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𓂅 × ⠀ANDREAS SANKAR RAGNVINDR for the Emperor's Masquerade
A roupa adquirida às pressas tinha seu mérito, Andreas precisava admitir. Tudo o que tinha de mais belo havia sido perdido no incêndio, não que tivesse muita coisa, então quando soube do baile, precisou ser rápido. Optou pela cor azul, como as escamas de Samudara, mas não pôde ser muito exigente com o estilo, acabando por vestir algo muito mais chamativo do que o que estava acostumado a usar.
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A distância não nos permite enxergar melhor, mas achamos que em cima daquele dragão está ZAGAN GUNNHILDR, um cavaleiro de 26 ANOS, que atualmente cursa QUARTA SÉRIE e faz parte do QUADRANTE DOS CAVALEIROS. Dizem que é LEAL, mas também PAVIO CURTO. Podemos confirmar quando ele descer, não é? Sua reputação é conhecida além das fronteiras, e dizem que se parece com ARCHIE RENAUX.
Amaryllis acreditava ser uma mulher esperta. Precisou aprender a se cuidar desde muito jovem, perdeu os pais antes que atingisse a adolescência e não tinha nenhuma habilidade especial além dos dedos leves e a língua ferrenha, que foram as ferramentas necessárias para que ela sobrevivesse às ruas do Baixo Império. A pequena ladra, como ficou conhecida, ganhou a simpatia de comerciantes locais com seu sorriso e a sua boca suja. Isso fez com que, como meio de prevenir que ela lhes roubasse, eles passassem a lhe dar de bom grado coisas como roupas e alimento.
Assim, ela cresceu nas ruas, mas não desamparada. Quando já estava com dezessete anos, Jeannine, a esposa de um pescador — enlutada com o falecimento prematuro de sua própria filha aos quinze anos — decidiu colocá-la para dentro de casa. De pequena ladra, Amaryllis se tornou uma pescadora. Ninguém esperaria que ela tivesse a paciência necessária, mas Zachariah, seu benfeitor e pai adotivo, conseguiu fazer aflorar seu lado mais calmo, levando-a para pescar por longas horas em alto mar.
Ela vivia uma vida normal do povo comum, a casa que agora conhecia sendo o barco simples atracado no porto. Mas ela se encantava pela vida daqueles no exército, o status que alcançavam mesmo tendo nascido da escória. Ela era apenas uma humana, sabia que não podia se comparar a eles, mas desejava intensamente aquele nível de ascensão social. Sonhava todos os dias com uma vida onde tinha origem feérica, para se alistar no exército e ter seu próprio dragão, e talvez tenha sido isso que a fez se encantar por Malthus Gunnhildr.
O soldado da infantaria não era um montador de dragão. Mas tinha um cargo mais alto dentre os soldados e, por isso, chamou a atenção da mulher. Ela nunca quis um amor e sim status, então se contentaria com qualquer um que lhe desse atenção. Mas não imaginou que aquela era uma faca de dois gumes e que o seu desespero por ascender socialmente pudesse acabar se voltando contra ela.
Ele não queria se casar, mas por alguns meses a fez acreditar que sim. Seu romance terminou tão rápido quanto começou, deixando uma Amaryllis amarga, contrariada e — conforme descobriu mais tarde — grávida, enquanto Malthus seguia com a sua vida normalmente, acreditando que estava livre de qualquer dívida com a mulher.
Zagan cresceu sem muito amor por parte da mãe. Seus avós adotivos eram quem realmente cuidavam dele, a avó o alimentava e colocava para dormir, enquanto o avô o ensinou a ler e falou sobre os changelings, como ele carregava um sangue antigo e precioso dentro de si, sendo o homem fascinado pelas histórias e cultura dos feéricos.
Amaryllis, por sua vez, ressentia-se da existência do filho. Mal fazia seu papel de mãe e, quando decidia fazê-lo, era para repreendê-lo pela menor das coisas ou cortar suas unhas que insistiam em crescer no formato de garras com uma faca, deixando-as tão curtas que muitas vezes sangravam. Daí veio o hábito de Zagan de cortá-las curtas para esconder essa característica herdada de seu pai, hábito este que mantém até os dias atuais.
Quando fez oito anos, sua mãe não tinha qualquer pretensão de levar Zagan para se alistar, ainda completamente acometida pelo rancor de ter sido abandonada por Malthus e por não poder ela mesma se alistar. Mas Zachariah não deixaria que isso acontecesse. Queria ver o garoto alcançando seu potencial e sabia que ele não faria isso ali, trabalhando em uma família de pescadores falidos. E é claro, sabia que se o encontrassem por conta própria, seria pior. Então ele próprio o levou até Eldrathor.
O treinamento pesado foi difícil, mas Zagan era muito resistente. Passou com honras por todas as etapas. Era leal, centrado e muito exigente consigo mesmo, pouco se desviava do treinamento e não fazia outras coisas além disso. Aos dezoito anos, uniu-se a Rán, a dragão aquaris que tinha uma personalidade aventureira e irritadiça, como a de seu montador. Antes de seu nascimento, Zagan passava horas na água do mar que cerca Eldrathor, pois o mar o fazia lembrar de casa. Então, as visitas frequentes para nadar com a dragão nada mudaram em sua rotina, algo que o fez se convencer de que eles estavam destinados. Foram necessários cinco anos construindo uma relação com o dragão para que ela decidisse marcá-lo, e isso finalmente aconteceu depois de uma viagem pelo mar.
Zagan nunca mais voltou para visitar sua família. Não sabia como a mãe reagiria à sua presença, então achou melhor não arriscar a segurança de seus avós. Porém, demorou anos até que esbarrasse com seu pai, e isso só aconteceu quando o homem se tornou professor no instituto. Malthus não sabia da existência do filho, ainda mais um de quase dezoito anos, mas sua expressão deixou claro que o homem o reconheceu de primeira. Eram muito parecidos, afinal.
O homem tentou uma aproximação, mas seu filho não queria nada com ele, o ressentimento pela maneira como havia abandonado sua mãe ainda muito vivo, tendo crescido a vida inteira com a certeza de que o comportamento amargurado da mulher se devia principalmente a esse abandono. Mas seu distanciamento não adiantou, o pai insistia em querer exibi-lo como um troféu, anunciando a todo canto que aquele era seu filho, lhe atribuindo um sobrenome que Zagan nunca tinha tido interesse em usar, especialmente depois de ter abandonado a mãe à própria sorte. O garoto não se agradava nem um pouco com a insistência do pai, mas para sua sorte, ela não durou muito mais que um ano.
E, se Malthus Gunnhildr foi encontrado morto após cair do parapeito de uma das janelas mais altas do instituto, talvez fosse porque ele não era forte o suficiente para ser um soldado.
Rán, uma Aquaris de oito anos de idade, com escamas azul cobalto em quase toda a extensão de seu corpo e douradas no peito e nos veios das asas. Ela tem uma personalidade aventureira, juvenil e levemente sarcástica.
Manifestação animal: Suas unhas crescem em garras, mas Zagan não permite que isso aconteça, sempre deixando-as o mais aparadas possível para esconder essa característica. Porém, qualquer um que preste atenção, nota que elas possuem um formato diferente de unhas normais.
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potions | regulus black
pairing: regulus black x fem!reader
summary: regulus invites his potions partner over to his family home to “help her practice”
warnings: DUBCON (MDNI 18+), choking, smut, rough sex
────── ☾ ──────
When Regulus invited you into his home to use his in-house potions lab, you were suspicious. Regulus always had a darkness to him, and as your potions partner, he was never cruel to you, but he wasn’t the type to make such a kind gesture.
You accepted, knowing you could really use the extra practice. Regulus was talented at potions, and you felt bad that you were barely any help in class. As strange as it may be, you figured some extra time would benefit you, and Regulus could teach you and thing or two, if he felt kind enough to do so.
“Come on in,” he said, gesturing you through the door.
You smiled as you followed him through the house, the lighting almost as dark as his all-black outfit.
“I keep my potions stuff in here,” he said, pushing open the door to his bedroom.
“In your bedroom?”
“Mhm,” he responded, completely nonchalant about the fact you were in his personal space, while you felt it was a little strange. You didn’t know him too well, though you were attracted to him, and now you were only a few feet away from his bed.
He walked over to the table. “You coming?”
You swallowed and approached him, looking at the large collection of jars and ingredients spread out on the table.
“Should we maybe let your parents know I’m here? That there’s someone else in the house?”
Regulus chuckled. “The only other person here is my brother.”
“Sirius is here?”
Regulus shot you a look. You and Sirius had a weird past- you hooked up a few times at parties, you caught feelings and he didn’t, and you never spoke again. It was all ancient history, but you still tried to avoid being around him at all costs.
“Why does it matter?” Regulus asked.
“It doesn’t,” you spoke in a small voice, drifting your attention to the table, “so? What first?”
“Figured we could maybe just make sure you’re set on ingredients,” Regulus said. Everything he said was so dry, low, and monotone, and it sometimes made conversation hard.
“I think I’m comfortable with the ingredients side of things,” you told him.
“You’re not.”
You furrowed your brow and looked at him. “Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes I am!” you fought, “I know my own skill levels, Regulus.”
“I don’t think you do.”
He was so nonchalant about everything, reorganizing ingredients and setting up potion recipes as he spoke, as if anything he said didn’t matter.
You sighed and gave up fighting it, letting him take control and decide where to go from here. There was no point in going back and forth on the same thing over and over again.
“How about we just start with Shrinking Solution?” Regulus asked.
“Fine by me,” you answered.
Regulus backed away from the table, watching you do nothing. You looked back at him. Did he expect you to just do it?
“Well?” he said, “make the potion.”
You sighed. Sometimes he was so annoying and condescending. You looked at the unlabeled recipe and removed 7 red rose petals from a case of singular petals.
You began to drop them one-by-one in the boiling water. You looked at Regulus, who nodded at you to keep going. “How difficult,” you said sarcastically.
Remus folded his arms in front of his chest, watching you carefully.
You added five drops of essence of violet, stirring counterclockwise exactly twelve times.
“I don’t remember shrinking solution having essence of violet,” you told Regulus.
“Are you claiming my recipes are wrong?”
“No, I’m just saying.” You sighed and continued with the recipe, counting out 4 cloves and prepping canary flight feathers.
He didn’t say a word, just watching you make the potion, until you had completed the instructions.
“I also don’t remember it being pink,” you pouted, looking confused at the pot.
“I could have sworn this potion had daisy roots somewhere-“
“Would you relax?” Regulus questioned.
“Something just feels off about it,” you said, inspecting the liquid.
“Does it smell right?” he asked.
You leaned in and sniffed. The potion smelt like lavender, vanilla, freshly cut grass, and all your favorite smells.
The smell maintained throughout the smoke that you breathed in, overtaking your senses and filling your lungs. “Fuck that smells good,” you giggled.
Regulus crept behind you as silently as he could. When you stood up, he was directly behind you, your back almost banging into his torso.
You spun around to meet his gaze. “Can I help you with something?” you asked.
“I don’t know, can you?”
Your eyes locked for a moment, and you were suddenly overtaken with adoration.
“I think I probably can,” you said, all logic going out the window as the potion took over your emotions, your focus completely on Regulus.
“Atta girl,” he tsked, gripping your waist as he looked down at you. “How you feelin’, pretty girl?”
You were overcome with intense emotion, but you fought to remain grounded in reality. “You motherfucker,” you said, letting Regulus know that you were aware he had you make the wrong potion. This was not Shrinking Solution, this was Amortentia.
“No idea what you’re referring to,” he said.
“You know,” you started, twirling his already wavy hair in your fingers, “you could have just asked if you wanted me.”
“Now could I?” he asked, intrigued and eager to hear you continue talking.
“I thought I wasn’t your type.”
“You slept with my brother, did you not?”
Your eyes widened a bit. “And you know that how?”
“He’s my brother,” he said, holding you closer to him, his tone finally lifting to a bit lighter of a place, “and I’ve been keeping tabs on you.”
You giggled. “Have not.”
“I have been,” he admitted, “had to make sure you weren’t fucking anyone who didn’t deserve you.”
“I haven’t been fucking anyone,” you told him honestly.
“I know.”
“You wanna know why?”
His gaze darkened.
You sighed, “the only person I’ve wanted to fuck is standing right in front of me.”
Regulus growled, gripping your waist even harder and pulling you even closer. “Then what did I do all this work for? Getting you over here, the Amortentia, you’re telling me I worked for it for nothing?”
“Maybe,” you giggled, amused at how much thought and planning went into getting you here. You weren’t obvious about your attraction to him, but it couldn’t be that hard to notice.
“I feel drunk on you,” you admitted.
Regulus smiled. You had never ever seen him smile before. You didn’t even know he was capable.
“You’re so pretty when you smile,” you said genuinely, a hand moving upward so you could run a thumb over his cheek.
He couldn’t help himself anymore, he crashed his lips onto yours. Your hand found it’s way to the back of his head, holding him closer. You whimpered into the kiss, desperation overtaking your body. You couldn’t help it, the scent of the potion was still filling the room, and you were consumed in Regulus.
“I want you,” you said in between kisses, eager to finally get what you wanted.
Regulus didn’t break the kiss or loosen his grip on your waist, but instead inched you closer and closer to the bed. You felt the back of your knees hit the mattress, and you jumped up, attempting to land on the mattress, but Regulus caught you, forcing you to wrap your legs around his waist.
He leaned over you, your back touching the mattress as you kept your legs around Regulus. He remained standing, the small of your back at the edge of the side of the bed.
Regulus finally broke the kiss, running his hands all over your body and inspecting every single inch of you. “I’m gonna make you scream so loud that Sirius will realize what he’s missing.”
You couldn’t help it, you started laughing. Your heightened emotions won, and the more you tried to stay quiet, the more hysterical your laugh became.
Regulus slapped your thigh. “What the fuck is so funny?”
“Shut up,” Regulus demanded, kissing you to distract you from the hysterics in your brain. You melted back into him, forgetting why you were even laughing in the first place.
You were still having too much fun to let him win so easy, and you liked watching him work for it. “Make me.”
Regulus cocked his head to the side. “What did you just say?”
A giggle threatened to leave your lips. “I said make me.”
A hand suddenly squeezed around your throat, not completely cutting off your breath, but stopping your giggling.
Regulus flashed you a wicked smile. “That seemed to work, didn’t it?”
“Y-yes,” you squeaked out.
Regulus moved a hand in between your bodies, cupping your heat from on top of your underwear. You inhaled sharply, desperate for any sort of friction.
Regulus tucked his fingers into the band of your underwear, collecting your wetness with his middle finger as he traced it in between your folds. A sigh of pleasure escapes your lips, and Regulus watched your face intently.
You thought he was going to continue on like this, slowly working you up until you were ready for him, but Regulus had other ideas. Without warning, he shoved two long fingers inside of you, his palm resting on your clit and circling, as his fingers pumped in and out of you.
Your body responded, back arching off the bed, a hand still around your throat. You squirmed a bit, unable to stay still from the sensation.
Regulus watched your chest rise and fall as your back arched and fell, his cock hardening as he watched what he did to you.
He curled his fingers, hitting that gummy sweet spot within you, causing your walls to convulse around his fingers. “That’s it, pretty girl,” he cooed, “come for me.”
His words undid you, the coil of tension within you breaking as you came on his fingers, whines and whimpers constantly filling the room as you calmed down from your high. He pulled his fingers out of you, never breaking eye contact as he sucked your juices off of them.
Once his fingers were licked clean, he unwrapped your legs from his waist, removing his hand from your throat.
“Stay,” he commanded as he untied his pants, pushing them, along with his underwear, down enough to free his hard and swollen cock.
You let out an audible gasp at the size.
“What? Too much for you?”
“How-“ you didn’t even know what to say, “how is that gonna fit in me?”
“I think you’ll be fine, pretty girl.”
Regulus held his palm in front of your mouth. “Spit.”
You did as he said, and he used your spit to wet his cock, lining up his tip with your entrance.
“You want this?” he asked.
“Yes, Reg,” you replied.
Regulus almost showed you mercy when he heard the nickname, it just sounded so pretty coming from you, but he still didn’t. “Beg for it.”
You nodded your head no in protest.
A hand grabbed your face, pushing your lips out and positioning your head so that you had no choice but to look him in the eye. “Beg. For. It.”
“P-please, Regulus I n-“
Regulus slapped your cheek, hard. You gasped at the pain, almost stunned that he did such a thing.
“Use that pretty little nickname you called me.”
“Please, Reg, I need it, p-please-“
Regulus shoved his length into you, a moan of his name leaving your lips.
“Fuck, Y/N,” Regulus growled, setting a steady pace as he pumped in and out of you. He tugged at the bottom of your dress. “Off.”
