#█ ▌⟨ ❀ ⟩ ❛ queued with a smirk. »»
bastardratofsin · 8 hours
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Go Ahead
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pawphin · 11 months
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HEY GUYS send an ask with a halloween emoji (🎃, 🍭, 👻, anything!) and i will drop a pokemon card in your inbox tonight!!
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definitelynotsaint · 1 month
04:34 | Sukuna Ryomen
Sukuna + the “bothering the tired barista you have a crush on” trope for ur little ask game if that’s okay 😚💖 - @euthymiya // SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST THIS I THOUGHT IT WAS QUEUED SOBS. anyway ily and i have literally never written sukuna before so plz dont hate it and me ty 🙏🏻
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“Go away.”
There’s a deep chuckle behind you; familiar as much as it is annoying. You have no doubt Sukuna’s leaned against the counter to goad you (despite you telling him time and time again not to dirty your counters).
“That’s not anyway to talk to a paying costumer, sweetheart.”
You hear the smirk in his voice, steeling yourself before turning to face him. His grin grows wider when he sees the look of disdain on your face, eyes scanning you as you cross your arms.
“You look good today,” he flirts, canine nipping at his bottom lip.
“Do I not look good everyday?” You sass, pushing the lid onto his cup before sliding it to him, “Can I get you anything else?”
“I didn’t order this,” he frowns, “you were too busy ignoring me to take my order.”
“Sukuna,” you sigh, “you come in here at the same time, every day, bother me with the same senseless flirting, and order the same exact drink every time.”
“It must be working if you remember that much about me, sweetheart.”
“Your total is $9.27.” You turn the screen towards him in a huff, tapping your foot as you wait for him to pay.
“$9.27? Since when?”
“Since now. Right now,” you say, crossing your arms in victory when he taps his card on the reader.
“Draining my pockets, as usual.” Sukuna sighs, shooting a glare to the line beginning to form behind him as someone utters for him to hurry up.
“You’re holding up my line,” you smirk, leaning across the counter to rub it in his face, if just a bit more.”
“Brat,” he mutters, rushing forward to kiss your cheek quickly, “see you at home?”
“Yes,” you answer sheepishly, eyeing the costumer next in line warily, “now get out of my shop before I call in security.”
“Always finding a reason to tie me up, huh?”
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youturningintodust · 1 year
The kind of people who think that that’s what “masculine” is in a woman are ALWAYS massively fucking sexist and were raised by conservatives who gave them warped standards for what gender roles men and women are “supposed to” adhere to.
So anyone even an iota outside of that is a “masculine woman” or a “feminine man”. It’s where you get shit like the prototypical guys on Will and Grace being considered “feminine” or whatever.
Like no morons, that’s just what lesbian womanhood and gay manhood can sometimes look like. It’s well within the normal range for gay folks and even for some straight folks.
Just hang out in the performing arts world. You will meet tons of happily heterosexual people who look like this and think nothing of it. But they were so sheltered growing up that they have these standards now and never stop to rethink any of them.
Meeting people with actual sincere female masculinity or male femininity would probably give them a heart attack. People who think like that would probably keep us genuine gender-weirdos on Jerry Springer or carnival sideshows for the rest of eternity if they could.
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yourgothiccqueen · 6 months
LN4 - “Formula One Sucks”
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Summary: A grumpy reader meets her match.
Parings : Lando Norris x Female Reader
Warnings: none except swearing - fluff and silliness!
“I think just don’t give a shit about it!”
“That’s because you’re a boring cow!”
Y/N sat crossed legged on the grass outside her tent, sun beating down on her face as she half heartedly sipped on a capri sun. Spending the night lying on the floor had left her aching and exhausted, and she feared spending the day watching ‘cars go round in circles’ would truly tip her over the edge.
“I just don’t get why I had to come.” Y/N groaned. “You know loads of other people.”
“None of whom were free at short notice on a Sunday!” Y/N’s friend Annie exclaimed.
Y/N groaned dramatically. She was already hating the fact that she was going to be spending the day trying to shelter from the heat whilst pushing her way through crowds of obsessive fans.
“It’s the three things I hate the most - cars, people and outside.”
“Oh shush, you had to come because you’re such a joyous, positive influence in my life who I knew would jump at the opportunity!” Annie said, sarcastically. “Now stop being so bloody miserable.”
Y/N scowled and playfully swatted Annie on the leg.
“You’re a bitch, you know that?”
“I know. Now drink your capri sun and cheer the fuck up.”
By 12pm Y/N had not, in fact, cheered the fuck up. She was truly finished with the world of formula one. So far she had queued for the loo, listened to some very loud music and spent an extortionate amount of money on a relatively small (and cold) hot dog.
Annie had long disappeared, claiming to have spotted some guy called ‘Fernando’ before rushing off into the crowd with a squeal, promising to meet Y/N at their seats later on.
It was beginning to get all too much for little Y/N L/N (😉) as she made her way throughout the bustle of people, eager to finally find someplace quiet to eat.
Eventually she found herself going through a set of doors (which definitely did not say staff only) as she found herself a quiet corner.
Before she could even take a bite, she heard a cough from behind her.
“Ermmm, what are you doing?”
Turning around, Y/N found herself faced with a relatively young man, wearing an orange cap with curls of brown peeking out the bottom. He looked strangely familiar, but Y/N couldn’t put her finger on it, and quite frankly she was too hangry to care.
“I’m eating my hot dog.”
The man smirked and let out a small laugh.
“Yeah, I can see that.”
Y/N shrugged and said “ask stupid questions, get stupid answers” before taking a bite.
The man raised an eyebrow slightly, intrigued by the passive aggressive woman in front of him, who seemingly didn’t know who he was.
“Are you here for the race? Or do you work here?” He questioned.
“I’m here for the race. Are you?”
The curly haired man smirked slightly, letting out a little laugh.
“Yeah, I suppose you could say that.”
Y/N crammed another bite of hot dog into her mouth “Well, enjoy. It’s all a load of crap if you ask me though.”
A look of intrigue on his face, he asked “what makes you say that?”
“It’s just boring!” Y/N exclaimed. “Car goes zoom, someone wins, hurrah - so bloody what?! What’s the point?”
The man looked back at her, a look of mild bewilderment and irration written across his face.
“Well yeah, the car is one aspect of it, sure. But it’s the drivers that bring that passion, that excitement every week. They’re the ones who shake things up and keep things fresh. They’re the ones who make it worth watching.” The man let out a small cough. “I mean, that’s my opinion anyway.”
“Hmm. So which driver should I look out for today then?” Y/N queried.
The curly haired man shot her a questionable look.
“Don’t you know the names of any of the drivers?”
Y/N shrugged “I know Lewis Hamilton.”
He let out a laugh and another smirk again “well, that’s a start I suppose.”
Y/N was getting sick of this man smirking at her. But then again, it was a very nice smirk. And he did seem like a very nice man.
“So, what are you doing here if you hate formula one?” The man queried, arms folded against his chest.
“My friend’s a big fan, and her boyfriend who was was meant to be coming has got the flu.” Y/N sighed. “As much as I hate being here, I’d feel even shitter if she came on her own.”
The man let out a small smile “Well, that’s nice of you to do that for your friend.”
He suddenly glanced down at Y/N’s lips, and appeared to take a step closer.
Was this mysterious, attractive stranger about to kiss her?
His thumb reached up to her chin and she couldn’t help but look up into his eyes.
God he had beautiful eyes.
She felt his thumb touch her skin with the gentlest of touches, and her eyes fluttered shut.
He smelt *heavenly*. What aftershave was he wearing?
“Sorry, you had some ketchup on your chin.” He let out a soft giggle.
Y/N’s eyes snapped open, and she felt herself return to reality.
The mystery man let out a giggle as his thumb brushed against her chin - “all gone.”
She laughed. “Thank you. It’s not everyday a stranger wipes ketchup off your face. Did we just get to second base?”
The man let out a laugh (it’s a very nice laugh).
“Sure. I’ll count it if you do.”
An urgent shout sounded from a door behind them.
“I’ve got to go. It was nice chatting to you though.” The man stated. “And to answer your question, look out for Lando Norris today. I’ve heard he’s one to watch!”
“Will do.” Y/N called, still slightly stunned from the interaction.
A few moments passed before a security clad gentlemen rounded the corner.
“Oi, you shouldn’t be back here! Get back out the front!”
“Relax - I’ve finished my hot dog, I’m going!”
The rest of the afternoon was a blur, as Y/N sat close to Annie, eyes fixated on a certain McLaren as he reached his final lap of the race.
“And Lando Norris has finished in P2!”
Cheers erupted from around Y/N and she found herself joining it. Turned out that ‘cars, and people and outside’ could be pretty exciting - who knew?!
“Fuck yeah!” Annie shouted, jumping up and down.
The McLaren driver removed his helmet before waving up to the crowds, a grin plastered on his face.
Y/N’s own grin left her face.
“Oh shit. That’s the guy I met earlier!”
“What?” Annie exclaimed. “You met Lando Norris?”
“Yes! Is he a big deal?” Y/N stated, panic rising.
Annie glanced around them, signalling to the cheering crowds - “Duh! What did you say to him?”
Y/N gulped - “I shoved a hot dog in my mouth and told him formula one is crap.”
Annie stared. No words left her mouth.
Y/N could feel her face turning red. “I then proceeded to ask him if he was going to the race.”
A quick, sharp laugh left Annie’s mouth, before she fell into floods of hysterics.
“Holy shit! What is wrong with you?!”
Y/N could feel herself cringing.
“Oh god, I don’t know! Lots apparently!”
She glanced down to Lando again, to find him smirking up at her. He winked, before turning back towards his team.
“Oh my god, I’m never going outside again.” Y/N cringed. “This is all your fault!”
“My fault?” Annie laughed. “I didn’t tell an F1 driver that his sport is crap!”
Before Y/N could respond, she felt a tap on her shoulder. A uniformed worker pressed a piece of paper into her hand.
“I’ve been asked to give this to you.” The woman smiled, before walking away.
“What is it?” Annie questioned, eyeing the paper.
Y/N unwrapped it, finding quickly scrawled words,
Hello Grumpy,
I hope the race was enough to change your mind about formula one. Here’s my number if you ever fancy a hot dog or a debate over ‘cars going zoom’.
LN xx
“What. The. Fuck.” Annie’s eyes widened.
Y/N grinned.
“Maybe I do like F1 after all!”
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madridfangirl · 3 months
Needed to write a blurb to calm myself down after THOSE photos.
Plot: Jude’s girlfriend’s reaction after seeing the SKIMS photos
Jude*female reader. Posessive plus sexy. Some Nsfw language.
‘So, you broke the internet today.’
Jude returned from the training camp to find this message from his girlfriend. Her reaction was the one he was waiting for the most.
All the lads in the team had given him enough stick since the photos dropped. Calling him a whore. He had laughed at some and just flipped off the others. But why was she taking so long to respond? He knew she was working but he had almost dialled her number to ask her to check insta.
