#★ ro my wife ★
hearts4robs · 7 months
i’m like…super late lmao. but happy valentines robin!! 🥰
thank you love !!🫶😭
and you too !!
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carameldippy · 1 year
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for ★ @necrochu : jaiden / bobby fluff (i couldn’t find original post, my apologies!)
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there are multiple instances where fluff is definitely a possibility for this pair. they’re just so adorable!
i like cuddling a lot- and defensive/protective ja¡den just for ro¡er and ßobby. or, ja¡den drawing with bobby, since they both enjoy and like that. ❤️
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During winter, the family would have something like a fireplace for their warmth, but jaiden being jaiden— she likes cuddling instead. It isn’t like either boy of the family minds, they find it adorable. Jaiden, during winter, will wear so much more pajama clothing, to keep warm, and they find it funny, but comforting, because it’s just so lovely to see her.
Jaiden always asks to cuddle when their working on something. It’s not on purpose, it’s just a coincidence. She begs a lot, and does so constantly.
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Bobby finally agreed to cuddle Jaiden- despite how much Bobby tried to disagree and run from his mama, and they notion to the fact that they had a fire place, Jaiden pleaded with “Cuddles! Cuddles! Cuddles! Now!” Like a chant. Bobby positioned itself on the couch- comfortable in the cushion. Her wings tightly wrapped around Bobby, and both her arm and leg did too- trapping the egg. Jaiden rested their chin on top of Bobby, and chirped. She fell asleep, with a smile on her face. Bobby was unable to move, held captive in his mother’s grasp. But— he wasn’t complaining one bit. He loved his mama.
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I really love to think that Jaiden is a very persistent and clingy (wife) -person. She’d then proceed to literally trap them. Like they’re a possession. Especially with Bobby, since… he’s an egg. And Jaiden is a winged!human in my perspective.
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I would love to see protective Ja¡den. But, I also would love to see these ideas, too!:
Ja¡den and ßobby interacting with animals outside Ro¡er’s home and castle 😭❤️
Ja¡den and ßobby: Wing Preening!!! :3 jaiden being motherly and teaching Bobby how to clean and groom himself
Ja¡den and ßobby: drawing, or watching fireworks together. (Bonus if at some place like a picnic)
they deserve the world!!
(and to kiss each other mwamwamwah)
(sorry if this isn’t what you expected^_^ i wasn’t sure if it should be SFW or nsfw 😅)
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385bookreviews · 2 years
1.3.1 Red Rising by Pierce Brown
Pages: 382
Read Time: 9 hours and 48 minutes
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ Storyline: ★★★★★ Dialogue: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★
Genre: Adult Science Fiction
TWs for the book: Mentions of r*pe, violence, death, murder, blood, war, slavery, torture, animal death, injury, execution, grief, classism, SA, cannibalism, cursing, bullying, sexism, colonization, genocide, su*c*de, kidnapping, abuse, racism, ableism, alcoholism, vomit, drug use, confinement, self harm, police brutality, medical trauma, fire, dysphoria, betrayal
POV: First person from Darrow
Time Period/Location: A future of genetically enhanced and segregated humans on the planet Mars
First Line: I would have lived in peace, but my enemies brought me war.
