#☆ thread / charlotte dias.
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fckher · 8 months ago
closed for @kinkeds
charlotte dias for esme cahya
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"here?" she's not protesting, but it's the most public place they've ever dared try and there's a level of certainty that promises discovery that brings a small amount of hesitancy to her voice. they'll be caught, she's sure, but charlie knew what she was getting into when they started this affair, and she wasn't about to back out now. what would be the point of agreeing to anytime, anywhere if she didn't follow through? the party is in full swing, and she's managed to swipe a drink (or two) even though her twenty-first birthday isn't until october, so she's feeling a pleasant kind of buzz. not enough to question consent, but enough to warrant careful planning. they're a little too exposed here, at the pool bar, but she can't deny the threat of exposure doesn't turn her on. she's not just wet from the water, and she's not just flushed from the sun. "ok, um... where do you want me?" she likes to be told what to do. instructed. ordered, more like. and she doesn't want to disappoint esme by doing the wrong thing. she's new to this life, after all.
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
Kaylane glances over to the blonde, pressing her lips together as she realizes Charlotte didn't catch onto her teasing. She turns her head to the trash can, tossing the trash into it as she glances over to the other. "You don't need to do that but you look pale as shit, Charlie. Are you embarrassed to be around someone who just ate shit?"
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"Honestly," Charlotte agrees with a haughty sigh, not picking up on Kaylane's teasing tone. "There's actually no excuse for it to be this foul." The blonde stands awkwardly on the pavement as the other picks her cup up; as if the embarrassment of the fall and subsequent spill has somehow rubbed off on her by proxy. She feels the urge to usher Kaylane away as if they've committed some crime, and she has to actively push against it. "Well uh, at least let me buy the replacement. For good karma, or whatever." @oculiaperticlausi
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daphnehood · 2 years ago
disclaimer: se tiver interesse em alguma dessas conexões é só responder esse post ou entrar em contato comigo na dm.
that blonde girl. Um plot dramático inspirado em olivia rodrigo x joshua x sabrina carpenter onde a daphne seria a "blonde girl" da história. (não precisa nem ser através de música, pode ser fofoca nível “thread de twitter”)
pottery class. Daphne começou a participar do clube de cerâmica e lá conheceu Muse que tem mais experiência na área e acabou se tornando mentor de daphne.(0/1)
ex-monitor(a). Muse já foi monitor(a) de daphne mas não atendeu as expectativas da hood ( ou podem ter tido conflitos ) que acabou expondo as falhas do(a) monitor(a) a diretoria exigindo mudança de monitor(a) que de fato aconteceu, algo que pode ter deixado muse ressentido. (0/1)
Pré-requisitos: estar no módulo III.I.
o nome dela é jenifer, eu encontrei ela no finder. Muse acabou caindo num golpe do tinder e jura que tomou um bolo de daphne (a fake pode ter tentado convencer seu char a participar de esquema de pirâmide etc rsrs) (0/1)
monitoria. Muse começou como "monitor/a pessoal" de Daphne devido o histórico de instabilidade dos poderes da loira mas com o tempo se tornaram mais próximas/os , começaram a treinar juntos/as ( embate físico), e foi só questão de tempo até chegarem ao status atual de fuckbuddies.(0/1)
Pré-requisitos: estar no módulo III.I
best friends (0/2)
something in between Daphne não tem problemas com rótulos, inclusive ela é geralmente a primeira a rotular seus relacionamentos (de bff a colega de turma), 99% ela acerta mas sua relação com Muse foi aquele 1%. Daphne achava que ela e Muse eram um casal, exclusivo, que já tinham superado a fase de ficante mas descobriu que não era bem assim para Muse após ter uma crise de ciúmes. Quando tudo se esclareceu Daphne bloqueou Muse de tudo e sumiu da vida dele/a. (0/1)
meu príncipe encantado. Quando Charlotte viu os dois juntos automaticamente começou a fantasiar sobre o futuro dos dois como um casal. mas claramente não deu certo e hoje Muse e Balen são grandes amigos.  (0/1)
pré-requisito: ser filho de alguma dessas famílias tradicionais de arthurian e ter entre 21 -23.
