his family! You aren't sure what to do when Sae invites you to spend the holidays with him and his friends at his family's cabin. But it might be okay, as long as Rin doesn't turn up...
⛧ GENRE : hallmark christmas au, angst, exes to lovers! ++ smut! ♡
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18+, alchol consumption, mentions of a breakup.
words: 1k
18+, alcohol mention.
words: 4k
18+, alcohol consumption, oui'd smoking, shotgunning, lots of flirting, sex talk/discussions, squirting mention, dry humping?? (grinding while dancing), rejection, pet names (baby, princess).
words: 8.6k
18+, alcohol consumption, hate sex? + love making, dry humping, mutual pining, no prep, vaginal sex, premature ejaculation, creampie, fingering, oral, mattress humping, tit sucking, multiple rounds?, overstimulation, squirting, choking, praise, dacryphilia, pet names (princess, baby).
words: 12.2k
18+, vaginal sex, exhibitionism, slight choking, spanking, slight overstim, slight oral (m receiving), near death experience?, arguing, blood/nosebleed, slight violence.
words: 6.1k
18+, alcohol consumption.
words: 2.6k
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© 2023 rinhaler
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771 notes · View notes
kitkathatesu · 5 months
Got My Baby Cryin’
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Bo Sinclair x Fem!reader + mentions of Vincent
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓?: ✔️ @whatitshouldvebeen hope you like it pookie, sorry it took so long😗
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆: NSFW❗️SMUT❗️dub/non-con, (DON’T READ THIS IF THAT IS A TRIGGER FOR YOU) ❕MDNI❕Use of degradation & praise, (mostly degradation sorry) mentions of blood & violence, pet names, canon!Bo, Stockholm Syndrome type situation, sub!reader, possesive!Bo, Dacryphilia, fingering (f receiving), p in v, spit play, hatefucking
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: Vincent decides to use you as his “muse” for a new wax figure in the Museum, and though it may be a sweet gesture to you Bo doesn’t think so. Not at all, and it’s obviously your fault. So who better to punish than you?
You’re in the kitchen cleaning up after a night of blood pools and broken glass. One of the tourists who’d decided Ambrose was a cozy spot to fill his tank found out rather fast that it comes at a cost. His life being the payment.
Vincent’s sitting across the room from you at the table, his one blue eye seemingly studying your movements with a slight tilt of his head. His fingers toying one of his many sculpting tools between them, gaze burning into you. The silence deafening while you sit there on your knees, crimson spattered rag in hand scrubbing the creaky floorboards.
“You wanna take a picture Vince?” You snicker. Glancing up to catch his reaction but he’s stood upright now just inches away from your kneeling figure. “Goddamn!” You gasp, your hand pressed tightly to your chest.
“Didn’t even give me a chance to breathe! You’re seriously the fastest fucker I believe I’ve ever met.” You squeak playfully, Vincent’s grunt of approval making you giggle.
You’ve grown quite close to all three Brother’s, Lester a little less than Vincent but Bo more than either of them. And he makes sure the others know just how 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚 you are. Your desperate cries for benevolence etched into the walls from the night he caught you lingering around longer than you should’ve. The scars he left then now littering your body and mind for as long as you can remember.
Your eyes fixated back to the task at hand. Fingers beginning to ache at how hard you’ve peeled the desaturated blood off the floor, you can’t help but wonder how many more will seep away to nothing more than a stain in the rotting wood beneath you. You shake your head, the thought rattling around for a moment but dissipating shortly after.
“Hey Vince, care to grab me another rag? This one’s about to start ripping at the seams-“
You practically choke on your words at the sight of Vince now knelt down in front of you, his smooth hand caressing the flush that’s crept onto your cheek. His thumb gently tracing the lines that are naturally imprinted into your skin as you sit there frozen.
Dumbfounded, you reach up and place your hand atop his. Searching for an answer internally and externally, 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜? Hopefully nowhere close to what you suspect considering his hobbies.
“Uh, Vince?” You ask softly, a lump formed so tight in your throat that you feel like you’re suffocating. He just stares back at you like every word you’ve spoke has fell upon deaf ears.
He signs “You’re lovely. Would take forever to sculpt such a pretty thing.” His demeanor flashing something more than just curiosity causing your jaw to tighten.
“Could use some practice if you’d care to pose for me. Be the perfect muse.”
He continued on, only increasing the gnawing anxiety in your gut. Among the flustered butterflies smacking against your rib cage. You knew Bo would be pissed if he ever caught wind of this, hearing or let alone walking in and seeing it for himself.
“Vince..” You pause. Your eyes flickering to the right, then the left. 𝙊𝙝 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙩.
Bo’s face is contorted with anger as his slanted figure stands positioned against the doorframe pulling you back to reality. You hurriedly push yourself off the floor, Vince scurrying backwards as Bo chuckles to himself. His presence unabated as it fills the room.
“Well, what’do we have here?” He mocks. Glaring at Vince first, then turning his half lidded eyes to meet yours, shooting daggers right through your chest.
Your heart pounds. His pupils are swallowing his irises whole. Used to he could disguise that look pretty well, but you’ve grown all to accustomed to the predator that’s always preying on you. The man who’s marked you in more ways than one that’ll last a lifetime.
“Bo, I can explain-“ You stammer. Voice barely amounting to a whisper but it’s silenced completely as Bo cuts you off.
“Shut the fuck up.” Bo barks, his voice gruff and threatening as he points a finger to you, daring a word to fall from your lips as he lunges at Vincent. Making him stumble back against the wall, his head hitting first as Bo’s hands clutch his shoulders to stand him still.
“You wanna explain yer’self?” Bo grumbled. “Or do I gotta beat it outta you first?” His fingers grip the fabric of his Brothers sweater, pulling him forward then ramming him back into the wall with a loud thud.
A muffled wince of pain strains behind Vincent’s mask, he raises his hands in reticence. Trying to deescalate the situation.
“Didn’t mean nothing by it. Only using her as means to create better, more realistic figures.” He signs. His one eye searching Bo’s for some sort of understanding, but all he gets is a sneer. Bo’s lip curling up into a cocky smirk as he drops Vincent’s shoulders.
“That so?” He snorts. “We both know that’s a lie. You’d be on’er like flies on shit if I’d let cha’ ya fuckin’ pest. Now git. I said git!”
Vincent storms out of the room and Bo runs a grease covered hand through his hair, a sadistic cackle bouncing off the walls as he turns around to find you cowered in the corner. Your eyes wide with fear as he saunters over.
“Awh, sweetheart. What’sa matter?” He taunts. Bending down in front of you, his cologne and the smell of whiskey flooding your senses. You try to find the words to say but they’re stuck. You’re stuck, you can barely think straight.
“I asked ya a fuckin’ question.” He snarls. His calloused hand claws at your jaw, his fingers digging into the fat of your cheeks roughly pinching your lips into a pout.
“I’m sorry- I just, I can’t..” You trail off, voice shaky as Bo’s hot breath fans over your face. His hand pulls you closer to him by the grip on your cheeks, a choked back whimper crackling in your throat.
“Can’t what?” He asked softly. His tone condescending but dripping with that honeysuckle Southern drawl that makes you weak in the knees.
Bo’s sharp tongue darts out to wet his lips and your eyes follow its movement. Nothing ever goes unnoticed when it comes to you like a cat with a mouse, he’ll let you think it’s safe to stray away and as soon as you do he’ll pounce and sink his teeth in without warning.
He taps your lower jaw with his fingertips. Your eyes squeezing shut as he leans in, his nose gently brushing against yours.
“Cat got yer’ tongue? Or you jus’ too busy thinkin’ bout Vince ta’ spit out an answer.” He tsks. Tongue clicking against his teeth as he jerks you upwards. His hand now snaked around your neck. Your feet slightly coming up off of floor. “Look at me when I’m talkin’ to you girl. Don’t get all shy now.”
You cough against the rigidity of his fingers delving into the sides of your throat, your eyes popping open and heartbeat thrumming in your ears, his lips now hovering above yours. You clasp your hand around his wrist as he peers down at your unnerved expression. A smug grin plastered on his pretty face.
“Bo- Fuck, please just stop.” You pant, each breath you take shorter and shallower than the next. A low sigh pulling from your lungs as he closes his hand tighter around windpipe. You swear you could hear it crunching.
“Don’t think I will darlin.’ As a matter’a fact, think I’ll do whatever I damn well please.”
Your eyes flicker up to meet his, staring up at him through heavy lashes as your peripherals cloud with hazy darkness. A subtle pulsing between your legs causing you to shift, embarrassment bubbling up and spilling over as your body reacts to him, knowing it’ll only betray you further if you fight.
“You’ve been misbehavin’ a lot these past couple days sugar.” He purrs against the side of your face. His free hand coming up to grapple the dip in your waist causing your thighs to squeeze together a little too fast. Bo chuckles through gritted teeth.
“Think it’s time ta’ remind ya what happens when I let ya off yer’ leash. Since you’ve bitten off a bit more than you can chew.”
“I’ve not done anything, was just trying to clean. Honest.” You bleat. Tears trickling down your face. The thought of what he’s planning on doing to you raiding your already tattered mind. “Please- Don’t hurt me.”
Your lower lip quivers as his eyes glaze over you, your cheeks flushed a deep red and chest heaving. Awaiting your punishment as he stands there menacingly.
You can’t help but gawk at him. He’s got such pretty eyes, and his hands are so experienced yet 𝙨𝙤 deadly. Who could 𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙮 resist? You’re acclimated to this place, this man. You have nothing left to lose and nothing more to gain.
“S’a shame ya gotta be so desperate when I’m not around. Can’t leave ya alone for a second without you missin’ havin’ one in ya.” He slurs, his jaw tightening as he pushes his lips against the shell of your ear. Tongue tracing it lightly causing your body to shudder.
“My Brother can’t fuck you as good as I can”, He husked. “And I’ll be damned if I sit back and watch him try. ‘Specially when yer’ eager to please.” That snarky smile forming against your skin. “Nothin’ but a fuckin’ whore.”
Your heart is hammering. Legs wobbly, you’re lightheaded and on the brink of passing out as his fingers dance against your pulse points. But a piercing shot of air fills your lungs suddenly causing you to sputter and choke as he releases you. Your feet plant flat on the ground, a shaky hand frantically lacing itself around the handprint that now sits like a necklace on your throat. His hands fall at his sides with a huff as he tucks them into his pockets.
“I don’t think of Vince that way!” You yell at him, your voice broken and dry in your throat. Bo’s brooding facial features making your skin crawl as he rakes over your unsteady figure. “Yeah?” He belts out. His head dropping down and back up with a wolfish grin. “Bet yer’ soakin’ wet right now.”
Your stomach drops and your legs nearly give out. You 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 if he was to reach his hand between your legs and touch you right now his fingers would be drenched.
Bo inhales deeply through his nose. Letting out a long, breathless, sigh. “I can smell you. Ye’ ain’t hidin’ nothin’ from me.” He uttered. A deep growl rumbling in his chest as one of his hands fists your hair, gripping it hard between his fingers as the weight of his body is now flush against yours.
“Every. Fuckin’. INCH of this body is mine.” Bo snarled. His breathing loud and rugged, fuming with whiskey and desire. His grip on your hair stiff as a board, your scalp stinging from the force of him holding your head back.
“Bo- Bo, I’m sorry please? I’m yours, only yours.” You plead. Tears sliding off of your cheeks. The salty streams glistening down your neck and chest, staining your sternum. What a mess you are already. 𝙋𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜.
Bo’s jaw cocks open like a boa constrictor and his tongue drags a long hot stripe up your jugular, catching your fear on his tongue. A groan seeping out of his mouth like blood from an open wound. Your teary eyes and battered body only making his already hardened cock strain against his zipper.
“That tight lil cunt between yer’ legs belongs ta’ me too. Ain’t that right honey?” He cooed. “So pretty when you cry’fer me like that.”
𝙁𝙪𝙘𝙠. He’s got you. He has you right where he wants you, where he always has you. Right on the edge of insanity and serendipity. You break pathetically at the slip of his knee between your legs, his muscular thigh pushing up into your core. The friction of his jeans alone makes you whine but it’s effortlessly snuffed out as Bo’s lips crash against your own.
Your head is fuzzy and your limbs are numb like venoms slithered beneath your skin through his saliva. Disintegrating you from the inside out as your lips move on their own accord.
“Yes Daddy.”
“You’re disgusting ain’tcha?” His eyes blown wide with lust and his hands full of rage he yanks you by your hair with one swift motion turning you around.
Your back arches and your face slams against the wall. The taste of copper filling your mouth is bittersweet as Bo’s free hand slides up the back of your thigh, your ass pushing back against it as his fingers hook into the fabric of your shorts pulling them to the side. Your body shifting at the chills that rip their way up your spine. 𝙍𝙪𝙣 𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙞𝙩 𝙧𝙪𝙣, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙛𝙖𝙧.
“Look at that.” Bo panted, watching the arousal that’s bubbled and weeped out from your core spread and string to the outside of your lips with each buck of your hips.
“Fuckin’ pathetic ain’t it? Gettin’ all hot’n bothered by someone who kills for a livin’?” He chided, his middle finger swiping through your folds in a downwards motion grazing your clit. “Y’should be ashamed of yourself girl.”
𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚. You should be fighting this, fighting him. Running as far as your tired body could carry you, but no. Instead a moan rolls off of your blood slathed tongue earning the tip of Bo’s ring finger circling the edges of your entrance. “Please?”
“Please what?” Bo asked well aware of the answer. His one digit quickly turning into two as he pushed them inside you down to the second knuckle. Angling them upwards, rubbing against that spongy spot that has you speaking his name like a prayer worthy of an altar.
You squeaked in response. Hips plummeting backwards to plunge them as deep as they’ll go, your walls fluttering around them. 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙛, 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙛, 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙛.
“Ah ah!” He scolds. “Who the fuck told ya ta’move huh?” You pout as your desperate attempt to give yourself what you didn’t ask for comes to a halt. Bo’s left hand vigorously rips itself from your scalp, scraping his jagged nails down your spine as he traces the vertebrae, a bruising grip now glueing you in place.
“Dirty fuckin’ slut”, he groans. “Fuckin’ yer’self with my fingers like a bitch in heat.” You revel in the disgusting sounds of your juices splashing onto his wrist as his fingers twist inside you. His voice cracking you open and leaving you helpless. The pleasure that’s jolting through you lights you on fire, your legs trembling and your stomach tightening. Unable to fight the biting urge to be filled to the brim with him.
“Oh my God- I want your cock. Need it.” You babble, almost incoherently as your moans turn into sobs. Bo hums low in his throat adding a third finger and you clench hard. The agonizingly slow stretch of your walls making you mewl. “That’s right sweet girl. Let me hear ya beg proper.” He licked his lips and spit a wad of saliva onto your cunt. Pulling his fingers out to smack through your folds harshly, eliciting a string of curses to fall from your swollen lips.
Your legs buckle as your knees go to give out but Bo catches you by your hips. Your head starts to spin as the sound of his zipper sparks every nerve, every fiber of your being. You tilt your head back to catch a glimpse of him, his eyes lock onto yours and his eyebrows knit together. “Fuck ya lookin’ at me for?”
Your jaw quivers with adrenaline as your head is slammed into the wall once more. Fingers digging into the supple flesh of your love handle, his cock now pressed firmly against your pussy from underneath. The tip grinding against your clit with ease as he collects your juices by rocking his hips back and forth slowly.
“I know why”, he rasped. “Cause yer’ a cock hungry whore. Ain’t that right sugar?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Whad’ya want?”