Darrow is a miner under the surface of the planet Mars. He is a Red, the lowest of the color sorted caste system that now governs this interplanetary society; Browns, the servants; Obsidians, the inhuman brute soldiers; and Pinks, the sex slaves; are above them. After that comes the Grays, similar to cops. After them are Blues, ship navigators; Yellow, doctors; Greens, engineers; Violets, entertainers; Oranges, mechanics. Above them are Silvers, who handle money; Whites, who handle justice and are almost religious figures; and Coppers, who are bureaucrats. At the top of the pyramid, are the Golds. They are superhuman in physicality and intelligence. The Reds under the surface however, think they work to terraform Mars so that others may inhabit the surface. But it is merely a lie to keep them in check, as the surface is already terraformed. Darrow and his wife Eo sneak into the Grays’ garden and are publicly flogged for the crime. But Eo, in the presence of the ArchGovernor of Mars and as an act of rebellion, sings the forbidden and illegal song. They hang her for it. Darrow buries her body, which is also illegal, and he too is hung. But instead of death, he wakes in the custody of the Sons of Ares, a Red rebellion group. They take him to a Violet carver, and he is made genetically into a Gold. He is trained in all things of the Gold and the Society, and is sent to The Institute, a school for Golds to rise high in the Society and become Knights, Imperators, Governors, Praetors, etc. There he meets two brothers, Cassius and Julian au Bellona. They were all separated into Houses based off of the Roman gods, Mars, Ceres, Diana, Minerva, Neptune, Bacchus, Juno, Vulcan, Apollo, and Pluto. Darrow, Cassius, Julian, and others are chosen for House Mars. But very quickly, 500 of the higher ranked students are pitted against 500 of the lower ranked ones, to pick off the weaklings. Darrow reluctantly kills Julian, and allows Cassius to think it was someone else. Their House is quickly torn apart, as Cassius, Darrow, Roque, Lea, Quinn, and others form a tribe, a snotty girl named Antonia forms her own tribe, and a big brute named Titus takes control of the main castle. Sevro, the 100th pick of the House who is immensely shorter than everyone else and often referred to as Goblin, goes off on his own and joins a pack of wolves. Titus begins SAing girls in the castle, slaves from House Ceres, and even other girls in House Mars, and cuts off Quinn’s ear. Cassius, Darrow, Roque, Antonia, and Sevro, with the unwitting help from Virginia (Mustang) from House Minerva, take back the castle and overthrow Titus. Darrow installs himself as leader, and, upon finding out that Titus is another Red who had been carved like him, allows Cassius to kill him, as Darrow allowed him to think that Titus killed Julian. With Darrow now in charge, he captures House Minerva and House Diana in one fell swoop, earning the nickname the Reaper because of the slingBlade (scythe) that he carries. However, Antonia plots against him and, using Lea and Roque as bait, she lures Darrow into a trap to kill him, bribed by the Jackal, the menace of House Pluto killing in the south. Lea is killed during this attempt on Darrow’s life, and Roque goes missing. Fitchner, the Proctor of House Mars, reveals that the Jackal is the ArchGovenor’s son. The next night, Cassius leads Darrow out of bed, far from the castle, and reveals that the Jackal sent him a video of Darrow killing Julian. They duel, and Cassius stabs him through the stomach and leaves him for dead. But he is rescued and nursed back to health by Mustang, as he had let her escape from the siege of House Minerva. She nurses him back to health, and, when she falls ill, he goes in search of medicine. He comes across Fitchner again, and he explains that the game is rigged in favor of the Jackal, as the ArchGovernor bribed and threatened them all. He demands medicine from Fitchner, and also learns the main people supporting the rigging of the game are Proctors Apollo and Jupiter. Upon returning to Mustang, he formulates a plan. Soon, he has a small army of people he enslaved and then freed. They take House Ceres, and then House Apollo. Fitchner comes to him to warn him to stop, but Darrow imprisons him in the bottom of the fortress and steals his gravBoots, armor, weapons. They march toward House Jupiter, and take it quickly. It is surrendered by a small boy named Lucien, and Darrow pulls the ruse on him that he trusts him and that his army is drunk after they take the castle. But when Darrow suddenly stabs him through the hand, it is revealed that he is actually Adrius au Augustus, the Jackal. Darrow gives him the choice of surrendering and becoming a slave, or sawing off his own hand to escape. Adrius chooses the latter option, and then attempts to kill Darrow, but Pax, one of his closest warriors and a former member of House Minerva, sacrifices himself for him. He runs away, pursued by  Sevro, his Howlers, and Darrow, but escapes with the aid of Proctors Apollo and Venus. Apollo attempts to kill Darrow, but Darrow kills him first, not before Apollo reveals that the Proctors have captured Mustang, who Darrow is now in love with. He storms Olympus, the floating mountain above the arena where the Proctors live. He captures them all and frees Mustang, revealing his feelings by kissing her. He then sends her to deal with the Jackal, who is now attacking House Mars. He frees Fitchner, who then reveals that Mustang is actually Adrius’ twin sister. Fearing a betrayal, he quickly takes back House Mars and it is revealed that Roque is alive. Cassius, the head of the house in Darrow’s absence, surrenders to him, but not before spitting blood in his face and declaring a blood feud over the death of his brother. Darrow meets with Mustang, expecting a betrayal, but she just delivers Adrius to him, naked and bound. And just like that, he has graduated from the Institute at the highest level. Shockingly, on the spot, he is offered an apprenticeship by the ArchGovernor himself. He agrees, and therefore infiltrates his enemy’s household as a sworn sword of House Augustus.
