#★ amortentia ; remus.
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diwatopia · 10 months ago
★ kisses as payment ; remus lupin.
info: fluff, remus lupin x gn!reader, less than 1k.
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two mugs sit atop the coffee table, completely forgotten as the last bits of steam roll off the lip's edge. the window is up, air fluttering past lace curtains and chilling you along with your tea.
"how's your book, dove?" remus asks, hand gliding along your shoulder as he allows himself to bask in not only your presence, but the soft texture of your (his) band tee that has him keening like a kitten.
"'s good, rem. want me to read to you?" voice soft, barely above a whisper as you run a gentle hand through his coffee hued curls with an absentminded touch. he hums in response, crawling between your legs before lifting the hem of your shirt up slightly to press a small kiss to your hip, a silent agreement as he plops all his weight atop you.
it was almost impressive how easily remus melts into you. his body nestled between your thighs with lanky arms wrapped around your hips to keep you pinned under his weight. now he definitely knows that you can't leave, not like you would ever choose to.
you giggle, reading the next three chapters with an honeyed tone, so full of life that it makes remus feel as if he's genuinely tagging along with the protagonist and their journey when his eyes close.
"love your voice, dovey..." he drawls sleepily.
it doesn't take long for a bookmark to find its way between the pages of your book, the paperback tossed to the side on the coffee table to match with the cups of tea you totally hadn't forgotten about as his voice slurs so sweetly in your ears.
"how about a nap?" you whisper, giggling as a ditzy grin graces his scarred lips. remus lifts up the bottom of your oversized shirt, tossing the fabric over his head before peppering kisses that start from your navel and past your belly button.
"hey!" you snicker, nails gently scratching at his bare back. "where'd you go?" you play along, head tilting back in hysterics as he blows a raspberry to the curve of your waist.
"stop, tha-that tickles!" voice a soft squeak as you choke on your laughter. remus attempts to lift his head and look at you but manages to get stuck between your shirt making a soft guffawing noise that gets intertwined with your own.
his nimble fingers rush to remove the shirt from his head, but not before delivering a fleeting kiss to any random patches of skin.
"you get all cute when you're sleepy," you whisper.
"i do not," he slurs softly, as if offended.
your eyes roll in response, "you never answered my question. you fancy a nap, hun?" you repeat. he takes your hand in his, interlocking your fingers before he plants a peck to your wrist.
"what are you doing?" you sigh out once his lips meets the nook of your elbow, kisses littering up your bicep without a single word to exchange. there's a moment of silence that lays over the two of you like a thick duvet, remus hums with another trail of wet kisses up your shoulder and neck.
"i think you deserve kisses for reading to me..." he smoothly replies before planting a fat kiss to your lips.
you snort out, hands tossed around in his curls. "you think you're so smooth..." you whisper softly.
"i am smooth, dove."
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★ diwa's notes. hiii tysm for all the love you've shown my drabbles too <3
© hobietopia 2024.
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diwatopia · 9 months ago
omg would die for a concussion fic with remus <33
—your concussion causes moderate memory loss, and you forget some very important details about your relationship with Remus. fem, 1.3k
“This is nice.” 
You toy with the ring on Remus’ finger, turning it around and around and around. With your weight bearing down on his right arm and your hand secured around his left to stop him from moving, there isn’t much he can do besides say, “Yeah?” 
“I love when guys wear rings.” 
“I had a suspicion.” 
You wince as stars flash through your vision, pausing in your toying to press your face into his chest. 
“You okay?” he asks. 
“I can see black and white spots.” 
“Oh, no,” he says sympathetically. “Close them, dovey. Take a breather.” 
The chair under you is uncomfortable, your back aches, your head twinges, but Remus is comfortable to lean again. He’s wearing one of his big hoodies, old enough to feel like brushed cotton under your cheek and against your nose, decals washed away. He steals his hand back to pat your shoulder, an image of patience. 
“Sorry. This isn’t a good second date.” 
Remus leans down to talk near your ear. “Dove,” he whispers, “this isn’t our second date, remember?” 
“It’s not?” 
“No, sweetheart. But that’s okay.” 
“You’re really handsome so I don’t want to mess it up.” 
“Mess what up, the date?” he asks. “You didn’t mess it up, it went very well. It was a year ago, but.” He smiles, his breath warming your face, his arm hot around you and securing you to his chest.
“A year ago?” 
“Yeah, a year ago. We went to winter wonderland and the bookshop by the train station and you wouldn’t let me buy you any books.” He laughs softly. “But I got you one eventually. A couple by now, at least.” 
“That’s nice.” 
“You’ve bought me a hundred more, it’s awful.” 
You raise your head to squint at him. “I have?”
“So many,” he whispers, dipping his chin down to kiss your nose, to your wide-eyed delight. “But you let me look after you in other ways.” 
“Let you?” 
“Yes, let me. It’s part of…” He cups your cheek quickly. “Sickness and health and everything. I have to keep you happy.” 
“Ah.” His ring is warm on your cheek. “Sickness and health, like we’re married.” 
“Something like that.” 
You straighten up as someone behind you coughs aggressively. A little further down a baby cries against a mother’s chest, and the TV plays a quiz show you’re starting to hate. Moving your head has black haunting the sides of your vision again, the light seeping in from the automatic doors too much to handle. 
“I’ve asked Sirius to bring you some sunglasses.” 
You turn around. “Sirius, that’s the one with the motorbike?” 
“Yeah. He should be quick. But maybe they’ll have called you in again by then and we can go home.” 
That’s right. You’ve been seen once by a doctor for triage, and sent back out again when they deemed you only mildly concussed, no bleeding on the brain, but an X-ray ordered for safety's sake anyways. That’s what you’re waiting for. Remus is waiting with you, because he’s a very nice man. 
“Sorry if I’m ruining your Saturday.” 
Remus’ hair falls from behind his ear as he lifts his head properly. “I think you might be having a worse day than me, so I’ll forgive you. I'm joking!” He tucks that stray strand behind his ear unsuccessfully. “You could never ruin my Saturday. I’d spend the entire bank holiday weekend in here with you, I only want them to look after you so I can finish the job.” 
Heat like a kiss on each cheek. You bring your hand to your nose, overwhelmed. “Really?” 
“We spend a lot of time together, sweetheart. I know you don’t remember right now, but I love you.” 
“You do?” 
“Don’t tell me you can’t feel that.” 
You look at him with the sunshine caressing the side of his face, his three mean scars and his scattered beauty spots. He has thick eyebrows, light brown eyes in the sun like honeyed tea, and a playful smile. More frown lines than smile lines, but the beginnings of crows feet speaks to some joy, at least. You bring your thumb up to a small wrinkle and stroke it, before tucking his hair behind his ear. It’s too short to stay put for long. 
“I love you,” you say surely. You do, even if you can’t remember more than your first date. 
He’s a good kisser, you remember. He’d pulled you back from your door and kissed you like you’d stolen the breath straight from his lungs. 
“I know.” He brings your hand from his ear to kiss. Gentle, he strokes your knuckles, his thumb turning a golden ring where it sits on your marriage finger. 
“It’s really like we’re married, we have matching rings,” you laugh. 
He holds his hand up between you. “We are married, lovely girl.” 
You steal your hand back. He waits without hurry, though a line of concern marks his brow. “Are we? When did we get married?” 
“Only a few days ago, but we’re married. This wasn’t on the honeymoon agenda.” 
He takes your hand with care and shows you the gold ring on your marriage finger to match his own, aligning your hands. The colour hadn’t seemed important a moment ago, nor the placement, but now you’re seeing them you realise you’d made a small misjudgement. It’s not like you’re married at all, you simply are. 
You frown. The way he’s holding your hand feels familiar, though the idea that you’re married is preposterous. You can’t remember any ceremony or reception, a proposal, nothing. There’s simply blank space there, which isn’t very nice. But… 
You’re not scared. You haven’t been worried once all day. 
“You have a concussion,” he says quietly, practised, like he’s said it to you before. “And it’s resulted in some amnesia, but it’s going to get better very soon.” 
“We’re definitely married?” 
“Unless you’ve changed your mind.” 
“I don’t want to change my mind.” You fluster quickly with what you’ve said, looking down at the hospital’s linoleum flooring. 
Remus takes your hand where it lays on your thigh and squeezes it. A thread of memory tugs at the touch; you remember this. His tender concern. His constant support. 
“Then you don’t have to. Whether you remember me or not, I’m here to look after you, okay? I’m right here.” 
You nod without looking up. His hand knows yours no matter what you remember, rubbing at all the best parts, holding with the perfect amount of pressure. 
“You okay?” 
“I guess our second date really did go well.” 
“Better than I could ever explain.” He tugs at your hand until you look at him, his head already ducked to keep you pinned by his gaze. “You’re like my shy girl all over again. I forgot how nervous you used to get.” 
You can see the Remus who became your husband and the one who scared butterflies into action every time he looked at you coalescing. “You’re really good-looking,” you explain. 
“And what do you think you are?” He rubs your hand. “You’re beautiful. Can I have a kiss, dove? Is that okay?” 
You squeeze your eyes closed. You’d been fighting stars in your eyes anyways.
When Remus kisses you, your body responds to his touch like it knows him. Your heart thuds against your ribs, your lips know exactly how to move and when he’s going to turn his head. Love for him shines through it. His love for you makes your chest hurt, his chaste kissing like a straight shot of oxytocin. All your worry saps away. 
“Feel any better?” he asks knowingly.
You remember enough about his teasing to withhold an answer. He kisses your cheek, his smile unmissable on your skin. 
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diwatopia · 10 months ago
★ amethyst ; poly!marauders.
info: fluff, poly!marauders x gn!reader, under 1k.
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there's a slight burn to your scalp as you apply more bleach to the small chunks of your hair, all sectioned into four neat squares to make the process easier.
your gloved hands squeak as you continuously clamp and unclamp your fingers over your locks, rubbing in the solution to get your hair to the light blonde you desire but it becomes increasingly difficult as you reach the back of your head.
"whatcha' doing, dolly?" sirius chirps, head popping past the door frame to get a good look at your odd stature: one foot on the lid of the toilet, the other planted firmly on the tiled floor as you attempt to get the last strand towards the base of your skull.
