#╰» 「 ✞ 」 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻. ┊ is it me? am i the drama?
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ripcrispyblonde · 5 months ago
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Introducing the According to the Lore... podcast (2/2)
The podcast was the idea of Jess's (Lindsey's) after getting reunited with her long lost love Sam (Steve) in Los Angeles. She said it could be the perfect opportunity to take back the agency of telling his story that Chuck Shurley took away from him when publishing the novels. They could focus on lore and hunting. It could serve as a library for aspiring hunters so that they wouldn't come face to face with trusting incorrect monster lore. They chose the aliases Steve and Lindsey as a nod to the Winchester's often choosing rock music aliases. Jess begrudgingly let Sam live her lifelong dream of being S.tevie N.icks to make the aliases a little less obvious.
Neither of them really expected the podcast to take off or enjoy it so much, especially because it had been years since the Supernatural series had been published. But they found a following and grew, soon garnering sponsors and becoming a rather impressive source of income for them, which they never intended for it to be. They often invite other hunters, retired and current, for guest spots on the podcast to tell their own stories of unique and interesting cases.
This podcast is set in Jess's Hot Mess verse and exclusive to @storiesfabled for Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, and Castiel.
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bleakfated · 6 months ago
I've been thinking about this for a while and I'm still not sure what the intention was behind the awful Sam season 7 sideburns or who thought they were a good idea. However...
In my canon, Sam decided he couldn't trust himself with a razor or shaving while he was being incessantly harassed by Hallucifer. Sam has a growing beard as season 7 goes on. Way more than what we eventually got in season 14.
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crispyblonde · 1 month ago
but for real i imagine crowley's nickname for jess is ankle-biter. like she's going off on him and he's like 'fellas please control your ankle-biter. the incessant yapping is giving me a headache.'
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sherunsfaster · 10 months ago
My laptop that I hadn't touched in over an hour started randomly playing Hate Me by Blue October and you still can't tell me Sam Uley didn't cry to this song
And Leah's guilty pleasure cry song is When It All Falls Apart by The Veronicas
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letmedeleteitplz · 2 years ago
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This will definitely expand as I flesh out Huntercorp Jess more.
Jess’s mother is the CEO of Lifeline Contracting, a company that has a variety of physicians for anyone’s contracting needs, particularly jobs that hold a lot of danger to ensure that medical care is started immediately. Growing up, Jessica felt a lot of pressure to meet her parents expectations. Being a top doctor in their company was the only option she had ever seen for herself and she was punished from a young age for bringing any grades home that weren't perfection, because they could have been. All of her free time was spent studying and at church as her mother is a devout catholic and made sure her children were too. Volunteering and charity galas filled nearly every weekend and Jessica really can't remember a time where her mother's company wasn't thriving.
When Huntercorp started to gain traction, Clarissa Moore saw opportunity for another company to contract her doctors to. As a result, Jessica was sent on a mission with Sam and Dean Winchester to prove the handiness of having a trained doctor with aggressive wound care and surgical training there to start early intervention on hunting related injuries. Her first case alongside the Winchesters led to her early intervention saving Sam Winchester's life after a brutal wendigo attack. The younger Winchester found himself rather smitten with her, and his interest led John Winchester to take the take solidifying the ties between the two major companies to the next level.
A mutually beneficial agreement was made. Nurses and doctors that are paid by Lifeline Contracting are trained as agents in Huntercorp. They have to prove they can take care of themselves during hunts because they are there on the scene to bridge the gap of care between an on the job injury and the hospital. Helping with the monster killing part isn't their primary function, but they are all trained to assist as getting results is the most important part of a job. To solidify the connection of Huntercorp and Lifeline Contracting, and as a sign of good faith for what would become future conglomeration of the two companies, Jessica Moore and Sam Winchester are set to be married.
While Jessica was a little iffy on the concept of arranged marriage, and pretty upset that her parents seemed to think she was nothing more than a bargaining chip, she finds Sam to be an absolute dreamboat. She falls in love with him almost instantly. She is a well-mannered, gracious woman with a brilliant mind and no intention on her life not meaning something through saving others. While she can be a bit on the shy side, she will comment on those not following God’s will, especially when it comes to sexual promiscuity, as Jessica still held her virginity when she and Sam were set up for marriage. Particularly, she is pretty vocal about Heidi and Mick, as the two do not even try to hide their relationship as it goes on and the office affair is downright despicable to her.
Jessica is very keen on keeping Huntercorp’s reputation clean. Cameron Ambrose acts as her mole for office gossip to ensure that nobody is behaving in any way that will get themselves or others killed or put the company in a bad light. At some point before their big, extravagant wedding, Sam is able to convince her to have sex. Turns out? She loves it! And it becomes a pretty regular thing for them, after they had avoided acting on the growing, palpable sexual tension between them. It is pretty noticeable around the office that she’s a lot less uptight and judgmental.
