caninempathy · 2 years
random dialogue prompts (my favorite tropes edition).
tw: death, angst.
* would you hold my hand in front of my parents? just so they’ll get off my back.
* they’re looking at us, kiss me right now.
* i know our relationship is supposed to be fake, but i can’t help what i feel.
* we’re supposed to be a couple, i couldn’t ask for a room with two beds.
* we’re not a couple, why didn’t you ask for a room with two beds?
* i’ll sleep on the floor.
* it’s late. can’t sleep?
* sorry, i thought everyone was already asleep.
* you can’t look at them like that if you mean to keep it a secret.
* oh, fuck, we overslept. 
* i don’t care that we slept together, but we definitely should not be waking up together!
* you shouldn’t be here! if they find out we spent the night together, i’m dead!
* stop saying that, you’re not going to die. i won’t let you.
* tell me you love me, just once. just so i know what it sounds like.
* how i wish i could be loved by you.
* are you god? how else could you be so utterly perfect?
* i didn’t mean to grab your hand, i just got startled. also doesn’t mean i was scared.
* why are you looking at me like that? do i have something on my face?
* i’m yours to do whatever you wish to do.
* i’m yours to do whatever you wish to do, but leave them out of it.
* so, who do you pick? them… or me? you can’t run from this anymore.
* i can’t live like this anymore!
* i can’t be your secret anymore.
* you can keep lying to everyone for as long as you want, but stop trying to lie to yourself.
* i need to hear you say it. say it, please.
* i need to know the truth, once and for all.
* you can’t keep lying to me! i trusted you!
* you can’t marry them…
* i’ve never gotten over you.
* why would you say that? you know i’m in a new relationship now. 
* didn’t you hear? we’re dating! officially! 
* i hope you two are very happy together. 
* remember how happy we used to be too? 
* it was a long time ago, we shouldn’t think about that anymore. 
* i have a new life, but i still can’t stop thinking about you.
* if one day i decided to leave, would you run away with me?
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caninempathy · 2 years
Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction!
Note: They do not have to be ones my muses would like!
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caninempathy · 2 years
Bim UR very MUCH a bottom. srry.
He very much just blinks before perking a brow. “I’d love to see someone try and top me… you’d have better luck with pipsqueak.”
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caninempathy · 2 years
I’m just waiting for what I’m gonna see in my ask box 💀
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caninempathy · 2 years
Send whether you (the MUN) or your muse thinks my muse is a Top, Bottom, or Switch
Bonus: If you give an explanation as to why
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caninempathy · 2 years
I have so many replies I need to do on here good lord Djdjdn
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caninempathy · 2 years
“  they made you cry.  so i killed them.  ”
“  you’re mine.  and that means i’ll do anything necessary to keep it that way.  ”
“  i’m not going to hurt you.  i came here to help.  ”
“  sometimes,  i feel like i can’t breathe when you’re here.  but when you’re gone it feels like my heart stops.  ”
“  no one gets to get away with making you feel like that.  ”   
“  when i said i’d kill for you,  i meant it.  ”
“  you belong to me.  ”  
“  tell me who did this to you so i can make them pay.  don’t even try to tell me it’s fine.  ”
“  what do you want me to do to them?  anything you ask,  it’s done.  ”
“  say the word and i’ll cut their fucking heart out.  ”
“  one word,  and they’re gone.  ”
“  i don’t trust you.  but i love you.  ”
“  i don’t usually care about people.  i just don’t.  but i care about you.  ”
“  i need you to see how important this is—  us.  i never care about people the way i care about you.  ”
“  why do you let me close? why me?  ”
“  i don’t let people close.  but i chose you.  you’re the only one.  ”
“  i’m not trying to fix you.  i love you.  just let me do that.  ”
“  i didn’t ask for this!  i never asked for you to be willing to do all these things for me.  i just wanted you.  ”
“  you’re gonna be the death of me some day.  and i’m gonna let you.  ”
“  you don’t understand what you do to me.  ”
“  now you’re going to tell me what’s wrong.  the truth.  and then i’m going to fix it.  ”
“  you’re not gonna change me.  i want you.  but not if you think you’re going to save me from myself or some hollywood bullshit like that.  ”
“  i belong to you.  don’t you realize that?  my heart is bleeding in your hands.  ”
“  you can’t scare me off.  growl and bite all you want,  but i’m not afraid.  ” 
“  my world is shrouded in darkness.  always has been.  but you…you bring a little bit of light into it.  ”
“  this is what i am.  i’m one of the goddamn monsters.  you should be running the other way.  ”
“  this isn’t a fairytale.  i’ll never stop craving the scent of blood.  you won’t heal me.  you’ll just slowly become a monster too.  ”
“  i’m here because…i know you’ll help me.  the way i want to be helped.  ”
“  i know i shouldn’t but.  i like it.  i like how far you’ll go to make me feel safe.  ”
“  let me kill them for you.  you don’t need that blood on your hands.  ”
“  do you want to watch?  or do you want me to do it where you can’t see.  this could get very messy.  ”
“  i don’t understand what you do to me. i just…can’t seem to stay away.  ”
“  you don’t belong in my world.  but i do want you here.  and if you choose to stay,  i won’t let anything hurt you.  ”
“  they made me feel.  small.  i don’t wanna feel like that again.  show me how to be strong like you.  ”  
“  i want you to teach me.  teach me how to be like you.  be the kind of person people don’t hurt.  ” 
“  i’m going to do what i need to to keep you safe.  and you’re going to let me.  ”
“  i’m never gonna leave you.  you can try to push me away and lash out all you want,  but i’m not going anywhere.  ”  
“  i don’t care what the world thinks.  i know who you really are.  the good and the bad.  and i love all of it.  ”
“  i don’t want you to be afraid of me.  ”
“  i could make you so much stronger.  ”
“  i’d do anything for you too,  you know.  i know you think you’re the one protecting me but.  it goes both ways.  ”
“  i’m never going to let anyone make you feel like that again.  ”
[ CONSPIRE ] sender’s muse presents a captured individual who hurt receiver’s muse to them,  letting receiver choose what to do with them. 