"can you see if i got the roots towards the back?" voice huffing in frustration as you scratch your burning scalp.
sirius coos teasingly, kissing at your clean temple when you pout. "you missed a couple spots. got any extra gloves?" his voice softer than before with a sickly sweet expression that makes your brain all gooey and melty.
you nod dumbly, handing him a pair of black latex gloves and practically purr as he gently scratches at your scalp, ceasing all itching and burning with his magic touch.
"are the boys back too?" you ask, already hearing the two pairs of socked footsteps thud against the hardwood floors. you've got your answer.
"hi, sweetness!" james pipes up, head peeking round the corner alongside remus'.
you smile, lazily reaching for them but not enough to disturb sirius who's hard at work. "what color are we going for today, dovey?" remus asks with curiosity, grin matching yours as he rushes to grasp at your hand.
"not sure... i have two different colors but i need your help deciding," your lips tucked into an adorable pucker as you mull over which color to go with.
two boxes lay on the countertop, pink and purple hair dye that are basically close in color but completely different vibes. you glance over to the boys, more so at sirius due to the fact that he's the best styled out of the bunch.
"i think i'm leaning more towards purple but i asked marls and she said pink so now my brain's all in a twist..." you pout slightly.
silence falls, the only thing being heard is your phone playing music. sirius is the first to speak, "i think you should stick to purple, doll."
then a flurry of agreements can be heard from both remus and james as if they were waiting for sirius' opinion before speaking upon their own.
"agreed, purple suits your skin tone!" james speaks as if he's just happy to be here, starry-eyed with a dopey grin to match.
remus nods along with james, "and it doesn't seem like it's a royal purple, it's more of an amethyst. i think you'll look extra pretty, dove."
you flush pink, "purple's the way to go then," soft giggle bubbling past your throat.
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★ diwa's notes: i'm actually not sure how i feel abt this one but ty for 300 (?) notes on "lovely"!!!
© hobietopia 2024.
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diwatopia · 1 year ago
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★ james potter.
lovely ; fluff — james makes the mistake of telling you to move while cuddling.
★ remus lupin.
kisses as payment ; fluff — after reading a couple chapters of your book, he gives kisses in return.
★ sirius black.
★ regulus black.
★ barty crouch jr.
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multiple characters.
★ poly!marauders.
amethyst ; fluff — your boyfriends help you choose what color to dye your hair.
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© diwatopia 2024. / head back to . . . navigation ?
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diwatopia · 7 months ago
High Hopes 3
part one part two
cw: reader comes from a very tense and abusive home, verbal abuse, allusion to physical abuse, bad sibling relationships, fluff, angst, Remus is a sweetheart and the best almost bf ever
wc: 7.5k
Remus: On a scale of one to ten, how mad would you be if I said I found out your birthday passed and got you a gift?
You read the text as you’re exiting your class building and frown. Your birthday passed just after the new year, and you hadn’t told Remus because you hadn’t even been in the country. 
In lieu of an answer, you call him. Remus picks up on the second ring. 
“What did you get me?” He laughs down the line and you feel your stomach twist into knots. 
“Hello to you too, princess.” Since the Summer weekend sleepover thing (you’d still not decided what to call it), Remus had decided that was your new nickname and as much as you pretended to hate it, you loved it more than the others. 
“Hi Remus,” you breathe, eyes on the street as you cross and begin the walk back to your apartment. “What did you get me?” 
You can just tell he’s shaking his head. “It’s a present, why would I spoil that surprise?” 
“Because I’m impatient?” You rebut quickly. The walk back to your apartment is short, but the lingering winter makes it feel never ending. 
It also doesn’t help that you’d chosen style over cosiness- you’re in a long sleeved baby blue dress and a pair of boots that barely lick past your ankles. 
“I’m at your apartment, dove. I’ll give it to you when you get here.” 
Your eyes widen at the same time your heart constricts. “Remus, I’ve got like ten minutes left on my walk back!” 
As easily as he suggests anything to you, “Do you want me to come get you? It’s minus four right now.” 
“No, that wouldn’t make any sense,” you hear his car start. “Remus Lupin, I’m serious, I’m like one street away.” 
“So I’ll cut your walk short,” The engine roars across the line. “It’s cold, baby.” The fondness in his voice and his sparsely given ‘baby’ is what makes you stop. 
“Fine,” you try to sound much grumpier than you are and fail. “I’m at the coffee shop on the left.” 
Ten seconds later, Remus is there; his grey car collecting droplets of fine snow. 
“Hi,” you say as you slide in the passenger seat, your hands rubbing together making Remus frown. 
“And you wanted to finish the walk.” He flicks on the heating as he turns and goes back where he came. 
“How did you find out about my birthday?” You ask, fiddling with your bag to get out your water bottle. 
“Marlene mentioned that you wouldn’t be able to spend it with her this year and I asked when it was.” 
You hum, “It’s a little inconvenient having your birthday just after the new year,” Remus looks at you funny. “I like winter, don’t get me wrong, but a spring birthday would’ve been ideal. Like maybe in March.” 
He rolls his eyes, pulling into your parking lot. 
“How do you know when mine is?” He asks, helping you out of the car and then grabbing a bag out of the backseat. 
“Sirius and James talk a lot. Your gift is currently in transit.” 
Remus’ eyes shoot up, “When have you been hanging out with those two?” The ‘without me’ is implied and you look at him with a sly smile. 
“Jealous, Remus?” 
He tuts, figuring you out immediately. “You’re not winding me up, princess.” He holds the door open for you as you walk in and Remus sighs as he gets a whiff of your newest perfume. 
The couple of times he’s been to see you since the start of the semester, you’ve been wearing this intoxicatingly creamy vanilla perfume that has just a touch of something spicy to it that has been driving him mad. 
“Why would I be winding you up?” You toe off your boots and then look at him. “I’m gonna take the fastest shower known to man, but there’s food in the fridge and cookies in a Tupperware somewhere on the counter.” 
Remus shakes his head, setting his shoes beside yours. “I’ll wait for you, take your time.” 
You’re out of the bathroom in twenty minutes, in a matching jewel blue set of loungewear and a pair of socks. 
Your hair is tied back exposing a tiny tattoo behind your ear that Remus wants desperately to kiss. He’s on his laptop when you get out, typing away at what you assume is his book.
Remus doesn’t go here, he’s got a fancy writing degree already and he’s got an editing gig that he tries playing off as no big deal- but it is. 
He’s on ‘vacation’ though- meaning, he’s been on sick leave for the last four days so he can spend your first week back at school with you. Not that you know he’s been using his sick days for you. 
“Is roti okay? My mama dropped off some this morning.” Remus has yet to meet the old woman, but the fondness that overtakes your tone lets him know she’s at least half as lovely as you. 
“It’s perfect, dove. What do you want to look at?” He sets about finding your newest psychological thriller- Hannibal- and then makes his way into the kitchen to help you. 
“How was your day? I forgot to ask.” You mumble as you crack the ice into glasses before Remus pours some soda into them. 
“It was alright, got a couple more pages done of the book and then got high with Sirius.” 
You smile, a quiet smile that Remus thinks is going to stop his heart. “How was your classes?” 
You groan, “Long, boring and even longer.” He chuckles, leaving you to bring the glasses while he brings both plates to the living room. 
Remus sits in the corner of the sofa, he isn’t as slick as he thinks he is for sitting with a clearer view of the front door than you have. 
You appreciate the sentiment nonetheless. 
“Can I open the gift first?” Remus watches you with a rapt curiosity. He thinks you’re akin to a kid on Christmas- eyes bright, and hands shaking as you practically bounce in your seat. 
“Yeah baby,” he can’t help the sticky affection that slowly coats his words- an affection that only grows and spreads like warm honey. 
Remus watches you carefully tear the wrapping paper off the gift, his lips quirked just so as he watches your jaw drop. 
“You didn’t,” you murmur, shock and disbelief in your voice as you pull the wooden box out of the wrapping paper. 
“Open it,” the box in your lap is walnut colored, carved with spirals, flowers and dots and divots. The carvings are coloured in bright reds, oranges, yellows and some pinks. 
The lock resembles an ancient rusted clasp lock and as you unlatch it and reveal rows and stairs of chains. 
“Remus,” your voice is all clogged up and your bottom lip trembles and Remus wonders if he’s overdone it. 
“Yeah?” Your fingers trail along the crystal chips on the chains and you find your heart has cracked open. 
“This is the loveliest gift I’ve ever gotten,” the words are whispered into the air, your dinners cold as you take in every single chain in the box. “They’re for my glasses, yeah?”
“They are, pretty girl.” 
Silently, you close the box and put it to the side. “Thank you,” you blink and your tears tumble down your cheeks. His hands reach to wipe your cheeks gently. 
“You’re welcome.” You climb into his lap, Remus’ hands hold your hips. 
“You know you’re the first person since Marlene to get me something thoughtful?” 
Remus knows it’s meant to be a flippant comment, but his heart breaks for you. 
“Dove,” your heart clenches. “You’re breaking my heart.” His hands move up to cup your cheeks.
“I don’t mean to,” you say softly, shrugging one shoulder but Remus sees past the nonchalance you’re trying to exude. He doesn’t understand how someone as lovely as you has been treated so weirdly. 
He gives you an out though because he doesn’t want to push and push and push, “C’mon princess. Eat your dinner.” You take it and your plate as you press play. 
Remus notices you don’t move out of his lap but only smiles when you turn and start eating. 
“You’re staying the night?” You ask after you’ve both finished your dinner. 
Remus inhales, “What time is your first class tomorrow?” 
You pull away from him a little, “Eleven,” you have a hopeful look on your face that makes his answer easy. 
“Yeah I’ll stay the night.” 
You smile so big Remus thinks his heart stops. 
Then you get serious, “Wait, how do you feel about sharing the bed?” You ask the question softly, and Remus frowns. 
“I’ve shared the bed with you before, dove.” 
You shake your head, “I have a um,” you stumble for the words. Remus smiles. 
“A stuffy?” He asks quietly and you nod, nibbling away on your bottom lip. 
“Yeah a little yellow duckie,” Remus’ smile only widens. 
“That’s sweet, dove.” 
