#⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚ verse 0.1 : cloaked in shadow⟶ sharran ; threads
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shadow-cleric · 1 month ago
@infernalapparatus // cont.
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SHADOWHEART HAD A SOFT SPOT for tieflings. Blame it on her long lost and forgotten friendship with Nocturne , but her affection for Karlach has been undeniably growing despite herself. The cleric's void heart refused to feel for anyone or anything , so poorly misguided into Shar's teachings , but the barbarian has proved to be one impossible not to love. And this she tended to achieve rather naturally , leaving the Sharran defenseless and vulnerable, without the ability to hide behind any kind of armour or shield.
Her bra had been tossed to the ground , and she had turned to face her observer.Karlach was standing there , gawking at her flustered and Shadowheart's smile thrived upon her pale features , for the way the tiefling was watching her made her feel like some sort of deity . And the thought of being worshiped like this, rather than worshiping others, excited her. To the point that instead of sending the 'intruder' away , Shadowheart continued to remove the last pieces of clothing to indulge in her midnight swim.
Her head tilted to the side , and her smile beamed softer than ever as she continued to move under the moonlight , petite frame on display with the pair of fiery eyes on her tits , glaringly obvious.
" Need I?, " The cleric reiterated walking up to the other, smiling and dauntless. "Well, I guess I could use some heat whilst I indulge in my dip. Just as long as you don't venture and touch me...," The tug of her teeth at her own bottom lip suppressed a small chuckle as emerald hues wandered all over the other one's perfectly shaped and muscled body , on her turn, " Nonetheless. I don't see any harm in touching yourself, soldier."
Yes, the fire betwixt them was setting her senses ablaze, undeniably.
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shadow-cleric · 9 days ago
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THERE'S NO MISTAKING the message that thrived upon a playful smirk, pulling the Sharran's lips with a further defiance , as her forest greens twinkled and she glanced up at the burly tiefling , getting closer .
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The crimson that painted her cheeks, barely visible when her thick lashes batted to convey further meaning with her sassy retort to her companion.
" I wouldn't take you for the type to satiate other people's appetites, Cassian.. Or am I mistaken? Because, if you're offering I might as well indulge in a kiss. "
@shadow-cleric continued from here.
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Cassian grinned at her as he chewed on the apple swallowing it. Not moving away in fact he may have moved a little closer. " Maybe I quite like the morsel in front of me?" He said keeping his eyes locked with hers. "Though it depends on if she returns the affection."
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shadow-cleric · 9 days ago
@harpershigh // cont.
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THE SHARRAN GLOATED with a victorious smirk as she perched herself on top of the cougar form, breaking concentration and forcing Jaheira to switch to her humanoid one, left in her undergarments as she did so.
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Her words bold , as it was only fit for a Sharran devout watching the druid trying to free herself out of her agile grasp , " I assume, you're quite excited by my fighting technique, aren't you ? I have to admit, I like seeing you subdued like this , " For a quick moment , green emeralds flicked , a mesmerizing once over at the woman beneath her , feeling her own muscles twitching, exerting and vigilant.. Jaheira was so beautiful like that. And for another moment , the druid surely appeared as if she was going to yield, and Shadowheart was fully enjoying her smug victory.
Until the vines started sprouting on ever side of the Sharran breaking free through hardened soil , entangling plants snaking up round curves and holding her down with immobilizing force, as the druid switched herself on top , settling her weight, winning the next round.
" Mmmhh, is this all you got , Harper? If you want to be spared my Mistress' Wrath, you'll need to try harder than that. Or better release me, before darkness takes you, " Shadowheart spewed her forewarning , despite the fact she's been rendered helpless. Nevertheless, her lean lower limbs , free of the vines still, wrapped around the older druid's waistline , in a sultry manner, " And what if I don't want to.. what then?, " There were hardly any limits to the Sharran's defiance.
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shadow-cleric · 23 days ago
@unascended // cont.
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ASTARION ALWAYS SEEMED to end up in a predicament of his life being threatened, one way or another.
The Sharran wasn't sure if he was being reckless , or it was simply bad luck. Truth was, that it was often the combination of both. Just like it was true, that she took it to heart to take care of her companions , despite of them treating her faith with contempt. Nonetheless, it was sometimes hard to keep an eye on the entirety of the retinue and her own wounded self all at once, in the middle of a tough fight .