Well, finally she had. Jude quickly changed into his sleeping shorts and climbed into bed, face timing her. She answered on the first ring.
‘Hey, doll.’
She was in bed too, in his favourite tank top. Jude’s smile widened immediately.
‘Some heads up would have been nice, you know.’
He tore his eyes away from her cleavage long enough to smirk back at her.
‘I did say it was a big one.’
‘Right. Big one. I see what you did there.’
Jude rolled on the pillows laughing, flashing his pearly whites & boyish chuckles. Eyes sparkling with charm. He switched from a sweet, young boy to a sexy boy-toy so often and in a split second - always blowing her mind.
The blanket fell down till his waist, revealing his abs.
She had experienced them from up close many times. Traced her fingers through them, felt the rough edges, bit at the skin and also licked her way through them at length. So yes, she was very very familiar with and fond of his abs but the oiled torso had disrupted her brain chemistry. That was new, and downright sultry. Slutty. Sensuous. And oh so sexy.
They looked almost the same right now, minus the oiled bit. Her eyes moved up to his perky nipples as she wondered if they had oiled them too. If he had done it himself or if someone touched him there. And rubbed the shiny liquid all over him. The thought was unpleasant yet arousing. She wondered how he would have reacted to that, knowing fully well how sensitive Jude was around his nipples. How he always moaned with his head thrown back when she sucked him there. And how he invariably returned the favour by vigorously assaulting her boobs.
He watched her reaction with amusement and glee.
‘Eyes are up here, doll.’
‘Yes and they are very pretty. But damn the rest of you….you killed people today, hope you know that. I bet some girls dropped to their knees, cried and passed out with longing.’
Jude leaned back, resting his hands behind his head. Flexing his arms and the bouncing muscles. Giving her a show.
‘That good, huh?’
‘More. And we haven’t even addressed the star of the show yet.’
He figured she was talking about his thighs. His girl was obsessed with them - having them cage her in, wrap around her, even choke her sometimes, or just her stroking & biting them.
But no, it wasn’t his thighs that had made her pant when she saw the pics.
‘They left nothing to the imagination. Everyone SAW you today. Like fully. In those clinging tights. Women have wagers going on over your size, Jude. And horny, wet dreams. You have ruined lives today, hope you are happy.’
Full-body guffaws reverberated through his chest, bouncing off the walls.
‘Oh doll, you could join in the wagers and actually win y’know. Inside info and all.’
She declined the suggestion, telling him that women would be queuing up outside his door if she actually DOES tell them the inside info. He was enjoying the ego boost massively - it was rare for her to lose all semblance of sanity like this.
But she didn’t care. Not today. He had just dropped a sexually charged nuclear bomb on the entire female population & this was the after-effects of it.
‘Women sliding into your DMs huh? Sending nudes? Broke some kind of world record for that already today or nah?’
He just shrugged casually. Couldn’t deny it coz it was true. His inbox had exploded but his team had systems to filter out such messages. Some still seeped through & he knew she knew that.
It was just her luck that he was so far away right now. Else, she would have tied him to the bed tonight, and then vice-versa. Jude anyway loved restraining & pinning her any chance he got. She would have let him toss her around anywhere, any way he wanted. However many times he demanded. But that was not to be.
‘Strip for me.’
She said without hesitation, commanding him. He spluttered the juice in his mouth, sticky liquid dropping around his face and neck. His tongue came out to lap it up. Fucking hell - temptation personified. Biblical sinful apple.
‘You too. It’s already unfair that I am shirtless while you’re still hiding your tits. C’monn lemme see my babies. Been so long since I kissed them goodnight.’
They moved the laptop angle to cover a full body view, then proceeded to strip together. Stroking themselves in unison, eyes glued to the screen. Calling out each others names. Reaching their highs together.
She looked at his fucked out naked form, & her body burned lesser for the first time since looking at the photos. Others will only get to thirst over him from afar. But she is the one who gets to have the view, the taste and the pounding from him.
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thehistoriccemetery · 7 months
Companions React to Reader Sitting on Their Lap
It’s another pretty short one this week, as I’ve had terrible Minthara brainrot and I’ve been able to write nothing but filthy smut 😔
Anyway, this one is some family friendly head canons about the ladies with a bonus Dame Aylin and Isobel!
Shadowheart doesn’t say anything at first, but you do notice her skin get slightly redder, and you watch a tiny smirk grow across her face.
She’s not typically one for public displays of affection, but something about lap sitting is different.
It’s like affection with plausible deniability. What else was I supposed to do? Sit on the floor?
After you’ve done it once, Shadowheart considers the barrier broken and takes every opportunity to sit on your lap.
Sometimes you think she must have a sixth sense that tells her when you sit down, because she simply appears on your lap.
If you cross your legs or do anything else to prevent her sitting in your lap, she gives you a little cough to let you know you should remedy that as soon as possible.
Depending on who’s around, she’ll sometimes lean back against you, pressing her whole body to yours.
She likes it when you wrap your arms around her and rest your head on her shoulder.
While she prefers to be the one sitting on your lap, she’s still more than happy to let you sit on hers.
The first time you try sitting on her lap, she pushes you off. Why are you sitting on top of her? Weirdo. You roll your eyes and sit on the ground.
But then she decides that it’s weirder you’re sitting on the ground so she gives you her seat.
But then she doesn’t want to stand anymore. Tsk’va. Whatever. Guess she’s gonna have to sit on you.
Lae’zel only ever sits on your lap, never the other way around. She oddly never picks up on any of the possible implications of that.
If anyone calls Lae’zel a bottom she’s gonna throw hands.
She doesn’t lay up against you or anything. To her this move is strictly practical, or at least she acts like it is.
You let her have it. As far as you’re concerned, you have a lovely girlfriend on your lap so you’re not going to complain.
The first time you nonchalantly sit down in Karlach’s lap, she’s so chill and unfazed.
At least, that’s the vibe she’s trying to give off. She can be cool about this. So cool.
It’s less than a minute before her body starts to betray her. Her legs bounce up and down excitedly under you. As soon as you turn to face her, her stoic expression cracks into one of pure delight.
After that, Karlach pulls so many tricks to ask you to sit in her lap without actually having to ask.
Oh no! There’s no more chairs! Wherever will you sit? Looks like it’ll just have to be in her lap again. Ignore those broken chairs hidden in the corner, this isn’t about them.
You catch on pretty fast. Only so many chairs can disappear before things start to get suspicious.
You sit yourself on Karlach’s lap, watching the goofy smile grow across her face. “You know you can just ask, right?”
Her skin flushes and she buries her face in your neck. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Unfortunately, she’ll never sit on your lap because she’s too afraid to crush you. Even if you’re bigger than her. You’re too precious to risk it.
Minthara is always taking up as much space as she desires in any given situation, so it’s not uncommon that she takes up the space of more than one person.
Luckily she’s always got a place for you to sit, whether that be in between her legs or on them.
She’s never bashful about pulling you into her lap, even when there people are around.
If anything, an audience actually encourages her. You are hers, and that is most clear to everyone when you’re perched on her thigh.
Other times she will be slightly more subtle, tapping her inner thigh in a silent invitation, queuing you to join her.
There are very few scenarios in which Minthara will sit on your lap though. At least, in public.
If you try to get her to sit, she’ll shoot you an “I know that you know this isn’t how this works” look, leaving you to let her take your seat and take your position on her lap.
It really depends on the day with Jaheira.
Most days she going to tell you to get an extra chair. There is no need for you to be sitting in her lap right now.
Sometimes, even if there is no extra chair she would have you sit at her feet in front of her before she let you into her lap.
But on those particularly long and hard days, when you come back looking exhausted and beat, she will allow for some extra tenderness.
She’ll gently guide your head to rest on her shoulder or against her chest and stroke your hair.
If you’re in a more comfortable space she will even slide her hand up under your shirt to rub your back.
More often than not, you fall asleep almost instantly, even if everyone around you is still making a ruckus.
She’s still not going to carry you to bed though. You can walk yourself there.
Dame Aylin x Isobel
Isobel is a princess and Dame Aylin is her throne. It’s more common than not the Isobel is on Aylin’s lap.
For Aylin, it’s like displaying a beautiful trophy. She needs everyone to look at her beautiful girlfriend right now.
The notion makes Isobel blush, but she’s just as proud to have Aylin as Aylin is to have her, so she’ll allow it.
Aylin doesn’t sit on Isobel’s lap, nor would she ever allow her to give up her seat, but Aylin will sit at her feet and gaze up at her with awe and wonder while Isobel smiles down at her and runs her hands through the aasimar’s hair.
And Selune forbid there’s no place for Isobel to sit. Aylin would sooner get down on one knee and let Isobel sit on her leg than leave a tired Isobel to stand.
Aylin’s shoulders are also an acceptable option. She can hoist Isobel up there with ease. She’ll never have to walk for any longer than she wishes.
Granted, it makes them like 10 feet tall, so there’s only a few places it’s applicable before Isobel has to be on alert for low hanging obstacles.
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reidingandwriting · 5 months
domestic > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
Word Count: 3.6k
Ship: Keigo/Hawks x Reader
Warnings: Corrupt hero commission (we hate the hero commission on this blog), keigo overworks himself, keigo & reader fight, miscommunication, some cursing, keigo’s a little shit (he has his reasons okay), mentions of a rescue mission and the aftermath, hurt/comfort
A/N: So sorry this fic is so delayed 😭 Have been going Through It lately but I’ve got a few fics queued up to make up for my absence ❤️ This is my favorite Keigo fic so far
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“pro hero hawks is the first on the scene!”
“pro hero hawks took down the villain that’s injured dozens, including some pro heroes!”
“another takedown by pro hero hawks.”
“hawks is finally on the scene, this should be over soon.”
keigo wasn’t answering his phone. which was expected for the first night. he had just come home from a week long mission and on his flight home, another issue came up that he had to answer to. he didn’t get home until midnight, having refused any other hero’s offer to relieve him once his shift had technically ended, until best jeanist all but escorted him off the scene. you had hoped keigo had been resting when you walked into your office the next morning, until you looked at the news and saw he was already back out on patrols.
when you walked into keigo’s office, you expected to see a mountain of paperwork on his desk. you were fully prepared to work all day to catch him up, hoping to surprise him by finishing all his work for him. you were the one surprised when you saw only one paper on his desk, a note for you.
‘gonna be working late tonight, don’t wait up for me’
you scowled as you read the note, even if you had to fight the urge to melt when you saw the little bird doodle keigo had signed the note with. you once again called keigo, this time his work number, and you resisted the urge to throw your phone at the wall when your call once again went unanswered. you pulled up your text conversation with keigo and began to type.
