#☣ [ ' ԋҽαʋҽɳ'ʂ ɯαιƚιɳɠ ϝσɾ ყσυ ɯԋҽɳ ყσυ ƚαƙҽ ყσυɾ ϝιɳαʅ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ. Lҽƚ ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ Ⴆҽ αƚ ɾҽʂƚ ' ] - ✡ Cɾყʂƚαʅ Sʅҽʋαɳƚ ✡
chronosbled · 2 months
"oh. what is with the... new look?" ( she's curious she's curious !! )
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☣ — Oh, how he wished he had seen the side effects that would come with succumbing to so many experiments. If only he had been smart enough, had been confident enough to go against his grandfather's wishes. If only had hadn't been so terrified to do anything that would get him thrown right back into that dark, horror inducing darkness. Perhaps he could have been able to prevent such an unfavorable outcome? Perhaps he wouldn't have to hide himself away from all the people he once called his friends and family out of fear for what they'd say, what they'd do, what they'd end up finding out about him that he had tried to hide for so long. His body had been suffering for years, yes, he'd known that much... but for him to discover that his body would change for the worse within the span of a few years? It was more than he could stand.
☣ — Hair that was once as black as the darkness he'd been forced to endure was now as pure as freshly fallen snow, royal blue irises once as deep and mysterious as the darkest depths of the ocean were now as bright and clear as the ice from the glaciers of Alaska. Even his once somewhat pale skin had become even paler, making him look almost akin to a walking corpse. Just like all the ones he'd seen since childhood. He was going to end up looking just like them. Being just like like them.
☣ — No. No. Nonononononono. He couldn't be like them. He couldn't be just like them. He couldn't be. He just couldn't. Hecouldn'thecouldn'thecouldn'thecouldn't— HE CAN'T BECOME ONE OF THEM!
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☣ — Strands the color of pure untainted snow bounce ever so slightly as he turns to face the other, mind mulling over the question that he had been asked, an intense burning sensation welling within his very being as if his entire body had been lit ablaze — being forced to acknowledge his sudden drastic change in appearance... it was more than he was prepared for, but he chooses to keep his usual smile present — ice blue irises slowly coming to a close before placing a singular hand against the back of his neck, fingers appearing as if he was lightly rubbing the tender skin (when in actuality he was digging his nails into the flesh).
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☣ — "Ahaha, do you like it~? I was thinking of giving something new a try." A lie. Everything that had come out of his mouth in that moment was nothing but one big lie fabricated in order to keep the other from worrying, in order to keep himself from having to admit his suffering aloud. He couldn't bare to tell her something like that. He had made her a promise, after all. This might forsake that promise. "What do you think? Do you like it? Think I should keep it this way from now on~?
#☣ [ ' I αɱ ƚԋҽ ҽαƚҽɾ σϝ ɯσɾʅԃʂ αɳԃ I'ɱ ʅσσƙιɳɠ ϝσɾ ʂσɱҽσɳҽ ƚσ ϝҽҽԃ ɱҽ. ' ] - ✡ Iɳ Cԋαɾαƈƚҽɾ ✡#☣ [ ' Eʋҽɾყσɳҽ Lσʋҽʂ A Vιʅʅαιɳ. ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ Gҽɾαʅԃ Rҽɠιɳαʅԃ Sιɱɱσɳʂ ✡#☣ [ ' ԋҽαʋҽɳ'ʂ ɯαιƚιɳɠ ϝσɾ ყσυ ɯԋҽɳ ყσυ ƚαƙҽ ყσυɾ ϝιɳαʅ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ. Lҽƚ ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ Ⴆҽ αƚ ɾҽʂƚ. ' ] - ✡ Cɾყʂƚαʅ Sʅҽʋαɳƚ ✡#☣ [ ' Wҽ ƈɾҽαƚҽ ƚσ ԃҽʋσυɾ. Nσƚ ϝσɾ ʅσʋҽ Ⴆυƚ ϝσɾ ρσɯҽɾ. ' ] - ✡ ƈԋɾყʂɳαҽ ✡#☣ [ ' Wԋαƚ'ʂ συɾ ʅιϝҽ ɯσɾƚԋ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ҽɳԃ? ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ x Cɾყʂƚαʅ ✡#☣ [ ' Sҽɾʋҽԃ α ʅιϝҽƚιɱҽ'ʂ ϝαιƚԋϝυʅɳҽʂʂ ƚσ Ⴆҽ ԃҽɳιҽԃ. Hσɯ αɱ ι ƚσ ҽʋҽɾ ʅιʋҽ ƚԋιʂ ʅιϝҽ? ' ] - ✡ Rҽʂιԃҽɳƚ Eʋιʅ Ϭ - Mαιɳ ✡#☣ [ ' Fσɾ ϝυɾƚԋҽɾ ɾҽʂҽαɾƈԋ. ' ] - ✡ Aʂƙʂ ✡#{ Here you are Serin! }#{ The ask that I promised you a bit more information in! }#{ Basically... as I said before- the mix mash of various viruses that his grandfather infected him with are all fighting one another. }#{ So it's technically breaking down his immune system and sending everything about his body out of wack. }#{ He's losing pigmentation. He's getting the shakes. His hands aren't as steady as they used to be (meaning they tremble). His vision is- }#{ blurring and sometimes even his speech slurs a bit. The biggest noticeable thing about him is that he can't preform his experiments as- }#{ well as he usually would because it's affecting his brain/thought process too. So he can't think as clearly which also makes his- }#{ behavior ten times more erratic and unpredictable than it used to be. So he's just deteriorating and doesn't wanna admit it. }#{ As usual he's keeping shit to himself and just playing it off as nothing more than him trying something new. Or even as a possible joke.#{ Cause Dickson can't handle things when it's about him very well. Especially stuff like this. }
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chronosbled · 1 year
"What are you looking at? Let me see." ehé I bring a curious wife this time for Dickson <3 what shall it be? what is it? all yours to decide.
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☣ — BEAKERS FILLED WITH VARIOUS DIFFERENT LIQUIDS BUBBLED OVER A SMALL FIRE, clear tubing connecting from one beaker to the next, creating a clear path for the mixtures to merge together. Experimenting with new chemicals and substances was always something the raven enjoyed, much like a child when acquiring a new video game or a new toy they could play with, there was a never ending source of entertainment. After all, experimenting like this was how he began to develop his own serums and even create his own vaccines for things most people in the medical fields would never want a cure for — especially due to the fact big pharma loves to make bank on the sick and helpless. Not him though, no sir. He didn't want money for the things he would create, instead all he wanted was the recognition he deserved for saving those that needed to be saved. He simply wanted to give people who have nothing a fair chance at survival, hence all his sleepless nights of testing and trying, all his self-torture from experimenting on himself, it was all worth it — even if it brought back horrible childhood memories for him.
☣ — However, HE STILL NEEDED TO KEEP HIS OWN MUTATION IN CHECK AS WELL, thus why he had taken the time to perfect a serum for his specific condition out of his own blood and various other things. Said serum also had the potential to infect others and save them from death, something he did often when coming across those that had been dealt a bad hand in life, granting them a new immortal life as a being connected to him through blood. In a way, one could say he was much like a vampire when passing on their vampiric curse, but this was more like he was recreating the family that he was never allowed to have. Though his attention is drawn towards the woman of sakura colored hair once hearing her speak, head lifting from it's slouched position as he had been looking down at his exposed forearm — syringe in hand as he was about to inject himself — an unusually tired looking smile spreading across his features.
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☣ — "It's just a serum I created for my mutation, it helps to keep me more... human... as one would say." HE KEEPS THE SYRINGE IN HAND BEFORE CAREFULLY TURNING IT OVER TO HIS PARTNER, "Go ahead, just be careful not to stick yourself." After all, the last thing he would need is for her to hurt herself because of his own lack of caution, and his lack of proper rest to prevent himself from falling asleep standing at his desk, much like he usually did. He was certain she could see that much in his eyes and the way he was currently presenting himself — hair sloppily tousled everywhere and his shirt somewhat crooked from applying various tests on himself — not to mention he hadn't even tried to cover up all the scars scattered across the exposed parts of his body like he normally did. "You know, you're really cute when you're curious~."
