#☆ evt. sinners & saints [valentines 2024]
cjwelford-archive · 7 months
→ sinners & saints event, the peak seasons hotel, february 17th 2024. closed for @leilabarak ∟ prompt ‘lovebirds’
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CJ had a pleasant buzz going for him. He was drunk enough to be able to feel like he was floating through the crowd, but not to the point where he wasn't aware of himself. He was also aware that it was very hot in this ballroom, and decided to step out for air. Whilst there was probably some sort of garden or balcony area, once he left the event area, then the front lobby, then the parking lot, he found himself in the alley by the hotel.
Coincidentally, someone else was also there. Staring at something on the ground.
"Yo!" He called out, slowly approaching her on the off-chance she was a murderer. CJ then glanced down, seeing it was like...an animal on the ground. A bird maybe? He let out a gasp, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was around, like witnesses maybe. "Dude, did you kill that bird?"
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rcmandaniels-archive · 7 months
→ sinners & saints event, the peak seasons hotel, february 17th 2024. closed for @theaxharris
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There was a pleasant group of people Ophelia had seemed to know, that she introduced Roman to, who all seemed nice, even if this was how they were celebrating Valentine’s Day. He had wondered aloud who would come up with this idea, finding out it was a joint effort between the owner of Holy Spirits and Condom Sense, two establishments he wasn’t overly familiar with, but had heard of at least. And at some point, a member of the temporary friendship group had called over Roman from when he had been separated from them briefly to fetch a drink, standing next to a woman he was introduced to as Thea, the owner of Holy Spirits. “Ah, nice to meet you. I was curious as to who the brainchild of this event was.” He said in greeting, holding out his hand. “Roman Daniels.” 
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rcmandaniels-archive · 7 months
→ sinners & saints event, the peak seasons hotel, february 17th 2024. closed for @emelinecormier
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Roman knew, he fucking knew, that the minute they had entered this party, Ophelia would find a reason to bail him. He only agreed to come because she pointed out he’d be home all alone when everyone who was anyone was at this Valentine’s party, including his radio co-workers. When he had pointed out, due to the theme, he really didn’t want to see his co-workers, his sister told him to grow up. So here he was, tucked into the corner, watching the revelers in various states of undress, drinking and dancing and having fun, unlike him. “Is this something…common in this town?” He asked someone in earshot, though not looking at them, giving them an opportunity to simply walk away.
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rcmandaniels-archive · 7 months
→ sinners & saints event, the peak seasons hotel, february 17th 2024. closed for @zeynepxturkmen
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It had taken a better part of fifteen minutes for Roman to actually believe that this event had some sort of freebie arrangement hosted by the sex shop. At first, he thought the conversation had been some sort of joke, then as they continued to insist upon it, the bassist thought Ophelia had paid them to set him up somehow, just to see her brother get potentially riled up with such a silly subject matter. “But surely that’s just —,” Roman shook his head, making a slightly dramatic step back, almost trodding on someone’s toes. “Sorry,” He turned to apologise to her, “Just…the conversation about the alleged…gifts, that Condom Sense is providing got a bit enthusiastic. But surely it’s all bollocks right?” He was now addressing the stranger he almost stood on, wanting to hear what she had to say about it all.
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cjwelford-archive · 7 months
→ sinners & saints event, the peak seasons hotel, february 17th 2024. closed for @verdadurmaz
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The angel wings were sick, CJ couldn’t deny that. However, he had a lack of spatial awareness when sober, nevermind now, after he pre-gamed on his way over here, to the point where he was pleasantly buzzed. His wings had knocked into a variety of people, who didn’t seem to mind too much, his latest victim being none other than Verda Durmaz. “Yo, I’m so sorry! It’s nice to see you though!” He exclaimed, a bright smile on his face. “Are you and Emmy matching tonight? I’ve seen like, a tonne of sexy angels and devils, and like…nuns and priests and stuff.” 
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cjwelford-archive · 7 months
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→ cj_welford just posted a photo [saturday 17th february 2024; 7.40pm]
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rcmandaniels-archive · 7 months
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→ roman.numerals just posted a photo [sunday 18th february 2024; 9.27am]
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