You did your best to pull your dress off without interrupting his pace, struggling for a minute but eventually succeeding. Regulus leaned in and bit at your bra strap, snapping it back onto your body. He kisses the top of your breasts, shoving your nipples out of the cups, his tongue immediately sucking on one of them.
“Fuck!” you cried out, the pleasure of his mouth on your breasts and his cock splitting you open, and the scent of the potion still filled your nose, almost feeling like too much.
“Louder,” he demanded, serious when he said he would make you scream so loud that Sirius could hear you.
“Fuck, Reg!” you screamed at the top of your lungs, his pace quickening as you did so.
“Good girl,” he praised.
He sucked a sweet spot on your neck, your head rolling to the side to give him even more access.
He was slamming into you, the bed squeaking as your body rocked back and forth. Your legs were weak as they fell off the side of the bed, but Regulus didn’t want the position to change. He grabbed both of your legs, positioning them over his shoulders and fucking into you even deeper.
You squeaked and whined, not even capable of any genuine moans anymore.
“You gonna come again, huh? All over my cock?” Regulus gasped out.
“Words, pretty girl.”
“Y- yes!” you squealed, your high hitting you again as you squeezed his cock, a groan leaving Regulus’s mouth as he fucked you while you came, pace never faltering as you attempted to come down from your high.
Regulus was still chasing his own, his lips enveloping yours in a heated kiss as he snapped his hips as fast as he could until he came inside of you, erratic breaths and sighs spilling into the kiss.
“Fuck,” he said, running his fingers through his hair that was sweat slicked and falling in front of his face.
“God, I needed that,” you said, attempting to catch your breath as Regulus laid down next to you.
Regulus didn’t respond, he just stared at the ceiling, calming himself down.
“Reg?” you asked.
“You didn’t bring me here just to fuck me and piss your brother off, right?” you asked.
Regulus turned to you. “Do you think that low of me?”
“No. I’m just curious,” you explained.
“No, I didn’t bring you here to piss my brother off,” he answered, “it’s just a massive, massive plus.” He rolled over the placed a kiss on your lips.
#regulus black#regulus x y/n#regulus black x y/n#regulus black x reader#regulus x reader#regulus black imagines#regulus black fanfic#regulus black smut#marauders#marauders era#marauders era smut#marauders era fanfic#marauders era imagines
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another req.... lando with desi reader struggling with spice, he is trying to keep a brave face because theyre with family... but is suffering so bad lmaooooo while reader is relaxed lol.. and then lan doesnt hear the end of it obviously because thats our ghora pakora
gora pakora ୧⋆。🕯. -ʚɞ
·˚ ༘ ln x desi!reader 𓌉◯𓇋
·˚ ༘ fluff 𓌉◯𓇋
masterlist ☾☼
the dining room buzzed with chatter, laughter, and the occasional clang of serving spoons as platters of rich, aromatic food were passed around. lando sat stiffly at the long dining table, flanked by you on one side and your cousins on the other. the desi family hospitality was in full swing, with heaping servings of butter chicken, biryani, naan, and more spread out like a feast for royalty.
lando was no prince, but tonight he was treated like one. a fact that would have been delightful if he weren't trying to survive the heat level of the food.
"so, lando, how's it going?" one of the uncles asked with a hearty laugh as he watched him load his plate.
lando smiled tightly. "great! love the food, smells amazing.
and it did smell amazing. the problem was, his first bite had already set his mouth ablaze. his tongue felt like it was tangoing with fire. but he couldn't back out now. not when everyone was watching.
he glanced to you, sitting calm and composed, spooning extra spicy curry onto your plate like it was nothing.
"how are you doing this?" he whispered, his voice little louder than the laughter and chatter.
you looked up, puzzled. "doing what?"
"this." he pointed delicately to your plate, then drank some water. "it's like you're immune."
you arched an eyebrow, smiling in resistance. "lan, this is mild."
his eyes went wide. "mild?!" He had whispered the words, but they sounded like he'd yelled them across the family. some of the family members gave him some inquisitive glances, so he tried to cover that by laughing and shoving a huge chunk of naan into his mouth to swallow the flames. that didn't work.
one of your aunts spotted the discomfort. "lando beta, is the food okay?"
he nodded furiously, swallowing down what felt like molten lava. "oh, absolutely. delicious! best i've ever had."
you nudged him, barely concealing your laugh. "you don't have to lie, you know."
"yes, i do," he hissed through gritted teeth. "they'll never let me live it down."
by the third course, his brave face began to crack. his forehead was glistening with sweat, his cheeks were flushed, and he was on his fourth glass of water. meanwhile, you leaned over with an innocent smile and whispered, "you okay there, gora pakora?"
the nickname nearly made him choke. he gave you a half-hearted glare. "i am never going to hear the end of this, am I?
you had the audacity to smirk, patting his hand. "nope."
after dinner, lando excused himself to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face. his reflection told the story: red cheeks, sweat-dampened curls, and an expression that fairly shrieked, "what did I just survive?"
they reached the living room, where family gathered for chai and desserts. mango kulfi brightened up his face. he hoped his battered palate needed some soothing.
you made a place for yourself at the table; your cousin shifted over with an open grin to him.
"so, lando," the cousin started, "heard you race. pretty sure you were racing that curry tonight.
the room erupted in laughter, and lando groaned, burying his face in his hands. “oh, come on. cut me some slack.”
your dad chimed in, holding his tea with a twinkle in his eye. “you’ve got to build up your spice tolerance, beta. start slow, work your way up. like training for a race.”
lando lifted his head, trying for a playful glare. "i'll have you know, i'm very good under pressure. just not this kind of pressure."
"you'll get there," your mom said kindly, passing him a plate of sweets. "here, have some gulab jamun. no spice, promise."
he took a bite and sighed in relief as the sugary syrup melted in his mouth. "finally, something safe."
you leaned closer, grinning. “you’re such a drama queen. it wasn’t that bad.”
he raised an eyebrow. “not that bad? my tongue’s considering retirement.”
by the time everyone left, the family had officially adopted Lando as their favorite comedic punching bag. As lando and you walked to the car, the cool night air providing much-needed relief, he let out a long sigh.
"i could not have taken it sitting down," he said, turning to look at her. "I would have died before that."
"oh god, that was the spiciest meal i've ever had in my life,"
"what about the quadrant hot wings video?" you teased. "besides, your little drama was cute."
he turned and stopped on the sidewalk, staring at you. "cute? cute? i nearly fought my life over there!"
you let out a giggle, grabbing his hand to pull him towards the car. "alright, mere gore pakore, let's go before you start crying again."
he groaned, shaking his head as he climbed into the driver’s seat. “alright, gora pakora’s getting his revenge next week. you’re trying british cuisine.”
you laughed. “deal. good luck finding something with flavor.”
his mock-offended gasp was drowned out by your laughter as thw two of you drove off, the night filled with the sound of your banter—and his not-so-subtle vow to conquer spice one day.
i hope you like it! this is my prompt list, so y'all can select a number, give me a driver and i will write it as soon as possible! i also have a google form for a taglist if anyone's interested! you can sent in your requests here :)
taglist: @imlonelydontsendhelp ; @greantii ; @anamiad00msday ; @maketheshadowsfearyou ; @nocturnalherb16 ; @justaf1girl ; @peterholland04 ; @phobiccneel ; @winkev1 ; @alexxavicry
#f1#lando norris#formula 1#ln4#formula one#f1 imagine#lando norris imagine#lando norris x you#lando norris fanfic#lando norris x reader#lando norris x y/n#lando norris fluff#lando x reader#lando x y/n#lando x you#lando imagine#ln
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Star Player’s Secret
ִֶָ࣪☾. Jihyo x Fem! Reader
☘︎ Genre: Smut || College AU
☘︎ Summary: You were the star basketball player, and you were failing.. Maybe asking for help wasn’t so bad.
☘︎ W.C: 6.06k
☘︎ Warnings!: Mommy kink! Praise kink! Degradation kink! Top! Professor! Jihyo, Usage of pet names! Teacher x Student dynamic! Begging! Aftercare is mentioned.(ALL CHARACTERS ARE LEGAL.) R! Is around 21, Jihyo being 29.
☘︎ A/n: First smut? There is a bit of foreplay before we get wrecked by Jihyo:)
Alongside your sister, Hirai Momo, you two were in the basketball team and was busy preparing for one of the biggest games you two could ever compete in alongside your tem. What’s worse is that your tests were also coming up, low grades means that you can’t play or be kicked off the team. You can’t let that happen, you were one of the best players and there was no way you could let some letters determine whether you were allowed to play or not. You drank your water as sweat beaded down your forehead, a small towel resting behind your neck. You heard Momo walking behind you as she panted softly “Tests are coming up and your grades are on the verge of dropping low, N/n.” She pointed out, you rolled your eyes as glanced at her sitting on the bench “I know, Momoring.. Professor Lim already assigned a teacher to tutor me and I have a session with her later.” You sighed as you sat down beside her, you saw Dahyun and Mina, both good friends of Momo, heading your way. You gave them a tired smile as they waved at you and Momo.
“Dahyuniee~” You teasingly called out, Dahyun gave you a brief side eye before running to Momo and kissing her cheek. Your jaw dropped as Mina laughed “Dubu?! Why–How–” You feigned a gasp as Dahyun looked at you and laughed “Can’t I greet my girlfriend first?” She asks as you pouted, Mina chuckles before sitting beside you “It’s okay N/n, you have me.” She says as she leans her head onto your shoulder, Dahyun’s jaw dropping “Excuse me?! Hirai Y/n!! How dare you cheat on your one and only Dubu” She says as she dramatically falls onto Momo. Momo’s eyes rolling at her girlfriend’s antics. “Quit the act, Dubu.” You said with a sly smirk before standing up and sticking your tongue out “Now she’s sticking her tongue out to me!!” Dahyun continued, you gave up as you grabbed your phone and towel.
“Hey? Where are you going, N/n?” Momo asked “I have a tutor session with her in a bit. I have to freshen up.” You say with a shrug. You bid goodbye to your sister and friends before heading into the washroom. You put your towel down onto your gym bag before grabbing the extra set of clothes you have, you grabbed a spare towel as you went to shower. You entered the stall as you set your things onto the nearby chair before turning on the shower to a lukewarm temperature. You took off your clothes as you stretched a bit, your toned muscles flexing subtly as you walked over to the water. Sighing, you felt your body relax after a heavy training session, you started to bathe as thoughts clouded your head. ‘What if she’s strict?’ You thought as you shampooed your hair, shaking your head softly, discarding the thought ‘Then again, there’s a lot of pretty chill teachers in school nowadays.. ‘ You rinsed your hair before scrubbing your body ‘If she’s pretty.. Then that’s a problem..’ You chuckled before rinsing off and turning off the water.
You grabbed your towel as you dried yourself off ‘I’ll just brace myself for whatever there is to come. I badly need this anyway..’ You thought as you wore a fresh set of clothes, walking away from the washroom and into the locker room. You grabbed your socks and shoes before putting them on, neatly packing away your things then leaving the locker room. You checked your phone as you looked at the time ‘4:30..’ It read, you had your sessions with her every 5 pm, but you still need to find out which days suit both of your schedules, where it isn’t busy. You thought every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Those were the days you didn’t have to train as much as Momo, despite being the star player, you had to conserve your energy. You walked down the halls, occasionally glancing at your phone to where Professor Lim sent you the location of your meet up with your tutor.
You ended up in the library, like the text Professor Lim sent you, you sighed softly before pulling your hood up, not really wanting attention from the other students right now. Professor Lim knew about your popular reputation, hence giving you a secluded area to study with your tutor, you didn’t mind. You badly needed these sessions, you didn’t want to fall out of your team anyway, so you accepted regardless. You opened one of the doors to a private area, where you had to pay in order to be able to enter. Rarely does anyone use this section of the library, giving you the peace and privacy you aimed for. Your tutor was already there, you checked your phone, then the time, it being almost 5. You were a bit early, first impressions are everything, are they not? You walked over to her, her head perking up at the subtle noises and you swear your heart started to pound so loud, you bet the whole library could hear it. You swallowed a lump of saliva before smiling softly at her “Hey, I’m here for tutoring? I assume you’re the one who’s going to do it..” You say softly, she nods as she reciprocates your smile “Indeed I am, I’m Professor Park, but please, call me Ms. Jihyo.” She says smoothly, you nodded as you set your bag down onto the floor before sitting across her.
You took off your hood “Sorry about that, just didn’t want to catch anyone’s attention. They rarely see me in the library..” You say with an awkward chuckle, she smiles before sliding over the handouts “Let me guess, Chemistry has gotten you in a bit of a knot?” She says as she raises her eyebrow, you groaned at the name “More than a knot, it’s the one pulling my grades down.” You say in a bored tone as she chuckles softly, god.. Even her laugh sounds so elegant. “That’s okay, that’s where most people struggle nowadays and I’m more than glad to help you.” She says before leaning forward a bit “Let’s start?” She asks, you nod as you sat up and opened the handouts.
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You sighed as you finally finished the last problem, you looked over to her as she wore a soft proud smile “Good job, now.. Let’s discuss which days we’re going to meet that don't conflict with your training and my work, does that sound good?” She asks, you nod and lean back into the chair “I was thinking maybe Tuesday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Those are the days I don’t have training.” You say as she nods thoughtfully “Tuesday… I have departmental meetings, Wednesday is good, and so is Friday.” She says, you nod “So, no Tuesday?” You ask, she shakes her head “Take it as a rest day, but I might ask you to meet me at my office to give you some homework you can do to work on and pass it to me the next day.. Does that sound okay, Y/n?” She said, you sighed as you nodded “I badly need this anyway, I can’t afford to fail.” You say, she smiles softly “Don’t worry, it won’t be anything heavy.. More like recapping what we discussed the last time we had our session.” She said softly as she packed her things, you nodded as you grabbed your bag “Alright–Oh! Do you want my number? You know.. In case you aren’t able to meet me, you can just send the handouts and exercises to me.” You suggest. That was a lie. You just wanted her number to be able to talk to her, even out of school. “Oh sure, here, my number is…” You typed out the numbers as you thanked her and bid her goodbye, a bit sad that you were about to leave such a pretty woman.
You put your hood up and put your headphones on as you left the library, softly humming to the music. You walked down the halls to find your sister, or so you thought. You bumped into Sana And Tzuyu, not that you minded, they were great friends, but right now, you just want to go home “Hey there Y/n~” Sana said as you smiled weakly, Tzuyu acknowledging your presence by nodding “Hey there girls..” You say as you stopped by to chat to them, it’s been awhile since you actually talked to them. “Well, I’m tired from training.. I have to find Momo, I’m just hoping Dahyun doesn’t have my sister pinned onto the locker this time..” You say with a groan earning soft laughs from the two “Alright alright, I hope you find Momo, Y/n~” Sana bids goodbye before going back to chatting with Tzuyu. You made your way towards the lockers near the front door, which you hoped Momo was there.
Low and behold, you found your sister, and quite the sight. You rolled your eyes as Dahyun attacked her neck “Let go of my sister, Dubu.” You say as you open your locker and put your books in your locker, you hear Dahyun sigh as she pulls away “You're such a killjoy, you know that?” You roll your eyes as you put the lock back onto your locker “Mmhm? And I'm hungry so I need my sister.” You say nonchalantly as Momo fixes herself “I get it I get it, I'm also hungry.. Plus I think mom is waiting for us.” She says as she puts her bag in, not before kissing Dahyun goodbye, you gagged before walking ahead of her “Bye bye Y/n~” Dahyun teases as you waved “I'll see you tomorrow, Dubu.” You say as you and Momo leave.
You walked down the streets as you and Momo talked about strategies which can be used in the game. “By the way.. How was your tutor session?” Momo asked, you bit the inside of your cheek before you recalled all the moments you found yourself zoning out by staring at her whilst she discussed topics to you. “Yeah.. It was good, every Wednesday and Friday I have to meet her, which I don’t really mind.” You say as you two continued walking down the walkway “Oh? I heard it was Professor Park.” She says, you look at her with a confused glance “What–Where–” You stuttered as she laughs “Chaeyoung saw her enter the library whilst reading, and then a few minutes passed and she saw you walk by too.” She says with a shrug.
You sighed as you continued walking until you reached the entrance of the apartment you and your family lives in. It was a tall building, not that you mind of course “Ah, yeah it’s Professor Park..” You say softly as you two waited for the elevator “I heard she was strict.” Momo mumbled softly, you looked at her confusedly “What? She seems nice.. Well, for me.” You say as you two hear the elevator bell ding, you two enter and Momo presses the 7th floor button before watching the doors close “Mm, I don’t know.. But please for the love of Christ Y/n.. Please don’t fall for her like you did on Professor Yoo.” She sighs, you chuckled as the doors opened and you two leave the elevator, heading down the hallway to the apartment. “Okay, let’s not remind ourselves of how bad my ass was when I liked Professor Yoo.” You say as you hear Momo laugh “I’m serious this time, N/n. Let’s not repeat the same situation.”