“Want- I want..” You stutter and before you can even think a loud, pornographic, moan echoes out of your lungs as he pushes himself inside you with one deep thrust. Your walls clenching as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix, the pain and pleasure sending you into a frenzy. “Oh- Oh my fucking GOD! Bo, Bo, please!”
You could cum right here but you know better. You know the fullness you feel right now will cease and the emptiness that gnaws at the back of your skull will replace it instead.
“Ah fuck, that’s right honey. I’ll be yer’ God.” 𝙎𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙪𝙡, 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣, 𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙢𝙮. “Pussies s’fuckin’ tight baby.” Bo groans and your head starts to pound. His fingernails biting at the skin on your hipbone as he picks up a relentless pace, your ass bouncing off of his hips deliciously with each thrust. Face repeatedly scraping against the withering wood pricking the rosy parts of your cheeks leaving them hot and raw.
He reaches his hand to your mouth and you open. Tongue darting out to wrap around his fingers but he jolts his hips upwards and you cry out. His middle finger hooking into the side of your jaw, stretching your mouth out as he fucks you stupid. “Fuck, fuck-“ Your eyes flutter shut as fresh tears fall and he wipes one off with his thumb. The taste of his skin setting your twisted desire for him into overdrive and your stomach churns as the familiar coil starts to tighten and thrash through you.
“No use in cryin’ bitch”, he growled. His balls slapping against your clit and his head now resting in the crook of your neck from behind, his canines scraping your pulse that vibrates against his lips. “Wasn’t sad when Vince was on his knees droolin’ all over ya, or when he touched you. Ya’ fuckin’ liked it.”
Your pussy throbs and your hands grab at the wall in front of you helplessly. Nails chipping and teeth baring as he pounds into you. You’re not going to last much longer. 𝙃𝙤𝙬 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪?
“No. No, no-“ You sob and he rips his fingers from your lips roughly, slathering your own saliva all over your face. Clasping his big hand over your mouth and nose, your eyes roll back and your cunt coats his cock in spurts as he slams his hips into you. 𝙄𝙣, 𝙤𝙪𝙩. 𝙄𝙣, 𝙤𝙪𝙩. Hard and deep strokes till your body goes limp and your moans turn to mush in your brain.
“Shut yer’ fuckin’ mouth cunt. Open up wide for me. 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙝 just like that.”
Bo almost whines as his thrusts become sloppy and your juices drip down his thighs. His own orgasm picking him to pieces as your pussy sucks him in so eagerly. Regardless if you want it, he knows you can’t deny him. You 𝙬𝙤𝙣'𝙩 deny him. You’re his and 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 his and he’ll make sure you never forget it. If he has to shatter every sliver of hope that you cling too by God he will. And you’ll beg him for more each time.
“S’good for me when ya’ wanna be darlin’,” he cooed. Making your heart sink and your body ache to be anywhere but here in this moment though you yearn for it when he’s not looking. Fucking stupid fuck.
He kicks your legs open farther with the toes of his boot thudding against your ankle. Almost knocking you off balance as he jerks you back into him, you can feel his cock pulsating as he finally paints your walls white with his cum. Your body basically lifeless as he ruts inside you, mumbling curses and sweet nothings into your ear. And no matter how much you plead with yourself to remember who he is, the invisible noose he has tied around your neck reminds you who you belong too. Who you’ll 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 belong to. You’re swallowed whole.
Bo pulls out and immediately tucks himself back into his boxers as you stand there with his spend dripping out of you and onto the floor, inner thighs slick with a disgusting mixture of your cum and his. “Get cleaned up”, he grumbled. Throwing a random dirt tinged rag onto the floor in front of you.
“Want yer’ ass back in the kitchen in 5 or I might have ta’ get Vince back in here. Show him how a real man takes care of what’s his.”
With a wink and a satisfied grin Bo disappears into another part of the house. Leaving you in the same way he found you. Weak at the knees and starving for something to heal the wounds you mindlessly reopen every time he’s around.
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sheisjoeschateau · 7 months
misha's masterlists
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Hi, I'm Misha. Thank you for diving into my stories and supporting my writing :)
My fanfics [+this blog] are dedicated to Steve Harrington. All fanfic series, one-shots, blurbs, etc. listed below are written by me. Do not repost or share anywhere without proper credit. Thank you.
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"Oh, so we DO love Steve..."
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
[Part IX - blurb] | [Part IX - full]
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"You're there. You've always been there."
Steve Harrington x OC!fem!reader Childhood friends to lovers. Sloooowburn. Angst. Romance. Smut with plot. Action. Told from second-person view, reader is Nicole (character from S1), different POV, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, pre-S1-S4, eventual post-S4 universe.
Summary: Steve Harrington was six years old when he met you: Nicole St. James, the girl who carries the other half of him. Since 1972, the two of you have been inseparably tethered by the soul. You give Steve a home in his big house with no parents, and he gives your introverted heart a longing for someone. The King of Hawkins High and princess of this small town, you tell each other absolutely everything...except that you are in love with each other.
Everything changes that one afternoon at school, when you catch the school's social outcast -- Jonathan Buyers -- has been stalking Steve, his posse and his girl, Nancy. Little do you both know, the monsters in your favorite fairytales are real. And you're both going to have to fight them together.
You both share the best days and worst days, through childhood and teen years, until you both find yourselves roped into the perils that exist beneath your feet in Hawkins.
But through it all, despite all the doubt, Steve knows one thing: you're there. You've always been there.
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"At the Chateau, We'll Be Alright."
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers x fem!reader A crossover au inspired by Saltburn and Call Me by Your Name. Additional Inso from Joe's theater performance as in Spring Awakening. Song Inso: "Chateau" by Djo
Strangers to best friends to lovers. Slowburn. Angst. Romance, with polyamory themes and schemes. Smut with hella plot.
[MULTI-PART SERIES] COMING SOON. Click here for a preview.
Summary: The reader lives with her parents at a fancy chateau, in France.  This year, her father offers their home as a housing sanctuary to a select student or graduate.  He decides to invite two graduate students to live with their family over the summer, coming from different working class backgrounds, and help with their academic paperwork as a professor of archaeology.
Steve Harrington: a rich kid from a swanky boarding school with a bad boy reputation and too much charm for his own good.  Surprisingly, his grades say otherwise.  A’s and B’s, his parents claim that is seeking one-on-one tutoring so that he can progress in his studies — but it sounds more like an excuse to ship him off for longer periods of time, giving them an out for having their son around during the summer.  The pretty boy’s all about ladies…but that’s only because he hasn’t met a boy who awakens his bisexuality.  Yet.
Jonathan Byers: a kid from the lower working class, excelling in his studies and AP programs at the same boarding school as Steve which he only got into because of community sponsorship and grants.  Quiet wallflower, little to no friends, a bit cynical.  A closeted gay, he’s more determined to stick with being perceived as “ace” than come out of the closet.  Until he goes to stay at a chateau with a handsome boy, and a beautiful girl who understands him.
Twists, turns and terrifying risks, you all put your hearts on the line that summer at the Chateau. Add the reader's cousin Eddie into the mix, along with her best friend Robin, Steve's ex-girlfriend Nancy, Jonathan's estranged mother and your progressive parents alongside Steve's absent parents -- it's a cruel summer.
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jasmines-library · 6 months
What do you think about a Batfam x Supernatural crossover??? Like, Reader is Dean's twin, and Sam's older sister, but she can't take the boys' nonsense anymore (like the pranks in the first season) and goes out to hunt a nest of vampires alone, only in Gotham, Batman V and confronts her, she even runs away but is caught, so she tells the truth, he takes her to the mansion and everyone is extremely shocked that these creatures are real (including Bruce) but there is no way to deny the facts!! And meanwhile the boys are freaking out because their badass sister is missing and they're looking for her like crazy?
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Note: (how strange, someone requested something very similar: anonymous also requested here.
Warnings: Swearing, blood and gore but not descriptive.
Word Count: 1.9k
You had finally had enough. You just couldn’t take it anymore. The constant bickering and blame passing, the constant nights spent laying awake blaming yourselves when another got hurt…you were sick of it. 
It was in the very early hours of the morning that you slipped out the door, with a handful of your belongings stuffed into a bag. It’s not like you had planned to ;eave forever..you just needed to get away for a little while. To take a breath of fresh air. You had found a hunt a few states over; a nest of vampires which should be simple enough. 
You made your way to the bus station about 10 minutes before your bus was supposed to leave. It was just a short walk from the motel. You had considered taking a car or hitching a ride with someone, but you knew that Sam and Dean would be able to track you much easier if you did that. So, you opted to take a bus and exchange half-way there just to make sure they wouldn’t follow behind as quickly as you wanted them to. If you were lucky, you would make it back before they even figured out where you were. To say that they were going to be pissed when they found out would be an understatement. But you were an adult, for crying out loud. Hell, you were the same age as Dean and he seemed to run off without a care in the world. 
There was little to no-one on the bus as it sped down the freeway. Supposedly that's because most people weren’t mad enough to get up at 2 in the morning to get on a bus. Either way, it was nice. You had disabled the tracker on your phone and plugged in your headphones to prepare for the drive. 
Gotham city was a strange place. Extravagant, but strange. Dawn was slowly creeping into day when you hopped off the bus, and you could tell that the city was lively. There were people roaming the streets as the streetlamps flickered off and the lights inside the skyscrapers blinked on. There were dog walkers, couples holding hands and businessmen hailing cabs over the road. An eerie feeling hung about the city. You couldn’t place it, but there was something malevolent about this city. With the high rise buildings and twisting alleys,it seemed the perfect place for crime. The city was so big that people could just vanish. It was the perfect place for vampires. 
You found your hotel a little way up the street. It was quaint with only one bed and a small table next to the wall by the ensuite, but it suited your needs perfectly. 
Concealing a machete is not easy. Even though the city had died down slightly now it was past the mid-day hubbub, there were still people everywhere and you did not want to risk being caught by the police for carrying a weapon around. By wearing one of your jackets, you managed to conceal it under your arm as you began to scope out the city to find where the vampires were supposedly nesting. 
When you finally found it, it seemed to tick all of the boxes: glazed windows, outskirts of the city, two entrances that you hoped wouldn’t lead to your untimely demise. Vampires were never very subtle. They were always the same. 
The entrance to the building was concealed down a side-road. Checking your surroundings to make sure the coast was clear, you began to work on the lock. It snapped open and you made your way inside. 
Sam and Dean were frantic. 
The day had started out like any other. Sam had slipped out the door early in the morning for his run (a habit which Dean despised and thought was completely unnecessary). He had made nothing of the pile of pillows which you had stacked up on the couch beneath a blanket. It was only when he returned to find Dean nearly burning a floor in the carpet as he paced, taking angrily into the phone. 
“No, I don't know where she could have gone, that's why I'm calling you!”  Dean was scared. Sam could tell that from the first word he spoke. 
There was a pause as the person Dean was on the phone to spoke. Clearly, he wasn’t happy with the response they gave as he slammed the phone shut and threw it across the room. 
“Son of a bitch” he yelled, hands coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“What's going on?” Sam asked. He had a nasty feeling that he already knew. 
“Y/Ns missing.”
“What?” Sam blinked. 
“Yeah. I thought she’d been snatched at first but most of her stuff is gone too.”
Sam bit his lip. “Have you tracked her cell?”
His older brother nodded. “Nothing. I’ve tried calling her too. She’s turned it off.”
You had managed to get yourself in a little bit of a pickle. And by ‘little bit of a pickle’, I mean ‘there were a lot more vampires than you thought and now you were fighting for your life’. So the usual, really. 
When you had slunk inside the building it was completely silent as the vampires sheltered from the sun. But as you moved further into the room and began counting how many there were, you paled. Things hit the fan when you stepped backwards and knocked over a stack of books. All eyes snapped to you and you struggled to keep up with the sheer number of them. The scent of blood and sweat filled the room as you fought and swung. Most of it theirs, but some of it yours. 
No matter how many you took down, their attacks never seemed to end. You had just sliced the head off of one when another three raced before you. They were about to reach you, their fangs bared and snarling, when someone tackled them to the ground. The boy was tall, muscular and dressed from head to toe in black, besides the brown jacket slung over the top and the red emblem on his chest. Another figure appeared to your left, also dressed in black. Though this time, his face was concealed by a domino mask and a blue symbol was imprinted on the front of it. 
Although the vampires went down, it seemed the two vigilantes didn’t know how to kill them which meant that even with their help, you were going to get nowhere. So as they tussled with them, you swung your arm to defeat the one before you before moving to help them. When the last one went down, their attention snapped toward you as you wiped the end of the machete with the hem of your sleeve. 
“What the hell was that?” The one in blue had you pinned up against the wall before you could even blink. 
You scoffed. “A thank you would be nice.”
You pushed against his arm, trying to free yourself but he had you stuck firmly in place. 
He lowered his voice, leaning closer to you. “I’m gonna ask you again: what the hell were they?”
“You won't believe me.” You told him slyly.
“Try us.” The one in red said. 
The one in red snorted. “Funny. Now start talking before we arrest you for murder.”
“I told you you wouldn’t believe me.” You rolled your eyes. “If you let me go I’ll prove it to you.”
Dick and Jason honestly weren’t sure if they believed you or not. They had heard the commotion when they passed a building on patrol. People had been going missing in the area recently and they were investigating the area. When they saw you inside they were taken aback. Their initial instinct was to attack you, but when they realised that you were trying to stop the group of people they realised it was you who needed help. They thought it would be easy to take them down. That was until they actually tried. The attackers had sharp canines that came very close to their faces and only stilled when you attacked them with your machete. 
When you revealed to them that they were vampires, they thought you were messing with them, but after you showed off their sharp fangs, they were convinced 
They were silent as they walked you back to the cave, unsure what to make of it. They were shell shocked; creatures that they thought only existed in movies were real…?
Even more so, they were surprised at how unfazed you seemed. It made them wonder how long you had been doing this for. They didn’t recognise you, and you had refused to give them a name. Jason was going to ask Tim to run a search on the database later, though he wasn’t even sure if he would find anything. 
Bruce wasn’t sure what to make of it. When the two vigilantes brought you into the cave after introducing themselves and explaining their work, Bruce was hesitant. He thought that this was some kind of joke. A prank by his two sons. You were adamant however, and showed him pictures on your cell and research papers online. 
When you turned your cell back on, you were bombarded with dozens of miscalls and twice as many unread texts from both of your brothers and anyone else who they decided to contact about your disappearance. Shitttttt
Just as you were about to speak, a loud clatter sounded from across the batcave. All of the vigilantes in the room stood to attention and you reached for the gun holstered in your waistband. But as soon as you did so, you came face to face with eyes you knew very well. 
“Dean?!” You gawped at him. 
“Y/N? Oh thank god.” He pulled you close to him. 
The vigilantes dropped their weapons slightly. “You know them?” Jason raised an eyebrow.
“My brothers.” You nodded. They must have managed to track the bus you got on. 
“Jesus christ, Y/N. What the hell were you thinking?” Sam chided. “You could have gotten seriously hurt.”
“Relax, Sammy. I’m fine. I needed to get away from your bickering for once.”
Dick laughed from across the room “You can say that again.”
“What are you talking about?” Dean frowned. 
“I mean you two are constantly arguing and I’m sick of it. I needed to get out on my own for a day or two. I was planning to come back tomorrow morning.”
“And you planned to stay here with these...people?”
“...not exactly.”
“Y/N.” Dean warned. 
“They helped me.” 
“You told them?!” 
“Kind of hard not to when you’re being attacked by a group of blood thirsty vampires.”
“It’s true.” Jason said. “We didn’t believe her at first.”
