#☆゚*・゚ We are made of stardust — ↳ Edits
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#stardust speaking !#HIADBJKADKBJADBJKADBJKADBJK I. forgot i had twt headers of their other lil. tiny. art. thingies. that they made#i lov djeeta n gran sm theyre so cute#my gran folder shouldnt be messy cuz i have a billion folders within there. but somehow its messy anyway#since we got yukata pholia last yr do u think i have to live in fear of other msq charas getting summer units#since its a billion banners#summer cain but its essentially the same thing as cupitans#fanservice uncap & 'what the hell is happening' writing#edit i might take it back i thought about it for another second and i might not actually want anyone to share that w cupitan#thats HER job#but i do want cain to get his 5* so they can uh. yknow.
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Well folks we are now down to the last 632 tickets for the amazing edition of @neil-gaiman 🌟🌟STARDUST🌟🌟 with the addition illustrations by both Neil and Charles Vess and of course bound by the amazing Lyra’s Books
The funds will support so many wonderful fully volunteer led charities and groups. NO MONEY WILL GO TO ANY CEO!!
These funds will buy extra foodstuffs for non referral foodbanks, it’ll buy tents and warm clothing for the homeless it’ll support some amazing groups who support struggling parents in the community, it’ll “Give a Kid a Coat for Christmas”
If you click on myRaffall profile you’ll also see the awesome signed, numbered copy of Coraline which you cannot buy unless you go to a well known auction site and you’ll need to pay £0000s for it!
An added bonus with the Coraline book is a one off glass dip pen made by the awesome Sally Sutherland - Lampwork Beads and Jewellery in the colours of Coraline, this is the same pen as was gifted to Neil!!
Buy a ticket for a fiver, it’s about the cost of a large coffee in some places and you never know buy a ticket to either book and YOU could win!
There has been a winner from this group previously.
So if you’re looking to do something that’ll make you feel good and give you the chance to win an awesome book this is it.
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Not Broken at All Chapter 18/?
A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Oh hey! What's up everyone?
I know it's been a while (shocking) but it's Solstice today and the muse decided something needed to be posted for this fic in honour of the fairy orgies XD
This was written super fast and not really re-read because it's already 10pm so I'll probably edit it later but I'm giving it to you all now.
Happy Solstice and I hope you enjoy this chapter! <3
Part 18
“Doesn’t look so bad,” Will shrugs when they stand outside the mouth of the cave the next morning. Emma and Wendy roll their eyes at the same time. It does look that bad. For a place called Echo Cave she’d had expected something bigger, something louder. But all she can see as they approach is a narrow tunnel in the rockface, no sound escaping from within. So she jumps when Tiger Lily’s voice suddenly comes from within.
“You’re late.”
“Apologies,” Killian nods. “The forest has changed a fair bit since I last made the journey - it took us longer than anticipated to find the path.”
“You have a habit of doing that,” Tiger Lily scoffs. “Misinterpreting time.”
The reply is so quick, and Killian’s sigh so exhausted, that Emma has to hold back a snort of laughter.
“We came as fast as we could.”
“Come then, let’s not delay any further. The others have gathered.”
“Who are the others?” Emma asks Hook quietly as they follow.
“The eldest of those who were here before Pan. They were barely more than children when it happened, but They have some memory of how things were.”
“I thought you said they’d forgotten all their magic.”
“We did not forget,” Tiger Lily snaps from the entrance. Emma watches as the faint, gold dusting of magic that covers their skin, the only light in the otherwise pitch black cave shimmers and slides over their arm, cascading like water down through their fingers that they trail along the rocky wall, leaving flecks of sparking, gold dust in their wake. “It was taken from us. Through slaughter and cruelty. When the children who were left behind grew enough to become a threat to Pan, we were forced to lock away what little we remembered or meet the same fate.”
Every time she thinks it can’t get worse, it does. The massacre of Tiger Lily’s people and the destruction of their history, the torture and killing of the Lorelei, the horror of the murder of those boys on the beach. There’s no end it seems to Pan’s cruelty, to his thirst for blood.
Emma reaches for the shimmering of light that remains along the wall, glittering and moving with the flow of the rough surface. It glows brighter beneath her touch and something swells from deep within her, rushing to meet it, warm and electrifying, before she yanks her hand back and stumbles the rest of the way though.
The walk is long, this cave buried deep in darkness and stardust. She’s not sure she even hears it at first, a small whisper of a voice from far away, the words too quiet to make out, but repeating. As they continue along and a dim light starts to appear in the distance, they grow louder. It’s a child’s voice, rolling against the walls of the cave - wish I’d never come here… just want to go home. Just want to go home. Just want to go home….
She feels Killian’s hand on the small of her back and realizes she’s stopped walking. “It’s alright, love. It’s just an echo. The last secret that was shared here.” She still hesitates, not wanting to get any closer to the haunting voice. “Whoever they were, they’re not here anymore.”
“His name was Ruffio,” Will says, nearly as quiet as the first echo. “He’s been gone a long time.” He only meets her eye for a moment before clearing his throat and continuing as though he hadn’t said anything. She can’t blame him. She knows by now that nobody in Neverland ever goes home. “Come on - we’ve got secrets to spill.”
The light ahead grows until finally they emerge into a massive cavern. The stone that surrounds them black onyx - gleaming faintly against the dust that covers the ceiling like a galaxy above them. The space feels boundless, endless like the darkness could go on forever and she’s reminded of their flight here, of the endless sea of stars they’d sailed in on.
There are four people standing in the center of the chamber on a platform of the same black onyx, all of them with the same sharp, androgynous features as Tiger Lily, all with the same loose-fitting clothes and cropped hair, and all with that same shimmer of living magic glowing faintly in the dark. Tink stands with them, waiting. None of them are any older in appearance than herself, but she knows better by now than to judge age or power by appearance on this island.
The Constant.
They follow the rest of the way to the narrow, stone bridge that connects the ledge to the platform on which the others stand. When Emma takes a step to follow Tiger Lily onto the bridge, Killian puts an arm out, halting her in her tracks. Emma watches, heart in her throat as the bridge crumbles after Tiger Lily, stone falling away behind every step until they reach the end and there’s no bridge at all.
“The Constant keep no secrets,” Killian explains. “The cave can’t compel anything from them. We, on the other hand…”
“Of course they don’t.” No wonder they wanted to use this place. Easy to make others share their deepest darkest secrets when you’ve got none of your own to divulge and nothing to risk. “What about Tink?” she asks, nodding at the fifth person standing with the Constant.
“The fey have wings.”
Right. “So how does this work?”
“From what I remember, you step out onto the edge and call out your secret. If it’s truly your darkest, the cave will echo it back to you.”
“And then we get across?”
“Aye, easy as that,” Killian attempts a smile, but it comes out as a wince. “I’ll go,” he offers though he looks like he’s dreading this as much as she is. She’s just thankful she doesn’t have to start. He lets out another sigh, bracing himself and then, “I kissed Emma.”
Fuck. Her heart drops into her stomach. He’s been a pirate for two hundred years - How the hell can his darkest secret have anything to do with her?
Will smirks. “Kissed? Is that what they’re calling it these days? And I think you’re forgetting that we were all there when she jumped you at Solstice.” His smirk deepens. “And when Emma came back all wet.” If Emma could reach him she’d smack him.
“I literally walked in on you,” Wendy deadpans.
“I’m not talking about Solstice,” he sighs, not rising to the bait. “It was…” She knows when it was. We’ll keep each other safe, they’d promised. She doesn’t need everyone else to know though. Not when she’s not even sure what any of it meant or what it means now. “It doesn’t matter,” Killian shakes his head. “It was what the kiss - what all of it - exposed.” Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. “My secret is… I never believed that I’d be capable of letting go of my first love, of my Milah.” He breathes her name like a prayer and a wound. “To believe that I could find someone else.” His eyes lift to hers and it’s only by sheer force of will that she’s able to stop herself from taking a step back, from running away from the way he’s looking at her. Because she needs to hear this. They all do. If she wants to get across this fucking bridge, if she wants to talk to the fucking Constant, if she wants to get her son back - she needs to hear this secret as much as he needs to tell it. “That is, until I met you.”
She doesn’t know what to say or if she’s supposed to say something, can’t bring herself to look at Wendy or Will or look away from his eyes still burning into hers. And then before she even can do anything, Killian’s voice echoes through the cave, ‘until I met you’ called back to them like a ghost. A rumble follows as a section of the fallen bridge rises back from the depths below them, rock by rock, rebuilding itself.
Killian lets out a humourless laugh. “So, who’d like to go next?”
