#█ ▌ᵈᶦᵐᵉⁿˢᶦᵒⁿ ʰᵒᵖᵖᵉʳ { undetermined verse }
virahgo · 6 years
{ @phantomphenomenon | ✪ | continuation! }
Had he been sitting there the whole time? She’d gone into the building an hour or so ago to visit an old acquaintance. Not something she usually did, but this one had also been a long time sponsor of the tent and once they’d heard she was in town, she couldn’t possibly deny them a chat over tea. But enough of that. She’d walked in and... maybe, she’d seen the top of his head in her peripheral? For someone constantly aware of who was around her, no matter how unremarkable, it was strange that she’d overlook someone. Luckily, she’d seen him when she left her companion; hence her inner monologue about whether or not he was there earlier.
And that’s why she’d decided to occupy the empty seat across from him, pulling it a few inches closer whilst keeping a reasonable distance in between. She didn’t immediately answer his one-word query. Instead, taking a moment to look at his features. Or lack thereof; too many layers for her to get a good read on him. Attempt seemingly futile, she sighed. Eyes landing on the flower pot, curiosity piqued by it and the stranger’s presence.
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“That’s a nifty lil’ flower pot you’ve got there.”
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virahgo · 6 years
{ @sweetest-blxxd | ✪ | starter call! | ✪ | song: let’s go - tiësto ft. icona pop }
This was it. All she needed to get out of the funk she’d found herself in for a month. Not to mention the seemingly endless stream of assholes that decided to attend follow their traveling show. The final stretch of winter did tend to loosen a few screws for everybody. It was a horrendous time.
But there, in a dinky alley between two brick buildings in a city she couldn’t bother to remember the name of, the fog lifted. With blood stained clothes and the mutilated body of some faceless drunk rotting in the dumpster, Mabel felt the exhilaration she’d been missing. The buzz. Like a junkie getting finally getting their fix. She felt alive. 
Fingers caressing her blade. Eyes closed as she reveled in the moment. Slightly off-pitch humming of a lullaby from days gone by. Heels clicking against the concrete ground on beat with her hums as she swayed under the faint moonlight.
So lost in her own world. If she hadn’t had her fair share of near run ins with cops, she might’ve been completely shut off from her surroundings. The feeling of no longer being alone crept up her back. She stopped moving (save for the flick of her wrist to hide her knife beneath her sleeve). 
Not fully turning around, showing only her side profile, she merely said, “Ain’t it a bit late for a stroll?” 
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virahgo · 6 years
‘Three little words!’
{ @thegrimdarknarrator​ | ✪ | ‘three little words’ meme ; #57 }
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“Just fuck me!”        Words more directed towards the universe as frustration was evident in her tone.        Unfortunate that she had company and, in turn, ended up shouting at them. Though,        she couldn’t bring herself to care; nothing seemed to be going her way.
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virahgo · 6 years
{ @codadamaged | ✪ | starter call! | ✪ | song: ribs - lorde }
House parties, while loud and messy and full of bad decisions, weren’t her type of scene. Especially this one. There were so many awkward fourteen year olds. The innocence radiating from them nauseated her. Instead, she claimed the least populated corner and stuck to it; red solo cup in hand and taking small sips as she surveyed the crowd. Thoughts of how she got there popping into her head.
It’d already been two weeks since she’d accidentally thrown herself to some unknown place during one of her early morning training sessions. Oh the horror of being one line off when drawing runes. Despite the feelings of familiarity when she’d awoken - it had to be Earth - after her first day of wandering, it became unsettling. An itch under skin. She wanted to get back home and she couldn’t because the stupid book didn’t travel with her.
At least her magic seemed to still work. To an extent, that is. The influence she had over a random family was the only reason she was surviving.
But with how her night was going; maybe she should’ve went somewhere else. Downing the rest of her drink and tossing the empty cup onto the floor, she decided to do just that as the beginning of Lover’s Spit began to resonate through the house.
Making it to the front door, she opened it and took a step forward. Only to crash into someone; liquid sloshing onto her dress. “Eugh, great. I actually liked this dress too.”
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virahgo · 6 years
❛ people like to make fun of my height, but what they're missing is the fact that no one expects the 5'2 kid to whip out a knife and murder a local law enforcement official. at that point, that's their problem and not mine. ❜
{ @codadamaged }
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     “Not only that, but you can look every bit the innocent bystander ‘cause       how could such a small kid take down some 6 foot pig? It’s like when people       underestimate me just for being a GIRL. Hmph. Sexist idiots can’t laugh if they’re       too busy choking on their own blood.” Arms crossed in front of her chest, the last       sentence more of a mumble to herself. “Can you imagine us walkin’ into a diner       and whippin’ out knives? It does kind of sound like the beginning of a joke.” 
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virahgo · 6 years
‘Three little words!’
{ @codadamaged​ | ✪ | ‘three little words’ meme ; #64 }
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“I adore you.”       An almost dreamy sigh from her lips, the fire from the burning building reflected       in her eyes. A perfect representation for what she was feeling. Forget food being       the way to one’s heart. ARSON worked much better.
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virahgo · 6 years
{ @hostnamexception​ | ✪ | continuation! }
Like most performers, Mabel usually stuck to the makeshift backstage area of the tent that Dipper maintained (which involved telling Will how to organize everything). It only made sense for audiences to not see them beforehand; that’d only serve to ruin the magic of their spectacle.
Except for that night. Feeling tense and worn out - no doubt from her excessive use of the amulet only a few days prior - fresh air seemed to be the best way to de-stress. The shows was about to start after all. She couldn’t do her favorite method of relieving tension; her knives primed to be used solely for performance use at that moment.
Assuming that everyone was seated within the tent, Mabel strolled over to the front with her head tilted slightly back as she looked up at the moon. A calming visual. The moonlight never failed to soothe her. Taking a deep breath, her nose immediately scrunched up at the unexpected cigarette smoke.
Head tilted back down, her eyes zeroed in on the source. An unfamiliar face. Strange. Will showed them each night’s guests beforehand, but this person hadn’t been in the debriefing. Not to mention the odd, off-kilter aura they emitted. Something about them was different, yet she couldn’t figure it out. How frustrating. How...curious. Mabel decided to approach them.
“Mind if I bum a cigarette?”
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virahgo · 6 years
{ @codadamaged | ✪ | continuation! }
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For a split second, she thought about lying. Yelling and screaming like a scorned lover just to be dramatic and make a scene; some public humiliation to make her day a little brighter. But she was too pissed, too tired, too exposed. In what way? She wasn’t sure yet.
“Nothin’ really. You just have that kind o’ face that’s askin’ to be punched.” She shrugged, feeling no remorse for her actions; as if punching a complete stranger wasn’t wild and wrong to do. 
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