“It’s alright.” Dean said. “We’re sorry it got so far that you felt you had to leave. All that matters is that you’re safe.”
Bruce decided to speak next, his interest peaked by your earlier statements. “So about those vampires…the other things are real too?”
Dean nodded. “Pretty much all of it.”
“Oh god. I have a feeling things are about to get a whole lot more interesting in Gotham.”
@aestheticdaisies @hearts4robs @xxrougefangxx @mamapucket @hell-o-kittys @harleycao @batfamsstuff
@defonotashleyr @aestheticdaisies @xxrougefangxx
@hell-o-kittys @inlovewhithafairytale @harleycao
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sirius black fic recs (2)
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you are responsible for the content you consume‼️
✧*:·˚ hi everyone!! here is a list of all the fics that are my favs with tagged writers/authors ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ remember to like and reblog the works you enjoy in order to support each writer!! ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ however, make sure you read the information on each story themselves such as triggers & warnings ✧*:·˚
✧*:·˚ also, if you'd like me to remove your fic from this list, message me! ✧*:·˚
☽ ☾ forever by @v1oletvenus sirius black x reader | post hogwarts but pre-azkaban sirius black x fem reader, unforgiveable curses thrown about, angst and then v fluffy ending, quite a long fic
-after a death eater attack, sirius decides he can't wait any longer to call you his.
☽ ☾ sirius baby blurb by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | pissed off james potter lmao, making out, fluff
-you went away for the weekend, and sirius misses you while you're not at hogwarts.
☽ ☾ i've got you by ^ sirius black x fem! reader | best friend roomate and kinda simp!, modern college/university au, crying, mentions of vomit (not the reader or sirius), mentions of alcohol & drunkeness, comfort & fluff
-your roomate sirius has a realisation when he's taking care of you after a night out.
☽ ☾  smut blurb by @silverdelirium sirius black x reader | smut (fingering, squirting, innocence kink, daddy kink, dacryphillia, mirror kink (?), praise, humiliation, begging, overstimulation)
-sirius fingers you in front of a mirror
☽ ☾ hurt/comfort blurb by @luveline sirius black x reader
-a hurt/comfort with sirius where reader feels like she's a horrible person and always thinks the worst of herself
☽ ☾ rockstar blurb by ^ rockstar!sirius x reader
-he's on tour and reader calls from home and just mentions she's been a bit sick and he drops everything to come home and take care of her and she's just beyond surprised
☽ ☾ truth serum by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | spiked drink, 1.3k
-you can't hide the truth from sirius, and he doesn't want to try
☽ ☾ fainting by ^ sirius black x fem!reader
-"hey, sweet girl," sirius says. a saccharine pet name said rather simply, smoke blown from either corner of his mouth. "you okay?" 
☽ ☾ in love by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | 1k
-him and reader have been together for awhile maybe since they were like 18/19 and them and being still super in love foreva! cliche couple loveliness
☽ ☾ sirius doting on the reader by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | 1k
-sirius is usually so reserved and stoic and they're out with his friends and they're all making fun of him for being so lovey and doting on reader
☽ ☾ hockey!sirius by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | 1k
-hockey!sirius flirting with a reader who is not yet his girlfriend
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☽ ☾ prongs' baby sister by @sirisuorionblack sirius black x fem!potter!reader | cursing, 3k
-you were just prongs' sister. atleast that's what sirius said to supress his feelings but one ball and a few conversations with his best friends proved him wrong. 
☽ ☾ our little secret by @pregnant-piggy sirius black x reader | fluff, 3.3k
-‘you're really going for that shirt?’
☽ ☾ rockstar!sirius by @moonbcrry sirius black x reader
-rockstar!sirius would 100% use your voice as an intro/outro to his song. whether it be a voicemail or just some stupid shit he got you saying on camera
☽ ☾ staring by @roxetteblack sirius black x reader | kissing and heart wrenching fluff
-you enjoy admiring your boyfriend.
☽ ☾ unexpected by @redtaylorsversiongirlie sirius black x fem!reader | cheating, smut (oral - both receiving, vaginal sex)
-sirius would never expect that his girlfriend would cheat on him, let alone him having sex with the girlfriend of a man his girl cheated with.
☽ ☾ throat training w sirius black by @cosmal sirius black x gn!reader | smut (male receiving oral, eager reader!, throat training, face fucking), 1.4k
-sirius trains you to deep-throat him. you seem more eager than he does.
☽ ☾ grumpy!sirius x sunshine!reader by @familyvideostevie sirius black x fem!reader | fluff, 1k
-grumpy!sirus and sunshine!reader/ sunshine and sunshine protector
☽ ☾ sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x gn!reader | fluff, 0.8k
-reader taking off sirius' makeup and it's just a soft and giggly moment
☽ ☾ sweet sirius blurb by ^ sirius black x gn!reader | fluff, 1k
-he and reader are at a new years party and reader is slowly becoming more and more overwhelmed but doesn’t want to ruin sirius’ fun so they just quietly slip away. but of course sirius notices.
☽ ☾ apparition accident by @mediocre-daydreams sirius black x reader | mutual pining, sirius is so jealous of jily, a few swears, suggestive moments, remus likes crosswords, soft! sirius, 3.5k
-sirius accidentally apparates into your bed instead of his.
☽ ☾ rip off by ^ sirius black x slytherin!potter!reader | 2.9k
-sirius is so enamored with you, his best friend's sister, that he's too distracted to play properly. when a poor play by sirius renders you severely injured, he and james must handle the aftermath.
☽ ☾ shakespearean by ^ sirius black x gn!reader | friends to lovers, fluff + jealous! emotionally incompetent!sirius, name puns, one swear?, 1.6k
-after taking etiquette classes, sirius confesses his feelings for you in shakespearean.
☽ ☾ push and pull by @cloudspotterclub sirius x fem!reader | fluff, angst, lots of pining, 5.1k
-sirius isn't used to rejection, especially not from you. while he claims his feelings are genuine, you aren't keen on trusting him just yet. as the christmas ball approaches, the two of you struggle to contain your growing emotions, and you can only stay away from each other for so long.
☽ ☾ resurrection by @sof1shticated sirius black x reader | angst !!!, 2k
-this takes place in the future, like 9 years since the battle of hogwarts, sirius is dead, a lot of being sad about death, but also happy moments, all canon deaths happen. mentions of death, who knows there might be inaccuracies as to how the stone is used
☽ ☾ watch over you by @scvrllet the marauders x platonic!fem!reader | angst
-the marauders may have passed but that doesn’t mean they have left you
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☽ ☾ dote on me by @yellow-berrys sirius black x fem!reader | mentions of a bad childhood, mentions of smoking, drinking and illicit substances
-you are completely oblivious to the way sirius black dotes on you, and think that the way you're infatuated with him is completely one-sided. but he begs to differ.
☽ ☾ december boy, losing joy by ^ sirius black x fem!reader | allusions to a rough childhood and mention of cigarettes
-rockstar!sirius black proposing to you, and the show that made him realise he would do it. established relationship.
☽ ☾ honey by ^ sirius black x reader
-you and sirius black are pining over each other. the story of it.
☽ ☾ express reunion by @lizard-on-a-window-pane sirius black x fem!reader | nsfw (minors do not interact!), established relationship, soft sirius, fem!reader, sex, fingering, p in v, dirty talk, excessive use of the word fuck, a semblance of a plot, no Peter, sorry peter people, 3.3k
-you and sirius haven’t seen each other all summer, and some things just can’t wait till after such a long train ride.
☽ ☾ now i'm covered in you by @whorediaries-09 sirius black x reader | 18+ content
-soft sirius having a breeding kink
☽ ☾ take another drag by ^ dealer!sirius black x reader | 18+ content, usage of drugs
-'i'll give you your money!' you screams are muffled by a thud as he pushes you against the wall, his hand enclosing around your chin.
☽ ☾ isn't it lovely by @howlyourmelancholy sirius black x reader | sub/dom tones. subspace. aftercare. sirius praising his girl like it's second nature. reader being entirely smitten with him also a bit of a nympho. sirius also being his smug, teasing self.
-in which he gives you aftercare
☽ ☾ cute blurb by @ddejavvu clingy!sirius black x shy!reader
-this is the third time in two minutes that sirius's hand has stroked a feather-light touch over your knee, and you jerk away from the ticklish touch just the same as you had the last two times.
☽ ☾ sirius' son by @soupandsimple dad!sirius black x mom!reader
-your son gazing at you lovingly just like sirius does
☽ ☾ halloween party by @bruisedboys sirius black x shy!fem!reader
-you’re an odd mixture of nervous and bubbly as you and sirius make the rounds at james and lily’s halloween party.
☽ ☾ marauders by @moonstruckme  poly!marauders x fem!reader
-casual dom!marauders
☽ ☾ good morning to you, too by @igncrantbliss  sirius black x reader
-waking sirius up with a handjob, okay okay. (it’s all consensual i promise)
☽ ☾ love and mandrakes by @bookshelf-dust sirius black x gn!reader | swearing, fluff, 5.2k
-the greenhouse windows are frosty this morning, and you can feel the chill seeping in through the thin glass panes. you fight the urge to lift your finger, using the tip to draw a face in the condensation gathering on the one nearest you. 
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gtgbabie0 · 2 years
I have a Request. Best friends to lovers with James Potter. James potter stealing readers favourite shampoo. The reader notices this while she's in the shower. So angry she wraps a towel around her body and storms up to there marauders dorm with her hair soaking wet. She thinks that it was sirius who took and but she notices James in front of the mirror with a towel wrapped around his waist. Hair soaking wet. So she reaches to smell his hair only to find out that his hair smells like her shampoo
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Sun-kissed berries
{James potter steals your shampoo because it smells like you}
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James potter was undoubtedly in love with everything about you, he often finds himself thinking about you in the late hours of the night, the way you smile, how you talk, your hugs even the way you smell and James doesn’t know how such mundane things about you can drive him up the wall with love, but they do.
And he blames that one shampoo you use and its sickeningly sweet berry scent that fills his senses whenever you’re around him, making him dizzy with adoration, and he so desperately wants to tell you how he feels, to lay in bed with you and list off all the things he finds amazing about you, but he won’t he’s far too scared of losing you completely.
So perhaps that’s why James decides to steal your shampoo, and he tells himself he shouldn’t because you only have the tiniest amount left but he’s never been one to make good decisions, so why start now? he thinks as he washes his hair with the sweet-smelling shampoo without any regret.
“She’s going to kill you mate,” Sirius says shaking his head, while James dries off his hair with a towel.
“No she won’t— well she might, but she can’t stay mad at me forever” James mumbles as he ties the drawstrings of his joggers up, his fingers running through his soft damp curls with a proud smirk on his face.
“James you used all of it?!” Remus shouts from the bathroom looking at the empty bottle and James watches as Sirius looks over at him with a shocked expression, his mouth slightly agape as he gasps.
James tries to conjure up some kind of excuse, failing miserably and all he can do is roll his eyes and sigh.
“Fuckin hell James you’ve got it bad” Sirius chuckles taking a seat on the chair, his socked feet resting on the wooden desk, and he replies with a small, not very convincing ‘no I don’t’ but he knows deep down that he does, he loves you.
It was late when you finally got back to your room, and you felt gross from the stressful day you’d had, nothing sounded better than a nice shower, and it would have been great if you weren’t missing a vital part of your shower routine, your shampoo, sun-kissed, berries gone.
Which only fuelled your anger more because who the fuck would steal your shampoo?
Sirius, that’s who, you thought back to that one conversation, he said something about ‘nicking it from you because it smelt like dessert’ and you felt your skin tingle with irritation as you got out of the warm shower wrapping a towel around your body and you feel a sudden coldness seep into your bones making you shiver which only made you seethe with further anger.
“SIRIUS BLACK!” You shout as you storm out of the bathroom, all three of the boys froze in panic as they hear you storm up the stairs, and James’ jaw hits the floor when he sees you walk into the bedroom with just a towel wrapped around your soaking body, and he watches the water droplets that fall from your hair and down your collarbones, and he blushes at the sight.
You walked over to Sirius whose face was painted with a smug smirk, “You’re a fucking prick, I only had a little bit left in the bottle, why the fuck would you steal it? you could've just asked?!” You seethe through gritted teeth, your brows knitted together with frustration.
“What? I didn’t even take it!" He shouts feeling slightly offended as you roll your eyes and you notice the way James is standing there with wet hair and a very guilty look on his face, you huff in disbelief storming over to where he stands.
“Lovely I-“ caught.
“Don’t ‘lovely’ me James” you mumble as you pull him towards you, and a familiar scent fills your senses, Sun-kissed berries your shampoo he looks at you with a sorry smile and it almost makes you want to forgive him, “James, you’re a prick” you snap turning to the door.
“I hate all of you.” You huff before storming out of the bedroom, and you hear Remus shout something about how he ‘didn't do anything’ as you make your way back to your bedroom.
It was early evening now, the sun had set and fallen behind the trees as it dusts the world with its orangey light, and James grabs his wallet after slipping on his jumper.
“Where you going?” Remus asks looking up from his book as he watches James get ready with a frantic rush.
He feels bad, probably more than he should do that’s why he decides to go shop for that one specific brand of shampoo you’ve always used.
“To get back in her good books,” James says with a hopeful smile before leaving, and Remus can't help but shake his head at the very obvious love-sick boy as he darts out the room with determination, and with a little bit of Potter luck he finds the bottle of Sun-kissed berries shampoo, mumbling a little excited 'yes' as he makes the purchase.
You’re lying on the bed, singing softly to yourself as you color one of the pages in your coloring book surrounded by a sea of felt-tip pens, and you hear three distinct knocks on your door, you roll your eyes.
“Go away James” you mumble and but he’s a stubborn man with the task of winning you back and he's never been the type of person to back down especially when it comes to you.
“But I got you something, I think you’ll really appreciate it,” he says from the other side of the door and you sigh as your heart blooms with a loving feeling, you yell at him to enter, and he does with his hands behind his back and a bright smile.
“I’m really sorry lovely” he whispers, showing off the new bottle of shampoo, shaking it in your direction slightly before putting it down on the table, and you can’t stop the smile that teeters on your lips as the nickname ‘Lovely’ floats around your head swarming your belly with butterflies, he always seems to have an effect on you.
He kicks his shoes off before sitting on your bed, and you curse his stupidly cute face and the way he makes your heart flutter with love, “I’m sorry” he says once again however you very much doubt his words.
“Are you really?” You ask with a knowing look.
“No— well I’m sorry but I don’t regret it,” he says and you notice the way a subtle red flushes against his cheeks, “I’m sorry I upset you” he mumbles looking away from you.
You reach out for his hand and he looks at you look with gentle eyes, your thumb brushing against his knuckles, “I’m sorry I called you a prick” you say, and James thinks his heart might jump out of his chest as look at him with the softest eyes, so sweet. You’re so lovely.
“Oh no it's alright, sweetheart, I mean I kinda deserved it” he chuckles and you feel all giddy inside with the way he's looking at you, you start to toy with his fingers trying to calm your heart as it runs laps in your chest.
"Why did you even steal it anyway?" you ask noticing the way he looks everywhere but you, his hand squeezes yours as he lets out a breathy giggle, and it's not like the gentle touches or lingering gazes were unusual for you both, in fact, they came naturally, you just both wished it meant more.
he glances over at you noticing how your head tilts slightly waiting for his answer, and he has a sneaking suspicion that you already know the answer to that, "I think you know why" he whispers and you chuckle.
