#╰ ––– ✧ event : sugar quest iv ˙
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charadrxxmxrr · 18 days ago
“For angel’s sake —- ow, fuck.”
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Seems like someone tried to do some of the QUESTS by themself — but unfortunately for Chara, it seems like these monsters can’t be ACTed on or SPARED.
Their peppermint knife is snapped in two, in front of them, and Chara is currently nursing a fairly large bruise on their arm. They make a face, nose pinching as they press against the wound with the used Ice Bag that Isa had purchased them— they know that the bag isn’t cold anymore, and probably won’t help, but it makes them feel a little better.
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isolaradiale · 24 days ago
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Our epic tale began on a cold, wintery eve. Under the dim light of a moon hidden by snowy clouds, the city transformed. Walls creaked and crumbled, rebuilt in an instant in new shapes; new forms. The modern metropolis was replaced with a realm crafted from sugary treats. Gingerbread walls, gumdrop roads, cinnamon stick trees, candy castles. For this was now a fantasy candy land: the realm of the Candy Witch.
The witch's voice would boom, a thunderous sound with a tinge of familiarity to it. "You dare encroach upon my land? The Candy Witch's kingdom? Well then, I challenge you. Find me at the tippy top of my castle tower, but not before my trials are passed! Only then might you challenge me and, if you win, I may consider a way to send you home!"
In front of every non-NPC entity in the city a holographic paper appeared. A character sheet. "But the witch would not leave you without a means of accomplishing your tasks," Another voice spoke. It sounded similar to the witch's, but was much gentler. Almost as if there was a singular actor playing two different roles. "Will you take up a blade as the noble HEARTBREAKER? Perhaps you would prefer to cast the spells of the PASSION CASTER? Does the healing power of the LOVE DOCTOR tickle your fancy? Or does the path of the thieving HEART STEALER beckon to you? Fill out your character sheets and review the attached quest list, and let your journey begin!"
While the people of Spirale would hear nothing else for now, in a dark lab a young woman turned off her microphone. "I'm an android, I'm not supposed to be an actress..." Ofiuco rested her cheek gentle in front of her keyboard. "Oh well. I've always wanted to try LARPing, so why not give this a go? I think everyone could use something a little silly for a change, especially with Valentine's coming!"
Welcome to our 33rd event, SUGAR QUEST IV: THAT MOMENTARY SWEETNESS! This event was inspired by a mix of old RPG games and silly mobile game events. So what's going on?
The people of the city are awoken to the sound of a familiar voice claiming to be the Candy Witch who issues you a challenge: pass her trials and find her at the top of the castle tower.
Everyone will fill out a quick character sheet that can be found on this page, which will determine your stats, class, and abilities!
The wards of the city have all been redesigned with a candy fantasy aesthetic, and you can find these changes listed in a section below. For the duration of the event you cannot access the branches.
Trials will be offered in the form of quests that can be chosen at your leisure. Participating in a quest is not mandatory for acquiring participation, but you will receive a flat 200 Stars for your character's account. You can only claim this 200 Stars once, so doing multiple quests will not net you more.
If you're just interested in event participation, any interaction will count regardless of whether it's in a quest or not! We'll also be offering Oficucotot, Bringer of Love as an exclusive event reward! She's a six inch, Ofiuco-shaped drone that follows after you and shoots tiny arrows at your foes. Not lethal, but very annoying! The item description reads: "Watch Your Eyes!".
The event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, February 28th.
Will this event have a part 2? No! There is only one part to this event. There will be a raid battle during the last week of the event where everyone can face off against the Candy Witch, however.
Can we use our regular powers and weapons during this event? Unfortunately not! Your character has been stripped of their powers and had their physical abilities reduced to that of a normal human. You can only rely on the abilities and weapons provided by the class you choose and your character sheet stats! For non-humanoid characters, please reach out to the masterlist for accommodations!
Are the listed monsters the only ones in the setting? Nope! Those are just suggestions. You can design your own monsters to face, and even the ones listed alongside the locations are open to visual interpretation aside from the traits already listed.
Will my character undergo any visual changes during this event? Your selected class will grant you specific gear and weapons as part of that selection. Otherwise, nope! At least unless you disturb the fairies in the forest...
Are we required to use the quests for our threads? Nope! You can use them if you want the 200 Star reward, but it isn't mandatory to do a quest to get participation and the Ofiucotot, Bringer of Love. You can just do a different thread in the setting!
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railheist · 20 days ago
It Ain't a Fantasy Without a Dragon
The locals in this part of town tell tales of a beast lurking deep in the woods. A constantly changing sugary serpent known only as...