“I will.” Wendy stands with her shoulders straight, like she’s ready for a fight rather than a confession. Emma gets a sinking feeling in her stomach from the way she’s making herself look at Killian, with shame and guilt. He doesn’t look surprised - he looks like he expected this to hurt. “Sometimes… Sometimes I wish you’d never found me. Sometimes I wish you had just kept on walking that day when Pan left me to die.” She winces. “I’ll always be grateful to you for saving my life, for taking me in but…”
Killian nods when she hesitates, her eyes damp with unshed tears. “Go on, it’s alright.”
“You trapped me here, Hook. You’re the reason I have to live in this neverending nightmare. Forever. You knew what that water would do to me and I know you couldn’t ask but… you didn’t give me a choice. And I think that if I had one now - if I could have had a say in the next hundred years of my life… I’d rather you’d just let me die because this -” she gestures at herself, at everything around them. “It’s worse than death. And because of you I’ll never leave.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “I can’t even die if I want to. Not unless Pan decides that’s what he wants. You forced this life on me, Killian, you cursed me to live because it made you feel better and I don’t… I’ll never forgive you for that.”
Tears stain her cheeks now, jaw tight as she refuses to let any more follow and Emma can see the heartbreak on Killian’s face. “Wendy…” but she shakes her head and he stops the step he’d taken towards her.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes and he shakes his head this time. Her secret echoes around them like a taunt this time - ‘never forgive you for that’ - and another piece of the bridge rebuilds itself. The silence hangs between them, louder than any echo, until Will steps up.
“I suppose I should go next - while we’re on the topic of never being forgiven.” He takes his own steadying breath. “I’m dying.”
Wendy’s face falls. “... what?” It comes out cracked and small and frightened. “What do you mean you’re dying?”
The look Will gives her - there’s so much guilt there, so much pain and self-loathing and love. Emma may not know much about it but she can recognize it now in his eyes, in the way he looks at Wendy. “I lied when I told you I didn’t know what Pan did to my heart. I’ve seen him do it before.”
“One hundred years…”
Will nods, a self-deprecating smile falling flat. “I really hoped that I could keep it from you for a little longer. Neverland will slow it down but… he squeezed a hundred years from my heart. I’ll start aging faster - a lot faster - and pretty soon…”
“How long?” He hesitates a beat longer than Emma can handle - and Wendy… gods, she can’t imagine. “How long?”
“I’ll be dead in a few months - three, maybe four depending on how long I would have lived if I’d aged like a normal person but - I’m so sorry, Wen. I didn’t want to tell you, I -”
Whatever he was going to say and whatever she might have answered is stolen by the cave calling back to them in Will’s voice, ‘dead in a few months’. Nobody looks as the bridge puts itself back together, all of them too focused on the cruel revelation. He did it for her, Emma realises, for all of them but… he’s dying because of her. Wendy’s losing him because of her. Even Killian looks solemn at the news.
“Your turn, Emma,” Will chokes out with the palest attempt at levity she’s seen him manage since she met him. “Wouldn’t want to be left out of all the fun, would you?”
She looks out towards the chasm between them and the Constant. She doesn’t even know what she expected to confess, or what she’d hear confessed by those with her, and now, with the truth of Will’s fate hanging in the air, nothing feels like it matters in the grand scheme of things.
What even is her deepest secret? That she gave up Henry? That she had her heart broken by a selfish man who used her and then left her? That she spent a year of her life in jail? That she’s spent her whole life searching for the parents who left her behind? That between Neal and her parents she doesn’t think she could ever trust someone again - could ever let herself love someone again, or let them love her… That she might be anyway? None of it feels like enough; none of it even feels like a secret anymore, not since Henry found her and brought her to Storybrooke.
And then, like bile and sick, she feels something being forced up from her throat, words clawing their way to the surface and past her lips of their own volition. She can’t stop them. She doesn’t even know what she’s going to say until they come spilling out.
“I wish Henry had never come to find me. I wish he’d never brought me to Storybrooke.” The confession leaves her gasping, tears in her eyes as though she had been sick. She wants to be, hearing such a horrible truth being spoken out loud. Killian looks at her with sympathy, but she turns away from it. And once it’s started, she can’t stop it. “I never wanted to be a mother. I gave him away because I knew he’d be better off without me - but also because I knew I’d be better off without him. He’s a beautiful, amazing kid and I love him more than anything… but I never asked for this. Every day since he showed up at my door I’ve been terrified - every minute of every day. Those few minutes in the Fae forest when I couldn’t remember him were the most peaceful I’ve felt in months and when it all came flooding back it just reminded me of how much simpler my life was before I had to be anything to anyone. I don’t want to lose him. But I never wanted to find him either.”
The bridge rebuilds itself, completing the path across as the worst thing she’s ever said, ‘never wanted to find him’, is echoed back to her cruelly. She feels drained, numb, and she wonders if the others are feeling this horrible emptiness too. She looks out at where the Constant wait. If this is their idea of having them prove their allegiance, they better be ready to give theirs in return.
“Come on, Swan,” Killian tells her, leading her across the bridge. None of them say a word, Will and Killian both casting glances at Wendy who won’t look up from her feet, and the silence follows them the whole way across.
“That sounded rough,” Tink comments when they reach the platform, the five Constant talking in harsh whispers in a language she doesn’t recognize.
“How lucky of you to have missed it then,” Will snips. He must be feeling worse than Emma realized.
There’s an argument starting, still in that foreign language, but she can tell just the same. Every few words there’s a glimpse of something that feels familiar, a syllable from another language she’s heard, a word that could be French or Spanish, a glimpse of English, not one language but many - like every language spoken at once.
“This meeting has been a topic of some controversy,” Killian whispers. “But I think Tiger Lily might be on our side.”
“You can understand them?”
He shrugs. “One picks up a few things after two centuries.”
There’s a small scoff from Tink. “Yeah, all that pillow talk was really educational.”
Killian ignores the quip. “They’re the keepers of the last of the forgotten history of the old Neverland.” He nods at each as he names them. “That’s Philodendron, Halcyon, Alder, Jacaranda, and you know Tiger Lily.
“Tiger Lily is one of them?”
“Tiger Lily was the oldest Constant to survive the massacre. They were just shy of a century when Pan took over.”
“A century?”
“The Constant are eternal, love. A century is nothing.”
The Constant have gone silent, a tense, begrudging conclusion to their argument that Emma can feel even if she doesn’t know the words.
Finally, Tiger Lily speaks. “Tinkerbell tells us you wish to unearth the secrets of the island - secrets that were buried to keep us safe.”
“Secrets that could return the island to the way it once was if you ally with us against Pan,” Killian counters.
“If our knowledge could have defeated the boy,” Alder interjects, “we would have done so a millenia ago when he first laid waste to this island.”
“Maybe your knowledge alone couldn’t defeat him, but we have the Lorelei on our side, and the fae,” Wendy adds, gesturing at Tink.
Alder scoffs. “You have one fairy. One who’s been without magic for almost five hundred years, who’s magic was corrupted by the very demon you seek to destroy. Our magic was born from the innocence and dreams of children, the purest light magic there is, and even it was snuffed out by Pan’s darkness. What chance have you with a weakened fairy and the duplicitous sirens?”
“We have more than that,” Tink interjects, bitterness and insult obvious in the bite of her words. “We have her.” It takes Emma a moment to realize that she’s the one being gestured at and now every set of eyes is on her.
“Her?” Wendy frowns.
“You can’t honestly tell me you haven’t noticed. She practically reeks of magic. It’s spilling out of every pore. I clocked it as soon as she got here.”
“I don’t have magic.” The Constant continue to stare, questioning, doubting. “I don’t. Don’t you think if I did I’d have used it by now to get Henry back?”
“Not if you weren’t aware of it, love,” Killian offers gently.
“Okay but I’m not some fairytale character; I’m from Boston - the land without magic. I don’t have any power.”
“Oh for…” Tink swears under her breath, crossing the room and grabbing Emma’s wrist. Faster than she can stop her, the fairy pulls a small blade from the complicated twist of pins and leather that keeps her mass of blonde hair piled on top of her head, ivory handle embellished with gold runes, and slashes it across Emma’s palm.
“Ow! What the hell!” Emma shouts, yanking her hand away. That fucking hurt. Tinkerbelle doesn’t resist, the rest of their small crew moving to intervene, but all at once, they freeze. Emma follows their gazes to her hand, clutched tightly in a fist to her chest and her breath catches. There’s light seeping through the cracks in her fingers, golden and swirling like smoke, shimmering like the magic that flows over the Constant’s skin.
