#☲ lore
primordialgod · 5 years
The following is copy/pasted (and somewhat modified) from this site. This is still a work in progress and I may go back and edit or change things. If you wanna share your ideas about aerial spirits, go ahead! You are also welcome to take any of my ideas and use them; mine are in between these {{  }}. 
The Aerial Spirits are jinn associated with the four elements who were commanded by the legendary King Solomon. The aerial spirits are both good and evil. They can show anything in the world that is hidden and can fetch, carry, and do anything contained in the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire. They can discover the secrets of anyone, including kings.
The aerial spirits are governed by 31 princes who are aligned to points on a compass. They can be summoned by directing one’s self to their compass position. The princes have dukes and myriad ministering spirits or demons under their command. The princes cannot be summoned by magic unless the magician wears their special seals as a lamen, or pendant, upon the chest. The conjurations of the aerial spirits are given in a grimoire, the Lemegeton, also known as The Lesser Key of Solomon.
{{ Something important to remember is that the aerial spirits are not demons. They are from Hell so that means they are demonic, however technically they’re not demons. They live in Hell, but on another spiritual level in Hell. A fallen angel who became a demon is spiritually heavier than a fallen angel who became an aerial spirit. Aerial spirits are spiritually “lighter”,  are harder to grasp or see, have a difficult time manifesting and maintaining a physical form, and many look like they’re about to dissolve into smoke and shadows when they materialize in a physical form. If they go to Earth, they tend to wander in the sky and upper atmosphere; if many aerial spirits gather in one place, it can cause changes in weather (storms, blizzards, etc). Aerial spirits are usually weaker than the fallen angels who became demons, however they are more feral and unstable (which, since it’s Hell, probably says something). }}
Here is the list of the 31 Aerial Spirits of Solomon:
The Four Emperors:
1. Carnesiell
2. Caspiel
3. Amenadiel
4. Demoriel
Spirits of the East to South:
5. Pamersiel
6. Padiel
7. Camuel
8. Aseliel
Spirits of the South to West:
9. Barmiel
10. Gediel
11. Asyriel
12. Maseriel
Spirits of the West to North:
13. Malgaras
14. Dorochiel
15. Usiel
16. Cabariel
Spirits of the North to East:
17. Raysiel
18. Symiel
19. Armadiel
20. Baruchas
Wandering Dukes:
In this place we give you the understanding of 11 mighty and potent princes with their servants which wander up and down in the Air and never stay in one place.
21. Garadiel
22. Buriel
23. Hydriel
24. Pirichiel
25. Emoniel
26. Icosiel
27. Soleviel
28. Menadiel
29. Macariel
30. Uriel
31. Bidiel
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primordialgod · 3 years
List of Artifacts
She keeps all these artifacts stored away in a pocket dimension. All the scrolls, codices, books, journals, and other items have various supernatural properties. She has the oldest versions of the books. She has more items than the ones that are listed here.
She has in her collection many lost literary works, many original copies of various chronicles, and either original or else very old versions of medieval manuscripts such as the Ellesmere Manuscript and other stories. Some of them were found by her but most were found by the demons or vampires she knows. She keeps all of them locked safely away in her pocket dimension along with all her artifacts. She has made some minor adjustments to all the manuscripts in the sense of making them impossible to stain, mark, damage, or destroy in any way. However she still keeps the manuscripts locked away in airtight glass cases.
Summa perfectionis magisterii ("The Height of the Perfection of Mastery"). Liber fornacum ("Book of Furnaces"), De investigatione perfectionis ("On the Investigation of Perfection") De inventione veritatis ("On the Discovery of Truth").
Lucidarium artis Nigromantice (Elucidation of Necromancy)
Liber Officiorum Spirituum (The Book of the Office of Spirits)
Demoniality Or Incubi and Succubi by Ludovico Maria Sinistrari
De praestigiis daemonum (On the Tricks of Demons) by Johann Weyer
Liber incantationum, exorcismorum et fascinationum variarum ( Munich Manual of Demonic Magic )
The Sworn Book of Honorius
The Greater and Lesser Keys of Solomon
Dictionnaire Infernal
The Book of Soyga ---  Also known as Aldaraia sive Soyga vocor or Soyga: the book that kills was written in the 16th-century and apparently lost until it was found at the British Library in 1994. The work consists of several books: Liber Aldaraia, Liber Radiorum, and Liber decimus septimus and a number of minor books. Together they form a treatise of magic and what makes it mysterious is 40 thousand randomly distributed letters set up in schemes. The scholar and adviser to Queen Elizabeth John Dee owned The Book of Soyga and he spent years trying to decode the letters. He even had consultations through a medium with the Archangel Uriel in order to get hints for his project. Others have suggested a special connection to the Voynich Manuscript.
