#⑇     𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞.  »  001.
nightstalk · 3 years
&.      .      .      .       @n0t-ohfuckingkay​​     /      ♡
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the sound of spurs signals his arrival,    walking into max’s video store despite the previous warnings of not being welcome within.   a relationship torn by opposing desires, it was getting to be more and more complicated each and every day.   which is probably why max had asked david to meet him here tonight, or so he thought.   that, or he had found out about david’s secret   —   the beginnings of his own little family, something he kept out of max’s sight for now.   walking up to the counter, he’s expecting to see maria standing behind, but instead is met with the looks of someone completely unfamiliar to.   and he stares at her for a moment, before eyes drift down to the display of video review magazines.   pulling one from the rack, he flips it open and looks down at the pages before glancing up again.   twice this happens before he looks around the video store, letting out an impatient sigh as blue - green eyes meet with her own    “   where’s maria ?   ”
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nightstalk · 3 years
&.       .      .      .       @morbidgrl​     /     sc.
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he’s perched in one of max’s pool chairs,     slender frame slumped as he pulls the joint from his lips.   he’s indifferent towards the concerns of the other, worried himself by the threat of something bigger that loomed above him like an impending storm.   this, of course, meant he had little interest in the dramatics of a teenage girl.   but that doesn’t mean he ignores her plight, its quite the opposite in fact.   instead, he mulls over her complaint, the desire to be something more, something immortal.   but the reality is, it’s not something he can give.   especially when max still runs the show.   leaning forward, he offers her the joint, but then quickly pulls it back with a laugh.   another hit, hold, exhale before he smiles again.   what was she going to do ?   ask max to become one of the undead ?   the thought itself pulls another amused laugh from his lips.     “   it doesn’t work that way, scout. not with max.   ”
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nightstalk · 3 years
&.       .      .      .       @crackedmxgic​     /     sc.
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laughter erupts from behind,   the others pushing him towards the small fortune tellers booth on the boardwalk.   boots come to a grinding halt on the opposite side of the table from her, licking his lips with a small smirk as he looks back at the boys behind him before another laugh follows suit.   two tickets are dropped down on the table, payment for the fortune about to be read.   and he smirks as he turns back around.    “   so   .   .   .   you can see the future, huh ?   ”     he didn’t buy it, he knew most of these so - called magicians were full of it.   but it was a way to kill time as they waited for the surf nazi’s to show up for the night.     “   what do you see happening to me ?   ”
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nightstalk · 3 years
&.     .      .      .       @brkfstgrrrls​​​​​     /     sc.
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there was something to be said about the nights david allowed himself to completely let loose,   the boy that remained hidden deep beneath a hardened exterior allowed to peek through, if only for a few hours.   the girl had been on a losing streak for the night, and he couldn’t help but find the humor in watching it happen.   turning to face her, he plucks the cigarette from his lips, exhaling into the night air before his free hand dives into the front of his jacket.   a small jingle of the contents within is heard before leather - clad digits return.   there, perched between his thumb and index finger, is a small stack of tickets, and he’s more than willing to share them with her.     “   you ever play knock down ?   ”
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nightstalk · 3 years
&.       .      .      .      @shadowlost​     /     sc.
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ah,   it seems as if michael has a good memory after all !   head doesn’t turn when he hears the other enter the run - down hotel from behind, instead fingers bring the cigarette back to his lips as he takes a long drag from.   he can barely contain the entertainment he derives from, the corners of his lips curving upwards at the thought.   he had to commend michael in how persistent he seemed to be in his attempt to obtain the curly - haired girl for his very own.   it’s only a shame david had instructed the others to whisk her away before he got there.   no distractions    ━    tonight was just going to be theirs and theirs alone.    after all, it was important they cut to the chase after playing the dreaded game of cat and mouse over the past few days.      “   michael emerson ! welcome back !   ”     smooth tone reverberates through the cave before head finally turns to observe.     “   how are you feeling   .   .   .   ?   ”
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