Jacaranda reaches a hand out to her, palm upturned in a request and Emma looks to the others before carefully placing her hand in theirs. Carefully, the Constant unfurls her fingers, examining the light that shines from her wound with a careful touch. Their eyes go wide. “This is our magic,” they say, voice soft and tinged with awe. “Ours and… something else.”
“May I?” Philodendron asks, extending their own hand. Emma nods, even as the urge to refuse shouts at her. You don’t have magic. You’re not magic. You’re a goddamn bail bonds person from Boston, not a fairytale character. Philodendron looks at her after taking a moment to examine the wound themselves. “This is light magic,” they confirm. “It’s raw and untapped but powerful, more powerful than anything I’ve seen since before Pan’s time.” They twist her hand a bit, trying to look closer, to read something in whatever they see that Emma can’t. “But this isn’t born of belief and dreams as ours is, it's the product of something else… of -”
“True love,” Emma breathes out, so low she doesn’t mean for anyone to hear it. Henry had said that hadn’t he? That she was supposed to be the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, that she was supposed to be the Saviour.
“Yes, that’s it,” Philodendron nods slowly. “You were right, Tinkerbelle. This is more powerful magic than we anticipated.”
“Can you use it?” Emma asks, still not believing it really, but if it means they’ll help her get her kid back, she doesn’t care what she has to do.
“That depends,” Halcyon takes a step forward. “Can you wield it?”
“No, I…” she doesn’t even know how this is possible.
“I can.” They all turn to Tink, Emma cradling her hand to her chest once more. “If you tell me what we need to do, I can guide her. But you’ll have to let me.” The last bit is directed at her and she hesitates… Tink hasn’t exactly made a secret of the fact that she’s not a fan of hers, and she just slashed her damn hand open… Trust already isn’t her strong suit to begin with. “I’m not going to steal it,” Tink snaps and looks genuinely offended and Emma remembers that she knows what it is to have her power taken from her.
“I know you won’t. I just… what if it doesn’t work?” How powerful could this magic be? She’s not anything special, she never has been. Why would this be any different?
“Then I guess you don’t get your kid back.”
“Tink,” Killian warns but Emma can’t help but appreciate the fairy’s bluntness.
“What do we need to do?”
“This cavern, ” TigerLily starts, taking a knee and placing a hand reverently on the stone, “used to be a sacred place. It held all of the secrets of Neverland, and the dreams of children who visited - the purest and most honest of truths of all - fueled the island as it did our magic. This was its source - the source of everything.
“But then Pan tainted this cave with his twisted version of secrets as power, as something to be wielded, and forced us to sacrifice the last of the light magic that still breathed life into Neverland, the cavern shielded itself from his darkness. Now it echoes truths rather than accept ones taken maliciously. This place… has seen nothing but darkness for centuries. It has not been sleeping, but fighting, the last of the resistance against Pan right under his nose, keeping the darkness at bay and it has hardened. We need to remind it what the light looks like.”
“It can have mine. Whatever this is. If it can help and if this place can defeat Pan it can have all of it.”
Tiger Lily smiles kindly. “Not all of it. It would never snuff out your light. But even the slightest kindling can spark an inferno and with it you can breathe magic back into the island.”
They nod to Tink who retrieves her knife again, slashing her own palm this time, the light that glows from her wound a shimmering green, and holds her hand out to Emma. Heat burns across her skin when she takes Tink’s offered hand, the light between them growing, shining and mixing. Tink places her other hand on Tiger Lily’s shoulder and the Constant flattens both their palms against the stone beneath them. After a moment, they look to Emma and she knows she’s doing it wrong. She’s not doing anything but she’s doing it wrong.
“I’m sorry.”
Tiger Lily shakes their head, their smile not malicious, but understanding.
“I have met so many lost boys and girls on this island. So many broken, hardened children lead here by fear and hurt and neglect, so afraid to trust, to love, to admit or even accept what they want, what they desire more than anything - what has been robbed of them. This place is born of dreams and truths and you, dear Swan, strong Swan, brave Swan… frightened Swan, have locked yourself away from both.”
“But I already told this place my darkest secret.” But she doesn’t need Tiger Lily to tell her - this place echoes darkness, resists darkness. That secret was Pan’s magic - not Neverland’s.
“What do you dream of, Emma? What truths do you keep from yourself?” Emma opens her mouth to speak but Tiger Lily holds up a hand. “Do not tell them to me. Tell them to the lost girl. Unburden her.”
What does she dream of? Things she can’t have, things she’s never had, things that were taken away. She wants to find her parents, that’s no secret though, she’s always known that. She wants them to have never given her up in the first place. She wanted a family, the one she could have had with Henry and Neal if he hadn’t turned out to be the vile person he was, the life that she’d had just a glimpse of after one missed period, before everything went to shit. She doesn’t want that anymore. She hasn’t let herself want any of it since then, not love, not family, not hope…
Her skin begins to warm, something flaring beneath the surface. Liar. She doesn’t know if it’s the cave or herself or her magic but it echoes through her like her secret against the walls. Tiger Lily accused her of locking herself away from her dreams, from her truths, but can they even still be truths if they’ve been silenced and stomped down for decades?
She thinks of the lost girl she was, abandoned, a runaway on the street, burning the last of her childhood, of stupid fairytales and stories to keep warm in a world that was only ever cold. What had that girl wanted? Powerless, lost, alone. That girl who felt like nothing, who meant nothing to anyone, who had never mattered and never would, who had only herself to take care of her. She wanted to matter - to someone, to herself, she wanted people to matter to her, to be able to let them. She didn’t want to be alone anymore. Even as she pushed away every foster parent, every friend, every lover as she grew older, she didn’t want - she doesn’t want - to have to do it alone.
That’s what she dreams of, what she refuses to admit that she dreams of. That for all of her rightly earned distrust of everyone, for all of her caution and her fear of abandonment, of love and hope, she wants to be able to let them in, let them matter. She wants to believe that she could have that happily ever after that she’s scorned all her life.
Images flash in her mind as the heat builds, her body tingling, a faint glimmer of light shining against her shut eyelids. Henry smiling in her doorway in Boston, Mary Margaret offering her a home, Killian bringing her to Neverland, Wendy helping her hide from Pan, Will sacrificing himself for her, Killian nearly sacrificing Milah’s name - sacrificing his memories, all of them banding together to help her save her kid, even Tink now, helping her to wield magic she doesn’t understand.
She’s not alone. She’s not in this alone. For the first time in her life she has people she can count on. People she can trust. She thinks of the smile Henry gave her when she let him know she wasn’t going to leave Storybrooke even though she could, of Mary Margaret’s pep talks, of shared hot chocolate and drinks and advice in their apartment, of Killian in that dank brig after one of the worst hours of her life - perhaps I would - of his words whispered in the quiet darkness of his cabin - I’m here. You don’t have to ask - of his confession echoing around them - until I met you. She does matter to people. She’s not nothing. She was never nothing. She matters and she has people who matter to her.
Her whole body alights, the blood in her veins not blood anymore but something else, something powerful and she can feel it surging beneath her skin, pulled by a force as it rushes through her and towards that opening in her palm. The white of her light overtakes the green and Tink’s body jerks like the surge of magic is as jarring to her as it is for Emma. Tiger Lily gasps, the ground beneath them starting to glow, tendrils of golden light snaking towards them across the stone like rivulets. Their body starts to shimmer, the dusting of gold shining brighter until their skin is swallowed by it completely.
Emma can feel sweat beading on her skin, the salt mixing with the tears she hadn’t realized she’d been crying. She doesn’t know how much longer she can keep this up, the power coursing through her overwhelming. Tink’s hand is shaking in hers, both their palms damp and slippery and white knuckled and she can’t imagine how much more effort the fairy is putting in as the one actually channeling all of this.
“There’s so much,” Tiger Lily says in awe. “We’ve forgotten so much.” Their eyes are glowing with the same gold that covers their skin, their mouth pulling into a smile even as tears roll down their cheeks.
“I can’t -” Tink starts, but doesn’t let Emma release her hand when she tries to stop.
There’s another moment, the light engulfing the Constant almost completely, so bright Emma has to look away, before finally, suddenly, it stops. The three of them slump against the ground with a gasp of exhaustion. Emma doesn’t even turn when she feels hands on her shoulders, helping her to sit up, she knows it’s him. Wendy is at Tink’s side helping to support her as well as the Constant circle around Tiger Lily, all of them holding one another in a moment that feels beautiful and private as joy and heartbreak play over their faces.
“Can you. Stop him?” Tink pants out.
“I… I think so. There’s just - there’s so much. I need time to sort through it all.”
“We don’t. Have. Time.”
