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f1ameheir Β· 1 month
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peace never lasted.Β  Β  Β  it was a harrowing reality that aelin had come , long ago , to accept.Β  Β  Β  quiet times did exist , times of joy and ease , but they never lasted forever.Β  Β  Β  she just didn’t expect it to be shattered like this.Β  Β  Β  two years of happiness uprooted and crushed like a big under her boot with one letter.Β  Β  Β  one note handed to her as the moon hung high in the skies over terrasen from a messenger paled in appearance.Β  Β  Β  reading the words from the world she had only seen a few times now reaching out to her after the arrival of a threat they were unable to handle met their shores.Β  Β  Β  a danger she should have never doubted would return for vengeance for the lives she had taken that day on the battlefield.Β  Β  Β  within her , her magic plummeted in response.Β  Β  Β  the bottom that had been crafted after forging the lock crumbling and the deep well reopened allowing flames to surge through her veins.Β  Β  Β  to have her magic respond in such a way due to a worded warning Β  . . . Β  aelin did not waste time.
sending her own urgent call to her friends across erilea to convene at orynth immediately ,Β  aelin gathered those who were housed in the castle , waking them from sleep and gathering them within the war room to await the others.Β Β Β Β Β Β 
had it been hours or days until the room was filled was lost to her as she sat.Β  Β  Β  flame dancing at her fingers as eyes hollow as the day she had escaped maeve watched the last few enter.Β  Β  Β  faces of those who had given and lost so much two years ago.Β  Β  Β  of who pushed aside their own wishes to follow her.Β  Β  Β  the thought of asking them to walk back into this again made her stomach coil inwards on itself.Β  Β  Β  but what choice did she have ?Β  Β  Β 
❛ Β  i’m not going to sugar coat as to why i asked you all here so urgently. Β  ❜  Β  Β  she started with the voice of a war worn queen.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  and i don’t know all the answers.Β  Β  Β  but what i do know is , somehow , a gate was opened in prythian. Β  ❜  Β  Β  the next words struggled to come , to say their names , to say the reason becoming near impossible as she looked towards everyone. ❛ Β  and what was described can only been his remaining brothers seen coming through. Β  ❜
@ircnwrought gets the plotted starter for elide !
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f1ameheir Β· 2 months
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where aelin once had weeks to mentally prepare for what was to come , what she would have to do , seemed to within a blink turn into mere hours.Β  Β  Β  to give all of herself to protect those she loved.Β  Β  Β  to keep her promise to make a better world.Β  Β  Β  one she would not see , would not get to exist within , but knowing they would , the friends that had all given more than enough in her name , it eased the fear.Β  Β  Β  if only a bit.Β  Β  Β  however , there was one thing she still sought out to do.Β  Β  Β  night upon them , sounds of the camp in slumber that was well needed , aelin moved carefully as not to wake anyone from the tent and into the winters bite outside.Β  Β  Β  cold , has terrasen always been so cold ?Β  Β  Β  or had this been in result of the keepers of oakwald’s attempt at protecting their sacred forest ?Β  Β  Β  pulling her cloak tighter , each step past the boundaries of camp felt heavier.Β  Β  Β  the smell of fresh snow melding with that of the salt mines just ahead pulling at her knees.Β  Β  Β  but she needed to do this , one last time.Β  Β  Β  before she was wiped from the afterworld.Β  Β  Β  her immortal price to pay for bringing aelin this far.Β 
with a swipe of her blade , blood falls from her hand onto the snow well away from camp.Β  Β  Β  fingers tracing out the marking in the frozen soil before her.Β  Β  Β  one last time , to see elena.Β  Β  Β  what aelin hoped to hear from her she wasn’t sure.Β  Β  Β  would it hurt ?Β  Β  Β  would it be quick ?Β  Β  Β  questions that seemed daft in the grand scheme of things.Β  Β  Β  but when the mark was finished , the silhouette of another forming , she found her breathing uneven.Β  Β  Β  and when it took form , she felt her breathing stop. Β  Β  kaltain.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  i Β  β€” Β  ❜  Β  Β  lost for words , the broken queen who was promised scrambled to collect her thoughts.Β  Β  Β  but there were only two words that seeped out instead upon seeing the woman before her now ,Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  i’m sorry. Β  ❜
@fablemyth get's a semi plotted starter for kaltain !
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f1ameheir Β· 2 months
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there was no moment of pondering , no putting it up to a vote.Β  Β  Β  when called upon by those who hailed from the lands of snow capped peaks and stary vast skies , aelin held no reserve in calling in that ofΒ  her most trusted to her side to venture to a world only she had once witnessed.Β  Β  Β  it was a debt she owed to the man who wrote to her.Β  Β  Β  the winged man who had slowed her that day just enough for her to return back home.Β  Β  Β  the conversation with the others not only of her court but lands vast beyond to the south had not been easy. Β  Β  to ask for their help and walk into war yet again after the months of rebuilding finally began to slow after the victory of their own.Β  Β  Β  but after explaining in grand detail of falling through the worlds , emphasizing on the one in which lead her home , soon after agreement sounded through the meeting room.Β  Β  Β  and not a moment after aelin with rowan alongside her blood sworn , the king of adarlan , the two women in which aelin credited their victory against the valg to with their husbands beside them moved forth.Β  Β  Β  traveling through a gate that the queen had spent a good while in learning to craft and open with the old scrolls from orynth’s long past.Β 
she had expected Β  β€” Β  well aelin wasn’t sure what she’d expectedΒ  Β  –– Β  when they stepped to the otherside.Β  Β  Β  the sun had long set over the towering peaks and yet the city before them glowed from the starlight above.Β  Β  Β  it was a sight that took lorcan clearing his throat to pull aelin from her trance and send them trekking forth into the city itself that held her in such awe.
