#╳ █ — ᴛɪᴛᴀɴꜱ ɢᴏ ( IC )
teentiitan · 3 years
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     ❝ I take it everyone missed The Boy Wonder™ ?? ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@merveiilles​ asked: “ why me? out of everyone you could’ve chose.  ” (From Raven -- feel free to be shippy or not, I don't mind. uwu) Shippy memes for the hoes / Always Accepting.
     ❝ ...... ❞
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      The teen was silent, simply looking at her for a few moments. He truthfully, didn’t really know the right answer here, well, he of course had answers, but he didn’t wish to patronize or come across incorrectly. .
     ❝ There was something about you, you looked like you needed a place to... Belong. A purpose. We all happened upon each other, a single event made us all cross paths, that means something, it can’t be coincidence. ❞ He turned away, looking off. Only for a hand to rest upon hers.
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     ❝ You were... Alone. No one deserves that. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@diamondcladclown​ asked: ​❝ i made pumpkin cookies! want to try one? ❞ Halloween - Fall Starters / Always Accepting !!
     ❝ Pumpkin, hm, least it’s seasonally in line. . . ❞    Perhaps it was the Bruce in him, but despite trusting Harley, he didn’t at the same time — Part of that training that’s kinda kept him alive all this time with the vigilante stuff.. He began to reach up, a plan in place to scan whatever could be in said cookies, but he stopped himself, instead holding a hand out for one.
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     ❝ Can’t say I’ve had pumpkin cookies, consider me intrigued. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@merveiilles​ asked: “i’m  not  afraid  of  ghosts!” (from Raven) Halloween Themed Starters / Accepting.
     ❝ Then you should handle this no problem,                  miss ‘not afraid of ghosts.’ ❞
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      Off in the distance, screams were heard, though not of the typical variety, at least, not for them at least — It was screams of blood-pumping adrenaline and excitement.. A brand new haunted house attraction just opened up, and Dick has taken it upon himself to drag a certain someone out to see it.
     ❝ Don’t worry, Rae, anything pops out at you,               I’ll be sure to keep you safe. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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        Man’s down bad.
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@starxhal​ asked: “the  decorations  look  great!” Halloween Themed Starters / Accepting !!
     ❝ Y’like it ?? It was the best I could do with the budget I got.                 But I’m proud of it all n’ all. ❞
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     His apartment was halloween-ified, red and orange stings of lights scattered about the ceiling— With ghost stickers stuck to his window, it was little, but it set the mood nicely enough.. He hadn’t planned for this, but  with all this free time he’s had lately, and a chance visit to the clearance section of a local store, it was time to get into the halloween spirit.
     ❝ Not usually in the Spooky Spirit, but figured it’d give me a chance to show off some artistic FLAIR. Anything to make this place a little bit more home. ❞ He paused, glancing at her. ❝ How ‘bout you ?? You getting into the holiday spirit yet ? ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@athicf​ asked: Swordplay + reverse (it's my favorite trope I can't resist)
         He was becoming overconfident, FLASHY.. A sin he’d found himself stuck with since his later teenage years. Moves were wider, more about STYLE than FUNCTIONALITY. It wasn’t often he got to challenge people acrobatically gifted like him, so he felt a bit of an obligation to show off.
       That FLASHINESS would ultimately be the opening needed to provide him with his downfall— In what felt like milliseconds, he went down onto the cold, damp concrete below them. Her grip on his wrists was FIRM, keeping them planted above his head, and despite his fair loss, he couldn’t help but chuckle.
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     ❝ Anyone ever tell you how much your      look is complimented by the moonlight ?? ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
@amorevoices​ / Batgirl — Post TT SC.
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     ❝ Y’know, it’s nice to be back at this superhero stuff with you—              Took some getting used to not having you behind me. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
@amorevoices​ asked: [  hug  ] ( Batgirl )
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        He was back— After years away, he’d finally returned..    It was something he really didn’t think he’d be able to do, and he still wasn’t entirely sure it was the right time... But he was HERE. Dick hadn’t made a large fuss on his return, he was trying to keep it silent, he needed to keep the cards in HIS hands as long as he could.
      Perhaps it was the hero in him, but he couldn’t sleep.. He couldn’t, not without getting some kind of patrol in. Without much of a second thought he was off, suited up and he’d gone out. As much as he LOVED Jump City, nothing could ever really compare to Gotham.