#☣ [ ' I αɱ ƚԋҽ ҽαƚҽɾ σϝ ɯσɾʅԃʂ αɳԃ I'ɱ ʅσσƙιɳɠ ϝσɾ ʂσɱҽσɳҽ ƚσ ϝҽҽԃ ɱҽ. ' ] - ✡ Iɳ Cԋαɾαƈƚҽɾ ✡#☣ [ ' Eʋҽɾყσɳҽ Lσʋҽʂ A Vιʅʅαιɳ. ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ Gҽɾαʅԃ Rҽɠιɳαʅԃ Sιɱɱσɳʂ ✡#☣ [ ' ԋҽαʋҽɳ'ʂ ɯαιƚιɳɠ ϝσɾ ყσυ ɯԋҽɳ ყσυ ƚαƙҽ ყσυɾ ϝιɳαʅ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ. Lҽƚ ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ Ⴆҽ αƚ ɾҽʂƚ ' ] - ✡ Cɾყʂƚαʅ Sʅҽʋαɳƚ ✡#☣ [ ' Wҽ ƈɾҽαƚҽ ƚσ ԃҽʋσυɾ. Nσƚ ϝσɾ ʅσʋҽ Ⴆυƚ ϝσɾ ρσɯҽɾ. ' ] - ✡ ƚԋσɾɳιƈιԃxʂ ✡#☣ [ ' Wԋαƚ'ʂ συɾ ʅιϝҽ ɯσɾƚԋ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ҽɳԃ? ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ x Cɾყʂƚαʅ ✡#☣ [ ' Sҽɾʋҽԃ α ʅιϝҽƚιɱҽ'ʂ ϝαιƚԋϝυʅɳҽʂʂ ƚσ Ⴆҽ ԃҽɳιҽԃ. Hσɯ αɱ ι ƚσ ҽʋҽɾ ʅιʋҽ ƚԋιʂ ʅιϝҽ? ' ] - ✡ Rҽʂιԃҽɳƚ Eʋιʅ Ϭ - Mαιɳ ✡#☣ [ ' Fσɾ ϝυɾƚԋҽɾ ɾҽʂҽαɾƈԋ. ' ] - ✡ Aʂƙʂ ✡#{ Not this man experimenting on himself day in and day out for the benefit of others. }#{ Not this man also throwing away his own sleep to keep performing his experiments. }#{ He is a man dedicated to science and bio-weapons all the same. }#{ But Crystal should be happy that he's not trying to cover himself up like he normally does (even if it's- }#{ just because he's too tired to process it) since he's actually really ashamed and embarrassed about all- }#{ the scars he obtained during his childhood. He thinks they look really gross and ugly. }#{ Cause everyone always comments about how handsome or pretty he is hence the “pretty boy”- }#{ compliments he gets all the time by both women and men in his day to day life. }#{ So he feels like he lying to people by letting them call him that when he knows that he's got scars all over him. }#{ My guy is just too tired to care at the moment. }#{ Thank you for sending this ask! }
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chronosbled · 1 year
You're the pain that I crave, hmm. A drug I shouldn't take. Oh, it drives me insane.
You're my choice of mistake, Rules over me. It's hard to explain, That I can't walk away.
I won't contest, Your touch is God sent. Like a spell, I can't break free. Can't run, it's too late. Got myself here to blame.
'Cause you're my sweet poison. Pour me a potion. You flow through my veins, lust craved. I can't help it, I'm enslaved. Fuck with my psyche.
Poison ivy. Poison ivy. And I want you to stay. Pour me a drink, Poison ivy.
Pleasure that I crave. Can't help it. I'm trapped in your chains. Oh, it drives me insane.
I won't contest, Your touch is God sent. Like a spell, I can't break free. Can't run, it's too late. Got myself here to blame.
'Cause you're my sweet poison. Pour me a potion. You flow through my veins, lust craved. I can't help it, I'm enslaved. Fuck with my psyche.