whispers were the first sounds to fill their ears as they passed by the citizens of this place.Β  Β  Β  who could blame them ?Β  Β  Β  aelin was aware of how they appeared to the unknowing eye.Β  Β  Β  a mixture of fae and human , scented by places not of this world , with powers among them that had defied the gods themselves.Β  Β  Β  even offering soft smiles did little to stop the wary eyes.Β  Β  Β  thankfully the feeling of being out of place did not linger as a woman who appeared around her own age came into their path.Β  Β  Β  her beauty was remarkable and by which she looked at aelin , at those behind her , it was that reason the queen knew the woman before her was the one she had witnessed beside the man that night atop the balcony.Β  Β  Β  only , not as round.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  hello , Β  ❜  Β  her voice that of civility as she took in the other.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  i am Β  β€” Β  we are here to see rhysand. Β  ❜
@starseternelle get's a semi plotted starter !
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f1ameheir Β· 22 days
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❛ Β  it’s no apartment in rifthold Β  . . .Β  Β  ❜  Β  Β  celaena’s fingers drag along the forgotten hearth that stood the centerpiece of the small cottage.Β  Β  Β  there hadn’t been much after fleeing the city , and less when it came to finally stumbling upon a house they could make their own.Β  Β  Β  but even if it were nothing but a box in an alley , after all they had endured and survived , as long as sam was there at her side Β  β€” Β  it was home.Β  Β  Β  a smirk on her face reminiscent of the girl she had always been , the part of her not even arobynn could stiffen , grows as she faces sam near glowing in the light of dusk.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  but i guess i can get used to it. Β  ❜
@sparelove liked for a starter for sam !
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f1ameheir Β· 1 month
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it was in the dead of night that the courier delivered the other worldly letter to aelin. the rapid knock pulling her from her deep slumber causing her interactions with the innocent man to be rather brash. but there was nothing that could have prepared her for what lie beyond that sealed envelope with a deep violet seal of three mountainous peaks pointing to a trio if stars above. apart of aelin wanted to toss it to the side to read it once the sun arose. but there was a pull to it , one of which made the small drop of flame within her dance to life beneath her skin. eyes glimple towards the bedroom door that sat mere cracked across the sitting area of the king and queen's chamber , ensuring rowan had not been disturbed by her abrupt rouse from the bed. silence. silence was her answer that he slept undisturbed on the other side of the wall. aelin moved from the middle of the room , finding comfort in the soft fabrics of the couch before the dying fire in the herth , the envelope still tight in her grasp as she did.
within the light she turns over the small letter. only two words sat marked on the outside in deep ink – aelin galathynius. why had the quick spelling of her name cause her heart to jump in her chest , why did she find it so hard to open the note from the world beyond ? fingers pull away the seal , pulling out the paper as eyes move over the words. and as she did , apart of her wishes she never had. because what was written to her from the high lord of the night court , the man she'd become allies with over the years , was something that made the world spin.
no , no , no , no. aelin moved without knowing , eyes vacant as face drew pale as fire began to burn hotter and hotter in her veins so much so a coating of sweat began to bead down her forehead , closer to the bedroom door. no caution , no gentle knock. only the swing of the room slamming against the wall alerted the fae in her bed to wake. distant , hollow words filled her as her own blue hues met his tired ones. but when she tried to speak again , the floor of her magic seemed to erupt pulling the queen of fire down to her knees in response of the floodgates reopening and an onslaught of fire filled every crevice of who she was. knocking her breathless as she found her voice once more. ❛  Β rowan . . . Β  ❜
@homiines get's that plot !
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f1ameheir Β· 3 months
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her face , distant and solemn in lieu of her normal mask of ease and thought as she tightened the laces of her boots before sitting before the dying fire.Β  Β  Β  trekking from the remnants of rifthold towards the northern terrain , more thoughts than aelin could siphon through danced in her mind. Β  Β  the looming battles , the outcome of chaol’s healing , every possible threat they may encounter in the meantime Β  . . . Β  so many ravaged her very focus.Β  Β  Β  pulling the usually chatty , sarcastic nature of the blonde queen to that of a quiet demeanor.Β  Β  Β  but it was only a matter of time until one of those she traveled north alongside moved from the shadows and braved the task of asking what stuck her quiet.Β  Β  Β  and low and behold , to not even her own surprise , rowan’s voice cut through the twilight veil that illuminated their campsite.Β  Β  Β  the care in his voice upon approach pulling aelin’s gaze briefly from the subtle flames of the hearth dancing before her eye.Β  Β  Β  ❛ Β  you know Β  . . . Β  i was kind of expecting dorian to have drawn the short straw. Β  ❜
@denouemente liked for a starter for rowan
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f1ameheir Β· 7 months
❛  Β by gods . . . Β  ❜ her voice was near breathless when it sounded in response to the other. lost in another world as she explored the breathtaking library velaris held home to , aelin seemed to all but forget others lurked in the shelves. aelin collected herself , fixing the books that dangled from her arms from the fright , before looking back to the auburn haired girl before her. ❛  Β you scared the hell out of me. Β  ❜
@valkyrd liked for a starter
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