‘you’re going home tonight. i will be outside at eight and you will let me in. i am not kidding when i tell you i’ll wait all night. please, just let me know you’re okay.’
you knew the text would go unanswered, but you hoped. you hoped that he would read it, at the least. that he would talk to you. your phone buzzed and you quickly picked it up, and you sighed when it was just another text from rumi.
‘i’ve seen him pass by once or twice, but he doesn’t stop. i’ve got a few others looking out for him, i’ll let you know if i hear anything’
you set your phone down with a sigh as you sat back in the office chair. this was going to be a long night.
you texted keigo a warning before you entered his apartment. you had been given a key by keigo to use in case of emergencies, and your chatty birdbrain suddenly ghosting you is an emergency in your eyes. it was two AM when you entered, and you felt your eyes begin to sting when you realized keigo wasn’t home. a quick search on the hero network showed that he was last seen a little after ten, and none of your own security alerts had gone off at your apartment. he was at his agency, avoiding you. it stung, the avoidance settling heavy in your chest, weighing you down as if there was a physical weight on your body.
you texted a quick update to rumi before you left keigo’s, and you made the walk back to your own apartment. keigo would definitely have lectured you any other time if he knew you walked home alone, and a selfish part of you hoped he’d find out. you’d take the scolding if it meant he would talk to you.
you flinched as you heard a voice speak from beside you.
“surprised he let you walk home alone at this hour,” you relaxed once you recognized the drawl of eraserhead’s voice. “your guard bird working tonight?”
“you’re going to sneak up on me at the wrong time one day and you’re going to get your shit rocked,” you replied, no real heat to your words.
“i’ll take my chances.” a hint of a smirk graced his face before it relaxed into his usual stoic expression.
“but no, he’s not working tonight.” you paused. “not patrolling at least. he is working hard at avoiding me, though.” while you and eraserhead, aizawa, had only met a few times, you had established a friendly relationship with the underground hero. you had also developed a friendship with present mic, which seemed to influence eraserhead’s opinion of you. odd.
“that’s… different.” eraserhead says after a moment. “i’ll keep an eye out for him, and i’ll have hiz- present mic look out for him as well.”
the two of you continued to talk as he escorted you to your apartment. minutes later, you opened the door to your apartment and let the door shut with a soft click, and you barely made it to the couch before you fell asleep.
“ooh, rough night?” one of the tech interns, kazuki, teases as he watches you walk in.
“hilarious.” you scowled. you knew you looked tired; you woke up frequently throughout the night, unable to sleep for more than half an hour at a time. you gave up on sleep around five thirty this morning, and you clutched to the thermos of coffee in your hands like it was the only thing keeping you alive. “didn’t really sleep much last night.”
“hawks working you too hard? i saw him walking around a few minutes ago. looks like he was headed to his office,” your heart stopped at those words. was he actually here?
“thank you, kazuki!” you called as you sprinted for the elevator, reminding yourself to send kazuki a proper thank you later. when you burst into keigo’s office, you jumped back as a sharpened red feather flew at you, stopping mere centimeters away from your neck.
“shit, you scared me.” keigo smiled when he recognized you, and the sight of it filled you with anger. “oh, sorry. let me just.” keigo’s feather returned to its natural state and you swatted it away as it went to caress your cheek, not in the mood for his usually sweet antics. “songbird? you okay?”
and you couldn’t help but laugh. full body, doubled over laughs. keigo tilted his head, confusion flashing across his face as you continued to laugh. your name left keigo’s lips, and you recognized the slight movements he was making. he was twitchy, like he wanted to move but he couldn’t decide which move was the best. you could practically hear the wheels in his head turning and you looked up at the ceiling as you felt the familiar sting of unshed tears in your eyes.
“you son of a bitch,” you whispered. you looked at him and his form became blurry, the tears now sliding down your cheeks. “you, you have me worried for days. you ignored my calls and texts, i even had other heroes looking out for you!” you started to walk towards him and you stopped just out of his reach. “you went to the point of staying here to avoid seeing me. why?” you finally met his gaze and golden eyes were filled with an emotion you didn’t recognize. his gaze was cold, distant. yet still, he kept the smile on his face, the smile he plastered on for annoying news reporters.
“i’ve been busy.”
“you’re running yourself ragged! you’re going to get hurt or cause someone else to get hurt because you’re working yourself to death.” you reached out and jabbed him in the chest.
“you don’t understand. you never will, so why are you even trying to? i can’t answer every call and text from my assistant.”
“that’s all i am to you? your assistant?” you asked. you were met with silence and you felt your heart begin to break. “look me in the eyes and tell me that’s all i am to you. and i promise, from now on, that’s all you’ll get from me.”
“what else would you be?”
wordlessly, you dug your key ring from your jacket pocket. you pulled off the key that belonged to keigo’s, to hawks’s, apartment and you set it down on his desk.
“noted. since you’ve clearly got a handle on things, i think i’ll be taking the next two days off for some personal days. i’ll be back on monday, hawks.” the name felt foreign on your lips and his wings twitched in response. you wordlessly spun on your heel and slammed hawks’s office door shut behind you. you could feel the stares from everyone in kei- hawks’s agency watching you, and you briefly shook your head when you saw kazuki before rushing out of the building, straight into the rain that had suddenly started to downpour. because of course it did.
as you walked in the rain to the bus stop, you ignored the frequent buzzing that came from your pocket.
“what else would you be?” echoed through your head, and you couldn’t believe that came from kei- his lips. what happened during his last mission? you shook your head to clear your thoughts.
“just an assistant,” you muttered under your breath. “what the hell, birdie?”
it was the middle of the night and you were sitting on your couch, eating from a carton of ice cream as you flipped through the channels on TV. you had finished your second movie of the night when you stumbled across the news. you paused when you saw hawks’s name flash across the bottom of the screen and you wanted to change the channel. but you couldn’t.
“eight hours later, the search and rescue has been completed. over 200 victims were rescued from the destruction thanks to the effort of our number two hero. thank you to pro hero hawks for being the first hero to respond, and the last to leave the tragic scene of the collapsed apartment complex.”
the reporter continued to talk about the injuries and the casualties, and you scanned the screen for him, not seeing a glimpse of red anywhere, save for some discarded feathers on the ground. you pulled out your phone immediately and searched online for something, anything about your- kei- hawks. your messages were full of texts from rumi and kazuki. a few from present mic, even a text from best jeanist’s assistant with a message from the pro.
suddenly, there was a knock on the door and you jumped off the couch. you glanced at the time, a little after midnight. you had hopes for who it was. you also didn’t know what you’d do if it was him. you slowly walked to the front door, willing your heart rate to calm down, and you reached forward to open the door.
you gasped at the sight in front of you, your phone clattering to the floor but you paid it no attention. hawks stood at your door, covered in dirt and dust and… blood? his jacket was gone, pants torn and ripped to barely there shreds of fabric. his flight goggles and headphones were gone, hair caked in dirt and sweat and he looked like he was seconds from falling over. he looked small without his massive wings behind him, most of the feathers left at the scene.
“‘m sorry. i tried, tried to go home. you were closer and,” hawks gestured to himself. “kind of grounded. i’m sorry, i can go.” he swayed a bit. you dove forward as he stumbled, and you held him up as he leaned into you. you kicked the door shut and you repositioned yourself to better support the hero as you walked towards your bathroom. “what are you doin’?” his voice was hoarse, and you made note to grab him water, as well as a million other things once you got him settled.
“first, im gonna clean you up. get some water for you, heat up some leftovers, and get you in clean clothes before i put you in bed.”
“what? no- i. i was horrible. you can’t… you can’t be nice to me. not after everything i said.” hawks said and you shushed him.
“shh, you’re going to wreck your voice more. we’ll talk once you’re taken care of.” you walked into the bathroom and made quick work of setting up a shower. you started to step away to grab towels and you felt a hand grab your arm.
“don’t leave me. please,” he rasped and you turned to face him, your heart aching at the sight in front of you. your keigo.
“not going anywhere. just grabbing towels, yeah?” you walked with him to the hallway, and you grabbed your fluffiest towels. you then grabbed a caddy full of keigo’s favorite toiletries. his shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and oil for his wings. he was missing a lot of feathers, but you’d take care of what was left. he was hurt, your birdie was hurt. it was your turn to be the hero, to make sure he was okay.
when you returned to the bathroom a minute later, keigo’s tired eyes lit up at your return.
“let’s get you in the shower, yeah?“ you set the towels down, put his supplies in the shower, and turned on the shower to his preferred temperature. you then walked to him and placed a gentle hand on his shirt. you glanced up at him and when he nodded, you gently began to peel his uniform off him. you quickly scanned him as you removed more articles of clothing, taking note of any new injuries and were relieved to see relatively little. once keigo had been stripped, you stepped into the shower with him, ignoring the fact you still had your t-shirt and sleep shorts on. your only focus was keigo right now, and you guided him under the shower head.
keigo’s exhaustion had seemed to hit as he leaned against you, and you supported him as you let the water get the top layer of grime off him. “there we go,” you soothed as you shifted, reaching for his shampoo. “there’s my birdie,” a weak chirp left him and you smiled sympathetically. “think you can sit so i can wash your hair?”
wordlessly, keigo moved to kneel down and once he settled, you began to scrub his hair. your hands worked in his hair until they ached, getting everything from the collapsed building from his hair before you added the shampoo. you took your time sudsing up his hair, and you smiled when you brushed some baby feathers in his hairline that caused keigo to coo quietly. keigo pressed a kiss to your stomach as you worked and leaned into your touch, much like a cat being petted. you helped him stand back up once you were ready to wash his body, and keigo practically laid against the wall of the shower as you worked to clean him off efficiently but quickly.
what felt like ages later, you turned the shower off and wrapped keigo up in a towel. you used the other towel to pat your own clothes dry quickly before you started to towel dry his hair.
“why are you… being so nice to me?” keigo asked and you frowned.