“You don’t think it’s silly?” He shakes his head. 
“How come I didn’t see it when we were at the other house?” He asks, his thumbs caressing your thighs. 
“I put him back in my suitcase, and I felt really bad about it too. I left it unzipped a little,” Remus kisses your temple as he chuckles. 
“You’re the sweetest fucking thing in the world.” 
Changing the conversation, “Do you want chai?” 
Remus’ eyebrows shoot up, “You have chai or do you need to make it?” 
You shake your head, a tired smile that’s a little teasing, “Jamie dropped it off for me when he came to see Lils.” 
Remus’ eyebrows shoot up even farther, “Jamie?” 
You giggle, “Yeah, s’what you guys call him.” 
Remus is a little indignant, “Jamie?” He repeats and you laugh even more. 
“Are you jealous, Remus?” 
Your hand reaches to the nape of his neck, twisting the sandy brown hair there as he deliberates. 
“Of James getting a nickname?” He asks and you nod, letting your fingers scratch his scalp a little. “No dove,” Remus fights the shiver that threatens to climb his back. “I’m not even a little jealous,” 
He leans into you, your noses bumping. “Why not?” Your breaths mingle as you lean even closer to Remus. 
“Because,” his hand cups your neck, his thumbs punching your chin upwards. Your chest heaves, “You’re already breathless and I haven’t even kissed you yet, princess.” 
Remus smirks, wicked and impish. “No,” you whine and Remus almost rethinks his answer. “Go heat up your chai, pretty girl.” 
“You’re no fun,” you hop off his lap and head to the kitchen all the while Remus chuckles, his head against the back of the cushions as he watches you flit about the kitchen. 
The next time Remus sees you it’s after possibly one of the worst days of your life in a long time. Everything had gone wrong and there’d been a pit in your stomach all the way to your apartment. 
Just as you were about to walk in, your phone rang and without looking, you answered it. 
“Why does that boy keep going to your apartment?” 
You pull the phone from your ear and curse softly when you see, ‘Devil’s Right Hand,’ displayed on the screen. 
“What?” You really don’t have the energy today. 
Your father doesn’t seem to care though, “The boy. The one with the grey car.” 
As if you’re ten and not a grown ass woman, “Because we’re friends.” 
Simple, succinct and it would’ve been sufficient for any other regular parent. 
Your dad is anything but. 
“And he doesn’t leave till the morning? Do you think I’m an idiot?” 
The ‘yes’ in your brain wants so badly to slide off your tongue. You manage to bite it back. 
“I don’t understand the problem. I’m an adult, I can do as I please. You don’t even pay for the apartment, Mama does.” 
You hear the low simmering anger in your father’s tone. “Your grandmother gives you too much leeway.” 
You roll your eyes, “I’m not in the mood for a fight, was that all you wanted to know?” 
“Girl, watch your tone, it’s not a long drive to your place.” 
You shiver at the threat. “Can I go please? I have coursework to do and I’ve got exams to prep for later this week.” 
“Oh sure, coursework. Come home this weekend, your grandparents are at the house on Sunday.” 
Your body sags as you hang up the phone, the backs of your eyes burn with exhaustion. 
With a sigh, you unlock the door and get into your apartment. 
You don’t even bother to change or sit still, instead you just jump straight into your work; hours pass before your phone rings again. 
This time, it’s Remus.
“Hey,” he doesn’t like your tone, or the way you sigh the word. 
“Hi dove, I’m outside.” 
You’re relieved when you see him. He looks warm and cosy. His hair looks pillow soft and his sweater is a faded yellow one against the brown of his corduroy jeans. 
“I brought snacks,” he says, jingling a plastic bag in his hand.
You don’t smile quite as big as you normally would’ve and Remus frowns. “Long day?” He asks as he steps in, kissing your forehead when you nod. 
“Yeah, I’m just finishing up my coursework and we can have dinner.” 
Remus waits for you, busying himself with plating up dinner- leftover Chinese food from yesterday. 
“C’mon baby,” he murmurs, rubbing your back as he sets both plates on the coffee table and starts the tv. “Have some food and then get back to it if you like, but I need you to eat.” 
You look to argue, but he’s not commanding you. He’s not demanding anything from you, he’s nudging you to look after yourself. 
For a moment, you get stuck in just looking at him and your mind whirs. Remus is unlike anyone else in your life- he doesn’t take, he doesn’t shout and make threats, he doesn’t force you into a box or anything of the sort. 
Instead, he gives you room and watches you, watches you be yourself and encourages you to be yourself. It makes you emotional for a minute, the back of your throat burning as you come to the realisation. 
 “Coming,” you whisper, Remus’ eyes track your movements, and he smiles a little when you sit right up beside him, your forearms brushing. 
Dinner is quiet, little conversation here and there because Remus can tell you’re exhausted. 
In that sense, he washes up the dishes while you shower and he tidies up the living room before double checking your door is locked. 
He’s pouring hot water over the tea bags when you come out of your room, dressed in the softest look pyjamas he’s ever seen. 
“Oh you look cosy, princess.” You go bashful under the lovestruck tone to his words, walking into the arms he has open. 
One hand goes to the base of your neck, holding firm as his other hand squeezes around your back. 
“Tired?” He whispers into your hair and you hum. 
“I can have a cuppa though, not that tired.” 
You barely make it halfway through your cup before your eyes are closing and your head is lolling onto Remus’ shoulder. 
“Poor girl,” he murmurs, setting his cup down and sliding his hands under your thighs and around your back. “S’okay dove,” he coos as you stir, your nose brushed up to his neck as he walks to your bedroom. 
“Stay,” you mumble as he sets you down and Remus smiles. 
“M’right here dovey, not going a place.”
Remus wakes up to you moving around in bed, your legs kicking and your body thrashing. 
“Hey,” he croaks, voice cracking from sleep. “Dovey,” he mumbles, his hand rubbing your arm. “Baby wake up.” 
His nose brushes your cheek, hands shaking your shoulder a bit as your tossing worsens. 
“Wake up dove,” he whispers, stroking your neck. 
“Remus?” Your voice shakes, eyes open wide as you try to get your bearings.
“It’s me baby, I’m right here.” Your heart is racing as you sit up, Remus following suit. 
“Sorry,” you whimper, brushing your cheeks as you feel tears fall. Remus flicks on your lamp and his eyebrows thread together.
“Nothing to be sorry about,” He tucks you into his side. “Wanna talk to me about it?” 
His hand creeps under your shirt, his knuckles dragging up and down your spine. 
“Was just a dream,” you whisper, not quite sounding yourself. “A bad dream.” 
Remus nods, “Yeah, it was just a dream, pretty girl. Your pulse is pounding though, babe.” He can feel the harsh beat of it against the knuckles on your back. 
You shut your eyes, reliving the scenes in the dream vividly. 
“It’s a recurring thing,” you start, letting yourself be comforted by Remus’ hand on your back and the faint scent of his citrus soap. “I’m little again and my dad is blue mad, breaking glass and screaming in my face.” 
You take a shuddering breath and Remus tries his best not to react with his body. 
“I was about ten or eleven I think, by that time our relationship wasn’t salvageable. I can’t even remember what he was so upset about but I always seemed like the perfect target. ‘Specially when I started telling him off for being mean to my mum.” 
“Baby this was real?” You nod, Remus lets himself for a moment, imagine little you stopping grown adults from arguing and he feels his chest tighten at the thought. 
“He tried coming at me and mum with a piece of the glass. It was just a mess. The fight only stopped because our neighbours came to get me.” 
He feels your tears wet his shirt, but he doesn’t care. Not when you’ve started shaking again. 
“You’re alright baby,” his words sound like a promise whispered into your hairline. “You don’t have to go back to that, I swear you don’t.” 
“I think the reason I had a nightmare was because he called earlier. Said to come home on Sunday and that he knew you were staying over.” 
Remus can’t stop himself from stiffening then. He hates the frustration and defeat in your voice. 
“Do you want me to come with you on Sunday?” The offer is as easy as the breath he inhales. 
You look up at him, eyelashes wet and stuck together, lips and cheeks swollen from crying. 
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Remus smiles- a sad smile. 
“You didn’t ask,” he kisses your nose. “Think about it okay? I won’t be offended if you say no, pretty girl.” 
You nod and tuck yourself back into him. 
“Do you think you can go back to sleep or do you wanna watch something?” 
You think for a long time, “Will you hold me till I fall asleep?” 
God his heart really is breaking. Who could hurt you? 
“Till you wake up, dove.” 
Remus wakes up before you do, his arms still wrapped around you, and you’re more on his chest than on the bed. 
His mind wakes faster than his body, racing with thoughts of little you and the things you’ve lived. He finds that you hide it well. The hurt, the pain, the everything. One look at you wouldn’t reveal that, all anyone would see is a rich girl living with her parents and doing whatever she pleases; but under the surface? 
You’re so like everyone else, but so singular that it stops his breath a little. 
You don’t have class today, so he decides quite quickly that he’s letting you sleep in. The only thing you have to do is finish the last bit of your coursework and then Remus thinks a day doing your favourite things- shopping for books and having tea- is in order. 
He also wants to start breakfast, you’d mentioned a couple nights ago that you’d been craving blueberries and he’d had a hankering for pancakes. 
Remus tries moving out from under you but your fist closes around his shirt and he stays put. 
Breakfast can wait a bit. 
“Remmy?” You wake shortly after, the sunlight peeking through the curtains tickling your eyes. 
“Yes, dove?” His hand is stroking your arm, his blunt fingernails dragging slowly makes it hard for you to open your eyes. 
“Time is it?” You stretch as he reaches for his phone. 
“Just gone past ten,” you settle right back into his chest with a sigh. 
“Can you wake me up again at eleven?” You ask at the same time Remus asks, 
“Do you wanna go out for breakfast?” 
You hum, “What’re we having?” 
A yawn tears apart his answer, “Blueberry pancakes? Or bagels? Either or, I don’t mind.” 
“Are you making pancakes?” He can already tell where the question is headed. 
“Yes, do you have everything for them?” You nod then you shake your head. 
“Except the blueberries.” 
Remus pulls you and the covers a little closer. “Want me to go in to the grocery and get them?” You shake your head. 