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
You were sitting across Professor Park as you did the exercise she gave you, she was checking files and emails, clicking away on her laptop as she concentrated. You briefly glance at her, she looked pretty, the way her bony fingers typed away onto her keyboard, the way her eyebrows lightly furrowed as her eyes swirled with dedication and focus. The way she had her hair slightly messy, the way her cheeks looked cute to pinch.. The way her lips looked so kissable—“Y/n?” She called out to you, you shook your head slightly as your cheeks flushed into a light pink color “A-Ah–” You tried to explain yourself before you heard her chuckle “Let’s focus on our work, alright sweetie?” She says softly, you cleared your throat as you nodded “Right.. Right..” You muttered softly as you continued on the exercises she gave you “You’re.. One of the star players, am I right?” She asks out of the blue, you looked at her before nodding slowly “Yeah.. Alongside Momo, we’re one of the best players in the team.. Why do you ask?” You inquire softly as you lean back onto your chair, looking at her as if you never had the thoughts of grabbing her collar and kissing her on top of the table and—”Oh, I’ve heard about you but never really paid attention that much. I just wanted to confirm what I heard from other students.” She says as she crosses her arms, you have to swallow up a groan as you see her muscle flexing subtly through her sleeves, you nodded before distracting yourself with the last of the exercises.
“Say.. Why don’t you demonstrate some moves of yours to me later on, hm?” She says, you nearly choke on your water as you stare at her “Sure.. but wouldn’t that delay your time to pack and go home? You don’t really have to accompany me to the gym..” You say as you rubbed the back of your neck, she shakes your head “I insist, besides.. I want to see the star player in action.” She says with a teasing grin, your heart pounded as you chuckled “Okay.. If you say so, I’ll just text my sister that she can go ahead.” You say as she nodded, you pulled out your phone to text Momo that she can go back home before you. “How many games has the team won since you and your sister joined?” She asks, you look at her as you put your phone away, thinking for a moment before answering “About.. 23 games so far, we lost 6 games. But overall, the school has been thriving since we joined.” You say as you smiled softly as you remembered the victories the team achieved, she nodded before smiling as well “That’s good, I was never one into sports back in highschool.” You scoffed softly, looking at her with disbelief “How am I not surprised?” You say teasingly, she laughs at your words before looking back at you with a teasing smirk “Oh yeah? But don’t mistake me as a weak person, love..” She says in a low voice, you swear you can feel a throb somewhere else than your heart, you nodded as you reciprocated her smirk “And why shouldn’t I? Indulge me, Ms. Jihyo..” You say as you lean onto the table, she chuckles at this before leaning in as well “I work out, I do pilates.. Not to mention, weights as well..” She says in a bare whisper, your smirk widened “No wonder.. Your toned muscles suit you..” You say with a soft chuckle as you lean back onto your seat “Why, thank you sweetheart.. Now finish up, I want to see you play.” She says as she went back to checking emails.
You wore your hoodie with your jersey number as you dribbled the ball, you were at the gym, like you had planned.. Except now there was someone watching you as well. She had kept her word, she was sitting on the benches near your bag. You dribbled the ball a few more times and made your shot, scoring a 2 pointer from the lines, you glanced at her. She was staring at you diligently as you grabbed the ball, ran around while dribbling the ball, standing a bit farther away from the hoop, she crossed her arms as well as putting one leg over the other. She looked at you with a smirk, you breathe hitched softly as you made your shot, shooting in an easy 3 pointer. You did the last set of your drills before walking over to her whilst dribbling the ball.
“No wonder you're one of the star players..” She says as she claps softly, the sound echoing lowly around the empty gym.. “Well, even back in highschool, I was always on the team.” You say with a shrug as you drink water, taking your hoodie off as you stretch a bit, your toned muscles flexing. You glance at her, she is staring at your arms subtly before looking up to you with a raised brow “Is that so..” She says softly, you nodded as you put your hoodie onto the bag, now only in your shorts and compression shirt. Which not only defines your muscles more but shows how much you've worked for your form. You swear you saw a glimpse of her licking her bottom lip as she shifted in her seat. You grabbed a small towel before wiping off the sweat on your face, Jihyo stood up before standing in front of you, you looked at her curiously before she cups your cheeks gently and grabbed the towel from your hands and started to gently wipe away the areas you can't reach, your breath hitched because of the close proximity of the both of you, you looked down to avoid eye contact. Which did work but she lifted your chin up with her finger to wipe away the sweat on your forehead.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked at her face, you subtly bit the inside of your cheek as she finally finished wiping off the sweat off you, she gave you your towel and looked at you “I'll.. I'll get going now, I have to work on dinner.” She says softly, you nodded dazedly as she waved goodbye and left, leaving you in the empty gym alone, alone with your not so holy thoughts of what could've happened.. If you just.. Didn't hold back. You shook those thoughts away as you felt your crotch throb more, you groaned as you grabbed your stuff and left the gym, closing the door with a gentle thud as you made your way through the quiet hallways. You fidgeted with the strap of your bag as those unholy thoughts keep coming back, despite trying your best to shake it off.. But the way she cupped your cheek with such gentle touch, the way she didn't hesitate to help you wipe off your sweat in places you can't reach, the way she was so close to you.. As if you could kiss her if you had just leaned in..
✦•┈๑⋅⋯ ⋯⋅๑┈•✦
A few weeks has passed since your tutor sessions with her have started, your grades have been going up ever since. You kept going to the sessions as tests were now finished since you want to improve more.. And maybe see her more.. You sighed as you leaned back on your chair as you played with your pen, smoothly spinning it with the help of your fingers, you gazed at her before glancing onto the suit she was wearing. More thoughts came into mind as you bit the inside of your cheek. You didn't want this to happen, you never wanted this to happen, not after your past experience with Professor Yoo. You confessed, you got rejected as you expected, but ever since you never really fell for anyone else.. So why are you feeling the same feelings for Professor Park? You grabbed your phone as you texted Momo that you needed to talk to her after your session, at a place only the two of you know. You sighed as she sent a reply, saying that she'll meet you there.
You looked at Jihyo before finishing the exercises she gave you and slid it over to her side “I'm done.” You say as you packed your things, she nodded as she checked your papers. You stood up as you draped your bag over your shoulder, she looked at you confusedly “Isn't it too early for you to leave, Y/n?” She called out, you bit your lip before looking at her “Momo asked me to meet her.. I'm sorry.” You say softly, she nodded as she continued to check your work “Alright, I'll let you slide this once, Y/n.” She says, you had a confused look on your face as you could hear the cold tone in her voice “... Right.” You mumbled softly “I won't be able to meet you.. After this.” She says, you stopped in your tracks as you look at her “What?—What do you mean?” You asked, she glanced at you “I.. Well, I'm gonna be much busier than ever. The end of the semester is coming up and I can't risk it.” She says, you nodded. A part of you was relieved but a part of you wasn't. You weren't going to meet her which meant your feelings won't be able to develop into something more, which you don't want to happen. You could say you were 50/50 on this, but what can you say? You can't control her life and you know your boundaries. You said your goodbyes before you hastily left the library, you walked down the hallways as you stopped by your locker.
Dahyun was also there as she grabbed her stuff in order to do her homework for the night, she noticed you and decided to ask what's going on “N/n?” She asked softly, you shut your locker as you looked at her with a confused look “Yeah?..” She sighs as she walks over to you and holds your shoulder softly “What's up, I can tell something's wrong.. Even Momo sensed it this past couple of weeks, and then you decided to text her that you wanted to talk to her at your guys’ spot.. So what's up?” She said, you sighed as you found no escape to this question “... I am not making the same mistake again.” You say, Dahyun sighs softly as she hugs you “Momo is waiting for you..” Was the last thing she said before she bid you goodbye. You left the campus as you walked over to the nearby park in which you two claimed when you were younger, you went into the secluded area in the park which had an ethereal view of the lake, the sun's rays casting down onto the surface as it started to set. Momo was sitting on the grass as she waited for you, you walked behind her as you placed your bag down beside her before sitting down.
“Explain.” She said softly, you looked at her before sighing “... I think, I think it's happening again.” You say in a soft tone as you pull your knees closer to your chest. None of this wasn't in your plan, your plan was to only get your grades up, it never included having to fall for another teacher. Even if you were of legal age, rejection is a high chance due to your status and reputation in school.. And quite frankly, you didn't want to taint hers. “Y/n.. I warned you, didn't I?” She said with a soft sigh as she looked at you, you nodded as you looked at the reflection of the sky's rays casting into the lake “I know I know, I never wanted any of this to happen! It's just.. Happened, even against my will. I don't want this, I never… I don't want to hurt myself again.” You say as you buried your face into her arms, you hear Momo shift closer to you as she hugged you “Hey.. I'm just saying that since I know how hard you are on yourself.” She says as she pats your head softly, you look up to her with a small pout on your lips “Well.. Atleast I won't be seeing her after this day.. She's gonna be hell lot busier..” You say, Momo nodded “I guess that's a bonus.?” Momo said softly, trying to cheer you up, you chuckled as you leaned onto her.. Maybe this won’t be so bad afterall.
You sighed as you made your way to the office, you weren’t able to claim your jersey earlier with the rest of the team so you had to go alone, you knocked on the door before entering “Good afternoon, I’m looking for Professor Yoo?” You asked softly as a few teachers looked at your direction before minding their own business, Professor Lim smiled at you before nodding “Just sit by the couch Y/n, I’ll fetch her.” She says as she stood up from her spot and went deeper into the office. You nodded as you sat down onto the couch, waiting patiently, you glanced around to see if Professor Park was there but much to your dismay, she wasn’t. You leaned back onto the couch more before closing your eyes. You heard the door open and you opened your eyes a bit, you immediately sat up as Professor Park walked in, she wore another one of her work suits, you cleared up your throat as she made her way into the office. You sighed as you leaned back onto the couch once more with a soft groan.
God, she looks so perfect… So kissable and—”You called for me Y/n?” You snapped out of your thoughts as Professor Yoo stood in front of you, you nodded as you stood up “I’m here to claim my jersey.” You say softly, she let out a soft ‘ahh’ before telling you to wait for a bit before going back into her office, you looked down onto your phone and looked at the time, it was around 4:30 in the afternoon, you wanted to get some shots in the gym as Momo and Dahyun went out for their date this afternoon, which meant you can have your solo training. Professor Yoo came back with a neatly folded jersey with your jersey number. 21, Hirai Y. It said as you smirked proudly, your initial and jersey number. It never fails to make you fill up with pride. You thanked Professor Yoo before bidding her goodbye. You left the teachers’ office as you made your way to the gym.
Once in the gym, you went to the locker rooms where you placed your wallet and your bag into the locker. You grabbed your shoes and shorts before changing. After you changed you grabbed your phone and your ball. You made your way out of the locker rooms before placing your phone on the nearby bench. You jogged towards the court, ball in hand as you did some warm-up exercises first, you stretched then grabbed the ball. You did some drills and made some shots. Little did you know, you failed to notice a certain someone watching you from the entrance of the gym. You made your shot before the ball bounced towards their direction. You sighed, which was then replaced by a subtle surprised look.
Professor Park? Why was she here? There weren't any students aside from you. She stopped the ball from reaching the entrance by stopping it with her heel. Your breath hitched.. Oh how you wish you were the ball. “Y/n.” She called out, you tilted your head slightly as an indication for her to continue “Library by 5:30.” She said before walking away, you were confused on why. Before you could ask her, the door closed with a soft thud that resounded in the gym. You sighed as you made your way to the entrance and grabbed your ball. You only stood there, zoning out at the door she left. Your mind raced with thoughts.. Why would she call you to meet her? She was busy.. Unless.. No, you shook those thoughts away as you told yourself just to finish the exercises and go meet her in the library.
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You made your way towards the library as your mind raced with thoughts as to why she would call you. You decided to shake those thoughts away as you entered the library and made your way towards the paid area. You stopped at the entrance as you finally felt the nervousness running throughout your body as you reached out for the door handle, the paid part usually closes around 6 so you didn’t have a single holy thought on why she would have called you over. You decided to stop being a pussy and just decided to open the door. The lights were dimmed, which slightly limited your vision, you closed the door with a soft thud as you leaned against it. So far so good, but you couldn’t tell where Professor Park was.
You decided to look for her as you pushed yourself off the door. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat and the thudding of your footsteps. Your breath hitched as you felt someone behind you “I didn’t expect you to come..” She says huskily, you hold back a whimper as you two hear incoming footsteps. By instinct, you grabbed her waist and immediately pushed her against one of the nearby bookshelves. The librarian was humming to themselves as you two heard the lock click and the footsteps going away. You sighed in relief and looked at her, she had a small smirk painted on her face as she pulled you closer.
“Now.. Do you know the exact reason why I asked you to be here?” She asks, you shake your head softly “No..” You replied, you heard her chuckle lowly as she leaned in closer “I can’t hold back anymore.. Especially seeing you in that new jersey for your upcoming game? God..” She says, your breathing started to go uneven as you felt her breath tickled against your neck “Ms. Jihyo—” You tried to speak but you grunted as you felt your back hit the bookshelf softly “Do you have any idea what you do to me, Y/n?” She asks, you chuckle as you look at her “I have a brief idea.. And it’s far from holy..” You say, her smirk widened as she bit her lip “Good.. Because it’s anything but holy..” She says, you look at her and even before you could reply, she grabbed your cheeks and immediately kissed you. You had a moment to process before pulling her closer by her tie, she smirks into the kiss before running through her hand into your messy hair. You both pulled away a few minutes after, but just before you could speak, she started leaving kisses onto your neck, leaving small marks as if trying to own you. “Ms. Ji–Mm..” You hummed softly as you pulled her closer, she puts one of her hands onto your waist and the other onto your chest.
“Y/n.. Call me Jihyo..” She says as she pulls away slightly from your neck. You panted as you nodded “Yeah.. yeah just please–..” You panted as pulled her closer “Please what, Ms. Hirai?~” She says teasingly, you bit your lip as you glance down at her, lust swirling your eyes as your hips buckled towards her softly “I've waited long enough for this so don't fucking tease me.” You grunted as you heard her scoff softly “Such vulgar language.. Very well, I won't deny that request.” She says before diving back into your neck once more, leaving more marks and hickeys. You feel her hand gradually inching closer towards the area you needed her the most. You moaned out softly as your hips buckled more into her hand, she chuckled huskily as she coos “Look at the star player.. So fucking needy for her teacher..” She says as she bites your neck gently, you whimper as her hand toyed with the strings of your sweats “God—Jihyo, please..” You softly begged her, you needed her to touch you. “Tell me.. How bad do you want it?” She wanted you to beg. “S-So bad please I—” You grunted as you pushed you more ontl the bookshelf “Tell your professor.. No.. Tell your mommy what you exactly want.” Your eyes widened, before biting your bottom lip, bucking your hips towards her more “Mommy.. So bad.. Please.. I need you right now! God—Jihyo fuck me..” You begged, Jihyo had a proud smirk etched in her face as she finally snuck her hand into your crotch.
You moaned out into her ear as she teases you through the fabric of your underwear, feeling the wet patch “So wet for your professor.. How naughty..” She coos as she cups your face with her free hand, you were a moaning mess, breathing uneven, needier than ever, your mind was in a haze as all you can think about was Jihyo and Jihyo alone. She moved your underwear to the side as she started to rub the bundle of nerves on your wet pussy “Ji—fuck.. Jihyo—” You whimpered as she then entered your wet hole with her index finger “I'll go easy on you, love.. Don't want you limping your way out now, do we?” She says as she starts to finger you gently, letting you adjust to her. You moan into her ear as you pull her closer, wrapping your arms around her neck, trying to steady yourself against her “Such a cute thing to own.. Hm? Who's my good girl?..” She asks, you snuggled into her neck as she added another finger in your hole, gradually going faster “M-Me.. I'm your.. Fucking hell Jihyo.. I'm your good girl..” You replied, she smiled softly before going even faster, you moaned a bit louder this time, clutching on to her for dear life. You admit you've had one night stands here and there but when it's Jihyo? It's ten times much better than what you've experienced with drunken sex and hookups..
“You're so pretty like this.. Wanting me.. Needing me.. Such a pathetic excuse for a star player, don't you think?” God, the way she degraded you, you buckled your hips towards her hand, subconsciously grinding against her as you felt the knot in your stomach about to snap, she cups your cheeks gently as she pryed you away from her neck “My beautiful girl.. So pretty getting fucked by me..” You chuckled as you were clawing onto her suit “C-Cumming.. I'm near—Jihyo!—” The knot snapped as you drenched her fingers with your cum, she helped you ride out your high as she spilled endless praises “There you go.. That's it.. Good girl..” You tried to catch your breath but exhaustion started to kick in, even though you knew you could take more rounds.. Being fucked after having to solo train isn't really an ideal way to destress. She pulled her hand out of your sweats as she licked her fingers clean before kissing you, making sure you were able to taste yourself on her lips.
