#โ—œ โบ๏นŸ ๐—ฏ๐—ถ๐—บ'๐˜€ ๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€.โ € โŠฐโ‚โŠฑ โ—ž
caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ€œย throats ย get ย slit ย in ย this ย neck ย of ย the ย woods.ย โ€ โ€” Anti
Warning: mentions of blood, death, and cannibalistic behaviors.
Bim almost smirked at the statement, the cannibal licking up the faintest trail of blood that went down his arms.
His tongue soon swiping over his blood stained teeth with a wide smile.
โ€œMore like throats get ripped out, but I donโ€™t think that applies to you much does it?โ€
He snickered, almost feeling the darkened eyes show the faintest of curiosity as he finished up his kills. His body had almost a subtle steam coming from it, the heat coming off of him almost becoming too much for the cool air.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ›ย  howย  areย  you , ย  myย  darling ?ย  โœ Said over a sweet smile with a vibrant gaze.
He tended hearing the nickname, almost glaring at them within a moment.
โ€œDonโ€™t call me that, you know my name so use it.โ€
He snapped, his tense gaze taking over before he finally made himself realize what he was doing. He sighed sharply and shook his head.
โ€œSorry, thatโ€ฆ. What you called me has some bad attachments for me.โ€
He looked away as he crossed his arms, the guilt taking over. โ€œI am okay thoughโ€ฆ howโ€™re you?โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ›ย  ย read .ย  ย silentlyย  readย  aย  bookย  alongsideย  myย  muse .
Bim rarely read, he genuine despised it. The only time he chose to was when it came towards scripts.
His eyes scanned over the text with a softened huff, soon looking towards the person next to him.
โ€œHow do you find this fun? I barely can read a script without wanting to turn my brain to mush in annoyance.โ€
He blinked, almost furrowing his brows towards her as he awaited an answer.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
Merrick stands before Bim with her arms crossed, eyeing him up and down (way up since he's a foot taller than her). A playful smile is on her face as she tilts her head to the side.
"You know, I haven't climbed a tree since my youth. Now, I have the sudden urge to...for some reason."
((I'm so sorry ๐Ÿคฃ))
He looked towards her with pure squinted eyes, his arms crossed over his chest. He didnโ€™t want to admit how smooth the words were, but he felt amusement fill his eyes in ways he didnโ€™t know it could.
โ€œThis tree is too big and too nippy for you darlin, but cute you think you could get that high.โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
Bim UR very MUCH a bottom. srry.
He very much just blinks before perking a brow. โ€œIโ€™d love to see someone try and top meโ€ฆ youโ€™d have better luck with pipsqueak.โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ what makes me happyโ€ฆis you. โžย โ€” Anti & Bim
Bim felt his smile grow, soon carefully sitting and pulling Anti into his lap as he wrapped his arms around him.
โ€œAnd what makes me happy is knowing you are as well my darlin.โ€
The cannibalโ€™s grin held a genuine softness to it before soon grabbing the cowboy hat off of his head and simply putting it on antiโ€™s with the softest chuckle escaping his lips at the sight.
โ€œAdorable baby boy.โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ thatโ€™s funny. i havenโ€™t heard much about you. โž ย (bim?)
Bim shrugged his shoulders at their words, the thin smile barely growing for a moment. He wasnโ€™t entirely surprised. He hadnโ€™t had any proper work in the last few months and it simply wasnโ€™t much he could do besides doing what wilford was helping him to learn.
โ€œAnything else?โ€
His accent came out thick, the annoyance on his face definitely not being hidden as he looked towards them. His brow soon perking up almost waiting for their response.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ›ย  boy , ย  youย  wereย  someย  messย  lastย  night . ย โœ
((Sorry for the spam but grumpy cannibal tree man is becoming one of my faves lol))
Bim had a hangover from hell, his annoyed eyes keeping to yancy almost in confusion.
โ€œWhat do you mean a mess? What happened last night?โ€
He couldnโ€™t entirely comprehend it all due to the fact he probably blacked out for most the evening.
Maybe it wasnโ€™t the best idea to try such high proof things around a bunch of equally as bad influences around him.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
(ย  ย  ย moveย  ย  ย )ย  :ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  forย  ย  ย senderย  ย  ย toย  ย  ย moveย  ย  ย receiverย  ย  ย outย  ย  ย ofย  ย  ย harmsย  ย  ย way
Bim almost stumbled even worse when he felt himself be moved, soon looking towards Yancy with partially annoyed eyes. Though he did let his expression change as he watched cars barrel pass where he once stood.
โ€˜Well thatโ€™s one way to go today.โ€™
He thought, standing up completely as he dusted himself off.
