#━━ why are you like this bronny?「ooc」
thomasofc · 5 years
━━ ( harris dickinson + cis male + twenty-three ) oi , have you seen thomas ‘tommy’ connelley around ? he lives in flat 14 in bedroom 5 ? i was meant to meet them this morning at bean me up before our lecture but he didn’t show . no ? well , shit . if you do see them , can you tell them i’m looking for them ? they’re a 3rd year design student from birmingham , england & you’ll know it’s them because they might just remind you of the settling twist of a silver band around a finger , a restless mind making it impossible to sleep , the gentle sound of a stylus against a hard surface , childhood memories brought back to life by old movies rediscovered & the ghost of a smile teasing corners of lips if that helps at all . just be careful , he can be a little reticent , skeptical & restive sometimes . —- oh don’t look like that , they’re usually attentive , independent & loyal most of the time .
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it me , bronny , back with my other character tommy who is MY BOI . i love him to death & i’m v happy to be writing him again here !! just like justine’s intro , you’ll find everything you need linked below because i truly have 0 chill .
stats & biography
song inspo one & two & three & four
i’d love to plot with every single one of you so i’ll direct you to tommy’s connection page , which you can find here !!
i also have a wanted connections tag here with a few things in it that we could base things around !!
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zealcus · 5 years
( kennedy walsh, cis female, she/her ) i just saw CAOIMHE “KIV” O’NIELL walking down the street’s of provincetown the other day playing JUST A BOY by OLIVIA O’BRIEN out loud. rumor has it that the TWENTY-ONE is +RESILIENT, but can also be -CONTENTIOUS — overall they’re a ZEALOUS. they remind me of  TANGLED HEADPHONES, CONSTANT EYE ROLLS, BATTERED RECORD COVERS & SCRIBBLED LYRICS UPON A DINER NAPKIN.
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just so everyone knows, this is all thanks to bay, blame her for this
before we can get all that much into kiv, you have to know that her story began LONG before she was even born because you see her parents—briana & killian o’niell—were one of those couples that wanted a child more than anything in the world but sadly for some reason could not have one of their own. they tried for YEARS before resigning themselves to the fact that it was just not meant to be naturally and though adoption was most definitely on the table, there was one more option that they could try. ivf. that’s right, kiv o’niell is an ivf baby!
that itself wasn’t the easiest road and it took a couple of rounds but on the 20th of august 1997 in belfast, ireland, briana & killian o’niell welcomed the child they’d been wanting more than anything into the world
caoimhe ( pronounced kee-va ) aoife o’niell was a miracle baby and because of that her parents doted on her completely and utterly. she was their world and they were hers.
for the first 10 years of her life kiv lived in belfast and to say she was an easy child wouldn’t be the complete truth. she was a little fireball, always with never ending energy and an imagination out of this world. the amount of times she got into trouble at school in her primary years was….endless but it was never because of nasty behaviour. the girl doesn’t really have a mean bone in her body, she just doesn’t have a filter and will insert herself into almost everything. kiv has literally 0 to complain about in her childhood, it was a dream if she’s honest.
however, when she was 10/11 after getting the news that her mother’s dad’s health had gone down hill, the o’niell’s decided that moving back to briana’s hometown of provincetown, ma would be a good thing. it wouldn’t only give briana more time with her father but it would mean that kiv could get to know the other half of her family. 
to begin with, life in provincetown wasn’t the easiest thing in the world. kiv felt a little bit like a fish out of water, but she managed to take it all in her stride. after all, her parents had always instilled in her to be herself no matter what and that she could do anything she put her mind to. though the only thing that she’s ever changed because of someone else is her name. she found that no one knew how to pronounce it and it drove her around the bend and after an incident with a boy and her swearing that the book had fallen off the shelf by itself in the library and landed on him, she started to go by kiv and kiv alone.
after that little incident it really was no wonder that her parents tightened the ship a little bit. they always knew that kiv was spirited but they couldn’t let her get away with everything, because to say they’re protective of her would be an understatement, she’s their one and only baby after all, they had to set some boundaries as she grew into a teenager and though kiv isn’t the happiest about that, she does go along with them because in the end she doesn’t really want to cause trouble for her parents. her mouth just gets away from her sometimes.
they didn’t dampen any of her light or spirit, they just helped direct it into something else. she started the piano and guitar late compared to others but she took to them like a duck to water and she hasn’t looked back since.
her parents had always told her to reach for the stars and as her love for music grew, so did her dream of becoming a singer. it was then that she started her youtube channel ( think a sarah close vibes channel ) and by the time she was around 15/16 she has grown a decent following.
but her youtube channel wasn’t the only thing that grew when she was 15/16. for all her life she’d been an only child but after her cousin came to live with them, their family of 3 grew to 4 and to begin with kiv wasn’t not about it. especially since said cousin was the definition of the guys she wanted nothing to do with! but if there was one positive to it, her parents attention turned a little away from her and she was given a little more freedom. 
though after a while, kiv warmed up to the idea of casey and figured out that he wasn’t as vile as he appeared to be and slowly but surely he became one of her favourite people even if she’s ready to call him out on his shit every moment of every day. we love chaotic cousins. 
though it had always been her dream to become a singer, kiv never thought it would happen as soon as it did. around her 18th birthday, she was approached by a record label in LA. her parents had wanted her to go to college but after some very heavy talks and very convincing arguments on her end, somehow she was allowed to move across the country on her own.
but LA wasn’t exactly what she expected. once more she felt like a fish out of water. she was a larger than life girl but she was a girl from a small town and for the first time in her life she couldn’t handle it all that well for the first few years — being away from her family really played a huge part in finding it hard and during that time she realised just how important family was to her — she lost herself for a little while and got her heart officially broken for the first time. 