“i’m always going to care about you, pretty bird. you were a dick earlier,” you admitted. “but like it or not, you’ve wormed your way into my heart. you deserve to be taken care of, kei. we both know you don’t do it enough for yourself.” you moved to stand behind keigo and you looked at him in the mirror. “is it okay if i touch them?” you glanced at his baby wings and back at him. you held the oil in your hand, letting him see what your intentions were and you panicked when you saw his eyes fill with tears.
keigo couldn’t believe it. he had been horrible to you. he had tried to be horrible, he had never planned to come back to you this way. but he did and you? you dumbfounded him with how you treated him. as if you had just had a little spat over him breaking your heart. he could feel your heartbeat change during the conversation you two had in his office, he could practically hear your heart breaking over his words. but when he came to you, bloody and dirty, wings practically gone, and you treated him so tenderly. so… lovingly. when the first tear slid down his cheek, a dam broke. keigo chirped in surprise as you spun him around before he threw himself into your arms. he sobbed as he clung to you, as if you’d vanish into nothingness if he let go.
your arms immediately tightened around him and you used one hand to stroke his wing, the other combed through his hair so gently, sad warbles left his throat. “whatever happened,” you started. “we’ll handle it. me and you, yeah?” keigo tried to respond but couldn’t force any words out, more chirps leaving him as he nodded against your neck. “that’s my songbird.” you held him until his sobs turned into soft cries, and the cries into the occasional sniffle. keigo’s wing twitched as he felt you began to pay more attention to the feathers, and his eyes began to well up with tears again as he realized. you were preening him.
you’ve straightened his feathers out before a handful of times, usually for shoots or press interviews. he’s never had this much attention paid to them before, never in such a caring way at least. his body became lax against you, pleased coos and quiet chirps leaving his throat every now and then.
once you had finished, you led keigo to your room. you walked to the drawer with keigo’s things and he watched as you pulled out clothes for him to sleep in. “gonna change out of my wet clothes real quick, okay?” he nodded and you smiled softly at him before walking to your own side of the dresser. the two of you got dressed in a comfortable silence and you guided him to the living room, where minutes later, you settled onto the couch with dinner. keigo stayed curled into your side and you seemed perfectly content as you stroked his hair.
what felt like an eternity later, keigo was finally able to speak again. “i tried to come home. when i got off that mission. it.. it went horrible and i just wanted you. but i fail- they had told me i failed. i wasn’t as efficient as i should be, one of the villains had managed to escape before i caught him again. if i was a proficient hero, he never would have gotten a chance to get away.” you looked up as keigo spoke, and keigo struggled to maintain eye contact with you. you always seemed to see him, and that was terrifying.
“so i was already beating myself up when they sent me to another disaster, to redeem myself,” he quoted and you scowled at the words. “and i did better, that’s what they told me. and for a minute, i didn’t feel like a failure anymore. i felt worthy of my hero title so i…”
“you stayed busy, worked harder and harder to get rid of that bad feeling.” you finished for him and keigo nodded.
“but no matter what i did, how many patrols i went on, how many hours late i worked, it wasn’t good enough. they said i’m letting personal things get in the way of me being a good hero, that i was a better hero alone.” keigo trailed off and you looked sad, yet angry at the same time.
“they were the reason for our fight.” you said and keigo hummed in response.
“still. i never should have said what i did,” keigo cupped your cheek and you leaned into the touch. “i need you to know. need you to know you’re so much more to me than an assistant. maybe i’m a worse hero for it, but i love you. i love you, so much.” keigo’s voice shook and you scooted closer to him.
“i love you too,” you whispered. you glanced at keigo’s lips then back up at him, golden gaze meeting your own. you leaned in and brushed your lips against his, and keigo let out a soft breath as he kissed you. he had kissed you countless times, but none had ever been this soft. this slow, this.. vulnerable. there was no rush, nothing you were aiming for. just the two of you intertwined, and keigo didn’t break the kiss until he was out of breath, and he smiled at the quiet whine you made. “i think,” you said after a minute. “you need a few days to recover. bed rest, doctor’s orders.”
“you’re a doctor now, hmm?” keigo smiled as he pressed lazy kisses down your jaw and you pulled a blanket over the two of you. “can’t argue with doctor’s orders.”
“bed rest is the first step in treatment. cuddles could speed up the healing process, as well.” you said matter-of-factly as you tangled your legs with his own. keigo closed his eyes as you buried your face into his chest, and as you rubbed his back, keigo’s thoughts became fuzzy.
“careful, will stay here forever.” you nuzzled closer and keigo vaguely remembered your reply before you fell asleep.
“i’d love nothing more.”
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occamstfs · 6 months
Road Raging
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Road rage induced Himbofication and Muscle Growth, hope y'all enjoy and Drive safe y'all! -Occam
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Peter has been waiting at this light for just shy of ten minutes. He wouldn’t normally mind but as he watches car after car blast past him only to merge back in ahead of him. After the fifth car does so he starts talking to himself just to prevent losing his cool. “It’s like no one knows how to drive! They all just think their time is more important than anyone else’s I bet.” 
The light turns red once more and he rolls his eyes as he prepares to sit through another cycle. He turns up the podcast he had been listening to distract himself from the peaking irritation as cars begin to pass through the intersection. He checks his rearview and scoffs seeing the man behind him playing on his phone as they sit in traffic. “God damnit, can we keep our eyes on the road? No wonder this city’s going to shit with assholes like him driving.” He stares daggers into his mirror and as soon as he finishes the man behind him looks up and smirks almost as if he knows he’s being observed.
Peter in turn flinches and blushes, returning his eyes to the traffic ahead as any responsible driver should. He suddenly hears a car blasting through the traffic in the left lane , scowling as he is sure this jerk is going to try and skip the line. Sure enough he slows to an idle crawl as he nears Peter’s position in line. The guy throws on his blinker to hop into line. Rage begins to grow in Peter’s chest as the car approaches inching further ahead of the traffic by the second.
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Peter averts his eyes from the road ahead to glare at the man who has wronged his fellow drivers, only to find himself intimidated by the specimen of man taking advantage of him. The car in front of him makes room for the approaching BMW and Peter, caught off guard, accidentally lets the titan of a man maneuver ahead of him in traffic. The man shoots Peter a smug smirk and a wink as he shifts his car into the gap in traffic, securely pushing himself ahead of him.
Meek man he may be, the rage in Peter’s small body overcomes him as this asshole edges in front. He’s not going to let every muscle-brained bro just ignore him. He was not going to let this alpha asshole push him around. He lays on his horn as hard as he can and shouts any obscenity that comes to mind at the man ahead of him. In response the man only keeps up his arrogant expression, as he clearly has come out on top. He laughs at Peter as he mimes a blown kiss back at his overcome foe.
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Peter screams loud enough that his voice even begins to grow hoarse as he continues to squirm in rage at the alpha man now squarely in front of him. He takes a quick breath and tries to calm down, suddenly shocked at letting himself act in such a vulgar manner. “God what is taking this light so fucking long.” He says to himself, not hearing that his voice has lowered in pitch. Easy enough to blame that on all the shouting anyway.
Peter continues to sit in his car in wait, trying not to let his anger at the man in front of him boil over again. He realizes that he’s now sitting in silence. Wasn’t he listening to something? He strains his mind trying to remember what he was occupying himself with not but a minute ago. Some NPR podcast starts playing through the static on his radio which for some reason starts to ignite his rage once more. Surely he’s not listening to that nerd-ass shit right? He slams his stereo a few times expecting it to just give in and play something else, it swiftly returns to static before his phone connects and starts playing the Eminem album he apparently had queued.
Suddenly the asshole behind him starts honking and Peter realizes the light has turned green. It’s unlike him to be so oblivious, not that it matters though since the douche in front of him hasn’t started going either. God the fuckers on the road these days. He flips off the man behind him for honking before returning his ire to the fucker in front of him. He starts to tailgate the BMW in his way, only leading the driver to glare at him, his eyes half-closed, dripping with dominance, demanding Peter’s submission.
Peter’s eyes glaze over as he makes direct eye contact, not even noticing as the light turns red once more, not even caring as he is to remain stuck in yet another cycle of traffic. His rage subsides as he stares at the man ahead of him, does he know this jerk? His rage completely gives way to confusion as he sits and struggles to even remember that he just blew up at the man in front of him. His stereo soothes him with music he feels deep in his chest should not be as nearly as comforting or familiar as it is.
He feels his arms briefly strain his shirt. Peter feels the sleeves stretch and nearly tear before they quickly dissolve leaving them still-growing arms barren. He starts subconsciously rapping alongside Slim, feeling confidence grow in his chest as the droll life of quiet irritation that he knows begins to feel unfamiliar. His arms and chest begin to pump up as he bops in his seat to the music. He feels his pecs quickly strain his shirt before it expands to fit them, the neckline dropping to allow everyone a view of his hard-earned pecs.
Pete feels the AC graze his now exposed chest and is taken aback, he breaks his gaze with the bro ahead of him and is overcome with shock at his body. He jumps as he sees how powerful his arms have become, triggering his seatbelt to force him back into his seat, squeezing his now shockingly powerful chest. He whispers to himself as his voice deepens even more, “this can’t be right, I’m I’ve..” The music rises in volume trying to edge out any remaining thoughts of defiance. He feels the music reverberate through his chest, pumping it larger still, asserting that he is powerful. He once more makes eye contact with the man ahead of him and recognizes, oh, that’s his bro yeah! He then turns his mind back to his body as he finds yet another aspect of his transformation, his car is beginning to smell as if it were a locker room as he begins to just pour out sweat.
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Pete turns the AC even higher which only spreads his musk even more through the cabin. It almost immediately fills the whole of the car, as if he’s been using it as storage for dirty gym clothes for weeks. He blushes to himself as he wonders if this actually is the case. He desperately wants to question if he could possibly go to the gym enough for that to be a problem before he stares at his growing arm and flexes it. Bro all this time has been paying off huh. Pete smiles to himself as he basks in his own power.
The light turns green once more but this time the cross traffic has totally blocked his lane's ability to go. Further ahead of Pete and his bro a crowd of cars honk as are once more impeded. Pete feels like he too should be bothered by this but can’t find it within himself to care all that much. He continues flexing in his seat as he feels his jaw squaring out and his bulge start to fill out his pants. He sniffs his pits as he tries to remember if he’s headed to the gym or on the way back from it, guffawing to himself as he realizes he forgot deodorant today. Not that he minds though, the gym smells rank anyway, might as well smell like him.
Excited at the idea of going to the gym once more Pete is suddenly preoccupied with the idea of getting there faster. His bro in front of him flexes back at him and smirks, almost in encouragement. Pete sees him mouth the words “race ya” and winks once more. Pete’s entire body tenses up and he discards his tank, tossing it in a pile of other sweat-stained shirts in his back seat. He’s gotta beat his bro to the gym.
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He feels a cap shape itself around his head as his hair shrinks into a short crew cut. Pete is far too gone to notice though, bathing in his own scent and compulsively flexing as he tries to brainstorm a way ahead of his bro. Slow as his mind now goes he guffaws once more as he lands on the perfect idea. He’ll just skip the line huhuh. Pete swerves out of the line he has been impatiently waiting in all this time and shoots past his bro who raises his chin at the challenge.
Possessed with self-superiority, Pete scans the line ahead looking for some meek nerd or hungry twink to let him in. Not too far ahead he sees a tired man glare at him through sunglasses, not knowing it is a reflection of a face he once had. Pete sneers at him, his smile perfect and white as if carved from marble. He raises his arm behind his head, briefly struggling to stretch the muscle justly. The other driver recoils in disdain at the sheer audacity of Pete forcing his car in front of him. He continues to stare as Pete continues to demand entry ahead. The glaring man who has never even done so much as curse under his breath at other drivers begins to feel a rage grow in his chest, a rage that Pete is all-too-eager to encourage. Won’t last too long anyway, just a little stepping stone to having another bro.