“I’ll settle for whatever fruit I’ve got in the house.” Remus tuts. 
“Would you prefer blueberries?” He asks, his fingers dancing across the nape of your neck. 
“Yeah,” that’s all he needed to hear. 
“I’ll make you some tea and head out,” Remus isn’t allowed to slide out from under you, your thigh on his hip pins him down.
“You don’t have to,” you say bashfully, an intense guilt that’s completely unnecessary creeps into your voice and Remus has to slide his hands to your neck and push your chin up under your jaw. 
“You’re not inconveniencing me, pretty girl. I’m getting them, coming back here and making pancakes and then we’re going either to the beach or the bookstore.” 
You shake your head as best as you can with Remus holding your jaw. “You don’t have to do all of this just because I had a bad dream.” 
He tuts, “I want to take care of you. I’ll just be fifteen minutes.” 
You nod, accepting your defeat in the argument. 
In the time Remus is gone, you find yourself going through photo albums and reminiscing on the days when things were a lot easier. 
You stop on a picture of you and your grandmother and you sigh. Grabbing your phone, you dial her number. 
“Hello, Mama?” Your voice wavers as you speak. 
“Yes, Bebo?” You smile at the sound of her voice. Instantly, you feel like you’re being swaddled in her arms and like your troubles are eased. Your home name falling from her mouth with such familiarity also makes your chest ache. 
“I’m having trouble,” you say honestly. “I don’t know how to forgive anymore.” 
She sighs, you can hear shuffling in the back and things knocking about and then you hear your grandmother’s voice. “Bebo, you don’t have to forgive everybody.” She says, and you sniffle. “Not everyone needs that, or deserves that.” When you don’t answer she worries. You and your grandmother have an insanely close relationship, summers were spent in her back garden and on the beach near her house. She knows you as well as you can know any person. 
“Do you want me to come over? I can bring you lunch.” You take a minute to consider and know in your heart of hearts that she would be on her way if you said yes. 
“No,” you take the conversation to a different direction quickly. “Are you coming over on Sunday? Dad said.” 
You can hear the smile in her voice, “Yeah, I miss my grandkids, Bebo.” 
You’d seen her just three days ago but it feels like a month ago. “I miss you too, Mama. Would it be weird if I brought someone for dinner?” 
She gasps, always one for a good bit of gossip. “Like a boyfriend? Bebo, I’ve been waiting for this!” She sounds so excited that the image of her smiling wide behind her glasses warms your heart. 
“You don’t think dad will make it a thing?” 
She puffs out air, “Your dad would make the sun coming out a thing if he wanted to. I need you to not live your life according to him, Bebo. He’s my son, but he’s a little shit and he doesn’t rule you or anyone else.” 
You sigh, chest shaking under the weight of your withheld thoughts. 
“Is that why you don’t want me coming over? Your boyfriend is over?” You giggle, feeling weirdly like she’s right beside you as you tuck your phone between your cheek and shoulder. 
“He went to get blueberries because I wanted pancakes, and he’s not my boyfriend, Mama.” She scoffs, you smile. 
“But you like him and he’s nice?” 
“Super nice, like tooth rotting nice. And he’s really gentle and calm too.” 
You can see your grandmother’s smile, and find yourself doing the same. Even more so when you hear the knock on your door. 
“You deserve nice, gentle and calm, Bebo. I’m sorry I couldn’t have kept you kids for longer.” 
“Mama,” you gasp the words as you look through the peephole and find Remus standing there with the groceries. “You did and are doing enough. You’re not in charge of his actions, he is.” 
Remus’ eyes narrow as he sees your glassy eyes as he steps into the apartment. 
“I know Bebo, I know.” 
“I gotta go, but I’ll call you to let you know if I’m coming okay? If I am, would you bring,” she cuts you off. 
“Of course I’ll bring you coconut fudge Bebo, I’ll make it on Saturday so it doesn’t get stale.” 
Remus starts about the kitchen, but you can tell he’s intrigued about the conversation- or at the least, who you’re on the phone with. 
“Thanks Mama, I love you.” You see a little smile break out of his face even as he faces away from you to measure the flour. 
“I love you too Bebo, go enjoy your boyfriend.” You laugh scandalously and hear her chuckle before you hang up. 
“How’s your grandma?” Remus asks as you come into the kitchen and sit on the counter near him. 
“She’s good. I called her to talk about the nightmare but I kept getting too sad so we just talked about other stuff.” You swing your feet as you watch Remus mix the wet and dry ingredients. 
“Is she also going to dinner on Sunday?” He poses it conversationally, because it is but he also wants a feel for who’s there at these dinners. 
You nod, stealing a blueberry from the carton. “She’s always there. I think she comes because she knows if she’s there my dad will be in check for the whole night;” you smile when you eat the blueberry and find it’s sweet. “She’s pretty scary when she needs to be.” 
“I don’t doubt that, dove. You’re the same way, can tell there’s a little fire behind all that niceness.” 
You roll your eyes, “Whatever you say Lupin,” Remus sets your griddle on and oils it as it heats up. “Would you really want to come on Sunday?” 
He pours three pancakes on, “Unless I have to do something strange, then yes I want to come.” 
“If I told you that there was an initiation process that everyone’s super anal about, that would be a deal breaker?” Remus looks at you wide eyed and then notices your poorly hidden smile. 
“You’re a menace.” He says as he flips the pancakes, another raucous laugh bubbling out of you. 
“On occasion.” Remus stacks three for you and reaches for the syrup in the cupboard above your head. “But Mama, my granny, will probably badger you about your ‘intentions’ and whatever else.” 
You thank Remus for the pancakes with a kiss on his cheek. “Eat,” he says, cutting your pancakes for you, making you smile. “I can handle badgering. But I should warn you, I don’t hide anger well.” 
You wave off his concern. “Oh he won’t be out of line, Mama keeps him in check. And I just ignore him anyways.” Remus doesn’t like the way you shrug like your dad being a prick is no big deal, but he decides you’ve shared enough for the day. 
You don’t start eating till he makes his own stack and switches off the stove and that makes him smile a little. 
“Do you have a preference for the beach or the bookstore?” He asks in between bites of breakfast. 
You think for a moment, “Can we go to the bookstore? There’s a couple books I want to check on.” 
Remus nods, not really caring where you go, just that you do something you like. 
You decide against Remus joining you, not sure if you’re ready for him to see the circus that is your family. 
Your Mama is on the front porch, sipping what you know is coffee as you get out your car. 
You send Remus a text, Made it. I’ll let you know how it goes. 
His response is immediate, My offer to come get you is always on the table, princess
“Where’s your boyfriend?”She asks, standing to hug you.
“Told him that it might be too much, didn’t want to scare him off.” You try to sound as chipper as possible, but your grandmother knows you. 
“He’s not in control of you anymore, Bebo. You can’t give it to him.” 
You nod, diverting the conversation. “How’d the fudge turn out?” 
You have a couple bricks with her and your older brother in the garden out back before they’re ready to serve dinner. 
There’s a quiet stillness that covers the remaining winter, the coffee and coconut milk fudge just enough to make it seem like the tranquillity could last forever. 
“Mama said you have a boyfriend?” your older brother asks, protectiveness and amusement in his tone as you look up at him wide eyed and shocked. 
“I told her he’s not my boyfriend. Not yet.” 
“She really wants him to be. He made her pancakes and he spent the night.” You tut at your grandmother’s gossiping. 
Your brother smiles, “I’d like to meet him sometime, you look happy again.” You just nod, scared that you might say something that gives away how much you really really like Remus. 
“Dinner’s ready,” your mum comes out on the porch, giving all three of you a soft smile before going back in. 
Dinner is great until the round-the-table questions get to you. You’d avoided it for a couple courses, but it appears your luck is out. 
“How was your coursework?” Your dad says it like it was an actual lie, you don’t miss the vile amusement in his tone, like he’s waiting to catch you in a lie.
“Lots of reading, but I think I got above 85 which is great considering this professor is known for failing students for less than 75.” 
Your dad isn’t satisfied. “What was it about?” 
You stiffen in your chair, you don’t like the implication that you’re lying. “Capital punishment, recidivism and how the two coincide.” 
Your mum can tell your dad is still not pleased, so can your grandmother and she sets him right with a look. 
“Do you need her professors to start running their coursework topics through you? Are you going to call the school next because you disbelieve everything?” 
The table is tense as your grandmother and your dad have a stare off- not that she’s at all concerned about him. 
Your younger siblings feed off your dad’s energy, their own question hot and ready and aimed at anyone with answers.
 “How is it fair that she moved out?” And “Why does Mama pay for her apartment and not just tell her to move back home? It’s silly how much she’ll do for attention.” Or “Maybe if she just came home dad wouldn’t be so upset?” You can’t even get a word in, stunned silent as you realise this is how they see you.
It’s when your younger brother and sister say, “You always make it about you, you’re Mama’s favourite and that pisses us off. Dad doesn’t like you because you think you’re better than us, and it would all be better if you just made a clear decision- do you want to be in the family or not?”, that your breath quickens at their words, your heartbeat roaring in your ears. 
The part that hurts is that they’re too young to know all the things that have happened, they don’t get why it’s so hard for you to sit here even on bi-weekly Sunday dinners and play nice with your dad.
Your food suddenly loses taste when your dad sends an evil smile your way, your stomach rolling.
They don’t understand that you’ve taken their beatings, that you’ve suffered horrid treatment just so they wouldn’t have to.
“Either way, we don’t care. I think we’d be better off without you if I’m honest. All you do is mope and complain, you wouldn’t even have half the shit you do if it wasn’t for dad. He’s not the monster you make him out to be.” 
Your older brother cut them glares, “Enough! You don’t speak for this entire table, find somewhere else to be.” They scamper off, your brother doesn’t even give your dad the time of day, he looks at you immediately. 
“Go take a walk, Bebo.” He’s the only one of them that likes you, the only out of three siblings that actually knows you, that knows what this is doing to you and you’re grateful for it. 
Mama sparks into heavy, brash Urdu, all of it aimed at your father who more than deserves it- these are his spawn. 
You try to think through your feelings, try to sort them into neat and tidy boxes but it just winds you. 
