#☁️ ⠀  ⠀ INDIE RODRIGUEZ ⠀ ﹕ ⠀ THREAD  .
overwhlcmed · 11 months
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status : closed / ( @apcthetics ) location : we already know teehee
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ────────────         the   volleyball   match   had   been   her   idea.   it   was   posed   as   a   light   suggestion   to   match   the   energy   of   the   party   happening   around   them,   a   sort   of   cool   down   from   the   she'd   just   finished   playing.   however,   the   driving   factor   came   from   more   than   just   a   need   to   work   off   excess   energy   but   rather   an   attempt   to   shake   off   lingering   feelings.   indie's   greatest   kept   secrets   were   the   songs   she   wrote   about   her   best   friend;   yet   another   cliche   she   could   add   to   the   box   becoming   overgrown   day   by   day.   it   was   rare   that   she'd   perform   those   songs   if   he   was   in   attendance,   but   a   part   of   her   thought   it   would   help   her   deal   with   the   idea   that   he   didn't   want   her   the   way   she   wanted   him.   a   way   to   deal   with   emotions   she   couldn't   talk   about   as   she   often   had   done,   but   it   seemed   to   only   make   it   worse.   the   temptation   to   get   close,   to   make   contact   in   the   way   she   had   in   venice,   to   try   again   despite   the   terrible   outcome   the   last   time   she   attempted   to   press   her   body   against   his.   she   definitely   needed   a   net   between   them.          ❝   are   you   tired   of   losing   yet   ?   ❞   indie   called   over   the   net;   watching   as   the   ball   collided   with   the   ground   yet   again.   she   took   a   few   steps   toward   the   pole   and   forced   herself   to   stop   there;   body   leaning   against   it   as   silently   praised   herself   for   her   self   control.   ❝   you're   looking   pretty   hot   over   there,   you   sure   you   don't   need   a   break   ?   ❞   quip   on   her   tongue   slipping   through   as   she   let   her   eyes   openly   wander   her   frame   (   at   least   she   could   praise   herself   for   her   physical   self   control   ?   ).   ❝   if   you   tap   out   now   we   could   just   go   get   in   the   water.   i   think   i   could   use   a   cold   wash   down,   would   you   agree   ?   ❞
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overwhlcmed · 10 months
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status : closed / ( @sirentearz ) location : indie's place
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☁️ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ───────────── as   much   as   indie   loved   making   music   and   performing,   she   hated   the   everything   else   that   came   along   with   it.   that   include   the   binders   of   lookbooks   that   was   sent   over   to   her   to   review   as   potential   tour   wardrobe   choices.   ❝   ya   no   puedo   !   ❞   she   exclaimed,   slamming   a   binder   shut   and   pushing   it   away   from   her.   ❝   if   i   have   to   look   at   one   more   fishnets   and   garter   combo,   i'm   going   scoop   my   eyes   out   with   a   garter   clip.   ❞   indie   gave   a   soft   sigh   as   she   sat   back,   peering   over   to   pearl   before   going   on.   ❝   if   i   watch   the   bar   for   a   week   will   you   just   throw   darts   at   these   binders   and   pick   for   me   ?   ❞
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overwhlcmed · 2 years
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status : closed / ( @foxtcils​​​ ) continued from : here .
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ────────────  indie hadn’t known consistency until she met brady. he was unwavering. all her life her surroundings constantly changed. the apartment she lived in, the block she stayed on, the school she went to, the job her abuelito could keep, it was all fell victim to change.  indie had gotten use to never settling. the only familiar faces were those of her family, and with so many cousins always looming around it was easy to forget how lonely it was without friends. when it came down to it, nancy had really been her first friend. it was like one day indie had no idea who the girl was, and the next you’d never see them without each other. trouble always looming around them wherever they went. the two constantly making bad decisions that made for better memories. especially once brady had entered the picture. unexpectedly, her brother would become the one she held closest to her heart.
it wasn’t that she was growing a part from nancy, their friendship was just as comfortable as it always was, but she was growing closer to brady. whenever she stood next to him there was always a warmth that was unlike anything she’d ever felt before. indie always believed she was someone who had to take care of herself. growing up, she watched her grandfather work himself sick to take care of her. she thought if she could just grow up faster, learn to take care of herself she wouldn’t be a burden to anyone else. brady saw the ways she was trying to be older than she was and took care of her anyway. he’d been taking care of her ever since. 
“ if not crazy, what would you call them mi amor ? ” for all her teasing, indie was always there for him too. reveled in the constant that was knowing despite how crazy things got, brady would always be a phone call away. their friendship wasn’t always easy. somewhere down the line the pair had lost all inhibitions. there was no reason to hold back from sharing their opinions with one another because there were never any secrets between them. but that led to opinions they didn’t always agree with. they fought more often than indie liked to think about and it was frustrating because she didn’t know why they would do it. indie knew how much he cared about her. she definitely knew how much she cared about him. even through the harsh venom they tended to spew out at each other, and the dramatics that came with their shouting, there was never a moment she could envision her life without him in it.
brady had become more than just a comfort; he was a necessity. a vital part of her day to day that she couldn’t be without. no matter how stubborn she got, or how infuriating he could be, she’d always need him by her side. “ are you jealous that my lips got compared to the galaxy’s edge ? if you want me to hook you up with a song writer all you had to do was ask. ” she put on a good front, her tone light hearted, and her brows raised in a taunt, but there was a falter just before. a down turn in her lips at the reminder that those she dated took bits and pieces of intimate moments and twisted them to make her into be a dream. but truthfully it wasn’t their artistic liberties that bothered her. it was the fact that brady could listen to it. “ please don’t tell me you listen to that garbage. there’s much better break up songs out there. much better love songs out there. ” especially when the ones written about her had been void of the love they were singing about.
with him standing beside her indie could feel that familiar warmth spreading throughout her once again. people online loved to refer to her as a bright light that shone even brighter whenever brady was around. she wished she had the words to explain that he illuminated entire rooms and she could only glow so much because she’d gotten to be near him. without warning, she leaned back into him as he leaned to rest some of his weight onto her; her head turning to meet his gaze as if she’d missed it already. “ so... you want me to rip it off you carino ? ” the question came with a tilt of her head and a pause. her eyes drifting down to his collar and back up to his gaze. “ clem won’t be too happy about it, but she’s not too happy with me on most days anyway. ” she shrugged, offering him one quick wink before moving to the bed to put on her shoes. “ what club are we going to anyway ? ”
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overwhlcmed · 2 years
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☁️ ⠀  ⠀ ⠀  ⠀ ──────────── indie tag dump !
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