barrackbvnny · 3 months
@lightfaithed asked: “⚠ picks up Brioola <3”
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Although it isn’t uncommon for her to be picked up. It is however uncommon for her to be picked up at random. Having her datapad in her hand as she waits for someone at their usual meeting place, she feels herself being picked up and she’s instantly freaked out. Letting out a harsh gasp at the sudden movement.
Her panic isn’t short as her heart races from adrenaline in a split second. She’s been, kidnapped before. This wouldn’t be the first time someone catches her by surprise, but she’s safely within the walls of durasteal with troopers passing by. None of them seem bothered by it, her panic must be incorrect. She didn’t have but a second to think about it as one hand clutches her datapad tightly to her chest, and the other reaching for anything to help her grasp what’s happening.
When she finally regains her stability, hand grasping at a shoulder, her eyes finally look up at the blue sparkly eyes of the general. Her adrenaline stills pumps, but she feels her anxiety quickly fade as she lets out a laugh.
❛ General! You scared me! ❜ Brioola exclaims, lightly smacking his shoulder with the back of her hand as she lets out another laughs. She takes in a deep breath and tries to calm her nerves a bit more before she finally asks him why on the makers name would he pick her up out of nowhere.
❛ Is there a reason you’ve scooped me up and scared the living daylight out of me? ❜ She asks, a bit of playful sass rolling off her tongue, almost demanding an answer. Though she would be as content without one.
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stargone · 2 months
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xue li was a bit of a troublesome student. especially so when it came to obiwan. maybe, just maybe, if it wasn't so fun to get under his skin she would be less of a troublemaker. but if you asked xue li, she would tell you she thought he might even enjoy it. it was the way he smiled and laughed. even the way his gaze lingers, something fond in the way the blue irises sparkled in the light. troubling or not, master kenobi enjoyed assisting xue li learning the ways of the force.
however, zhu xue li was a very unpredictable student. and she was definitely keeping him on his toes. or at least rather, she thought she was. they had just finished wrapping up a sparring lesson. xue li took a rather unpleasant beating if she was honest. though this did not dim nor damper her mood. it was evident in the way she not so slyly was trying to catch him off guard to take him down. running at his back, battle cry rippling from her as she tackled him.
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spokewar · 2 months
"have you ever seen anything more beautiful in your entire life?"
──✶horror adventure prompts.
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"What, here? Not . . . terribly recently." It's responded with a raised brow, stuck somewhere between pity and curiosity. Obi-Wan knows his standards are low—being raised on Coruscant, a planet so past death its inhabitants burrowed into its hollow corps and patched it with layers of durasteel and concrete—but it's depressing to see from an outside perspective. And he can't help whether it's just a matter of opinion or lack of an experience that colors their opinions.
"You are talking about the planet, yes?" Now, it's concern which laces his tone. "Did you hit your head on the way down?"
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forcewilled · 1 month
@lightfaithed liked for a starter !
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HE LOVES obi - wan , he does . he's the closest to a son than any of his other padawans have ever come . but qui - gon is also no fool . he knows his relationship over the years with him has been . . . tumultuous . more often than not , it feels like they don't see eye to eye , maybe don't even GET ALONG . but qui - gon means it when he says he loves him , when he says obi - wan is like a son to him . maybe that's what love is . maybe that's what being a parent is like . . .
he pulls his thoughts back to the present and looks at the boy - no , the man now . ❝ i know your feelings , obi - wan , ❞ he starts quietly . ❝ you do not like the boy . ❞
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raehs · 6 months
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" why does everyone think i'm comparible to a bunny and a baby pig. "
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alderaconsort · 1 month
@lightfaithed liked for a starter !
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HE IS quiet - melancholy . the ship they're on moves inexorably toward its destination , slowing for no one .
❝ Everything is moving so fast . Before long everyone we know will be scattered across the galaxy . . . ❞ and that's only counting the ones that survived . he sighs , a hand coming up to rub a hand across his forehead .
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mando-of-esverr · 2 months
❝ Hutts in bikinis? Sounds like an improvement. ❞
With a burst of static, Darius cracked up, curling forward in a bout of half-suppressed laughter!