"Mmm, yeah but I want to hear you say it, tell me Jamie" you whisper a fluttery feeling swarms his stomach making him go dizzy in the best way possible and he goes all bashful at the nickname and he loves the way it sounds coming from you. All the words he wants to say to you sit on his tongue but none dare to leave, you watch as he tries to conjure up the confidence.
You take his hands in yours urging him to say something, "I love you, like a stupid amount, I love the way your just you, I don't know- I can't explain it" he sighs wincing at how bad he is at this, he looks at you and your loving smile and a wave of relief washes over him
“You love me?” you giggle watching as he picks up one of the many colored felt-tip pens that scatter on your bed coloring the flower with a concentrated look in an attempt to stop his mind racing with thoughts.
“Yeah” he whispers, switching color to a darker purple to shade one of the petals.
You move your hand through his soft hair, and he looks over at you, his breathing a little faster than usual and his mind runs with different thoughts, “I love you too Jamie” You say softly as you inch closer to him, dangerously close, and you can feel his shaky breath against your face.
"Yeah?" he breathes
“Yes” you smile, glad that he decided to steal your shampoo as you lean into him capturing his supple lips in a loving kiss, and his hand finds your warm face cupping your cheeks as he pulls you closer to him and you giggle swinging your leg over his thigh to sit comfortably on his lap careful of coloring book that still lays on your bed.
“Watch the coloring book, Potter,” you say lips grazing against his as he quickly picks it up moving onto the bedside table.
You go to kiss him again but he’s quick to stop you, “Does this mean we're" he trails off thinking about all the times he’s daydreamed about this and now he’s a stuttering mess.
“Yes James” you smile and he nods with a bashful grin, excitement flurrying through his chest. He kisses you, with so much love and care, that it leaves you breathless, your hands thread through his soft hair as his sneak under your shirt resting against the small of your back, and the sweet smell of sun-kissed berries fills your senses, while you deepen the passionate kiss, and James makes a mental note to ask you on an actual date tomorrow.
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
quick n’ smutty drabble <3 (rickyl x fem!reader)
warnings- 18+ mdni, absolute filth ngl, smut, dubious consent, somnophilia? overstimulation, unprotected p in v, praise kink for sure, + sweet n’ gentle aftercare cause I say so.
“Hey, you still with us, sweetheart?” Rick tapped your cheek gently as you dazed in and out of consciousness. Absolutely fucked out from the nights events. Relentless hours of teasing, followed by a game of ‘how many times can we make her cum?’
“There she is…” Rick’s voice was gentle as you finally looked up at him, with glossy eyes and labored breaths.
“Have we been too hard on you, baby? Got you slippin’ away on us?” Daryl asked, noticing your drowsy state.
You nodded, head all fuzzy and warm, as your eyelids started fluttering shut. Your cheek hitting the pillow once again as you felt the overwhelming need to sleep come over you. In truth, you couldn’t even count how many times they’d made you cum. And at that point, it seemed like they were on a mission to actually break you.
“Nuhuh,” Daryl clicked his tongue and grabbed your cheeks, forcing your focus back to the man fucking into you. To keep your gaze on the sight of Rick splitting you open, pumping in and out of you all slow and hard. “We ain’t done yet, princess.”
You’d definitely tried telling them to stop. But that was at least two orgasms ago. And they were proving to be pretty poor listeners. It’s not like you couldn’t use your safeword. You could. And they would stop the second it left your mouth. But you were so spent by this point, that you could barely produce a coherent thought. And honestly, you didn’t really want them to stop. You just wanted to sleep.
All three of you loved it when they did this. Got off on it actually. Them fucking you into a beautiful, writhing mess, right underneath them. Both of them loved to watch. To make you squirm. To listen to your constant whimpers and pleads. Unsure wether you were begging for more or less. It was never really clear. They loved to go until you physically couldn’t take anymore. To know you’d be more than a little sore the next day. And you didn’t mind. Forever enjoying your worn out muscles that served as a reminder of the whimpers and groans that left the two men the night before. All because of how much they loved to break you.
You were a little embarrassed to realize that you’d passed out. If you’d been able to think clearly, you’d have wondered what kind of drugs they were on to keep them lasting so damn long. Their libidos outdoing yours almost every single time. Though the men didn’t seem to mind too much, since they never cared to stop. Rick took your leg and lifted it over his shoulder. Speeding up and fucking you through yet another, borderline painful, orgasm. Your eyes snapped open as you gasped at the hot eruption in your core. Waking you right up. “That’s it. Keep those eyes on me. Love seein’ those pretty eyes.” He kept going even as your legs started to shake. Until he was finally coming undone with a quiet curse and your name under his breath.
“I cant… ‘s too much,” you whined, hands going to push at Ricks abdomen as he buried himself into you. Your own muscles twitching from the aftershock.
“But baby, don’t you wanna let Daryl have his turn?” He spoke as if they hadn’t been switching back and forth all night. “Be a good girl and give us one more, you can do that right?” You hesitantly nodded in agreement. Just one more. It wasn’t like there was really another option. Rick pulled out and moved to kiss you as the other man lined himself up at your entrance, pulling your legs even further apart. “That’s it, atta girl,” Daryl cooed, gripping at your thighs as he thrusted into you. Your own creamy substance and Rick’s seed mixing together deep inside and seeping out onto your legs. You could only moan into the other man’s mouth as Daryl fucked you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, as he locked your fingers together and held your hands against the mattress. Your other hand lazily pulling at Rick’s hair while you kissed him back, all messy and drowsy.
“Takin’ it so good, baby. Knew you could do it. Such a good girl for us. Always such a good girl.” His lips were hot and wet against yours as he mumbled delicious praise through your last orgasm. Ripping through you like a knife. Hurting so damn good.
They didn’t bother running you a bath like they usually would. They knew there was no way they could keep you awake for long enough. So they let you collapse into their arms and fall right asleep. Both of them held you close as you nestled into Daryl’s neck, watching goosebumps form as they traced gentle patterns onto your skin. They brushed your hair out of your eyes and pressed sweet kisses all over your face and shoulders, hoping that you’d feel it even in your sleep.
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taglist: @rickswh0r3 , @elnyrae (feel free to ask if you'd like to be added💘)
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adrealucia · 2 years
⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆ needy ⋆⁺₊⋆☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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·:*¨༺     ★      ༻¨*:·.
pairing: agedup!Lo'ak x Omaticaya reader
warning: mature, nsfw, pussy eating, fingering, p in v, squirting, shameless smut, hair pulling, slight overstimulation, cursing
word count: 2k
·:*¨༺     ★      ༻¨*:·.
Lo'ak and you have been mated for what feels like forever now for the both of you. He was your first everything. First time holding hands, first kiss, first ( and only mate ) and first fuck. Looking back to your very first time having sex with your man a lot has changed since then. You guys used to be so gentle and careful, when making love. Always took your time and tried to make it special. You think about how you always kissed so much and told each other how much you loved the other. This type of sex is not gone, just a lot more rare. Nowadays sex with lo'ak is way more rough. Many quickies and a lot of experimenting. He is calling you names that make you drool by just simply thinking about how they sound coming out of his mouth. You guys have found out that there is so much more to the act than just going in and out, it become a lot more fun.
The last two days you had to sleep all alone in your home. You do enjoy some occasional alone time, but there is also a huge part in you that always misses lo'ak whenever he is not around. So to wrap it up, your sleep was the worse, if you even got any at all. This night it was especially bad. Your mate is supposed to come back tomorrow evening, the clan is celebrating a little 'party', because that was the last hunting trip for the year. The huntsman and woman will stay home for some weeks, before eventually leaving for the next big hunt again. You cannot wait for him to be back. Your body is missing his touch and your ears are craving his voice. Talking about ears, usually the whole clan was so quiet at night, but something or someone was outside, making you quietly get up and lay your ears back. There was someone sneaking around and you were almost ready to fight someone, when..
"woah, y/n put that down, it's me.", Lo'ak lifted up his hands, making you yelp in excitement. Dropping the little knife you had grabbed before, just in case. You hug him so tight, immediately giving him a few sloppy kisses because you just missed him so much. "I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow night?", you ask, your tail swinging with joy. A big grin played his lips. He nods and places his two hands onto your hips. "I missed you. And I Couldn't stand the thought of not being able to touch you for one more night." You know what this is going to lead to, but you decided to go with it. It's not like you have not also been craving his touch. With one fast hand movement, your sleeping gown is gone and the big hands of your lover are already grooming your body. "baby, I need you so bad.", Lo'ak growls loud, not even trying to keep quiet, y'all never are. "I am all yours.", you whisper gently stroking his chest. His grin gets evil, his hands kneading your breast, making you whine. If there's one thing that gets him turned on, it's you whining, whimpering or even crying. So when his eyes darken you know he won't be showing mercy on you tonight.
"Turn over, on all fours. Wanna see that pretty ass of yours.", he gives you a little push, making you turn around and immediately getting on your hands and knees. When Lo'ak wants you in this position, you already know it's gonna be good. By arching your back, fully exposing yourself to the man behind you, you're making him hiss. "you're gonna be the death of me.", he chuckles, sounding so sexy. You move your hips a little bit, humping the air, showing him that you are ready for him. He's getting on one knee, supporting himself on his other leg, like this you will be able to take so much more of him, feel him deeper. So much time has past between your very first time and now. Lo'ak sure knows how he can make you cum in seconds, if he wanted to. But he can also make you suffer by prolonging the agony of not letting you reach your orgasm.
With not much force he slightly slaps your butt. "will fuck you so hard 'till everyone knows your man is back home.", giving himself a few rough strokes, before teasing your slit and making you even more wet. You whimper out loud, pushing your hips against his already hard dick. "so needy for me baby..", one of his hands finds its way down to your throbbing pussy, pushing two fingers roughly into you. He loves how they can fully disappear in the depths of you. A quiet moan escapes your lips, bucking your hips and fucking your self on his fingers. "impatient hm?". You frown at his words, because yes you are indeed impatient. Right when you wanted to tell him, that he should just already fuck your brains out, he enters you with so much force you almost fell over. You moan out in shock, trying to grip onto something, attempting to hold your balance. Stabilising yourself still doesn't make it much easier, but a hell lot more enjoyable. Moaning out his name just makes him go harder, exactly what you wanted to achieve with that action.
Lo'ak grunts holding tight onto your hips, making them move against ever single one of his trusts. Your walls are clenching around him, making it hard for him to keep the pace and strength he uses. Your nails are literally digging into the ground, but being so distracted by your own pleasure, you can't even feel the pain. Every single one of his trusts makes a noise that brings you to heaven. With fluid dripping down your thighs, you know you are already close. Knowing you so damn well your man brings his hand back to your clit, moving his hand fast at the same time he rams into you. Your legs begin to shake, screaming out none sense. "Lo'ak you're gonna make me cum.", you did not want it to be over already. Pressing your legs together, trying to warn him. "Oh no keep 'em open for me baby. It's not the last time you're gonna cum for me tonight.", he's panting, forcing himself not to cum as well. Your whole body starts to tremble, feeling close to your orgasm. Your man is taking that for a sign to pull out, knowing when you cum he wouldn't be able to pull through himself. But he doesn't even give you a second to calm down, feeling what feels like three or maybe even four fingers entering you. You thought that's already enough to make you cum, but that's not all. Suddenly you feel his tongue slightly licking over your rim, normally you would push him away, giggling because you wouldn't like that. This time you won't do anything about it. "Fuck.", you hiss one last time, before you cum. Your walls clench so tight around his fingers, he can't move them for seconds.
"Shit, y/n you almost made me cum undone.", Lo'ak chuckles, turning you over and not giving you time to calm down. You give him an evil smile, knowing you guys are not even close to finish this session. He admires you and gives you some time to catch your breath, before he hungrily attacks your lips. Making out with him has always been one of your favourite things. He knows how to use his tongue and occasionally slightly bites onto your lips. You gently pull his hair, making him whimper into the kiss. Once you guys pull apart, his lips stick to your body. Kissing his way down to your entrance. You're still very sensitive, so when he places a kiss right onto your clit your body twitches. Quietly whispering his name, you lean your head back, supporting yourself with your elbows. His tongue slides into you, while he places your legs on top of his shoulders. You sob out loud, trying to keep your legs open. While his tongues slides in and out of you he slowly takes your hand placing it on top of his hair. "Want you to pull it baby, show me how good I can make you feel.", he growls onto your pussy. Just feeling his breath against your pussy already makes you want to cum again. Obeying him, you nod. Holding tightly onto his braids and pulling hard every time he makes you see stars. Every time he's sucking a little too good and you pull onto his hair, you get rewarded with a little hiss or growl. You love hearing him being noisy, even though he has never really been a quiet guy in the first place. Always showing you how much he is enjoying himself.
"Lo'ak, It's too much..", you whine, when he almost digs his whole face into you. Stimulating you with pushing his nose against your clit, slurping you out and basically doing the most down there. He doesn't even respond to you, but takes it as a sign for him to keep going. His jaw is already hurting and he's struggling to breath, but right now it's your pleasure over his. But knowing your man, your pleasure is also his. Squirming under him, doesn't make it any better. You're rocking your hips against his face, making it feel even more intense. "I'm gonna cum Lo'ak.. gonna cum..", after saying that he pulls his face away from you, now taking his hand, rubbing onto your clit. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, elbows weak and barely supporting you. You don't even have the strength to pull his hair anymore. Right now you're being nothing more than just a drooling and whimpering mess. When he applies just a little bit more pressure on your clit, you cum, squirting all over him. At first you didn't even acknowledged the fact, that you squirted, even though that's not the first time this has happened. "Fuck, y/n", he hisses, taking his hands off of you. Your orgasm was so intense, you had to take a moment before opening your eyes. Seeing your mate sit in front of you, while is whole face is glistening from all of your fluids. Your eyes widen in disbelief. "oh my god lo'ak, I'm sor-.", he is immediately crawling over you, placing a finger on your lips and shaking his head. "Don't excuse yourself. No need to be sorry for something that happened, because of how good I made you feel."
You smile at your boyfriend who never makes you embarrassed over something. "That was so sexy.", he quietly laughs, looking down at himself. Only now you realise that he came all over himself. Being proud of yourself for making him cum undone, you put on an evil smile. But there's also a part of you that's almost sad about the fact, that he didn't finished inside of you. Once you kind of caught your breath you get yourself up on all fours. Placing a playful little peck onto his lips, only to bend down and lick over his thighs. With a bit of his cum on your tongue, you look up to him and stick it out. Showing it off. Lo'ak licks his lips and then puts on a little smirk, playfully shaking his head. You get up, lean down and kiss him on the forehead.
"I'll be right back, gonna get you a cloth. Then we'll clean you up."
·:*¨༺ ★ ༻¨*:·.
authors note: another repost!
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divescustos · 1 year
@merveiilles / for alice. / start call.
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WE DIDN'T OFTEN NEED TO PROVIDE the other with context. Between my own gift and hers, we knew exactly what the other was talking about the vast majority of the time. Which is why I decided not to do any preamble before making my demands.
"I need you to not overwhelm Bella," I said, ticking my points off my fingers. "This is her wedding too. Nothing that would bring too much attention to us. No outrageous bachelor or bachelorette parties. Something relatively simple. Please?"
Bella may have given in to Alice cajoling, and I may agree with my sister's deduction that I would, indeed, prefer a traditional wedding to sneaking off to Vegas, I still -- desperately -- wanted Bella to enjoy this experience as well. And I knew by now what would send her running to the hills. We weren't Rose and Emmett. Small scale would be fine. As long as she was there, I would be over the moon.