“All of the secrets of Neverland, millennia’s worth, have just been poured into my mind. It will take me more than a few minutes to understand it all and find what will help us.”
“How much time?” Emma asks. Henry’s already been here too long - too long without knowing that she’s here, that she’s coming for him.
“I don’t… give me a few nights at least. Come back in three days. That should give me time to make sense of what is needed at least.” Their eyes are far away, like they’re not seeing the cavern around them but something far bigger and far more extraordinary.
Emma nods. “Three days?”
“Three days. And then we’ll rid this island of its false king forever.”
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#captain swan#cs neverland new year#cs fanfic#captain swan fanfic#cs ff#sorry this took so long again#cs angst#cs smut#ouat season 1 au#neverland au#happy solstice!
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sentence starters taken from fall out boy's album ' so much for stardust ' . edited to fit rp needs , adjust pronouns as necessary .
❛ you know i'm dying out here , ❜
❛ what would you trade the pain for ? ❜
❛ we were a hammer to the statue of david , ❜
❛ you were the sunshine of my lifetime , ❜
❛ i'd never go , i just want to be invited , ❜
❛ i just about snapped , ❜
❛ every lover's got a little dagger in their hand , ❜
❛ i'm falling in & out of love , ❜
❛ nowhere left for us to go but heaven , ❜
❛ is there a word for bad miracle ? ❜
❛ could we please pretend this won't end ? ❜
❛ don't dare stop , ❜
❛ heartbreak feels so good , ❜
❛ they didn't know , ❜
❛ we'll cry later , ❜
❛ when you ask how i've been , i know you mean well , ❜
❛ i'm just a cherub riding comets through the night sky , ❜
❛ i love my life , ❜
❛ i guess i'm getting older , cause i'm getting less pissed , ❜
❛ you put the 'fun' in dysfunction , ❜
❛ part time soulmate , full time problem , ❜
❛ hold me like a grudge , ❜
❛ if you put your heart in it , we'll do more than just get by together , ❜
❛ take a knife & cut through the darkness , ❜
❛ remember us just like this forever , ❜
❛ do you laugh about me whenever i leave ? ❜
❛ love is in the air , i just gotta figure out a window to break out , ❜
❛ my mood board is just pictures of you , ❜
❛ i didn't the love when i had the chance , ❜
❛ we did it for futures that never came , & pasts that we're never gonna change , ❜
❛ kiss my cheek , baby , please ? ❜
❛ will you read my eulogy ? ❜
❛ i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me , ❜
❛ will you still love who i am ? ❜
❛ half your life you've been hooked on death , ❜
❛ i closed my eyes inside your darkness & found your glow , ❜
❛ twice the dreams , but half the love , ❜
❛ i know i've made mistakes , but at least they were mine to make , ❜
❛ i'll be whatever you need me to be , ❜
❛ i cut myself down for whatever you need me to be , ❜
❛ there's no point to any of this , ❜
❛ i take pleasure in the detail , ❜
❛ drop a bomb on all the things we dreamed about , ❜
❛ they never came , ❜
❛ let's twist the knife again , ❜
❛ i guess to you know i'm just a face in the crowd , ❜
❛ oh god , kindly please , would you kill me now ? ❜
❛ last night i dreamt i still knew you , ❜
❛ i carved out a place in this world for two , but it's empty without you , ❜
❛ i got all this love i've got to keep to myself , ❜
❛ i can't be who you need me to be , ❜
❛ no one will remember me when they look back , ❜
❛ what is there between us if not a little annihilation ? ❜
❛ i'm a hard pill to swallow , & i'm not your intended dose , ❜
❛ i spent ten years in a bitter chemical haze , ❜
❛ that's the way the world used to be before our dreams started bursting at the seams , ❜
❛ everything's lit except my serotonin , ❜
❛ baby please , i just need someone to hold me , ❜
❛ i don't wanna be with my own thoughts , ❜
❛ i just wanna be your cherry on top , ❜
❛ when i said 'leave me alone' this isn't quite what i meant , ❜
❛ what a time to be alive , ❜
❛ split me right down the middle , ❜
❛ we though we had it all , ❜
❛ i need the sound of crowds or i can't fall asleep , ❜
❛ i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool , ❜
❛ ache it till you make it , ❜
❛ i think i've been going through it , ❜
❛ in another life , you were my babe , ❜
❛ i used to think it'd all get better , ❜
#inbox memes#writing prompt#rp meme#rp starters#sentence meme#inbox prompt#sentence starters#roleplay meme#rp sentence starters#roleplay prompt#fall out boy
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I made this sideblog to share my art and then. didn't use it. so im doing that now!!
my friends and I have an ongoing trend of taking games that i'm interested in and fusing our OCs with the cast of characters, trying to make the lore align in a way where both stories get to show through!! I think it's both fun and great for thinking. And I get to draw all my silly critters in situations!!! And new outfits, and behaviors, with new story!! and references to things I like!!!
So.. here's a few of the things I drew!! Current hyperfixation game is In Stars and Time!! We decided to call the AU "In Claws and Time" because most of the characters are silly fluffy critters instead of humans!!! I'll explain a little bit about the characters and why I made the changes I did too :3 SPOILERS FOR IN STARS AND TIME WARNING!!! This includes twohats!! I don't remember exactly which acts have what lore, but just to be safe, if you're avoiding spoilers and haven't played the game all the way through, don't read!!
We've got our Loop design!! They're a little bit less energetic than Loop in the actual game, smoother lines n slightly less exaggeration, because Scribble (who's taking Siffrin's role) has a lot less energy in general. Still keeps the fun sarcasm charm, but with less of an "OMG!! Helloooo~~ Hi Stardust!!" way. More laidback I suppose. Sorry if i'm no good at explaining!! ^^'
Speaking of Scribble, here's the actual design for Scribble themself!! The king would call them Dark one instead of Bright one, because their species has a lot more focus on being darkly colored (I will probably elaborate on that more in the future, but Scribble and a couple of other characters are actually part of an original species I made up, my friends called them the Paradoxes and it stuck!!! I wrapped the Paradoxes into the lore of the Island and stuff, species rules and traits have been edited to mesh with ISaT lore better, and have nicer designs for style purposes. If you're curious about them, please ask!!! I love talking about these guys).
We also have replacements for the Change God!!! The original story with me and my friends' OCs and such had 3 gods. Dune (the little cat in the middle), Umbra (the little dog on the left), and Adair (the little deer on the right)!! They're triplets, and they have a whole bunch of little mythology stories prepared by me and Wyvern (One of my friends) that explain how their world came to be!!! In ICaT, they take the Change God's role, deities that don't really do much, but are still worshipped for being the higher beings, and occasionally giving a little bit of help!! The little symbols on their collars, while in the image don't stay consistent, they'll be changed to be little teardrop shapes, each with different detailing, showing the versatility of even a simple shape like a teardrop. Umbra with a little water drop, Dune with a cut gem, and Adair with a leaf.
We have characters matched up with various characters in ISaT that don't have designs drawn yet too!!
A few matchups we have that haven't been drawn are:
Tiger as Isabeau Windy as Mirabelle Leaverc as Odile Cauli/Cauliflower as Bonnie Creature as The King Phantom as the Head Housemaiden Masquerade as Claude (Mira's roommate) Petunia and Lizard as that one girl and her dog And many more!!!
There's a lot of characters!! And a lot of matchups!!! and even more to be made!!!
We'll also have silly little extra cutscenes, even more lore than there is in the original ISaT!!! To tell people more about our characters. All of this is incredibly self indulgent, it's just for fun!!! Expect a lot of canon divergence from both stories
I don't know if I'll be going anywhere with this, but it's fun to share regardless!!! I just want to get the ideas out there really
#in stars and time#sfw furry#art#oc art#ocs#in stars and time au#self indulgent#isat spoilers#isat loop#isat siffrin#isat change god#In Claws and Time!!!#the sillies!! will probably be appearing again#(If you noticed the change from in paws and time to in claws and time#it's because someone else already had an in paws and time)
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what the hell is your actual problem with Starboy???? Like I get not liking him but the whole "Starboy fans don't interact" thing seems like too much
Oh good, I get to rant! Incoming.
My problem is that 4 times out of 5 when I see art that involves Starboy it is almost always at least one of these three things:
Perpetuating the lie that Starboy was going to be a romantic love interest for Asha. He wasn't.
HE WAS HER GRANDFATHER. In the early version of this story that the most popular "Starboy" came from, Sabino had already passed away and Starboy's design is based on a younger version of Sabino!!!!