The Dragon of Deliciousness.
Frankly, Maria thinks these stories are bunk. Not because she doesn't believe in dragons — she met a woman who rode one — but because she doesn't have a reason to go pick a fight. Who goes out of their way to bug some big animal that probably just wants to be left alone?
What leads her to the outskirts of the Sweet Candy Forest is more curiosity than anything else. Maybe there's truth to those rumors, maybe not. Or maybe there's something else worth seeing in there.
It doesn't take long for her to find somebody else. What looks like a pink ghost is standing by the edge of the woods.
She looks like a spirit, but... she's just a kid.
A chill runs down Maria's spine.
After a moment of staring, she realizes she should say something. She tries to get the kid's attention by yelling, "Hey, kid!"
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"You weren't thinking of going in there, right? All by your lonesome?" That's definitely not safe.
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witchoftrinity · 22 days ago
"Well this is the spot he told us. Though it seems less like a spot a Witch would place what she stole and more like somewhere kids would go to have fun..."
Armed to the teeth with her ever reliable Jawbreaker Mace at the gate of the fairgrounds Mika really had to wonder how she got into this situation. She knew absurdity was commonplace in Spirale but this seemed to reach another level even she wasn't mentally prepared for. And her red swirled "armor" wasn't really doing any real favors either...
...She really did wish this was one of those days she threw her hands up in the air and stayed home. But alas her and the drone creaked the gate open and took a good look at their surroundings.
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"Who has the time to not only steal their creations but also hide them? Is there something I'm missing from all of this Uzi? Or is it sound just as absurd to you?"
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amorinie · 22 days ago
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a few screenshots of cherie in ffxiv, taken by @starlightdive!! a good idea of what they might look like during the event. ♡
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sponstar · 24 days ago
loop ✧ heart stealer
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weapons: candy cane daggers armour 'flavour': black licorice
( now with an added outfit! )
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pedaltothemegalodon · 11 days ago
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WEAPON: Rock Candy Wand ARMOR `FLAVOR’: Citrus fruit(mostly lemon)
Candy Shark Infestation
Bubblegum Bazooka
Fiery Caramel Apple
Sugar Plum Fairies
(This is in fact the base list but with the sharks moved to the top because that’s all she cares about and is going to be using /j)
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sinnerno8 · 12 days ago
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〜 "It's been a week and a half. A week and a half of eating nothing but bloody sweets. My teeth are going to rot out at this point. Could they at least give us some meat and potatoes?"
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feelnofear · 17 days ago
His stealth is coming in handy especially with the class he ended up with: decent for avoiding monsters here as much as it was for avoiding the more dangerous situations in general or nabbing something without being spotted.
Dys has carefully dropped down from somewhere higher up; how he’d gotten there was anyone’s guess, but he held a crouch for a few seconds listening with keen ears before standing back up and rounding a corner— only to come face to face with something… no, on closer inspection, someone, small and sporting long bright pink hair. He stands stalk still, save for the darting of his eyes taking in what he’s seeing.
He does also have his hands on his daggers, but he doesn’t think she’s one of the candy-coated monsters running around. Still a little annoying, just because he hasn’t been able to find a place where he can avoid people, but he suppresses an irritated sigh.
“Huh.” He mutters after a tense moment, though he doesn’t dare let his guard down. And then: “Don’t go this way. Something is rampaging through the forest and could come back this way any second. Take this path instead.” Given that, he keeps his voice low and ears keen, should it catch wind of them and decide to leave its set path, but figures a warning is at least fair enough. He seems headed back toward the exit of the candy forest, maybe to regroup and plan better.
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cyberengle · 17 days ago
When Engle isn't fighting or resting (so she can fight again), she's giving out Mo Bufu's tea to those with toothaches. There are many of them.
It's hard to miss the tall, black fox who weaves his way through the sugar-sick crowd.
When he approaches her, Engle simply holds up a cup.
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"Herbal tea?"
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2501iv · 18 days ago
"Are you someone that accepted this "quest" as well, or someone looking to face off with the Candy Witch?" Ivy addressed the figure that approached as she examined a low entrance door to the castle. It was locked, which meant either no one else had used it yet or they re-locked behind anyone that entered.
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"...Either way, from the looks of you... I can be useful to you, and you can be useful to me." Her red eyes fixed analytically on the candy corn axe carried by the new arrival. Without moving them, she pulled a spicy bean from her utility belt and pushed it firmly into the door's keyhole. The hard candy lock sizzled and cracked sharply.
Taking the handle in her hand, she pulled it open and stepped aside, propping it open for the other to step in first.