And even though Astarion could be an incorrigible little leech, she'd always lend a helping hand to the vampire spawn , should the need arise -- wielding a bunch of healing spells to cure the wounds, and even revivify . She couldn't blame him for always being snappy or trying to defend himself. The hunger was his nature, and his desire for blood would always be stronger than anything, always torturing him. Neither would she blame a beaten dog for biting back.
Shadowheart meticulously tended to the open wounds , after pricking out the sharp arrow from raw muscle, and she felt his teeth clench and he'd sucked up air, as he was positioned on her lap. " Must you be so maudlin, Astarion, it doesn't suit you, " The Sharran remarked, yet she knew this was so ruefully him, and her words were lacking their usual cruel sting, " You know, I won't allow for you to perish, or to lose a limb, for that matter. You're the least annoying of the entire retinue. Besides, I need someone to drink my wine with," The cleric poked sarcasm at him , yet her nimble fingers on his cold skin ever so gentle.
She was giving him more time to regain himself, before she'd force him to stand up so , they'd just remained still for awhile.
" I .. wouldn't allow anything to happen to you," After all, it was what she had promised him.
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shadow-cleric · 27 days ago
@dalishflame // cont.
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VERY FEW THINGS vexed Shadowheart like the unsolicited opinions on her faith and her Dark Goddess. One that Atreion has just stated , prior to her insulting them.
Emerald hues squinted in contempt, as she glanced at her red haired companion , slantwise, before she downed her goblet of red, " Like I said, you're uneducated, peanut. . As long as I remember, I only wished to serve Lady Shar. And there is no greater way of doing that than to become a Dark Justiciar, " It was the only goal she strove at achieving, her life's purpose.
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Or at least what Shadowheart thought she needed to live for. Although Shar purported to be a healer, soothing the grief-stricken by letting them forget their woes, she was in truth a sadist, inflicting the pain of loss on her worshipers.
The Lady of Loss did not truly believe in healing grief, not even her own, but in harnessing it, nurturing spite, indignity, and reinforcing regret . And she had definitely taught her faithful to be cynical, in her name.
" I see no point in conversing with you, if you're going to continue to behave like a god damned donkey, Atreion, " The Sharran priestess then riposted spitefully.
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shadow-cleric · 1 month ago
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THE DARK-HAIRED CLERIC never thought she'd get so close to anyone as she did with Karlach Cliffgate.
Her feelings were starting to grow over time , and when Dammon has lent a fixing hand to her friend's mechanical heart once more, it felt only natural to kiss the tiefling. And god, it has been sweet , and sincere, and so sexy, just like Karlach herself! The petite cleric could swear she felt her cheeks terribly flushed, but she gave it to the heat emanating from her burly barbarian friend.
There has been so little happy memories throughout the course of their journey, and Shadowheart cherished this one amongst them. She definitely had one too many feelings about the other , maybe she was even in love, but she couldn't allow it for herself . Love was not amongst the teachings of Shar, and what Shadowheart needed right now, was no more but sharp focus.
With them approaching for the Shadowfell, the Sharran was heading one step closer towards her destiny, her life purpose fulfilled. The plane of shadows was the domain of her Dark Goddess - - the terrain was shattered , and cold , and beautiful! Gravity was weaker here, as they've entered through the pool, her heart immediately felt lighter and dark at the same time, despite grave responsibility weighing onto her petite shoulders, she felt strong enough to face the challenge.
" This is it ," A pair of emeralds peered further away into the barbed vast expanse. With each leap she could see, and feel , and think clearer -- the power of Shar's prayer beforehand , it was what she was supposed to do , knuckles clenched around her Spear , with infallible intent and determination.
Shadowheart revered before one of the most breath taking sights she'd ever seen, this prison was , one of the most exquisite manifestations of her Dark Goddess' power and beauty!
And right in the middle of it, captured, stood struggling in vein against chains, the despised moon witch's daughter - the Nightsong.
@shadow-cleric continued from here
The shadow lands brought about an amalgamation of feelings. Naturally, the more presenting one was nervousness. The environs did everything in its power to put Karlach on edge. The cold had managed to find a way to snake past her flames and burrow down into her marrow.