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serpentandlily · 6 months
Untouchable IX - Azriel x Reader
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Untouchable - Azriel x Rhysand'sSister!Reader
Summary: For as long as you can remember, you have always had feelings for Azriel, your court’s spymaster. But after centuries of watching him pine after your own cousin, hoping he’d eventually move on, your wish came true. He moved on—with Elain, your brother’s mate’s sister. Unable to watch him fall in love with someone else again, you flee from Velaris, from him. But things are a lot more complicated than that—more complicated than you ever imagined.
Warnings: angst, physical torture, violence
a/n: guys, I’m so sorry this part took a long time to come out. I hope this chapter is worth the wait! Part 10 will be the final chapter/epilogue :)
➻❥ Part I ➻❥ Part II ➻❥ Part III ➻❥ Part IV ➻❥ Part V
➻❥ Part VI ➻❥ Part VII ➻❥ Part VIII
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Part IX
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Days might’ve gone by…days…months…years. Time was an elusive being to you. Had been since the moment the mating bond had snapped between you and Azriel. Since that one last second you got to have with him—your mate. 
Koschei kept you strung up in chains, your wrist shackled above your head, your feet barely touching the floor. Your entire body ached with pain. Blood crusted on the white slip he had you put in. 
When he had shadowed you back to his small cabin on the lake, you had assumed he would turn you into one of the swans, like he had with the other girls. But apparently, none of you had ever learned the full story. 
Vassa had certainly never mentioned this part. Not that you blamed her. You wouldn’t want to talk about it either. How he liked to beat the girls he captured, break them in, before transforming them into one of his pets—forever tied to this lake. 
You didn’t want to give up but it was getting harder and harder each day. But you had to. You couldn’t let that day in the clearing be the last time you got to see Azriel…to see your mate. 
A few tears leaked from the corner of your eyes at the thought of him, of how he must be feeling with you gone. Everything you both had wished for had come true only to last for a mere second in time before the universe tore you apart once more. It was cruel. It was… no word could come close to describing it. It couldn’t be the end of your story. You couldn’t let it be. 
The door to the room you were confined in opened and you whimpered at the sight of the sorcerer. 
“Oh, little pet,” he purred, “Are you not happy to see me? And here I thought we were finally making progress.” 
“Fuck you,” you groaned, swaying on your shackles as you tried to distance yourself from him. 
He gave you a serpentine smile. “The stubborn ones are so much more fun to break.”  
You glared at him as he stalked over to you, a cup of water in his hands. You had kicked and bucked the first few times but after all of the torture he put you through the past hours, you had no energy left to do anything but dangle there. 
“Now, are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way?” He held up the water to your mouth but you twisted your head away, slamming your lips shut. “Ah, the hard way it is.”
Excitement filled his eyes as he landed a punch straight in your gut, knocking the air right out of your lungs. You gasped and he grabbed your chin roughly, squeezing the sides of your mouth and making it impossible to snap your jaw shut. 
He poured the water into your mouth but you spit it back up, right on his face. You knew it was full of faebane because this was the third time he had come in here to give it to you.
He growled as he wiped away your spit before slapping your cheek hard enough that your head whipped to the side and blood swelled in your mouth. You heaved, letting it trickle down your jaw and onto the floor. 
He grabbed you by the chin and forced you to face him again, hooking his fingers over your bottom teeth and yanking your jaw open once again. This time when he poured the water into your mouth, he quickly slammed it shut and plugged your nose.
“Drink it,” he ordered. 
You glared at him defiantly but it did nothing to help you as you ran out of air and choked the water down. He let go of you and you greedily sucked in air. 
“Good girl,” he grinned. “See how much easier it is when you listen to me?” 
You said nothing. You couldn’t. Not as the faebane coursed through your body, extinguishing all the magic that had started to replenish as the last batch wore off. Not as your wounds and bruises stopped healing and pain slammed into your body. 
The faebane he liked to give you was partially diluted. Just enough to let it wear off quicker so you had time to heal in between his sessions but not enough to fully heal or get your magic back. He liked working with a clean canvas but didn’t let your magic linger enough to rid you of pain entirely.
Koschei circled around your hanging body and you heard him fiddling behind you. The sound of leather in his palm had you squirming.
“Now, where were we?”
The crack of the whip against your back rippled through your body and you couldn’t fight the scream that erupted from your lips. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to push your consciousness into the deepest crevices of your mind, where you might find the tiniest bit of solace as one name constantly repeated in your thoughts.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
“I’m not waiting any longer,” Azriel growled at his High Lord. “I’m leaving. Now.”
Both Azriel and Rhysand looked worse for wear. Rhys’s face was littered with bruises and cuts and Azriel was sure he looked no better. But he didn’t care. All he cared about right now was that his mate was in the hands of that fucking sorcerer and he was going to rip that male apart limb by limb for ever thinking he could take her.
“We need to think this through, Az,” Feyre pleaded. “If you rush in, you’ll end up dead and be of no help to Y/n.”
Azriel’s hands tightened into fists. These past two days had been hell. Once Rhys had misted the Prince in the clearing, he had winnowed the three of them back to Velaris—to start planning their rescue mission.
He hadn’t even gotten two words out before Azriel pounced on him. He could barely remember those first few hours after she had been taken. All he knew was the anger he felt—the rage. The mating bond snapping into place. The bargain breaking. And her…his love being taken away from him, his heart and soul with her. 
And Rhys, the fucking asshole, had been at the center of his anger. For making him agree to that bargain with him in the first place. For making him stay away from her—his mate.
It had taken Cassian, Mor and Feyre to pull them apart that day. 
He had stopped starting fights with Rhys but his anger still pulsed under his skin, ready to strike at a moment's notice. 
"We've had plenty of time to think,” Azriel snapped at his High Lady, causing Rhys’s head to shoot up with a warning glare. 
“Watch your tone,” Rhys bit back at him.
“Fuck you, Rhys!” Azriel slammed his scarred hands down on the desk between them. “I’m going and I swear to the Gods if you try to stop me, I’ll rip your throat out!” 
“No, fuck you, Azriel!” Rhys yelled, standing up to his full height. “Stop acting as if you’re the only one affected by this! She was my sister long before she was your mate! Maybe if you hadn’t gone behind my back—” 
“Maybe if you hadn’t made us make that stupid bargain with you in the first place, we would’ve never had to! I could’ve had centuries with her. You stole all those years from us!” 
The second the bond snapped between him and his mate, Azriel swore he lived a whole lifetime. A whole lifetime they hadn’t been afforded. It had all flashed right before his eyes. His mate…His beautiful mate. She deserved so much better than this and as soon as he got her back in his arms, he would give her the whole world. He'd tear the sun from the sky if it would make her happy. 
“Guys, stop! This fighting between the two of you has only made things worse! Fight all you want once we get Y/n back, but you need to focus. Both of you. For her sake,” Feyre snapped.
Azriel ran a hand through his hair, letting out a noise of frustration. His shadows swarmed around him like a monsoon—screaming his mate’s name over and over again in agony. “You don’t understand, Feyre. Every single time I feel her…during those tiny moments she slips through to the bond…all I feel is her pain. He’s torturing her. How am I supposed to sit here while my mate is being tortured?” 
He turned away from them, unable to look at Rhys any longer as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. He had completely and utterly failed his mate. Had let her get into the arms of an enemy. This was all his fault…all of it. She would’ve never even ran away from Velaris if he had never tried to move on with Elain last year. He put those thoughts in her head and there was nothing he regretted more in his life. He had never wanted Elain. He had never even wanted Mor. He had tried, when he thought Rhys’s sister was off limits, to move on. But he had never, ever stopped loving her. He had never felt anything for anyone other than her. 
And she had been ripped away from him before they could even have a life together. 
“That’s it,” Rhys whispered from behind him. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.”
“What?” Azriel snarled, whipping around. 
“You said you can feel her sometimes—through the bond, right?”
Azriel nodded his head, crossing his arms. 
Rhys stroked his jaw in thought. “He must be drugging her with faebane. But not consistently. There must be small moments when it wears off before he gives her another dose. That’s why you can feel her sometimes.” 
“Where are you going with this?” Feyre asked.
“We can use the mating bond to tell us when to act,” Rhys explained. “When Azriel can feel her, we know her magic is regenerating. We should stop looking at this as battle and more like a stealth mission. We bait Koschei into coming to the water’s edge the moment Azriel feels my sister down the bond—act like we are declaring war. Keep him distracted long enough for her to get back most of her power. Meanwhile, Azriel can slip into the cabin, release her from whatever binds he has her in and get her out.” 
“What about the wards around the cabin? No one can winnow in or out. Even Az’s shadows might set it off.”
“I’ll have to get inside without using any magic,” Azriel said. “I can do it. I can get to her. As long as you keep him distracted and buy me enough time.” 
“Helion has given Y/n some lessons on setting and breaking wards,” Rhys added. “Once she sees you, once she realizes she’s being saved, she can start working on breaking them so she can winnow the two of you out.” 
“And you trust that she’ll be able to do that?” Feyre asked. 
Rhys let out a long sigh. Azriel knew how much it would pain him to have to force his sister to save herself. Rhys had always been the one doing the heavy lifting for their family, always keeping his sister as protected as he could, especially after she almost died. But he couldn’t save her this time. 
He’d need to have faith in her.
“She can do it,” Azriel declared, full of confidence in his mate’s abilities. “She is not that little girl in the woods anymore, Rhys. You’ve trained her. I’ve trained her. She is more than capable of this.”
“I know she’s not,” Rhys whispered. “She hasn’t been. Not for a long time. And I’m sorry, Azriel, I truly am. You’re right. I should’ve never forced you to make that bargain.”
“Save your apology for when I get my mate back,” Azriel spat out. Maybe it was unfair, but he was not ready to accept any apologies from Rhys. He wasn’t sure he’d ever be. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
If their plan worked, Azriel would have his mate back in his arms, back in Velaris, safe and sound by tonight. It had to work. It had to work because there was no way he could go through another sleepless night in an empty bed. He needed her like he needed the air in his lungs; he simply could not live without her. He would either be back in Velaris tonight with his mate or six feet under because he wasn’t leaving this damn lake without her. 
The Valkyries are ready, Az. 
Rhysand’s voice in his head caused his fists to clench. He was not any closer to forgiving him than he was yesterday but that was a problem for a different day. Right now they’d have to work together to get his mate back and nothing would stand in his way, certainly not his own pride. 
The plan was simple in theory. They had decided to use Koschei’s weakness against him—females. Some of the Valkyries were willing to help and he trusted their training. If things went correctly, they wouldn’t even need to fight. 
Azriel was crouched, hiding and waiting for the mating bond to begin singing again. He hated that he couldn’t just rush in and take her. Hated that she was likely being tortured as they sat out here waiting for the right moment to begin their plan. Azriel was used to having to wait around like this. It was a part of his job, after all. But right now, it was excruciating. 
But finally… finally he felt it. That tiny spark. That gold thread reforming. 
It’s time, Rhys. 
Okay, wait for the signal. 
They had to lure Koschei out. He couldn’t see though because he was waiting behind the cabin on the other side of the lake, ready to fly to one of the landings so he could sneak his way inside. 
Alright, we’ve got his attention. Good luck, Azriel. Bring my sister home but make sure you come home too.
He couldn’t promise his brother that. He wasn’t leaving here without her, no matter what happened.
I will. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
A noise caused you to look up despite the pain the movement caused. Your eyes widened in surprise as a shadowed figure stood in the doorway, blue light emitting from their form. Your vision was going in and out of focus, blurring everything. You blinked one…twice…
The person finally stepped into the light. 
“Az?” You wheezed out.
Azriel swore and rushed forward until he was right in front of you, holding your face in his hands. He was speaking but you couldn’t hear anything through the ringing in your ears. You must be hallucinating. There was no way Azriel was really here in front of you. It was not possible…
“—can you hear me, baby? Fuck, we’ve got to get you out of these chains.”
“Az,” you rasped again, “Is…is this real? Are you real?”
His beautiful hazel eyes met yours again, the emotion swimming in them threatening to tear your heart right out of your chest. Pain, rage, desperation, guilt. Your eyes flooded with tears of relief.
“I’m real. I’m here with you, baby,” he said, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I’m going to get you out of these chains, okay? And then I’m going to get you out of here.” 
“H-how?” you stuttered out because you had no idea how he was standing here in this cabin when it seemed like an impossible feat. 
“Later. I'll explain later. Do you think you can start trying to take down the wards around this place?”
"I'll try," you whispered but your magic had barely started regenerating. The wounds on your back weren't even beginning to heal yet.
The sound of a door slamming open rang through the house. You let out a whimper and Azriel’s eyes widened in fear as he looked at you but not fear for himself…fear for you. 
“Fuck, we’ve got to go. Now,” he said, frantically. 
The fear in his eyes faded to cold, hard rage and he grabbed the chains above your head and yanked them apart with his bare hands. You collapsed to the ground, crying out in pain, your legs unable to hold you. Azriel caught you on the way down, kneeling with you.
“I’ve got you, babygirl,” he whispered. “I’ve got you.” 
You could still feel the wounds on your back bleeding, some ripping open as you curled in towards Azriel. Your head was still pounding, your body still in agony. Azriel wrapped his arms around you and helped you stand up, letting you lean your entire weight against him. Stomping footsteps were coming down the hallway, almost to the room you were being kept in.
“We need to get out of here,” he was frantically whispering, his hands holding you by the upper arms, your wrists still in cuffs with a bit of the chain attached. 
You stood on shaky legs, raising your head to see Koschei standing in the doorway, his face twisted into a grin that sent chills down your spine.
Azriel twisted around, his wings flaring out protectively to block you just as Koschei sent a blast of dark magic careening your way. It came at the two of you so fast, Azriel was unable to throw up a shield.
You were able to yank Azriel behind a stack of crates just as the wave of darkness clipped his wing. He let out a cry of pain, his entire body tensing as the darkness ripped through tendon and bone. You nearly cried out with him as the wing that was hit fell limp.
“Did you think you could fool me with your little plan, shadowsinger?” Koschei purred out as the two of you hid behind the crates. “Did you think I’d let you steal my pet? You’re a fool!”
Despite the agony he was in, Azriel twisted the two of you around, covering your whole body with his. Another blast of darkness caused the crates in front of you to explode to pieces, sending splinters of wood flying that pierced through any exposed skin and you let out a tiny scream of fear. 
Azriel pulled you up and helped you run further back in the room, unable to leave with Koschei blocking the door. Another blast of magic hit the both of you just as you ducked behind a rack of the weapons and tools Koschei had been using to torture you with. 
You cried out in pain, your jaw smacking against the floor with a sickening crunch. Blood filled your mouth as you pushed yourself up, your whole body aching, turning to make sure Azriel was okay. 
But Azriel had taken the brunt of the hit, shielding your body as much as he could. A deep laceration cut across his torso, blood seeping over his leathers. His body was tense, his wing still limp on the floor. You knew he was holding back his cries of pain for your sake. 
The sorcerer strided into the room, leisurely, as if this was at most a minor inconvenience to him. Darkness seeped from his figure, tendrils running along the floor towards the two of you. 
“I’m going to distract him,” Azriel whispered to you. “You need to make a run for it. The Valkyries will be waiting for you, okay? They’ll help get you home.”
“No,” you cried out, clinging to the front of his leathers. “I’m not leaving you behind, Azriel!”
Azriel stroked your hair, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “You’re going to have to, princess. I need you to get out of here, do you hear me? Get out of here and go as far away as you possibly can. The others will find you, I promise.”
Tears filled your eyes as he held your face with such care and tenderness. His own eyes were filled with that same cold rage and a heavy resolve. You shook your head rapidly.
“I’m not leaving you, Azriel,” you repeated. 