but eventually after her mother came out to LA she managed to pull herself out of it and she got one hell of a first album out of it! so with a first album under her belt, one small american tour wrapped up a few months ago and her getting back to her roots, you could say things have really fallen into place for her. 
though she did make one deal with her mother, which is exactly why she’s been back in provincetown since her tour wrapped up. she’s back to rest up and forget about things for a little while and kiv is honestly happy as one can be.
her pinterest is here
her voiceclaim is olivia o’brien
she radiates big kat startford vibes if i’m honest.
unapologetically herself. she had a little slipped but she knows who she is and what she wants out of life and there’s not a damn person in the world that’ll ever stop her from achieving what she wants. 
can some across a little abrasive at times but she really doesn’t mean to the majority of the time. it’s just that she's not afraid of voicing her opinion even if people might not actually want to hear them.
do no harm but take no shit is her motto but she’s not afraid to fight someone if she really has to. though i doubt she can do all that much damage because she’s like 5 foot nothing, but looks can be deceiving. will definitely fight if you call her “ kay-oh-mie ” instead of kiv or “ kee-va ” though
the type to tell you to break up with your boyfriend bc you deserve better
when she first moved to ptown her accent was STRONG but it’s softened over the years. though when she gets emotional it really turns into what the hell are you saying right now
let her be apart of one of the girl gangs or give me death
the poor one that was the cause of kiv being introduced into the snackpack
the boy she hit over the head with a book SUHD
someone that calms her the heck down honestly, pls just settle down for 1 second
someone that encourages her chaotic nature, her other brain cell
someone that she left behind, she wasn’t about to give up her dream for them !
i have a weak spot for enemies ( frenemies ) to lovers so uhhh i won’t  complain if someone slides that on in there
pls just give this a like and i’ll come bother you, thank you
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fcrvcnts-archive · 5 years
( kennedy walsh. twenty. cisfemale. she/her. ) ❛ jessica o’niell, a cancer from camden, maine, moved into holloway one year ago. they are a college student & aspiring singer that lives in apartment 4b and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -self-doubting and -impetuous but others say they’re +warm-hearted and +effulgent. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear i don’t exist by olivia o’brien, it’s jess blasting it. 
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it’s me again. back at it with another child!!! but if you’re reading this intro before luciano’s...i’m bronny, i’m 22, i’m from new zealand and all you really need to know is that i love my children luciano & jess.
i can’t say jess’s intro is as great as luciano’s but that’s mostly because she’s a newer oc and there’s really just a jumble of ideas about her background floating around in my head. but again, i’ll stop rambling and get on with the intro!!!
jessica o’niell wasn’t exactly planned, you see—she was a product of a romance during the summer after both had graduated high school. but no matter what, jess’s mother adored the little girl from the moment she entered into this world and for the first few years of her life, so did her father.
jess’ mother never fully explained what had happened, but all jess knew was that when she was 2, her father never came home one day. he was there one day and the next gone. birthday cards, weekly money and the photos of him with her when she was young was the only thing she had left of him.
throughout her childhood, her father’s absence wasn’t that big of a deal. jess had her mother and that’s all she really needed—all she really knew or remembered. she may be her mother but she was also her best friend, she really doesn’t know where she would be without her.
BUT!! even though she knows her mum loves her and she loves her mother more than anything, their relationship is a little more complicated. there have been times in her life where her mother has felt more like a big sister rather than a mother to her. maybe it’s the fact her mother’s only 38 ( if i did the maths correctly that is ) that plays a big part in it. not to mention it’s not a rare thing for jess to feel as if her mother puts her many and frequent boyfriends before her.
it wasn’t until jess was around 15 that she really started asking questions about her father—and to this day, she wished she’d just taken her mother’s advice and left it. but her being her curious and impulsive self, she needed to know. because what she found was something no one should have to face. finding out that your father has a new loving, happy family well underway while he left you behind? she couldn’t believe it. it broke her heart and a part of herself.
since that day, she’s never felt good enough—for anything.
on the outside, the girl is a ray of sunshine and only wants the best in the world for everyone. but buried deep down is a girl with deep trust issues & the horrible feeling of not being good enough. if her own father couldn’t love her? well….she felt as if there was something wrong with her? 
it even transferred into a part of her life that meant the world to her—music.
music had been her one true passion for as long as she could remember. her fondest memory is when her grandmother brought her a piano for her 12th birthday. it was all she’d ever wanted to do in life—it was a big dream, sure, but her mother and grandparents always encouraged her and she once believed it was possible. but after finding out about her father, her self-belief faltered.
she put herself in the background of a lot of things and hardly let anyone hear her play one of the many instruments she’d learnt how to play. but she especially didn’t let anyone hear her sing.
it wasn’t until her acceptance letter into juilliard came through that pushed her into opening up a bit more. she hadn’t thought she would be accepted. she had convinced herself that she wouldn’t. so the acceptance letter was the first step in the direction of her starting to believe that she really did have some talent.
moving away from her mother was one of the hardest things she’d done in her life but it was also one of the best things she’s ever done.
she started off in the juilliard dorms but eventually moved out a year ago and into holloways. there’s definitley still some underlying problems left over from her father but she’s quite positive in where she is at the moment. not to mention, she’s even gotten a few little gigs at bars & clubs singing and they haven’t been a complete disaster. she’s really just taking life one step at a time and trying to focus on the good things in her life. 
jess is well and truly attempting the faking it until she makes it!!!
her pinterest board can be found here!!!
her voice claim is olivia o’brien :’)
she has 1 cat ( a little rescue tabby ) called kovu and she ADORES him
she taught said cat to be on a harness.
would literally be happy to go and live in a cabin in the woods. she loves the outdoors, nature & going on road trips ( bringing kovu along - hence the need to teach him to be on a lead ).
probably currently obsessed with our planet on netflix, definitley the one that gets up when things go wrong for the animals.
thanks to friends made at juilliard, jess has managed to record a few of her songs and is currently one of the artists trialing the ‘upload beta/spotify for artists’ on spotify though her limited officially released songs have previously been available on soundcloud. but since she’s not signed to any record label, she tends to stick to the live shows she manages to score at bars & the like around new york. the majority of her songs aren’t actually released but they can be found on youtube via live show hq recordings by her/friends she roped in & not as hq ones by her fans.
has had thoughts about dropping out of school to really give her all into singing but she’s just uhh terrified of not succeeding!!
if anyone would like to plot a little something, my ims are always open, i’m also up for plotting via discord, and i’d love to plot a little something!! i swear i don’t bite so please send me an im if you’re up for something, but honestly if you give this a like i’ll come to you!!
but if you are interested in plotting, i have a plots page with loose ideas here!!