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      Knowing what he did about patrols, or at least how they USED to be done, he tried to keep his tracks away from any that might interfere with a Bruce, he wasn’t quite prepared for that.. Though, part of him was kind of hopeful he’d cross paths with one old friend. With enough time, luck ended up coming his way as he stood on a rooftop, casually taking in the perverted beauty of this wicked city. A subtle noise caught his attention, prompting his posture to straighten and his fists to ball.... Only for it to eventually fade as a smile graced his face.
     ❝ BarbarAA- Ah— Hey. ❞
     What he WASN’T prepared for was the running leap she made into his arms.. Guess he was more missed than he thought. It almost felt kinda crazy to imagine they’ve been away from each other for so many years.
     ❝ I missed you too, heh. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@redchacs​ asked: ʘ‿ʘ ./ where the lie tho I mean.... Look at him. / Accepting.
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     ❝ That’s very generous of you.. Thanks. You’re really nice yourself. ❞     He’s REALLY trying not to be TOO cocky about this, better to be HUMBLE.
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@starxhal​ asked: “I want to feel how much you want me.” 🙊🙊🙊 Dirty Talk / Accepting.
        He could give some quipy response, some little line to playfully jab at her comment, but he didn’t. No, instead he let his actions speak, moving in and placing a soft kiss upon her lips. His hand raising up to rest softly at her neck as he pulls her back onto his couch.. Dick held the kiss as best he could, a slight break here and there, but they didn’t keep him away long.
       As they laid back, his hands moved, the one at her neck SLOWLY moving down— Softly they trailed her collarbone, while his free hand trailed up from her waist.. His touch was soft, only TEASES, never providing enough to SATE any hunger, he needed a moment to tease.. His hand pressed against the hem of her shirt, deathly close to sliding underneath, but just as it does, he pauses, pulling himself back.
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     ❝ Stop me if I move too fast, ok ?? ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@diamondcladclown​ asked: “  are you following me? ” Stalker-Ish Prompts / Accepting.
     ❝ Damn, that obvious, huh ?? ❞
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    A chuckle came from the hero, who was still sat on his perch up above. He really thought he’d been concealed enough, though, given who he was tailing, anything was possible.
     ❝ What’s got you out ‘n about, Harley ?? ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
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@pompedia​ asked: ❝ i’ve always thought rain is really romantic. ❞ - from the Starbabe ( me?? Sending MORE asks?? who woulda thought ) Caught In The Rain / Accepting.
     ❝ Y’think so ? ❞
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     It was a simple coffee date, a moment to unwind without the suits or powers, just, them. It being Gotham, rain was always something to look out for.. Looks like they could just take a seat and wait for it all to pass by. Dick might also have a bit of a soft spot for the aesthetically pleasing side of rain, the calming backdrop noise, the droplet covered windows, it was always nice.
     ❝ You’re in luck, Gotham’s got plenty of that..    So, no matter what you’re doing, it can always have    that romantic backdrop. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
“We can talk over dinner.” ( Barbara )
Fluff Starters / Accepting.
       Gosh, there was so much to talk about, but he still wasn't sure if he was READY. Sure, it was no secret what he'd accomplished with the Titans back in Jump City, but he never explained WHY or much of anything. It's not that he DIDN'T want to talk, he DID, it was just a lot, and it brought along a lot of emotions he doesn't know how to fully explain.
       Dick knows she doesn't deserve silence, at least not on this— She's a shining spot on his time in Gotham, the least he can do is talk to her. It’d been a LONG time, a little time dedicated to catching up wouldn’t hurt anyone.. That realization left a soft smile on his face, he’d made up his mind.
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     ❝ I’d like that—    Think you’ll be free tonight ?? It can be my treat. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
“It’s okay. I couldn’t sleep anyway.” (from Rae)
Fluff Starters / Accepting.
     ❝ You sure ?? ❞    He paused, hand raising up to idly scratch the back of his head..
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     ❝ I couldn’t sleep either,     figured I’d see if anyone else was up... Think you’d like to sit and watch     some TV or something ?? Everyone else is asleep, so it’s up for grabs     for whatever you’d like to watch. ❞
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teentiitan · 3 years
“  boobs are  really  soft,  you  know? but  so  are  asses.  ” ( Barbara @ Dick )
   That comment actually got a chuckle outta him, she wasn’t WRONG. Though, at the same time, it was kinda flustering to hear that talk from someone like Barbara. Still, he’d bite.
        ❝ I see you’ve got your head in the gutter today,       guess that means I should be taking point on patrol tonight.       Just, make sure you don’t get TOO distracted. ❞
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     ❝ You’re definitely right though. Nice softness. ❞
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