He wasn't a "tribute to Disney Princes!" or anything like that. He was a Peter Pan-type character, more like the Genie. The whole "Asha and Star are soulmates!" thing is referring to the current Star. And that also reeks of "romantic love means more than family love" which is a whole other bag of worms. Like Asha's grandfather loved her so much he came down from the stars to help her realize her wish, to help others be free from Magnifico. Y'all wanna trade that for a twink that was ripped right out of Booktok?????
Also no, current Star's design wasn't for "marketable plushie" reasons. Current Star's design was based off cherubic stars that appeared in one concept ending for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, seen here, which were implied to be Snow White and the Prince's future children. So, souls - both unborn and deceased - are stars. "We are all made of Stardust" comes right back around, I suppose.
There's is also so much more dazzling Star concept art to regard but somehow, boring blonde boy is the one everyone obsesses over. Gee, I wonder why.
Everything about Starboy is usually used to perpetuate the idea that the movie was "supposed" to be wildly different and more in line with all the tropes of Booktok, often slamming the movie we got. This speaks for itself, unfortunately, and often disrespects the people who actually worked on the movie itself.
No, a romance wouldn't have made a damn thing different in the movie. "Oh, but all of Disney's animated classics involved romance!!!!" Oh really? Someone better tell Pinocchio, Fantasia, Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Oliver and Company, Treasure Planet, Moana... the list goes on.
This is the worst one in my mind but I'll admit seems to be the least proliferous... but still so present that I come across it more often than I'd like. Starboy takes up the space that belongs to Asha as the main character of her own movie. And they made not even mean it, but it keeps happening.
Like, I saw an edit with Starboy in the At All Costs scene, where Asha finds Sabino's wish - except instead of Asha finding the wish on her own, Starboy found it and brought it to her. Because I guess it matters more somehow that the sparkly twink found the wish and got it for her than Asha sought it out on her own purely because she loves her grandfather so deeply?
There's also an underlying racism in it all. Why can't the brown-skinned girl be allowed to be her own protagonist and save her own people? Why does a random light-skinned sparkly magic boy have to be involved???????? Oh, because people are convinced it'll make the movie "better" somehow. Right. That sure makes so much sense /sar.
Misc. thoughts that I couldn't fit in this list:
I'm gonna betray myself here. I love the tropes of "magical being imprisoned and rescued by mortal love interest" and all the angst that can come with that. But I care about characters more, and so often the Starboy inclusion just cheapens Asha's character in order for it to happen. Also why the hell do we need a goofy Starboy? Aren't we tired enough of the "goofy/irresponsible white boy" trope? It's just Peter Pan all over again.
I've seen comments like "we could've had the next Rapunzel and Eugene!" or "the next Howl and Sophie!" and I just. Those couples are still right there???? Go watch their movies. They literally haven't gone anywhere. (Also calling any couple the next "Rapunzel and Eugene" is a wild insult, unless we're referring to the age gap...)
Please don't think for a moment that I'm saying romance weakens a girl's story. It doesn't. Romance is fine! It's just not everything that people say it is and this particular romance is (as a feature, not a bug) so often used to detract from the WOC that we already have as a protagonist just because people went "oooh those two look shippable!!!!" and never did any more research.
Also Simon and Dahlia are right there. Just saying.
I'd like to reiterate that I am not going looking for this stuff. Unfortunately as my "Realms of Wishes" manips get spread around in the fandom and I like to go glance at other blogs posting about Wish, I just keep finding this stuff. Ugh.
Also yes, out of spite, I did create that banner. Here, catch.
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Made a long ass list of bands I listen to and chose 3 songs that I like best from each
I actually enjoyed to go back and look through all my songs, I’ve had this phone since I was 12 so it’s got a shit ton saved up on my pirating app. These are in no particular order
Mr. Bungle
- Quote Unquote (Definitely my all time favorite song once again, I’m a Mike Patton fanboy)
- Dead Goon
- Pink Cigarette
Siouxsie and the banshees
- Happy house
- Skin
- Cities in dust
Switchblade symphony
- Drool (Mother)
- Cocoon
- Sweet
Jose jose
- Una amable aventura
- Condenado
- Nadie como ella
Dog fashion disco
- Toothless dream (experiments in embryos)
- Fetus on the beat
- Hypnotic encounter
Nina Hagen
- Naturträne
- African Reggae
- Pee pee do do
System of a Down
- Mind
- P.L.U.C.K.
- Bounce
Limp bizkit
- Eat you alive
- Stink finger
- Counterfeit
George strait
- The chair (my dad dedicated this song to me when I was 9)
- Ocean front property
- The cowboy rides away
Carnival in coal
- Gang bang
- Ohlala
- Cartilage Holocaust
Dave Mathews band
- Halloween
- Crash into me
- Rapunzel
- The godfather
- Rosemarys baby
- Cape fear
- Jonestown tea
- Head
- Milk of regret
Nine inch nails
- Ripe (with decay)
- The fragile (I forgot the album name but it’s the soft and quiet version of this song)
- Eraser
- Sweet smell of success
- Malocchio
- Point and click
Faith no more
- Smaller and smaller
- Caffeine
- Kindergarten
Machines of loving grace (SO FUCKING UNDERRATED)
- If I should explode
- Lilith/Eve
- Content? (Make sure it has a question mark, the other song named “content” is like one of the only songs of theirs I don’t really fuck with)
Mindless self indulgence
- Bed of roses
- Faggot
- Shut me up
- Beat it upright
- My gift to you
- Pretty
Rob/White zombie
- Electric head, pt.2 (sexational after dark mix (edited))
- Jesus Frankenstein
- Pussy liquor
- I awake
- Flower
- Pretty noose
Mad season
- long gone day
- River of deceit
- All alone
Alice In Chains
- Am I inside (sound familiar? My favorite song of theirs, in my top 3 of all time)
- Love, hate, love
- Down in a hole
Of montreal
- Gallery piece
- Aries equals good trash
- Gelid ascent
- Feiticeira
- Mascara
- Rx queen
The garden (this was my shit when I was 13/14)
- Birds nest
- Clay
- Shameless shadow
- love cloud
- Smooth
- Hidden smooch
Mall grab
- purity
- Valentine
- demon days
- Rhinestone eyes
- Man research
Banes world
- I must be wrong
- You say I’m in love
- Stay away from my baby
- venus as a boy
- Bachelorette
- Possibly maybe
Mac DeMarco (probably have the most songs, been listening since I was 10)
- Passing out pieces of me
- Moonlight on the river
- A heart like hers
John maus
- the peace that earth cannot give
- Time to die
- I’ve got problems
The caretaker
- The sublime is disappointingly elusive
- Cloudy since you went away
- Stardust
- I heard a sigh
- Troupeau bleu
- L’enfant samba
Tyler, the creator
- Blow
The cure
- Bananafishbones
- Birdmad girl
- If only tonight we could sleep?
- It goes fast
- Sweet piece of meat
- He took it out
Tatsuro yamashita
- Moonlight
- あまく危険な香り
- Bomber
Some random songs I found in no particular order
When in rome- the promise
Wham!- Everything she wants (remix)
Tom jones- what’s new pussycat?
The psychedelic furs- sister Europe
CMON- Peter Pan
TV girl- not allowed
Alt-j- breezeblocks
Nosferatu- silver
Yma sumac- Chuncho
Will wood- hand me my shovel, I’m going in
Sublime- wrong way
Luis Miguel- entrégate
Splatoon- gusher gauntlet (my motto as a kid was “wake up, get raped, play splatoon, sleep, repeat”)
Billy Joel- pressure
Type O negative- be my druidess
Medicine- time baby III
Boy harsher- yr body is nothing
Kikuo- ごめんね ごめんね (I was listening to this during my ongoing abuse ironically and the song is about gang raping a child to death)
-MASA works DESIGN- 狐の嫁入り
Cage- I never knew you
Puma blue- bruise cruise
Sai yoshiko- dream of fetus
Lovage- anger management
I tried to bring variety and I found a lot of songs I listened to when I was younger I totally forgot about, I love music and most of all I love analyzing the lyrics, I feel I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs honestly I enjoy talking in depth about it very very much. And I didn’t put any here because I’m very particular about which ones, but I greatly enjoy classical music as well especially cello solos because I played the cello for years. The Elgar cello concerto is my favorite BUT, it’s a specific video I listen to always, I will find and link it somewhere.
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Happy 2025! [RainSpice Studios plans & updates for the new year]
Hey everyone! Happy 2025 from RainSpice Studios. I hope this year will be kind to everyone and that many good things will be coming your way.
And speaking of good things, I'm cooking some projects that are just itching to be released and available for download. But before we get into that, let us talk a little about the games that were released in 2024.
