#☼ I just can't decide what I'm running from (Khaz)
pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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under the cut because. there's a lot.
i may have to do two of these posties.
Under the cut is also the urls for everyone involved, if you wanna know the song it's from just lmk and i'll link you mwuah
@tximidity, @resolutepath (for kiribb), @geistxhund both romantic and platonic, @dethqveen, @sensoryled, @artificeheart romantic and platonic for airu, @smokes-and-bullets, @thuganomxcs, @pastballads for corbin, @xamassed for luke
Sullivan ☼ I wish I could breathe without getting it stuck (Sullivan) Kirishima ☼ I know you were way too bright for me (Kirishima) Khaz ☼ I just can't decide what I'm running from (Khaz), ♥ If love is what you need a soldier I will be (Khaz x Bella) Eerie ☼ Dancing discordant spinning in retrograde (Eerie) Marcellus ☼ Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds (Marcellus) Airu ☼ One bright moment is all I ask (Airu), ♥ Something in you lit up Heaven in me (Airu x Bella) Francis ☼ Misery pays no salary (Francis) Yusuke ☼ I thought of angels choking on their halos (Yusuke) Corbin ☼ I know I'm bad news (Corbin) Luke ☼ Heaven's got a plan for you (Luke)
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
{ ♪ } -- No matter how flustered she got at being pinned by him, she still pushed herself to focus on being upset that he was doing this in general.
"Wh-What do you think you're do-"
Seeing his gaze drift to her lips and linger there, a flush took her cheeks. Bella found that she suddenly couldn't ignore their proximity, how he leaned over her, the gentle warmth heating the space between them because of how close they were. Her heart thundered in her chest and she looked up at him more demurely than she would've liked.
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"... What's this for...?"
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ check ] -  sender checks receiver over for injuries, insisting on checking receiver over themselves to be sure that they’re okay - meanwhile he's probably littered in holes and barely hanging on himself but insist he is fine :)
{ ♪ } -- "Khaz... Khaz, I'm fine."
She smiled softly, strangely pleased that he was so concerned about her. The fight wasn't major, and honestly she'd kind of unintentionally instigated it by prodding the guy who'd swung, but still.
One hand lifted, gently brushing her thumb across the skin below his eye. It was already starting to bruise.
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"You, on the other hand, are going to be left with a black eye at least. He didn't hit too hard anywhere else, did he? No pain anywhere? Tell me what you're feeling so I can help."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ' it is hard to unsee something like this . '
{ ♪ } -- "W-Well, figure it out!!"
She grit her teeth, face a brilliant shade of red. She'd been trying to figure out a Halloween costume and, on a whim, had decided to try on one of those stereotypical bunny suits. Complete with fishnets and heels, and poseable bunny ears on a headband.
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Bella blushed and scrambled to find something to cover herself with. Eventually, she snatched the comforter from her bed and wrapped it around herself.
"You saw nothing!"
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: “ what's it gonna take to make you smile? “
{ ♪ } -- Today was just a darker day.
Any other time, there would be no shortage of smiles from her. Some people had resting bitch face, she had resting nice face. But not today.
She'd remained curled up in a blanket on her couch, flipping through channels on her TV in a haze. Eventually, she'd settled on a true crime documentary. It wasn't as if she was really paying attention, anyway.
Looking up at the question, she furrowed her brow.
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"I'm alright, Khaz, just... not particularly bubbly today. It'll be fine, though..."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: “ you're really all i've got. “ - and now for the child soldier who has literally nothing c:
{ ♪ } -- That... wasn't what she expected to hear.
Even still, her heart clenched. Reaching out her hands, she gently placed them on either side of his face and smiled ever so softly.
"I'll be here, Khaz. Whenever you need me."
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Standing up as tall as she could (and tugging him down a bit, too) she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. There were no real words she could come up with to describe this sort of thing between them, but... She didn't particularly mind it.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered:
your  name: khaz boyka
your age: 24 
your perfect date: a quiet night in w/ some coffee/tea (your choice, i'm fine with either.) & maybe a movie if that's okay? 
make out in private or in public?: private
do you like to cuddle?: who doesn't? 
tell me something about you: i've got a nasty spine and unappealing teeth but try to be nice
why do you want to be my valentine?: i've never had one myself & it's a fancy sounding word so it must be a nice thing? also chocolates after valentine's day since it's cheaper if that's okay :)
{ ♪ } -- She laughed a little, shaking her head. Looking up at him, she tilted her head to one side.
