#╰ ゜verse. * where he roams in the land of dust and bones.
redemn · 4 months
would it be funny if i started talking about the werebuck!au verse i have for arthur ?   great because i am .
any kind of shapeshifter can be born to any kind of shapeshifter .   while arthur's father was a full-blooded werewolf ,   and his mother was human ,   arthur ended up being born a werebuck .   since his birth ,   his father constantly ran with bad bunch of other shifters .   you know ,   the type that commit crimes and other crimes against humanity ,   etc .   when he was little ,   his father was often gone ,   and he would stay with his mother ,   who had to learn how to take care of her small ,   slightly feral ,   bitey little child with a very annoying oral fixation on her arms and hair .   when she eventually passed away ,   his father ,   who had at that point not been very present or responsive in his life ,   swooped in and filled his mother's good influence with his own unstable teachings about thee place of shifters in the world .   these teachings were basically :   they are meant to operate outside the realm of human law ,   and they don't need to heed supernatural law either ;   they do what is in their self-interest .   so for the first ten years of his life ,   arthur grew up with a lot of corrupt notions about his place in society ,   which were not helped by the fact that his father and his accomplices would often make fun of and insult him for only being half-blooded ,   and for not being a predator-shifter on top of that .   his father was eventually caught and hanged when arthur was eleven ,   after which arthur ran off on his own .   he was eventually found in his early teens by dutch and hosea ,   where he would be educated in reading and writing and society ,   and they would come to grow and form the gang of outlaw ,   outcast supernaturals .  
being that he's the son of a wolf shifter ,   he does carry a few genetic similarities to werewolves .   namely ,   he tends to become more lethargic during the day time ,   and is prone to staying up into the early hours of morning .   arthur thinks the moon is very pretty to look at ,   and sometimes he will sit out and sketch it ,   but it does nothing for him .   he also possesses tapetum lucidum, and has the ability to elongate his teeth   ( all ,   not just canines )   and grow his nails out sharper at will .   these particular traits take hours to return to normal ,   as he is not as easily able to control these traits .
he is considered a half-buck .   being only half-blooded ,   this means that he cannot fully transform into a solid bestial form ,   the way other shifters can .   instead ,   he can partially take on the characteristics of a buck ,   such as growing out his antlers or growing out his human nails into claws .   he prefers to stay in limbo in terms of his physical form ,   primarily human with longer and sharper teeth and antlers long enough for him to run through anyone who tries to fight against him .   he's also fuzzier than other humans all year round .   all of this is because he wants to be :   he is entirely capable of returning to something resembling almost fully human ,   save for his reflective eyes and a small branch of velvety antlers that poke above his hair .   because of this ,   he tends to stay away from people whenever he can .   and he always wears his father's hat to hide them .  
because he is the enforcer of the gang , arthur is generally inclined to feed in to the common stereotypes that regular people / other supernatural creatures hold .   since many people are freaked out by the supernatural ,   he uses this to his advantage when he is trying to intimidate others who do not often deal with shifters .   this includes growing out his antlers to unnatural and scary lengths ,   velvet included ,   and showing off his fangs when he is arguing with or threatening someone .
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redemn · 4 months
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there  is  no  sun  today  .      the  clouds  linger  across  the  vast  expanse  of  the  sky  ,      leaving  little  room  for  any  light  to  peek  through  .      by  all  means  ,      there  is  no  reason  for  arthur  to  be  walking  about  outdoors  with  a  hat  on  ,      as  little  as  he  needs  to  .      but  he's  worn  his  hat  for  every  day  and  almost  every  minute  since  he  was  a  child  .      but  he  does  regardless  ,      picking  up  the  pail  of  water  from  the  small  river  and  making  the  minutes-long  trek  back  toward  camp  .      he  arrives  with  little  fanfare  and  a  tip  of  his  hat  toward  the  vampire  that  stands  off  guard  near  the  butcher's  table  .      arthur's  gaze  flickers  to  the  carcasses  hanging  a  few  feet  away  .      they  haven't  been  sliced  into  just  yet  .
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@coyotlindo  .      "    you  can  take  it  off  in  camp  ,      you  know  .      "      vampire!javi  gesturing  to  arthur's  hat  with  an  encouraging  toothy  smile  (he  probably  has  no  other  option  for  it  but  to  be  toothy  lmao)
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he  hauls  the  bucket  the  last  few  steps  before  setting  it  down  where  pearson  wanted  it  .      his  hat  doesn't  move  a  centimeter  from  its  comfortable  place  atop  his  head  ,      settled  just  perfectly  around  his  small  antlers  so  as  to  be  perfectly  held  in  place  by  their  tips  .        ❝        i  take  it  off  all  the  time  ,        ❞        he  drawls  right  back  toward  the  vampire  ,      his  gaze  meeting  javier's  only  for  a  moment  before  sliding  down  to  his  display  of  fangs  .      at  least  ,      he  thinks  ,      he's  smilin'  about  it  .        ❝        ain't  my  problem  you  ain't  around  to  see  when  i  do  .        ❞
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he's  lying  through  his  teeth  ,      of  course  .      he  rarely  ever  takes  off  his  hat  ,      except  to  sleep    and  even  then  ,      he  usually  has  the  thing  propped  over  his  ear  ,      that  he  might  cover  his  hair  and  the  antlers  while  he's  unconscious  .      it's  obvious  he  likes  to  keep  his  hat  on  .      arthur  is  also  fully  aware  that  he's  being  obvious  about  it  ,      no  two  ways  about  it  .      so  his  lip  twitches            ❝        maybe  i'm  just  wearin'  it  so  you  don't  practice  sharpenin'  your  teeth  on  'em  .        ❞            and  he  reaches  up  ,      resting  his  fingers  on  the  brim  of  leather  .        ❝        why  you  askin'  ?      you  wanna  see  ?        ❞
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╰ ゜UNPROMPTED .  /  𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜  𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 .
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