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neoclb · 3 months
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❥ in which you go on a horrible date, but meetcute the waiter
pairing. rintaro suna x f!reader
wc. 578
a/n. i wrote thisbto distract the factthat i havebt updated ggez even though this is a totallydifderent fabdom :p enjoy
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your heels clacked against the cemented pavement. you were currently about to be late to meet up with your tinder date for the first time. you’ve never downloaded tinder before last tuesday and you pray to the ones above that you don’t get surprised by an undercover seventy-something year old.
finally, you reach the fancy restaurant with a nicely decorated exterior your date told you to meet him at. it was definitely out of your tax bracket; you are definitely going to make a second dinner after this.
upon entering the restaurant, a woman with a slick-back bun who looked like she was in her thirties, probably, immediately walked up to you.
“how many?” she asked, with a stoic expression.
“uh-“ you were honestly terrified of the woman staring you down. “i have a reserved table with um — kosei tsuburaba?”
the woman nodded her head and started walking away, queuing you to follow right behind. you pass by multiple seemingly happy couples until you reach a table with a free seat at the end of the hall. you slightly nod and smile at the woman who leaves the menu on top of the table whilst walking away.
you look over to your date. he was definitely cute; he looked just like his profile, if not better. you take your seat, looking at the apathetic man. “yn right?” his voice was flat and seemed much less ecstatic than the texts he would send days prior. you nod, not wanting to seem rude. upon sitting down, you were caught off guard with the comment made by the man. “you, uh, look a lot different from your pictures. do you photoshop them?”
your jaw physically dropped and you were too much in disbelief to speak. your expression probably stunned your date too because neither of you noticed the waiter who was already there. “excuse me? are you two ready to order?” you turn your head to face the waiter – whose name tag spelt out rintaro suna, but before you could utter a word, kosei spoke up.
“i actually already ate before this.” he stands up, leaving an even more shocked look on your face. with a smile on his face he says, “enjoy your meal yn!” and leaves you on your own.
“what the fuck.” you mutter, cursing him for being absolutely unbelievable and yourself for wasting your time by downloading tinder in the first place. it was when you lean back into your chair where you realize that the waiter was still standing next to your table.
you take a good look at him — he had a nonchalant expression to his flawless face – he takes a good look at you. the brain fog wears off after that humiliating experience. “oh my god. i’m so sorry.” you grab your purse and stand up.
he looked awfully calm, as if he goes through the scene everyday. “it’s totally okay,” he gave a small smirk. “that guy’s a total asshole.”
you smile and nod before you turn around and start heading towards the exit. “wait,” you hear the same voice come from behind you. turning around, hoping you wouldn’t be charged for wasting his time, you were met with the sweet eyes of the suna. “i’ll give you my number.”
you were confused and tilted your head to express it. suna understood this gesture and blurted out, “so i can take you on a proper date.”
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starflirts · 8 months
as mrs swift once said: "romance is not dead if you keep it just yours" luke castellan x fem! reader, wc: 614, warning: none, note: here's a little something i queued before classes took over my life… enjoy! (still working on other stuff though don’t worry!)
“They have no idea about me and you” he whispers softly in the space between your neck and your collarbones, soothing breaths tickling your skin. 
The lake is quiet at this time of day, campers from all cabins too busy with their own activities to pester Luke. The setting sun casts its golden rays on the water and you can hear the faint giggles of dryads in the woods. 
You stand with your back against the trunk of a tree, a bright smile on your face as you card a hand through his hair. “You have to thank me and our secret spot for that.” you muse, slightly pulling on his curls to get him to look at you. 
Luke grins, hands resting on your waist, thumbs tracing small circles on the skin hidden by your shirt. “And you,” he tilts his head to the side, “should be thankful Chris accepted to take over my camp counselor duties without asking any questions !” 
Curling your hands around his neck, you let out a laugh and Luke swears you’ve stolen the last remnants of sunlight. “If you keep disappearing like that he might become a little too curious and find out. And I really don’t want him complaining about you not telling him about us. He’d beg to be your best man.” you tease him, fingers toying with the curls at the back of Luke’s head. 
Your boyfriend can’t help but smile at the implication. He shrugs, hands still on your waist. “Whatever. I’d like to see his face when we tell him.”
Pretending to pout, you cross your arms over your chest. “No more secret rendezvous then ? Such a shame, I love having you all to myself.” you answer with a grin, tone dripping with amusement. 
Luke can feel warmth creeping up his ears. His hands crawl up your sides until they're resting on your cheeks. He’s so close to you now you can almost feel his lips hovering over yours and the tip of his nose brushes against yours. “Pretty lady, I am yours all the time. Always have, always will.” 
He’s about to lean in when voices suddenly call your names. Whipping your head towards the source of the sound, you push yourself away from the tree but the distance between you and Luke remains minimal.
“We’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Annabeth is the first one to appear in your line of vision, Percy in tow. “The Apollo cabin is setting up the bonfire. You guys should come now otherwise Percy’s going to eat all the s’mores.” she adds, ignoring Percy’s complaints. 
When the four of you make your way back to the heart of the camp, Annabeth looks back at you once. If she notices the way Luke’s hand brushes against yours she doesn’t say a thing. 
Bonfire nights are Luke’s favorites by far. With your hand safely secured in his underneath a blanket you both share, he enjoys the proximity; whispering sweet nothings into your ear when no one notices, grinning when only he can see your bashful smile. 
“You’re so obvious Castellan” you giggle, shaking your head.
He only chuckles at that. “Can’t help myself pretty. I just love you too much.” 
His words make you shy away from his gaze, turning towards the crowd of campers by your side.
As you face the fire, you can feel Annabeth’s eyes on you from across the flames, a smirk on her face. Her gaze shifts from you to Luke, intently observing his lovesick gaze and your giddy countenance. Raising your eyebrows as if to ask her what she was thinking about, she only mouths back: “I knew it !”
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beat-the-morning · 8 months
Rating: +18
Relationships: Hozier/Reader
Contents: no y/n, oral sex (f! recieving), cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, dry humping, accidental orgasm, (by this I mean he starts mindlessly humping the couch
Word count: 1.7k
SUMMARY: After Hozier, your boyfriend, calls you backstage after a concert he eats you out like a starving man and cums after mindlessly dry humping the couch while doing so.
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Fic under the cut💜
The concert had ended, and you were making your way backstage with a security guard in front of you. Andrew, your boyfriend, had sent them to get you, and your mind couldn't stop racing with how he’d looked at you while he sang. How his eyes lit up when he saw you in the crowd, the little smile that escaped him, that verse he messed up on when you winked at him. You could have sworn that he didn’t take his eyes off you for the rest of the concert once he noticed you.
“Here,” the security guard said, opening the door to Andrew’s dressing room. You smiled at them and nodded as a thank you before stepping in. He was waiting for you, leaning on the vanity with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Close the door, it’s fine.” He told the security guard, the door closed behind you and you smiled. He practically bounced off the vanity and onto you with how fast he took you into his arms and lifted you off the floor in a spinning hug. “What are you doing here?” He asked as he finally lowered you from his embrace.
“Came to see you,” you answered with a grin.
Andrew chuckled, then started kissing your face with every pause he took from speaking. “Yes, but why? Weren’t you visiting your parents this week?”
“Yes, but you having a concert in the same city distracted me a little.” You giggled, his beard tickling you.
“Oh, forgot your parents lived here,” he looked down at you with loving eyes that turned to confusion the second he realised what you had done. “Wait, so you bought a ticket, queued for God knows how long-”
“Twelve hours.” You interrupted him
“Twelve hours?” His eyes widened at that fact. “You did that, when you could've called me and gotten in faster and also seen me before the concert?”
“I wanted to surprise you!” You smiled. “And I wanted to see if you'd notice me in the crowd.”
“Well I did, couldn't take my eyes off you,” he kissed your lips.
“I know,” you kissed back. “There's going to be a million tiktoks asking who you were looking at.”
“I don't-” he stopped his sentence halfway through once he saw your shirt. “Are you wearing my shirt?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking, he already knew the answer.
“No.” You lied, as it was, in fact, his shirt that he had accidentally left at your house the last time he saw you.
“You definitely are.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” you teased, he rested a hand on your hip, his thumb making small circles on your skin.
“I’m sure you don’t.” His other hand rested on your cheek, caressing it gently.
Then he kissed you again, not letting go this time, you got on your tip-toes and wrapped your arms around his neck. He lowered himself lightly and bit your lower lip, you moaned in response. He broke the kiss and guided you to the couch where he pulled you onto his lap so that you were straddling him. You kissed him again, more passionate this time, almost hungrily, his hands explored the skin under your shirt, revelling in your warmth.
You explored each other's mouths, delighting in the taste you had so missed, the way his beard scratched your face felt like heaven, his hands travelled to your hips and ground you against him, you could feel his hardening cock rubbing against you and he could hear your whimpers every time your clit got the slightest bit of friction. He slowly lifted you up and changed the pose you were both in, setting you on the couch, and taking off your shirt and bra, promptly discarding them on the floor next to him.
Andrew's lips left your mouth and moved down from your jawline to your waistband, leaving bites and hickeys on his way, he was giving you goosebumps with the way he caressed your body so lovingly, worshipping every curve, every mole and little imperfection, as you called them, seemed like gold in his eyes, like beautiful stars in a sky only he could see. Once at your hips, he looked up at you with lustful eyes, “I need to taste you, so fucking badly,” he whispered, “but I need you to be quiet, can you do that for me, baby?”
“You know the answer to that,” you answered with a grin, already kicking off your shoes.
“Yeah, I do,” he smiled back, quickly kissing you one last time before he unzipped your shorts and pulled them off completely along with your panties, throwing them to the floor as soon as they were off you, joining the rest of your clothing. He kissed his way up your thighs, resting your legs on his shoulders. He looked up at you with his beautiful green eyes, pupils dilated to a point where they looked black, silently begging you to give him the final go-ahead before he lost himself in you.
You nodded, he smiled.
He dove into you like a starving man having his first meal in weeks, lapping up your juices and drinking you. You arched your back in pleasure. He licked from your entrance up to your clit, pressing his tongue to it just to flick it right after, you bit your lip in an attempt to quiet down, but it barely worked. His tongue worked at you expertly, he knew exactly what to do to make you squirm under his touch. His tongue travelled down from your clit to your entrance, where he lost himself and moaned just with your taste. Your breathing hitched at the sight of him eating you out, completely enamoured with his eyes closed. He was moaning as he fucked you with his tongue. As his nose rubbed on your clit just right, you thanked God for giving him a big one.
You moved his long curls out of his face, he looked up at you. Your breathing stopped for a second as he rubbed his nose against your clit while smiling into your cunt, in blinding lust you grabbed a fistful of his hair and started grinding your hips against his face. You could've sworn you heard him chuckle. The way he was holding onto your hips was sure to leave bruises later on, you didn't care one bit, you were too focused looking into his eyes and the way they were full of lust and admiration for you. How he kept eating you out even as you held his head in place and basically used him.