friends to fuckbuddies to strangers. Balen tentou ter uma amizade colorida com Muse mas deu tudo errado quando acabou se apaixonando por Muse que não correspondia seus sentimentos. Antes eram amigas mas hoje em dia elas são meras estranhas. (0/1)
pré-requisito: f
devil city. Muse está sempre carregando Balen para os rolês mais aleatórios no Castigo e Balen sempre o/a acompanha. @eyesofhoruszorak (0/1)
FÃS. Fãs do podcast da Balen.
amigos(as) que viraram rivais. detalhes a combinar.(0/1)
studybuddies. Balen está com baixo desempenho em algumas disciplinas e, como horas extracurriculares, Muse decidiu ajuda com os estudos mas a Balen não facilita.(0/1)
partners in crime (0/1)
crushs (0/2) pessoas que a Balen tem crush.
pré-requisitos: f
ex and oh's ex namoradinhas
pré-requisitos: f
ultimate duo (amizade)( 0/1)
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mikemortgage · 6 years ago
Unifor’s high-profile campaign against GM is a also a fight for its future
TORONTO — Jerry Dias is fed up.
At labour rallies, press conferences, anywhere people might listen, the head of Unifor has for more than two months been expressing a deep frustration about how General Motors has broken one promise too many with its plan to close its Oshawa Assembly Plant.
“There’s nobody on the face of this earth that lies more than General Motors,” said Dias in a recent interview.
“That’s why we’re so furious, that’s why we’re running this campaign, and that’s why we’re slamming them every single day.”
Last weekend’s Super Bowl ad against GM, a walk-out at a parts supplier Friday, and the union’s call for a partial boycott of GM vehicles are just the latest efforts to pressure the company financially, and to try and keep the looming closure of the storied plant in the eyes of the government and public.
GM, however, has shown no sign of wavering in its decision, maintaining that the shutdown is part of a needed effort to become more efficient, and that it has already committed to generous retraining and retirement packages.
With the two adversaries dug in, the dispute is likely to be a drawn out affair as Unifor looks to protect unionized jobs — and its reputation — amid a fast-evolving auto sector.
“It’s really understandable why Unifor is all-in on this one,” said Steven Tufts, an associate professor at York University who studies labour.
“For Unifor as a union, to make them more relevant, even to members outside of the auto sector, they have to show they can fight.”
The union, however, is fighting against a shrinking company. In 2007 General Motors was the world’s largest automaker, a titan of industry built on a century of development. But high-profile stumbles including its bankruptcy, bailout, and efforts to right the ship have left the company’s production at about half of its peak.
Production cutbacks have had a direct effect on Canadian autoworkers, who have already endured closures or layoffs at several Ontario operations over the past decade. Dias maintains that several rounds of cuts have arrived not long after assurances from GM that they weren’t coming. GM declined an interview request for this story.
The fight has an added level of tension for Unifor, since the share of unionized autoworkers has been shrinking for the past two decades as the Detroit three cut back, even as non-unionized Toyota and Honda have added volume in Ontario.
“For Unifor this is significant, because if the industry is shifting away from unionized to non-unionized, that’s a big deal,” said Charlotte Yates, an expert on auto industry labour issues at the University of Guelph.
The campaign also raises questions about priorities and focus at the union itself. Autoworkers only make up about 13 per cent of the membership following the mega-merger between the Canadian Auto Workers and the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada in 2013 to create 315,000-member strong Unifor.
“It’s really about them fighting for the definition of what is the union based upon, and where is it going in the future,” said Tufts.
Dias, however, said members understand the need to fight GM, and would expect nothing less.
“The only chance you have is rolling up your sleeves and getting at it. And that’s who we are as an organization. We’re a fighting union.”
While the union has been pulling out all the stops on this fight, it says governments have not been following suit. Dias cajoled Ontario Premier Doug Ford and federal Economic Development Minister Navdeep Bains into raising the issue with GM, but apart from brief meetings in January with the company both have been largely silent on the issue.