You can't take deep breaths, they’re all shallow and sharp. Your chest aches, a concave feeling to it as you worry about the sharpness of your breath. It only worsens your ability, your breathing even shallower and you can’t seem to stop the cycle. 
You reach for your phone, pulling up a breathing video and trying your best to follow it, your breathing evening the longer you follow along. 
When you can inhale fully, you call Remus. You need him. 
He picks up on the second ring, “Hi, dovey. Everything okay?” 
“I think I should’ve let you come.” Your voice sounds ragged, like you need to cry and Remus’ skin prickles. He wishes he was there too. 
“Need me to come up there?” You debate it, you really do, and maybe if you didn’t feel like such a shitty person right now you would’ve said ‘no,’ but you need Remus and his sound mind and advice. 
“It’s a thirty minute drive.” you say, hearing things rustling in the back and Remus moves the phone from his mouth as he calls to someone. 
“I’m heading out, text me if you need anything.” Then the phone is closer. “Just had to tell Siri and Jamie. I’m on my way, princess.” 
“Drive safely, Remmy.” you sound so sad, Remus wishes he could just apparate to you now. 
“I’ll see you soon, baby. Stay somewhere safe, yeah.”
Tears gather in your eyes at how easily Remus could tell that you were frightened, that you’re in need of some place soft to land. God, you can’t wait for him to be here. 
The front door opens, your older brother coming out on the porch with a heavy sigh. 
“You have to tell them Bebo,” he says softly and you shake your head. 
“Why? So they can think I’m just lying to make him look bad. I’m okay with this arrangement.” 
Your brother takes a seat on the porch swing and pats a spot next to him. 
“Are you actually?” You inhale, thinking it over for a brief moment. 
“It hurts, of course it does. But I used to be mean too, this is them being mean back.” 
Your brother rolls his eyes, “It’s not like they’re ten. They’re sixteen and they’re horrid.” You take your spot next quickly- like if you chance a slow moment the tears will come. 
“But just to me. You get to be the best sibling they have, while I’m the problem black sheep sibling who can’t help but be macabre.” 
“You’re not macabre. You know you’re not. You just lived some dark shit to spare them and it’s time to stop. They can handle it.” You wish you could do it, it might make things easier, but you’re scared. 
“Maybe next time, it’s too charged in there now.” You sigh, head touching the back of the swing. “Do you think I’ll ever have their love?” The tears stream down your cheeks anyway as you think about the idea, as you hear their words rattle around your head. 
Your brother sighs hard, not sure if your siblings would ever wake up from your dad’s spell. Instead of saying anything, he guides your head to his shoulder. “Take a nap, Bebo.” 
“Remus is coming soon. Would you wake me when he gets here?”
“‘Course, Bebo.”
Your grandmother comes out right after you fall asleep, touching your sticky cheek with a weathered hand. 
“They’ll break her, you know. They’ll break her spirit and she won’t hold back anymore.” She sounds sad, like she can see it happening already.
“Mama, she won’t break.”  your brother says, reaching for her but she bats him away. 
“She’s not like you. You brush it off, she can’t. It weighs her heart. Every time she leaves here she looks so sad, so heavy and cracked. I can’t see her crack again, do you remember it?” 
Tears fall down her cheeks, but she doesn’t try to wipe them, she just stares at your sleeping form. 
Your brother sighs, leaning on her shoulder as she sits on his other side. “I remember,” he says quietly, the memories of you being withdrawn dancing behind his eyes. “Her boyfriend is coming here.”
“Really?” She asks and your brother nods. 
“She told me to wake her up when he gets here.” 
Mama smiles, “I’m glad she called him.” 
Remus arrives about forty minutes later, your brother sitting beside you about to shake your shoulder when Remus steps out of the car and shakes his head. 
“Let her sleep a little,” your brother’s confused by his request. 
“She asked me to wake you when you get here.” 
Remus smiles despite his anger. He’d stewed all the way to your dad’s house, wondering if you’d be hurt, if you’d not find a quiet place and the argument would keep going. 
He didn’t know what he was walking into, and finding you asleep is much more welcome than the sadder visions of his brain. 
“Would you tell me what it’s all about? Or what sparked it all today?” 
Remus sits on the floor near the foot of the swing, his hand holding onto your ankle as he looks to your brother. 
It’s clear to him, your brother, that Remus cares about you. His eyes haven’t strayed from you for more than thirty seconds, always coming back to rove over your face like he’s making sure you’re still there and still okay. 
Your brother hesitates- he’s never spoken about this with someone outside of the family. “They have warped perceptions of her; our younger brother and sister. They think she’s ungrateful and just doesn’t come home to get dad riled up- she doesn’t come home because they don’t know what she’s done so they didn’t have to get the dad we got.” 
Remus frowns harder, his thumb rubbing a circle on your ankle. 
“And she doesn’t want to tell them?” There’s no judgement in his tone, just curiosity. 
Your brother shakes his head. “She doesn’t think they’d believe her at this point. I’m always trying to talk her into it, but I think it runs a bit too deep to dredge up just like that.” 
Remus nods, eyes fixated on you as you sleep. “Will she want to tell them goodbye?” 
Your brother smiles, “If you leave without meeting our grandma, I think she’ll never forgive you for leaving without her ice cream.” 
Remus laughs, nodding as he stands. 
“You should wake her up first, I’ll go tell Mama you’re here.” Remus waits till your brother walks off into the house to sit beside you. 
You’re not sure how long you’ve been asleep, but sometime later you feel Remus’ hand on your cheek, thumb a little calloused as it rubs at the apple. 
Only he wakes you up this gently. 
“Princess, wake up. Miss your face.” 
“Hey,” your eyes peel open slowly, a little smile spreading on your face. 
Remus’ smile is small, but not forced. He could never do that with you looking up at him- especially with your sleepy eyes. 
“Was the drive okay?” 
He chuckles, it’s belated that you notice you’re alone with him on your front porch. Your brother’s car is still parked outside and so is your grandmother’s. 
“Yeah it was, pretty girl.” 
Remus kisses your forehead, his hand holding your face even though it’s a little sticky with your dried tears. 
“Your brother went to get Mama.” He says softly, letting you twist your body so you were leaning into him. Your entire front body was pressing against his ribs. 
“I’m so tired, Remmy.” Your voice cracks as you speak, Remus can’t bear it. He hates it that you’re this sad. 
“I know baby,” his words are whispered into your hairline, his hand moving to cup the back of your head as he feels the quiet tears soak his shirt. “We don’t have to stay here any longer than you want to.” 
You sniffle and nod, letting Remus pull you further into his lap so he can hold you. 
“This is Mama,” you hear your brother’s voice and the light steps of your grandmother and then feel Remus lean forward. You assume he wanted you off his lap, but his hand anchors your hip to his as he shakes the older woman’s hand. 
“Remus.” He introduces himself and she smiles. 
“You’re handsome,” you laugh when you catch Remus’ cheeks flushing. “I have your ice cream here, Bebo. He won’t come out, locked himself away in his office.” 
You shrug, “Doesn’t matter. I’m ready to go.” Remus nods, taking the tub of ice cream for you, letting you climb off his lap before standing. 
“Give me two minutes, baby.” You kiss his jaw as you go, the car keys in your hand.
“She’ll be okay right?” 
Your brother smiles at Remus, Mama frowns. 
“She’s a fighter.” He says but Mama shakes her head. 
“She might not have any more fight left in her.” 
Remus knows what she means to say. He remembers how Sirius had been, the brave faces and attitude to hide how sad he was. He looks at the car and spots you with your head against the glass. 
“Just be patient with her.” Mama says and Remus nods.  “She’ll tell you everything soon enough. She looks at you like you individually hung the stars.” 
Remus blushes again, not really knowing what to say. 
Your older brother pats his shoulder and goes inside, “I think I’ll head out too.” He goes to his car, but not before stopping at Remus’ and giving you a kiss to your forehead. 
Remus frowns, “Does everyone disperse after they fight like this?” He asks your grandmother, not wanting to push but trying to understand. 
“Bebo can’t take more of this, you’ll see. I set him straight, he leaves her alone for months and then starts over. It’s like a cat and a mouse- always prodding and slapping and poking until the mouse has had enough.” 
“And the mouse does what when they’ve had enough?” 
Mama smiles, like she’s holding out just a sliver of hope that it will happen. “Revolt.” 
Remus gives her a hug and makes his way to the car. 
As soon as he opens the door, you smile. Tired lines all over your face as your eyes barely open. 
“Wanna stay over?” You ask, cheek smushed to your shoulder as you look at Remus. 
“How abouts you come over to mine? I’ve got fluffy blankets,” Remus kisses that spot where your forearm and upper arm meet. “Oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip cookies,” a kiss to your shoulder, right on the beauty mark. “And I’ve got all your favourites on dvd.” 
The last kiss is right on the corner of your mouth, chaste and sweet and it makes you smile even more. 
“Sirius and James won’t mind?” 
Remus rolls his eyes, “They’ve gone on their own lover’s retreats today.” Wrong, Remus kicked them out the second he’d hung the phone with you. 
“Okay, but can we stop by my place to get my stuffy?” 
Remus chuckles, “Course we can, dovey. That way we’ll both have clothes at each other’s place.” 
You tut, clipping on your seatbelt as Remus turns over the engine. “You’re not getting your sweater back, Remus.” 
He only rolls his eyes as he pulls out of your dad’s yard, tipping his chin to the ice cream tub. “Will that be okay on the drive?” 
You nod, “Yeah, we can have some with the cookies tonight.” 
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diwatopia · 8 months ago
i love u pixelated word man.
Early bird
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— pairing: remus lupin x gn!reader
— a/n: i need something to get me through my midterms week, so yes this is self-indulgence at its best and/or procrastination at its finest, call it what you want!
— warnings: nothing, just pure fluff for remus <3
Even in your sleepy and dazed state, you can tell Remus is moving. The duvet that falls to his side is a bit of a tell, and your mattress creaks with the weight shift, doesn't matter how subtle. Your arms cling to him, pulling your weight on top of him, his arm automatically going for your waist. You hear his voice, raspy as his eyes flutter open. "Hi, dove." You mumble an answer, or you think you do.