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ripcrispyblonde · 4 months ago
jess's plotted couples halloween costumes:
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Jess & Buck - verse: Hot Mess - @storiesfabled
Jess & Sam - verse: Hot Mess/No Script - pls the inspo - @storiesfabled
Jess & Sidney - verse: Don't Speak - @bleakfated
Jess & Cam - verse: Three Amigos - @bleakfated
Jess is Chad in 3 & 4 obvs
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bleakfated · 5 months ago
Simple Man is banned from karaoke nights at The Crossroads if Cam's bartending.
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crispyblonde · 1 month ago
some of the limited number of photos on sam's myspace account courtesy of jess who also forced him to make his account because she needed him in her top eight.
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bonus ones that couldn't see the light of day per sam's request under the cut
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ripcrispyblonde · 5 months ago
all of jess's go to karaoke songs are by michelle branch, kelly clarkson, and alanis morisette
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crispyblonde · 3 months ago
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Introducing: Passion Painters
Stepping back from hunting, or maybe never getting too far into it in the first place, Jessica opens a small art studio in the post-series verse. Here, she hosts a few paint and sip events a month as well as smaller classes to help people grow with their art skill in a relaxed and supportive environment.
Artwork of local artists and the less macabre works of Jess’s own line the walls and are available for purchase as well. Despite stepping back from hunting, the paranoia isn’t something Jessica can separate herself from. The building is heavily warded and protected from a multitude of supernatural beings.
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ripcrispyblonde · 6 months ago
when jess and sidney were together in her season 4 arc, after she's under the impression that sam was locked in the cage with michael and lucifer for eternity, after they worked a case together he would take her to the closest big city and they'd have a few nights pretending they were locals on a couple of date nights. because he tried it out after their first case and saw how much she benefited from simple distraction and the hustle and bustle of the city from growing up in san francisco
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bleakfated · 4 months ago
why the hell is a hunter bar named the crossroads?
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❝ at one point or another, i feel like every hunter has felt the pull of funneling their hopelessness into a meeting with a crossroads demon for one reason or another. for me, harvelle's roadhouse was the place i would go when i felt like life wasn't worth living anymore or i was about to do something stupid to get a case closed -- or hell, even revenge for the deaths of my folks. sure, the place might be full of douchebags you didn't particularly like -- but there was still a community there. somewhere that you knew people understood you even if you didn't feel like talkin' to 'em about it. the kid and i met at the ashes of the roadhouse and while i taught him how to hunt, the hole that the loss of the place seemed ever expanding for me and we had the bright idea of opening up the place when we were driving through kansas. so i guess we called it the crossroads in hopes that people would turn to us, to that feeling, instead of makin' a pact they would regret. and that sounds -- a lot cheesier when i say it out loud, doesn't it? ❞
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bleakfated · 4 months ago
more plotted costumes for cam:
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Cam & Arianna - @storiesfabled
Cam & Mackenzie & Marlowe - @storiesfabled & @fervidus
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bleakfated · 5 months ago
thinking about the camera footage from the leviathan bank robbers masquerading as sam and dean and how it would specifically break kyle moore.
up until then, it was a hell of a lot easier to give sam winchester the benefit of the doubt. that something they were seeing or being told from the fbi that frequented their house whenever the winchesters landed themselves in more serious legal trouble could have a different explanation for it. but the camera footage? that's sam. plowing down everyone in a bank with an array of bullets with his brother.
part of him still hopes that there's something he doesn't understand going on, but what could it possibly be? it makes him physically sick. he vomits his stomach contents into the kitchen sink after seeing that footage. then he cries, a lot. it feels like the night he got the call that jess was dead all over again. did his little girl really fall in love with a monster that killed her and then burned her body? was he really that bad of a father that he hadn't been able to sense that he was so twisted under a facade of awkward friendliness from the few times he had met sam?
despite his doubts, the arguments over if sam was guilty had already caused enough dissention in his marriage and his gentle prodding to get alyssa to stop chasing after assumed justice for jess. so, he ultimately holds on to the hope that there's some crazy explanation for what happened to his daughter that night that didn't involve sam winchester. because there certainly was no longer any room for a logical one.
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ripcrispyblonde · 5 months ago
jess when sam refers to her as my girl, etc: 🥰😘🥳 jess when anyone else refers to her as sam winchester's girl: 😤🤬🔪
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ripcrispyblonde · 5 months ago
I will forever have brainrot for the Zachariah late season 4 res arc. Thinking about Jess within the hunting community when she isn't with Sam. She's mad at him because of the demon blood and then she thinks he's dead for months and then he's back without his soul. But she's in immediate attack mode no matter what state their relationship is in whenever she hears another hunter say anything remotely negative about him. Much to eventual chagrin of her hunter friends that are with her because she's picking fights with anyone.
For example, when she falls into her relationship with Sidney Carmichael he learns quick that Sam's name stays out of his mouth. Especially after she dropped everything when she found out Sam was alive again only to come crawling back to Sidney when Sam's soullessness gets in the way of a happy reunion.
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