This won't be a lengthy recap of 2024, as the games speak for themselves, but I am still proud of myself for releasing a full game, a chapter one, and a demo, during a very stressful year both in terms of world events and my personal life (I graduated college, I'm moving, all of that good stuff).
Stardust★Arcadis was my first ever release, and a game I struggled to finish. I lost all of my progress because of PC issues, I rewrote the story a few times, and I released it after working on it since 2019 (2022 if the moment when my PC broke doesn't count). However I love the characters, I love the setting, and despite the many hardships of game development, I had a fun time working on it.
I'm planning to release more games in this universe in the future, including a remastered version of St★Ar.
The Code of Crystals started as a novel collaboration with my best friend. Said collaboration never got finished, and I had a lot of inspiration for stories I could tell with these characters, most of these darker than the original project. Thus I used the characters I made for this former collaboration and started crafting this narrative, and the release of Stardust★Arcadis AND the 2024 edition of Phantasia Jam was a perfect opportunity to get started!
Chapter one will be re-release this January and Chapter two will be released in either late 2025 or early 2026. Stay tuned for more info!
Enter the Eternity, oddly enough, also started as a collaboration, but the idea of a dating simulator with magical girls was too good to let it collect dust and never get finished, especially since its inspiration board kept drawing me in.
With my best friend's blessing, I could re-use the idea, so I created a new cast of characters and got to work, and had to do even more work after I found out that the backgrounds I bought from someone on itch.io were made with an AI image generator, which disgusted me so much it powered me to redraw every single background by hand and I will keep doing so for the entire game. While it is more work to do on my part, RainSpice Studios will never endorse AI generation in any shape or form.
At first I worked on it while I worked on Stardust★Arcadis, which explains why the demo was done on such a short notice, but it has now became my primary project for 2025 and I am aiming to release it around November/December at best.
What's the plan for 2025 then?
My primary goal is to release Enter the Eternity and my secondary goal is to release The Code of Crystals chapter 2.
I aim to finish all first dates for Enter the Eternity AND re-release chapter 1 of The Code of Crystals in January. The dates are already written and coded in the script files, so my focus is to add in all the sprite expressions, draw CGs and backgrounds, and add all the necessary music. As for TCOC, I wanted to remake its menus and add a scene with Eranis that I did not have time to add before the end of the game jam. While the UI code I bought doesn't work, its images are pretty, and I am happy with the result.
2025 will be another busy year for me as I try to find a full-time job to sustain myself, launch some new projects more-or-less related to video games, move out again, among some other irl things. But here at RainSpice Studios, I love making games, and will keep making them for the foreseeable future.
If you read down to here, thank you so much!
There's a lot to do so I'm going back to work 💪 I'll update you guys when I reach a milestone or I find something interesting to share.
So stay tuned! And as said, I wish you guys a kind, good, exciting, fun, and game-filled 2025. Thank you for your continued support and here's to more projects this year 🥂
[RainSpice Studios itch.io] [Stardust★Arcadis] [The Code of Crystals] [Enter The Eternity]
#game development#indie game#indie game development#amare game#oelvn#rainspicestudios#visual novel#visual novel dev#gamedev#indie games#rainspice studios#indiegamedev#indie dev#amare#stardust arcadis#the code of crystals#enter the eternity#enter the eternity game
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Merlin Cinema Round 1 Masterpost
This year, we've had some fantastic fanworks in the form of fic, artwork, and manips. These authors and artists not only blew our minds but forced us to think out of the box and made us so grateful to have such an amazing, hardworking group of people involved in this year's fest. We congratulate all the participants of this year's fest for their successful posting. Without you all, this fest would not have been a success. So, without further ado, we proudly present to you this year's masterlist:
[Art+Fic] Mise En Place by s0mmerspr0ssen, papysanzo based on Bella Martha Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: E Word Count: 30k Medium: Digital Art
[Fic] The Mistaken Bride and the Dragon by Chaosgenes based on I Am Dragon Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: T Word Count: 2,130
[Art+Fic] The Hawk and the Bear by Excited_Insomniac, Papysanzo89 based on Ladyhawk Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: T Word Count: 15.7k Medium: Digital Art
[Art] Merlin Stardust AU by dollopbrain based on Star Dust Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: G Medium: Digital Art
[Fic] The screams of the innocents by HadrianPeverellBlack based on Silence of the Lambs Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: T Word Count: 3048
[Fic] For Merlin by HadrianPeverellBlack based on The Departed Pairing: Merlin & Arthur Rating: T Word Count: 622
[Fic] Return to Oz by Sage_Owl based on Return to Oz Pairing: Ygraine/Uther, Gen Rating: T Word Count: 10,035
[Fic] An Adventure Involving Dragons by thenerdyindividual based on Barbie Island Princess Pairing: Gwaine/Merlin/Arthur Rating: M Word Count: 70 118
[Fic] That Loving Feeling by ravenwilds based on Top Gun Pairing: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Gwaine Rating: T Word Count: 32,500
[Art] Sweet Home Ealdor by Esseff based on Sweet Home Alabama Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Rating: T Medium: Edits/Manips
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#merlin#merlin cinema#bbc merlin#merlin fests#masterpost#merlin/arthur#merlin/arthur/gwaine#uther/ygraine#gwen/gwaine#arthur pendragon#gwaine#gwen#lancelot#elyan#morgana#leon#percival#fests
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The Stars Have Fallen to Earth, Can You Imagine That?
Tanned skin. White hair. Dark eyes. Their gaze moves slow, steady, makes its way to the window of a subway car. In the brief moment it passes by, a small head with black hair peeks through.
There was no eye contact. But they knew the other was there. On some subconscious level, as if their very essence were attuned to one another.
A rumble. The car trembles. Then it shakes. Suddenly it's been thrown off the course of eternity and into a place of being known.
The subway crashes into solid ground.
A dreaming boy wakes up.
Miles away, a priestess known for denying god staggered in her footsteps. Another migraine. Another message.
Accompanied, for the first time, by an earthquake.
Huh. New.
The priestess picks up a pen and paper and rushes to a place hidden in darkness.
A young man, hair and eyes as dim as night alight with stars, is waiting for her at the door to a beautiful home. He walks her to a sitting room, tables set to the tone of a business meeting as if that was what this was.
Business as usual.
Of course. It is.
He has a message about this world’s newest arrival. And…a request.
She says this looking towards a man known for his wit and wile. Brown eyes saturated to a dulcet red. Blood red hair. Clothes fitting and comfortable.
He was on vacation.
The note warned first and foremost that nobody would hear from the god for a while. Apparently bringing stars down from the sky costs quite a bit. Well, that was what the note said, but the one reading it did not know its meaning yet.
The note then told them that the epicenter of that earthquake was near his home, and the damage to the forest should not be too drastic, since the cause was made of stardust and dream remnants and memories far too old to recall anymore. It should fade with time, as all memories do. By then it will return to creation and merge with the forest. Again, the reader did not know what that meant. He could only guess some things.
But the last lines caught his attention. For two reasons.
The first being the mention of a child. Far too young and far too ancient for all that it has seen. The second reason being that this god made a request. Not some mission with a reward. Not some threat or warning with a clue as to how these mortals would react. A genuine request he could choose to ignore completely without consequence since the god was indisposed. A sincere gesture for help that does not involve favors or world-blaming calamities.
This being known for death asked a single mortal to save a helpless existence.
And for once the person reading it did not think about rejecting it at all.
He could be annoyed about it, something crashlanding into his forest, but…
There’s a kid that needs help first, we can yell at god for throwing him here later.
Do you think the plotting protagonist kept a library with stories of others like him? Of dying worlds and forgotten names and tired heroes who made too many mistakes?
Edited, bc I have had a title for it and I just didn't change the post for some reason.