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dcvereux · 6 years
* ╰    VICTORIA PEDRETTI┋have you met CLÉMENCE “EMMY” DEVEREUX ? she reminds me of a single star peeking through a cloudy sky, hesitant soft touches, a delicate golden pendant rested upon prominent collar bones, messy beds covered with half read books, windswept daisies dotted throughout a green meadow, soft velvet  bows securing wild hair,  stormy white capped seas,  internal battles that seem never ending  &  smiles hidden behind fingers. a  twenty year old ninth year hufflepuff, the intangible concept is known to be compassionate & observant, yet skeptical & reticent. that explains why they’re majoring in care of magical creatures. rumour has it, emmy is siding with the neutrals in the solemn war that blazes just beyond the horizon. 
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hey, hi, hello!!! i’m bronny, i’m 22 and from new zealand ( probably one of the worst timezones but ) and i’m so excited to be here?? i’ve missed playing my daughter emmy (also goes by clém but it’s mostly her family that calls her that, they ain’t a fan of the name emmy ) and i’m so happy to be here and writing her again!!!
anyway, you’re probably not here to listen to me rambling. you’re here for my smol slytherin turned hufflepuff kiddo. i won’t list everything here though because i have a full about page for her here with a bio up ( RIGHT HERE ) that has everything you need to know about her and even though it’s long it’ll really help you understand her!!
extras: this edit is really all that matters!!! there’s also a spotify playlist but you may need to @ me for that if you want to hear it bc i’m pretty sure last time i linked it on tumblr i got hacked, rip.
basically she appears to be a very optimistic and positive and lowkey just like a lil ray of sunshine and for the most part it’s who she is?? only wants the best for people and tries her hardest to not judge no matter where the person comes from or who they are??  but underneath it all she’s actually quite a conflicted and lost person??  
she’s grown up in a family that is somehow the complete opposite of her and even if she’s tried to keep a hold of who she is or at least who she wants to be, there’s no denying that there is a part of her that fits in with her family and it does come out every now and again bc listen….even if her parents love her, there’s no denying that they attempted to try and drag the more ‘slytherin’ side of her out more whenever they got the chance bc they can’t help but think she’s weak??
but when she’s upset or angry, the harder/darker side of her comes out?? she can almost do a 180 on her whole personality if something pushes her a little too far, like the light you can probably see in her features just switches off and she gets this darkness to her and will do and say whatever she needs to get herself out of the situation and she lowkey hates it. which is why she prefers to try and keep her emotions at bay the majority of time?? she kind of just needs to learn to figure out how to use that darker side of her for something good??  bc even though she feels as if she’s a true hufflepuff ( even if she still has her moments bc how can i be a hufflepuff when i have this darker side of me that would do anything to survive ), all her life she’s been brought up in a household full of slytherin’s and it’s all she’s known and quite a few of the most important people in her life are slytherin’s and all are death eaters/followers of voldemort and it pulls her bc…she’s loyal to a fault but she knows deep down she doesn’t agree with anything her family does but if she leaves them, it means she loses her family and she’s not sure if she’d be able to handle that??
basically voldemort rising and her family returning to his side makes it feel like her worst nightmare is coming true!!!! because she knows one day she’ll ended up having to decide between either the life she’d created for herself at hogwarts and abandon her family or chose her family and abandon her friends and possibly even who she truly is?? help her SHE’S JUST A TERRIFIED AND LOST KID, HELP HER BEFORE SHE DOES SOMETHING IDIOTIC ( someone just convince her to pick a side honestly ).
majoring in magizoology ( i’m just an idiot who put care of magical creatures instead of magizoology on her app ) which her parents aren’t the FONDEST of, they’d prefer if she was majoring in literally anything else and they haven’t been afraid of speaking their minds about it, but it was the first time she put her foot down for something she WANTED and she hasn’t been happier.
currently one of the neutrals but who knows what’s going to happen!!
any of the plots below can be expanded on or changed slightly!! so feel free to use them as a guide and we talk out any changes you’d possibly like to make!!