He didn't know who said it, whether it was one of the clones or one of the insurgent cell members helping in the battle against the Federation. But between the shots of the Droid Dikas, battle droids, and the general mayhem of being pinned down by the enemy, the sudden visual of a Hutt in a string bikini was too absurd not to laugh at.
He tried to suppress it and line up a shot but withdrew again as another bout of wheezing laughter escaped him. He moved to try again but aborted before turning to the Jedi beside him. "General, please," he said, still half-laughing. "Don't make the Mandalorian laugh! You're throwing off my shot!"
Unable to contain his horrible giggles, the Mando finally reached down to his belt and grabbed an ion pulse grenade, activated its timer, and bowled it toward the patch of droids behind them.
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saburaito · 16 days
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HIS CONFIDENCE WAS DIFFICULT TO SHATTER, built up over years of going undefeated by nature. he couldn't say that it posed a threat to him, not as long as he had his saberstaff on hand. he was able to take down any creatures with strict efficiency. learned through honing his talents to be something deadlier than the rest of the world. he could tell that OBI WAN didn't take well to his overconfidence, knowing that this was merely a means to his end. it wasn't about protecting him as a whole, it was about delivering him to his end in other ways. he needed to bring the man to his death bed; through delivering him to DARTH VADER himself. ❝ i will protect you within reason, but do not think for once that we are friends. i will bring you LORD VADER, no matter what the cost is. this is merely another step in our journery. failure is not an option. ❞ he knows this, because if he was to show his face to LORD VADER without OBI WAN at his heel, he would face deathly consequences. there was no excuse for losing the man that they had searched night & day for.
igniting his saber on a whim, he sees the animal jump out on them immediately. OBI WAN has lost his saber in the wreckage; this battle is completely on himself. swiftly making his first move, he goes for the jugular. the creature doesn't pose much of a fight for how aggressive that it seems. one slash to the neck & it is left on the ground spasming. ❝ a minor intrusion. we will have many. ❞ SABU speaks calmly. as if he has not just fought; his lightsaber dulls after a moment. there is a moment of calm to be had, ❝ continue moving, we don't have time to spare. ❞ ( @lightfaithed )
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petitsdieu · 1 month
semi-plot. 𝒇𝒕. @lightburnsyou
Slipshod sippers are not welcomed at her shows.
He's blonde in the way leaves change color in the fall. She takes him by that foliate crown and yanks it back with a lifesaving flick of her wrist.
❛ You'll kill him! ❜
The nearly drained, next-to-nothing victim is a paroxysm of howls and cries; it sounds like a chorus of drunken sounds by the time it mangles into anyone's eardrums. The post-concert playlist drowns it from its hallway seep. But she heard it's pump-pump-gush from her dressing room.
She should be cuddled up in a backseat by now. She hasn't even changed out of stage attire.
— notes of malibu in metal?
This vamp will be just as sloshed. He's got a mouth of red unsticking from the open neck. She two-finger presses into it and holds up the human's head. She sends a mind-message to a crew member to come aid this mess.
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chosesun · 1 month
he's never met anyone quite like Ben before. he looks up at him and smiles, unable to help himself, as he grabs the toy he'd given him. "thank you for the toy, Ben," he says, swooshing the ship as he steers it into the air, his eyes lit up like flying was second nature to him. "it's so cool !! i want to learn to fly," he tells him, voice lilt with determination. "uncle Owen says my dad was a pilot- the best kriffing pilot, ever." he giggles as he curses, knowing he shouldn't say bad words, but finding it humorous that he did. "did you know him ? i feel like you knew him." he stops playing then, looking at Ben all serious like, his face sobered up from laughter. he hasn't seen Ben much since their fateful meeting that day at home, but he's pretty sure that has something to do with his uncle. he doesn't mind seeing Ben now, though. he likes him.
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@lightfaithed liked for babu Luke
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feuerwizard · 2 months
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@lightfaithed asked: "you can always ask me for help if you need it." // caring prompts;; open
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Caleb could not quite comprehend how he ended up befriending a Jedi. Though "befriend" might be too strong a word to describe their relationship. It was more like a chance encounter in the lower levels of Coruscant that led to their unexpected series of events and Kenobi’s aid against a group of thugs. Now cumulating in a visit to what the Jedi had repeatedly claimed was his favorite diner.