Yet, despite the disquiet; Karlach found there was silver amongst the steel. The Last Light in was full of hope - some of the tieflings had made it, she had met her hero of her childhood and Dammon had provided something that she hadn't been able to indulge in for a decade; the sense of touch. Shadowheart had even blessed her in a rather un-cleric way by allowing her a kiss after so long without any kind of affection.
The barbarian had to suppress a squeal of excitement at the time, time only allowed her a short giggle before Dammon revealed there was more.
As it always seemed to be the way in these cursed lands, everything good would be twisted and infested. Karlach, despite all those looks of pity, tried to cling to the light that still tried to shine through all this darkness. And she intended to try to cling to Shadowheart's light as well...even if she didn't even know she had it.
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"Sure," Karlach shrugged with an almost simper. Gesturing towards the alluring yet eerie pool before them. "As long as you promise me that you make your own decisions in there..." Karlach added softly. She anticipated the snap. It seemed this collection of vagabonds were all extremely sensitive, but Karlach was too blunt to be coy.
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shadow-cleric · 2 months ago
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THERE WAS , A MASSIVE AMOUNT of preparation that was to be done , within one self - hardening herself, pep -talking herself, training herself . And no one knew how hard this route was to follow, alone. Not that one really cared to know , when she'd tried to relate her infatuation with the Dark Lady, and she was quickly discarded . Even her fiery friend, has remarked, that she deemed her enslaved by religion .
She could sense her companions , condescending stares, with each stride she took, in every battle , and yet they never turned away from her healing aid. And when they got to witness Shar's patronage granting Shadowheart resistance to mild exposure to the Shadow Curse in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, they remained silent, when she's told them it's because she was Shar's chosen . Despite still needing protection in areas where the curse was the strongest.
So she loathed them , but for the purposes of her mission, she bit back her rhetoric, more often than not. This holy mission she has undertaken was Mistress of the Night's behest. She alone must deliver a relic of immense power to her coven , a strange new magic seemed to be burgeoning from within. Her faith played such an important part and she couldn't let herself be steered away from it. Shadowheart couldn't exactly comprehend why this new rising cult of the Absolute was so important to the Mother Superior, but it seemed to be quickly gaining traction.
And either way, she mustn't fail. Emerald hues averted from molten gold for a quick moment , skimming the Grand Mausoleum's walls. At the least the gods damned vampire was useful of clearing off all the traps , may the Dark Lady protect him.
This was it. Shar was awaiting her, down into the excruciatingly beautiful pit of Darkness -- the priestess could feel it with every part of her chilled body.
Her gloomy emerald gaze squinted back to the burly barbarian tearing her conscience away from the pious with her burly physique and nonchalant mood, that never fails to lift everyone's spirit . But her smile, was what she loved best , though she'd never admit it. How did, Karlach prevailed after being enslaved and traversing through Avernus, after ten years, was admirable. It took all the strength, one could muster within themselves, and Shadowheart admired her spirit , her endurance.
It's when she thought , she couldn't be more pleased with such company, whilst letting the rest stay ahead of them, she got presented with the most precious gift.
" Oh , hells .. you didn't pick that by hand, had you? They're deadly poisonous... Joking, they're safe, '' She then replied curtly, picking the night orchid to let it plant its roots into strands of lusciousness that was her dark hair, " You.. remembered, my favorites, "The cleric's lips curved up in a shy smirk, rare occurrence. " Night orchids are safe, and beautiful, thank you. . I would give you a peck on the cheek, but I'm not sure how safe you are, though. And I don't want to burn my lips, just yet. We might need them for.. other purposes , later," The priestess suggested with a wicked grin. Oh, there she was again, being distracted . She must remember where to step, she must. And let her Lady guide her, now that the traps were steer clear of skillfully by Astarion, their path to the Nightsong Relic was easy to find, one that could be reached by means of a big moving platform. " I'm ready, " She'd announced shortly after, her cue to Karlach, to join at her side.
Lady Shar loved her, it was all that mattered.
THE SHADOWLANDS REALLY WERE THE FUCKING WORST . More beautiful shit that Shar, that ol' right tit, had to fuck up with her profane darkness or whatever bullshit. This place was probably beautiful, one upon a time - the old paintings they find collecting dust around abandoned sights seems to suggest so.