“When governments say nothing, it’s almost as if it’s a passive acceptance of the company’s right to make the decision,” said Dias.
“They need to know that if in fact you’re going to walk away and betray Canadians, there’s going to be a hell of a price to pay.”
According to Yates, governments in Canada do have levers to influence industry, just as U.S. President Donald Trump has tried to do.
“This isn’t posturing by Unifor, what they’re telling government is this industry is vital, and you’ve got to fight for it,” said Yates.
She said the government’s response has been to express some disappointment and then move on, but they need to understand that auto jobs aren’t like other jobs.
As Dias has been at pains to emphasize, each of the 2,600 union jobs being lost at Oshawa support between seven to 10 spin-off jobs.
The closure is also part of a longer term decline in Canada’s auto sector, which has seen production numbers fall from a peak of almost three million vehicles in 1999 and 17 per cent of North American auto production, to under two million vehicles and 12 per cent of production last year.
The closure of GM’s Oshawa plant won’t kill the industry, and doesn’t portend the end of GM in Canada, but it is another step towards it, said Yates.
“When you lose an assembly plant, it feels like you’re tugging on that thread that could it unravel the whole sweater.”
Meanwhile, Dias has promised a fight to the end.
“The fight that we’re waging is a fight that’s going to continue and we’re not going to slow down. This isn’t about the labour movement retreating or somehow the labour movement accepting the decisions of raw capitalism as inevitable,” said Dias.
“From a leadership point of view we’re all in, and we always have been, because losing is not an option.”
from Financial Post http://bit.ly/2TLo76s via IFTTT Blogger Mortgage Tumblr Mortgage Evernote Mortgage Wordpress Mortgage href="https://www.diigo.com/user/gelsi11">Diigo Mortgage
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fckher · 8 months ago
tags for cora, harper, zoe and rowan.
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
Kaylane drifts her gaze across the ground, furrowing her brows. She's allowing Charlotte to have it but it's the outside, the world changes. How is someone supposed to stay up to date on it? At least there isn't trash everywhere. "Facts, our dare they let us get our shoes dirty." She teases, biting on her lower lip as she reaches down to pick up the cup. She hasn't cared much about what people think of her since high school, pressing her lips together as she shrugs her shoulders. "Everyone falls on their ass every once in a while, it's not a big deal... and I guess I'll have to buy another latte because I can't get through the day without coffee."
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"Honestly, it's a joke," Charlotte replies, shaking her head. "I'll ask my father to speak to someone down at the council about it. Like what are we, heathens? It's ridiculous." The blonde then picks up Kaylane's purse from the curb and hands it back to her before answering. "Okay well let's just say that if it were me, I'd hide my face for a few days. Also um, your latte found a new home all over the pavement." @oculiaperticlausi
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
"Damn." Kaylane laughs, turning her head to look down at her clothing. She helps Charlotte brush off the material, pressing her lips together. "I feel like I hardly see those trucks." She admits, turning her head to look over at her. "I always want you to be honest."
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"Sadly no, you fell so fast I didn't even have time." Once Kaylane is standing, Charlotte helps brush down her back, disgusted from how much dirt it has collected from the sidewalk. "Ugh what do we even pay street cleaners for?" She mutters, dusting her hands together to clean them. "Do you want me to tell the truth or be nice?" @oculiaperticlausi
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oculiaperticlausi · 1 year ago
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Kaylane laughs hard, laying on the ground and looking up at the sky. "Tell me you recorded it." She teases, turning her head to look over at the blonde. "I would have fucking laughed at you so." She gets up with the other's help, laughing as she brushes her hands against her jeans. "Jesus. How fucking embarrassing was that."
closed for @oculiaperticlausi
"Oh my God, are you okay?" Charlotte asked, trying to hide her humoured smile behind a concerned frown. What was it about people tripping up that was always so funny? Assessing there was no serious damage done, she allowed herself to giggle as she helped the other up. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh but... you know the curb has always been there right?"
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