"Don't go..." You can hear Remus smiling, the kind of soft and gentle smile that he always gives in the morning to you. The kind that always makes your heart flutter, like the best part of his day is this, something as simple was waking up by your side. It makes you feel special."Don't plan on, dove, but my classes start in one hour. I have to go if I want to make it on time."
"Fuck classes." You mumble back, frowning at the mention. Your college starts in a little more than an hour too, but for now, you're willing to forget that. For now, there's nothing in the world more important than the arms of your boyfriend wrapping around you, the warmth of his body close to yours. "You can make it in forty, right?" You try again, your head resting on his chest letting you hear to his soft heartbeat. You peek an eye open, the sun lazily casting beams of light through your window.
"I can." He gives in, squeezing you just a little, the slightest pressure of his lips against your head, a kiss of good will. You relent on those. "I rather be early, though, you know?" He asks.
"No." You protest, whining as you close your eyes again. "Ten more minutes, and I'll leave with you." It's not a very good offer, but it's the best you can come up with right now. For Remus, it's the sweetest thing he ever heard. He smiles again, giving you a little nod, although he's not sure you can feel it.
"Alright, sleep a little more, sweet thing." Remus say, softly, running his fingers through your hair gently. Just like that, you give in, your breath in sync to his heartbeat, your fingers stopping tracing patterns on his chest to fall numb as sleep settles into you once again, world in your fingertips.
231 notes · View notes
diwatopia · 8 months ago
hi! could i please request dr!remus with reader who’s just had eye surgery? i have one coming up soon and im super scared for it and need like a million kisses from him😭😭
thank u <333
Hi lovely, I hope I posted this soon enough and if I haven't I hope it went okay!! I tried to research the recovery for eye surgery but it differs a lot based on what kind of surgery it is so I decided to leave it sort of vague. Hope this is alright!
cw: mention of eye surgery, irritation, nothing descriptive
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 357 words
You get shy when Remus walks into the post-op room. 
“Hi,” you say softly, wary of disturbing the other patients. 
He sits down on your bed, rubbing your leg through the blanket. “Hi, dovey.” 
“Do I look like a pirate?” 
He grins. “A little,” he admits. “But a very pretty pirate. Or, one could say, you also look like someone who’s recently had eye surgery.” 
“Mm.” You pretend to consider this. “Not as interesting. Will you get me a parrot so I can commit to the look?” 
“If it’ll make you happy.” Remus kisses above your eyebrow tenderly. “How do you feel?” 
The touch of his lips threatens to make you deliquesce into a puddle right there on the hospital bed, but you try to pass it off as a shrug. “Okay.” 
“Does your eye hurt?” 
“Not really? It just feels weird.” The numbing medicine they’d used on your eye is still wearing off, but you can feel the plastic cover over your eye digging into the skin and your eye itself feels slightly itchy. “I can’t say I’m a fan.” 
Remus makes a sympathetic sound, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “It’s normal for it to feel a bit irritated after, but Doctor Abara should give you some drops to help. Have I beat her in here?” 
“You’re the first person I’ve seen other than the nurse.” 
A tiny crease appears between your boyfriend’s brows. He cranes his neck, looking around the room. You catch onto what he’s thinking, covering his hand on your leg with your own. 
“Stay here, please,” you say quietly. 
Remus softens. He splays his fingers, rubbing up and down. “I will,” he assures you. “It wasn’t as scary as you thought it’d be, yeah?” 
“No,” you admit. 
“No?” He ducks his head down to see you, grinning at your reluctance. “Told you. What can I do to help, sweet girl?” 
You look at him bashfully. “I could use a few more kisses.” 
Remus heaves a great sigh. He scoots closer. “Well, usually my treatment plans are a bit more complex,” he says with feigned exasperation, “but if that’s what you need…” 
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diwatopia · 8 months ago
i love u mr remmy 😿
soft dom!remus x reader who lives with a. family member who's not so nice and always tries to embarrass her or make her feel bad about herself? my grandmas like this and i'm just so tired of it lol. obviously you do not have to write this if you don't feel comfy, i love you and ur writing !
that's so mean and i hope you can get out of there soon doll <3 hopefully this can bring you some comfort for a little bit.
You call Remus while you're just on the brink of tears.
"Hey dovey," he sounds so happy and upbeat you debate if you should tell him. At your silence, Remus speaks again. "Are you okay, dove?"
You sigh, all shaky and broken and Remus coos on the other end of the phone call.
"Not really." you mumble, picking at a scabbed mosquito bite on your thigh. If Remus were here, he'd take your hands in his and give your fingers a squeeze, but he isn't here and picking at the scab helps you to keep your breathing even.
"What happened, baby?" you can hear him shuffling. "Need me to come get you?"
"They're just being mean again, and no one does anything." you flop onto your bed, head hitting one of your stuffies and you grab onto it's leg.
"Every time I say anything I'm the bad guy. I can't" your breath shudders with the realisation of what you're going to say. You can't live here anymore. "I don't think I can stay here anymore."
Remus sighs harsh down the line, wanting desperately to be near you so he can pull you into his lap and tell you he'll make everything okay.
He settles for doing it over the phone while he starts his car. "Pack your bags baby," you frown.
"Everything?" you ask shakily and though you can't see, Remus smiles. Remus had said they only had one last chance, when you'd driven to his house in tears and shaking so hard he'd been worried that you were going to pass out.
"Everything, dove." You don't hesitate and start packing everything you own away into a suitcase.
You don't have much, just clothes, your prized stuffed toys, shoes [which are on your feet] and your books. Everything fits tidily into the suitcase and a carryon.
"I'll be there in twenty minutes, and you can stay with me." Remus says it like it's the easiest thing in the world- your moving in with him. Like it won't possibly cause more problems in this house, which it might, but he doesn't want you to factor in their feelings anymore.
"You deserve a home that's peaceful, not one filled with shouting and screaming and mean names, dovey." he says it so softly you can't help the way your breath hitches and the tears finally tumble down your cheeks.
"Yeah," you murmur, wiping at your tears and sighing. "I'll wait for you on the front step."
Remus really wishes he could be there now. He also knows why you want to wait on the front step, because then he doesn't have to come in and give everyone in the house a piece of his mind before whisking you away.
"Make sure you have an umbrella and your sweater, it's gonna start raining." you're already wearing his green one, with the yours and his initials stitched into the wrist cuff.
"Thanks Remmy," you sniffle and grabs your thighs and start hauling them to the door.
"No need for that dove, I'm ten minutes out. We can go to the store after, see if they have any of your favourite gummies. Forgot to stock up after this weekend."
You smile, you'd like nothing more. "I'll be waiting, Remmy."
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diwatopia · 8 months ago
this is heat fr
Cw: idiots in love, remus being scared of fucking up, maybe some swear words, angst to fluff
Wc: 2.6k
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You never want to see Remus again.
Your chest burns as you watch him dance in James’ back garden with a girl who looks nothing like you and all you can feel is bile climbing your throat.
Sure you hadn’t believed him when he’d first asked you out, but his persistence, his kind words and the way he would constantly flirt with you had gotten you to agree to one date.
You’d hoped he was being honest, that he had feelings for you too. Maybe not as strong as yours were, but at least enough.
Now you see you’d been a fool.
One Week Earlier:
Remus and you have been dancing around your feelings for each other for as long as you’ve been friends. You always flirt and tease each other, but nothing ever comes of it. Remus likes you- it sometimes feels a bit more than like, especially when he smells your chamomile conditioner, or when you offer him his favourite sea salt and caramel chocolates.
You feel the same. Remus always wants to buddy read with you, or hear you talk about your day and over the years, you’ve both gotten into a steady routine of either calling or messaging the other before you go to sleep.
It feels very much like the two of you are together already even though you’re not.
Your friends have become annoyed with you both for the amount of teasing banter that’s tossed back and forth that yields nothing.
“Just ask her out, Moony. Bloody fucking ‘ell, you’d swear you didn’t know the girl was tripping up about you.” Sirius moans, sipping his beer as Remus watches you talk with Lily and Mary at the other side of the long table.
You’re all at a pub to celebrate the end of the week, needing drinks after the way work has shafted you all in some way or the other.
You hair’s out tonight, a rare occurrence, and Remus swears that he can smell your shampoo from where he’s sat.
You’ve got on your work pants still, just with a different top- a softer looking top to your usual scrub tops. Even though you’re tired, and the lighting is shit in the pub, Remus’ breath is stolen by you.
“S’not like it would hurt anything.” James chimes in, Remus keeping his eyes on you as he tries to distract himself from acting on his friends’ goading. “C’mon Moony, you’d both be happy together.”
James would never root for you both if he thought there would be any major falling outs and a lack of chemistry, still Remus is hesitant.
It’s a bit different to liking you from the safe title of, ‘just friends,’ to liking you and doing something to turn the title into something else- something more.
You turn in his direction, a wide smile on your face when you find his hazel green eyes across the room.
“You’re far away tonight, Remus.” There’s no real sadness in your voice, but something about your eyes has Remus readying himself to change positions with Mary.
Sirius snickers, “He’s fighting your love, poppet. Doesn’t want to sit too near, lest he embarrass himself.” You frown, twisting a strand of hair around your finger as you examine Remus.
“You don’t actually have to come over.” you say, your mouth curving into a soft pout. Remus doesn’t hesitate in slamming the heel of his shoe into Sirius’ shin.
“Why don’t you come sit with me here, dove? Sirius can go sit with Mary.” you shake your head, turning back to Lily and Mary who glare at Sirius and shake their heads at Remus.
He sighs, sitting back into his chair. Remus’ mood doesn’t brighten till you’re all leaving. James and Sirius have gone to the till to settle up, Mary and Marlene have hitched a taxi, Lily is already in the car per James’ request with the doors locked and you’re standing at the door waiting for Sirius because he’s yours and Remus’ ride home.
“Sirius didn’t mean what he said earlier as anything more than a joke. You know that right dove?” Remus asks gently, scuffing his shoe against the pavement as he takes a drag of his cigarette.
“Mhm.” You pull your arms around you before letting them fall and then reach for the cigarette hanging from Remus’ lips. “Is this the strawberry menthol one?” You ask, looking up at Remus with eyes that seem to ensnare him like a siren ensnares its prey.