Darrow O’Lykos (Darrow au Andromedus; The Reaper): Darrow is an immensely noble character. His constant battle with his self identity and his own rage and need for revenge against his greater mission makes him a very compelling main character. The love he expresses for Eo before, during, and after her death is heartbreaking, and you really get an understanding for how immensely intelligent this character is. He is capable of change, unlike a lot of the Golds we encounter. 
Cassius au Bellona: Cassius is a likable character at first, but you quickly notice all of his flaws. While Darrow is in the wrong for lying about Julian’s death, it was a strategic play, and Cassius seriously goes off the deep end after discovering this. He is too emotional, and based off the love they first expressed for one another (calling each other brothers), it is a compelling friends to enemies trope. 
Adrius au Augustus (the Jackal): Adrius carries a mystique about him as you don’t see him until near the end of the book. He is talked about frequently though, rumors (all true) of him sacrificing members of his own house, killing indiscriminately, cannibalizing for food, make him a terrifying and intimidating figure. This makes it an even larger plot twist to realize that he is just a small boy, and an even larger one when he saws his own hand off before Darrow’s eyes and kills the most unkillable character in the book. 
Storyline: The world building for this book is beyond phenomenal. They have their own ways of speaking and culture in each color, and amongst the Golds, they have two different ways of speaking, midLingo and highLingo. There are Bronzies, golds who don’t achieve much, and Pixies, who also don’t achieve anything but being young and beautiful and weak. There are highReds, who live on the surface of Mars as the most basic sanitation workers, and the lowReds, who are enslaved under the surface as miners. The Violets and Pinks that they own are all inhuman in appearance, genetically modified with extra fingers, wings, etc. There are people stretched across the Solar System, from Mercury to Pluto. The intricacies of this Society Pierce Brown created is only just touched on but already reveals so much. The plot twists are impeccable, and, even though this was my second time reading, I was still on the edge of my seat. From Eo’s death, to the revealing of Mars already being terraformed, to Julian being Darrow’s first kill, to Cassius and Darrow’s falling out, to Adrius’ revelation of being in House Jupiter the entire time, to Mustang being revealed as his twin sister. It was a raw, well thought out, emotional, intricate, book.
Representation: As far as representation goes, there wasn’t a ton. There are heavy undertones of racism, classism, police brutality, and misogyny. Matteo, a Pink who helps train Darrow in the ways of the society before he is sent to the Institute, makes mention of having been with men before. Tactus au Valii-Rath, while not mentioned explicitly in the book, is of Afro-Turkish decent. Darrow and Cassius’ relationship is somewhat homoerotic in nature. 
Summary: This is one of my favorite book series of all time. Worldbuilding? Immaculate. Characters? Immaculate. Plot? Immaculate. The only thing it’s iffy on in the first book is representation, but for a sci-fi novel published in 2014 written by a presumably cishet white man, it’s pretty damn ok. 
Quotes:  “Man cannot be freed by the same injustice that enslaved it.” “Funny thing, watching gods realize they’ve been mortal all along.”