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"I can explain to you what a Valentine is, if you like. It's... It's a romantic thing, is the short version."
Bella hummed, chewing on her lip.
"But! Happily accepted! I'm more of a tea person, usually... Especially if it's later in the day, but I like coffee, too."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: “ maybe you could stay? just for tonight? “
{ ♪ } -- Her gaze snapped back to him in an instant when he made that request of her. She'd initially started to leave, having told him goodbye and given him a tight hug. Khaz had caught her hand, asking her to stay. Something about the way he asked, the look in his eyes as he made his request... It tugged at her heart.
Eyes softening, she smiled softly.
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"... Okay, Khaz. But, I'm a super early bird. If you think you're alright with me waking up at the crack of dawn to shower and exercise, then... sure."
There was no need to bring attention to how upset he seemed, how scared... She'd let him tell her in his own time.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ cheek kiss ]  to kiss my muse on the cheek - gotta either bend down or pick her up to deliver said smooch but it's all up to you!
{ ♪ } -- She did not enjoy being picked up. If she wasn't warned beforehand, it upset her greatly.
Part of it was a complex with her height. She knew she was short and absolutely hated it most of the time. It was really inconvenient. What made it worse was the fact that she had a baby face which often made people question her age. Her figure usually cleared that up, but still.
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When Khaz initially lifted her into his arms, she protested and kicked and shoved at his arms... But the gentle little kiss to her cheek stopped her in her tracks. Her fighting stopped and she flushed, slowly relaxing in the hold. Once she was set on her feet again, she bonked her head against his chest.
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"Give a girl some warning, will ya...?"
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ❛  no one’s ever stuck with me for so long before.  ❜
{ ♪ } -- That comment hit her like a load of bricks.
It singlehandedly ignited her rage, making her want to find the people who'd abandoned him and beat some sense into them. But she ignored that flame in her chest and looked up at him with the gentlest smile.
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"Well, you need to get used to it, 'cause I have no intention of going anywhere. Ever."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@geistxhund whispered: [ TOGETHER ] : in a gesture intended to prove to the receiver that they're no longer alone, sender takes their hand and holds it firmly.
{ ♪ } -- She hated letting this happen.
Bella was not the person who let herself fall apart like this. This shouldn't be happening.
And yet, here she was. The redhead had crumbled, feeling the crushing weight of all of the small sad moments she'd had lately, all of the lonesome thoughts and anxieties over herself and how she was perceived. She hadn't wanted Khaz to see her this way, not yet. Really, it would be ideal if he never saw her this way. He had his own troubles, why should she bother him with hers?
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But, that was out the window now. As she sat curled up and crying, she felt him take her hand. His grip was firm and unwavering... and that pulled her apart even more. Bella could feel her body shaking with the intense, heaving sobs and yet she couldn't stop herself.
Hopefully he wouldn't think less of her after this. She didn't know if she could bear that.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@geistxhund whispered: ❉ - Stretching their arms up, showing their midriff - biiiiig stretch
{ ♪ } -- Oh. Oh, no.
Her heart lodged in her throat. Fingers flew to cover her face. Though... after a moment, she parted her fingers enough to peek through.
A blush immediately coated her neck, ears, and face. The little v at the top of a guy's hips? Easily enough to absolutely slaughter her.
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"Is it warm? Or is it just me? I mean, we can go do something. I don't swim. Maybe ice cream? I dunno."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@geistxhund whispered: [ HANDS ] : our muses’ hands touch. (anything from grazing past or the hand holding content we all deserve.)
{ ♪ } -- They'd been spending quite a bit of time together. Working together to do all sorts of menial daily tasks meant that these little touches were common...
So why had this brush of their fingers sent her heart into overdrive?!
Bella bit back an anguished whine as she attempted to puzzle that out. They were in the kitchen, working to make something as a treat for them both. That should have been plenty to calm her soul. Cooking was her escape, after all. Alongside piano, that was the only way she really knew how to escape her feelings.
In the middle of her mental soliloquy, she felt him take her hand in his and give her fingers a squeeze.
Her heart leaped into her throat.
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"If you're trying to calm me down, you're achieving quite the opposite effect..."
Despite her mumbled words perhaps not reaching him, she knew he'd get a good idea of what she'd said based on the fact that her ears and neck had achieved a bright cherry hue.
Oh, no...
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