we come from the same side, i know you; it's always been the two of them. they were the shining light during the family gatherings and events growing up for emmy. they were the one person she could always count on no matter what and no matter how different they may appear at times they brought out the best in each other. the day emmy was sorted into hufflepuff, and them in slytherin, was something she'd been hoping and praying wouldn't happen—they were meant to be her rock and her theirs and as time went on, emmy always expected them to pull away from her like many had. but they never did. they'd always known she was different to many slytherins before they were even officially slytherins, nothing had changed for them and emmy couldn't be anymore grateful for them sticking by her side. losing them would have to be one of her worst nightmares, especially since danger has been brewing. they're the only person that truly knows her and she’d do anything for them no matter what. ( open to a slytherin )
offended that I walk the line; for all emmy’s life, they’ve been there by her side. maybe it was their families that first put them in front of each other but for the first 14 years of their lives they were deemed best friends. but the day emmy was sorted into hufflepuff was the day they began to lose each other. though emmy desperately tried to keep their friendship, it was impossible for them to wrap their heads around the fact emmy was a hufflepuff and beginning to show qualities they’d been taught to never display. with every passing year, emmy drifted further and further away from the life they were both meant to be mixed up in. it was obvious to them that emmy no longer held the same beliefs they and their families had and it’s a struggle for both of them to accept the fact that they no longer stand on the same side. ( open to a pureblood and/or slytherin )    
to help me see myself clearer; meeting them was the first step in emmy slowly beginning to turn away from everything she knows. all her life she’d been taught to be one thing, act in a certain way. but meeting them made her rethink everything. they showed her that the way she was wired, the way she was different to her family, was okay. who she was, was okay. though in return, emmy showed them that the world wasn’t just black and white. she came from a world full of darkness but she still managed to let the light in. they both taught each other something they never thought was possible, nothing is straight forward. ( open to anyone but a slytherin )
so I wait at the gates of your fortress; they are the one person that showed her what it’s like to feel loved and truly cared about. they are the most important person in her life but emmy can’t even begin to think about getting them mixed up in the nightmare that is her family. she’s done everything in her power to keep them away from her family but as the threat and danger grows emmy wanted them nowhere near the world she may eventually be dragged into when the time comes to make a decision. after a year or so of dating, emmy broke things off. she left a lot of things unsaid and hardly gave them an explanation about why she was breaking up with them. all she gave them was a “it’s for the better, trust me, you deserve so much more than what I can give you,” as she left them standing by the great lake. but she couldn’t let them go completely, they’ve stayed friends but it’s almost impossible for them to be in the same room. it’s clear the two still love each other but emmy refuses to let them put themselves in the line of fire. ( open to anyone but a slytherin and/or a pureblood )  
Emmy’s looser plot ideas can be found here!!
i’m all for plotting, so if you’re interested in any of the above plots or the looser plots on her connections page, just let me know by im-ing me ( i’m the worst, please don’t be afraid to do so, i’ll love you ) or giving this a little like!! i want to attempt to plot with you all!!! i also have discord, so if you’d rather plot there i’m up for that as well
i’m also in the process of developing another muse ( caoimhe “kiv” walsh , a northern irelander muggleborn, gryffindor order member ) but i’m making/waiting to see if anyone makes resources for the fc ( emma mackey ) i have in mind for her before i bring her on in officially!! if you’d like to know more about her...i....won’t pass up the chance to talk about my new emerging kid.
i think that’s enough rambling for now, i can’t wait to get started and write with you all and bring emmy to life again :’)
( p.s. i forgot to add, if anyone would rather plot on dis.cord, my # is bronny#0752 !! )
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kivwalshs · 6 years
* ╰    ( EMMA MACKEY )┋have you met ( CAOIMHE WALSH ) ? ( she ) reminds me of ( records upon a turntable blasted from the girls’ dorm, stifled laughter, a heavy irish accent drifting upon the wind, the flicker of orange of a fire upon the horizon, running away from the boys in green, an anger never quite tamed, the heaviness of not quite belonging anywhere, a cigarette captured between smirking lips & a softness that’s rarely seen ). a ( twenty-one ) year old ( tenth ) year ( gryffindor ), the ( insurgent ) is known to be ( + vehement & + steadfast ), yet ( — imprudent & — pugnacious ). that explains why they’re majoring in ( aurora studies ). rumour has it, ( kiv ) is siding with ( the order ) in the solemn war that blazes just beyond the horizon.
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what’s up kids, it’s me, bronny back at it with another kid!! she’s a new oc of mine that i’ve more or less just started to develop because after seeing emma mackey in sex education?? i needed to use her right away. most definitley the opposite of sweet emmy but!!! i love my new kid.
i am in the progress of making resources for her and/or waiting to see if someone else beats me and puts out some gif icons of her, so please bear with me while i get that sorted out!! i just had to bring her in..i have 0 self control. 
now getting on with her intro!!! i hope this makes sense???......i’m so sorry if it doesn’t, but i’m more than willing to talk her over with anyone that would be willing to listen :’)
caoimhe ( pronounced kee-va gotta love irish spelling!!! ) walsh was born in derry ( otherwise known as londonderry ), northern ireland to killian and briana walsh. a pub owner & barmaid—both of who are muggles.
though the walsh family weren’t poor, they sat more within the working class rather than the middle class. however, growing up, caoimhe hardly ever felt hard done by or without. her friends all came from the same background and though there were times of jealousy looking at the members of higher classes, caoimhe wouldn’t have changed a thing about her childhood. of course it wasn’t always a walk in the park, but she had a family ( her parents and three older brothers ) who loved her and friends that she adored and that cared about her.
however, growing up within derry, and northern ireland as a whole, nothing was easy.
although the unrest didn’t officially start until the late 60′s, growing up in a catholic and  irish nationalist family....surrounded by unionists/loyalists and ruled by a government that was not the most welcoming of irish traditions to put it simply was...tricky.
being only young though, kiv hardly understood what was going on. derry was her home and she was surrounded by people that thought the same as her family, school was about the only place where things got a little blurred & different. the only odd thing she remembers was her teachers always spelt her name keeva and when her parents found out— kiv became the norm for caoimhe.  not that she cared all that much, she felt as though kiv fit her well.
but it wasn’t as if caoimhe was the most perfect student to begin with. growing up, caoimhe was a little terror to say the least. she didn’t have a mean bone in her body but she just had far to much energy and not a lot to do to get it out. apart from cause trouble at least. there wasn’t a day that went by that i doubt she wasn’t in trouble from someone.
not to mention there was some unexplainable accidents with certain kids at school. she had never meant to cause a kid any harm, but one angry thought and well—they hardly messed with her again.
it shouldn’t have been a surprise when she and her parents found out she was a witch, but how could it not be?