Rauðskinna (English: Red Skin), also known as The Book of Power, is a legendary book about black magic, alleged to have been buried with its author, the Bishop Gottskálk grimmi Nikulásson of Hólar. The subject of the book was to learn to master magic to such a degree as to control Satan. The book has been the subject of legend and folklore and desired by practitioners of galdr. One such legend is when the galdr master Loftur Þorsteinsson (Galdra-Loftur) tried to acquire it and allegedly lost his life because of it.
Book of the Dead: The Book of the Dead is the name given to an untitled book with paranormal properties that predicts the owner's death. It has no known author. Instead of a title, there is a quote on the cover: Life is a current which cannot be fought. It is a march with one destination. You cannot cease your step, nor move your course, to one that skirts the journey's termination. Below this, a hand-written note says: You have already read too much. The first few pages were written in hand-written Latin but started to change into some more recognizable Middle English until eventually, it changed to current-day English. Properties. This book predicts and catalogues the future death of the reader in gruesome detail. Cause of death appears to change and date of death draws closer every time it is re-read. It doesn’t work on Alyona.
The Skin Book/Catalogue of the Trapped Dead:  It is an untitled book with paranormal properties. Each page is made of human skin, and most are written in Sanskrit, though they can be written in other languages. The book itself holds pages that must be manually created and added to the book. By making pages from a dead person's skin and writing a depiction of how they died, the person's spirit is bound to the page. The person can then be summoned by a living reader if the page describing their death is read. Existence in the book is said to be painful, and the spirits claim to be aware that they are not really the original person. Pages removed from the book retain their ability to summon the person, but burning the page will release the bound victim.
A Journal of the Plague Years: A primary source of the Black Death, written by Silvia Adorante. It was found buried deep in the earth in the ruins of an old town in Abruzzo sometime in the 1400s; that town had been utterly wiped out by the plague. It covers the years 1348 to 1350. Silvia found a way to bind her soul to the journal. She can telepathically speak with people as long as they maintain physical contact with the journal. The journal is in perfect condition because her soul is merged it and prevents it from degrading. If a person lets their blood touch the book while maintaining physical contact  --- any part of the book, pages or cover, it doesn’t matter --- they will experience Silvia’s memories as if they were their own in vivid detail; they aren’t taken anywhere physically, only their mind is temporarily merged with the journal. 
The Mirror of Truth: A full-length mirror that reflects a person’s true self. It shows the state of the person’s soul reflected on their body. Similar to the painting in The Picture of Dorian Gray. For Alyona however, it’s just like any other mirror since the state of her soul is always the same no matter what. 
The Endless Wardrobe: A pitch-black wardrobe. If one were to enter it they would never reach its end, no matter which direction they move. It’s freezing cold inside. Any attempt to bring light into the wardrobe will fail; flames will extinguish, lights will flicker out, etc. She went inside it only once. 
The Golden Ring: A solid gold ring that’s heavier than it looks and always hot to the touch. It enhances the users’ inner power tenfold at the cost of slowly burning away their sanity. It’s addictive and its owners almost always become obsessed with it. The ring seems to be semi-sentient, with the person hearing it whisper to them in their minds and experiencing visions of its previous owners.
The Gramophone: A cursed gramophone that plays hauntingly beautiful music even without a record in place. A record may randomly manifest in it, several records may appear near it, or both. Anyone who hears the gramophone’s music is cursed. How this curse manifests depends on the individual. Some have bad luck, some get sick, some have horrifying visions, some are tormented by evil spirits, etc. Sometimes it’s one bad thing, sometimes it’s a mix of multiple different things; its effect is always different. She found it in an old antiques shop. 
The Hand Mirror: A hand mirror that, when looked at, shows a creature just behind the holder. Even after dropping the mirror and breaking its glass, the presence of that creature can still be felt. From then on, the holder will feel the creature constantly watching and following them.
The Flute: An old wooden flute that plays music drives all who hear it to madness. It can’t be destroyed. It doesn’t work on Alyona.
The Box: A box which traps a person inside it the morning after they touch it. Closes more tightly around its prisoner every time they feel any kind of hope of getting out. Time moves differently inside the box and its prisoners will experience more days inside of it than they possibly could have.