Poison ivy. Poison ivy. And I want you to stay. Pour me a drink, Poison ivy.
Poison ivy. And I want you to stay. Pour me a drink, Poison ivy.
// @thornicidxs
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chronosbled · 1 year
In any case, here: a Crystal slowly coming from behind to bite Dickson.
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☣ — CRIMSON-BLUE SPLICED IRISES GAZED DOWNWARD TOWARDS THE VARIOUS ASSORTMENT OF BODIES THAT LAID MOTIONLESS AT HIS FEET, blood still flowing freely from freshly created wounds, forming a rather large puddle that began to stain into the fabric of black boots. Hilt of his sword still held firmly within his grasp meanwhile the blade remained placed against the dirtied ground, not sitting quite upright, but more or less haphazardly tilted — thus making it evident that his mind was elsewhere despite his physical body remaining here, but where his mind was would be a question that goes unanswered if he were ever to be asked — after all, he made it a point in his life to never answer personal questions asked of him. His left hand is slow to rise to his face, moving in a fashion that appeared to be him wiping away sweat, but instead he merely ended up smudging a splatter of blood onto his cheek just below his eye.
☣ — It had been some time since he'd traveled from the Tyr Empire all the way to the Black Rose, LEAVING BEHIND EVERYTHING THAT HE ONCE KNEW AS HIS HOME (OR RATHER IT HAD NEVER BEEN HIS HOME TO BEGIN WITH, perhaps he had only stayed because he had no where else to go) — it wasn't like Randolph would listen to a single thing he had to say after all, instead he encouraged the raven to "behave like the good little heir" he was supposed to be — thus why he had decided to take matters into his own hands. He had grown tired of doing his grandfather's bidding after all, but alas, things weren't much different for him now. He was still using his skills to do another's bidding, but at least this time he could do so with full conviction, especially since he had grown a rather deep soft spoke for one of the leaders of the Black Rose. Though he's pulled from his thoughts the moment he hears someone approaching him from behind. Normally he would turn with the instinct to fight, to protect himself, but this time he did no such thing. Instead he simply allowed the other to draw closer until delicate fingertips gently pulled the back half of his mask down, followed by the sudden sensation of teeth piercing into the soft flesh on the back of his neck, earning a slight grunt to escape from pressed lips hidden behind black fabric, irises moving ever so slowly to the side in attempt to look at the culprit.
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☣ — CRYSTAL SLEVANT, leader of the Spring Layer of the Black Rose. The very woman that struck fear into the hearts of many with a simple usher of her name, much like his grandfather. There's silence between the two for what seems like a few moments, almost as if he had to drop the act of a mass murdered and get back into the character of a love-struck fool, "I wasn't expecting you to check on me during my task... let alone bestow such a reward unbefitting of me," that much is evident given how his voice still had yet to shift from it's low tone to a much softer one. "As you can see, I have taken care of the spies just as you have ordered. If you so wish it, I am more than ready to take on another task for you, my queen." With that, he takes a small step forward and away from the female, finally turning around to face her before kneeling down, gaze lowered towards blood soaked boots. Yet despite all his grandstanding, he could seem to hide the slight shade of color that had spread to the tips of his ears.
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chronosbled · 1 year
Mayhem occurs often in places like that — where embers trace the revival of the wildest fires incrusted in the flesh of everyone. Typical, one may think. It's almost the same: drinks, songs, other substances into play … all to numb everyday life and it's toll. To devour what it's necessary for survival, letting the greed grow bigger to claw itself to the very core. Predictably, the woman could only feel apathy towards those who waste such luxuries away.