the wizarding world was eye opening to say the least. it was hard for kiv to wrap her head, but as she learnt more and more, the thought of attending hogwarts excited her more than anything. she couldn’t wait to learn & discover everything that she was capable of. she’d always felt odd and out of it at school in the ‘muggle’ world, she never could put her finger on why but now she feels as if she may have figured out why.
kiv was 11 when she started at hogwarts, and she hardly had the sorting hat upon her head for a split second before she was sorted into gryffindor. a place that could become her home away from home before she knew it. but it was also when her home life was turned upside down by the troubles.
since then, she’s had adversity in both of her lives.
going home to derry in the holidays and dealing with the civil unrest that had erupted during her first year at hogwarts and the fact that apparently being muggleborn wasn’t as special as she had been led to believe by her parents. she’d never forget the first time someone called her a mudblood. hogwarts was meant to be a place she belonged. but now? she felt as if she didn’t belong in either of her worlds.
the events going on in northern ireland however did light a fire a fire in her as she grew up. though she and her family didn’t agree with some of the actions taken by the ira, they helped kiv learn to fight for who she was and what she believed in. maybe the troubles in northern ireland wasn’t something she could tackle, but she could help fight for the muggleborns at hogwarts.
ever since she came to understand the full weight of the word mudblood and witnessed the civil unrest first hand back home in northern ireland, kiv’s never been afraid to speak out for what she believes in. she’s a proud muggleborn witch through and through.
kiv had always been a headstrong kid who dove head first into things without thinking, but it only got worse as she got older. fists aren’t something she’s shy in using and though sometimes she’s quick to anger, she’s only ever given what she’s gotten. apart from that one time she punched someone square in the nose for calling someone else a mudblood.
much like any gryffindor house members, she fiercely loyal and if she counts you as a friend, she will be willing to fight to the death for the people she cares about. it’s really no wonder that she joined up to the order when word spread that it was being created. they after all, were fighting for everything she believed in.
can come across as a bit abrasive but deep down she doesn’t really have a bad bone in her body & she loves fiercely. she really does have a lot of emotions running through her body that she doesn’t quite know how to handle.
does have the ability to be one of the softest people....especially with younger kids, would protect them like a lioness does with her cubs.
may or may not end up up as a casualty of the first wizarding war!!! we love suffering in this house.
someone(s) who she regards as her best friend.
the person she punched square in the nose after they called someone she considers a friend a mudblood.
purebloods that despise her.
fellow muggleborns she would give her life for.
a love interest....actually quite a #healthy one?? very supportive & loving honestly?? they bring out the best in each other??
or even.....a forbidden one?? who knows. maybe a pureblood falls for the muggleborn?? wow amazing.
literally ANYTHING.
give this a little like or hop into my ims if you’d like to plot!!!! ( i’ll probably im you through kiv’s side account to not confuse myself too much with emmy ) i’d seriously love to plot with all of you!!!
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emmybauer · 6 years
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‹ alycia debnam-carey, cisfemale, she/her ›  i was scrolling through insta earlier and i saw that @EMMY is moving to honeysuckle ! you know the TWENTY-THREE year old CURRENTLY UNEMPLOYED from WASHINGTON, D.C. that i’ve been telling you about, EMMY BAUER. still not ringing any bells ? they’re a total VIRGO remember that picture of HER WITH HER GRANDPARENTS or the video of them singing HEAVENLY by PALE WAVES ? Whatever, you’re hopeless - they’re moving onto SYCAMORE STREET, hopefully i’ll get a chance to meet them. 
what’s up kids, it’s me, bronny, back at you with another kiddo of mine. instead of rambling on for years like i did on kieran, i’m going to get onto emmy’s intro because it’s.........really something. love you all, please don’t hate me. love my kid.
Emmy Songs:
Leaving Tonight
Now, Now’s whole album honestly
Clémence Emelie Bauer—better known as Emmy—was a child who was far from planned. You see, Justine ( neé Reynolds ) & Nolan Bauer only just finished their junior year of college ( 20 & 21 ) when Emmy was born. Though the two of them had been dating for years and had plans of getting married sometime, children weren’t in the near future as they wanted to focus on finishing college & starting their careers—both wanted to get into the FBI—so Emmy put a spanner in the works.
But thanks to supportive Grandparents they made it work and though Justine & Nolan Bauer adored their little girl, they made the decision to let Justine’s parents raise Emmy for the majority of her early childhood in their hometown of Happy Camp while they continued on with their college education. Even if there was a distance between them, Emmy adored her parents. The young girl didn’t exactly understand but during their school breaks were the best times of Emmy’s life.
After finally graduating both parents entered into the working world to get their minium 3 years of work experience before they could apply for the FBI and those 3 years were heaven for the three? They made the decision to move permanently to Washington, D.C. ( even convincing Justine’s parents to tag along—though there wasn’t much resistance there ). They really settled into being a family and when they were 24 and 25 and Emmy was 4 they finally got officially married.
Basically ever since Emmy could remember, it had been her, her father and her mother. Maybe there were times when she was with her grandparents still when her parents were busy with work but the three of them were inseparable and many times Emmy cheesily compared them to the three musketeers after her mother introduced her to the story when she was only little. Something that quickly became her favourite thing in the world. It was really no surprise that throughout her childhood Emmy was a child who never could keep still. She was forever moving, forever wanting to go on adventures and explore the world around her and forever pretending to be D’Artagnan. Something her parents were more than happy to indulged. Emmy was really their pride and joy.
Justine & Nolan got accepted into the FBI Academy when they were 26 & 27 and Emmy being only 6, once again started to live mostly with her Grandparents while they were at the Academy. It was the hardest time for all of them, especially since Emmy was a little more aware of her parents absence and there were times little 6/7 year old Emmy swore she hated them but it never lasted long, but they deemed it necessary since becoming an FBI agent was all the two of them had ever wanted and after 20 weeks, they finally reached their goal.
