#⌜ character⌟ ✦ * · ˚ 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗁𝗒 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖺𝗂𝖽 - 𝖺 𝗆𝗒𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗒.
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mistymemoires · 4 months ago
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„Ich höre Stimmen und bin ein mürrischer Einsiedler" – das ist zumindest, was sie im Dorf über mich erzählen. Doch ob sie tatsächlich besser dran wären, wenn sie die Wahrheit über mich wüssten? Wie viele Geheimnisse könnten sie ertragen, wie viele Wahrheiten ertragen sie, ohne dass ihre Welt bröckelt? Denn wenn ich ehrlich bin… ich weiß weit mehr über sie, als ich jemals zugeben würde. Vieles habe ich gesehen, vieles gehört, das besser ungesagt bleibt. Und wer würde mir glauben?
Am Ende bin ich nur der sonderbare Bewohner des alten Cottages im Moor, stets von Nebelschwaden umgeben, als hätte das Land selbst beschlossen, mich vor neugierigen Blicken zu verbergen. Nur wenige verirren sich hierher; die meisten halten Abstand, und ich? Ich lasse sie in ihrem Glauben. Sollten sie je erfahren, was mich wirklich umgibt – was ich mit meinen Augen gesehen und im Nebel gehört habe – dann würden sie begreifen, dass das, was sie sich in ihren schlimmsten Träumen ausmalen, kaum an das heranreicht, was wirklich verborgen liegt.
𝗍𝗂𝗆𝗈𝗍𝗁𝗒 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖼𝖺𝗂𝖽 | 28 | wohnhaft in Inverness, Scotland | Autor | Einsiedler | Geisterflüsterer | open for plotting & smalltalk | semi-selective
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mistymemoires · 4 months ago
Poste eine Collage über dein Leben:
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tagged by: @sevijan
tagging: @lioneymilano @archaeologist-aiden @polvere-dorata
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
[ 🥊 ] how strong is your muse’s survival instinct?
Timothy has the survival instincts of a mayfly—a joke he often makes himself, though he's not sure if he actually finds it funny. The better question might be: Is he even still alive?
His most traumatic memory dates back to his childhood when he almost drowned in the swamp. At least, that’s the version he remembers—that he was saved at the last moment, that someone pulled him out. But what if that’s not the truth? What if he actually died that day and doesn’t even realize it?
How that could even be possible is a question that never leaves him. Maybe his spirit just kept going out of sheer habit. Maybe he was sent back because his story wasn’t finished yet. Or maybe—and this is the most unsettling possibility—he was never truly alive to begin with, at least not in the way others are.
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
[ 🧲 ] is your muse generally flirty, or are they more reserved?
He tends to be more reserved, keeping his thoughts and emotions guarded. However, as he grows more comfortable and familiar with someone, he gradually opens up, revealing a deeper, more thoughtful side of himself. Trust is key with him—once earned, he becomes more expressive, sharing his world in ways few get to see.
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mistymemoires · 13 days ago
moodboard challenge - your life - body (3)
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He stands at approximately 6 feet (183 cm) tall and has a slim but toned physique. His frame is broad-shouldered yet slender. He often carries himself with a poised and confident posture, which enhances his presence.
tagged by: @never-be-tamed tagging: @wildcardmilow @der-verteidiger @archaeologist-aiden
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mistymemoires · 15 days ago
Moodboard Challenge - your life - profession / Berufung
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His life had always been a delicate balance between life and death. From a very young age, Timothy could see more than ordinary mortals, which led to an early fascination with death and its lingering spirits. By day, he wrote for the local newspaper to earn his daily bread, but by night, he guided lost souls into the light—spirits unable to find peace, their stories left unfinished. And so, he completed them, pouring his heart and soul into his books, sharing their tales with the world, ensuring that no story remained untold.
tagged by: @der-verteidiger
tagging: @wildcardmilow @archaeologist-aiden @alaskancold
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mistymemoires · 18 days ago
use  this to generate headcanons  for  your muse  and  post  5-10  results  you  agree  with.
Timothy is going to hell.
Timothy likes board games, but no one else wants to play with them.
Timothy has a diary that they write in with a glittery gel pen.
Timothy listens to 80s music.
Timothy is oblivous to any and all romantic interest someone may show them.