“Yeah,” it’s breathy and wispy, unlike Remus in all ways. It isn’t the first time you’ve shared a smoke- you don’t do it half as often as Remus, but every now and then, it’s a nice feeling between your teeth and fingers.
“You also don’t have to just do things to prove them wrong, which is why I gave you the out.” You turn your head to blow the smoke behind you, shoulders dropping just a little more as the smoke curls around your face.
Remus is enraptured. This close he can definitely smell the chamomile shampoo, though it also smells like sterility and sanitizer.
“I don’t need an out when it comes to you,” his hand reaches your lips, thumb dragging against your bottom lip just a second longer than it should before he plucks the cigarette from your mouth.
“You don’t have to keep the flirting up when it’s just Remus.” Your heart is pounding in your chest when Remus doesn’t look away. He tilts his head down towards you just as he takes a drag. It’s a little hypnotic to watch him inhale a little and then breathe out, blowing his smoke just over your shoulder.
Maybe it’s two pints he’d had, loosening his lips, but his words wash over you slowly. “I don’t flirt with you for their benefit, pretty girl. It’s not a farce.”
You feel your palms sweat against your thighs. “Oh really?”
He nods, a small grin spreading on his lips and making him look even hotter with the cigarette hanging from his mouth. “Yes really,” He throws the butt to the floor, stamping it out with the toe of his shoes. “I’ll prove it to you too. How abouts next Saturday, you and I go on a date.”
You shiver when his hand reaches for your elbow, drawing you a tad closer to him and out of the way of the opening door. “Just the two of us?”
Remus chuckles, “That’s how dates usually go, pretty girl.”
You hum, mulling it over in your head. You’re really only dragging it out like this so you don’t seem desperate, just in case this is a joke. “Sure, I’d love to go out with you Remus.”
You’d been excited about the date all week, not telling anyone about it lest you jinx the whole thing. When Friday rolled around you’d been practically bouncing off the walls.
Remus had texted you during the day, a little reminder of the date and the dress code for the fancy restaurant.
Your mind had been reeling with all the outfit options.
In the end, you’d chosen a pretty green dress with silver kitten heels. You’d curled your hair and told Remus you’d meet him at the restaurant.
You’d looked perfect and despite the trepidation over this all being one elaborate joke, you’d been hopeful. So, so hopeful.
Only when you got to the restaurant and texted Remus that you’d been there, he’d not responded.
Twenty minutes passed, then forty five, and you’d almost cried when the pretty waitress came in to ask if you were still waiting or if they could give the table away.
You’d at least ordered a slice of caramel cheesecake and then texted Sirius if you could come over to wallow.
That’s when you’d found out.
“Wallow? Poppet, I’m at a party.”He’s a little hard to hear, but you make him out fine and you frown.
“What party? Is everyone there?” you’re trying to be covert, but with Sirius there is anything but.
“Yeah, Moony’s here too. How come’s you’re not here, poppet?”
You won’t cry on the phone in the middle of the street.
“I’m coming over now.”
And that’s how you find Remus with his hand over your direct opposite’s bum, a flirty smile on his face and where you hear the splinter then shatter of your heart as you watch him kiss her neck.
“Hey poppet, you look like a stunner!” you blush a little, leaning into Sirius just a little. He shoves a red cup into your hand and you hardly even sniff it before knocking the entire thing back without flinching. Sirius laughs, fully impressed. “Okay, I assume you’ve had a rough night?”
“Yeah, but I just came to give this to Remus. When you find him will you give it to him?” Sirius nods, turning to find Remus but you’ve already shoved the box into his hands and making your way to the door.
You spend the entire night in your pyjamas eating the last of your caramel ice cream while you try to remind yourself that you and Remus aren’t a thing. You’re just friends, you just flirt with each other. It wasn’t that serious.
Nothing works, not even when Sirius messages you to tell you he’s never seen cheesecake make someone sad.
You feel a little numb, all through the weekend, avoiding your friends and their invites to bars and brunch.
You last a total of four days, then someone is banging on your door and you have to drag yourself out of bed with messy hair and stained Christmas pyjamas and open the door.
Sirius and James stand on the other side of the door. James is sympathetic, frowning when he spots your red rimmed eyes. Sirius opens his arms to you and the tears are back again.
“Oh poppet. He's a total idiot.” he mumbles, rubbing your back as you sniffle.
“We sent the girls on him,” James says soothingly, squeezing your shoulder.
“He won’t survive them.” you say wetly, stepping back to let the boys in.
Sirius smirks, “Moony’s a fucking twat, he shouldn’t survive them.”
You laugh and so does James. “Isn’t he your best friend?”
James nods, “Yeah, but he can still be a twat, angel girl.” You don’t feel comfortable telling them everything that had happened or everything you felt, but the boys use their tendency of imbuing you with confidence to get you to take a long hot shower, do your hair and find your sexiest outfit. Then, they drive you over to Remus’ apartment. .
Lily, Marlene and Mary are all leaving his apartment when you get there, smirks on their face when they see you.
“Make him work for it.” Mary whispers and you nod, letting Lily kiss your forehead just before sending you to Remus’ door.
“Open your door Remus.” The door opens almost immediately, Remus looks as horrible as you had been before your intervention.
Your friends don’t linger, they all pile into their cars and leave and you’re grateful that for once their nosiness hasn’t overridden their regular senses.
“Fuck,” he mutters, head hung low like he can’t stand to look at you. “Dove.”
“Can I come inside?” you ask and he nods, stepping out of the way so you could walk into his place.
Before you can say anything, Remus tugs your hand to pull you close to him. “Just for a minute.” he mumbles, his arms wrapping around you. Remus can’t stop the deep inhale, all he can smell is you and all he wants to smell is your chamomile shampoo. Maybe even some of your vanilla perfume.
You smell him too, his citrus and mint body wash. His clean cotton laundry detergent and something else that’s distinctly Remus. It feels good to hug him like this, but also you worry about the girl from the other night. You worry about your friendship and what’s going on.
When his hand cups the back of your head and his nose drags along your cheek you feel your breath hitch and your heart speed up. Your legs wobble, knees knocking slightly.
“I don’t know why you stood me up, or why you were dancing with that girl but I suspect she may not be happy to know you get this close to all the women in your life.”
You try for a joke, but it falls flat and Remus pulls away from you like you’ve burnt him.
He sighs, “I’ve been an idiot.” You nod, not wanting to lie.
“It would’ve been nicer if you just said you didn’t want to go anymore.” You’re trying hard not to let your voice crack, the last thing you want is Remus and you to make up just because you’re crying.
Remus bites his lip, the pretty scar slicing through it pulling tight as you watch his teeth sink into it.
“Dove,” you take a step back from him then. You don’t know what’s going to happen but you need a clearer head than the one you have right now.
“I did want to go.” He sounds sincere but you remember being at the restaurant for nearly an hour all alone.
“Then why didn’t you? I stayed for an hour waiting for you.”
Remus flinches. His chest burns with shame, guilt swirls his stomach. “I don’t have a good reason, other than I was scared it was just a joke. Just another thing we say and don’t do.”
You shake your head, “I texted you telling you I was there. Then I called Sirius and he said you were at a party with him and when I came you were dancing with a girl.” You take a deep breath to dispel the emotion clogging your throat. “This isn’t going to go anywhere if you’re not going to be honest Remus.”
His hand is rough against his face as he leans against his kitchen island.
“I wanted to get over you. I knew if I went on the date I’d just fall for you even more and I didn’t want to fuck up our friendship- I haven’t had the best track record when it comes to being in relationships. I’d have rather been friends than be your boyfriend and potentially lose everything.”
You shrug your shoulders, “I’d have rather you said that and cancelled the date. I’d have told you, you have nothing to be worried about and that we’d work through it together. Now, I don’t know if I can trust you anymore.”
Remus nods. “I’m sorry dove. If it’s worth anything, it didn’t help. I was thinking of you the entire night and when Sirius gave me the cheesecake I almost ran over to your place. He and James stopped me and made me tell them everything. They told me I was being rash and stupid, said I was going to lose you now for sure.”
You sigh, tears pooling in your eyes finally. “I wish you just told me.”
Remus reaches for you, not being able to stomach the way your chin wobbles. “Darling,” he pulls you to his chest again, letting you cry. “I’ve been such a fucking twat.” You laugh through your tears.
“Yeah,” you say quietly, Remus chuckles. “You have been.”
“You’re really making me work for your forgiveness, precious girl. I don’t mind,” he kisses the crown of your head. “Would it be too much if I asked if you still wanted to go out on a date?”
You pull away, teary eyes looking into his. “Why?”
“I’m still head over heels but I need to prove I’m not a complete and utter knobhead.”
Remus is putting the ball in your court, knows it’s the best thing he’s ever done.
Still, his nerves are on fire. His chest constricts like you’ve already rejected him.
“Now?” He nods.
“You’re already all dolled up, don’t see a point in wasting this outfit in my dusty apartment.”
You nibble on your lip, “Maybe in a few days, Remus. I think we need to let this all settle.”
His smile dims a little but he nods, “I understand, dove. Just let me know when you’re ready.”
You leave his apartment and for the next couple of weeks you and Remus take it slow, slow to hang out, slow in speaking to each other one on one.
When you end up going out, he picks you up at home flowers in hand and a small box of your favourite chocolates.
“Let me do it right this time.”
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diwatopia · 9 months ago
mae eating dr!remus up as per usual
You asked for doctor remus request and here is am 😅 This is a fully self indulgent request as i’m sick rn and i’m all alone and i have to still do everything and take care of everything and i just want doctor remmy to put me on bed rest and just dote on me and make me soup and hug me when i cry like a baby because i always turn into such a mess and just want to be cared for??? Hope you have a great night/day lovely!! 💕
Hope you have a great day/night as well!
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 631 words
You’d both been sure your supply of cough drops would last you through the night, but Remus is beginning to lose faith. It breaks his heart hearing you try to quiet yourself, your back convulsing as you press your face into your pillow. You’d tried to sleep on the couch, then when that didn’t work tried to get him to sleep on the couch, but Remus won’t be separate from you. It doesn’t matter to him how late the both of you are kept awake. He’s already called in for tomorrow anyway, just like he did for today. 