But no matter what Emmy’s childhood was more than happy. If it wasn’t her parents there to love her, her grandparents were. Emmy wasn’t just a happy child with a small twinkle in her eye. The twinkle burned furiously and brightly, she adored the world around her and would often stop to pick snails up from the path and place them safely on a near by plant. Everything and everyone was something special to her.  Even throughout the first years of her teenage life, Emmy never once lost the innocence she held throughout childhood. She was still a bubbly girl, dedicated to the multiple sports teams she joined and active in almost every detail of her life.
That was until one day, one moment, one second, changed everything. 
Three became two.                                         ****** DEATH TW ********
It was meant to be a routine assignment. Her mother was meant to come back that night but she never did. Instead only her father did. At first, the words didn’t sink in. How could her mother have been killed in the line of duty? She was always meant to be around, she was always meant to be here with them. Emmy’s 14 year old self couldn’t process the full effects, it was almost as if she was on the outside looking in as her father tried the best he could without breaking down to explain what had happened. Nothing was the same after that. That night was when the innocence was stripped completely from Emmy.                     ****** DEPRESSION & ALCOHOLISM TW ********
After her mother’s death, Emmy could only watch helplessly as her father feel into depression and he developed an unhealthy drinking habit ( no violence or anything of that sort, he just gets very......sad and self-medicates ). Emmy’s mother was literally the love of his life? his best friend? they’d known each other their whole lives but she was suddenly just gone? He couldn’t handle it. It forced her to grow up far quicker than she ever thought she ever would have to, she not only had to look after herself but she took it upon herself to take care of her father even if her Grandparents did try to help as much as they could.
A year after Emmy lost her mother, Nolan quit the FBI, packed all their belongings and decided to move back to their hometown, Happy Camp. Emmy was devastated to leave behind her Grandparents, they were the only thing she had left of her mother, but she had no choice. She tried to see the positives, but the only one she could see was that she’d be able to see her other set of Grandparents she only saw during the Holidays more.
At first they moved in with Nolan’s parents, Emmy’s other Grandparents, while they found their feet a little and Nolan somehow managed to get a job in the local police department, but they eventually moved into a small house only a few houses down from Emmy’s Grandparents place on Vine Street.
Over the years, the twinkle in her eye faded. The once excitable, optimistic child she’d once been faded and was replaced. Her love of the world was dampened. She still put snails upon plants near by when she came across them, but she didn’t see the world in the same way. How could she after knowing there were people out there that would willing kill someone because they were trying to help people. But if there was one thing the night she lost her mother did for her, it was give her a reason to keep fighting.
Because much to her father’s displeasure ( the thought of his daughter joining the career that killed her mother/his wife??? ouch, doesn’t want to lose his daughter as well!!!! ), Emmy settled on following her mother’s footsteps. She wanted nothing more than to join the FBI and help in ways that her mother once had.
But if there was only thing that tipped her Father over the edge was the fact she’d made up her mind to go to college out of state. Washington, D.C. to be exact when the time came. The admission pushed her Father a little far that night but in the end it was the thing he needed to finally seek out the help he needed.
Emmy’s never held any hate towards her father, she’d do anything for him, she loves him more than anything in the world but as she grew older Emmy could help but feel some resentment towards him. She’ll never get over how she felt like she had to be the adult when she was still a child. Their relationship is still a little rocky but after Emmy talked with him, their relationship started to mend and it’s slowly but surely getting better each day.
At 18 Emmy had managed to get a full-tuition Scholarship to study Psychological Science and Criminology and she packed up her little car and headed off to Washington, D.C. where she went back to live with her Grandparents ( her mother’s parents )
Over the years at College Emmy grew into herself, she flourished in ways she never thought she could and eventually the world didn’t seem so dark anymore. Some of the lightness came back into her eyes and she started to see the beauty in the world again.
Joining the FBI was still front and center in her mind after graduating and to gain her three years experience she needed, she got a job as Social Worker. Kinda lowkey fell in love with the job... and sure it had its moments, sometimes she wanted to quit, but knowing that in some cases she was helping was enough to keep her going and if there’s one thing in life she wants it’s to make a difference. 
But she’s not about to give up her one life goal that’s been keeping her going for nearly her whole life, even if there’s a little nagging feeling in the pit of her stomach.                                 ****** DEATH TW ********
But one sudden phone call one night from her Father brought her life to a halt once more.
The death of her father’s father, Emmy’s Grandfather, brought Emmy back to Happy Camp.
Emmy’s stay in Happy Camp was only meant to be for a few days for the funeral, but after seeing the state her Father was in, Emmy couldn’t leave and eventually made the decision to stay for as long as her Father needed her and due to her not being able to give her boss an exact date of her return, it broke her heart to do so but Emmy quit her job. Luckily she’d saved enough money to allow her to stay unemployed and comfortable for a certain amount of time.
It’s been a week or so since Emmy’s been back in town and at this point, it feels like she’ll never leave. She’s even rented an apartment of Sycamore Street.  
But the longer she’s here, the quicker she realises there’s something about Happy Camp that really gets in her blood and there’s a thought in the back of her mind that taking a job here would be far more needed than back in Washington, D.C. 
Quite different to the girl that left when she was 18? Both in personality and appearance. Since her time in Washington, she’s become a lot more ‘refined,’ gone is the curly frizzy haired, baby faced girl ( aka the cutest girl ) and in her place is a sleek haired woman that knows how to carry herself ? just a decent as glow-up honestly. Personality wise, she was pretty quiet and she kept to herself but she’s really blossomed and is once again a pretty bubbly girl who knows her whole mind and what she wants out of life ( or at least acts like she does ).
The actual most loving girl you’ll ever meet??  Is really the human version of the heart eyes emoji and the quote, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be Kind. Always.”
#independentwoman who doesn’t need anyone to change a lightbulb for her.