With that blessing from Isobel, a strange but cute little half-elf of Selûne and polar opposites of their resident goth, the party was able to penetrate deeper than before into the cursed lands. Even still, the chill of the atmosphere was constantly creeping in to her engine, as if it sought to snuff out the hellfire burning in her chest. It wasn't successful - there wasn't a lot of things capable of putting out the rage of the Hells. Still, it nearly chilled Karlach - and that was rare. Very rare. She supposed Astarion stuck so close to her side to help heat his frosted corpse - not that he particularly needed it. But she has just got the engine upgrade, just in time - otherwise her infernal machine might have given out for real. THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN DISASTROUS . She's not allowed to die until Gortash is a red fucking smear on tile floors. No sooner. That was her rule.
She had nearly fucked Dammon right then and there when he repaired her engine, nearly snuck off into Astarion's tent to test out this ability to touch - but she kept getting interrupted. Ruefully, all she could think about was sex, and violence. MAYBE A SEXY MIX OF BOTH . That would be nice. Ugh, but she's thinking too much into it. Everyone is too distracted with their own shit. Don't think about sex anymore, don't think about -
Her thoughts are thankfully interrupted by Shadowheart's appearance. Quick - say something not sexy.
" You have a profound, elusive sadness about you. " . . . WHAT THE FUCK .
That hadn't been what she meant to say - but it was better than confessing she wanted to smear her pretty makeup in a pillow. That was a little less forgivable. . . UNLESS SHE WAS INTO IT . Stop it, Karlach. Get a hold of yourself, soldier.
The tiefling sucks in a breath, pulling the laces taut on massive infernal leather boots - giving her toes a wriggle for good measure. Her tail fires pinprick straight for a moment, before it relaxes and she rolls her shoulders back, eyeing the smaller woman with curiosity. Scanning her over - how damn pale she looks. That wasn't healthy. The scent of blood was on her, too - not too terribly potent, but strange for the cleric. She sniffs again to dismiss it, dusting her palms off. " Mmm, yeah. A little forward - but I didn't really feel like pulling any punches. But aye - I've got just the remedy for it. " And the giant woman grins. SOMETHING SCHEMING IN INCANDESCENT HUES . Then, digging into her pouch - she suddenly pulls free something, clenched surprisingly delicately in a warrior's fist.
A night orchid, as she holds it out, lips twisting up crookedly. " How 'bout a little colour for you, soldier? THINK IT ' D LOOK JUST PEACHY TUCKED BEHIND AN EAR , AYE ? "
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shadow-cleric · 30 days ago
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THE PRIESTESS WAS ONE with a knack for inflicting more damage than she healed sometimes. Her wits and blades were always sharp, and her tongue - twistier than a fisherman's knot. Even though they didn't know each other long, the two inherently seem to understand what they needed in a fight. . And not only.
A jaded glance towards one very naked and very horny Karlach, left one but amused, and Shadowheart suppressed a laugh at the sharks remark, " Must you be so silly, Karlach?," The petite woman chuckled, watching the bigger one christen the pond with her engine's heat. The small lake appeared glossy under the moonlit night as the Sharran's lithe body stalked towards the water to be second one to dip, on the Barbarian's gaze cue .
The burly tiefling's blatant compliment couldn't help but excite her, and her jokes always stirred Shadowheart ' s stomach, " Don't be so modest with your tongue, soldier . Who knows what a good praise could earn you , " Shadowheart taunted allowing her emerald greens to wander over the impressive physique, as she was riling her up more , her own body thriving on the effect she had stirred inside the other.
Beneath her, a liquid touch of warm comfort , soothing pale skin under one flaming gaze , making her cheeks all flushed . And with the weeping water between her legs she could give the dampness to the lake's caress. . The sizeable shaft was making her a bit scared , and tormented muscles from the battle were begging for relief . Her sides - a rose's full bloom, her shoulders moving elegantly, her fingers that could so effortlessly cast spells has barely touched surface, and there was still fear in her, not to drown. But Karlach made her feel somewhat safe. .
.. except for her pulsing, massive sex organ. Shadowheart let her gaze roam shamelessly along the stiff length of the other woman, and she'd reckoned, and very wisely so, that there was nothing safe about the ways it could stretch her tight heat -- the naughty thought in itself making her pearly teeth tug at her bottom lip, wondering.