He was so hard it was starting to become painful, so he started rubbing himself against the couch, and God did it feel good, he started moaning into your pussy, your taste was driving him crazy, the little sounds that escaped you while he devoured you just got him harder and harder. He left your hole to go back up to your clit, sucking on it and pressing his tongue against it while one of his hands left your hip just for two of his fingers to enter your cunt seconds later, your hips buckled against him again, he placed your clit between his teeth and lightly pressed in response. Your legs started shaking when he did that, you had to place a hand over your mouth to not scream. He fingered you faster, curling his fingers into you and hitting your sweet spot.
He continued like this for a while, making a whimpering mess out of you, and thankfully, today he didn't seem to have the need to edge you endlessly until you were begging for release, he needed this as much as you, maybe even more. He was still rubbing against the couch, but he didn't notice he was doing it, he was too occupied getting you to your own high to care for himself at the moment. You were almost there, his fingers replaced his tongue on your clit, rubbing it rapidly. His mouth moved to your entrance, he knew you were close, and he wanted to taste every drop of your release.
You came with a loud moan that was thankfully muffled by your own hand, your vision went white and your legs trembled. Andrew drank you in, letting you ride out your high as he moaned into your pussy, and then you noticed his hips. He was desperately dry humping the couch, what a sight that was, you could tell he wasn't even noticing he was doing it, suddenly his hips buckled repeatedly and he was groaning into your cunt as he drank the last of you, his eyes were closed and his hand that was still grabbing you was doing so in a way that you were surprised it wasn't breaking skin. He'd come, just from eating you out, the thought made you giggle.
He kissed your clit one last time before pulling his head out from between your legs, his hair was a mess and the lower part of his face was glistening with your juices, he was panting heavily. “I- I didn't notice I was-” He said with heavy breaths, but you interrupted before he finished.
“Humping the couch while eating me out?” You asked in a teasing voice. A smirk plastered on your face.
“Yeah,” he laughed, “made a fuckin’ mess.”
“It's not noticeable from here.” You assured him.
“Good,” he leaned closer to you, hovering his body over yours, one hand held him up while the other found your waist. “Tank you for letting me do this, baby.” He kissed you gently, his accent thicker than before.
“Thank you for doing it.” You smiled.
“I love you so much,” he murmured between kisses, “my perfect girl, so fuckin' beautiful.”
“I love you too,” you kissed him back, “I should get dressed though.”
“Hmm, fine, but I'm keeping these until I see you next time.” He said, grabbing your panties from the pile of your clothes from the floor and keeping them in his hand.
“No, you're not, give them back!” You feigned annoyance, thinking he'd give them back.
“Would you rather I take back my shirt, then?”
“What would I wear then? I didn't bring a jacket.”
“Exactly, so these,” he held up your panties again, “are for me.” He placed them in his pocket right after.
“You’re horrible.” You fake pouted.
“You love me.” He grinned while handing you the rest of your clothes.
“You're lucky I do.”
“I know.”
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syoddeye · 29 days
ghoap x reader. i'm simple. i see an awful joke, and i am compelled to bake it into something. ~800 words. barely edited.
cw: alcohol, verbal + sexual harassment
working in bars, you've heard it all. break ups. proposals. affair arrangements. funeral arrangements. gossip. secrets. and some awful pickup lines.
you grow a thick skin, working service. long behind you are the days when you smiled through the lewd comments and near-misses from reaching hands. nowadays, you give it to them right back or signal for the bouncer on duty to scruff the dogs who bark up the wrong tree.
your ears filter out most comments. you know you're nice to look at, that your tits are near bursting out the low neckline of your shirt. you can handle the harmless mutterings between horny customers queued up for drinks. it's when they breach that sacred boundary of the rail for anything other than fetching their drink or paying—that's when they earn a ticket to the curb.
tonight's no different. you see three drunks kicked out before midnight. light work.
the hours burn quick like cheap candles. a brief lull comes shortly before midnight, giving you time to clean and reset a bit. it's also when your ears snag on a conversation you quickly realize is spoken just loud enough for you to hear.
"yer right lt, look at that arse."
"tits match."
"big handfuls."
"think you can–"
you swing around abruptly, knowing you'll catch them off guard. you'll watch them stutter and stammer through their order and choke on their filthy little fantasies. tails tucked all the way back to hide in whatever dark corner of the bar they came from.
only. they don't.
"can i help you...gentleman?"
they go right on talking, as if you aren't right in front of them.
"–'andle 'er?"
"aye, she's my type."
they're quite the pair. massive specimens of strength sitting shoulder to shoulder. close enough to be thigh to thigh, too. the bigger freak wears a fucking balaclava, one arm draped over his companion. his big paw toys with a silver ring punched through the ear lobe of the other man. it's a weird, almost tender, and normal thing. if they shut up, they'd appear normal. but between their statures and the way their eyes roam over you—normal's the last thing you'd call them.
"i said can i help you," you snarl, snapping back to reality after the one with the mohawk makes another comment about your ass. "order, or move the fuck on."
judging by the crinkling of his dark eyes, the masked man grins, then turns and ducks his head. "you wanna order?"
"too fuckin' hard to think, sir."
that earns a creepy, breathy chuckle from behind the mask. his fingers abandon his companion's earring to ruffle his hair. he straightens on his seat, and drapes two thick arms on the rail. he levels his gaze at you, and it's worse than his leering. it strips you bare.
"got cider?"
the question does nothing for your unease. "yeah," you start to rattle off what's available before he interrupts.
"got woodnut?"
your nose scrunches. you've never heard of it. "wood nut...?"
"'cause i would nut inside ya."
it's easily one of the most atrocious lines you've ever heard. just bad. coming out of another man's mouth, you'd throw your head back and laugh. and yet.
years of working in restaurants and bars. years of horror stories and bad customers. a hide tough enough to weather the worst of the worst, and the bastard flays you alive. peels off your layers and leaves you exposed, completely clothed, and behind a solid oak bar.
it's not the childish vulgarity or the shock value. it's the naked intent in this man's eyes. that he means it.
his hands flex, and two knuckles rap quietly on the wood. you know it would be nothing for him to grab you by the collar, haul you across the bar, and bend you over the sticky silicone mat. beside him, his friend's eyes are wide, mouth stuck in a tight smirk. it'd be a group effort.
the air thins. a short eternity passes. cold dread meets blstering anger.
you don't recall the specifics of what you yell. only that you shriek like a harpy, indignant and scandalized. cheeks burning and palms sliced where your nails dig into them. you point a finger at the door, and the bouncer looks sheepish for the first time since you started. the men go freely, laughing to themselves. loosely herded by your coworker, who looks like a kid next to them.
your manager gives you a free fifteen for the trouble, but beyond that, he isn't too sympathetic. you dig out a smoke from the bottom of your bag and make for the staff door that leads out to the bins. a bundle of raw nerves. reduced to scraps, dignity shattered. obliterated.
there's a chill in the air. it helps some. you struggle with your lighter, sniffling and muttering. your thumb keeps slipping off the wheel.
somewhere down the alley, glass crunches.
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rosyhoneydew · 1 month
I Simply Say (Baby)
Written for @bucktommypositivityweek | Day 2: nicknames and terms of endearment.
“Uh, hey, I’m gonna take this for a sec, you want another beer when I come back, Eddie?” Buck asks, already en route to the kitchen. 
“Yeah, thanks,” Eddie says, a knowing smirk on his face.
There’s not really any need for the secrecy, Eddie saw the ‘Tommy ❤️’ contact light up on Buck’s phone, and even if he hadn’t, there aren’t many people Buck would pick up for on guys’ night. But, he still hasn’t quite gotten around to filling Chris in yet. It’s not like he tells the kid about everybody he dates, but this is Tommy and he’s their friend and it would feel too weird keeping that from him. 
Chris got back from Eddie’s parents’ place just over a week ago, and Eddie’s pretty intent on making things feel, as much as possible, like he never left. Buck gets it. Chris leaving was shitty for him, he can’t bring himself to think about how hard these past weeks have been for Eddie. 
“Hey,” he sighs out as he answers the call.
“Hey.” Buck can hear the smile in his voice and it fills him with warmth. He loves that smile. “How’s guys’ night?” Tommy asks. 
“Yeah, yeah it’s good.” Buck leans against the counter, ears tuning in to the light giggles he can hear from the living room. It’s felt like forever since he saw Eddie this carefree. “It’s nice. Feels like old times, you know?” 
Tommy hums a response. 
“Hey, you should come next time,” Buck adds. 
Buck huffs a small laugh, “Yes, you.” He makes for the fridge, grabbing two beers and cracking them open with the phone wedged between his shoulder and ear. “I mean, Eddie would love it, Chris hasn’t seen you since he left, and that way,” he grabs his phone again, bringing it closer to his mouth like a secret, “I won’t have to miss you all night while I’m here.” 
“Oh yeah? Well, it’s hard to argue with that logic.” Tommy responds. 
Buck smiles, it feels good, flirting like this with Tommy. It’s so easy with the two of them, he’s not sure it’s ever gotten so good so fast with anyone else he’s dated. 
“You finished up your shift?” He asks, guessing the reason Tommy called. 
“Mmhm. Pretty smooth night. I’m headed home now, you going to be a bit?” Tommy asks. 
“Uh, maybe?” Buck reenters the living room, carrying their drinks, to see Eddie and Chris have put away the Xbox, but already queued up a movie. “Yeah,” he amends, “definitely gonna be a little while.” 
Eddie’s such a sucker for the kid right now, he’s probably planning on letting Chris stay up all night if it means spending as much time as possible with him. 
Tommy laughs on the line. “All good, sweetie, have fun, okay? Tell them I say ‘hi.’” 
“Buck! Hurry up, we’re hitting play,” Chris calls out.
“Okay, love you, baby,” Buck says to Tommy, quickly hanging up the phone.
He gets a few steps closer to the couch before he realizes he said all of that out loud and in front of Eddie and Chris. Oops. 
“Who was that?” Chris asks, teasing note in his voice. God, that kid is more and more like his dad every day. 
“Uh, that- that was Tommy. The pilot from Harbor station?”
“I remember Tommy,” Chris says. “You called him ‘baby.’”
“Yeah, uh, we’re sort of together now.” Buck sets their beers down on the coffee table for something to do.
“Like boyfriends?” 
“Oh,” Chris says. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
Good question.
“Well, I guess I just… I didn’t want to surprise you too much?” He finally settles into his spot on the couch again. 
“I don’t care who you’re dating.” 
Buck laughs at that, finally feeling the tension break. There wasn’t much, Chris is a good kid, but he can’t help that knee-jerk reaction for a second when he’s telling someone new. 
“Well I do care who you’re dating and I’m happy for you and Tommy,” Eddie finally chimes in, smiling between the two of them. 
“You know, I thought maybe he could come over next week for guys’ night?” Buck offers. 