[ SHOW ] receiver’s muse presents a captured individual who hurt sender’s muse to them,  letting sender choose what to do with them. 
[ UNLIKELY ] for one muse to pick a fight with the their rival/enemy because they are upset about something unrelated.  their rival recognizes this and refuses to fight back,  leading them to finally breaking down and end up being comforted by the rival. 
[ STAIN ] for one muse to hold the other’s bloody hand. 
[ APPEASE ] for one muse to kiss the other to prove they can’t scare them off. 
[ GENTLE ] for one muse to clean the other’s bruised knuckles after they got into a fight. 
[ DEDICATION ] for sender to gently caress receivers face after sender killed someone  ( bonus points if it was protecting them  ). 
[ ADORATION ] for receiver to gently caress sender’s face after receiver killed someone ( bonus points if it was protecting them ). 
[ SHY ] for one muse to initially flinch away from the other’s touch,  only to grow still when they realize they’re just stroking their face or hair.  
[ FIRM ] for one muse to force the other to let them see their wounds. 
[ REDIRECT ] for one muse to distract the other from their anger by kissing them.  
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caninempathy · 2 years
Bim cooed softly as he held onto anti, almost feeling his chuckles erupt even more when he heard the softened greeting given to him.
He loved seeing someone so deadly become so small around him, truly was adorable.
“You’re too cute for your own good my darlin..”
His accent came out thick as he whispered, soon moving the hat just enough to kiss his nose before placing it back.
“May need to have you in a hat like that more often~”
❝ what makes me happy…is you. ❞ — Anti & Bim
Bim felt his smile grow, soon carefully sitting and pulling Anti into his lap as he wrapped his arms around him.
“And what makes me happy is knowing you are as well my darlin.”
The cannibal’s grin held a genuine softness to it before soon grabbing the cowboy hat off of his head and simply putting it on anti’s with the softest chuckle escaping his lips at the sight.
“Adorable baby boy.”
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caninempathy · 2 years
❝ what makes me happy…is you. ❞ — Anti & Bim
Bim felt his smile grow, soon carefully sitting and pulling Anti into his lap as he wrapped his arms around him.
“And what makes me happy is knowing you are as well my darlin.”
The cannibal’s grin held a genuine softness to it before soon grabbing the cowboy hat off of his head and simply putting it on anti’s with the softest chuckle escaping his lips at the sight.
“Adorable baby boy.”
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caninempathy · 2 years
Merrick stands before Bim with her arms crossed, eyeing him up and down (way up since he's a foot taller than her). A playful smile is on her face as she tilts her head to the side.
"You know, I haven't climbed a tree since my youth. Now, I have the sudden urge to...for some reason."
((I'm so sorry 🤣))
He looked towards her with pure squinted eyes, his arms crossed over his chest. He didn’t want to admit how smooth the words were, but he felt amusement fill his eyes in ways he didn’t know it could.
“This tree is too big and too nippy for you darlin, but cute you think you could get that high.”
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caninempathy · 2 years
Not deserving of affection?
My dear, how wrong you are.
I want to absolutely shower you in it. Every touch, every word to show you how much you deserve it. Worship the ground you walk on. Fall to my knees before you and show you the depths of my devotion.
I want nothing more.
To say Bim got a little thrown off at such words was an understatement. The wide eyes, his mind searching for words to say but all that would be seen is his lips parted for a moment.
He didn’t know whether to be shocked or even feel the comfort and contentment of knowing someone wanted to do that for him besides a faint few he let do so. His eyes held hesitance and his mind echoed the opposite of what was left in front of him. But for once he simply was too speechless to think proper words.
“I…I truly don’t know what to say I’m sorry darlin…”
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caninempathy · 2 years
Do everything in your power, hug them, compliment them, flirt with them. Anything goes!
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caninempathy · 2 years
I need to revive my dr. iplier blog I haven’t been on him in a hot minute .
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caninempathy · 2 years
hc + aquariums (eric)
Eric is obsessed with aquariums, it’s one of the only times he can be seen not having a stutter or any signs of the horrific social anxiety he has.
He has a soft obsession when it comes to the creatures of the deep blue, and always tries to find time to go there once to twice a month.
If you wanna see Eric truthfully have an adorable smile and a happy giggle, go to an aquarium.
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caninempathy · 2 years
⚠️ do you think you are deserving of affection? (Bim)
His eyes almost held the truest state of sadness, almost sitting down as he thought it over. His hands soon grasping the cowboy hat he wore as he threw it on his kitchen table.
“Truthfully?” He questioned, running a hand over his face before sighing. “No.. no I don’t, the last time I fell in love they ended up becoming a victim to the ones who created me…”
He felt emotions swelling up, but soon clenched his jawline tightly as he grasped his hat, putting it on and tilting it down to cover his eyes.
( definitely 10/10. )
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caninempathy · 2 years
*waves a △* "Jim from Jim News! Does Bim have any humans that he regretted eating?"
Bim almost growled when he heard Jim, the faint annoyance taking to his features.
“Yes, there have been a few.. wait how do you even know-“
He was confused on how Jim even knew of his victims, but he had no patience to sit and listen to his explanations.
Though it was answered easily, that question easily is ranked at 7/10 for how much he didn’t want to answer.
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caninempathy · 2 years
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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