#██ ♚: EYEBRAND01.
avengier · 4 years
          FOAM ADORNS THE YOUNGER AVENGER, elaborate even now despite how humorous it must seem, almost as if she had detailed it to her own personal tastes. already fingers wrap themselves around a formidable foam stick, one hand upon her hip, as a few people finally begin to get up from being knocked out of the ring.  ❝ Damn... that really all you have? What a waste. Is no one else going to even try? ❞ lips purse together in almost judgement at them all, more displeased than triumphant at her victories, all before noting someone rather formidable approach. ah, maybe she might get a good match after all.
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          ❝ Fufu... oh my, have you stepped up to challenge me? At least you’re not some coward like the others if so. ❞
                                                        「 @eyebrand 」
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