The Coffin: The coffin is rectangular and made of unvarnished, pale yellow wood and with the words “DO NOT OPEN” scratched into it, in letters three inches high. The coffin is wrapped in a thick metal chain closed with a heavy iron padlock. The wood of the coffin is very warm to the touch while the chain was as cold as you would expect from a thick piece of iron. Inside the coffin is a staircase with roughly hewn stone steps leading deep into the ground. When opened, the coffin compels people to walk down its steps before closing behind them. Victims find the journey down increasingly tight and then become trapped in the pocket dimension.
The Fountain of Life: An old fountain that grants anyone who drinks its waters eternal life, youth, health, and strength; they become immortal in every way and can never be killed. The water changes the person’s blood. Drinking the changed blood will have the same effect as the water. Both the water and blood may have varying additional effects on those that drink it, for example vampires will become immune to sunlight and fire.
The Silver Sword: A strange sword that compels its wielder to kill. Wounds caused by the sword are supposedly impossible to heal but Alyona can heal them without trouble. Those holding the sword see visions of its past owners. The sword is in perfect condition and can’t be destroyed.
The Black Sword: A strange black sword that’s only capable of being wielded by those with a beautiful soul and a truly good, strong heart. The sword is capable of breaking curses, purifying anything simply by touching it, striking down all evil, etc. It’s a holy, blessed sword that’s in perfect condition and impossible to destroy.
The Two Silver Rings: One ring is cold; the other is hot. The cold ring slowly absorbs the lifeforce of the person wearing it and transfers it to the person wearing the hot ring. The rings literally link the two people’s minds and souls together. 
The Black Bones: Pitch-black bones. No, they are not painted or burnt. They’re naturally literally black. They come form an unknown creature slain long ago. The bones seem to pulse and hum with an unsettling energy. 
The Black Book: A thin 100-page book whose pages are pitch-black and leaves the skin stained. If someone spills their blood on the pages as a sacrifice, they will see into their future as long as they touch the book. The thing is, since the future isn’t set in stone they will see all their possible futures. The “clearer and sharper” the vision is, the more likely that it will happen. The “dimmer and cloudier” the vision is, the less likely that it will happen. Alyona’s tried it but it doesn’t work for her because she doesn’t belong in the universe. 
The Blank Book: A book with supposedly blank pages. However, Alyona sees the future deaths of everyone she knows within the pages in both written and illustrated forms. For everyone else the pages are blank.
The Canterbury Tales: This is supposedly the fully completed version of the book, having a total of 120 stories. Each story has its own unique supernatural property/impact on people or reality/etc. 
The Boneturner's Tale: A book with paranormal properties. The book's exact effects are unknown, but after a time appears to distort the reader's appearance and give them control over the structure of bones. It grants its reader the power to manipulate, reshape, or remove bones from living creatures. It also seems to cause other books in its vicinity to bleed. It is a thick black paperback book. The author is unknown, and the book is written in English. The Boneturner's Tale is either written from the perspective of a pilgrim in The Canterbury Tales or somebody following them on their pilgrimage who calls himself the Bonesmith. It includes unnerving details like how the cook would stare at the pardoner as he did with the meat he prepared. On page 16 it reads "and from his rib a flute to play that merry tune of marrow took" as the bonesmith kills the miller.
The Creature Book: A massive book with descriptions and information on all the many different supernatural creatures roaming the world. It even has illustrations, summoning rituals, protection methods, etc. The book is impossible to destroy, damage, mark, etc. Its author and age is unknown.
The Grey Book: A book whose covers and pages are grey; the number of pages seem to change and never stay the same. It’s written in Cyrillic script; the ink is made of blood. The book seems to be semi-sentient and attempts to “read the reader back”. However, after attempting to “read” Alyona --- therefore touching her mind --- it went “insane”.
The Old Grimoire/the Entity Book: A thick old book she found in an antiques shop many years ago; its title, author, date of publication, and place of origin is unknown. It’s impossible to burn or rip apart. It contains descriptions and summoning rituals for many different entities, most notably being: the Skintaker, the Bloodseeker, the Bonecarver, the Deathcrafter, the Black Vulture, the Crimson Vulture, the Raven Man, the Black Heretic, the Scarred Piper, the Life Stealer, the Plague Maiden, the White Wraith, the Thief of Souls, the Eternal Dark, the Unholy Light, the Weaver, the Hunter, the Corrupter, the Destroyer, among several more.
The Fairytale Book: A large book of fairytales from all over the world, complete with illustrations. The language it’s written in changes to the one the reader’s most comfortable with --- no one knows what language it was originally written in. Reading a story to completion in one sitting will cause the person to be literally pulled into the story itself. The stories all take place in the same pocket dimension that’s contained within the book, so it’s possible for someone who read Story X to run into someone who read Story Y for example.