She pulls away before peppering your face with soft and gentle kisses “Text your sister.. You're staying over at a friend's house tonight..” She says, you look at her with a confused look before understanding “Right.. Right..” You nodded as you leaned towards her, resting your head onto her chest. You could hear her faint heartbeat as she softly rubs her hands onto your thighs “I need to take care of the star player, don't I?..” She said with a teasing grin, you smiled as you briefly closed your eyes “Yeah yeah.. You do..” You played her little roleplay, she smiles as she pulls you closer “So what's gonna happen?.. To us..?” You asked her, she looked at you before kissing your forehead. You wanted this to be more than just a one time thing. “Well.. What do you want us to be?..” You pondered before looking back up to her “More than a teacher and student duo..” You replied, she smiles as she rests her hands upon your waist, softly caressing the fabric of your shirt “Good.. Because I want that too..”
Now you were certain you were going to ask for ‘help’ every now and then.
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I am wondering if i can request a smut.. with Fractsidus Executioner.. Like ngl the fractsidus enemy in wuwa really got me into them like shittt hot even though part of their limbs almost like tacet discord parts… But mind make it the yn/reader sort of like flirt with him??
Only you my favorite tumblr writer that i can confess my ‘hear my out’ moment ‘cause ik damn well my friend gon judge me for liking THE fractsidus with extra two sharp arms
Hello hello hun!! Thank you for this ask! I'm genuily crying, you're so sweet!! 💕 Merry (late) Christmas to you too!!!! and!!! You are so RIGHT about the fractsidus, tbh they are all so hot!! (Also sorry if you had to wait a bit ehe~).
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧*ੈ✩‧₊˚༘⋆࿐ ࿔*:・゚
Characters: Fractsidus Executioner x gn!reader
tw: reader being flirty (first time writing it so sorry if it sounds cheeky), gn!reader, use of four hands (Fractsidus executioner), fingering, choking, size difference (reader can be read as chubby or not), public sex, jerking off (Fractsidus receiving), edging (reader to Fractsidus), sub!Fractsidus Executioner (if you squint), nipple play, riding, cumming inside, (if you squint) overstimulation and cockwarming.
Strolling down the little road, you watched the landscape. The trees where green, flowers were blooming, giving you a sense of peace and calmness. Their bright color shined when rays of sun hitted them. You smiled breathed all the fresh air. It feel all so relaxing. After some time of being in Jinzhou soon you will leave. And, no need to lie to yourself, you will miss all of your friends, the tasteful food, even the hard times. Jinzhou will be forever your home, in your heart.
Too busy to immerse yourself in the wonderful sights and memories, you didn't notice the Fractsidus Executioner that was on the highest cliff. The same cliff where your legs where walking you. Arrived near him, he soon was allerted, pulling out his weapon. Still looking at the beauty sight of the sky becoming orange, you feel a shiver going down on your back, as if your body suddenly sensensed something, or someone. You didn't turn around in time that you found the Fractsidus inferior arms around your neck.
You gasped for air but at the same time smirked. He wanted some fun? Then you'll give it to him. Putting your hands on his arms you gave yourself a push to overturn the situation: now you were on top of him as your hands were on arms, blocking them.
"What a lovely one you are" you said to him, enjoing see him struggling under you. The Fractsidus grunted, his infirior arms fighting to grab you.
"Don't worry, pretty boy, I won't hurt you" a hint of tease in your voice as you looked down on him. You were feeling very attracted to him and, not lie, but you haven't felt that type of touch in a while. His arms were now free and immediately, the infirior ones went to your aching spot. The Fractsidus smirked, teasing your sweet hole. You left out a tiny moan.
"Mr. Fractsidus you sure are an eager one" you smiled, bending yourself to kiss his neck. He hissed and thrusted his hips into yours. You felt his erection and bit your lip. The Fractsidus whined and humped you as his fingers entered your hole. You moaned and bit again your lip. You checked left and right if there was someone in sight, luckily for you, you two were all alone. Only nature sounds could be hear, together with your moans and his grunts.
"I like where this is going" you muttered as you lowered his pants. A whined left your lips. He sure was big, huh?. Ecstatic you took him in your hand, slowing moving them up and down. The Fractsidus grunted.
"Don't tease me" his voice was muffed by the mask and the bendages but that made you only hornier. His fingers were still thrusting into you and with his upper hand his pinched your covered nipples. You moaned and as he played more with them you felt your orgasm coming. As you gasped for air, you squeezed his cock. Precum was leaking from his greyish tip. Lowering yourself again you tasted him. He was a bit salty but still good. Your hand and tongue worked together and the poor Mr. Fractsidus was a whining mess.
"You know, I really like you" you said, making eye contact with him. He huffed. "You don't like to talk, huh? That's a shame" you scrolled your shoulder and as he moved with your tempo his hips, suddenly you remove your hand from his lenght. That's what such a pretty boy like him gets~.
"Why would you do that?!" he shouted, not enough to scare you.
"Because you're pretty".
He scuffed, his cock twitching from the missed orgasm. You looked down at his cock again and, taking him into your hands, slowly and tortously, you put his cock inside you. You both moaned and, not resisting your warm and tight walls the Fratcsidus came inside you. You hold back a laugh.
He really is a cutie.
Without thinking, with his four hands he grabbed your wait, tummy and thighs and started to thrust like a madman into you. Moans left your mouth, eyes rolling back from the pleasure.
"Y-yes, that's it, nghhh" he gasped, feeling yourself clench around him. One of his hands was again on your nipple, teasing them. Too immersed in the pleasure, you tried to tease him back but his cock inside you was working wonders. It hitted all the right spots.
"I'm c-cumming" you cried out, moving up and down your hips, just like the Fratcsidus was doing. He grunted and with one last thrust he came inside you. Did that stopped him from continuing? Of course not. His hips were moving so fast that your head was spinning and your legs were about to give in. As the time passed by and Mr. Fratcsidus was still moving inside you. Finally, with a loud moan, you came, making a mess all around you.
Gasping for air, your body collapse right into Mr.Fractsidus chest. His hands now caressing your whole body. After a few minutes, still in his arms, the Fractsidus Executioner sat down. His cock was still inside you and the moment you removed it to dress up yourselves, you felt empy.
You looked at each other, the Fractsidus smile hidden behind his mask.
"What about we exchange conctacs, Mr. Fratcsidus?".
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧*ੈ✩‧₊˚༘⋆࿐ ࿔*:・゚
#.🔮#.asks🔮#monster x reader#monster x reader smut#monster smut#teratophillia#wuwa smut#wuthering waves smut#fractsidus executioner smut#fractsidus executioner x reader#fractsidus executioner x reader smut#tw: monster fucking
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— Stop, you’re losing me.

mingyu x reader || angst.
summary ; trying to save an already failing relationship is a lot harder when he forgets your birthday.
(not proof read lol)
Its your birthday, you’ve never made a big deal about it tell you met him. You still remember his shocked face and loud “WHAT” when you told him you dont found your birthday a big deal, its just another day. Ever since then, he always celebrated your birthday in fun surprises and dinners. He made it so important and meaningful for you, and the big part of that is because you know he’ll be there.
So your nothing short of despair when its past 5pm and he hasnt once messaged you. It’d be another thing if he just didnt message happy birthday, you wouldve been okay with goodmoring.
You sigh putting your phone down, bitting your lip as your eyes water. It shouldnt be this serious, you’ve never even cared about your birthday before, so why dose it hurt so bad now?
That god damn Mingyu.
He used to be such a soft spoken soul, aiding to your needs as you do with him, those first few years of your relationship. He confessed to you in your own backward, he put his effort and time into it. You can even smell the flowers that lead to Mingyu, see the lights that brightened his soft smile, that swift hair and tall figure standing nervously fiddling with the bouquet in his hands. And who could forget the blush that tainted his face and ears, tears threatening to jump out after you said “yes.”
Now, your even lucky if he stays with you a whole day. Its always this or that driving him away. When he left your sisters engagement dinner because a friend of his needed help moving in, or when he canceled a date because he forgot a “really super duper important project” as he said. The nights he wouldnt call, the empty king bed. The second toothbrush that hasnt been moved in 2 weeks.
It drove you insane, but you still gave him the benefit of the doubt.
“Maybe he’s busy”
“Hes probably sleeping”
“God his phone must’ve died”
Your friends would yell at you over text, spamming you with the reality check you needed, but never could deposit. After pacing around the kitchen trying to ignore the cute cake you bought with a sad candle slowly sinking into it. You pick up your phone and call him.
Did he just hang up on you..?
No, he would have to be crazy.
You call again.
Same fucking thing, even quicker just 2 rings in.
You open his contact info, trying to see where his location would put him.
“No Location Found.” You curse, what is he hiding? Your mind leads to the one scenario you’ve been dreading, infidelity. The thought of him cheating makes you wanna throw up, but sadly its a most common event. You’re just so done with everything, putting the cake away into the fridge and changing clothes. Its now 6:42pm and with the major headache you have, you simply decided to sleep it off. Hugging the build-a-bear Mingyu bought you a year back, it muffles your sobs, soaking in the tears.
It’s cold and dark when your awaken by an extra weight adjusting it’s self onto the right side of the bed. You recognize it all to well. Mingyu pulls the covers over himself, giving you a small peck on the tip of your ear.
“You’re home” you say, your drowsy and hurt voice clear.
“Yeah- im sorry im so late” he whispers to you
“There's cake in the fridge”
“Cake? For what”
You sigh, “My birthday”
You can hear his breathe hitch.
“Fuck- Baby im so sorry. I didnt mean to forget. I was just so bus-.”
You sit up.
“Busy,? from what? So busy you couldnt even text? Because clearly it wouldnt have taken as much time as hanging up on me and turning off your location did. So if ‘busy’ is some new slang for ignoring then that makes way more sense.”
“I didnt even know you called, i swear. My location should be on babe.. I” He mumbles on
“Then whos hanging up on me? Making sure i dont know where your at? Is she fun?”
Mingyu’s eyes widen
“What are you talking about?”
“Her, you know.. Is she attractive? What is it huh? Skinner than me? Or maybe blonder? Or is because you dont need to be responsible for her?
“Baby no, its none of that.” He grabs your shoulders.
“I love you, calm down”
“How can i?” You exclaim, jumping off the bed.
“You missed my birthday! I waited for you like some stupid dog! I felt so stupid.”
“I dont understand, birthdays were never that big of a deal for you”
“They werent until you made it a problem! Now look at me” you say, the tear stained face and puffy cheeks evident.
Mingyu gets up, walking over to you.
“I know ive been distant, let me make it up to you”
“Where were you tonight?”
He stays quiet for a moment, taking a deep breathe
“My friend he uh… invited me to a club” he quietly says.
“Oh. Okay.”
“Mingyu, get out”
“What?” His heart drops.
“Get out! Did the club music deafen you?? I want you gone” You yell, tears streaming down your face as you push him out. Though you have little to no affect of moving his body, it makes it all the more depressing.
“Okay…Okay..” He quietly says, grabbing his phone off the dresser. Looking down at you with remorseful eyes. His heart aching at the messed up state your in. And its because of him, god.
You slam the door behind him, locking it. You sigh before faintly walking back to your bed.
And theres your build-a-bear, ready to be hugged and to soak all your tears again.
Atleast, that comforts you.
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I love everything you write feat Larissa Weems esp sub!Larissa, do you have plans to write more of that? If not I'd love to request some but everything is completely up to you, I just love the idea of her trusting someone enough to submit like that!
𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬
𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 - [𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰 𝟏𝟖+]
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Larissa Weems x Shapeshifter f!reader words: ~2.7k 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: texting, fluff, photos, voice messages, NSFW, sub!Larissa, dom!Reader, g!p Reader, shape shifted dick, oral sex, pinning, fingering, overstimulation, slight voyeurism, dumbification, marking, scratching, praise kink, slight degradation
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 see above
AO3 link in title ✧・.☽˚。・゚✧ :══════⊹⊹══════: ✧・゚。˚☾.・✧
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a/n: i looooovvvee sub!Larissa and I think it's definately going to start showing more in some of the things I put out. i love the idea of her trusting someone like that. She's been through so much, so allowing herself to give her body to someone can mean more than what meets the eye.
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You had left your shared questers a bit earlier this morning, with the hope of getting some extra work done to share a better weekend with Larissa. You hadn't been gone for long, only about 10 minutes until your class was to start for the day, when you saw an abundance of messaged being sent to your phone. It wasn't often that you found your phone blowing up with messages from your lover, but when it did it was always full of a night of fun.
You had gotten a few messaged from her while you were grading your last paper, and decided to look at all of them when you were finished. The constant flashing of your phone screen and the small buzzing against the desk did a good job in distracting you, however, and ultimately left you with the assignment nearly finished.
You grabbed your phone, quickly typed in your password, and opened your messages as the first small group of students had walked into your class. You looked up and gave them a small 'good morning' before throwing your focus back to your woman.
When you had looked back at your phone, there were more messages being thrown your way, photos stacked together of her in the most delicious lingerie you had seen her in to date. The dark colors contrasted her pale skin in a way that made your mouth water. As you scrolled through all of them, the air from your lungs stilled and your heart rate quickened. When you scrolled back to the bottom, there was one message from 15 seconds ago.
Riss: Like what you see? I've heard I can be quite the distraction..
Y/N: If I knew you were sending me these, I would've opened my messages much sooner.. Such a beauty for me, aren't you?
Your face paired with a deep blush and a smirk had made a home on your lips. You scrolled back to the photos, lost in the traces she always managed to capture you in, before being shocked back to reality as the school bell rang through the room.
Riss: Better get to work - I'd hate to be the reason you couldn't focus
Y/N: You should do the same, hmm? Focus for me, love. You might get rewarded at the end of today, so behave
With that you let out a sign as you stood, clicking your phone off and placing it into a drawer for safe keeping. You looked around the room, seeing your students all ready to learn, and smiled.
Throughout your lessons, your mind had wandered back to the photos that plagued your mind. There were moments where you had your students doing independent work at the end of your classes and you had caught yourself simply staring at your computer screen as you imagined everything you could do to her..
The way the lingerie hugged her body was enchanting, the lace highlighting every curve and the sheer fabric leaving nothing to the imagination.. Her skin was the mere empty canvas that you were sure to fill up with your art when you were able to capture her in your arms, pulling the fabric off her body as your cold fingertips left goosebumps along her skin, grabbing onto her hips as she arched into you with every mark.
You were once again snapped away from your desires when there were questions about the assignment being thrown your way. You stood from your desk, feeling the warmth that had pooled between your thighs, and went over to answer any questions or clear up any comments they had.
This was going to be a long day..
Your lunch break had come at an agonizingly slow pace - looking at the clock multiple times over the hours that had passed didn't help either. You were lucky to have your classroom alone, ushering the last student out of the room, before shutting and locking the door.
You basically ran back to your seat. Hearing your phone buzz in your desk drawer only made you riled up, especially because you knew each message was from your good girl..
You threw all focus out the window as you leaned back against your office chair, phone in hand. Your breathing had already picked up significantly, and you were waiting for your brain to absolutely short circuit at anything else she managed to come up with.
You had to stop yourself from drooling as you opened the app, a segment of photos allowing her sliver of control to unfold. There were groups of photos, all seemingly going together as she slowly had less clothing on in each one. The first was her taking off her coat and settling herself on the bed, photos being taken from the reflection of one of the mirrors or with her front camera. The next was her slipping off her dress, the pale skin becoming exposed within the walls of your shared bedroom.
The last nearly had you calling out for the rest of the day. The first photo in the group was a body shot of her in the lingerie she showed you this morning, followed by one with her hand between her thighs, then her fingers moving the fabric away to show how incredibly drenched she was, then her fingers running through her folds, and the last one showing her fingers knuckle deep in her cunt.
The last segment was sent three minutes ago..
Y/N: What did I say about behaving?
Riss: I took it as a suggestion
Y/N: One you didn't follow
Riss: Correct - and one I won't follow today
The last text from her made you groan, and you knew she wouldn't let up. The fact was proven as your own message was cut off from another one sent from her - a beautiful voice message full of her moans..
The sound of her made your your body curl forward in heat, electricity course through you, and make your whole body tingle. The want that settled itself between your legs only grew, and you couldn't wait for this work day to be over.
Y/N: You better not cum. You'll edge yourself until it's my fingers, my cock that fills you. Understood?
Riss: Yes, Y/n
Y/N: Good girl..
