pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 2 days
no one requested this but here are some of my favorites details about steve and also some of the many reasons i love him:
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1. his baby shoes and baby picture in the museum exhibit from tfatws. i know EVERYONE was a baby, but having evidence steve in fact was one too makes my heart melt and so does the comparison of his tiny shoes and big ones being side by side.
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2. him writing his lines for the USO show on the back of his shield to help him memorize them. ‘girls’ ‘cap’ … he’s so cute.
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3. him cupping bucky’s face when he finds him at azzano. it is public knowledge i am a stevebucky enthusiast but even if i wasn’t … the tenderness and easiness of touch is so sweet ☹️.
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4. him clearing the howlies’ glasses away from them in the bar scene when he goes to tell the bartender they want another round. he wasn’t even asked to … he’s just that helpful and polite with his friends.
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5. i know this is a tumblr post that has been floating around forever but the fact steve wears converse … again: a common trait, but somehow even cuter when it comes from him.
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6. his little ‘rogers’ nametag on his uniform 😭 as if people don’t know EXACTLY who wears that suit.
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7. him wearing CKs with his stuffy khakis and too tight t-shirts <3.
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8. the arm scar he has that the serum canonically left untouched. proof that steve rogers can indeed scar, just like bucky barnes. the serum didn’t make him imperfect or invincible after all.
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9. him being the one to provide first-aid to clint on the jet in aou … using the nursing skills his mama probably taught him to take care of his teammate like the kindhearted man he is.
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10. his blue waterbottle with the sippy straw he brings to meetings and carries around the compound :).
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 3 days
where's that picture that ruined my life
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 3 days
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Thunderbolts* (2025)
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 4 days
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Morning softness
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 4 days
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 4 days
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멸치스티부…. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠ
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 4 days
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baby steve & bucky
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 4 days
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Marvel Studios' Thunderbolts* Teaser
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 7 days
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“The serum amplifies everything that is inside, so good becomes great; bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen. Because the strong man who has known power all his life, may lose respect for that power, but a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows… compassion.”
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
Questions about your character’s perspective on love and relationships
What’s their vibe on romantic love? Does your character buy into the whole “true love” thing, or are they more of a realist? Maybe they’ve been hurt before and think love’s just temporary, or maybe they’re the type who believes in the magic of it, like something out of a movie. Whatever their perspective, it’s shaped by their experiences and personality, so dive deep into why they feel the way they do.
First heartbreak, what happened and what changed? The first real heartbreak is a big deal. How did it go down for your character, and what kind of impact did it leave? Maybe they were completely crushed and it made them put up walls, or maybe they learned a valuable lesson about what they don’t want in future relationships. First heartbreaks can set the tone for how they approach love going forward, are they more cautious now, or did it make them tougher?
Do they believe in soulmates, or nah? Does your character believe there’s just one perfect person out there for everyone? Or do they think you can have many different kinds of love throughout life? Their answer says a lot about their outlook—are they hopeless romantics or more logical about relationships? And why do they believe that? Is it because of something personal, like their parents being soulmates (or the opposite)?
What traits are they attracted to? What qualities does your character find most attractive in someone else? Is it all about looks for them, or do they care more about deeper stuff, like a sense of humor, intelligence, or kindness? Maybe they’re into people who share their passions, or maybe they like someone totally different from themselves because it adds balance. Attraction is super personal, so think about what makes someone stand out to them.
What freaks them out the most in a relationship? Everyone has fears in relationships, right? For your character, what’s the scariest part? Is it being vulnerable, getting cheated on, or maybe just losing themselves in the relationship? Maybe they’re scared of being abandoned, or they worry that they’ll never be enough for their partner. Fear can drive a lot of their actions in love, so knowing what freaks them out gives insight into why they behave the way they do.
How do they handle jealousy or insecurity? Does your character get jealous easily, or are they super confident? Maybe they try to hide their jealousy, but it shows up in small ways. Or maybe they’re really insecure and that causes problems. Do they lash out, try to keep it cool, or straight-up talk it out with their partner? How they handle these feelings says a lot about how mature they are in relationships.
