#◾ Valor rages — Companion verse (Dragon Age)
ode-of-odr-archive · 1 year
@kaaras-adaar​ continued from here
Raserei nodded. It was something he thought about as well. This was grand, even not being the core of it all like Kaaras, he was still on this whirlwind adventure to save the world. How does one come down after that? How does one relearn to relax and breathe like a normal person? How was the world going to move forward? It was a lot in truth. 
And all this had got him thinking that he really didn’t belong anywhere. Not truly. Sure with Valor being part of him, the Avvar were a good choice and they did raise him. He was as deep into their customs as the next of his kin. But that’s the thing wasn’t it? They weren’t his kin. He was a marveled at outsider. Adopted. Not that being adopted in should matter...but because he looked so different it was hard to say he ever felt like he belonged somewhere. 
With this? It didn’t matter he fit in because he could swing a big weapon and take out demons. This worked...for now. But it would end, then what? It scared him to think he could never he happy with calm and quiet now. That he and Valor would be chasing the next thrill until it kills them both. 
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“I have been thinking about that too...a lot. While my tribe clearly accepted me, and put me upon a pedal stool for my looks, I don’t really fit in, ja? And look around, I really don’t fit in with the Lowlanders! But because of this chaos, this need to fix something bigger than a border, or whatever vain issue we mortals have, I fit in, because it does not matter. Being away from the Hold for so long now has made realize how much of an outsider I always feel despite...” he trailed off as he almost outed Valor. 
“I worry I will live a restless life now.” 
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ode-of-odr-archive · 1 year
❝  i wasn’t always like this.  ❞   
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"Of course not. Events like this rattle all living in it, more so those forced to bear the weight of fixing it. Some things alter the soul forever and there is no going back. They forever make us who we are in the present and who we will be in the future. Only the gods know what our worth is in the end."
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ode-of-odr-archive · 1 year
// new tags
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ode-of-odr · 6 months
❝ oh, you know me - ever the optimist. i’m trying to focus on the positives. ❞ (here, have a DA Ashe lol)
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The Avvar laughed, "I would say it is a good practice, but I do believe it could lead to a different kind of blindness, one that leads to someone being walked on. Or a knife in the back."
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ode-of-odr · 6 months
☀ 👉👈
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Raserei laughed, "Did Sera put you up to this? Tell her the answer is still no...I am terrified of Liliana."
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ode-of-odr · 6 months
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"Me?! Truly?! Kaaras, don't tell me you've been with the nobles too much and confused me and Iron Bull!"
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ode-of-odr · 10 months
// Tag dump
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ode-of-odr-archive · 1 year
// @lathal liked for a starter (Always open)
Blood Mages were not the only ones who partook in the power of blood nor in blood magic. Something Raserei well knew. From the tradional methods of which he became a reaver, and from the lingering memories Valor held, it would seem blood magic had something to do with the Wardens. But Valor's memeories of that were so old they were obscured by a fog when Raserei tried to traverse them in his sleep, There was power in blood. Terrible and beautiful power. He reminded himself this as he looked down at the vial in his hand. Beautifully crafted and housed a mighty drakes head as the cap. Inside a dark red liquid. Something that would increase his power, make him more like the creatures of awe and terror. It would help them fight this battle no doubt, but it would push him ever closer to the edge of a cliff that once he fell the wings he would sprout would be chains of rage unending. Heavy and bloody. And what it would to the spirit within him...a spirit of valor corrupted would be a terrifying thing indeed. He no more put the vial away, the temptation when someone crashed into him. A drunk noble from the look of his clothes. So many making trips here like it was some damn vacation and not a base of operations for a war that if lost would mean the end of all things. It pissed him off. Made his blood roil and run hot. It triggered that malice that came with what he became.
The noble shouted at Raserei called him a few names refering to him being Qunari. The Avvar was content to let the noble rant and rave and be on his drunken way. But the bindings of his temper were brittle these days so when the noble slapped him for ignoring his goading, Raserei rose swiftly to his feet to give this man his undo attention.
His thick large hand wrapped around the man's neck, thick scales forming on it, and his eyes slit like that of a reptile, "You still want my attention?" the Vashoth thundered. His deep voice rolling out like thunder cracking right over head. Felt in one's chest and bones.
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ode-of-odr-archive · 2 years
"What just happened? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Worse. I have seen ghosts those don't bother me..."
The Avvar fell silent again, unsure he even wanted to repeat the horror he saw.
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"Have you...One of the counts visiting... drank too much... I saw things. Terrible things. Namely, his whole fucking naked ass running by my tent!"
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ode-of-odr-archive · 2 years
I do want to drop in to share something for your consideration:
Josie panicking when she hasn’t Ras a hot moment in the Winter Palace only to find him Dorian and Bull drunkenly having a dance off in the courtyard. She walks in just in time to see Ras basically Cossack dancing around and the nobles are trying to figure how a man his size while drunk can move so well.
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ode-of-odr-archive · 2 years
(Because I assume Kaaras wouldn't just openly say something)
"What in the gods are you on about? Kaaras has better options before him. I don't even have pretty words to trick him! Did you really hear that? Me? Really?" Raserei wished he could will away the blush that was spreading to his powerful neck.
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ode-of-odr-archive · 3 years
@dalishflame continued from the nickname meme (I can’t actually access your blog to link it back)
Atreion moved away, and his face dropped. The quick apology was more than what he needed. It would seem the Inquisitor was regretting his words now that he was close. When the more “wild” features of his actual people could be better viewed. The simmering rage always behind his eyes from the dragon’s blood, and apparently what his birth people experience when not kept on tight leash. 
Even if Bull seemed to show otherwise, but then again Bull loved to fuck and fight and eat. Two of those things Raserei did in excess. So maybe there was truth to it. Maybe Atreion suddenly became aware of that. 
Perhaps, it was indeed wishful thinking, that he was anything more than a walking weapon. A beast of the world’s making. 
You are neither of those things. Valor whispered in his head. The spirit when it came to Raserei and Atreion was quiet, a watcher. Unsure of the electricity firing in Raserei’s brain when the elf was near, and why it made the man’s heart pound, and why a great knot of guilt always manifested in his stomach. For it was a spirit of Valor, and though through the years it had learned many complexities of mortal emotions, lust and love were still foreign to it. As they seemed like two things Raserei avoided at all costs. 
And what do you think we are? Perhaps it’s you who didn’t realize what you bonded with.
“I see. So not gentle then,” Raserei stepped away, giving Atreion more space, “Sorry for asking.”  
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ode-of-odr-archive · 3 years
Nickname Meme: "My gentle giant."
Raserei laughed, "you've seen me fight, yes? Are you sure about that?"
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ode-of-odr-archive · 3 years
smash or pass :0
Raserei clears his throat and looked away, he goes to speak but stops. He does this several times before finally quietly muttering a "Smash"
However, his gaze becomes dark and his gaze looks murderous, "But you didn't hear that did you?"
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ode-of-odr-archive · 3 years
Smash or pass + Kaaras 👀
Raserei started coughing and looking at anything, his cheeks were bright red, and there was this shy smile on his face.
But then his eyes darkened and his gaze narrowed, "You tell him I said that and I will split your chest open."
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ode-of-odr-archive · 3 years
The vashoth looked around confused, "Really? Me? Are you sure?"
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