Actually has a bit of a fiery side to her?? It doesn’t often come out but if someone’s being a complete and utter dick to someone she cares about...you may just hear a little something from her. 
violence is never the answer, definitley bordering on being a pacifist, but just in case girl has been taking self-defensive lessons and works out regularly because just because she’s not a fan of violence doesn’t mean she can’t look out for herself and the people she loves by any means possible right??
( uhhh knows how to shoot a gun, has a licence and everything but does not have a gun. goes to a shooting range or a dumb as fair to shoot those dumb water guns to keep her aim up. it’s only in preparation for the FBI, otherwise she’d stay about as far away from one as you can get  )
Loves her family more than anything in the world, especially her Grandparents on her mother’s side. 
Definitley the mom friend.
Moving away to go to college was the first ‘selfish’ thing she has ever done and she thought she’d regret it but it was the best thing she’s ever done? it really taught her who she is as a person? very solid in who she is and what she stands for.
Can’t bring herself to settle on the fact that the FBI really isn’t what she wants to do with her life because if she does, then she feels like she’s letting her mother down?
HOWEVER!!! No matter how much love the girl gives to people and the world around her, she’s terrified of actually falling in love?? She loves the idea of it but the actual act terrifies her ( hello Lara-Jean from tatbilb )??  She’s terrified of losing the people she loves the most and seeing what her father went through when he lost the love of his life, she’s not about to sign herself up for the chance of that happening!! Lowkey been in love once but she ruined it when she left for college ( hint, hint wanted connection there ) but she acts like it wasn’t anything serious.
WOW. If you read all of that, you are an actual saint. I cannot believe. This got far longer than I meant it to be but once I started....I couldn’t stop, I love my girl a lot.
Instead of making this even longer than it is at the moment, I’ve written out a few connections HERE that i would love to see for Emmy? So if you’re interested at all, just give this a little like & i’ll come into your ims and love you, or if you’re feeling brave send me an im and i’ll love you just as much!!
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thomasofc · 5 years
━━ ( ester expósito + cis female + twenty ) oi , have you seen justine delgado around ? she lives in flat 12 in bedroom 1 ? i was meant to meet them this morning at bean me up before our lecture but she didn’t show . no ? well , shit . if you do see them , can you tell them i’m looking for them ? they’re a 2nd year physiotherapy student from cheltenham , gloucestershire , england & you’ll know it’s them because they might just remind you of early morning alarms , a twisted path with no direction , figure skates hidden in the back of the wardrobe , & a smile that doesn’t quite reach the eyes if that helps at all . just be careful , she can be a little distrustful , stubborn & finicky sometimes . —- oh don’t look like that , they’re usually effulgent , compassionate & driven most of the time .
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hello friends ! i’m bronny , i’m 23 , i’m from new zealand ( possibly one of the …. worst timezones but we make it work !! ) & i’m v excited to be here & to finally be writing the loml , justine !! she’s been in the works for a long time ( i swear spinning out came after i’d planned justine out ) & to finally be able to write her ? a literal blessing . but i’ll stop rambling on about nothing & jump into why you’re actually here … justine !!
i may or may not have gotten a little carried away so instead of writing her about here , you can find it her stats & biography page below !!
stats & biography
song inspo one & two & three & four & five
one of ‘ her ’ skating programs
the video that inspired the pairs skating
i’d love to plot with every single one of you so i’ll direct you to justine’s connection page , which you can find here !!
i also have a wanted connections tag here with a few things in it that we could base things around !!
and that’s it ! phew , if you actually read everything on her pages … you’re a real one bc that was A LOT . if you’d like to plot , please don’t hesitate to hmu through the ims or through discord !! but if you’re a lil shy like me just hit that lil heart & i’ll buckle up & come bother you !!
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fcrvcnts-archive · 5 years
( giancarlo commare. twenty-six. cismale. he/him. ) ❛ luciano canegello, a scorpio from los angeles, califnornia, moved into holloway six years ago. they are a junior sous chef that lives in apartment 2f and their neighbors don’t particularly mind them. some say they can be -reticent and -suspicious but others say they’re +attentive and +equanimous. anyways, one thing is for sure: you hear my way by tom walker, it’s luca blasting it.
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hey, hi, hello!!! i’m bronny, i’m 22, i’m from new zealand ( possibly one of the worst timezones to be in but we learn to survive!! ) and i’m so excited about this group!! luciano is a bit of reworked old muse of mine that i haven’t written in a while but i would be lying if i said skam italia’s current season hasn’t given me a huge burst of inspiration for him ( hence why i switched kieran out for him ) but i....love my soft son okay and i won’t ramble anymore because his intro is a touch....long. so without further ado......
Luciano Canegallo was born to Nicola & Giovanni Canegallo, two hugely successfully actors in Italy. Both were successful in their own right but after acting in a movie together when they were only in their mid-twenties they were an immediate power couple. Think Brangelina, Sonny & Cher, etc. etc. So you could say that he was brought up in the limelight, along with his little sister who came 4 years after him.
For the first 10 years of his life he lived in Rome, Italy & Italian is his first language but he’s fluent in English. Something he would have most likely learnt anyway, but his parents wanted to make sure that English came as if it was his first language bc they had….big…BIG hopes and dreams for Luciano.
When he was 10, both his parents broke into the American film world after they starred in their first of many American movies and because of their expanding career, they decided to make the move to Los Angeles a permanent thing. They still have their family home in Rome but they only use it for holidays or for family occasions
Growing up in the limelight didn’t exactly effect Luciano that much? Maybe it was because he didn’t exactly know anything else? But his parents did try to give him & his sister somewhat of a ‘normal’ life. They went to ‘normal’ schools, hung out with their friends….but no matter what they said or tried to pass off nothing was really ‘normal.’