— ☾ QUEST ACCEPTED: The Candy Culling (Candy Witch Castle) w/ @cyberengle
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charadrxxmxrr · 19 days ago
“I have to wonder …
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Is everything in this world now edible? Are every single species of flower now safe for consumption? Is it possible to now safely eat anthrax? Or cinnamon?
am I now edible?”
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isolaradiale · 10 days ago
The door that leads to the top of the Candy Witch's castle, that is. The combined efforts of everyone from the city led to all of her trials being overcome at one point or another, breaking the spell that kept that door shut. "You're all invited to the climactic battle against the Candy Witch!" A familiar voice boomed across the entire candy setting.
Familiar because it was Ofiuco's. To absolutely no one's surprise. Dressed in a witch's hat made of candy corn and a matching dress with cloak combo. Her voice sounded commanding, but her expression suggested she was trying a little too hard to overcome her stage fright. She wasn't a good actress!
"But you will not be fighting me directly, no! I summon my ULTIMATE MINION!" A beam of light shot up from the staff in her hand, splitting the clouds to reveal the moon and starry sky above. Yet something eclipsed the moon. A gigantic, shadowy figure was descending. It was larger than even the Candy Witch's castle, and when it set down? The earth itself trembled.
The beast, a gigantic, yellow marshmallow chick, roared ferociously. It shook, and its body shed hundreds of smaller, chicken-sized copies of itself that would attack the people and monsters alike below. Yet doing so caused it to shrink ever so slightly. Could that be the trick to defeating it? "HAHAHA! THIS IS YOUR FINAL QUEST, YOU WANNABE HEROES!"
Welcome to the raid battle of the Sugar Quest IV event! The creature that Ofiuco the Candy Witch has summoned is probably the most terrifying beast you've ever witnessed in your entire life. You're surely shaking in your boots! But hope isn't lost! If you all band together, surely you can defeat it! However, there are some points to be addressed!
The Candy Witch cannot be attacked directly. Doing so will just strike a barrier!
The marshmallow chick is larger than the castle and is too big to attack directly with the spells and attacks allowed within the class system in a way that would do any damage.
Fortunately, it periodically sheds waves of smaller version of itself. While they're the size of small chickens, they are extremely agile and hit like a truck if they tackle you. They also can fire beams that, if hit, will begin the process of turning you into candy. These are choreographed well before firing, though.
You must hold out until the core chick is small enough to be destroyed, which will occur during the conclusion post!
Participating in this raid will earn you an additional 100 Stars to claim on top of the rewards from the regular quests! But starts for this raid can still only be made until the event ends at 11:59:59PM on Friday, February 28th.
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ciphertone-a · 18 days ago
@subsurfacetalkfield liked for a sugar quest iv starter call !
The shambling mass of wires is impossible to miss in most places, but now that the entire place is like some fun house mirror of Candyland, he's even more conspicuous. He could still say it was hard to tell him apart from the creatures if he wanted to blast him with a spell or two, but mocking him sounds more appealing right about now. Besides, he isn't entirely sure if he'd got any spells either, and he would return fire if he did - he'd rather not dish out what he didn't feel like taking.
A catcall is heard from overheard, floating a distance above all the combat going on. Using his cinnamon staff he waves to the beasts currently giving the AI issues.
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railheist · 19 days ago
Sweet Sculpts Resituated
In Maria's opinion, this guy shouldn't have set up shop so close to the monster-infested fairgrounds, but it's too late for him to move now, since his merchandise has already been stolen!
He promised to pay Maria for her time (in chocolates), and who is she to turn down a reward? The free sample he gave her was awfully scrumptious, and she's sure she won't be sick of chocolate by the time she gets back.
Another visitor seems to have taken up his request. It takes Maria a moment to remember this woman, now that she's in a candy-themed outfit and not on the back of a dragon, but remember her she does, and Maria nods hello.
"Hey, it's you again. Didn't catch your name last time."
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"You runnin' a fetch quest for that chocolatier, too? How's your dragon?"
(Strangely, Mister Blue seems to be missing.)
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amorinie · 24 days ago
♡. sugar quest IV character sheet!
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♡.name: cherie ♡.class: love doctor ♡.weapon: cinnamon staff ♡.armour set: strawberry robes
♡. character skills!
cinnamon hearts: warm and fuzzy healing magic!
shield of hard candy: a great big shield to protect their friends!
sugar plum fairies: a summon of fairies that will help light their way!
bubblegum bazooka: a weapon that gets all enemies into a sticky situation!
♡. character stats!
strength: 2
magic: 10
endurance: 3
speed: 5
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