You were practically running through the halls after you cleared out your classroom, after you gathered all your things and locked your door like a madman. She sent you updates, proving to you that she didn't cum, proving that she could be a good girl for you..
And it only made your body ache and burn with immense need..
You barged into her office, dropping your things by the door and locking it behind you, before stalking over to your shared quarters. You could hear her muffled moans through the wood, but nothing could've prepared you for the sight you were about to see.
She was sprawled out onto the bed, her lingerie still on as one hand pumped her fingers in and out of her core at a slow pace. Her head was thrown back in pleasure, and you could barely see the tears that were threatening to fall from the amount of times she almost reached her peak. Her face and chest were flushed, a sheen of sweat covering her pale skin as her body trembled.
Suddenly, you were eternally thankful that it was the weekend.
“Y/N, I-“ She was cut off by her own moans, her fingers working at a quicker pace as her eyes filled with desperation. “Plea- Please.. I need you-“
“You have no right to beg for me, my love.” Your voice boomed as you treaded over to her, taking your shirt off before placing your body above her own as you grabbed her hands, removing her fingers from her core and pinning them above her head. “Couldn’t wait for me, couldn’t behave.. It’s going to be so sweet destroying you…”
Your gaze filtered between both of her eyes, finding unquenchable need swirling in them. You took her hand and saw the slick that covered her fingers, before looking back at her and taking them into your mouth. Your eyes fluttered shut at the taste of her, your tongue swirling around her digits as her eyes burned into your every move.
You released them from your mouth slowly, loving the way her entire focus was on you alone, and pinned it back with her other hand. You moved your head low, down to her ear, and your voice rang out low, full of lust and the need to take her. “I wonder just how much you can take, just how many times I can make my goddess cum, hmm?”
You were met back with whimpers leaving her throat and her back arching into your touch. You kissed along her jawline, stopping just above her lips, and whispered against them. “Color?”
“Gre- Green.. please-“
Your lips crashed into hers, your own need driving your actions as you swiped your tongue along her bottom lip. She gladly let you in, your tongues dancing together and translating the growing flame that traveled throughout your beings.
You kissed down her neck, meeting her pulse point and leaving a deep mark there, licking up the porcelain column right after. You were torturing her already; you could tell by the way her hips bucked and how ragged her breathing had gotten. “Absolutely delicious..”
You placed featherlight kisses down her body, your hands releasing your grip around her wrists and traveling underneath her to unclasp her bra, tossing it somewhere in the room right after. Your fingers traced over her breasts, squeezing the soft skin in the palms of your hands, feeling her nipples harden under your touch.
You licked over her right bud and rolled the other between your fingers, the action causing loud whimpers to leave the sapphire beauty. Her back arched, pushing her breasts into your touch, as your other hand scratched lightly along her side. You gave her other bud the same attention, pulling back after and adoring the marks that were left along her skin, adoring just how much she wished that you would dive into her, give her what she wants, what she needs..
It only urged you forward, even if it was at a torturous pace..
You kissed down her body, marking up the canvas that she provided you, and had to stop due to the overwhelming desire that the smell of her arousal had filled you with. You moved your hand down to her hips and tore away that separated you from her core. She was drenched, her own arousal flooding out of her.
“All this for me?”
"Yes- Yes, Y/n please.. I need-"
You cut her off before she could finished her sentence, your tongue running through her folds at an excruciatingly slow pace, putting pressure against her clit before you pulled away completely. You were met with protests, whimpers and whines from the blonde, only to be cut off by her moans as you did the same thing.
You loved toying with her
But as her hands met your shoulders, digging her nails into your skin, as her moans got louder and less filtered, you lost the rest of your resolve.
Your tongue moved in and out of her core, fucking her and collecting everything she had to offer as your hands locked onto her hips, keeping her from moving as you made her see stars. Her first orgasm came fast, her thighs flexing and threatening to close around your head.
You moved your tongue to circle her clit to build her up for the next one, pushing two fingers into her core and moaning as her walls clenched around them. You felt her back arch underneath you, hearing her moans grow higher in pitch made your own arousal flood between your thighs. "F-Fuck! Pleas- Pleaseplease- so good"
Her moans slurred her words together, and you knew she was nearing her second orgasm soon. You applied more pressure to her clit, curling your fingers in a way that had her falling over the edge all over again. You built her back down from her high, taking a moment to take off the rest of your clothes before kissing back up her body.
She grabbed your jaw and pulled you in for a passionate and heated kiss. You shifted the lower part of your body as you kissed her, your length rubbing against her core and making her break the kiss. "Y/n.. can you- could- Gods, fuck me- please.."
"Anything for you, my darling.."
You kissed her once more, translating more softness in the touch, as you moved a hand down and lined up your member with her core. Her eyes widened slightly as you teased her entrance, always forgetting just how much of you there was.
“You can take it, sweet thing.. Gods, you feel amazing around me..” You pushed inside of her, the overwhelming pleasure making your head fall and your eyes flutter shut. Fucking Larissa was always a pleasure, both of you understanding just how delicious it was to fill the other and feel everything, but with how she was acting today, it made fucking her senseless all the more better.
"I can- I can, y/n.. I want all of you.." Her nails scratched into your back as you continued to push into her.
“That’s my girl..” Your hips met hers, and you took the time of her adjusting to your length to move down to her ear and whisper out to her. “You look divine beneath me, taking all of me like a good little slut, absolutely beautiful taking my cock like the whore you are, hmm?”
She gave you the signal to move, and the sensations that coursed through your body were divine enough to nearly make you double over. Your thrusts got rougher, faster in pace, and you moaned low above Larissa at the feeling of her around you.
"Such a good girl for me, hmm?" You moaned loudly as she clenched around you at the praise you threw at her.
"Yes- your good girl, so good-" Her head was thrown back in pleasure, her brows furrowed closely, and her eyes half lidded in lust. She was close, the way her nails dug into your back and the way she urged you to go faster made that apparent. You felt your own high coming, building behind your navel and tightening, ready to snap.
"I-I'm close.. let- let me cum- please-" You loved the way she begged, her pleas falling from her lips so easily for you.
"Cum for me, love.. Let go - I got you.." You whispered low into her ear, your words being the allowance to send her over the edge and you to follow right after her.
The room filled with your high pitched moans and heavy breaths, a layer of sweat resting along the skin of you both at the actions you'd both been through. You gently pulled out of her and shifted back to your normal form, only to be met with whimpers from your lover beneath you.
"I know, baby.. I know, I'm sorry.." You planted kissed all around her face and gently rubbed your hands along her sides, in acts of reassurance. "Let me clean you up, hmm?"
You were back just as quickly, a glass of water and a wet, warm rag in hang. You moved her to sit up against the pillows, holding the water to her lips and allowing her to drink as much as she wanted. You placed it on your bedside table, and moved to softly clean her up, tossing the rag aside when you were all done.
You moved the covers back, moving her body under them, and covering you both right after. Pulling her into your arms was the greatest reward - the way she nuzzled into your neck and placed soft kisses along it only making your heart soar.
"I wasn't too much, was I? You're okay?" Your fingers traced along her sides and rubbed warm circled on her back. It was always important to you to make sure she truly enjoyed herself and everything that had taken place.
"It was amazing.. You're perfect, my dear.." Her voice rang out against your skin, her accent filling your ears and easing all your worries. You pulled her impossibly closer, your legs tangling together as your breaths traveled along each others skin.
Your hearts were happy there, and it reminded you both how everything about you two was much better than the photos.
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𝐚/𝐧: i know i say this every time, but this one was so fun to write.
i've realized how much i adore sub!Larissa, and i've also seen shapshifter!Reader float around more recently
which made this absolute joy of a fic
i hope you enjoyed this, anon, because i definately enjoyed writing it
if you saw errors no you didnt <3
~ 𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐯𝐲𝐧
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: (tagged anyone who asked/wanted to be on the "all works" taglist)
@autumn-leaves-chasing-breeze @weemssapphic @readingtheentrails @finnja555 @barbarasstar @s-c-rambledegggs @vendocrap8008 @gwendolinechristieiscute @lilfartbox1 @agathaandgwenslesbian @lvinhs @elvira-dear @kimiinou
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#crowravencrow#larissa weems#larissa weems x reader#principal larissa weems#principal weems#larissa x reader#principal weems x reader#principal larissa weems x reader#larissa weems x y/n#sub!larissa weems#larissa weems smut#principal larissa weems smut#sub!larissa#anon answered#anonymous#anon ask#anon#send anons#asks#answered#inbox#wlw smut#wlw fanfiction#wlw fanfic#fanfiction#fanfic#fanfictionwriter
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: sully kids x hard of hearing metkayina gn reader (platonic)
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: In a search for a way to communicate with you, the family has to master Na'vi sign language. Along the way of teaching them, however, you learn more about yourself.
This is a gender neutral version of a previous fic! If you have read it, it is the exact same thing.
ʀᴇ𝐐: yes ~ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 6776 ~ male reader vers.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: feelings of shame and embarrassment, struggling to hear and understand people (and yourself), hints of angst
ᴍᴀʏʙ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛᴇ: to check the original notes, check the male reader vers. (this version has more words because I included the extras) - There aren't actually many pronouns or moments referring to the reader in my fics that aren't in second point of view. Knowing this, I only skimmed through. If you encounter anything I missed along the way, don't hesitate to tell me. I WILL make the necessary changes.
Ever since you were a kid, you had always loved the ocean. The Metkayina clan was a tribe of the water, the ocean, so it made sense; but unlike others your age who preferred to play with each other, you enjoyed being completely surrounded by Eywa’s children within the ocean.
You had no qualms with solitude, as all you needed was the sea; but eventually, it proved to be a problem.
The sea gives and the sea takes; it gave you a world to love and took your hearing.
Tsireya introduced you to Sully’s in their first lesson as one of the Metkayina who truly loved the ocean. “This is our best free diver,” She put a hand on your shoulder, “(y/n). You’re lucky I managed to find 'em.”
Instead of responding in some negative way at her comment, you grin and offer a small wave.
“How so?” Lo'ak questions.
Tsireya doesn’t answer outright. She giggles, “You’ll see.”
The chief’s children and you jump into the water, demonstrating the proper way to dive in that best transitions into swimming. The Sully’s, on the other hand, jump into the water as though in play.
You could see it in their eyes, their amazement. The sea was an entirely different world from the one above, it was something you loved about it.
Only the Na'vi and their animal companions mingled on the coast above. The ilu could be compared to their banshees, nothing special; and the people, though physically different, were still Na'vi.
You didn’t doubt that these water creatures were unlike anything they’d seen before, and you were happy that they were astonished with the wildlife you, too, loved.
You turn back forward to swim, knowing that they’ll follow. You show them the form, using your tail to help and keeping your body like a spear to be able to cut through the water.
You lead them deeper into the sea, but Ao'nung taps your shoulder. You turn to follow his finger, which points up.
The Sully’s were taking a breath of air. Right, that’s probably something you should teach them, but you were probably not the best teacher.
Within the water, your safe haven, you tended to forget many things, so you signed to them, keep going, forgetting they didn’t know how to sign.
You keep swimming, this time checking up on them as you reach an underwater slope. They were bad swimmers, it seemed, which is an idea sort of incomprehensible to you, as every Metkayina was basically born in the ocean. They pushed off of coral and rock formations to push forward and keep up.
They don’t even make it to you when they go back up for air.
What’s wrong with them? Ao'nung signs.
They’re bad divers. Rotxo replies. Though fingers and hands hardly conveyed emotion, you knew from Rotxo and Ao'nung’s generally jokester demeanor that he was making fun of them.
Stop, they’re learning. Tsireya scolds.
Whilst they talk to one another, you get distracted with something out of the corner of your eye. It was bioluminescence, hardly noticeable during the daytime, which is why it’s so curious. You forget the lesson at hand and follow it.
The chief’s children and Rotxo swim up to talk to the Sully’s where they will actually understand each other. It is only after Tsireya promises to teach them sign language, which Neteyam ignorantly describes as “finger talk”, that they notice you and their dear sister’s disappearance.
The bioluminescence you had caught came from a lone hammerhead squid, which is even more peculiar because it was alone. Perhaps it was paranoid, because when it saw you, it began swimming away with determination.
You struggle to catch up with it.
It dives behind large coral, hoping to lose you, but you always catch up. Hammerhead squids found safety in numbers, so they usually didn’t go so fast, which means it would tire out soon.
Knowing this, you kept up the chase. Regardless, however, it puts up a good fight.
It shoots out its ink prematurely. The black liquid disperses in the water, clouding much of the view ahead of you. Instead of swimming through it, you dive under, although you almost bump into a sharp rock. Narrowly, you avoid it, swimming up quickly once you’re past the ink.
Though you move past it, its original outcome–clouding your view–succeeds. When you clear the ink, you suddenly bump into someone.
Sorry. You sign, rubbing at your forehead where you’d bumped into her, so so sorry.
The girl before you is one of the Sully’s. Her eyebrows furrow, confusion in her face, but you misinterpret it as anger. Great, it’s the Sully’s first day in the clan and you were already giving bad impressions.
I didn’t mean to bump into you.
Her eyebrows furrow further. Ultimately, although she doesn’t like it, she decides to surface so that the two of you may speak. She points up and you understand.
Once you’re up at the surface, she says, “I don’t know what you’re saying.”
You had long since memorized the way one’s mouth moves when they say those words, and their variations, so you explain, “I was apologizing for bumping into you.”
Though the next couple words come muddled to you, you just barely catch her saying “alright” and a wave of relief washes over you. “What’s your name?”
“Kiri.” She gives you a polite smile.
“Nice to meet you, Kiri.” You nod. “I didn’t realize we’d lost you while diving. Why’d you wander off?”
“Oh, I um,” She worries that you may think her a freak, so she waters it down. “I got distracted.”
You chuckle, “Yeah, I get it. Happens a lot to me too. It’s like a different world, isn’t it?”
Her face lights up when you agree with her, “Yeah, it is.” She ached to observe it again, to be surrounded by Eywa'eveng. “Do you mind if I..?” She gestures down.
You tilt your head, confused. “You what?”
“Go down again.” Kiri mutters, little ashamed to say out loud that she’d rather be underwater than talk with you, but you manage to read her lips.
“Oh, of course I don’t.” You shake your head, “Actually, I was in the middle of finding something. Do you wanna come with?”
Though she much preferred to take the sights all in on her own and on her own time, she had to admit your offer was interesting. “Okay, sure.” She nods.
Kiri follows you back underwater, and keeps swimming after you. Reminded of the other Sully’s, you make sure to keep your head straight and swim at a slower pace.
As you keep swimming past large coral and columns of algae, trying to catch a glimpse of the squid you were searching for before, Kiri gets distracted by something particularly special out of the corner of her eye.
She stays in place, entranced, and almost swims for it before remembering the task at hand. However, when she turns to you, you’re swimming back to her.
Txampaysye. You sign, but of course she wouldn’t understand. So, you wave your hand in the water to create ripples in the current and signify the water. Then, you pass a hand from your stomach to your throat and out your mouth to signify breathing. Breathing underwater.
Somehow, she understands. Though the butterfly-like Txampaysye catches her attention, uncharacteristically of her, she gestures for you to keep going. She’ll have time another day.
Just a bit of swimming later, you find the squid again. It doesn’t notice you. You point at it and Kiri’s head tilts with curiosity.
How could a squid be bioluminescent in the day? The sunlight’s rays still reached it.
Do you want to catch it? You closed your hand, from splayed fingers into a fist very quickly, the sign for catch. It was pretty straight forward, so Kiri understood; what she didn’t understand, and what she was against, was the idea.
The question was only formal. You swim forward without waiting for her answer, thinking she wanted to catch it.
You approach it as silently as possible, keeping your arms to your body and swaying up and down, using your feet like a fin. You keep your tail rigid and in place, for paddling it side to side as opposed to up and down like your legs would create unnecessary noise.
Once you are close enough, you lunge with a quick, sharp movement. It doesn’t have time to react before you catch it between your fingers and palm.
Triumphantly, you turn to Kiri with your hand raised, failing to notice her growing anger. You swim towards her with enthusiasm.
Fyìp ioang. You sign.
For a moment you think you may be misinterpreting confusion as anger again, but you quickly realize you’re interpreting correctly. Kiri pries your fingers apart, freeing the creature who spurts the last of its ink (only a little) and leaves.
Her eyebrows are furrowed, a look you hate, and she points up towards the surface again. You follow, embarrasment beginning to spread through your body.
“You shouldn’t be taking animals against their will.” She scolds, pointing an accusatory finger at you. Her anger was loud and clear in her voice, loud enough for you to hear.
“Sorry.” You purse your lips and mumble so low you can’t even hear it yourself, “I was only curious.”
She huffs, “Your curiosity doesn’t mean you can imprison them just to poke and prod.”