โ€œThanks, guess my mind was too occupied to realize the light wasnโ€™t green anymore.โ€
Even after so long he hadnโ€™t entirely got used to the bustling life around him, quite annoying honestly.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ› I love ya, even if yer a monster. โœ Wilford reaches his hand up that inch difference so he can pat Bim on the top of the head. Pat pat. (rosetintedgunman)
Bim almost spoke, but almost felt his mind be thrown off when he felt the soft pats against the top of his head.
He hasnโ€™tโ€ฆ really received such touch before from many and if he had it was oh so long ago as a child. And even then it usually was done to him as a way to let his guards down just to hurt him.. so it felt oddly strange yet comforting.
He blinked. And blinked. And finally blinked again. For once a tiny grin appeared as his eyes met wilfordโ€™s.
โ€œThanks, love you too wil..โ€
He definitely wanted to ask for potentially more, but he had a reputation to uphold, he would survive.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ€œyou can keep a secret, canโ€™t you?โ€ I can't go back to prison, it was one mistake
Bim looked towards the boy with a perked brow, almost wanting to pretend it was some sort surprise that was on his face. He didnโ€™t entirely care for the concept of secrets, but this one time could be an exception.
โ€œDepends on the secret kid, what did you do?โ€
He had a feeling he knew exactly what he was about to be dealing with, and god he was hoping he was right.
โ€œCanโ€™t be that bad I hope.โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ€œwell, i guess thatโ€™s broken.โ€ โ€” @alwayshorrible
Bim looked towards the broken lamp, almost wanting to strangle the murderer himself if he didnโ€™t make himself restrained. The faint shock taking to him before he made his smile stick to one of nervousness for the smallest moment.
His expression soon changing back to one of confidence, even if it was primarily fake for his own sake.
Yes he is the one who bumped into it.
And no he would not admit to it.
โ€œWell letโ€™s see, weโ€™re moving around in the dark like a bunch of idiots..โ€
He glanced towards Murdock before letting the sharp sigh escape, his faint cravings already spiking before long. He didnโ€™t entirely remember how he ended up interlaced in the situation, but hey he got a potential free meal out the deal.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
โ i canโ€™t believe you made me do this. โž (Oh hi Bim)
TW: gruesome themes, mentions of cannibalistic actions, blood, and gore.
Bim smirked and almost felt a dark expression take to his face, his hand soon moving and grabbing yancy by the throat. His hand had been caked in blood from what yancy had brought him to rid of. Soon backing him up till the murdererโ€™s back hit the wall. He had been dealing and dismembering what Yancy needed him to hide, but that didnโ€™t mean he would take blame for any of it.
โ€œI didnโ€™t do a damn thing, you are the idiot who decided to kill someone, you are the idiot who dragged them to me..โ€
He made sure to keep his stature straight and a harsh grip strong enough to make sure he wouldnโ€™t be able to do much.
โ€œI am not the one who committed the crimes, Iโ€™m just the one who gets rid of it.. remember your place pipsqueak.โ€ He held a tone full of venom, his teeth running over his bloodstained teeth.
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
You seem like you could use a little break, honey. Why donโ€™t you and I go away for a few days? Weโ€™ll eat fresh catch and maybe bring down a deer if weโ€™re feeling inspired. The tent might be a bit of a squeeze for such a towering specimen as you, but I think we can make cozy work for us. Are you game for a little adventure, Bim?
A little adventure?
That perked his interest in ways he didnโ€™t know it could. He always did have small little soft spots for such moments, and this almost hit the little country boy hiding inside his cannibalistic mind.
โ€œOh my darlinโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll make sure we fit in that tent, even if we may have to cuddle up in a sleeping bag for good measure.โ€ He muttered, soon sliding down his sunglasses and letting his soft smirk take over.
โ€œLet me know when you want to go~ I couldnโ€™t pass up on such a treat.โ€
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caninempathy ยท 2 years
I'm afraid I'm a bit...old fashioned when it comes to dates. We could catch a movie (horror, action, whatever you want). A nice dinner, where we can talk and get to know one another better. Or we can have a nice walk through the park and have an evening picnic on a blanket in the grass. Somewhere secluded with a nice scenic view.
I could even lure some poor soul to their demise as a gift to you, it you want.
The possibilities are endless.
Bim hummed and almost purred are the idea of the date infront of him. The cowboy hat against his features soon adjusting and letting his softened brown eyes be shown.
โ€œOh my dear, anything with you already sounds like a precious dream come true.โ€ He cooed soon licking over his lips.
โ€œIโ€™ll make sure you get a kiss or two for such troubles~ wouldnโ€™t want such efforts to not have its own rewards.โ€
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