“Why don’t you come on out, shadowsinger?” Koschei called out, his voice filled with amusement. “You can fight me for the girl. I’ll even let you make the first move.” 
Azriel was the most powerful warrior you knew but even he would be no match for a Death God. Facing Koschei would mean certain death and by the way Azriel was staring at you, he knew that. His eyes traced over your entire face as if he were committing it to his memory. 
“I’m so sorry, princess,” he whispered to you, his thumbs stroking away your tears. “I’m sorry for ever making that bargain that kept me away from you but I want you to know that even after all those years, it has always—will always—be you that I love. You were my first and only love and I’m so sorry that I can’t give you the life you deserve. I will find you in the next one, I promise, even if I have to crawl my way out of hell to get back to you. Even if I have to tear apart the universe, I will find you. You are my mate and even death can’t take that away from us. I love you. I will always love you.”
“Azriel,” you choked out, your fingers tightening on his leathers, but he simply placed his hands over yours and lightly tore them from him. “Az, you can’t—”
Azriel cut you off, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. A kiss full of love and despair. You tasted your salty tears through it, tears that kept pouring at the realization that this was the very first kiss the two of you shared that didn’t cause him any pain.
And it would be your last. 
Azriel stood up as much as he could, his right wing still dragging along the floor. Bruises were appearing on his jaw, blood still poured from the wound on his chest. 
“Azriel, no!” 
You reached out for him, to yank him back, but he stepped away, exposing himself to Koschei.
“Look at you,” Koschei said with a grin, “So ready to die for your love. I’m going to enjoy killing you in front of your mate.”
“Fuck you,” Azriel snarled as he spat out some blood. “If I’m dying here then I’m dragging you to hell with me.” 
Shadows exploded from Azriel in a swirl of never ending darkness that launched itself towards Koschei. But Koschei’s own darkness seemed to absorb it and grow in size before he sent it careening back to Azriel. It burned through the blue shield Azriel had thrown up and knocked straight into him, sending him flying through the room until he collided with the back wall which nearly buckled under the force. 
You screamed out for him, trying to stand but falling once again. You were dehydrated, starved, and beaten within an inch of your life but you pushed your body as much as you could, using the edge of the table to help you stand as Koschei stalked towards your mate.
Azriel had wanted you to disable the wards....If you could do that, if you could tear them down, you could try winnowing to Azriel so the both of you could winnow away before Koschei killed either of you. You were wheezing as you forced yourself to stand and concentrate. You had to do this. You had to get Azriel out of here.
Koschei descended on him once again and they began a battle of shadows and darkness. You could hardly keep track of either of them as they began to disappear and reappear in other places with their shadows, each taking shots at each other. You winced at every noise of their magic colliding, winced at every brutal hit Azriel took from the Death God. 
You could feel more of your magic renewing itself, the open wounds on your back finally starting to heal. As more and more pain wore off, you focused your energy into tearing down the wards, trying to drown out the sound of the fighting in the room for now. 
It was like an intricate spider web of silver light. One you'd have to disentangle carefully to not trigger. You had no idea what sorts of traps lay in the magic around this place. So strand by strand, piece by piece, you worked on taking it apart. It just had to be enough, enough to give you a small window of opportunity. 
You heard Azriel cry out and your focus slipped for a second. You frantically looked over your shoulder and screamed his name as Koschei slammed him into the ground a few yards away. His condition had worsened, his face had gone pale from all the bloodloss, less shadows seemed to be swirling around him as his magic weakened from all the use. You had to hurry. 
“Go,” he rasped out, glancing your way. “Y/n, go—run!”
But you wouldn’t…couldn’t. You couldn’t leave him to face this alone. 
You tried to remember everything from your lessons with Helion on spellcleaving. Tried to remember how to spot what strand to pull and when, as if the ward was a symphony of sorts and you were playing its violin. One after the other. Twisting and pulling each and every way until finally… finally, you were able to carve out a small hole. But it needed to be bigger. Big enough to winnow through.
Suddenly, something sharp struck within your chest and you fell to your knees in pain, losing your concentration. You clutched at your chest, your heart feeling like it was tearing itself into two. A feeling of dread and terror washed over you when you realized the mating bond that was beginning to fray as life was being sucked from Azriel. Another stab of agony made you crumble all the way to the ground, crying out.
You looked up to see Azriel on his knees in the center of the room. His breathing was heavy and slow, he was covered in his own blood, his leather armor torn to pieces and bruises decorated his beautiful face. His wings were slumped on the ground, the right one still nearly shredded. And above him stood the Death God, his darkness wrapped around your mate's throat, ready to squeeze the remaining life out of him. 
Time seemed to pause in that minute—like the whole world was about to collapse in on itself. The breath was sucked right from your lungs. The very fiber of your being was crying at the sight of your mate on death's door, ripping itself apart as you felt his pain like it was your own. Your hand inched on the ground towards Azriel as you weakly called out his name. 
His head turned slightly, his eyes widening as he realized you hadn’t ran away like he had hoped you did. That you were still here with him. He shook his head at you, unable to speak, trying to will you to get up and make a run for it before it was too late. But you would die here with him, because no part of you wanted to live without him. 
They always say your life flashes before your eyes when you're on the brink of death. 
But that is not what happened. 
Instead, a life you never lived did. 
A private mating ceremony with Azriel, declaring your love for each other as a priestess tied a ribbon around both your hands, linking you forever. Azriel painstakingly building a small cottage for you on the edge of Velaris with his own hands just because the ones you toured weren’t like the one you had dreamt of. A life where you and Azriel were together, mated and married, living in that cottage on the outskirts of Velaris. You and Azriel on a balcony watching starfall as he gently placed a hand on your round belly. Azriel with his arms wrapped around you, pressing kisses to your neck as you watched two children who resembled the two of you running through the tall grass in the meadow behind your home. 
A whole life that they two of you could've had. A life that was stolen from you because of a bargain made three hundred years ago. A life you would never get to live because this would be your ending. Two lovers torn apart for centuries, finally able to be together as they wished only to met their demise before their life together even began. 
You pushed yourself up on shaky arms, crawling on your hands and knees towards your mate.
This would not be your ending. You wouldn't allow it. No, too much had been stolen from the two of you and this...this was not how your story together would end. 
You channeled all your magic, pulling from the depths of your soul, pulling from parts of yourself you didn't even know existed, all the way down to the core of your being. You were the Princess of Night—a child of night and shadow, for Gods’ sake. A child born with the darkside of the moon in her. A child blessed with magic. You pulled and pulled at your darkness until it was pouring out of you, seeping from your skin and bones. 
It lurched forward and slammed into the Death God, pushing him away from Azriel—away from your mate. 
Death would not have him today because he was yours. 
Azriel fell forward onto his hands, gasping for air. You stood up, limping over to Azriel and standing in front of him, glaring at Koschei. You didn’t have any armor on, still in the tattered night gown with your wrists shackled together, didn’t even have a weapon, but you had your magic back and it would have to be enough. 
Koschei chuckled, standing up and dusting himself off. Although he had brought Azriel to his knees, the Death God hadn’t escaped without injuries of his own, a testiment to Azriel’s power. 
“You know,” Koschei said, striding towards you. “I thought we’d have more time together—you and I. But it seems like you’re more trouble than you’re worth, child. So now, I shall end you and your mate. Hm, two mates dying together, how romantic.”
“Fuck you,” you snarled, your darkness curling around your form. Azriel was weakly calling out your name from behind you, his hand reaching to grab you so he could push you away but you didn’t let him. 
“You know, this is the most excitement I’ve had in a long time. I’m feeling rather charitable so I’ll offer you this—become one of my swans and I’ll let your mate go.”
Azriel let out a growl from behind you that nearly shook the room but you stepped forward, as if considering it. Koschei’s body relaxed, thinking the fight was over, like you hoped he would. 
But the darkness that was curling around you shot forward like a chain and wrapped itself around his neck before he could deflect it. You yanked on it, causing him to choke as he fell to his knees—in the same exact position he had Azriel in before. 
His hands clawed at the darkness but you didn’t let up, not for a second. Not as that life you dreamed about replayed in your mind over and over again. Not as you thought of Azriel, your mate. No, you wouldn’t let up. You sent all your hatred, all of your anger into that darkness. 
Your darkness spread around the Death God and started shoving its way into him from all orifices, his ears, his mouth. Everywhere until he was being consumed by it. 
“You should’ve never laid a hand on my mate,” you growled at the Death God who was gasping for air and then you yanked your rope of darkness tighter and tighter—ignoring the agony you felt as your magic burned through you until your well was drained entirely. 
Koschei’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he slumped over finally—crashing to the floor. He…he wasn’t dead. You could still hear his faint heartbeat but he was out cold. You let out a breath of relief.
You whirled around as Azriel rasped your name. His hazel eyes met yours for a second, blinking lazily before they closed and he fell to the ground. You let out a cry of alarm and rushed for him, falling to the ground next to him. You wrapped your arms around his limp body, pulling him into your lap. His breathing was labored, heavy. His heartbeat barely audible.
“Azriel,” you cried, brushing some hair from his face. “Come on, baby. Don’t—you can’t…you can’t do this to me. Wake up, please!”
His eyes blinked open for a second and some of your tears fell on his cheeks. You pressed a hand to the deepest wound on his torso, trying to stop some of the bleeding. 
“H-hey, princess,” Azriel choked out, a soft smile on his lips, still in a haze. 
“Hey, shadowsinger,” you whispered, smiling at him weakly. 
“You’re…,” he coughed, a bit of blood dribbling from his lips. He was in bad shape. You needed to get him to a healer. Now. “You’re touching me.” 
“I am,” you choked on your own sobs, running your hand down his face. You tried to reach out to your brother through your mind. You didn’t have enough magic left to winnow the both of you out of here. 
Rhys…Rhys, please, I need you! 
“Y-you’re touching me,” Azriel repeated, his eyes closing. “And i-it feels like…heaven.”
You couldn’t help the bittersweet laugh that escaped as you wiped at the tears still pouring down your cheeks. 
Dove, I’m here! Are you okay? Where is Azriel?
“Az, I need you to stay awake, okay? Can you open your eyes for me? Please, baby, just for a little longer.”
He’s here with me but he’s in bad shape, Rhys. I don’t have any magic left. I can’t get us out of here. Please…I don’t know what to do.
“Mm…‘mm so tired,” Azriel slurred out. 
“I know, baby, but you’ve got to stay awake. Just for a bit and then you can rest as long as you want to, okay?” 
I’m coming, dove. Hold on. 
You let out a sob as Azriel’s eyes shut again and his breathing slowed. “No, you can’t do this! You can’t leave me, Az. Not when I finally have you. Come on, baby, wake up!” 
Darkness swirled around the cabin and for a second, you thought Koschei had woken up but you sobbed even harder as your brother finally emerged from it. Rhys glanced at the passed out Death God before he saw you holding Azriel on the floor. 
“Rhys, please! Please, he needs a healer,” you cried.
Your brother’s eyes widened at the sight of his shadowsinger. He rushed forward, falling to his knees beside you.
“Let me take him,” your brother whispered. You didn’t want to let your mate go but you knew you couldn’t lift him. “It’s okay, dove. Let me help him.”
You passed Azriel over to him, watching your brother take your mate into his arms and lift him off the floor. You stood on shaky legs, your own vision beginning to blacken as the exhaustion of all the magic use finally caught up to you. The last thing you remembered was Rhys winnowing the two of you to some makeshift camp away from the lake and crying out for Azriel before darkness consumed you. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
One week later
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The sound of the door opening stirred you from your slumber. You sat up with a groan, your back aching because of the way you had fallen asleep—hunched over in a chair, next to Azriel’s bed where he still lied unconscious, as he had been since the day he’d help you escape from Koschei’s grasp. 
You blinked the sleep from your eyes, taking notice of your brother in the doorway. He hesitantly stepped inside the room, closing the door shut behind him softly. You hadn’t spoken to him since you had woken up a week ago. Not when he was part of the reason for all of this, for ever making Azriel stay away from you. 
And he knew he deserved your resentment and had kept away for the most part. But you noticed how sometimes after falling asleep you’d wake up with a blanket thrown around your shoulders that smelled like him or there’d be food waiting for you on the bedside table that you knew came from him. 
You grabbed Azriel’s hand, squeezing it lightly. You felt comforted by his warmth. Madja wasn’t able to tell how long it would take for Azriel to heal. He had taken a lot of damage, all of it mostly internal because of Koschei’s magic, and that was taking far longer to heal. 
You were so scared he’d never wake up. So scared that you never left his bedside. You'd sit here for the rest of your life if you had to. 
Rhysand was staring down at Azriel’s limp body, his eyes swimming with tears. You could see the guilt he felt written all over him. He’d almost lost someone he’d considered his brother because of that stupid bargain he’d made him make. 
He came around the side of the bed until he was standing beside you, resting a hand on your shoulder. Part of you wanted to cringe away from his touch but another part also just really needed him as a brother right now. 
“I am so sorry, dove,” he whispered. “Making Azriel make that bargain with me is something I’ll regret for the rest of my life. I’m so sorry I kept you away from your mate. I’m so sorry for ever thinking it was my right to control who you loved. I understand if you never want to talk to me again—if you hate me now.”  
A moment of silence passed before you stood and looked at him. “Rhys, you fucked up. You really did. I know you were traumatized after mother died—after I almost did, too. What you did has caused me and Azriel so much pain and maybe I’ll be mad at you for it for the rest of our lives but I Rhys, you’re my brother. I could never hate you.”
A small sob escaped from his lips before Rhys pulled you into a warm embrace. You crumbled into your brother’s arms, seeking a type of comfort only he could provide. Your own tears slipped down your cheeks. 
“I’m so sorry, dove. I’ll keep apologizing until I can’t speak. When Azriel wakes up, whatever you guys want, it’s yours—all of it.” 
“I’m so scared, Rhysie,” you cried, burying your face in his chest. “I’m so scared he’s not going to wake up. I’m so scared I’ll never get to talk to him again…” 
“Azriel is the strongest person I know,” Rhys whispered into your hair. “He’s going to wake up, dove. As long as you’re here, he will fight his way through whatever is keeping him from you. He’s going to wake up.”
“I never even got to tell him how much he means to me. I never told him how much I love him or how ready I am to accept the mating bond. I never…I never—”
You fell into a fit of sobs again, unable to even speak. Rhys held you tightly, stroking your back. 
“He knows, dove. He knows how much you love him. And you’ll get the chance to tell him, okay? You will.” 
But all you could do was pray to the Gods that you would get that chance. 
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
A few more agonizing days passed by. Days that seemed longer than the span of your entire life. Days spent next to Azriel’s bedside, praying each and every morning that this would be the day he finally woke. You didn’t lose hope, you couldn’t because just the thought of him never waking up would send you into a spiral so deep, there’d be no pulling you out of it. 
You let out a sigh and dropped your head into your hands. 
Is this how he felt while you’d been chained in Koschei’s cabin?
You still felt so guilty…guilty that you hadn’t trusted Azriel’s reassurances that there was nothing between him and Elain, guilty that you had fallen for the Prince’s cruel trap. If you had just trusted your mate, he wouldn’t be lying here after nearly dying for you. 
Your heart leaped to your throat and you looked up so rapidly, you almost cracked your neck. Azriel blinked at you in a daze. His eyes held confusion as he glanced around, realizing he was in his room back at the House of Wind. His beautiful hazel eyes met yours again, glowing gold in the soft faelight. 
“Azriel,” you breathed out, reaching forward to grab his hand. “You’re…you’re awake.” 
“I-I think I am,” he said, his words still slurring a bit. “But you’re touching me and I’m not in pain and normally this usually only happens in my dreams.”
