#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  e-mails but with sunglasses  ❞ ❪  anonymous.   ❫
heamatic-archive · 3 years
As Kuai and Hanzo meditate in the cort yard- silent and peaceful, there is- a disruption. A long fluffy gray tail and the gentle pitter patter of 'doot doo'ing of paws- first rubbing up on Kuai- EEk! Too cold,, doot doot doot, rub rub on Hanzo- ooooo! Waaaaarm.
The large fluff ball of a CAT climbing into his lap and currling up in a ball- napping for a moment before- nnnnope.. too hot, climb off, doot doot doot, rub rub Kuai, oooooo yes, much better.
Curl up in this lap now..
Mmmm too cold now.
Doot doot doot-
Curl up on Hanzo..
Mmm too hot now.
Doot doot doot-
back and forth, and back, and forth, on 10m intervals.
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          :・゚ 🔥┇The rustling rouses the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster, his senses so much more acute in meditation. The feline strolls its definite walk toward them as soon as he opens an eye to gaze at it. It is not the only cat within the compound — Hanzo has seen quite a few since he rebuilt. Stray cats, mostly, chasing mice from the collective food unit, so he lets them do what they do best. His attention is completely on the cat now, unusually unafraid as it makes to Kuai — rubs against him and rouses him as well. Kuai Liang’s eyes flutter open, blinks several times as the feline’s hairs bristle from the cold, then directs its attention to Hanzo, curling up on his lap without a care in the world.
           ❝New friend❞, Kuai Liang asks with amusement in his tone.
           ❝Apparently so — they will approach the children but rarely the adults.❞
            Just as Hanzo is about to tentatively pet the cat, it hops away from his lap and jumps onto Kuai Liang’s instead.
            ❝Mm….❞, Kuai Liang seems at a loss, unused to small animals coming in near proximity of him, let alone attempt to sleep on him. He does not appear to know what to do, nor what to do with his hands… until it decides to move again, returning to Hanzo, who finds himself offering a small smile in return as Kuai Liang shows relief with a mixture of… regret? But then it returns to him and he too, gives a small, albeit very faint smile. It’s not so bad, after all.
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heamatic-aaa · 3 years
Cassie I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but your mom is a MILF and I love her (totally not Johnny)
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            ❝ ——— Uuuuuh wow. Can you not? The milf part – not the you love her part (that’s actually sweet), totally-not-my-dad-obviously-trying-to-embarass-me-in-front-of-everyone.”
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heamatic-aaa · 3 years
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#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  beautiful gems ❞ ❪  promo.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  several bad puns later  ❞ ❪  funnies.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  there are no mistakes only happy accidents  ❞ ❪  mun art.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  i have arrived and i am sleep deprived  ❞ ❪  self promo.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  here’s an important lesson  ❞ ❪  psa.   ❫#╰ *:・゚💎 ──❝  diamonds in the rough  ❞ ❪  memes.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  wifi queen  ❞ ❪  munday.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  when life gives you lemonade add vodka  ❞ ❪  starter call.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  you’re next  ❞ ❪  open starters.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  never let anyone treat you like a yellow starburst. You are a pink starburst!  ❞ ❪  positivity.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  brought to you by the letter W T & F  ❞ ❪  mun edits.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  e-mails but with sunglasses  ❞ ❪  anonymous.   ❫#╰ *:・゚🎵 ──❝  inclined to the drums of my heart  ❞ ❪  mp3s.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝   that’s what i’m talking about ❞ ❪  commentary.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  e-mails  ❞ ❪   asks.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝ putting this in the treasure box  ❞ ❪   save.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  a wild roxette appears  ❞ ❪  mun things.   ❫#╰ *:・゚❤ ──❝  coffee keeps me going until it’s acceptable to drink wine  ❞ ❪  roxette speaks.   ❫
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heamatic-archive · 3 years
👉👈 ( Fujin and Raiden tbh)
Send 👉👈  on anon  if you want to ship together but are too shy to approach
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Oh nonnie, you should totally invade my IM’s because you should know, these bros need love. Raiden may have a stick up his ass most times but I promise he loosens up once you get past his barriers. And Fujin well, he likes company and isn’t difficult to get with. So pleaaase show yourself! owo
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heamatic-archive · 3 years
👉👈 ( Fujin ... )
Send 👉👈  on anon  if you want to ship together but are too shy to approach
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nonnie, come off anon. We gotta ✨talk✨.
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heamatic-archive · 3 years
this is a super mysterious ask you absolutely did not expect to receive sent to you by a mystical ghost or some shit (stay with me im making sense lmao) no but for real, I've only recently started interacting with you cause of the MK fandom and you've been so welcoming and sweet // your blog is gorgeous, your aesthetics on point and your characterisations (as far as ive seen) amazing. you're a real g <3
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Oh shit ghosts are reading my stuff!? Damn! LOL
But also – thank you so much ;w; That means a whole lot! I’m glad to know my characterizations are working out XD It’s what I work hardest on. As for the aesthetics and visuals, it’s something I really enjoy doing as an add-on on the side. Honestly I know it’s not necessary but I’m extra, what can I say? XD
And I’m glad you’re here too! I’m so happy to see more people joining this fandom! You’ve done an excellent job, ghosty! ;) I’m looking forward to many threads and interactions <3
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