“Yeah,” You point your gaze down, “you’re right.”
“Just don’t do it again.” With that, she begins to swim away, not caring if you follow her.
With shame, you dive back into the water, in search of one of your favorite places to soothe yourself.
She was right, of course, but your curiosity was often one of your driving points. It was why you spent most of your time in the ocean, what kept you entertained underwater. On the other hand, it was also why you’d lost so much of your hearing.
The next morning, on their way to their second lesson, the Sully’s find you.
Lo'ak, after yesterday, now understands why Tsireya was lucky to find you before. He thinks they’re pretty lucky today, too, as it seems you’re going to head into the ocean. “(y/n)!” He calls for your attention, but you don’t hear him.
You’re just about to dive in, so Lo'ak hurries up to meet you. He catches you by the shoulder. “Hey.”
“Hey.” You greet him with a smile. “What’s up?”
“You left us yesterday. Where’d you go?” He asks curiously.
“I’m sorry, what?” You ask, having not heard him entirely.
“Where’d you go?” He repeats.
Again, you don’t hear him. You purse your lips, the shame of not being able to understand people creeping in. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“Where did you go?” Lo'ak repeats for the third time, slowing down his speech.
“Look, I’m really sorry–”
Neteyam catches up, slinging an arm over Lo'ak’s shoulder. “What my brother means to ask is where you went yesterday, when you were supposed to be teaching us.”
“Teach you?” You tilt your head as you think. Did the Olo'eyktan assign you something? Tsireya only took the opportunity because she saw you yesterday. You can’t think of anything, though. “What am I supposed to teach you?”
Lo'ak sighs, “When you were teaching us how to free dive?”
The sigh makes you purse your lips. Your stupid ears were making people frustrated again. Still, you couldn’t say anything when you didn’t understand them. “…what about it?”
Tsireya comes to save you, noticing the struggle between you and the Sully’s. “(y/n), here,” She begins, pushing Lo'ak’s hand off your shoulder, “struggles to hear, if you guys haven’t noticed.”
She signs to you, taking advantage of the fact they don’t know how to sign. Do you want them to know your story?
You shake your head, to which she nods.
“It’d be much appreciated if you guys spoke louder, spoke clearer, and moved your mouths wider.” She demonstrates the way they should speak as she instructs them. “It helps them to be able to read your lips until you learn how to sign.”
“So they can hear us?” Lo'ak asks.
“Barely.” You respond, reminding him that you are in fact in this conversation.
Neteyam nods, rubbing a burn into his brother’s scalp. “Sorry, Lo'ak needs to remember these sorts of things.”
“Shut up, bro.” He pushes his brother away, causing him to skid sideways a few paces.
“(y/n), you would be a great help in teaching them sign language.” Tsireya turns to you, signing as she speaks.
You understand, but you purse your lips. “Today? I sort of wanted to explore…”
“Doesn’t have to be today, no,” She shakes her head, “today is about breathing. If you want to leave, that’s perfectly alright.”
She smiles at you. Oh, Eywa, you loved Tsireya. She was so kind.
You take her permission and give a wave before diving into the water.
You swim farther into the ocean, trying to wash off your embarrassment with the cool water. It burned in your cheeks, anyway.
When the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk found out about your hearing loss, you had already reached a point where there was no way to be healed. Everyone blamed your parents, their neglect for your ears and the proper care after a swim. But in truth, you knew you were also to blame.
It had been a long time since you were a burden. The Metkayina accommodated for your hearing loss. You were lucky to be born in the clan who originated the language that didn’t require hearing. You had long since come to a comfortable life because of it.
When you realize that the embarrassment won’t wear off so easy, you lay down on the sea grass covered sand—or lay down as best you can. The current pushes your head and limbs up.
Your intent was to relax, but the bioluminescent squid from yesterday pops up above you. You react quickly, reaching out and trapping it in your hand again.
You. You sign, awkward because you’re one-handed, You embarrassed me in front of Kiri.
You’d missed two of its tentacles in grabbing it. It crosses its arms, giving you attitude, then pointed at you instead. Somehow, you understand.
Alright, fine. You huff, It’s my fault. You release the squid, but this time it lingers. You forgive me?
It waves two of its tentacles up and down as if to nod its head.
You pluck a small fish from its school and hand it over as an extra peace offering. Sorry, fyìp.
It stares blankly at your offering. Clearly, it was refusing it, because it was definitely capable of catching that fish on its own. Also, you were ignoring the lesson Kiri taught you. You release the fish, which scurries back to its school, signing sorry again.
Why do you want to hang out with me?
The tentacles at its sides raise up in a shrug.
You lost your group. You purse your lips, extending your hand so that the squid may sit on it, even if it is redundant underwater. Are you trying to find a new one?
It shrugs again, though accepts the spot you give it on your hand.
Well, I suppose we’re the same in that. You and I, we’re special. I’m hard of hearing, and you’re bioluminescent. You laugh inwardly, Although, those are two different things.
Fyìp does a twirl in your hand. It seems pleased.
Alright, let’s go. I’ll show you some of my favorite places.
After the Sully’s breathing exercises, Neteyam is eager to find you. He dives into the water, both practicing his breathing and speed.
For the third time, he’s lucky to find you returning to the village for dinner, this time you were fortunately not caught up in exploring the sea.
Neteyam waves his hand in greeting. You do the same, though you hadn’t realized he had more to say.
(y/n). He signs.
Immediately, your eyes light up. Neteyam is delighted.
Who taught you that? You sign. Your hands are a flurry of speed, but he manages to catch the words anyway.
He recognized “you” and “taught” and the distinct lack of “I”, so he can assume what you asked. Tsireya. He signs simply, for she hadn’t taught him much more than that and your names.
I’ll teach you too.
He recognizes “I”, “teach”, and “you”, and understands. He nods excitedly, then points up towards the surface. You follow.
“You’re learning.” You grin as you surface.
“Yeah.” His smile turns bashful, “I want to learn so I can talk to you better.” He even exaggerates the movement of his lips so that you may read them.
“Aww, that’s sweet.” Though you’ve only known him for so long, you give him a hug. “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me.” He shakes his head, still holding your elbows gently even as you part from the hug, “It’s just what I should do.”
“Hey, La'ok.” You tuck a hair behind your ear, “Sorry I couldn’t hear you the other day.”
“It’s nothing.” Lo'ak shakes his head, “I was actually being rude. I didn’t know you had–wait a minute.”
“Did you just call me La'ok?”
Your purse your lips, genuinely confused. “…is that not your name?”
Lo'ak’s eyebrows raise. He closes his eyes as he registers the situation. La'ot. You thought his name was Lo'at. He laughs into his hands, shaking his head. It’s a laugh of disbelief, self-deprecating in a way. “La'ok!”
“What’s your name?”
“Lo'ak.” He exaggerates the enunciation.
You read his lips, “Lo…” His face rises with hope. “..at?”
“What?” His head jerks dramatically, “No, no, Lo'ak.”
“Lo'at.” You repeat again, not catching the way his tongue remained neutral at the bottom of his mouth.
“It’s Lo'ak. Not T, K.” He corrects.
“Lo'ak.” You nod, pursing your lips, “Okay. I uh, think I’ve gotta go.”
“Do you?” He asks. He hadn’t heard your name being called, and if it was you probably wouldn’t either. He also didn’t think you were really someone with many tasks in the clan.
“Yep.” You say, your voice akin to a meep.
Before he gets a chance to respond, you run towards the water with a hurry and dive in. Fyìp finds its way towards you immediately.
Fyìp! You sign with the equivalence to a whine, That was so embarrasssing!!
Oh, you skxawng! You’re late, you’re late, you’re late!
Too caught up within the serenity that the sea brought you, you had forgotten that you were supposed to be teaching the Sully’s sign language!
You swim towards the shore with much hurry. Your body was preoccupied with a mission, to get there fast, and your mind was berating you for being stuck in your head so much. Because of it, you’re not exactly focusing on the world around you.
“Oof!” You grunt as you bump into a column. It was one of the ones that supported the Marui pods above.
You pull yourself up onto your elbows on the pathway between pods, spitting out the water you’d caught in your mouth when you bumped so stupidly into a column.
Your squid friend jumps up too, sticking to your leg then climbing up to your shoulder. Its sticky tentacles feel weird on your skin, but you pay it no mind. Instead, you focus on cradling the spot on your forehead where you collided.
When Fyìp lands on your shoulder, you turn to it with a huff and go back to rubbing your head. Then, once you actually notice, you double take back to it.
“You can go above the surface?”
Now, no longer muffled by the water, you can just barely catch its squeal. Huh, so it was making sound all this time.
It twirls around your shoulder as if to say yes.
You turn your head back forward, resting your chin on the pathway. “I’m so stupid–wait.” The Sully’s and the chief’s children are having the lesson quite a few ways ahead of you. They didn’t seem to notice you. “It’s them.”
Fyìp’s eyes almost seem to light up when it sees Kiri.
“Gah, should I really be joining them now? I’m so late!” You frown, thinking it over. “I’d be so lost,” You narrate your thoughts for Fyìp, “every time I think about something to teach, what if they already taught it? What even is their teaching plan? I shouldn’t have gone out today. Should’ve stayed to talk to Tsireya.”
Thanks to your awful hearing and tunnel-vision, you don’t notice Fyìp yapping in your ear. Only when it slaps you on the shoulder–it was a small animal, hardly hurt–do you pay attention to it.
“What?” You whine, now rubbing your shoulder.
Fyìp points forward vigorously, pulling its tentacle forwafd and back repeatedly.
“It’ll be so embarrassing.”
It crosses its arms in front of itself like a no. Even though you’re sure it will be, Fyìp’s insistence reminds you of your promise to Neteyam. It wasn’t broken just yet.
“Okay, fine.”
At your affirmation, Fyìp drops back into the water. You follow suit.
Learning a new language, later in your life, was always hard. Although, Jake Sully was the only one in his family with that experience.
“Lo'ak, why are you home early?” Jake and Neytiri rush over to him, sitting down as he does.
“Sign language is so hard.” Lo'ak groans, his head down.
“Learning another language is hard,” Jake affirms, putting a reassuring hand on his son’s shoulder. “but it’s like everything else. With practice, you’ll get the hang of it.”
“At first, he was terrible at Na'vi too.” Neytiri grins, causing Jake to roll his eyes.
“Yes, and I became better.” He gives her a pointed look, to which she only replies by baring her fangs playfully.
“Well, it’s more than that.” Lo'ak frowns, looking down at his hands, the very reason he was so different. "I have five fingers! Everyone else has four. Whenever there’s a sign that requires fingers, everyone stares at me and Kiri. Their looks are so blank, but I can tell what they’re thinking.“
"So why didn’t you say something?” Jake asks. “It’s unlike you to not do anything.”
It was a good question that left him silent as he thought. He didn’t really know the answer, not as he dug through the surface of his mind. As he searched deeper, he found an answer, but he didn’t really want to believe it. “It’s because… Tsireya and (y/n) were there.”
“And..?” Neytiri prods for him to continue.
“I don’t want to disappoint them…” Lo'ak purses his lips, “or be a burden to them.”
“Son,” Jake places his hands on both Lo'ak’s shoulders, causing him to finally look up at him. Jake wanted to be sure that Lo'ak understood the sentiment behind his words. “you’re only learning. You can’t disappoint them. And if they get upset at you, then that’s their fault because they do not understand you and who you are.”
“Next time,” Neytiri speaks up, catching their attention, “make an arrangement. Find a way to work around it. Alright?”
Lo'ak nods, “Okay.”
Usually, you were the one sought out within the Metkayina if they ever needed you because you were always doing something in the ocean. The sea was vast and cluttered, from seawall terrace to the shore, it was all within the realm of possibility of where you were.
But, for once, you’re seeking someone out.
“Kiri!” You call, “I was looking for you.”
She emerges from the ocean, ringing the water out of her hair. Too caught up in the sights and feeling Eywa in the sea, she had missed dinner. You could relate to that, so you had to make sure she was taking care of herself.
“What is it?” Kiri asks, treading carefully on her words.
“I saved you some dinner.” You hand her a leaf dish of fish.
“Oh.” Only once she sees the food does she remember her growling stomach and hunger. “Thank you.” She takes the leaf from you gingerly but begins to scarf it down once it’s in her own hands.
“It’s no problem.” You begin, “Sometimes I accidentally skip dinner too. I know the feeling of great hunger in the morning.”
Kiri nods in understanding.
“Make sure to get the water out of your ears.” You enthusiastically demonstrate by tipping your head to the side and tapping the side of it. “You don’t want to end up like me.”
Kiri almost chokes on her food. She coughs and puts it on the sand temporarily. “Like you?”
“You know,” She doesn’t know how you can retain a smile like this. “bad hearing and all.”
Ever since you’d lost the majority of your hearing, the adults started using you as an example of what not to do. Not only did they advice the young ones while using your example, they also advised your peers. At first, it was embarrassing, but you began to understand why you were an example and had long since grown used to the embarrassment it brought.
“(y/n), are you using yourself as an example?”
“What?” You tease, “Wanna end up like me?”
“No, (y/n), that’s not what I mean.” She takes both your hands in hers. “You shouldn’t be using yourself as an example of what happens if you don’t take care of yourself.”
“Why not?” It was pretty normal to you now. You purse your lips, “Everyone uses me as an example. I am what happens if you don't–”
“Because,” Kiri breathes out in disbelief, “you’re more than an example. You’re your own person. You’re more than your past mistakes.”
“You’re right,” You snicker at the thought, “just like last time.”
“I’m just saying what has to be said.” She reassures, rubbing her thumbs over the back of your hands, “Value yourself more.”
The trend of you seeking other people out, when it’d always been the opposite before, followed along for Lo'ak.
After your sign language lessons, you retreated into the ocean to clear your thoughts. Now that you had what you were looking for, you had to find Lo'ak, which thankfully doesn’t take long.
“Lo'ak!” You call as your eyes find him.
He himself seemed to be searching for you too, so when he sees you, his eyes brighten. He covers the ground between you two quickly. “Hey, I was just looking for you.”
“Me too. Do you wanna go first?”
He nods, “I found out a way we can work around my fingers.”
“Your fingers?” You tilt your head forward.
“Yeah.” He shows them off, wiggling all five for you.
“What about them?”
“Oh,” He realizes the question wasn’t because you’d somehow forgotten how many he had, but because you hadn’t heard the rest of his sentence. He speaks with his mouth wider for you, “I found a way to work around them.”
“That’s what I was trying to find you for, actually.” You snicker, “I found a way to work with them.”
“With them?” He hadn’t thought it possible.
“Yep.” You grin, “Oh, but you were going first. Go on.”
“Right, um,” Lo'ak lifts one of his hands with the other, up to your view, then he pulls his last finger down. “I was thinking we could tie down my pinkie.”
“Your pinkie?”
“My last finger, the smallest, it’s called the pinkie.”
“Okay, right.” You nod.
“Tie it down with like a, um,” He snaps his fingers while he thinks. “rope or something until I learn to stop using it.”
After hearing his thought, you burst out laughing. It leaves Lo'ak confused. He stands there awkwardly, arms falling down to his sides with a building shame because he can’t understand what you were laughing at.
“Sorry, um,” You shake your head to wipe the laughter from your face, “that’s too cruel, Lo'ak.”
“Cruel?” He asks, eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, don’t you think? It’s just like what your sister taught me. We shouldn’t take things against their will.” You hold his hand to bring it back between the two of you and press his pinkie down against his palm. The force you put on his knuckle and the position is rather uncomfortable for Lo'ak, and it shows in his face. “See?”
“Yeah, you’re right.” He mutters, then realizes his mistake. “Sorry, I mean, you’re right.” He enunciates louder and clearer. “Just that… I couldn’t really find any other way.”
“Well, I was thinking we could just use your middle fingers as a unit.” You bring his pinkie back up and press your fingers on his middle fingers, “What do you call them?”
“This is the middle finger,” He wiggles it and specifically avoids accidentally showing it off to you, even if you probably don’t know what it means. “and this is the ring finger.”
“Okay.” You nod, understanding quickly. Then, you press your fingers against the ring’s left and the middle’s right and hold them together. “We can consider these as my middle finger.”
You hold your hand up next to his, pulling your other fingers down to show him the middle. He almost laughs and tells you the meaning, but decides it’s funnier if you don’t know.
“Say, "happen” for example.“ You use his hand as if it were your own, as yours was holding it, and press the side of yourd against it. Then, you bring it to the side quickly whilst pushing your fingers wide apart. "To mimic my middle finger, you can use your middle and ring fingers together.”
“But… wouldn’t it be confusing?” Lo'ak argues, looking up into your eyes.
You turn away from him, biting your lip, “Much the same as you’re… accommodating for me by learning sign language, we must accommodate for you too. It’s only right.”