You smiled through the tears sliding down your face, tenderly cupping his cheek. 
“You’re awake,” you replied. “You’re awake and I’m here, touching you and it doesn’t hurt because the bargain has been broken. You are my mate, Azriel.”
A dopey smile took over Azriel’s face. “I’m your mate.”
You nodded with a small laugh. “You’re my mate, Azriel. And I am yours.”
“You are mine,” he repeated softly, then lurched forward like all of his memories finally came back. You jumped into action, helping him sit up.
“Careful,” you said. “You’re still healing. You’ve been asleep for a little over a week now.”
“What! W-what happened?”
You brushed some of his hair from his forehand, running your fingers through it. Now that you could touch each other without causing him pain, you weren’t ever going to stop. He leaned into your touch, looking up at you with such reverence and love, it caused your cheeks to turn pink. 
“I kind of…lost it when Koschei was about to kill you,” you finally answered, your voice a mere whisper. “My magic erupted and I choked him out. I didn’t kill him but it gave us enough time to get out of there. I broke the wards like you told me to and my brother came for us.” 
“Are you telling me that my mate choked out a Death God?” He grinned at you and you lightly smacked his shoulder. 
“It’s not funny, Az. You nearly died! Do you know how awful this past week has been? I…I thought I might never talk to you again. I thought you might never wake up!” 
Azriel lifted your hand and pressed a kiss to your palm. “I know, babygirl. How do you think I felt all those days you were trapped with Koschei? I wanted to get you the minute he shadowed you away but Rhysand wouldn’t let me go.” 
Well, Azriel using your brother’s full name told you exactly how he was feeling towards his High Lord at the moment. 
“I’m glad he didn’t,” you said, sternly. “You would’ve died and I would’ve given up. The only thing that kept me going in there was the thought of you, Azriel. The thought that maybe, maybe I could find my way back to you.” 
Azriel wiped at the tears falling from your eyes, gently. “I’m so sorry, princess. I’m sorry for everything.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for. I wouldn’t change a single thing if it meant that the mating bond finally snapped between us…if it meant that I could have you now.” 
“I’m yours in any way you want me, princess,” Azriel reaffirmed, yanking you down onto his lap and wrapping his arms around you despite your protests because of his injuries. He placed a kiss on your forehead. “I’m yours from now until always.” 
You pulled away to look him in the eyes, your heart pulsing at everything you found in them. 
“And I am yours, Azriel,” you whispered. “I wouldn’t want it any other way.” 
He smiled, fully smiled. “Good, because I’m never letting you go.”
And then he pressed a passionate kiss against your lips. A kiss free of pain. A kiss that was full of every single emotion he felt towards you—admiration, craving, devotion, but above all else, love.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
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jake-g-lockley · 2 years
Born to be Yours: Part 2 (Marc Spector x fem!reader)
Masterlist | Playlist | Part 1
Warnings: smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, oral (fem receiving), sex toys, cockwarming
Word Count: 4.4k
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A/N: SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG MY LOVELIES!!! Anyway, Happy Deepavali/Diwali to those who are celebrating 🥹❤️. I just realized I wrote 4k of pure smut so enjoy :)
☾ .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
“If we’re just friends, then what were you up to just now, my lying angel?” he murmured into your neck and you swore you just wanted to disappear despite being right where you wanted to be all along.
“Spector, I- ohh” you tried to speak again but it turned into a moan as Marc dragged you flush against his body.
“I swear my first name sounds better than my last when you moan it.” Marc laughs, kissing your collar bone.
No part of you registered what he had just said as your head spun with the thought of how Marc felt against you. You felt your whole body mold to Marc’s like you both were kinetic sand.
Your hands gripped so hard at his shirt that you had started to shake. He started kissing and sucking lightly at the soft skin of your neck, making you whine slightly and shift your hips slightly against his. You tip your head back and he kissed a trail up to your jaw before raising his head and looking back up at you, his eyes dripping with lustful darkness.
His gaze held a hint of mischief and you wanted to delve deeper into its hidden meaning. The both of your chests rose and fell in a synchronized fashion, unionized by the connection held in your gaze.
“You were touching yourself, thinking about me, weren’t you, my sweetheart? Were you thinking about how you wanted your fingers to be replaced by mine? Were you thinking about me fucking you right into your bed till you can’t see straight?” He breathed, making your face alight with new found embarrassment but the imagery that he had provided you matched so accurately that you almost thought the man read your mind.
Nodding slowly, you loosened your grip on his shirt, spreading your fingers until your palm was flat against his chest, feeling the strong thump of his heart, finding out that its feeling soothed your own heart. One of his hands abandoned your hip and his thumb brushed your bottom lip. Your eyes dropped to the pretty curve of his lips and you couldn’t help yourself anymore. You leaned in, but as you chased his lips, Marc pulled back suddenly. A groan erupted from you and Marc grinned at your frustration, showing off his charming smile.
“Tell me what you need and I’ll give you the world. Go on, use that pretty mouth of yours.” Marc leaned in again, whispering the words right into your ear and the words left your voice box even before your brain could comprehend it.
“Marc, I need you, please. I want to be yours, just take me, take all of me.” You started shamelessly pleading with the man beneath you as if nothing in this world could stop you from wanting him.
Marc’s hand that gripped the back of your neck pushed you towards him and he smashed his lips to yours in a furious kiss. You sighed into his mouth, relaxing instantly, letting him take control of the kiss. It was messy but calculated, and it had enough demand in it to let you know that Marc too had been thinking about this moment for quite some time now. You were sure that this first kiss wouldn’t be your last with Marc when you realised that the way he kissed you marked you with such need that the pressure of his lips would stay with you forever.
You slid your hands over his broad shoulders and crossed them at the back of his neck, pressing your chest flush against him, ensuring that there was no gap between the both of you. The relaxed feeling didn’t last long when Marc bit your lip and pulled a groan from you.
Suddenly, you feel Marc’s fingers dig into your thighs and you felt yourself being hoisted up, and you yelped in surprise. Not breaking the kiss, Marc got up and smirked against your lips, carrying you to your bedroom. You crossed your legs behind him for support and your hands skimmed around the plane of his broad upper back. You wanted nothing more to drag your nails across his bare skin, and you pawed impatiently at his shirt, making him laugh out loud.
“Patience, my sweetheart, you’ll get what you want soon.” Marc chuckled as he laid you down on the bed, setting the bouquet of flowers beside you.
Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the flowers on the bed beside you but asked nothing of it, turning all your attention back towards Marc.
“I’ve been waiting for years, dumbass.” You huffed, crossing your arms.
“That’s what I like to hear.” Again, you swore Marc’s eyes glowed bright white as he said those words.
Marc takes his time undressing you, slowly tugging at the soft material of your sleep clothing, fingers teasingly grazing your bare skin, making you burst a flame. His dark eyes turned almost black as he gazed at your naked form and you felt a pang of self consciousness creeping up on you. You tried to wrap your arms across your chest but Marc beat you to it, his lips twisting into a drunken smile.
“Gods, you’re more beautiful than I’ve ever imagined. Don’t you dare cross your arms, I want to see all of you, my beautiful, beautiful Y/N.” He demanded, admiring you from the place he was standing.
You relaxed with the blankets that were his words. You stretched out one of your arms, beaconing Marc to come closer as you spread your knees apart. You wanted nothing more than to even up the playing field. Marc’s darkening eyes not-so-subtly drop your sex, making you squirm a little. When he got close enough, you tugged demandingly at his shirt, a small whine escaping your lips and Marc snickered again at your impatience.
“My beautiful girl, you’re too needy. I’m going to take my time with you.” Marc says, tucking a stray strand of your hair behind your ear and leaning in to kiss you, his lips as gentle as ever.
He pushed you further up the bed and kneeled between your legs, unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his beautiful tanned chest that was littered with healed scars. You didn’t stop your mouth from slacking at the sight and your hands were itching to explore every single inch of his torso.
“I wanna see how wet I can get you, without laying a finger on you.” he whispered but his voice rang loudly in your ear like a warning signal.
You watched on as Marc pulled a flower from the bouquet and examined it, his rough fingers a contrast against the fragile white petals. He holds it by its stem and lowers the petals to your bare skin, lightly, dragging it in no particular pattern or direction, leaving a trail of goosebumps, making you gasp and grip onto the sheets below you.
You let yourself focus on the way the petals of the flower glide across every inch of you and you let out a shaky breath, your eyes fluttering close. The intoxicating fragrance of the lily enveloped all of your senses and sooner or later, the teasing started becoming a little too much for you to handle.
You were high up in the clouds at this point not realizing that Marc was getting closer and closer to the spot you wanted him to touch the most. The petals of the flowers gently flutter at your clit, causing your body to jolt as if a million volts of electricity had been shot right through you, a moan ripping out of you as your back arched off the bed.
“Marc, please!” you cried.
This time, he obeyed. Tossing the flower aside, he runs his fingers gently down the seam of your folds, collecting and spreading the slick around. His knuckles nudged your clit and you started to runt your hips, your pussy trying hard to chase the attention of his fingers. Without any warning, Marc takes you by surprise by sliding two fingers into you without any tension, making you cry out in relief.
The ever conscious side of you was ashamed at how this man could take control of you so easily, how aroused you were even before he properly started touching you. The other side of you, this obviously cock starved, obsessed part of you, was hungrily devouring all that Marc was giving to you without any forethought.
Marc’s POV
Marc plunged his fingers into you and he felt your walls envelope him with warm wetness. He knew he was doing something right as he watched your eyes roll to the back of your head as the loud squelch of your arousal filled the room, possibly turning him on even more. As Marc pumped his fingers in and out at a delectable pace, you started to move hips to meet fingers, causing him to go knuckle deep into you.
“So desperate, grinding your pretty cunt onto my fingers. Want me to go faster, baby?” Marc growled and you almost didn't reply as Marc watched you drown in your own pleasure.
“Yes, fuck, go faster, don’t stop.” you pleaded.
“Eat her out.” Came Jake's voice from the depths of the headspace.
“Bloody hell, I know she’s gonna taste so sweet.” Steven said in awe as he watched on from a nearby mirror.
Marc leaned down and licked your clit, quickening his pace, just as you wished. You clearly hadn’t expected it, but the second his tongue came into contact with your sensitive bundle of nerves, you almost kicked him away in shock but he was faster than you, pinning your leg to the bed, smirking against you.
“Merida, she sure is fiesty.” Jake moaned as he watched your body curve with the intensity that Marc was providing you.
Marc felt your walls clenching hard, squeezing his fingers but that didn’t stop him from scissoring his fingers, stretching your pussy further, allowing him to insert the strong, flexible muscle of his tongue into you.
Your POV
You swore you had an outer body experience for the next few moments. No one had ever eaten you out the way this man did, feral and full of the desire. His nose pressed and rubbed perfectly against your sensitive clit, and you didn’t even care about the wild screams and begs that had started leaving your lips. If the neighbours were not aware of what was going on before, they surely now even knew Marc’s whole lineage by the way you were absolutely decimating his name.
“You’re so good for me, Marc, fuck me harder with your tongue please, please, please, pleaseee.” you blabbered, moving your aching pussy in messy circles against his face and hand.
Your hands were buried in his soft curls and your tugs spurred the devil between your legs to groan into you, sending chills down your spine. Your legs were cramping and your toes were curling but the pain only aided in the pleasure that was presented to you on a platinum platter. One after the other, he skillfully pulled orgasms out of you until you lost count. When you came back to your senses, you locked eyes with him as he lapped up the aftermath of the mess he had made, and even though you were overstimulated to the touch, you wanted more.
You had the sudden realization that you wanted him to possess all of you. The way you craved him like he was your animalistic addiction made you well aware that you would be very upset if he suddenly pulled away from you and walked away from the little bubble that enclosed the both of you. You craved his touch, his smile, his praise and now you wanted his love.
He crawled up your body, kissing the sensitive points of your sweat sheened skin, as you tried to catch your feigned breath. Before he could say a single thing to you, you pulled him towards you and caught his lips in another heart wrenching kiss. Your tongue and his tongue fought for dominance, and you tasted your tangy arousal on him, making your hips buck against him again.
Marc suddenly stopped, causing your heart to drop. His eyes were trained onto you but his mind was elsewhere, and you could hear the gears ticking. He looked like he was intensely listening to someone. He pushed himself off you and you felt a wave of shame wash over your form. Your jumbled up brain did not know what to do, so the first reflex you processed was not really what you wanted, but you felt desperate.
“Marc, Marc please don’t go. Please don’t leave me like this. I need you, I need you, I’ll do anything for you.” You felt pathetic and you started sobbing, your tears instantly dripping out of your eyes, pooling into your hair.
With a look of pure horror, laced with what you could only describe was pride, Marc realized what was happening and brought his body closer to you once more.
“Oh baby, no, shhh. Just give me a second, yea? I’ll be right back, I promise.” Marc said, gently kissing your forehead, cheeks and nose, wiping away your tears.
You prop yourself on your elbows and watch as Marc slides off your bed and gets into his knees, kneeling next to your bed. He reaches under and your face burned for the hundredth time when Marc pulls out a bullet vibrator, one of the several little toys you had in your special little collection. How the fuck did Marc know it was under your bed in the first place?
He was grinning at you and you turned away from him, burying your face into the pillow next to you. You felt his fingers grab your chin lightly, pulling you to look towards him.
“You’re a naughty little thing aren’t you? Do you want my cock?” He asked, his brown eyes piercing your tear filled ones.
“Yes, please, Marc.” You whispered.
“Hmm, alright, if you want my cock, show me how you play with your toy while I get myself ready for your pussy. Understood, my angel?” He smirks, your heart fluttering at the contrasts of his words.
“Yes what?” he demanded.
��Yes, Marc”
You loved the control he had on you. You could see that he loves the control he has over you too by the glint of his eyes as he hands you the tiny mischievous toy. You maintain steady eye contact with him, pressing the tiny button to an adequate speed and holding it against your already overstimulated clit.
You watch, your mouth agape, as Marc sheds the remaining clothes, leaving him completely bare. Your eyes follow the sharp edges of his v-line, widening as you find yourself looking straight at what Marc had been preparing you for. You felt your mouth water and you swallow, wondering whether you would ever recover from what was about to come for you.
Marc reached out, coating his fingers with your slick as your arousal began to drip out of you from the new found stimulation. You moaned as you watched him use his drenched hand to pump his cock. He bends down to pull something out of his pants pocket, but you instantly stop him.
“Marc, I’m clean and on the pill. Could you…” You trail off, wondering if your request would be too much.
“Could I?”
“Umm, couldyoumaybecuminme?” You whisper so fast, your eyes avoiding him.
“Speak up, baby.” Marc knew exactly what you wanted but wanted to hear it from you.
“Cum in me, please?” You say a little more coherently this time.
“See? It doesn’t hurt to ask. I’m gonna thrust my hard cock in your tight little cunt and fill you up with my cum and then, I’ll watch it drip out of you, only to force it back inside cause now I know how much you’re gonna love the feeling of my warm cum inside your pretty pussy.” His filthy words sounded like pretty poetry and you wanted every single one of those words to be fulfilled.
You pressed the bullet vibrator harder onto your clit but gasped as Marc wrenched your hand that was holding the vibrator away and pinned it above you. Looking into your eyes once more, he questions, almost desperately, “You still want to do this, sweetheart?”
“Yes, yes, a thousand percent yes.” You say, affirming your consent like a manifest.
With one last gentle kiss on your cheek, he grabs his cock and slaps your cunt, rubbing its tip on your clit to tease, making you jolt again from the stimulation. You impatiently wiggled your hips against his cock, willing for him to shove it inside your pussy.