Luciano didn’t exactly have an inflated ego but he’s lived a life of privilege all his life and though it’s not in his intention—he can come across a little…..cocky and as if he’d be a little bit of an asshole.
But no matter how privileged his life was, the one thing Luciano found hard, especially when he got older into his teenage years, was how he never quite exactly knew if people were friends with him because they liked him for him or they were only friends with him because of who he was or more than likely than not who his parents were.
Trust wasn’t and still isn’t an easy thing for him. The only person he trusts is his younger sister, Olivia. She’s his best friend and she means the world to him, he doesn’t know where he’d be without her.
Little headcanon that…..a girl broke his heart completely bc boy fell head over heels in love but  it turned out that…..she really just used him for his/his parents #fame & #status to further her own career.
Because of his trust issues, he’s far from open and prefers to keep people at a certain distance. But he does it in a way that they wouldn’t even know? To most people, he’s a very level-headed guy that sure definitley has a bit of an air of arrogance about him but he’s actually pretty friendly and welcoming to the majority of people??definitley wouldn’t be the first impression when you look at him though.
But he only shows surface level of himself, he never lets himself get emotional or lets anyone see him anything but the perfectly put together facade that his parents helped him create over the years.
But honestly, he really is just a big ol’ softy? He’s really got a huge as hell heart, he just finds it hard to give or show it to anyone that’s not his family.
NOW!!! Since he was born really his parents……well they imagined that he would follow in their footsteps and become an actor, to them it was obvious from day 1 that he was a star or at least destined for something great.
but do you think luciano wanted to follow his parents dream for him? To begin with, hell yeah! When he was a kid and in his early teens he guest starred in some of his parents movies and co-starred in a few movies. but he never loved acting or had the passion more deserving people had and it was really just something he did to more or less please his parents and keep them happy?
and as luciano grew up and slowly but surely found his footing in the dumb thing called life & he started to find himself more—food slowly but surely started to become a love and passion. he had a passion for it that he lacked in acting.
food of course had always been an important part of his & his family’s life. it was what brought them all back together when his parents had been away for weeks, sometimes even months, on end—and  slowly the celebratory dinners and welcome back dinners that had once been cooked by payed chefs were being made by luciano.
it was a surprise to luciano’s parents when he sat them down one day to explain that acting wasn’t what he wanted to do. seeing the disappointment in their eyes wasn’t easy for luciano but he’d appeased them long enough. he couldn’t just keep taking roles from more deserving people simply because his parents were famous. he was talented sure, but he didn’t want everything that came along with the spotlight. he finds the spotlight he has already too much and there are times he wishes he could switch it off completely. he knew they’d live, they had one child thriving in the entertainment industry after all.
but what was the most surprising things for them was the fact that he wanted to go to culinary school. the institute of culinary education to be exact—the new york campus.
they couldn’t quite understand why he’d want to go across the country when there was a campus right where they lived and to save at least some of their feelings, luciano let them think that it was simply the better option. when in reality, he wanted to get away from the spotlight. he wanted to make a life for himself that didn’t rely on his last name and support himself. it was his first step to freedom.
not that his parents could exactly stop him, but to his relief at least they slowly came around to the idea and after he completed his last year of school and the new year came around, he was off to new york to start the process of becoming a chef.
to start off with, he amused his parents by allowing them to rent a place for him while he did his 12 months of study but after his graduation and having some money of his own saved up, he went out of his own and started renting an apartment at holloways. he started off with roommates at holloway but eventually moved into an apartment of his own when he had some more money under his belt.
it wasn’t anything flash, far from anything he had been use to if he was honest, but it was his and he couldn’t be happier.
moving to new york & following his passion was one of the best things he has ever done. there has been a few times someone has stopped him in the streets to ask for a photo or something along those lines but for the most part he blended in and he has never been happier.
after graduating from the institute of culinary education, he was jumping around a few jobs as a commis chef but around 22 he landed a job as a chef de partie, a roundsman to be exact, in an up and coming 5 star italian based restaurant and at 23 he was promoted to the sauté chef before then at 25 becoming the junior sous chef. he has head sous chef in his sights but for the moment, he’s happy where he is.
one could say that his life is going pretty swimmingly for the most part
it’s no secret who his family is but it’s not something he’s completely open about as he prefers just blending in.
he prefers to go by luca but people closest to him do call him luci and he doesn’t completely hate it when it comes from them.
will 100% cook you food if you ask. would cook for the whole apartment block honestly and make it a party on the roof.
also plays the guitar & piano
if anyone would like to plot a little something, my ims are always open, i’m also up for plotting via discord, and i’d love to plot a little something!! i swear i don’t bite so please send me an im if you’re up for something, but honestly if you give this a like i’ll come to you!!
but if you are interested in plotting, i have a plots page with loose ideas here!!
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thomasofc · 5 years
━━  TAG  DROP  !!
wow  ,  would  you  look  at  that  ,  how  handy  dandy  !!
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fcrvcnts-archive · 5 years
after a hectic as hell friday to sunday its left me feeling drained and exhausted, which makes replying to anything near impossible but i’m starting to feel a little more human. though i hope the next two days of being busy don’t wipe me out again, because i’m planning on attempting a few things on saturday. 
i know things have been pretty slow recently but as long as you’re still loving your characters and the members here, we’ll probably be quite slack on activity for the next little while. 
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kivwalshs · 6 years
now that i FINALLY have a decent amount of gif icons of emma ( thanks to a lovely resources maker :’) ) i feel like i can actually throw kiv at people!! so, when i first posted my intro it didn’t want to show up in the tags ( it’s there now however ) so i thought i’d just link it here again. if you’d like to plot with my idiot daughter feel free to message me or give this post a little like!!
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fcrvcnts-archive · 5 years
this is a handy dandy tag drop.
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fcrvcnts-archive · 5 years
  〉   JESS & TAGS.
this is a handy dandy tag drop.
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