“Accommodate…” He hated that word, and clearly, you were just as ashamed to use it. It had been used all throughout your lives because of your particularities. “Let’s not say that.”
You turn back up to him, a glimmer of hope within your eyes. “What do you mean?”
“Let’s not say we’re accommodating for our differences.” He turns his hand, the one that rested upon your palm, and uses it to hold yours reassuringly. “Let’s just say that we’re doing this for each other.”
He loves the way your face lights up with a smile. “That sounds good.”
Neteyam finds you as you’re coming back home for dinner early. You’re tapping the water from your ears when he approaches.
“Hey.” You greet, noticing him.
“Hey.” Neteyam mirrors. His face displays an enthusiastic grin. “How was the ocean today?” He signs as he speaks.
You pay attention more to his signing, as he was noticeably putting much effort into it. You read his signs out loud, “How was.. the fish, yesterday? I thought it was pretty good.”
“No, um..” He doesn’t let the failure get to him. Instead, he shakes his head and tries again.
“How was the… algae, today?” You blow a raspberry as you think, “Little slimy, green, just like always?”
Neteyam restarts, thinking the signs over in his head again. He was on the right track: ocean, fish, algae, all things related to water. He just needed to get the sign right, he’d already gotten the “today” part. “Okay.” He tries again.
“Nete…” You frown, “I don’t know what you’re trying to say.”
“Alright, maybe I’ll try something else.” Neteyam sighs. He rethinks it all again. “Alright. Do you like ilu?”
“Do I enjoy swimming?” You nod, “Of course I do, but less than resting underwater.”
“No, that wasn’t it.” He shakes his head, letting out a small groan. He rubs his hands together, warming them up to ready himself.
“Do I… excited, dive?” You frown, “I don’t think I’m reading those correctly.”
He sighs. Seeing how far he was from what he wanted to say, he puts his head in his hands. “I’m not doing well…” He whines into them.
You take his hands in yours and pull them away from his face, primarily so that you may actually read his lips and or listen to him, but you know the message the gesture conveys anyway. “Don’t worry. You’re still learning.”
“Well, I won't–”
“No more self-deprecating thoughts.” You interrupt him, squeezing his hands. “You’ll get better eventually. I promise you’ll get better with time.”
Neteyam huffs, but he nods. “I don’t know how you’ll fulfill that promise though.”
“Fpivìl…” You say as you think. When you find an idea, you snap your fingers. “I’ll teach you better, I’ll be more proactive at thinking of lessons. Are you a visual or auditory learner?”
“We’ll figure that out too.”
Neteyam had to say, your enthusiasm was contagious.
Thanks to Tsireya’s efforts, the Sully’s had learned the ways of the Metkayina.
They were still different, they were Omatikaya, and they and the Metkayina would always have their differences. However, despite their leaner bodies, they could catch up with you in the water; despite other physical differences like smaller lungs, they could stay underwater almost as long as you. They still preferred bow and arrow over spear and ikran over ilu.
Soon enough, they were good enough at free diving that they were allowed to perform their first Iknimaya trial, catching a small shell thrown into the sea.
Of course, it was the first because it was the easiest, the Metkayina completed it when they were young; but still, it called for a celebration.
Ronal denied a coming of age celebration. It was past the season for it, the tulkuns weren’t home yet, and the Metkayina didn’t know the Sully’s enough for it to have any real sentiment.
It didn’t matter to you, though. All they really wanted was a celebration with friends (which Ao'nung so gladly volunteered to not participate in).
You brought them into the sea for the celebration. For once, it wasn’t a test of their breathing, speed, or swimming form. It was just exploring, enjoying the water; and they hadn’t done that since they tamed their ilu.
As you dove into the sea, Fyìp swam to be near you. It seemed unbothered by the stares of awe he received.
Kiri grinned, signing to you, Fyìp ioang?
Yeah! Call him Fyìp now. You offer it a spot on your palm, which it accepts. You thrust your hand forward to show them all. He warmed up to me, forgave me.
Forgave you? Lo'ak signed. After your arrangement, he’d really gotten good at sign language.
Though the celebration was not meant to be a test, it was a great demonstration of how they were on their way to master sign language.
I believe I told you about the lesson Kiri taught me. I caught Fyìp to show it off to her, and she taught me I shouldn’t have done so, even through all my curiosity. You nod at the thought, Wise words.
Kiri tucks a hair behind her ear, It just made sense to me. Not something wise or anything.
Sure. You huff out a laugh, then turn around to swim further in. Fyìp clings onto your shoulder.
The sights were already amazing. The Sully’s were no longer limited by depth or obstacles now that they knew the way of water, so now they could see everything the sea had to offer.
You turn back to them again with an offer, You guys wanna see one of my favorite places? Knowing that they’ll definitely agree, you turn back around and start leading the way.
It doesn’t take long before you are standing before a marvel.
It was a cove of coral, fish, and many more ocean creatures. They were all colorful and eye-catching, but the main attraction was the ilu. It was similar to the Banshee Rookery in the Ayram alusìng.
We don’t always tame ilu bred from other ilu at the village. Sometimes, we come here, though rarely. You explain.
These ilu were wilder, more aloof, but they still retained their friendly nature with the Na'vi. So long as you do not anger them, we can hang out with them.
The Sully’s were practically let loose around the area. As you already knew much of it, you laid down on a rock at the heart of it and simply watched. Fyìp stuck around you, catching stray fish for dinner.
Kiri easily communicated with the ilu. Even if they were already friendly, they seemed even warmer with her.
Lo'ak managed to find the more playful ilu and had somehow gotten himself into a game of tag. He seemed to be one of the runners. He ducked behind coral, up and around rock arches. He was holding his own, despite the ilu naturally being much faster. Tsireya found herself watching too, and was laughing at Lo'ak’s panicked face as he narrowly avoided being caught by an ilu.
As Lo'ak and Kiri both found their own things to do, it seemed Neteyam was stuck with Tuk. But she wasn’t a burden to him. What kind of big brother would he be if she was?
He held her by the hand and admired some of the smaller creatures with her, although it seemed as though she had other intentions.
She escaped Neteyam’s grasp and began swimming away with vigor. For a moment, Neteyam panicked, rushing after her with alarm. However, he soon relaxed once she saw she was going to you.
She waved hello adorably with a grin then signed. As the youngest, she had a bit more trouble with signing, but you understood her. Why do you like being in the water so much?
Well, it’s very serene. You reply.
Neteyam caught up. He seemed interested too. Is that it?
You shrug, Sort of. There’s some other reasons, but… You took in Tuk’s hopeful eyes. She was far too cute to be denied. I could tell them to you.
Please? Will you? She swims closer, holding onto your wrists so that you may still sign.
Perhaps Tsireya rounded them up; otherwise, you have no idea why, as signing doesn’t make sound, but they all round up around you. Even Fyìp swims closer.
It was a bit nerve-wracking, having all those eyes on you, but you had grown close to all of them. Nothing bad would come of it if you told them.
Tuk’s smile grows wider, she swims away so the others can see you too.
Ever since I was a kid, the ocean was so entrancing. It was majestic, a different world from the one above. The other kids my age, they preferred to play with one another. I preferred to explore the ocean. Even though I was hardly used to the world above, I still preferred exploring underwater.
Tsireya taught you that the sea gives and takes. While it gave me a world to love, it also took my hearing because I was negligent towards my ears. Eventually, the sea was more than just the world I loved. It was also the only place I could be normal.
Lo'ak and Kiri listen more carefully when you mention the word normal. It was something they both struggled with.
Everybody needs to sign to speak. You don’t need your ears to listen to them, you only need your eyes; and my eyes, I still have. Underwater, I swim and speak and listen just like everyone else.
Tsireya swims closer, a frown on her face. She holds your elbow endearingly, You are just like everyone else.
Yeah, you are. Neteyam does the same, swimming closer. You are Na'vi.
We are Na'vi. Lo'ak signs.
Though we are all different, we are all Eywa’s children. Kiri signs. It doesn’t matter in what way we are different, my fingers, our blood, your hearing…
Lo'ak’s eyebrows… Neteyam signs. Said eyebrows furrow at the teasing. Lo'ak retaliates by squeezing Neteyam’s exposed neck, as his brother always does to him. Neteyam pushes him away.
You guys, you all understand. You smile, I’m so sorry that the Metkayina treat you differently.
Lo'ak shakes his head, If it is something we must teach them, we’ll make them learn. He smiles, So long as we have great teachers like you and Tsireya to back us up, right?
You roll your eyes–he thinks it’s endearing–at him but nod. We’ll teach them that we’re all the same.
Tomorrow will be a good day for that. Tsireya signs, Let’s not forget we are celebrating your first Iknimaya trial.
Fyìp does an encouraging twirl that makes everyone smile.
To tomorrow. You sign.
#avatar x reader#neteyam x reader#lo'ak x reader#kiri x reader#tsireya x reader#tuk x reader#avatar x gn reader#neteyam x gn reader#lo'ak x gn reader#kiri x gn reader#tsireya x gn reader#tuk x gn reader#<- platonic#🌸 // success!#🌂 // failure#🎟 // avatar#🎫 // neteyam#🎫 // kiri#🎫 // lo'ak#🎫 // tuk#🎫 // jake sully#🎫 // jake#🎫 // neytiri#🎫 // tsireya
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Not So Cold-Hearted Pt.27
Summary: Y/N, a member of a popular newly debut girl group and Wonwoo has what some may call a relationship with emotional ambivalent. Will their relationship remain cold-blooded or will they finally come to an agreement and become something more?
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
A/N: As always, if anyone is interested in being added into the taglist for this series, please feel free to send in a ask or message me!
"This game is a classic so we won't go into too much details. Two of your team members will be playing for this game. One of them will act out a word whereas the other will have the guess that word. Each round will be for 2 minutes and we'll see who can get the most points! The top 2 teams will get to eat this table full with street food and desserts!" Eunwoo explained as the staff brought the table of food, making your mouth water. The guests was split into 3 teams, you being in a team with 8 other celebrities. You glanced over at the other team with Joshua and Wonwoo being on separate teams as the MC's decided on which team to go first.
"How about we have Wonwoo's team first, then Joshua's and then Y/N's?" Sejeong suggested as everyone nodded in agreement. Wonwoo and a female idol went up as representatives for their group as you felt your jaw clench. You felt a pair of eyes on your side as you turn to look, seeing Joshua with a smirk as your expression with caught as you turned away, trying to relax yourself. The timer started as the female started acting our words for Wonwoo to guess. His eyebrows furrowed from being so into the game as he concentrated in her actions. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw how adorable he was being so focused in the game as you let out a giggle, but quickly covered your mouth and pretended to cough, glancing around in panic to see if anyone heard but luckily, Wonwoo yelling out random words has everyone distracted from you.
"Alright so far we have Wonwoo's team with the most points. Let's see if Y/N's team can turn the tables!" You team exchanges hi-fives as you and a male idol stood in the middle of the set with Eunwoo standing behind our teammate, holding papers of the key word. You rolled up your sleeves before the games started, the 2 minutes countdown began. Eunwoo showed the first word being 'hairtie' as you pointed at your wrist before grabbing your hair up into a ponytail before point at your wrist again where the hair tie would normally be.
"Hairtie!" He said as you gave him a thumbs up. Hearing your teammates cheer made you smile as you went on to the next word, eyes wide opened as Eunwoo flipped the booklet, as the 'shy love' appeared. Your expression froze, as moments of you and Wonwoo recently shared flash by your mind before you quickly thought of something to act out. You started acting out a scenario of two characters shyly falling in love as you covering your cheeks with you hands as if you were blushing, glancing over as if someone was sitting next to you when they were met Wonwoo's for a brief second.
"Shy love!" He screamed before the timer rang as you both took off the headphones, clasping onto each other's hands as you jumped with joy.
"If only we could give out extra points for teamwork." Sejeong laughed as you sat back down, eager to hear the results. "Sadly, your team was short by one point. Unfortunately, your team has place third, as you are eliminated from having snacks. Congratulations to the other two teams! You may go enjoy the snacks now!" Your jaw dropped as the other two teams cheerfully went to the table full of food. You looked over at your teammate, deeply apologizing as they cut you off, saying that it wasn't that big of a deal and it was worth the entertainment either way. Some of your teammates stood behind the winning team, watching them eat deliciously as others stayed in the seats, chatting and exchanging numbers. You found yourself staring at Wonwoo who was eating happily with Joshua as they stuffed their cheeks with food. You let out a chuckle when Sejeong heard and turned around, taking a seat beside you.
"Do you want a bite?" She offered you her grilled chicken skewer was you shook your head. She shrugged before following your line of vision as a smirk appeared on her face. "Those eyes."
"Huh? What eyes?" She nudged your shoulder with a devilish smile as Eunwoo joined your conversation.
"Those eyes are eyes of falling in love." Eunwoo looked at her with a surprised expression before at you, realizing what Sejeong meant.
"No no. I don't know what you're talking about." You strongly rejected as they exchanged looks of wiggling eyebrows.
"I wonder what exactly happened during your 8 months of recovery." Eunwoo spoke out loud in thought as Sejeong hummed, both eyes on you as your cheeks flushed red. Their stylist called them over to touch up their makeup before they get back on recording. You let a sigh of relief as you were finally alone once again. You looked down at your hands, playing with your fingers as you wondered what your members were doing when someone appeared in front of you. Looking at you saw Wonwoo standing in front, his hand extended to you.
"Huh? What?" You glanced down at the hotteok that he was holding, holding back your drool. You could never resist sweets.
"What do you mean 'what?' Here." He waved the sweet pancake in your face as your eyes followed it, earning a soft laugh from him. "It's the last piece."
"No I shouldn't. Our team lost so it wouldn't be fair." You pushed his hand away as he took a seat beside you, your heart skipping a beat.
"Not fair?" He looked over at the table as you followed, seeing your teammates all surrounding the table to eat the leftovers. "Just take it. You'll need something sweet to keep you energized for the remaining of the filming." He handed you the hotteok once again as you stared at it, pondering on whether you should take it or not. You took it, smiling a 'thank you' as he softly smiled as he watched you bite into it, happily eating your sweets. "How do you feel? With your first schedule back and that it's a solo activity."
"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I couldn't sleep for the past couple of days to be completely honest." You admitted as he nodded.
"No wonder. I could see the dark circles under your eyes." He stated as you shot him a surprised expression before looking down, hiding your face from humiliated as you felt the heat of you cheeks increase.
"I told the stylist to make sure to apply more coverage on my face though!" You tried to make a point but it didn't work as you heard him laugh before he stood up.
"I'm joking. You look fine either way." He lightly patted your back before you jolted your head up, seeing him walk back to his seat, smiling to some of the other idols as they chatted.
"Wow, time surely flies when we're having fun, right Eunwoo?" Sejeong asks as everyone stood for the closing ment. You were standing beside Wonwoo and another idol celebrities near MCs.
"Sadly, it's already the end of today's episode. I hope everyone had fun with today's games and events!" Eunwoo said as everyone cheered, the MCs smiling in satisfaction. Everyone took turns, saying their thanks for guesting on the special episode.
"I am honored to be the surprise guest for the special episode. This is my first schedule since my recovery so it's a very sentimental moment for me. Thanks to everyone, I was able to feel less nervous and made some fun memories!" You waved at the camera the everyone clapped once you were finished. One of the staff gestured Eunwoo as he stepped off set and as handed a cue card. As he returned, everyone including you were curious on what he had in his hand as Sejeong peered over to read what was on the card.
"Ah, so apparently Y/N had a secret mission before the shooting started. Did anyone notice or take a guess as what her mission was?" Sejeong read the card over his shoulder as everyone look around, whispering their thoughts as you played with your fingers, recalling that you'll get a penalty if someone taught on."
"Ah! Was she behind one of those cameras at the beginning of the recording?" One of the guests guessed as you shook your head, smiling.
"Hmm.. did she pass...." Joshua spoke out as your held your breath, eyes wide with your heart racing with what was remaining of what he had to say. "were you the who passed out the schedule for today?" You let out a breath of relief as you shook your head.
"Well, I guess you win on your secret mission. Could you tell us what it was?" Eunwoo asked before you went on explaining what it was as the everyone had their jaw dropped and a slient 'ah' as they came to realization of what happened.
"No way! I actually thought you were just a regular staff member." Everyone exclaimed as you smiled proudly, being able to pull off the mission without getting caught. You glanced up at Wonwoo who looked at you, an expression filled of thoughts that you couldn't read. "Right. I have a little surprise for everyone." You clasped your hands together as two staff members brought out a table and the treats you made. "Oo's" and "Ah's" filled the room as you went out explaining.