The Plague Book: A book with descriptions of countless different illnesses and diseases. Not all of them are from Earth, some are from a different plane of existence or even a different planet. Anyone directly touching the book or its pages will contract a disease or illness. The illnesses can be either physical or mental or both. For example, someone can be cursed with both the pneumonic plague and schizophrenia if they touch the book. The diseases are always fatal and highly contagious; modern medicine cannot do anything against them. However, Alyona can heal anyone afflicted by the book. She considers this one of the most dangerous books in her collection; she’s attempted to destroy it several times but it always repaired itself.
The Possessed Locket: A locket with a garnet embedded in its center. The locket can’t be opened, damaged, or destroyed. It’s possessed by the spirit of an ancient sorcerer who bound himself to the locket at some point in the 1300s. Those who wear it claim to hear the spirit speak to them in their minds. The locket has a corrupting influence on those who wear it and slowly drains their lifeforce --- or rather, it’s technically the sorcerer who’s corrupting and draining the people.
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primordialgod · 3 years
The Holy Circle
The Holy Circle is an organization that began in Italy during the Black Death in the year 1350. It’s headed by its founders: triplets known collectively as the Tribunal. The Tribunal has the final say on any of the organization’s plans and activities. They are the supreme overseers and judges. Their names are Adelina, Alessandra, and Antonia. They are immortal mages but only look to be in their early 30s. 
The Circle’s first main objective is to study and investigate the supernatural and what humanity considers science fiction. To record and to learn as much as they can. Everything from demons and gods to other worlds and alternate universes; aliens and monsters, time travel and dimension hopping, etc. Anything and everything that the general public thinks is part of fantasy or sci-fi. They have countless records and research papers detailing their findings. 
The Circle’s second main objective is to protect the world and humanity as a whole from the supernatural. To keep the general public from learning about the supernatural, to erase evidence of strange and unexplainable events, to help nonhuman beings who want to blend in with human society, etc. They rarely kill sentient beings, only in special cases; for example, if a vampire is going on a mass murder spree and murdering dozens of people every night or a witch is setting people on fire in public in broad daylight.
There are several types of jobs within the Holy Circle. People can have two or in some rare cases even three jobs. Some jobs can easily overlap and crossover. Someone can be both a Seeker and a Sorcerer, for example, or a Hunter and a Sorcerer.
Hunter: Those who track down and kill the supernatural entities that pose too great of a threat to humanity as a whole, the world as a whole, etc. Hunters part of the Holy Circle tend to dislike the “unaffiliated” hunters who work alone. They kill creatures whose actions risk exposure or harm a large amount of people; for example, a necromancer raising all the bodies in a cemetery and making them overrun the town, a werewolf attacking a school and mauling the children, a vampire who kills dozens of people a night, etc. The Hunters intervene in very extreme and very rare cases like those. They sometimes need the help of a Sorcerer to help erase evidence, change people’s memories, heal the severely injured survivors, etc. However most Hunters do know a bit of magic even if they are not Sorcerers.
Seeker: Those who investigate and research supernatural creatures and phenomena. They keep both professional records and personal journals of their discoveries and adventures. They visit other places, interview nonhuman beings, get people to tell them their stories about their supernatural encounters, etc. They are scholars, chroniclers, and explorers. They hate being called “paranormal investigators” and consider it insulting and condescending.
Sorcerer: Those who learn and study magic. Typically, they’re naturally born with magic — as in, they are inherently skilled at drawing power from their own soul or from other sources. It can be taught to someone who isn’t naturally skilled but it’s difficult. The most important parts of being a successful sorcerer are having strong faith, belief, intention, and willpower. You can’t properly or successfully use magic if you believe it’s not real. Usually, a Sorcerer will also be a Hunter or a Seeker.
Archivist: Those who work in the Grand Library. They are responsible for protecting the Library’s books, scrolls, tablets, etc. They deal with strange artifacts as well, cursed or enchanted objects, etc. They are the scholars and academics, the lore keepers, etc. They tend to not go out in the field, so to speak. They typically know the most languages, history, and lore. While the other three are closely interconnected, Archivists are more distant.
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primordialgod · 4 years
There are several small, isolated, hidden communities scattered around the world that are comprised only of nonhuman creatures, humans with powers, and/or humans who know about the supernatural. These communities are usually in hard to reach or areas uninhabited by humans --- for example, Canada’s Melville Island.
All of them have their own rules and not all of them know about the existence of the other places. Some are either more accepting or hostile to certain species than others. For example, one village might allow “magical” humans and another might ban them. One village might allow cambions, another might see them as a threat and ban anything demonic from entering. One may only allow vampires to live there, another only werewolves and other animal shifters, and so on.
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