Do Jedi always sneak off to the lower levels for a drink?
The human’s body filled with nerves as he sat near the Jedi, his usual skittishness amplified tenfold in his presence. Oh, scheiẞe, he was not used to spending time near any Jedi for that matter, but circumstances had brought him here. Eyeing Kenobi, he could not help wondering if the Jedi could sense the remnants of darkness that still plagued him. Maybe that was why he lingered, silently observing Caleb. The air around them hummed with unspoken tension like a gathering storm waiting to be unleashed—or perhaps such tension was entirely in Caleb’s head.
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"Noted," he responded curtly, not outright dismissing the offer of aid, but remaining cautious nonetheless. "I appreciate your help this evening, however chance the encounter. But why do you, ah, assume I would require more of it?"
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spokewar · 2 months
"I have a vast collection of little trinkets that I collected on my travels. I saw this and thought of you." He handed him a palm-sized conch shell. It looked like a pearl and similarly reflected light in soft pinks and blues.
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stargone · 5 months
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xue li & @lightfaithed .
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hisworkers-moved · 3 months
The only thing inside the soothing tea is love 🥰
thank you, my beloved 🥺❤️ take that @spokewar!
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hunting-songs · 3 months
[POE] - my character encounters yours late at night in a haunted house.
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Tick-tock, tick- tock, tick-tock, the old clock was still going in the thick backness wrapped around the abondoned mansion.
"Mhmmmm, you know it is not especially venusto to sneak up on strangers." Senritsus voice was a gentle singsang that almost sounded teasing. She did not even looked over her shoulder to the stranger- not that she would see much in the blackness hanging like a thick cloth in the old mansion whichs darkness was only disturbed by the blue light of her phone-screen.Even in all the years the mansion had been abonded the clock in the library had never stopped ticking, so among the strangers breathing, among his heartbeat loud and clear, among the wind outside stroking around the houses wallks, among the rustling of Senritsus own cloth at every breath, there was a permanent tick-tock, tick- tock, tick-tock echoing loud like thunder through the house. "Especially in such spooky place as this. What would have happned if I did not heard you and would be startled by you standing there all quietly and patiently smiling?" the blue light of her phones-screen dances like a wisp over the backs of the books in the tall shelfs, dyed grey and colourless by layers of dust and the single blue light. Every booktitle she photgraphed was read aloud for her and while Senritsu could have read them herself, with her dyslexia she was not in the mood to stumble through reading a title she could have let the app read for her thrice as fast. Even with the stranger around Senritsu did not bothered to stop her research- after all, he did not attacked her ; when he had thought she had not noticed him he had waited patiently for her to leave; and now, discovered and called upon, she heard a certaine trill in his heartmelody, like the chirping of a bird happy to be allowed to sing.
Tick-tock, tick- tock, tick-tock, the old clock was still going even in th hours Senritsu had been in the old mansion roaming through the books and documents in search of the mansions former owner. "You sure would not have wanted for that to happen, mhmmmmm?" this time the woman did looke dover her shoulde,r tapping a melody agains her chin with her fingers that sounded as curious and attentive as that heartmelody of the stranger.
Tick-tock, tick- tock, tick-tock, the old clock was still going. [ @lightfaithed ]
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kaleeshbled · 6 months
     Oh how he has become attuned to that smell. The stench of righteousness and what has become associated with annoying so-called justice. No matter how hard he could try if desired, Grievous cannot ignore that particular source.      The one enemy he carnally desires to defeat -- to claim that blade.
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     “ General Kenobi. . . ” the name hissed out with as much venom and bitterness he could pack into his voice. A rather calm response to seeing the other, considering just how volatile their encounters have been prior.       “ Care to try again to bring me to justice? ” A jab, sounding a bit more friendly but still an edge of danger to the synthetic tone. Neutral terrain, neither having the advantage of home-terrain. A perfect moment.
@lightfaithed -- starter call
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