"As a thankful for the special invite and everyone's hardwork, I made some desserts for everyone to take home and try. This isn't much but I hope you guys enjoy it and stay tune for the next episode!" You waved at the camera as everyone applauded. Sejeong and Eunwoo finished off their comments before the recording finally came to an end. Everyone lined up as you handed them your desserts.
"Boy, I can't remember when was the last time I had Y/N's baked goods." Sejeong pouted as you handed her a decorative bag filled with extra goods along with Eunwoo.
"I think it was when she was still a trainee, preparing for her debut. Remember how she always bakes when she's falling down or is nervous?" The three of you shared the memories before they headed off to their other schedules, nagging you to remember to call them to hang out. Wonwoo and Joshua were the last ones as you smiled awkwardly to give them the small box of desserts.
"Expect the unexpected." Joshua smiled as you handed him the box, Wonwoo slowly following behind. You tilted your head in confusion. "That's the perfect quote to explain this situation." They both of you laughed.
"I was honestly just surprised as you were. I didn't think I'll blend in with the staff though" You recalled the moment when you stepped inside their dressing room.
"We didn't give much though into it honestly. We were a bit suspicious about why you were keeping your head low but we only came to a conclusion that you were probably a fan or something."
"You came to that conclusion." Wonwoo sudden spoke as you and Joshua turned your attention to him.
"Well...." I'm going to head off first, you guys can finish chatting." Joshua left in a dash before either you or Wonwoo could open your mouths to stop him. Silence filled the air as sounds of set equipment and staff were only heard as the two of you stood in front of each other.
"Thanks for the sweets." He broke the silence as you nodded. "Do you have any schedules after this?"
"Moonbin and I are planning on heading out for dinner later on."
"Right. You guys still contact each other?" He tone was firm as if he was integrating you.
"We got close for the special performance so it's only natural, no?" You let out a nervous chuckle as he slowly nodded, mumbling a 'yeah sure' before your manager called you back into the dressing room. "Well, take care." You bowed before turning around leaving.
"You did an amazing job today. I'm sure your members are just as proud as I am if there were here today." You manager praised as you got ready to head out into the van. "You have plans with Moonbin for this evening, right?" he turned to look back as you sat in the passenger seat.
"Yeah, we're heading out for dinner."
"It's already the late afternoon so by the time you head back to the dorm, it'll already be going the time you'll meet up with him. Instead, would you like to go to a cafe? I heard there s new bakery cafe that sells delicious egg tarts and cookies." He suggested as a smiled appeared on your face.
"You sure know how to put a smile on my face." He laughed as he started the engine.
"You wouldn't be worried if I didn't know? As for a manager who's been with you since the beginning of your debut?" You agreed as you looked out the windows, seeing the city pass before your eyes.
You and your manager finally arrived as the both of you wore masks before he stepped out, opening the door for you as you both entered into the modern bakery that was quite busy. People around glanced at you, as you started feeling nervous if they recognized you. You picked out whatever you wanting to try before heading over to the cashier where the isle in front was blocked with people. You found a small pathway between the crowd as you tried to squish through. Right when someone was about to back up, making you almost drop your tray of goods, someone pulled you by the arm as you bumped into their chest, you looked up, seeing your manager's worried look behind his mask. You stood back up as people started looking at you, whispering at each other. Your manager who saw, quickly brought you to the cashier as he paid.
"Thanks." You smiled cheekily as you lifted the bag of freshly baked goods, walking out the door to sit in the patio when you heard cameras shuttering in a distance. Glancing around, you tried looking for the source of the sound.
"Let's head to the rooftop patio." He whisper as you nodded, following him up to the rooftop. Luckily where wasn't much people as you took off your mask, your manager keeping his on. "Give me your phone. I'll take some pictures for you. The scene here is nice." You handed over your phone as he started taking so photos, you awkwardly smiling as you saw some people look at you.
"Wait, let's take one together." You suggested as he nodded, getting into frame as he took a selfie with the view and food. He took a few more, pulling down his mask a bit before giving you back your phone. As you enjoyed your manager's treats, you glanced up to ask if he wanted a bit when you saw his eyes wandering around, brows furrowed.
"Something wrong?" You asked, trying to see if you could find anything suspicious around the area.
"No.... I think I'm just hearing things." He mumbled to himself as he sipped his drink. You tore a piece of the bread, feeding it to him as he leaned over to the table, pulling down his mask for a bite. You spend the rest of the afternoon, staring out the rooftop as you chatted with your manager.
"You should head over to the reservation now, it's almost time." He pulled up his sleeve, looking at his watch as you cleaned up the table before heading over to the van. A few fans were waiting downstairs as you were stopped from them asking for your autograph and signature.
"Y/N? Oh my gosh, it's really you! Can I please take a photo with you?" One of the girls said as you nodded, signing a few others before waving them goodbye.
"Call me when you're finished, alright? I'll come pick you up." You manager rolled down the window as you nodded before you watched him leave. You stood in front of the restaurant as the sun started setting. Streetlights turned on as the streets were getting more lively as the night rolled in. You walked in, being greeted by the host before he escorted you to a semi-private area. He opened the doors before you were greeted by more than just Moonbin. Sejeong and Eunwoo were happily smiling as your eyes widened before returning the smile, waving as you walked in.
"Bet you didn't expect us to be here, huh?" Eunwoo laughed as he read your surprised expression. You agreed before taking a seat beside Moonbin as the server came in to take your drink order.
"I thought it was just Moonbin so I totally didn't expect the two of you to be here." You replied before the food started coming in.
"We're sorry if we're disturbing your little date with Moonbin." Sejeong teased before you glanced over at Moonbin, darting your eyes away when they came in contact before falling into a deep shade of red.
"It's not a date! We were planning on meeting up for dinner after our collaboration performance but that had to be put to a hold until now so...." Moonbin trailed off, not wanting to bring up your incident. Everyone fell quiet before you clasped your hands, trying to bring up the mood.
"Well, now that all the food is here, we shouldn't let it get cold right? How about a little cheer before our feast?" You lifted your glass before the others joined, clinking the glassware together as the start of your dinner.
"So you're telling me that Wonwoo actually stayed through almost every of your practices?" Eunwoo repeated his question.
"It was kind of weird at first, not going to lie but then again, I couldn't be more than grateful to have such a role model be there to see us practice, right Y/N?" Moonbin glanced over at you as you spun your fork to get some spaghetti
"I guess you could say so." You commented, bringing the plate with the pasta over to you.
"Is it just me but does Y/N kind of change her attitude whenever the topic is around Wonwoo?" Sejeong lightly chuckled as you almost choked while biting. "Am I wrong though?" The other two male exchanged looks before agreeing quietly
"Wha- I have no idea what you're saying." You retorted
"Ok, answer this truthfully then." Sejeong had a smile that you somehow felt uneasy about. "Did you feel uncomfortable when Wonwoo visited you practices? Yes or no?" Everyone looked at you as silence filled the room.
"Um... Maybe a little?" You slowly answered, observing their reactions.
"You honestly liked Wonwoo company when he was at your practices." Your mouth fell into a small 'o' as you heard the question, heart racing as the memories unfolded before your eyes.
"No." You firmly disagree
"That's a lie!"
"Y/N, did I ever tell you that you were bad at lying?"
"Didn't look like it to me while we were practicing." Moonbin joined in as his comment caught your attention, as you felt your cheeks tinting red. The rest of the night was filled with laughter between the four of you as everyone caught up onto each other's lives.
"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you back?" The two males offered once again as you stood outside the restaurant.
"I'm okay. My manager should be coming soon. Thanks for the offer though." You smiled as the nodded. Their manager pulled up in front of them before they bid goodbye, waving their hands out the window as their van drove away. You suddenly felt a nudge on your shoulder as you turn to look where Sejeong was smiling teasingly at you
"So, any guys that caught your attention? Or you're secretly dating...?" She whispered as you playfully rolled your eyes at her and her endless energy.
"Hmm. Nope, none that I could think of." You pretended to pounder a bit.
"What about the members of Seventeen? I mean, the both of you are under the same company so I'm sure bumping into each other is more than normal."
"We're just friends."
"We're meaning just a few members or....?" She raised an eyebrow as you pushed her arm.
"You know how Wonwoo and I are practically never on good terms." You finally spoke.
"Like the cat and the rat." She added
"Well, since he's been attending the practices of Moonbin and I, we've been starting to get closer to each other." You started mumbling your words, feeling embarrassed yourself for speaking those words.
"I knew it!" She spoke unexpectedly louder than she thought as her hand flew to her mouth, catching the attentions of a few people passing by. "You've been acting different around him and whenever his name is mentioned." You could feel her looking at you with a smirk as you looked around the night life of people chattering, laughing and having the time of their lives.
"How do you feel about it?"
"About what?"
"Your relationship with Wonwoo. With it going from a cold atmosphere to a warmer, friendlier one." You thought about it, realizing that you never seriously took it in consideration.
"It's weird at first but I guess I'm slowly getting used to it?" You answered in a somewhat unconfident tone as the female lets out a soft laugh.
"There must be something special between the two of you since you guys almost always bickered... Maybe it's mean to b-"
"Oh look, isn't that your manager?" You cut her off, pointing at the approaching vehicle as it stops in front of the two of you. The window rolled down as you were greeted by her manager.
"Do you need a ride, Y/N?" He tilted his head down as you shook your hands, declining the offer once again.
"It's alright. He's coming soon." You gave Sejeong a hug before sending her off, leaving you alone in front of the restaurant. You pulled out your phone, dialing your manager's number.
'Why isn't he answering my calls?' worries start to fill you as the call didn't pass through after multiple attempts. You looked around, meeting the eyes of people who recognized before fear overcame as you briskly walked to an area with less people. Your phone started ringing as you answered it right away seeing the name of your manager on the ID.
"Y/N I'm so so sorry."
"It's fine. Can you come pick me up now?"
"I can't... I'm in an important company meeting right now and I don't think it's going to end any time soon. I'm so sorry I couldn't call you earlier." You let out a defeated sigh, knowing that he was only doing what he was told and it's no one's fault at this point.
"It's okay. I'll just call a taxi to drive me back then." You hung up the call before heading over to the street, waving your hand to a taxi.
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Os passos firmes contam que ANDREAS SANKAR RAGNVINDR atualmente é ESTUDANTE COMPLEMENTAR com seus TRINTA ANOS. Dizem que é LEAL, mas também VINGATIVO, mas podemos confirmar assim que ele nos direcionar atenção. Sua reputação é conhecida além das fronteiras, e dizem que se parece com DEV PATEL.
Amaryllis Ragnvindr acreditava ser uma mulher esperta. Precisou aprender a se cuidar desde muito jovem, perdeu os pais antes que atingisse a adolescência e não tinha nenhuma habilidade especial além dos dedos leves e a língua ferrenha, que foram as ferramentas necessárias para que ela sobrevivesse às ruas do Baixo Império. A pequena ladra, como ficou conhecida, ganhou a simpatia de comerciantes locais com seu sorriso e a sua boca suja. Isso fez com que, como meio de prevenir que ela lhes roubasse, eles passassem a lhe dar de bom grado coisas como roupas e alimento.
Assim, ela cresceu nas ruas, mas não desamparada. Quando já estava com dezessete anos, a esposa do ferreiro — enlutada com o falecimento prematuro de sua própria filha aos quinze anos — decidiu colocá-la para dentro de casa. De pequena ladra, Amaryllis se tornou uma aprendiz. Aquela era uma vocação predominantemente masculina, não era visto com bons olhos que uma mulher a praticasse, mas mesmo tão jovem ela já era uma mulher robusta e portadora de muita força física, tendo aprendido a se defender de valentões e abusadores para conseguir sobreviver nas ruas.
Ela vivia uma vida normal do povo comum, mas se encantava pela vida daqueles no exército, o status que alcançavam mesmo tendo nascido da escória. Ela era apenas uma humana, sabia que não podia se comparar a eles, mas desejava intensamente aquele nível de ascensão social. Sonhava todos os dias com uma vida onde tinha origem feérica, para se alistar no exército e ter seu próprio dragão, e talvez tenha sido isso que a fez se encantar por Malthus Sankar.
O soldado da infantaria não era um montador de dragão. Mas tinha um cargo mais alto dentre os soldados e, por isso, chamou a atenção da mulher. Ela nunca quis um amor e sim status, então se contentaria com qualquer um que lhe desse atenção. Mas não imaginou que aquela era uma faca de dois gumes e que o seu desespero por ascender socialmente pudesse acabar se voltando contra ela.
Ele não queria se casar, mas por alguns meses a fez acreditar que sim. Seu romance terminou tão rápido quanto começou, deixando uma Amaryllis amarga, contrariada e — conforme descobriu mais tarde — grávida, enquanto Malthus seguia com a sua vida normalmente, acreditando que estava livre de qualquer dívida com a mulher.
Andreas cresceu sem muito amor por parte da mãe. Seus avós adotivos eram quem realmente cuidavam dele, a avó o alimentava e colocava para dormir, enquanto o avô o ensinou a ler e falou sobre os changelings, como ele carregava um sangue antigo e precioso dentro de si, sendo o homem fascinado pelas histórias e cultura dos feéricos.
Amaryllis, por sua vez, ressentia-se da existência do filho. Mal fazia seu papel de mãe e, quando decidia fazê-lo, era para repreendê-lo pela menor das coisas ou cortar suas garras com uma faca, deixando-as tão curtas que muitas vezes sangravam. Daí veio o hábito de Andreas de cortá-las curtas para esconder essa característica herdada de seu pai, hábito este que mantém até os dias atuais.
Quando fez oito anos, sua mãe não tinha qualquer pretensão de levar Andreas para se alistar, ainda completamente acometida pelo rancor de ter sido abandonada por Malthus e por não poder ela mesma se alistar. Mas seu avô adotivo não deixaria que isso acontecesse. Queria ver o garoto alcançando seu potencial e sabia que ele não faria isso ali, trabalhando em uma família de ferreiros falidos. Então ele próprio o levou, escondido de Amaryllis, até Eldrathor.
O treinamento pesado foi difícil, mas Andreas era muito resistente. Passou com honras por todas as etapas. Era leal, centrado e muito exigente consigo mesmo, pouco se desviava do treinamento e não fazia outras coisas além disso. Aos dezoito anos, uniu-se a Samudara, a dragão aquaris que mudou sua rotina de cabeça para baixo com um comportamento aventureiro e muito diferente do de seu montador. Antes de seu nascimento, Andreas sequer tinha pensado em entrar nas águas do mar que cerca Eldrathor, mas isso acabou se tornando um costume diário para ele. Foram necessários cinco anos construindo uma relação com o dragão para que ela decidisse marcá-lo, e isso finalmente aconteceu depois de uma viagem pelo mar.
Andreas nunca mais voltou para visitar sua família. Não sabia como a mãe reagiria à sua presença, então achou melhor não arriscar a segurança de seus avós. Porém, demorou anos até que esbarrasse com seu pai, e isso só aconteceu quando ele se tornou professor no instituto. Malthus não sabia da existência do filho, ainda mais um de dezenove anos, mas sua expressão deixou claro que o homem o reconheceu de primeira. Eram muito parecidos, afinal.
O homem tentou uma aproximação, mas seu filho não queria nada com ele, o ressentimento pela maneira como havia abandonado sua mãe ainda muito vivo, tendo crescido a vida inteira com a certeza de que o comportamento amargurado da mulher se devia principalmente a esse abandono. Mas seu distanciamento não adiantou, o pai insistia em querer exibi-lo como um troféu, anunciando a todo canto que aquele era seu filho, mesmo depois de ter abandonado a mãe à própria sorte. Andreas não se agradava nem um pouco com a insistência do pai, mas para sua sorte, ela não durou muito mais que um ano.
E, se Malthus Sankar foi encontrado morto após cair do parapeito de uma das janelas mais altas do instituto, talvez fosse porque ele não era forte o suficiente para ser um soldado.
Samudara, uma Aquaris de doze anos de idade, com escamas azul cobalto em quase toda a extensão de seu corpo e douradas no peito e nos veios das asas. Ela tem uma personalidade aventureira, juvenil e levemente sarcástica.
Manifestação animal: Suas unhas crescem em garras, mas Andreas não permite que isso aconteça, sempre deixando-as o mais aparadas possível para esconder essa característica. Porém, qualquer um que preste atenção, nota que elas possuem um formato diferente de unhas normais.
Estudo complementar: Draconologia
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╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ musings
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#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ musings#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ faceclaim#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ paras#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ starter#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ task#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ pov#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ text#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ extra#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ answered#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ rán
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╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ musings
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ faceclaim
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ paras
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ starter
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ task
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ pov
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ text
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ extra
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ answered
╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ samudara
#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ musings#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ faceclaim#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ paras#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ starter#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ task#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ pov#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ text#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ extra#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ answered#╰ ⋄☾⋅ ⸻ that's what the water gave me ⧽ samudara
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