“Sure,” Chris says, “Tommy’s really cool.” 
“Yeah, he is, huh?” Buck says. Because Tommy might be the coolest, best person he knows. 
“Works for me,” Eddie says, leaning over to hit play on Close Encounters, “but we are not watching Star Wars with him, again.” 
Chris laughs and Buck rolls his eyes fondly as the music fades in on the TV. A few minutes later his phone chimes and lights up again with a message, I love you too, honey ❤️.
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eoieopda · 1 year
the one with mingyu and the twin bed
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summary: you brought your boyfriend to your parents’ house for christmas dinner. he can’t get a grip because you can’t keep yours to yourself. pairing: kim mingyu x f!reader type: drabble (smut) | rating: 18+ | wc: 3.5k au: est. relationship, home for the holidays cw: teasing, teasing, teasing; unprotected sex; mingyu is a pouty lil simp; multiple orgasms; reader rides it like she stole it and has to keep him quiet in the process :’) a/n: nobody asked, i just have mingyu brain rot 🥲 🚨 MINORS OR AGELESS BLOGS WHO INTERACT WITH MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED. MY WORK IS NOT FOR YOU.
You might kill him. And really, if that’s not your goal, it’s still the most likely result. This road you’ve chosen starts with a squeeze of his knee under the table, travels up his thigh and — well, Mingyu can imagine how it ends, but not when or where. That’s the problem.
Well, that’s the primary problem. 
The worst part about it all is that you look so unbothered by it all. You’re laughing through conversation with your parents, who sit on the opposite side of the table, like Mingyu isn’t on the brink of passing the fuck out beside you. Like his slacks aren’t squeezing the life out of him in the same torturous way your hand is. 
You’re moving so slowly that the table cloth doesn’t even flutter with your secret ministrations.
He knew you were a devil, but what fresh hell is this?
“— feeling okay?”
Mingyu has to blink himself back into reality to realize he’d been spoken to. Your father, who Mingyu had thankfully met before tonight — and made a positive, sustainable first impression on — looks concerned. His eyebrows furrow the same way yours do when you’re worried.
“Sorry,” Mingyu starts by clearing his throat. He flashes a smile that makes your mother blush, not unlike the way you usually do. “I was daydreaming about that galbi jjim from earlier. Don’t know if I’ll ever eat better.”
That’s a lie, he thinks immediately. Dessert is one seat over, fingertips whispering over his inseam, and Mingyu’s mouth is already watering at the thought. But he’s stuck. You’re untouchable as long as the pair of you are at this table, and you’re untouchable upstairs for more reasons than one. 
Your mother is flustered — so is Mingyu, but for an entirely different reason — and she glances up at your father. His smile is a flat line, but it reads like approval. She elbows him gently.
“See, yeobo?” She quips, “I told you he was charming.” 
Then, she turns to look at you with a firm nod. “You picked well.”
“To be clear, Mingyu picked me,” You laugh, waving your free hand dismissively.  “With the amount of girls queuing up for his attention, he had options — a lot of them. I just lucked out.”
At this, he short-circuits, so much so that he nearly sprays the wine he’s sipping all over the table and your unsuspecting parents. 
“Oh, no, no. Not even close,” He sputters, earning a surprised giggle from your mother. Faked offense pulls the corners of his mouth down, puckers his lips into an pout around his words. “I had to beg for your phone number, if I recall —”
“Did you really?” Your mother gasps. Her hand flies up to cover her mouth, as if she’s watching one of the daytime dramas she’s always talking about.
Your father looks smug as he reaches his arm out over the table, fingers closed over his palm. The hand you aren’t using to commit unspeakable crimes lifts to meet his fist over the acorn jelly, knuckles tapping lightly. 
Your father smirks, “That’s my girl.”
You look at Mingyu fully now, not from the corner of your eye the way you had been. It’s downright spooky how your face can look that innocent at a time like this. That is, until you bite down on your plush lower lip.
Is he about to faint? He really might faint.
“Okay, fine. You’re right,” You demur with a shrug.
That sweet smile of yours is unbelievably misleading, but goddamn, does it look good on you.
“I didn’t make it very easy for you, did I?” 
He tries not to clench his jaw when you flatten your palm and squeeze the highest, innermost part of his thigh. He fails miserably. After all, you’re running out of real estate; and Mingyu’s running out of resolve. 
This is it for me, he thinks. Remember me as I was: a fucking simp.
Thankfully, both of your parents stand up to carry dishes off to be washed. They cross the threshold into the kitchen and miss the way Mingyu’s head slumps back against his chair. So desperate and defeated, he ignores the way his skull aches after colliding with the oak backrest.
He squeezes his eyes shut and waits for the sweet release of death.
When their footfalls are no longer audible, Mingyu assumes they’re out of sight. You shift, but he doesn’t crack his eyes open until he feels the heat of your breath on the shell of his ear. His gaze locks on the ceiling when you whisper, “Can you blame me? It’s so cute when you beg.”
If his dick strains any harder against his pants, the zipper may break.
“You’re trying to kill me,” Mingyu gulps. He shakes his head, voice wavering. “Baby, I’m gonna drop dead in your childhood home — on Christmas, no less — and it’s gonna be all your fault.”
The tip of your nose nudges the side of his face as you place a kiss on his earlobe. The white knuckle grip he holds on the edge of the table is the only thing keeping him together, and you know it. Still, the feather-light touch of your fingertips finds what it’s after. They trace the outline of his bulge through his slacks, and before he can stop himself, Mingyu audibly sighs.
He’d tell you to stop if he could jumpstart his brain. That’s a lie, he corrects himself. He doesn’t want you to stop; he just wants you. Wants you so badly that it hurts.
“Attempted murder,” Mingyu mumbles helplessly.
God, he’s pathetic.
Head slumped to the side, he finally allows himself to look at you. Immediately, he has to wonder: is there anyone who wouldn’t beg for you? He’d be on his knees in a heartbeat if your parents weren’t loading a dishwasher, several meters away. He’d clear the table himself, too,  if sweeping his arm overtop and sending silverware to the ground counted for anything.
Unbothered by the internal crisis you’ve started in him, you stroke him slowly, like you have all the time in the world to end him; and not a care at all that you might get caught in the process. The kiss you leave on his jaw is so soft — and so laughably chaste, all things considered — that he’s not sure it even happened. To keep from pleading out loud, he grinds his teeth even more harshly together.
Are you there, God? It’s me, Mingyu.
His prayers are answered immediately, which makes him a little bit suspicious — and a lot more feral.
You hum, amusement downright musical, and he shivers. “I’m going to help them finish down here. Wait for me upstairs?”
When Mingyu shoots up to his feet, the force of his thighs against the underside of the table threatens to flip it. The remaining wine glasses wobble in place, but thankfully, you’d all killed the bottle some time ago; no drop is left to be spilled. He still cringes at the close call, though. With a grimace, he mutters rapid-fire apologies — whether to you, the glassware, or the God of Dirty Thoughts, he’s not sure. 
You trap your bottom lip between your teeth to keep from laughing, which Mingyu appreciates. His clumsiness would have been embarrassing if he wasn’t so incomprehensibly horny. All that blood flow has been redirected away from his brain, though, and his dirty mind can’t focus on how not cool he’s being about all of this. 
Just you, that little smirk on your lips, and the million ways he wants your mouth on him.
Once he steadies himself, it only takes a second for Mingyu to race towards the stairs. Any and all chill he might’ve had is left behind him in a cloud of dust.
It’s downright cartoonish, the way he scrambles up the steps — stumbling, knees colliding with the hardwood as he goes — but it’s effective. He reaches the landing in record time, then all but kicks open the door to your childhood bedroom. As soon as the doorknob collides with the wall behind it, Mingyu freezes in place.
That wall, he realizes, is the only barrier between your room and your parents’. Worse, your old bed is set longways against that very wall. And because the hits just keep on coming, it’s a twin bed. 
With a frilly purple duvet and shockingly minimal surface area, no less.
Horrified, Mingyu steps forward and places his hand flat against the small mattress. It doesn’t take much pressure to make the bed springs squeak — when has anything ever gone his way? — and that revelation nearly has him screaming obscenities at the ceiling.
How is he supposed to fuck you under these conditions?
Frantic, he closes the door behind him, shuffles forward, and drops to his knees next to the bed. At his height, the frame barely reaches his midriff. Clearly, his life is a fucking joke.
Elbows now resting on the mattress, Mingyu clasps his hands together and leans forward to rest his forehead against his knuckles.
He’s never tried this before — not earnestly, anyway — and he doesn’t know where to start. Whatever the reason, he’s sure he can’t pray to any listening deity to let him get his dick wet. Anyone who hears his cry would smite him on the spot, he thinks, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Before he can settle on a prayer, footsteps sound off on the stairs just outside the door. The words are muffled; but there are multiple voices, which tells him that one or both of your parents have joined you on your journey upstairs. Suddenly, Mingyu is overcome with guilt. 
He’s in their home, having eaten their food — and now he’s a full-blown heretic, wanting nothing more than to devour their daughter like a man starved. But he can’t because, if he does, they’ll hear every dirty detail and —
Mingyu is many things, but he is not quiet.
You are, however, and he can barely make it out when you say, “Thank you, again, for dinner. And for letting us stay overnight.”
“Oh, don’t you dare!” Your mother peeps. Mingyu freezes, knowing in the rational part of his brain she can’t see him, but unable to stop himself. “It’s our pleasure! Really, it’s a long drive back for you two —”
Your father interjects, “— and Mingyu must be exhausted if he’s already in bed.”
For personal reasons, he thinks as he squeezes his eyes shut, I will be passing away.
There’s a moment of silence in which you must be hugging your parents goodnight, then there’s the quiet creak of the door opening. Footsteps, then more silence — you pausing for a moment, likely taking in the sight of him, then the door shutting softly behind you.
He can’t hear your approach over the hammering pulse in his ears, but he can feel the warmth of your body when you stand closely behind him. On instinct, he leans back onto his heels. A reflex of your own, you card your fingers through his hair and turn him into putty.
As embarrassing as it is to reckon with the fact, Mingyu acknowledges that the massage of your fingers might make him cum in his trousers.
“Were you praying?” You whisper, giggle evident despite the hushed tone. Your fingernails rake gently over his scalp; he swallows hard.
Mingyu is past the point of attempting nonchalance, so he confesses immediately. “Need divine intervention at a time like this. A twin bed? Parents? I’m doomed.”
“Maybe.” You lean down over his shoulder to purr into his ear. “Doomed or not, you look so perfect on your knees.”
That comment reverberates down his spine, ricochets off every vertebrae as it goes. He has to bite down on his fist to keep from groaning. It sure as shit doesn’t stop his eyes from rolling back in his head.
You drop your hand from his hair to trail your fingers down the length of his neck, then across the top of his shoulder. As you do, you step out from behind him and into his line of sight. You, illuminated only by a small, butterfly-shaped lamp, confirm his suspicions:
Ariana Grande was right all along. God is a woman.