That's the reason she stands before him, all in a place she does not belong to. Where she does look out of her element and yet, it's chaotic to be this calm, to have learnt to swim with sharks. It's odd. It's casual. The woman had to lift a strand of the red dress and move the other hand to see how much of the drink was left before speaking. "Of all the people, finding you there… It's a surprise. I cannot say if I like it, or not." <3
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☣ — BRIGHTLY COLORED LIGHTS FLASHED CONTINUOUSLY AS MUSIC PLAYED LOUDLY THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING, followed by the movement of various bodies dancing to the almost hypnotic beat — often leading for one to be bumped into by the growing crowd of the drunk and high, something many didn't seem to mind within this kind of environment — the smell of cigarettes and weed mixing together with the smell of sweat was something he certainly didn't enjoy. It was something he could deal with though, at least for the time he was here... after all, he couldn't exactly run a nightclub or bring in new customers if he wasn't present to entice all the new faces into coming back on a regular basis, especially when it came down to the ladies. They were the prime targets. It was always so easy to wrap his arm around them and whisper all the sweet little things they wanted to hear into their ears, always making them want more than what they were worth. After all, it wasn't like they actually wanted him, they just wanted the money and power that was affiliated with his family name. Just like everyone did. Thus why it was so easy for him to reach into the bag and pull out one of his many facades, changes faces on a daily basis simply for the sake of getting what he wanted. The savvy business man, the charitable philanthropist, the genius scientist, the compassionate doctor, the stone-cold assassin, the team playing soldier, and most of all, the fun loving neighbor. None were exactly who he was deep down on the inside, but rather parts of him that he wished to be.
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☣ — Fits of laughter rang out loudly, COMING FROM NONE OTHER THAN THE WOMAN SWARMED AROUND HIM — hands gently brushing upon his shoulders or grabbing upon his arms, something the absolutely couldn't stand (oh how badly his body wished to retract into itself to avoid all of the unnecessary touching, it took all he had not to push them off of him — instead keeping the charming smile present upon his face (even if it looked like it was straining). But all of his willpower alone could not prepare him for the sight he saw just ahead of him. Sakura colored hair, amaranthine eyes, and a beautiful red dress. The woman in question being none other than Crystal, his beloved wife, the very one who was back at the estate only moments ago. All of the charm and wit previous had completely vanished, his body only served to grow tense the longer he stared at her — he should have expected something like this, after all... Crystal had always been an explorative woman — he could feel the beads of sweat roll down his face and the hair on the back of his neck stand up. So with a quick movement, he pulled himself away from the gaggle of woman around him and slowly made his way over to the other.
�� — 'You have to confront her.' 'You have to explain to her.' 'You have to think of something to say to her.' 'You have to reassure her about everything.' HE HAD TO DO SOMETHING TO MAKE SURE THERE WOULDN'T BE COLLATERAL DAMAGES FROM WHAT SHE HAD JUST WITNESSED IN THAT MOMENT, or else there would be trouble.
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☣ — "I can explain," his voice comes forth rather softly when he speaks, ALMOST BEING COMPLETELY DROWNED OUT BY THE BLARING MUSIC OVERHEAD, "it's not what it looks like, okay? I'm just working." He isn't sure if what she says means she's angry or simply surprised, but regardless... he feels as if he owes her this much. "I'm only here to bring in new customers and... the women here are easy targets for that. They clamor around anyone who looks attractive enough and has money, so I decided to use it to my advantage. I never intended to do anything more than that, in case I've possibly upset you." Yet no matter how much he tries to talk his way out of this, he can feel the overwhelming sensation of unease welling within the very pits of his stomach. It's a strange feeling, something that he isn't used to experiencing. It was akin to something a child would feel when they'd been caught doing something they shouldn't, except this felt ten times more overpowering. Perhaps because he wasn't a child who had been caught by a parent, but because he was a grown man being caught by the woman he loved the most. Caught doing something that he didn't even truly care for. "You know that I love you and that I'll always love you, more than anyone here. More than anyone ever! I would never do anything to hurt you and if you don't believe me, ask me to do anything and I will." Voice beginning to fill with the sound of panic, a truly bizarre trait for the man of raven hair — because not once did he ever lose his cool during any situation, so long as it wasn't about his grandfather's death — arms crossing over one another as hands begin to tightly grip at the fabric of his black suit, fingers digging further and further into the skin hidden underneath.