#its funny because kim dokja knows death like he knows his protagonist#its also funny bc yjh is an embodiment of death while also being the one to never know eternal rest#I think he and GoD know what it is to truly yearn for real death#which kinda hit me hard when i thought about it#these tags are weird but yk#im learning#maybe kdj would have all his memories#or maybe not#idk#i suck at writing but meh#omniscient reader's viewpoint#orv#kim dokja#trash of the count's family#lout of the count’s family#cale henituse#secretive plotter#yoo joonghyuk#god of death tcf#EDITED AGAIN bc I forgot to mention this was a fic now???#My name is the same on ao3 if you're interested??#It's not very good tho srry
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laika ⭐️ they
hai~! its your dearest friend laika~!! you can refer to me as any of my names, but i prefer laika rn~! ( ^^ ♪
main is @twinleafsystem
i have comms open 24/7!! ^^
while this blog isnt nsfw, do bear in mind that we are 24 and this is the penis delirious site. i say and do all sorts of crazy shit
do note that i sometimes vent here. block the tag #gsn if you dont wish to see that <3
im a loop fictive! ^^ be weird on my posts and its all over for you, okay? ^^ )/ i am a faggot about siffrin & isa and by god i will never change
my inbox is open and i loooove attention, so feel free to drop by whenever, mkay~? you should also send me drawings on my strawpage!!! :D
i take doodle rqs on my rq blog @scribbling-one!!!
i also do art trades!! if you wanna do a trade feel free to message me~!!
i dont tag spoilers on any of my posts <3
you should totally read my post canon joining the party fic btw <3 plus its tag on this blog! feel free to ask me anything about it!! if i can answer i will. if i cant i still will, but ill be silly about it :P
oooh you wanna ask me about my siffrin and loop system au sooooo badddd
you should follow my other half as well @butchsiffrin & my other partners @kittenixie & @krisiverse ~ Post Hall Of Fame ~ god bless | your loop is lying to you. | i just want attention | stars your voice is attractive | answer my blindign question stardust . | isat problems animatic you will ALWAYS be famous to me | but we'll make it work~! | my buddy mal du pays
tag directory below
#laikas nebulous narrations - my text tag
#siffy time - siffys text tag
#questions; questions - answer tag
#talking time - reply tag
#rose printed glasses - art tag
#now in technicolor - art colored w more than just b&w or red
#ani - animated artwork
#nonbinary stars - sifloop tag
#stars orbiting the sun - isifloop tag
#of cats and dogs - isafrin tag
#flashbang! - isaloop tag
#feelings buddies - mira and siffrin tag
#stars above -
#loop, #stardust, #mira, #isa, #odile, #bonbon, #nille, #euphrasie, #mdp, #sadnesses
#lulu tag - art of me!! ; #lune tag - art of my fursona!!| #loopy - oh you know | #hoop - human loops :3 | #traveler - start again siffrin
#critters - little guys designed by tawnysoup | #looplet - critter loop | #fritter - critter siffrin | #bunnybelle - critter mira | #beaubird - critter isa | #bonster - critter bonnie
# - stars and such | #️ - words and such | #stawpage - drawings folks made me on my sp ^^
#analysis | #hcs | #edits | #fav / #ult fav | #funs | #lols | #fav art | #comics
#gl - ghostlight fic tag | #sunder - sunder fic tag | #tcss - two coins same side au tag | #oyny - an old you, a new you fic tag
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fall out boy lyrics, so much (for) stardust edition
❛ what would you trade the pain for? ❜
❛ we were a hammer to the Statue of David. ❜
❛ we were a painting you could never frame. ❜
❛ you were the sunshine of my lifetime. ❜
❛ i'd never go. i just want to be invited. ❜
❛ every lover's got a little dagger in their hand. ❜
❛ there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race. ❜
❛ give up what you love before it does you in. ❜
❛ no matter what they tell you, the future's up for grabs. ❜
❛ is there a word for bad miracle? ❜
❛ we could dance our tears away. ❜
❛ it's open season on blue moods. ❜
❛ i guess i'm getting older 'cause i'm less pissed. ❜
❛ you put the 'fun' in dysfunction. ❜
❛ hold me like a grudge. ❜
❛ the world is always spinning and i can't keep up. ❜
❛ part-time soulmate, full-time problem. ❜
❛ i guess somehow we made it back with a few dreams of ours still in tact. ❜
❛ i got no map to my own treasure. ❜
❛ i thought i knew better, i thought it would get better. ❜
❛ i figured somehow by now, i would have got it together. ❜
❛ if you put your heart in it, then we'll do more than just get by together. ❜
❛ i'll call you up and demand you have no fun without me. ❜
❛ i make no plans and none can be broken. ❜
❛ do you laugh about me whenever i leave? or do i just need more therapy? ❜
❛ love is in the air, i just gotta figure out a window to break out. ❜
❛ i didn't take the love when i had the chance but i swear i'm not sad anymore. ❜
❛ we all started out as shiny dimes but we all got flipped too many times. ❜
❛ we did it for futures that never came and for pasts that we're never gonna change. ❜
❛ i will never ask you for anything except to dream sweet of me. ❜
❛ tell me, when the party ends, will you still love who i am? ❜
❛ save your breath. half your life you've been hooked on death. ❜
❛ be careful what you bottle up. ❜
❛ i closed my eyes inside of your darkness and found your glow. ❜
❛ shake things up and see what comes down. ❜
❛ i got this doom and gloom in my mind but i feel all right. ❜
❛ feeling so good right now 'til we crash and burn somehow. ❜
❛ i know i've made mistakes but at least they were mine to make. ❜
❛ all of my wildest dreams, they just end up with you and me. ❜
❛ let's drive until the engine just gives out. ❜
❛ i'll be whatever you need me to be. ❜
❛ i cut myself down to whatever you need me to be. ❜
❛ it's all just a random lottery of meaningless tragedy and a series of near escapes. ❜
❛ i take pleasure in the detail, you know? a quarter pounder with cheese. those are good. the sky about ten minutes before it starts to rain. a moment where your laughter becomes a cackle. ❜
❛ here i am, not sure you should take a chance. ❜
❛ i like playing dumb, letting you figure me out. ❜
❛ just another day spent hoping we don't fall apart. ❜
❛ let's twist the knife again like we did last summer. ❜
❛ i'm just trying to keep it together but it gets a little harder when it never gets better. ❜
❛ late at night in my room, i lie awake and think of you and all your little dooms. ❜
❛ last night, i dreamt i still knew you. ❜
❛ i carved out a place in this world for two but it's empty without you. ❜
❛ i've got all this love i've got to keep to myself. ❜
❛ all this effort to make it look effortless. ❜
❛ confront all the pain like a gift under the tree. ❜
❛ oh please, i can't be who you need me to be. ❜
❛ one day every candle's gotta run out of wax. ❜
❛ time is luck and i wish ours overlapped more or for longer. ❜
❛ but you know what they say, if you want a job done right, you gotta do it yourself. ❜
❛ what is there between us, if not a little annihilation? ❜
❛ i'm pretty sure as far as humans go, i am a hard pill to swallow. ❜
❛ i spent ten years in a bit of a chemical haze and i miss the way that i felt. ❜
❛ i felt you at the beginning but needed you at the end. ❜
❛ stop me if you have heard this all before. ❜
❛ oh, but you don't know me anymore. ❜
❛ that's the way, the world, it used to be before our dreams starting bursting at the seams. ❜
❛ we're out here and we're ready to livestream the apocalypse. ❜
❛ the view's so pretty from the deck of a sinking ship. ❜
❛ everything is lit except my serotonin. ❜
❛ everything is lit but my lightning bolt brain. ❜
❛ i just need someone to hold me even though you don't even know me. ❜
❛ what a time to be alive. ❜
❛ they say i should try meditation but i don't want to be with my own thoughts. ❜
❛ when i said 'leave me alone' this isn't quite what i meant. ❜
❛ bad news, what's left? ❜
❛ i'm in a winter mood, dreaming of spring now. ❜
❛ i feel like something that's been stretched out over and over again until i'm creased and i'm about to break down the middle. ❜
❛ the stars are the same as ever but i don't have the guts to keep it together. ❜
❛ life is just a game, maybe i'm stuck in a lonely loop. ❜
❛ we thought we had it all. ❜
❛ i need the sound of crowds or i can't fall asleep at night. ❜
❛ i'm pretty positive my pain isn't cool enough. ❜
❛ ache it till you make it. ❜
❛ i think i've been going through it and i've been putting your name to it. ❜
❛ i used to be a real go-getter. i used to think it'd all get better. ❜
#lyrics rp starters#lyrics starters#rp starters#lyrics rp meme#rp meme#lyrics meme#sentence starters#long post
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I realised i forgot to do a recap of stuff ive watched in 2024... i dont have apps to keep track, i use a small notebook (that i just finished so i need to start a new one. It'll be my 3rd so far). Let's see... i think my favorite was Anul Nou Care N-a Fost, the best romanian film in my opinion, at least of recent years. In 2024 i also watched Asteroid City, which became my favorite Wes Anderson film by far. Of course it did, a story within a story, grief, and aliens. It was made for me wasnt it? The Seventh Seal also belongs up there but im not sure in what category... if you want to broaden your knowledge of cinema from last century, i really recommend this one, especially if youre seeking philosophical works.
Next i'll mention a film i just found so cute despite having no expectations: Ghost Cat Anzu. I love you middle aged loser cat spirit. Aaand the most visually beautiful film i saw in 2024 was Patalliro Stardust Project. Not only was the art style gorgeous, i ended up getting quite invested in Bancoran and Maraich, but the stars are not aligned for me to watch the anime or read the manga...yet! I would love to read the alien mpreg arc though... maybe thats something to keep in mind for 2025. As if i dont already have such a long tbr...