Is there a past relationship that still affects them? Even if a relationship ended, that doesn’t mean it’s completely over in their mind. Is there an ex or someone from their past that still messes with their head? Maybe they never got closure, or maybe they’re still hung up on someone who’s moved on. This can have a huge influence on how they act in current relationships, whether they’re afraid to commit or always comparing new people to the old flame.
How do they show love? What’s their love language? Are they the type to shower someone with gifts, constantly tell them how much they mean to them, or do they show love through actions, like doing little things for their partner? Maybe they’re super affectionate physically, or maybe they’re more reserved but express love in quieter, thoughtful ways. It’s important to know how they give and receive love because not everyone does it the same way.
How has their understanding of love changed? People grow and learn over time, and so should your character. Maybe they started out thinking love was all about passion and drama, but now they realize it’s more about trust and commitment. Or maybe they used to think love wasn’t for them, but now they’re open to it. Whatever the case, their experiences should shape how they see love now compared to when they were younger or less experienced.
What sacrifices have they made for love, and do they regret it? Love often comes with compromises and sacrifices. What has your character given up for someone they love? Maybe it’s something small, like time or hobbies, or maybe it’s something huge, like a dream job or even a piece of their identity. Do they think it was worth it, or do they regret it? How they handle these sacrifices shows what love means to them, are they willing to give up everything for it, or is there a line they won’t cross?
How do their culture or family views influence their ideas about relationships? Culture and family play a big role in shaping someone’s views on relationships. Does your character come from a background where marriage is super important? Are they under pressure to settle down, or maybe they’re expected to stay single until a certain age? Do they rebel against those expectations or follow them? Their family’s influence could either push them toward certain relationships or drive them in the opposite direction.
Do they have a misunderstood relationship? Maybe your character has a connection with someone that other people don’t understand. It could be a deep friendship that looks romantic from the outside, or maybe they’re in a relationship that people think is toxic, but it makes sense to them. How do they deal with people not getting it? Do they explain themselves, or do they keep it private?
How do they deal with rejection or unrequited love? No one likes being rejected, but how does your character handle it? Do they get super down about it, or are they able to move on quickly? Maybe they obsess over it and can’t let go, or maybe they act like it doesn’t bother them even though it really does. Their reaction to rejection shows how resilient they are and how they handle emotional pain.
What lesson about love are they still trying to figure out? Love is complicated, and your character doesn’t have to have it all figured out. What’s one thing they still don’t get about love? Maybe they don’t know how to fully trust someone, or they struggle with letting people in. It could be that they’re always searching for the “perfect” relationship, not realizing that perfection doesn’t exist.
How does their job or career affect their love life? Balancing work and love can be tricky. Is your character too focused on their career to make time for relationships? Or maybe their job causes tension because they’re dating someone they work with, or it takes them away from their partner for long stretches of time. Their career can be a huge factor in their romantic life, so think about how it impacts their ability to maintain relationships.
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
Grumpy & Sunshine Prompts #2
He often mutters, "I don’t get why you like me," and she just grins and says, “Because you’re you.”
They’re stuck on a road trip, and she’s singing her heart out, while he pretends to hate it, but when she falls asleep, he quietly turns her playlist back on.
She gets sick, and he suddenly goes full caretaker mode, wrapping her in blankets and grumbling, “Don’t make this a habit.” She laughs and says, “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.”
He hates celebrating his birthday, but she throws a surprise party. At first, he’s grumpy about it, but seeing how much effort she put into it, he can’t stay mad.
She comes home upset, and he awkwardly bakes cookies to cheer her up, mumbling, "I don’t know how to do this comforting thing." She appreciates it anyway.
He hates parties but goes to one because she asks. He spends the whole night making sure she’s having fun, even though he complains the entire time.
She’s quiet for once, and he notices immediately. "What, you don’t like it when I’m the only one grumpy?" he teases, trying to cheer her up.
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
I made stew. It was awesome. I love potatoes.