“Look at you, impatiently waiting for my cock to stretch you out. Gonna make sure you regret your impatience.” He smiled, lining himself with your entrance.
“I’m surely not gonna regr- fuckkk…”
Inch by inch, Marc slowly bottomed out until his v line was flush against your pubic bone, his cock filling you up so perfectly. Your mind wandered back to what he had said yesterday again.
For as long as I can remember, I always knew I was born to be yours, Y/N.
The way he fitted against you was like the last puzzle piece of the puzzle. His hard cock throbbed in you and your hips itched to start fucking yourself into his cock but the look of pure bliss that had dawned on Marc’s face made you want to savour the moment. This raw, unfiltered Marc Spector, all exposed and vulnerable to you, was what you needed to tame your senses.
His eyes were closed and he had his head tipped back, a pretty pink flush creeping up his neck as you almost lost him to his own bliss. You reach out to grab his hand and brought him out of his little bubble, back into yours. His face was so pretty in the dim lighting of your room as he dizzily met your eyes, the soft pink dusting across his olive skin and the wildness of his curls making you crave his soft lips again.
He finally snapped out of his total bliss and started to move, withdrawing himself from the sanctuary of your soaking pussy and cantering himself back into you almost instantly, causing the backboard of your bed to slam against the wall and your drawn out moan to be literally fucked out of you.
He continued at that slow pace, waiting for you to adjust to his length and girth. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you grinded against him. You bit your bottom lip and looked at him through your lashes causing him to groan.
Suddenly, his demeanour changed. A feral sound emitted from his body as he grabbed your hips so tightly that you were sure he was going to mark you with bruises for the next few days. Instead of pushing himself into you, he began to pull your body against him, making you writhe at the thought of turning into his little fucktoy. You gripped his arm, hard, your nails digging little crescent moons into his skin. He quickened the pace, pulling your body at rapid speed, using your pussy like he earned it.
You started mumbling praises as Marc uses you, your pleasure building up like a pressure cooker. He then changed his tactic, bending your right leg against your chest. The ridges of his rock solid cock grazed your inside so perfectly with this new angle, hurtling you towards a raging orgasm. He started pounding you down mercilessly and you were sure he could feel your walls squeeze him tighter.
“Look at you, taking all of my cock so beautifully. You’re so fucking beautiful like this, all spread out for me, all mine, mine, mine.” He punctuated each word with a thrust that made you see stars.
He leaned into you and as an act of final defiance, he started to litter your tits with kisses, tongue swirling around your sensitive nipple as he thrusted in and out of you. Your moans became more fractured by the second and Marc took that opportunity to grab the bullet vibrator that was in your hand and pushed it against your clit, making you lose all control.
“That’s… right…! Cum on my… cock!” Marc stuttered out as he felt you shake relentlessly under him.
Marc didn't slow down as your orgasm ripped through you and you were damn sure that he was adamant on keeping you clenching on his as he chased his own orgasm, hips already stuttering in the process. His name was like a prayer on your lips and you didn’t know whether you were begging him to slow down or begging him to keep going as pleasure and pain blurred together.
Marc finally lets go and thrusts deep inside of you, before filling you up with all of his seed. His curls stuck to his damp forehead as he gave way and collapsed onto you, still mustering enough strength not to crush you beneath him. The both of you laid there, Marc’s face buried in your tits as the both of you basked in the aftermath of releasing years worth of tension.
Marc lazily sucked and massaged your tits as you relaxed, breathing in the scent of his shampoo. He slowly peppered kisses up your chest until he reached your lips, capturing your lips once more in an everlasting kiss.
Marc grunted, gently pulling himself out of you as you whine from the feeling of him slipping out of you, leaving you gaping slightly from being empty.
“I’m gonna go get you a towel, sweetheart.” Marc whispers, kissing your forehead and slipping out of bed.
A few seconds later he returned with a damp towel and he started to wipe your sweat and tears away. His lips never failed to abandon you and you giggled slightly at his fixation for needing to kiss you. A little bit of your mixed juices dribbled out of you and just like Marc had promised, he pushed it back where you wanted it with his two deft fingers making your face heat up.
“Marc?” you ask, an idea suddenly popping up in your mind.
“Yes, baby.” He asked, massaging your thighs now, stretching your sore muscles.
“Could I lay on top of you with your cock in me?”
That question certainly caught Marc off guard as he looked at you with new found surprise. His brain was certainly buffering as you rethought your offer.
“Ah, you know what, never-”
“I’d love you to.” Marc whispered, taking your hand and pulling you up towards him.
Gently, he laid down and you slowly got on top of him, spearing yourself onto his length once more. Despite being sore, you felt at home with having him so close to you. Marc’s eyes fluttered close and he sighed a sigh that clearly held so much. Once you were fully seated and comfortable you leaned into Marc, your face fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck.
“Is this okay?” you whispered in his ear, earning a little nod.
You reach out and grab his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you relax into his warm chest. You felt like you could lay like that forever and that it would be an absolute chore to get up and do anything. Your other hand traced little patterns on his chest, inching closer to the necklace that looped through your ring.
“Y/N?” Marc spoke up first and you nod, kissing his collarbone.
“What, Spector? Still wanna be friends?” You giggle, admiring the small chuckle that Marc let out to humor you.
“There is just so much I need to say. Everythings just been… difficult over the last few years. I’m not the same person that you think I am, I’m much… worse.” He said, his voice shaking slightly.
“Spector, please. You’re the one who said people change, you silly old jedi master.” You scoff, remembering Marc’s obsession with Star Wars.
“Alright, you’re right. I've been going through so much over the years that I never knew when it would be the right time to see you. I have to admit though, I’ve always yearned for you.” he said, carding his free hand through your hair.
You look up at his beautiful face to see whether he was just saying this to make you happy, only to see pure vulnerability etched into his smile lines. You reach up and cup his jaw, instantly enjoying the feeling of him leaning into your touch.
“I guess I’ve always yearned for you too, Spector. Part of me was so mad that you left me here but the other part knew that you needed to go and find yourself.” you say, your fingers grazing his light stubble.
“I’m sorry for leaving you.” he whispered, his voice breaking slightly, making your heart ache.
“Marc, what’s done is done. You cannot change the past no matter what you do. You’re here now, with me.” you said, pushing through the ache to find strength.
“There are things you don’t know about me-”
“And I will do everything to learn about those things, no matter how difficult they are. Because you’re worth it.” you insisted.
“Why?” Marc’s voice was so small, you could barely register it if it wasn't for the small vibrations from his chest.
“Because I love you, dumbass. You’re mine.” you say, almost laughing.
Marc relaxes, his grip on your hand tightening as he brings it up for a kiss.
“You’re mine too, I guess.” he said, dazed from your confession, clearly choosing the wrong words.
“YOU GUESS?” you whisper-shout, punching him in his side.
“No, no I mean-” his face was panic stricken.
“Only joking, knew exactly what you meant, hot stuff.” you smirked.
“I love you.” Marc said, his voice running through you like a fountain of clear water.
And from then on, nothing else mattered. You had your Marc back and you had everything you wanted in this world. As Marc drifted off to sleep, you slipped your ring finger into the ring that hung around his neck and listened to his lullaby of a heartbeat before drifting off to the land of dreams, almost sure that you would meet him there too.
TAGGING: @wordacadabra @paymeinkash @ahookedheroespureheart @swiggy-needs-mental-help @mintpurplemnm @soumya-13 @violet-19999 @dystopian-reverie @softieekayy @sgt-morgan @purplecoolgirl13 @elliaze @cherryesskisses
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p0rks0d4 · 1 month
Okay so I never did an introduction. I didn’t really plan on doing one buuuut here we are
Hi! My name is Quincy~
My pronouns are he/him and I am transmasc
I’m gay
I’m a minor : 13-16
18+ may interact or follow !!
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 🫀🫀🫀 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
I’m into a lot of things!~
A few fandoms I’m in: Ghost (band), IT, The Magnus Archives, South Park, Camp Camp, Subnautica, Regular Show, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Sweet Home, All Of Us Are Dead, Slipknot, Roblox Myths (I don’t support who started it!!), Flamingo/Albertsstuff, Sweet Tooth, Stranger Things, Identity V, Creepypasta, The Black Phone, The Mandela Catalogue, The Walten Files and Boisvert, Spongebob Squarepants, Liminal Land, etc etc.
I really love learning about the ocean and history and stuff because I’m a very curious person~
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 🫀🫀🫀 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
I may or may not open up art commissions later on so that’ll be a fun experience.
ˊ ˊ We're slaves to the DJ and out of control ˋ ˋ ও
That’s it idk took me forever to do this
edit : i spam post
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moonsmultimusings · 9 months
“ Keep trying and you'll succeed. ” ( @ yoosung! )
5-Word Sentence Prompts - Accepting ☾
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There were times when Zen could be a bit… what was a good word for it? Narcissistic? Or maybe… self-obsessed? He may even spring for something like cringe-inducing at times. There were times when he opened the chatroom on his phone while walking between classes, only to see a selfie posted with more than a big of bragging, and a bit too much encouragement from Jaehee. But, at the same time, there were instances when he truly did feel like Zen was a reliable person. Someone he could come to with his worries who would support him. A shoulder he could lean on. More than Seven, who might not understand the severity of his problem, or Jumin, who was probably the last person anyone would seek out for any sort of emotional support. Jaehee, too, was too busy. She had enough on her plate already. When Rika's arms were no longer held out to him, and he distrusted V too much to even consider him an option, he found Zen waiting for him.
There were instances, too, where Zen tried to offer some unsolicited advice that wasn't taken to heart. Little things about how he needed to quit playing LOLOL to get a girlfriend, and how he needed to change his diet and work out more. These were often ignored on his part, dismissed outright. While they weren't untrue, they seemed like large steps. Too large for him to try and take reliably. But… he recognized the thought behind them. That Zen was speaking from a place of concern.
In that sense, Zen was a bit like an older brother to him. One who would tease him on occasion, sure, but who was still there for him. He was someone who could be relied on, someone to run to when things became a bit too much. So, at the end of the day, the encouragement offered here still retained its weight.
'Keep trying and you'll succeed,' he could say, so casually, with so much certainty. How could Zen sound so sure of something that was so difficult to predict? There was no way to know, was there? There was so much uncertainty in the future, so much he couldn't know until he let go of the past. As hard as that felt, he couldn't hold on forever. He needed to keep trying. That was the key. He wasn't there yet.
“You… think so?” he asked, searching for any semblance of that certainty in his own tone. “I hope that's true. I really do want to find a way to succeed. Even after everything that's happened… I can keep trying, right?” Even if it seemed difficult. Sometimes even impossible. “And someday, I'll find a way to bury her in my heart. Like Jaehee said.” He drew in a deep breath to steady himself. “Thanks, Zen. I appreciate it.”
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raitonsfw · 8 months
𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚘'𝚜 {𝚗}𝚜𝚏𝚠
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𝚊𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚖𝚎
i go by lighte and or raito. though on this blog, i sign my name as lighte in my tags.
i go by they/he pronouns but i'm fine with gendered pet names (just don't go overboard kay?)
genderfluid & asexual!
this is not my main blog! so when i follow & like certain accounts & posts, look out for @/katicature instead.
on top of my y/n works, i also write for character ships typically including komahina, saiouma, oumami, soukoku, & satosugu.
my profile picture is hamtaro! (i love that ham-ham, used to watch his anime and play his video games when i was a kid; ham-ham heartbreak forever 🧡)
my star sign is virgo. my moon sign is cancer. my rising sign is sagittarius.
i like coffee, tigers, books, the moon/sun/stars/universe, cosplay, video games, & black/white aesthetics.
i dislike messy spaces, loud-mouthed people, fandom arguments, illness, & abhorrent behavior.
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𝚒 𝚘𝚋𝚜𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛
bsd: osamu dazai & chūya nakahara.
mha: tomura shigaraki & keigo takami.
aot: levi ackerman.
jjk: satoru gojo, suguru geto, chōsō kamo, & yūta okkotsu.
ds: obanai iguro.
dr: nagito komaeda (sdr2, udg, dr3), hajime hinata (sdr2 & dr3 hope arc), & izuru kamukura (dr3 despair arc).
key: which characters are my favorite.
danganronpa key: which versions of the character are my favorite. (ask me about it, i'll go into depth but there will be spoilers fair warning) i'm v deep in the fandom including all 4 main games, both animes, danganronpa zero, and killer killer.
special shoutouts to rantaro amami (drv3), kokichi ouma (drv3), katsuki bakugo (mha), toge inumaki (jjk), grusha (pokemon s/v), & N (pokemon b/w).
i have adopted kieran (pokemon s/v), ciel phantomhive (black butler), kyūsaku yumeno (bungou stray dogs) & the collector (the owl house) as my own children.
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currently reading: a court of wings & ruin by sarah j. maas.
currently reading (manga): caught up on black butler, my hero academia, & jujutsu kaisen.
currently listening: masafumi takada. dagames. black gryph0n. michael kovach. toby fox. gorillaz. bo burnham. fall out boy. melanie martinez. billie eilish. harry styles. louis tomlinson. one direction. (certified larrie of like 12 years)
currently watching: trigun. blue exorcist. mashle. black butler.
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book(s): a ballad of songbirds & snakes by suzanne collins. the catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger. my policeman by bethan roberts.
manga(s): kimetsu no yaiba (demon slayer). koe no katachi (a silent voice). deadman wonderland.
manhwa(s): love is an illusion! by fargo. surge towards you by cheongyeon.
anime(s): hell's paradise. hunter x hunter. mirai nikki.
movie(s): koe no katachi (a silent voice). tenki no ko (weathering with you). howl's moving castle.
tv show(s): star vs. the forces of evil. steven universe. the owl house. hazbin hotel (🏴‍☠️).
game(s): bioshock. halo. ffxv. little nightmares. undertale & deltarune. fnaf. poppy playtime. pokemon platinum.
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𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 ✰ | marked on every post.
𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜 ✧ | requested works.
𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚏𝚠 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 ❥ | reblogs of exquisite works.
𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 •┈••✦ | my writing pieces.
𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚜 ➥ | regarding important posts.
𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 ◈ | answered asks.
𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎 𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜 ☀︎ | stupid shit i talk about.
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𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚜 ☾ | self-explanatory.
𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎'𝚜 𝚗𝚊𝚟𝚒 ⚲ | navigation posts.
𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝑒'𝓈 𝓋𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈 ꨄ | valentine's 2024 event.
𓆩𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕒-𝕫 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕛𝕖𝕔𝕥𓆪 | follower milestones event.
𝖎𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖒𝖗𝖓(𝖉𝖜𝖎!) ♨ | sukuna x bully!reader series.
{emoji} nonnie | assigned anon emojis.
𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚓𝚒𝚜
if you want a specific emoji assigned to you so it's easier for us to communicate, let me know when you send an ask in! i will post it here so no one else can use it and to remind me.
🕊️ | 🌙 | 🎀 | 🎲 |
𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝
when you join my taglist, your username will automatically go here so i don't forget. let me know if you would like to exclude yourself from this when filling out the taglist form.
@/izakyun | @/classyempathmongercloud | @/satorawrrr | @/noxioustoxin | @/rubyparsonx | @/mazzd4 | @/minomikn | @/mirrors-musings | @/faerie-soirxx | @/salmonpoki | @/itzmeme | @/lem-hhn | @/dreamcastgirl99
𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝
i absolutely adore daisy's dividers (i have used dividers on almost every writing post i have) so i wanted to make a space dedicated to them here.
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navigation: rules. m.list. upcoming works. taglist form.
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