The award for most cocomelon shit i watched goes to Love Rice btw. The rice grains that become idols and in the season 2 finale fight diet culture. I could not make this shit up if i tried, it's an experience you just have to go through on your own.
Dramatica act 1 should be somewhere here but it wasnt really a film was it... recording of a stage play... but it was peak, truly. My introduction to journey to the west and i choose to believe the original work, which i recognize is on par with the odyssey in influence, is also a gay timeloop. I dont want the magic to be broken, let me believe this...
Edit: i cant believe i forgot to mention!! Princess tutu was my favorite anime i watched in 2024. If youre gonna watch anything on this list, make it this one
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When I got into Fall Out Boy on the tail end of last year I never imagined I'd be here. I remember learning all the lore and getting to know the band in the middle of the Stardust release cycle, feeling a little out of the loop, like I was late to the party (kind of like how I felt with MCR). but you guys have made me feel so welcomed and loved, even if I'm so much newer here than the rest of you. I'll never forget getting excited over every new song teaser, laughing and joking about every new music video and TikTok from the band, watching everyone be so supportive of Joe on his mental health break, being so happy when he felt good enough to come back. I'll never forget watching all the interviews, picking them apart with my mutuals, seeing first hand all the love and respect for each other the members of this band have. To get a little personal here, I was in a tough place in my life when Stardust was first announced. I was in my senior year of highschool, and for awhile I didn't have a phone, so I had to keep up with Tumblr at night, on a shitty old computer. At school I would listen to every song teaser in class and talk to some of my Tumblr friends on Google chat about it because it was my only option. I remember as soon as Stardust came out I downloaded it onto my old iPod and listened to it every night to fall asleep. It was so important to me to have this thing I could connect with people over. To witness this band who love each other so much, who pour that love out in every interview, who spread it to the world through the music they make, who are so open and honest about their mental health, who say that it's ok to feel despair, to be frustrated with the world, that sometimes life does feel meaningless, but you can find pleasure in the details, you can always pick yourself up and keep going, because there will always be people who want you whole: that meant the world to me. I bonded with one of my closest friends, Charlie, over Fall Out Boy. The first vinyl I ever bought was the gold special edition of So Much (For) Stardust. The first concert that I actually wanted to go to, that I chose for myself, was the Fall Out Boy show I went to with Charlie (this was also the first time I had the privilege of meeting an online friend in person. it's an experience I'll never forget, and one I hope I get to repeat).
This has gotten rambly, but what I'm trying to say is this: there is so much love in this community. Love for the band, love for the music, love for each other. I may not have been with Fall Out Boy for very long but I know this is going to stick with me. I feel so honored to be experiencing perhaps the best (and definitely the happiest) era of Fall Out Boy as it happens. I feel so honored to be experiencing it with all of you and I hope that we stay in touch. I don't have the words to describe how much this album, this tour, this band, has meant to me already. Thank you. All of you. Fall Out Boy forever 💜
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This was something that I had been thinking about for quite a while and drew out at Program on Thursday and finished on Saturday morning at 6 AM.
It would've been done on a Friday night, but I got distracted by my little sister playing "Catherine: Full Body" after buying it, as well as going to the edit this several times in order to make it look good lol
That being said, this is what I would imagine what would happen if Medea got her own OVA as mentioned in this post I made 6 months ago: Link
It would play out like an episodic series similar to the "Stardust Crusaders OVAs" and "Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan", and it's all retold in flashbacks from the perspective of an older Medea in a similar vain to "Persona 5", hence why we have Part 6!Medea up there.
Synopsis: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shortly after her daughter was framed and arrested for arson in 2011, Medea sought out the Speedwagon foundation for assistance, there the foundation's agents asked that she recount her experience with DIO and his gaggle of Stand users during her yearlong stay in Egypt.
She proceeds to tell them of what had happened in 1988 as requested, the following events took place a year before the events of "Stardust Crusaders".
The story's genre is: Action, Supernatural, Drama, Horror, Crime, Tragedy, Psychological
Opening theme: "Suna no Wakusei" by Kenshi Yonezu feat. Hatsune Miku
Ending theme: "Drive" by The Cars
BTW that drawing of Midler is fanmade and was founded on Pinterest without a link to the artist, if anyone here knows who the artist is, please let me know so I can give proper credit. The other images are founded on Jojo Encyclopedia, and Medea King and Eris Raitt belong to me
#artwork#jojo's bizarre adventure#jojo oc#oc#ocs#ova#dio brando#noriaki kakyoin#jean pierre polnareff#rubber soul#steely dan#vanilla ice#kenny g#nukesaku#enya the hag#oingo#boingo#n'doul#hol horse#midler#mariah#enrico pucci#pet shop#agents of dio#stupid 30 tag limit
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hi! i spent quiet a while to write this one + english is not my first language, so i'm sorry in advance.
i studied literature, text editing, journalism and much more disciplines which tought me a lot about text, books and writing. i am a writer too. i do not write fanics on tumblr, but i write quiet a lot on my native language on our local platforms. not to be that person, but i can say when i read a good text, a good story with a good plot and characters, and when i read just a graphomania shit. i know about criticism — i studied literature critics too, so i know what i'm talking about.
so, the hell am i talking about? i know you've been writing for your whole life (?) (or almost), but 'across the stardust' shook me so bad i still cannot find right words to explain my feelings. i guess i've read almost all of your works, and your writing has always been so good so i thought sometimes 'wow a real novel by her could be so amazing'.
'across the stardust' not only well written, but it feels alive. to say boldly we change three main locations where we interact with yunho through this part: the dressing room — yunho's room — our room. locations where are not many things to interact with, not many things that can revive the whole scene, so it's about people. about y/n and yunho. it's only about them and there interaction, about their connection and. lots of dialogues. and what i'm trying to say is that you're so good at writing dialogues and chemistry between the characters— this is literally insane.
i have read many books — good and bad — have read lots of fanfiction to broaden my horizons etc., and the main idea or plot could be so so good, but characters were written so... they were boring, to say at least, and i didn't believe to any of their words. you know this moments where characters meet up and boom! the next day they're already in love, already dating, already so into each other. it can work when the chemistry was done well, but in 99% of such cases it just sucks.
i was afraid that something like this could happen with your fic. afraid because i really love your works and i didn't want to be disappointed. but... i don't know what have you put in this work, but... i felt EVERY single thing you wrote. every single goosebump of y/n of yunho, every single twist in their stomachs, every single fire they felt about each other. this is a truly magic how you made me believe that feelings they always had for each other was not just romantic, sexual or something like this, but deeper. this platonic connection they did not know about, but something has been in the air between them the whole time.
i rarely can actually feel in my bones what characters feel, and you did something i did not know someone can actually do to me. this was so, so incredible written. i swallowed all the dialogues, i wanted to understand the characters, wanted to feel what they felt. i couldn't stop reading— and i was at my workplace! felt like i fell into the black hole hawking told us about and its mass was more then sun's in a million times, so my body was stretched and i reached the event horizon — i'll know what's inside the black hole.
thank you so much for your writing. thank you so much for this work, i hope you'll have enough time and energy for the next parts. thank you thank you and sorry for this bad english and dry review, i swear i am much better with my native language :((
🥺 anon, this is genuinely one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me. i’ve read your message twice and what you said is beyond kind ❤️
please never be sorry for your english, you conveyed so much to me i can only imagine how strong your own writing is in your native language.
i think the pacing problems with romance is a huge reason why i prefer to write longer works and read longer works too. i know that’s not everyone’s favorite, but i’m glad it resonates for you and many other readers here.
also…. what you said about writing a novel. that’s been a quiet dream of mine for a very long time, but i’ll admit that i’ve talked myself out of trying because in my mind the quality jump from fanfiction to published work is a big one, and i’m not sure i could do it. but it means so much to me that you said this, and if i ever do try to publish something i would be so happy to share that with all the people here who have supported my fic so warmly.
also lol one thing did make me laugh, when you said “i don’t know what you have put in this work” because my first thought was that it’s yunho. i think this version of him is closest to the one i imagine is real, versus some of my other work, and this reader is more of myself than i even realized initially. the love i have for yunho seriously transcends delulu, i just love him and look up to him, not for me but just as a person in the world. i’m really glad that translates into the work because when i was posting it i was nervous about the romance feeling too fast or too fake.
anyways i’ll stop rambling but thank you very much once again. definitely more chapters coming soon.
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