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
Grumpy & Sunshine Affection Prompts
She’s always poking his cheek just to annoy him, and he rolls his eyes but eventually pulls her into a tight hug, grumbling the whole time.
He pretends not to care about her constant positivity, but secretly, he loves how bright she makes his day.
She loves dragging him to new places, and he grumbles the entire time, only to secretly smile when she’s not looking.
He shows affection in small ways, like adjusting her scarf, holding an umbrella over her in the rain, or bringing her coffee, acting like it’s no big deal, but she knows it’s his way of caring.
She sneaks up behind him to give surprise hugs, and he sighs but doesn’t push her away.
He hates public displays of affection, but when she grabs his hand in front of everyone, he blushes and tightens his grip.
She playfully compliments him all the time, watching him blush and mutter, "Stop embarrassing me."
He tucks a stray hair behind her ear when she’s too busy talking to notice, and when she smiles at him, he pretends he didn’t do it.
She gives him little kisses on the cheek at random times, and he tries to act grumpy, but his usual scowl softens every time.
He always carries her bags or holds the door open without being asked, and she always smiles at him, which he pretends not to notice.
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
Prompt (417)
The world spun as the villain fell to the ground. The hero stood over them. They arched an eyebrow in confusion.
“I haven’t even touched you yet,” the hero said, looking at their unused fist.
“I. . .forgot to eat breakfast this morning. . .”
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
Hi! This post is a huge collection of all my writing tips in one place. I will update this list daily and add new posts
Writing Tips
How do i Plot a Book?
Childhood Friends to Lovers Gestures
Showing 'Fear' in Writing
examples of body language and action tags
Writing Trust Issues Tension
Quick Tips for Writing Emotional Tension
How to Write a Ruthless Character
Showing 'Anger' in Writing
12 Emotional Wounds in Fiction Storys
Gestures for Shared Moments
Symbolism in Writing
Instead of "Looked", consider
Words to Use Instead of "Said"
Showing 'Determination' in Writing
Showing 'Confusion' in Writing
Showing 'Anticipation' in Writing
Introduce characters
Showing 'Exhaustion' in Writing
Showing 'Excitement' in Writing
Writing a Morally gray character
Showing 'Jealousy' in Writing
Showing 'Love' in Writing
OC Developement
Eye Color to Define Your OC,
Describe your Main Character sheet
Body type and shape
Good Traits Gone Bad
Dialogue Prompts that Hurts
Jealousy Starters
Dialogue Prompts for Friendship
Dialogue Prompts for Unrequited Love
Gestures of Loss
When A Character Is dealing with anxiety they…
When A Character Is hilariously confused they…
Isolation Starters
Regretful gestures
Undermining Confidence Starters
When a character is Babysitting for the first time
Control Starters
Guilt-Tripping Starters
Soft angers Dialogue
Gaslightning Starters
Emotional Blackmail Starters
When A Character Is stuck in a never-ending traffic jam they…
Dialogue Prompts for Mystery/Thriller
When A Character Is dealing with an overenthusiastic fitness trainer they…
Confidence Starters
Physical Intimacy Prompts
forced proximity prompts
When A Character Is feeling nostalgic they…
When A Character Is excited about something they…
Prompts for self-Doubt
When A Character Is excited about something they…
Grumpy & Sunshine Affection Prompts
Moral Dilemmas Prompts
when a Character us stressed they…
Supernatural Elements Prompts
Family Secrets Prompts
When A Character Is in a state of panic they…
Inner Conflict Prompts
Twist Prompts
Conflict Prompts
Signs of ….
Signs of Embarrassment
If You’re Writing a…
How to Create a Villain
If You’re Writing a Female Character, Avoid these Bad Writing Mistakes
Emotionally reserved characters
If you’re writing a character who is Naive
Writing Love
How to Write a Confession of Love
forbidden love prompts
When A Character Is in love they…
Signs of Falling in Love
Gestures for Expressing Love
Love Triangle Gestures
Writers Block
Ideas to Get Rid of Writer's Block Inspo
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pleasantlysecretdream ¡ 8 days
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