#◤Larys◢ – the lord confessor: interaction
mysterycflife · 2 months
“ I don't recognize myself. ”(larys and kyra)
"Metamorphosis is common in nature, my love," the Lord Confessor answered from his place by the fire. Putting down the book he was reading, he turned to the princess to see what @amarvelousmencgerie was doing that had made her utter such a comment. Thin lips curved into a smile as Larys watched her, observing her frame in the looking glass. He knew her not to be vain, and she had no reason to doubt her beauty in his eyes. There must have been another reason such thoughts were running through her mind. It intrigued him. Kyra was always most interesting to him when she offered a mystery. When she acted in unpredictable ways. Offered more than the boredom he felt in the presence of others.
He slowly rose from his seat and took his cane to shuffle behind her. "A caterpillar would say the same if it could see itself as a butterfly." He told her, ice-blue eyes finding hers in the mirror. He put the fingers of his free hand under her chin and raised it gently, so she would hold her head high. Nodding approvingly, he then wrapped his hand around her throat. Resting it there without pressure. "I still know you, my princess. You could never change in a way for my eyes and heart not to recognize you."
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mysterycflife · 2 months
"no matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it." - Alys to Larys
"Even a mountain is subservient to the tides," he answered moving his feet through the cold waters of the Gods Eye. @realmofthedragon was one of the few people he was secure enough with to take off his metal boot. The water was a welcome refreshment in the summer heat. The Riverlands weren't as hot as the capital this time of year but it was still too warm to drag his useless metal-glad foot around him all day. "What did the wind whisper to you, Alys, that you feel the need to remind me of the stillness of mountains?" Ice-blue eyes turned to the woman beside him. Larys was interested to hear what she had heard during their time apart. Since his father had brought him and his sibling to King's Landing a few years prior.
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mysterycflife · 2 months
Larys Strong A Song of Ice and Fire / book canon + headcanon / straight / open for shipping
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The second son of Lyonel Strong, Lord of Harrenhal, came to King’s Landing when his father was appointed Master of Laws in 105 AC. Glad to leave the dreaded castle of his birth behind but apprehensive about his life at the Red Keep, his father found him a position with the Lord Confessor at the time. The old bureaucrat was unaware of the more hands-on approach Larys took with his position, spending more time in the Black Cells with the torturers than necessary. But he made himself indispensable enough for him to become the next Lord Confessor at eighteen after the old Lord Confessor died. Not long after, he befriended the new Queen Alicent, becoming one of her closest confidants. After the fire at Harrenhal in 120 AC, costing the life of Lyonel Strong and his heir Harwin, Larys became Lord of Harrenhal. Around the year 125 AC, Larys was appointed Master of Whisperers to King Viserys’ small council, a position he would retain under King Aegon II. His loyalty remained with the Greens until the end of the Dance of Dragons. He was beheaded by Cregan Stark for the murder of Aegon II after King’s Landing was taken for Rhaenyra’s son Aegon III.
Main ships: Larys/Alicent Alternative Universes:-
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