You maintain eye contact as you reach behind your back and begin unzipping your dress. The burgundy fabric pools at your bare feet, having slipped right over the silkiness of your thighs without issue. If he wasn’t already in his knees, Mingyu would’ve dropped the same way.
“How confident are you that you can be quiet?” You ask softly. “Stakes are high, and you’re normally so vocal.”
Right out of the gate, he trips.
Mingyu responds with bravado and without whispering, “I can do it.”
Then, he slaps his hand over his big fucking mouth.
Biting back a smile, you reach out for the collar of his shirt. The buttons are undone with care, like any and every decibel is too much of a risk. You hum as you continue your work, “We can make it a challenge, then. If you can stay quiet, I’ll let you cum.” 
He lets you slide his shirt off his frame as soon as you’re finished with it. It lands where your dress did, wrinkling white on top of red.
“If you can’t  —” You pause and gesture down to his belt buckle, which he’s already gripping tightly to. It’s undone before you can blink, which causes the side of your mouth to twitch upwards. “— I’ll stop.”
Mingyu nods, more determined than he’s ever been, and pushes himself to his feet. Less nimbly than you, he fumbles desperately with the button and zipper at the top of his trousers. Eventually, he frees himself and they drop, too. They land with a muffled sound before being kicked blindly aside.
Your gaze drops to his briefs, pupils dilating when you see the mess you’ve made of him. The dark grey fabric is close to black at the tip of his dick, arousal seeping into the fibers and tattling on him. That is, if the blatantly thick imprint of his length hadn’t sold him out already.
His knees threaten to buckle all over again when he sees a flash of pink swipe over your lips, wetting them as your eyes grow even darker.
No, he really might cum on the spot.
You step over your discarded clothes. Closing the distance, you flatten your palms against his bare chest, push up on your toes, and kiss him properly for the first time in hours. His only instinct is to whine like a fucking baby when his lips part and you lick into his mouth, but he refuses to break this close to the starting whistle.
No, Mingyu will keep his shit together. He has to keep his shit together — even as you suck his bottom lip into your mouth and release it swollen with a pop.
“What do you want, baby?”
He doesn’t know if it’s his chest or your hands that are burning up, but a wildfire spreads as you run your palms down from his pectorals to his abdomen. Every muscle in his body tenses as your touch lowers. His lungs seem to, too, because he struggles to keep his breaths even.
Your fingers hook under the waistband of his briefs, knuckles tickling against the sensitive skin underneath his hip bones. You continue your questioning, as if he trusts himself to answer.
“My mouth?”
Oh god.
He wants it all, always and every which way, but he knows he won’t last a goddamn second in your throat — and you know it, too, even before he furiously shakes his head. 
Eyes laser focused on you, he does his best to beg without words. The puppy-dog eyes win you over every time.
When you smile at him like that — petal soft, still so devilish — he audibly sighs. There’s no helping him, he knows it. It’s a reflex, a rubber mallet to the knee. Thankfully, you let that breathy concession slide; let his briefs slide, too, until they drop unwanted around his ankles.
Mingyu is so hard that it hurts.
He’s a throbbing, leaking mess when your hand finally — fucking finally — wraps around his cock. Experimentally, you give him a light squeeze while you work the length. Your gaze flicks upwards to gauge his reaction, wrist rolling when you reach the crown.
If he had to guess, Mingyu would bet that he’s turned purple with the effort it’s taking to keep his needy mouth shut. But your eyes twinkle up at him and you tell him that he’s beautiful; and suddenly, his chest and cheeks go a shy shade of pink.
“Lay down, pretty boy,” you whisper, nodding your head towards that shitty little bed.
As he stretches out onto his back — to the best of his ability, with his heels nearly dangling off the end — he swears on his life that his friends can never know how weak he gets when you call him that.
You place your hands on his chest to keep your balance, lifting one leg over his until you’re straddling him. Your right knee settles uncomfortably between his leg and the wall, but you don’t complain. Instead, you look him dead in the eye and pull your fatal, black thong to the side.
Even in this piss-poor lighting, Mingyu can see the way your darkened eyes glint. He’s spellbound — there’s no other word to describe it.
One hand takes hold of his cock and lines it up to your cunt. The other raises to your lips, index finger extended. You tease him without saying a word, and he hears it loud and clear.
Oh, he’s going to be so good for you.
That’s what he tells himself until your arousal makes contact with the tip of his cock. That’s what he repeats in his head, over and over, when you sink down and gush around him, slick dripping to coat the centimeters that don’t quite fit inside of you. What he says out loud, elongated and definitely above a whisper, is:
You quickly lean over his chest to cover his mouth with your hand. Though your pulses are both racing, he’s less focused on his total, abject embarrassment than he is on the amusement that causes your mouth to curve.
Keeping your hand where it is — for the good of everyone, really — you nip at his earlobe. He waits for the inevitable consequence of his actions.
Goddamn it. How stupid does he have to be to forfeit a prize like you?
“You don’t listen very well, baby,” Your hushed tone drips like honey into his ear. Involuntarily, his hips jerk upwards, pushing further into your wet heat.
Any distance is too much.
“But you feel so fucking good —”
Again, he ruts against you when your teeth graze his earlobe. Under your palm, his whimpering is unintelligible, but that doesn’t stop him. You catch his groan in your hand before it can hit the air.
“— might have to bend the rules for you.”
It’s torture. 
Mingyu knows you’re moving this slowly to avoid upsetting the box springs below, but whether or not there’s method to the madness, it’s still unbearable.
You swirl your hips in a way that makes his vision go white at the edges, grind down into his lap with quiet precision. He can feel that soft, spongy spot hiding behind your front wall; and he can hear those delicate little sighs as you fuck yourself deliberately.
He can feel his mind go blank, too, moments before your cunt milks him for all he’s worth. You don’t stop once he spills himself inside of you — you won’t, he hopes.
“Oh, shit,” you whimper, almost inaudibly. “I’m so close.”
The hand not covering his mouth disappears between your legs. If the way your eyes roll back is any indication, you’ve found what you were looking for. 
The sight of you is too much for Mingyu to handle. Nipples peaking through the translucent fabric of your bralette, wrist moving in the opposite direction of your hips, eyelashes fluttering while you rub spirals into your clit. Perfect, top to bottom.
Mingyu cums again when you do, refractory period be damned.
And when you collapse down onto his chest, walls still fluttering around him, he encircles you with his arm so tightly that he can feel you trembling through the aftershocks. With your face now nuzzled into the crook of his neck, the tables turn.
“Fuck,” you mutter. The sound is mostly lost against his skin, but there’s enough volume to make you both start to snicker.
You kiss his neck, nudge him with the tip of your nose. Whispering, you ask, “Not bad for a twin bed, huh?”
Mingyu snorts. “Kinda feels like high school. You know, parents on the other side of the wall, cute little bedspread,” His voice trails off so he can press his lips against your temple. Voice low in your ear, he smirks, “Nutting within thirty seconds.”
Your muffled laughter shakes his shoulders, too. Then, you fall into a silence so easy he’s sure you’ve fallen asleep on top of him. To his surprise, you peep, “I didn’t think this through.”
He hums inquisitively in response. You crane your neck to meet his eyes. 
You inhale deeply, then sigh, “I have to waddle down the hallway of my childhood home to the bathroom — right past my parents’ door — and pretend like we didn’t just do what we did.”
Mingyu flashes you a wolfish grin that catches you off guard. Your eyebrows raise in anticipation.
“Need some divine intervention, sounds like. Maybe if you pray about it —” 
The only thing louder than the playful smack you land on his bicep is your laugh, straight from the bottom of your chest.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 month
Gun and Goo with Reader: Soft Spot
G/N. Platonic or romantic. Soft. Finger in my ears, screeching, ignoring the last chapter. Masterlists
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"Why are you so mean to me!" Goo jabs his finger at Gun.
"But so nice to them," then turns it accusingly at you.
In Gun's hands are the pastries he had bought for you. The ones you didn't even ask for but he knows you love. Striding across the road, into the bakery and queuing patiently all the while completely ignoring Goo's request to add a simple coffee to the order.
Well first, you suppose it is a bit of a dick move from Gun. He was right there anyway. 
Second and most important of all, none of Goo's tantrum is your problem. He could have always got his own damn coffee if he wanted. Idiot.
You lunge forward and bite, teeth clacking together.
Thank fuck for his lightning reflexes. Goo retracts his finger just in time, eyes narrowed behind his glasses and nostrils flared.
"Asshole." Goo growls.
"I haven't done anything." A smirk spreads over your face, and in your hand you reveal his precious car key. "...Yet."
You sprint off towards Goo's baby, with the blonde screeching closely behind.
To the side, Gun watches you both with disinterest. Until you manage to clamber into the car first, lock the doors, and Goo is banging on the outside demanding to be let in.
Gun, usually impassive and stone-faced, cracks a small smile at your antics.
You sit on the floor between Goo’s long legs. Knees nudging at your shoulders and nimble fingers plaiting your tresses.
Every now and then he tugs maliciously when you move your head at a less than ideal angle.
"Hold still, Angel." He purrs. 
You hear the artificial sweetness he pours into his words even as your scalp feels sore. You don't know why you continue to let him do this, that horrid, mean, little shit-
"Your hair is like silk," Goo comments, interrupting your thoughts and you're reluctant to admit that maybe this is why. He can be nice, in his own way. "Unlike that ugly bastard,"  he adds, throwing a smug look at Gun, sitting next to him on the sofa.
A moment later, Goo declares himself a genius.
"There!" he beams at his handiwork. 
He didn't think it was possible, but he's made you even cuter. (Damn, maybe he really is a genius.)
Chooses to ignore that your hairdo is lopsided. Pulled too tight in some areas and too loose in others. Resembles more of a bird’s nest than anything more sophisticated to the trained and untrained eye.
Pulling you to your feet, Goo slings his arm around your waist, hand resting on your hip. He coos into your ear, paying you saccharine compliments and bragging about himself at the same time.
Goo looks after you, in a different way than Gun. And if you can even call it looking after.
He's the one that prods and pinches, leaves marks and scars of his own, except only he is allowed to do so. God forbid anyone who ever takes aim at you, because Goo will have his sword against their neck before they could even blink.
Gun is the one that takes care of you. A steady constant, without the lowest lows or the highest highs of his blonde partner. Has his own brand of mean and derisive, though still silently assures your wellbeing.
Often you wonder what they see in you. You have none of the prowess Gun looks for, or insanity that Goo prefers.
Sometimes you ask. A question thrown casually but neither ever gives you a complete answer.
It would have, should have played on your mind more-
Yet there's no hiding the twinkle in Goo’s eyes when he looks at you, the gentleness of Gun's touch when he handles you.
It's hard to deny the soft spot you occupy in their heart. You know they would rather die than ever admit it, but their actions speak far louder than their words.
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