#☯ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ ⠀ 。゜ ⠀ ★   𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ﹕Leon
chaoticrebels · 11 months
✩༺♥༻✩ ━ ❝ I  don’t  wanna  know  I'm  not  capable  of  coming  out  alive . ❞
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✪ 。゜ ⠀ ☆ 。゜ ⠀ ★ Answered » { Elena }
✦ —   * ⠀ / ⠀ 𝙁𝙄𝙇𝙀𝘿 𝙐𝙉𝘿𝙀𝙍 ⠀﹕⠀ ❪ @griefknown ❫
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It was just another trail, yet this time Leon was stuck with the newest arrival. Not that the male had minded it in the slightest, he was just weary on how this match was going to go. Cause one wrong move, one mistake was all it took for the trail to go terribly wrong. That was something he learned pretty quickly, something they all learn sooner or later. But as Leon listened to Elena's, Steve's, and Cheryl's conversation, there was an audible sigh that escaped his lips as he shook his head. ❝Don't think you have much of a choice, you're going to be tested quite a lot. And believe me, you wanna do whatever you can to survive cause being sacrificed is never a fun experience. And that kind of thinking doesn't help matters any, cause if you think you can't then you won't but if you think positive then you just might.❞
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chaotic-rebels · 10 months
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
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chaoticrebels · 1 year
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Name: Leon Scott Kennedy
Alias: The Rookie
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Location: The Entity’s Realm, Raccoon City
Species: Human
Occupation: Police Officer, Survivor
Height: 6′1″
Weight: 165 lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair color: Light Brown
Piercings: None
Tattoos: None
Scars: None
Faceclaim: Robert Pattinson
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Kennedy is known to have suffered a traumatic childhood due to his family's connections to crime. This ultimately led to him being orphaned after his entire family were killed. Kennedy only survived with the aid of a single police officer, an act which inspired him to one day become a police officer himself in order to similarly protect as many people as he could. Upon graduating from the police academy at the age of 21, Kennedy requested assignment to work for the Raccoon Police Department. His reason was the widely publicized bizarre murders taking place in and around the Arklay Mountains.
After having faced hordes of zombies on his first day as a police officer, Leon S. Kennedy had to learn the job quickly. Investigating the biohazard that had ravaged Racoon City, Leon infiltrated an abandoned Umbrella Corporation laboratory where a sudden and unexpected black fog led him astray.
Leon Kennedy might be a Rookie, but during that one fateful night, he faced an entire lifetime of horror and brutality. At once resilient and resourceful, Leon is adaptable above all, whether crafting makeshift weaponry or retracing his steps through labyrinthine hallways.
Bite the Bullet: Pain hurts you as much as anyone, but you would prefer others do not know that. When healing yourself or another Survivor, Grunts of Pain and all noises related to the Healing action are suppressed: Failed Healing Skill Checks do not trigger a Loud Noise Notification and only apply a Regression penalty of 3/2/1%. "I can do this." — Leon Scott Kennedy
Flashbang Flashbang: You have adapted to a world in chaos and making what you can from the debris. After repairing Generators for a total of 70/60/50%, Flashbang activates: Enter a Locker while empty-handed and press the Ability button to craft a Flash Grenade. The Flashbang is left behind when escaping the Trial. "Get outta my face!" — Leon Scott Kennedy
Rookie Spirit: You keep a careful eye on objectives when they are slipping away. While repairing Generators, complete 5'/4/3' Good or Great Skill Checks to activate Rookie Spirit for the remainder of the Trial: Once active, the Auras of any regressing Generators are revealed to you. "I'll stop this, lieutenant. I promise." — Leon Scott Kennedy
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