“Do you want some tea?” he asks. 
“No, thanks,” you manage, coughing around every syllable. 
He hums his understanding and sets a hand on your back, moving it up and down your spine in a motion he hopes will console you. Heat radiates from your skin, still not enough to really worry him but enough that he’s sure you’re feeling muddled and exhausted. You hadn’t slept much last night either. 
At his touch you curl in on yourself as if pained, and the noise that escapes you sounds so broken Remus sits up. Though the light coming in through the window is dim, he can see the dejection etched into the lines of your expression and the shiny wetness of your eyes. 
A low sound slips from the back of his throat. Remus slides his hand up to your shoulder, drilling his thumb in small circles over your collarbone. “What is it, honey, is your head still bothering you?” 
His sympathy worsens your crying, which worsens the coughing. Remus waits for the fit to pass, thumb moving over your skin all the while. 
“Yeah,” you say once you can manage. “Everything hurts. I’m so tired of this, Rem. I want to sleep, and I just—” Furiously, you take a tissue from the nightstand, blowing your nose. “I just want my fucking ears to pop.” 
Remus could almost laugh at the way the curse hiccups out of you, if you didn’t sound so pitiful. 
“I know, sweetheart,” he murmurs. You turn over to face him, and he cups your face in the basin of his palm. When you close your eyes, he strokes the skin beneath with his thumb. His poor girl, so desperate for comfort. He wishes terribly this was one of the ailments he could just banish in a day. “You should start to feel better soon.” 
Remus realized your cold had turned into a sinus infection after it suddenly got worse when it was supposed to be getting better. He got you on antibiotics that same day, but unfortunately they don’t work quickly enough to save you the misery of the early stages. You’ve been plagued with the cough, a blocked up nose, and a relentless headache since yesterday morning. 
The good news is, sinus infections aren’t contagious. 
Remus gives you a kiss. Your lips are warm and slightly chapped, and you taste like the soup he’d made you for dinner. He knows he can’t convey all his love and caring through the press of his mouth, but he tries anyway. 
“Do you want me to warm up the flannel for your sinuses again?” he asks.
You sniffle, looking guilty. “I don’t want you to have to get up.” 
“I’m up,” Remus says, kissing a salty tear off your cheek before sitting upright. “Sure you don’t want some tea, dove? I’ll be in the kitchen anyways, and it can cool while you lay with the flannel.” 
“Yes, please,” you murmur. You reach up a hand out of the covers, and he takes it as he rounds the bed, squeezing obligingly. “Thank you, Rem.” 
“Don’t mention it,” he tells you. 
In the end, you’re not awake long enough to drink your tea. 
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diwatopia · 10 months ago
best. day. ever.
haiii can we get more doctor!remus x whimsical!reader? maybe reader uses crystals and healing music to help remus when he's feeling sad/mentally blocked? no worries if you don't want to, love the way you write them teehee :3
Thanks for requesting babe!
doctor!Remus x whimsical!reader ♡ 870 words
Remus supposes it’s the thought that counts. 
He’d come home from work today complaining of a long day and a dismal mood and expecting, perhaps, a kiss and cuddle from you to make him feel better. Instead you’d laid him down on the couch and started placing eclectically-shaped and oddly colorful rocks on his forehead, throat, and torso, and now you’re playing music that sounds like some shit even James wouldn’t be caught listening to. 
There’s a muffled noise in the kitchen. Remus cracks an eyelid. Another, and he’s sitting up, catching the stones as they fall from him. You’re kneeling on the counter, reaching for something in the back of the cabinet. 
“Oi,” Remus starts to stand, but you turn to face him and hop down without even the decency to look a little abashed. 
“Remus.” Your voice is about as stern as a kitten’s purr, but he can tell you’re meant to be remonstrating him as you walk over, pushing him back down by the shoulder. You take the rocks from his hand and start arranging them as they were. “You’re meant to be relaxing.” 
“You’re meant to ask me when you need something you can’t reach,” he counters. The stone you set on his throat wobbles as he speaks. 
Your eyebrows twitch slightly, as close to a frown as you ever get. “If you get up, you’ll disrupt the healing process.” You place the last rock on his forehead with deliberate care. Remus’ heart thaws some. 
“Oh, well. I didn’t mean to disrupt the healing process.” 
You smile, seraphim. “You’re being terribly corporeal again.”
“Can you blame me?” He cracks one eyelid to look at you, flirting a bit. “My entire career is based on the corporeal. I’d be out of a job if I started focusing on things unrelated to science.” 
You shrug. “There’s no science that says they don’t help, and in my experience they do.” 
“The rocks?” 
“The crystals, yes.” 
Remus hums and turns his palm up. You set your hand in his, smile softening as he starts running his thumb over the delicate skin of your inner wrist. “Tell me what they do, pretty girl.” 
Your eyes are busy watching the movement of his thumb, but they flit back up to his at the request. “You really want to know?” you ask. 
“I really want to know.” 
You situate yourself more comfortably next to his legs on the couch, reaching over to touch the stone on his heart. “This one’s for confidence and calm, and this one—” you touch the one on his throat, careful not to displace it “—is meant to balance your spirit and cleanse your subconscious.” 
“Mm. And what does cleansing my subconscious entail?” 
“It helps you let go of any preconceived beliefs that may be limiting you.”  
“What if I happen to like my preconceived beliefs?” 
“Too bad.” 
That startles a laugh out of him, and you smile as your fingers brush his neck, ensuring the stone doesn’t fall. 
“Alright, what’s the last one do?” 
“It gives you inner strength and motivation,” you say, quiet and certain. “I imagine you’ll need it for the rest of the week, seeing as it’s only Monday.” 
Remus has no argument for that. He probably will need it.
“Is the music helping?” you ask. 
He hesitates. “It sort of feels like I’m meant to be dancing with faeries in some secluded forest. Is that what it’s supposed to do?” 
You turn so he can’t see your face, but your smile is in your voice. “That’s not inaccurate, but I can change it if you like.” 
“That might be best. Thanks, dove.” 
“Course,” you whisper, and then the music cuts out, replaced by the trinkling sounds of water. Rain sounds. Some tightly wound muscle in Remus’ head relaxes. 
“Thanks,” he says again, quieter now. The room feels suddenly like a sanctuary he doesn’t wish to disrupt. Either those rocks of yours are actually doing something, or you’re just emanating enough love to heal him all on its own. 
When you speak, it’s in an equally soft voice. “I’m going to get on the counter again,” you warn, “and I don’t want you to come after me, please.” 
Remus sighs his acquiescence. “Be careful.” 
“I will,” you promise. 
He hears the quiet thudding of your knees hitting the counter and opens his eyes, watching as much as he can in his periphery as you root around in the cabinet. Something crinkles just before you hop down. 
“What did you need in there so badly?” he asks curiously. 
You smile, proud of yourself, and hold up a chocolate bar. “This. It makes your brain release the nice hormones, right? I can’t remember the science-y names.” 
“Serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins,” he confirms as you come over. You start peeling open the wrapper. “I thought you didn’t believe in the corporeal, though.” 
You roll your eyes like he’s silly. “Of course I do. The spiritual and corporeal can go together, you know. We can use both.” 
You break off a piece of chocolate and hold it out for him, but Remus bypasses it to take your hand, bringing it to his lips. “Dove, you make some excellent points.”
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lilmaymayy · 10 months ago
i cant help it- HE IS SMOOTH😫😫😫
★ kisses as payment ; remus lupin.
info: fluff, remus lupin x gn!reader, less than 1k.
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two mugs sit atop the coffee table, completely forgotten as the last bits of steam roll off the lip's edge. the window is up, air fluttering past lace curtains and chilling you along with your tea.
"how's your book, dove?" remus asks, cheek nuzzled into your stomach as he allows himself to bask in not only your presence, but the soft texture of your (his) band tee that has him purring like a kitten.
"'s good, rem. want me to read to you?" voice soft, barely above a whisper as you run a gentle hand through his coffee hued curls with an absentminded touch. he hums in response, crawling between your legs before lifting the hem of your shirt up slightly to press a small kiss to your hip, a silent agreement as he plops all his weight atop you.
it was almost impressive how easily remus melts into you. his body nestled between your thighs with lanky arms wrapped around your hips to keep you pinned under his weight. now he definitely knows that you can't leave, not like you would ever choose to.
you giggle, reading the next three chapters with an honeyed tone, so full of life that it makes remus feel as if he's genuinely tagging along with the protagonist and their journey when his eyes close.
"love your voice, dovey..." he drawls sleepily.
it doesn't take long for a bookmark to find its way between the pages of your book, the paperback tossed to the side on the coffee table to match with the cups of tea you totally hadn't forgotten about as his voice slurs so sweetly in your ears.
"how about a nap?" you whisper, giggling as a ditzy grin graces his scarred lips. remus lifts up the bottom of your oversized shirt, tossing the fabric over his head before peppering kisses that start from your navel and past your belly button.
"hey!" you snicker, nails gently scratching at his bare back. "where'd you go?" you play along, head tilting back in hysterics as he blows a raspberry to the curve of your waist.
"stop, tha-that tickles!" voice a soft squeak as you choke on your laughter. remus attempts to lift his head and look at you but manages to get stuck between your shirt making a soft guffawing noise that gets intertwined with your own.
his nimble fingers rush to remove the shirt from his head, but not before delivering a fleeting kiss to any random patches of skin.
"you get all cute when you're sleepy," you whisper.
"i do not," he slurs softly, as if offended.
your eyes roll in response, "you never answered my question. you fancy a nap, hun?" you repeat. he takes your hand in his, interlocking your fingers before he plants a peck to your wrist.
"what are you doing?" you sigh out once his lips meets the nook of your elbow, kisses littering up your bicep without a single word to exchange. there's a moment of silence that lays over the two of you like a thick duvet, remus hums with another trail of wet kisses up your shoulder and neck.
"i think you deserve kisses for reading to me..." he smoothly replies before planting a fat kiss to your lips.
you snort out, hands tossed around in his curls. "you think you're so smooth..." you whisper softly.
"i am smooth, dove."
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★ diwa's notes. hiii tysm for all the love you've shown my drabbles too <3
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