The sadomasochistic tendencies that the Sharran harboured underneath her cold skin , made her long for more than just watching the other.. Or maybe it was her grief , manifesting in such twisted ways.. Alas, to share a touch , didn't seem possible so the smaller priestess reveled in the worshiping gaze of the other.
" Did your little soldier spy something exciting, darling?," Her twisted tongue relished the pulsing ache between the legs of the other that she was causing -- Shadowheart was one very talkative during foreplay , despite her own cheeks being heated from their shared intimacy. Her perky rose bud nipples started to show her evident libido, and her pale skin broke into gooseflesh, as she taunted the other woman. Her tinted green irises widened and she hid them under hooded lids , staring down at her own nipples, and then glancing back at the other one.
Those lips, those hips, those thighs..
" Look at you . I could watch you stroke the length of your shaft until your fist gets coated with your cum .. Go on, then. Indulge me in this ," Shadowheart breathed , and pinched her own nipples, egging the tiefling on, and all fear of the water seemed to be forgotten.
Though she'd much rather feel it pressed against her heated entrance, or give it a brief experimental touch, in case Karlach's flesh could've been cooled off .
THE SHARRAN HAD SUCH A WAY WITH WORDS . She somehow knew just what to say, and exactly how to say it. Her manner of speaking was so fluid and so precise, and her manner of tongue alone had riled the tiefling up in all the right ways. There was a chance that Karlach was just needlessly horny... And that chance was probably the case. Who wouldn't be, after forced abstinence for decades? It was enough to make every copper piece shine like gold. It was as if she hadn't ever seen such a pretty sight before - her glowing eyes widening in the dark of night, engine alit with excitement, her tail wagging behind - even if she tries her best to keep it still. She can't help the way her eyes rove Shadowheart's slender form - taking in every single delicious detail of pale, flush skin, and otherwise flawless curves. Her mouth dries out. What the hells does she even say?
" Fuck, you're pretty. " Is all that comes dumbly spilling out, and it's far more breathless than she intended. Braid swaying in tandem with perfect hips, perfect for squeezing, sauntered closer and Karlach's tail suddenly went pole-straight. Now, that pretty little night orchid was only a few breaths from her, standing in all of her nude glory, with that lovely fragrant scent of sandalwood and incense. She didn't mean for her eyes to darken with lust as they did - but there was no helping it. SHE COULD HAVE DROPPED TO HER KNEES AND WORSHIPED THIS WOMAN LIKE SHE DID SHAR .
Her teasing little tug of her bottom lip quickened the rumble of her engine, and in that moment, she felt she could have died happy, if her damn death sentence heart gave out right then and there. But, luckily for her, the hellfire was far from quenched, and her claws immediately moved to her own infernal leather top. AS IF THE DAMN THINGS WERE POSSESSED . Puppets of the Sharran's gaze, as they pulled free her top and cast it to the side, and she wasted no time for her own braisser to join the pile. Calloused fingers grasped at the laces of her breeches, pulling them free with a small tremble to her hands, working around the uncomfortable tent that had sprung in infernal leathers. Fingers slide back to unclasp the fabric cut and wrapped around her tail, and she shoves the pesky garments aside.
Now, the tiefling stood just as bare as the day she was born, a hand attempting to poorly cover her half-stiff member, cheeky grin splitting her lips. A small puff of smoke leaves her shoulders, and her fangs sink into her lower lip in turn. " Ha, yeah? " She comments, still a bit breathlessly - AND SHE ' S STILL REELING OVER BEING CALLED SOLDIER BY SUCH A PERFECT WOMAN . Gods, she was in for it now.
" Well, uh... How 'bout I go in first? Make sure there's no, uh, sharks or anything. " The massive woman chimes, eyes still glued to her form, before she slowly winds around Shadowheart's body - oh so close to touching, yet just far enough away. She won't burn her pretty skin. Gods, the things I would do to her... But she doesn't linger on those thoughts. They had a bad habit of showing in her body language, and her hand wasn't quite big enough to conceal all that. She steps around, before sinking one foot at a time into the water, steam rising from the contact. Slowly, she makes her way deeper inside, previously cold water bubbling all the while - UNTIL IT LOOKS MORE LIKE A HOT SPRINGS THAN A POND .
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