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hvneybxns · 5 months
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(—) ★ spotted!! SEREN AKTAS on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid! many say that the 29 year old looks like AYCA AYSIN TURAN, but i don’t really see it. while the ENTREPRENEUR / ACTRESS is known for being DRIVEN my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be IRRATIONAL i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song PERMISSION by RO JAMES { she&her/ cis female }
seren was aware of to things from a young age, she wasn't made to work for any man and she certainly wasn't made to be his peace, let alone his wife.
raised be a fiercely independent and hard working woman she was raised loud, and fearless and proud, she was raised to yell when she needed too and to stand for nothing but absolute equality in all works in her life.
from as young as 13 she was working on making a business for herself in the beauty industry, already better with make up than any adult in her life and offering out her own services.
at 16 she had already completed everything she needed to graduate high school and began to take business management classes at her local college.
by the time she was nineteen she had a flourishing business and big ideas. through her own saving and investments, with more market research than she had ever thought she was really capable of, seren managed to pitch a truly inclusive make up brand to the right investor and fenty beauty was born.
with the business she had already built, her social media platform she had carefully curated and the drive she had inherited from her mother fenty took off quicker than she could have ever expected.
within two years, her next step was ready to launch and savage x fenty was born, the themes of inclusivity carried through into the lingerie range. she wanted to make anyone she could feel as powerful and gorgeous as she did every day and she was determined to stick with that.
over the past several years, she has continued to grow strength to strength in her career and with her two babies doing as well as they are has managed to brand into her first real passion indulgence of acting where she continues to work on her portrayal of strong women.
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robinegreenwood · 2 years
III - 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍
[oc x sirius black]
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆   。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
"to fear greatly; to be in extreme apprehension of: to dread death."
Dark clouds swarmed in the sky that night, threatening to spill their anger over the earth. Miles away from the castle of Hogwarts, hidden deep within a forest, sat a building offering shelter from the rising storm. Within the building was a man, an angry impatient man. Unlike the storm there would be no shelter from his rage, nowhere to hide from it, nowhere to run to escape it.
The man sat in a cold cedar chair facing away from the buildings' door, in his hand he held a wand made of yew. Bursting into the room, disturbing the ghostly silence, came four figures. Two of the figures were violently thrown onto the floor behind his chair. Smiling to himself the man rose from where he sat. Accompanied by a terrifying snake, he slowly made his way around to face them.
"It's a pleasure for you to join us," he addressed the two that laid trembling before him.
With the flick of his hand he motioned for his servants to step back from the captives.
"I was worried you wouldn't come," he grinned wickedly, "I hope you didn't find the flight too rough."
The pair remained silent, both trying to remain still in his presence.
"Get up," he commanded.
The larger of the two slowly began to pick themselves up off the floor, struggling as pain shot through their body. The smaller figure remained on the floor, making slow movements they pushed themselves upwards with as much energy that they had left.
"Didn't you hear me," the man raised his voice, "I said get up!"
Swiftly moving forward he kicked the smaller figure, jarring his black point into their side. Letting out a painful cry they were sent reeling back and crumpled onto the floor.
The larger figure, motivated by fear of more pain, lifted himself onto his feet, not venturing a look back at his partner.
"Oh get her up," the man snapped his fingers at the two henchmen who quickly lifted the figure, a woman, onto her feet and pushed her forward.
Now side by side the man stared the couple down. A man and a woman. Husband and wife. Neither of them dared to lift their eyes for they knew whose presence they were in. It was the man they had sworn their entire lives to, the man they served to any end, the man feared by all who encountered him. Known to some as He Who Must Not Be Named, they stood before their Lord Voldemort.
"Let's not waste time," Voldemort circled around their shivering bodies, "Tell me where she is, and I'll let you go."
"We've said it again and again, we do not know where she is," the man insisted.
"I- don't- believe- you," Voldemort remarked, jabbing his wand into a violently red bruise on the man's raw shoulder.
Wincing in pain the man did not answer.
"He's telling the truth, we don't know where she is," the woman pleaded.
Voldemort's eyes shone wildly with rage, "I'm not here to listen to your lies, tell me where she is!"
His voice shook the building, causing the pair to crumple to the floor, their weak bodies unable to keep themselves grounded.
"Well?" he demanded.
"She," the woman trembled, "She was taken from us. Right after she received her dark mark she was stolen by someone, it was all too bright, too overwhelming, we couldn't see who it was."
