sraelitz · 2 years
The cards, the suave personality, I must know. Who truly was “The Dandy Man” before he pledged allegiance to the undead?
I have a post further answering this question in depth here if anyone is interested.
Tubalcain was not far from the character Millenium built. Much of his life was influenced from the corruption in governments and harsh realities of war. It was drilled that to have a perfect hand, one must pick the cards themselves. Which, in my opinion, is a truth Millenium holds tight.
If I had to give a clear answer: Tubalcain was a man with no power until he learned how to gain it.
His youth served as a learning experience, seeking loopholes, any form of an advantage he could grasp onto. However, Tubalcain was bold: his gloves of blood nearly sent him drowing in the river of Styx multiple times. He learned rather quickly how and where to hide his cards, to keep a face of stone when questioned, and how to make a swift escape when caught.
Subsequently, the Dandy's adult life was easy. He gathered poor souls who would work for the slimmest amount. To be fair, Tubalcain had an ounce of pity and morality behind his motives. There were instances of mercy and sparing, before Millenium tore any form of mercy he was capable of giving.
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frauleinfreeshooter · 2 years
👤 + Hans
If anyone asked Rip to describe Captain with one word, she would blush and murmur “dreamy”. He was dreamy, after all, tall, strong and handsome. He would have probably become a poster-boy for the propaganda purposes, the one in a military outfit or pictured as a young god, but for his red eyes and snow-white hair. Rip loved to watch the way he moved. His were the movements of a very dangerous predator who knows very well his own strength and controls it. It felt the same as to be near a very powerful generator, the air was almost vibrating, humming around Captain... perhaps, it would feel the same to hold a lightning in your bare hands.
Their hasty retreat to South America wasn’t that comfortable. Whilst the soldiers were shipped, like a cargo, the officers had to use the one and only means of transport Rip despised. A U-boat. It was nothing else than a metal coffin moving stealthily so deep under the waves that Rip had lost the track of time. The compartments were very small and narrow, and a tall person like Hans had to sit almost all the time or lay back. Maybe he was napping but Rip highly doubted that. Because... “May I stay with you, Captain?”, she blushed, again, and now was speaking to her boots instead of Captain. “It’s just... those sounds. They’re driving me insane.” Captain nodded and that was the moment Rip realized she wasn’t suffering alone. The U-boat’s engine was humming all the time and metal hull skin was creaking but these were the sounds Rip could deal with. There were those other sounds that scared her. The sound of water surrounding, trying to crawl under the hull skin of the U-boat with its deadly and cold claws. It was the sound of the unknown. Rip’s senses became subtle since her turning and she couldn’t even imagine how dreadful this trip was for Captain. Just like in an old fairy-tale. Goodness, what big ears you have! The better to hear you with. He was definitely cursed with better hearing. Rip sat next to him and then put her head on his chest. It wasn’t a romantic gesture, though afterward, when remembering this moment, Rip sometimes imagined it could have been – it was a desperate desire to hear something else instead of the water outside... she heard the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Captain was known to be silent. Rip wasn’t, she liked singing and chirping, talking about everything in the world, laughing and arguing, but when he was around... she could enjoy the silence.
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
The Captain stood over Zorin in quake and agony. Another run of strenuous tests and drills after the Doctor’s completed surgery. It was like this for all Millennium members, but Blitz took it the worst given her extreme power. As she glared up at him below the rainy Brazil sky, his officer’s uniform dangling just above the mud in his gloved hand— His soft but stern stay almost saying…
"here. you're shaking; take my jacket. it's time to bring you home."
The rain, the water, the cold...
Doktor had been hard with her today. All her body suffered. Zorin loved her body, her powerful muscles and to do work them, but sometime, she hated them. Because the Doktor used them for justified her hard medical tests and why she should to suffer more that of the others members of the organization. He pushed her always more away, with many exercises, hard and very long, and didn't hesitate even to test on her drugs on her for to improve the strength or the resistance because of her rapid evolution of her organism.
It was the same thing for her psychics powers. It already was so hard for Zorin to sleep without nightmare, and yet, the Dok continued to give her news victims with a new spirit to frisk, to empty and to torture before to kill because her tired increased her hunger also.
After each test, Zorin felt her spirit to destroy more and more, so today, after the tests, she left the QG, tired and broken, until the outside, under the rain.
She didn't know if she could to run away of Millenium, and if she could, she don't know where to go.
The rain was her only consolation, so that the cold water appease her muscles.
_ Huh ?!
Zorin heard a sound, and she fell on the white werewolf. Probably to bring back her to QG. She already shivered of her future punishment and the others medical tests of the Dok.
She had looks like so wretched, so fragile now, afraid as a child...
Then the coat fell on her, and she heard to speak to her.
She suddenly cried.
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einsamerhund · 2 years
A cold feeling has run down your spine as a distant howl floods the air…
Einsamerhund wird zurückkehren…
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majoraslion · 2 years
(I just thought of something, Daciana finding out Hans is a werewolf and the first thing she does is ask if she can give him belly rubs. What do you think @einsamerhund ?)
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sraelitz · 2 years
✋ after a long day of clubbing
"Send a symbol for my muse to… 🖐 pat your muse on the shoulder"
"Quite the adventure we had hm." Tubalcain switched his suit jacket from his left to right arm, allowing the palm of his hand to lay on the wolf's right shoulderblade. He had taken notice of Hans' staggered steps, flushed face, and reek of booze earlier in the night, yet hadn't acted on it till he had enough of his own experience.  "Or should I emphasize 'your adventure'?" A low chuckle inappropriately fell from his mouth. He felt bad for his comrad's state, he wouldn't be pleased if his friend had made fun of his drunkeness. However, everything seemed hilarious when the punchline was someone else's misery. "You sure are feral to be drinking like that. Any reason you gave yourself away tonight?" His hand once again found its way to Han's shoulder, this time adding pressure and rubbing it, in a manner or care; a rare emotion Alhambra shared.
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
☕️ with Rip, Captain, and Schrödinger
get coffee with Rip
go out to dinner with Captain
steal their food Schrodinger
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
1, 6, 11 for videogames!
Favorite video game?
Already answered ^^
6. Favorite genre?
Action, war, horror, fantastic and some relaxing game.
11. Video game you’ve spent the most time on?
Nintendogs probably XD
It's a shame for me, it's a relaxing game ^^
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
Your answer here ^^ > https://asktozorin-blitz.tumblr.com/post/684269792080920576/share-a-headcanon-you-have-not-shared
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
Amongst millennium, what members has Zorin found the most sexy, and the least?
For Zorin, Rip is a beautiful creature, she began to find Rip sexy when Winkle began to dominate the others soldiers and to impose inasmuch as woman. She loves Rip when she wears her costume but also her dresses. She is also fascinated by the movement of her slim body when she dances.
The least sexy is... Well... the rest of Millenium ^^'
(Maybe the Captain is an exception...)
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asktozorin-blitz · 2 years
Without your messages, my askbox is sad because nobody wants Rp with me :( 
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frauleinfreeshooter · 2 years
Ahoi, Kameraden!
Thank you all for the asks and prompts, I will be working on them. Please, don’t get offended if I don’t reply asap. The Lieutenant is struggling with lots of paperwork. Love to all you, nice people around.
PS. We have a Captain now! Can it get any better than this?  einsamerhund
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