Timothy can't sit in a chair properly.
If someone they knew commited a crime, Timothy would cover for them.
Timothy was dropped out of a window as a child.
Timothy desperately needs a hug but doesn't know it and refuses to ask for one.
Timothy can't make the voices go away.
tagged by: @wildcardmilow
tagging: @sevijan @archaeologist-aiden
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mistymemoires · 8 days ago
moodboard challenge - your life - soul (5)
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What if I never had a soul?
tagged: @never-be-tamed
tagging: @wildcardmilow @archaeologist-aiden
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
💐 ;🍺; 💕; 🧲; 👻 Love you ❤️
[ 💐 ] what is your muse like in relationships?
In relationships, Timothy is the clingy, all-or-nothing type. Once he’s emotionally invested, he gives his entire self to the connection, often becoming deeply attached. He thrives on closeness and intimacy, always wanting to be there for the person he cares about. This can sometimes come across as overwhelming, but it’s simply his way of showing that he’s all in, with no room for half-measures.
[ 🍺 ] does your muse have any addictions?
Timothy’s main addiction isn’t to substances, but to the need for answers—especially when it comes to the mysteries of life, death, and the unknown. He’s constantly seeking clarity, often losing himself in his research, his writing, or his obsession with the supernatural. While he might indulge in the occasional drink to quiet his restless mind, it’s the need to unravel stories—both the ones that haunt him and the ones he creates—that truly drives him. His obsession with uncovering the truth can be all-consuming at times.
[ 💕 ] does your muse believe in true love? do they believe in love at all?
Timothy is, at his core, a hopeless romantic, though he would never admit it. Despite his often guarded nature, he truly believes in the concept of true love—something genuine, lasting, and transformative.
[ 🧲 ] is your muse generally flirty, or are they more reserved?
I already answered this! He tends to be more reserved, keeping his thoughts and emotions guarded. However, as he grows more comfortable and familiar with someone, he gradually opens up, revealing a deeper, more thoughtful side of himself. Trust is key with him—once earned, he becomes more expressive, sharing his world in ways few get to see.
[ 👻 ] if your muse were a fantasy creature, what kind would they be? why?
That's top secret. But he has a connection to death (obviously) maybe more than he knows.
Thank you, my love. Love you, too. 🖤👻
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
[ 🐣 ] does your muse have anyone they look up to?
Timothy comes from a once-noble lineage that he still holds in high regard, though his family has fallen into poverty over the generations. The ancestral estate, hidden deep within the moor where he still resides, has been crumbling for decades. Yet, he has made it his mission to restore his family’s name and possessions—or what little remains of them—to their former glory, preserving and continuing his heritage against all odds.
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
[ 🏃‍♂️ ] does your muse have escapist tendencies?
Absolutely. Timothy often escapes into fantasy realms, both in the books he reads and the stories he writes. When reality feels too heavy, he loses himself in worlds of his own creation—places where the lines between life and death blur, where the impossible becomes possible. It’s more than just a distraction; it’s a refuge, a way for him to make sense of the mysteries that haunt him.
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mistymemoires · 11 days ago
[ 🧸 ] does your muse have any guilty pleasures or hobbies that make them embarrassed?
Timothy’s journey as a writer began in the depths of AO3, where he first explored his passion for storytelling. Though he now writes professionally, he still holds a deep fondness for the fanfiction world that shaped him. It’s a guilty pleasure he rarely admits to, but one that reminds him of where he started—crafting stories purely for the love of it, without expectation or constraint.
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mistymemoires · 12 days ago
moodboard challenge - your life - mind (4)
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His mind is in a constant state of limbo, caught between the world of the living and the realm of the dead. While he dedicates himself to guiding lost souls into the light, always with their best interests at heart, he often seeks refuge in the fantasy worlds he loves to write and read about. A dreamer at heart and a chronic overthinker, he drifts between reality and imagination, forever lost in the stories that shape him.
tagged: @never-be-tamed
tagging: @wildcardmilow @archaeologist-aiden
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mistymemoires · 15 days ago
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moodboard challenge - your life - secrets (2)
what does this even mean?
tagged by: @never-be-tamed
tagging: @archaeologist-aiden @wildcardmilow @der-verteidiger
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