☣ — OH, how he hated this feeling. He hated everything about it and wished she would simply say something already. It was dangerous how much of a hold she had on him without even needing to say much of anything, but then again, that's what happens when someone who's broken and obsessive falls for someone who knows how to get what she wants.
#☣ [ ' I αɱ ƚԋҽ ҽαƚҽɾ σϝ ɯσɾʅԃʂ αɳԃ I'ɱ ʅσσƙιɳɠ ϝσɾ ʂσɱҽσɳҽ ƚσ ϝҽҽԃ ɱҽ. ' ] - ✡ Iɳ Cԋαɾαƈƚҽɾ ✡#☣ [ ' Eʋҽɾყσɳҽ Lσʋҽʂ A Vιʅʅαιɳ. ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ Gҽɾαʅԃ Rҽɠιɳαʅԃ Sιɱɱσɳʂ ✡#☣ [ ' ԋҽαʋҽɳ'ʂ ɯαιƚιɳɠ ϝσɾ ყσυ ɯԋҽɳ ყσυ ƚαƙҽ ყσυɾ ϝιɳαʅ Ⴆɾҽαƚԋ. Lҽƚ ყσυɾ ʂσυʅ Ⴆҽ αƚ ɾҽʂƚ ' ] - ✡ Cɾყʂƚαʅ Sʅҽʋαɳƚ ✡#☣ [ ' Wҽ ƈɾҽαƚҽ ƚσ ԃҽʋσυɾ. Nσƚ ϝσɾ ʅσʋҽ Ⴆυƚ ϝσɾ ρσɯҽɾ. ' ] - ✡ ƚԋσɾɳιƈιԃxʂ ✡#☣ [ ' Wԋαƚ'ʂ συɾ ʅιϝҽ ɯσɾƚԋ ιɳ ƚԋҽ ҽɳԃ? ' ] - ✡ Dιƈƙʂσɳ x Cɾყʂƚαʅ ✡#☣ [ ' Sҽɾʋҽԃ α ʅιϝҽƚιɱҽ'ʂ ϝαιƚԋϝυʅɳҽʂʂ ƚσ Ⴆҽ ԃҽɳιҽԃ. Hσɯ αɱ ι ƚσ ҽʋҽɾ ʅιʋҽ ƚԋιʂ ʅιϝҽ? ' ] - ✡ Rҽʂιԃҽɳƚ Eʋιʅ Ϭ - Mαιɳ ✡#☣ [ ' Fσɾ ϝυɾƚԋҽɾ ɾҽʂҽαɾƈԋ. ' ] - ✡ Aʂƙʂ ✡#{ Congrats Crystal. You broke your husband without even needing to do anything. }#{ All you did was say a few words and he's already crawling back and begging for forgiveness. }#{ Even if you aren't actually mad at him because he can't figure it our himself. }#{ Crystal is the only person he can't read 100% and get a clear grasp on. }#{ Hence one of the main reasons he loves her so much. She always keeps him guessing. }#{ He's literally getting anxious over what she might say to him. Which is something he's never experienced. }#{ So he's just starting to lose his cool and panic. Probably not good for his little previous act. }#{ But that's what happens when someone like Dickson falls for some like Crystal. }#{ Thank you for sending this in! }#{ Sorry it took me so long to get to. }#{ I only recently got on my laptop. }
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chronosbled · 1 year
Since there is a chant. She bites the husband. <3
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☣ — EVEN THOUGH HE SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED AS MUCH, there's still a light gasp that escapes his lips, followed by a shiver that travels down his spine as he feels a pair of teeth sink into the exposed skin of his shoulder — all because he decided that he would wear a shirt that exposed the top of his shoulders instead of being completely covered like usual, mainly because he had only woken up a few minutes ago and hadn't tossed on the right shirt. It takes all he has to not utter any type of sound, but he couldn't help the whine that follows, a hand reaching upward as he gently brushed his fingers over the freshly made mark once the other was finished with her handiwork. "You know," his voice comes forth rather shaky, "no matter how many times you do that... I always get caught off guard." A clear shade of color taking quickly taking over his features. "It's kinda hot though~."
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