"Stolen," Voldemort repeated the word, "You want me to believe that she was stolen away."
The woman winced at his words.
"She was." the man stated with his eyes downcast, "There wasn't anything we could do. It all happened so fast, so fast."
"There wasn't anything you could do," Voldemort mocked, "I was unaware my most feared followers were actually withering cowards."
Swiftly he pulled the man up, his hand gripping onto the collar of his shirt.
"You have failed me," he hissed, "You have lost what was promised to me and for that you will pay a terrible price."
Dropping the man down, Voldemort began to rub his temples, so terribly enraged at his present circumstance.
The sound of a loud crack filled the room and Voldemort's attention was drawn to a cloud of black smoke. Someone had apparated in. Stepping out of the shadows was a young man dressed in full black, a stranger neither to the couple, nor to Voldemort.
"Ah," Voldemort acknowledged, "Someone came to join in the fun."
The stranger stood in the corner of the room, unmoving as he observed the scene in front of him. A man and a woman lay before the dark Lord. The woman's face bore numerous bruises painting her cheeks in a dark hue of violet, one of her eyes was completely swollen shut. One of her bare arms had been slashed open, blood dripped from the deep clotting wound; her face bore only shame and her gaze remained on the floor. The man was in worse condition. He lay on his side, his shirt had been torn revealing several gashes across his chest, they were deep, dangerously deep. Dried blood caked the side of his face, and his neck was a violent shade of red. They were bloodied and bruised. The young man forced himself to look away from the captives. He turned his eyes instead to Voldemort.
"These," Voldemort gestured to the couple, "Are the picture of utter incompetence."
The young man simply nodded. Standing with both hands clasped in front of himself he gripped his wrist, his fingernails digging into his skin as he fought to remain calm.
"You will find what they have lost, and you will bring her to me." Voldemort instructed.
Again the man nodded, fully aware of who it was that Voldemort sought after so unrelentlessly.
Voldemort approached the young man, hissing in his ear, "You had better hope that you succeed. You know what happens if you don't. Go ahead, look at them."
Voldemort gripped the mans' face and forced him to stare at the two wounded people that lay pitifully on the floor.
"That's what happens to those who disappoint me."
Dread filled the young man's body as he tore his eyes from their mutilated bodies.
"Why don't you kill them?" he asked quietly.
A wicked grin stretched across Voldemort's face, "Where's the fun in that?"
"Now go, she's not someone we want falling into the wrong hands," he said, turning his back.
The young stranger heeded his words and wordlessly spoke the spell to apparate away. He didn't know where to go just yet, but he knew he would figure it out. He had to. He didn't want to think about what would become of him if he didn't.
Voldemort, after watching his follower disappear, shouted at the two henchmen who remained in the room, and gestured to the bodies of the couple, "Get them out of my sight."
Quickly enough the four figures exited the room and Voldemort was once again alone with his dearest companion.
Angrily, Voldemort sat down in the chair, his snake Nagini slithered closer and rested her head on the arm of the chair. He stroked one cold finger along her head, his vexation slowly easing away.
Outside, the dark clouds had finally spilled over. Rain pounded heavily onto the earth and the night was alive with the sound of rolling thunder.
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hearts4robs · 5 months
thanks to my girl Ro (@orchidsangel) for tagging me in this little game thingy !!
last song: Børn af Natten by Panamah (highly recommend🙏)
currently watching: Homocide (new netflix documentary, 5 episodes)
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury !!
last thing i googled: “totgeschlagen totgeschwiegen danish meaning”
current obsession(s): photobooths, oranges, scarfs, rings, cowboy hats, converse shoes, food, amsterdam, ww2, batman/DC, mugs, poetry, old books, vinyls, rings, mixed metals jewellery, Leon Bridges, Perks of Being a Wallflower, orange related tattoos, food tattoos, tattoos that looks like it’s made with crayon, colourful kitchen tiles, stickers, old cameras, small tin boxes, camisole tops, marks/flea-markets and The Virgin Suicides
ppl i want to get to know better through this (no pressure tags) !! : @jasmines-library (i have not moots guys😞👎)
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