kitttenteeth · 9 months
one of the first ever playlists I made hehe : ) i dusted it off n added some shinier songs .. Made with love for the curious . perfect for napping with ur head under the pillow & dreaming of chasing whiterabbits n such
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kitttenteeth · 10 months
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kitttenteeth · 10 months
vampires In albanian mythology
albanian folktales & vampiric creatures as i’ve known them !
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“To drink through one’s teeth”
dhamb / dhëmb : teeth pir : To drink
♱ a being born from a vampire & human. as all genders of vampire In balkan folklore are said to greatly prefer human woman, vampirism almost always comes from the father’s side.
♱ dhampirs are capable of normal lives amongst humans since they do not have a strong compulsion for drinking blood & are not weakened by sunlight, but are said to still possess supernatural abilities.
♱ often described as having untamed dark / black hair & no shadow that follows them. other possible descriptors include a large / crooked nose, being covered or smeared with dirt, and having a very deep hollow of the back that could resemble a tail. other balkan regions believe vampires to not have bones, so dhampirs have also been described to have no fingernails & very “soft” bodies.
not much is known on how to injure or weaken a dhampir as they are not known to be violent. they represent more of a bad - omen.
shtrigë : evil spirit, witch
♱ a witch who drinks the blood of (typically) infants while they sleep, often transforming into some sort of winged insect (moth, bee, fly, wasp, etc.) as she escapes back into the night. if a victim’s blood is not fully drained, sickness will inevitably kill them UNLESS the shtriga herself cures them (by spitting in their mouth).
♱ often described as a physically disfigured older woman with a “hateful” look and pale eyes. typically known to live deep within forests where they can live hidden & regurgitate the blood of her victims.
♱ can be killed by typical vampiric murders i.e. staking, decapitation, cremation. a cross dipped in holy water is also fatal to a shtriga And if she can be lured into a church, a cross made of pig bones placed at the entrance would effectively trap her. by dipping a silver coin in blood regurgitated by a shtriga, it would become an amulet of protection against any shtriga.
llugat : a frightening, violent person
♱ an extremely violent vampire - like creature. typically male, a lugat is someone who lives in darkness and is evil incarnate. he will reside where the sunlight never reaches (caves, abandoned water wells, old ruins) and stay concealed within these shadows while luring victims to himself. lugats are also said to be able to fly in the night, riding the wind to bleed & feed on people in their sleep.
♱ described as corpse - like with long nails that resemble claws. allegedly lugats are born of people who died tragic or extremely bloody / unhappy deaths, and that the devil enters their body while in the grave and exits with them.
♱ asides the other vampire methods, lugats are especially weakened by dogs & werewolves. dogs barking wildly for no visible reason could mean the arrival of a lugat in your home.
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
sometimes i feel like I am just a littlecake that says ‘Eat Me!’ …….
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
mh ?
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
I love feeling Like little red riding hood
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
In A World Of my own cats & rabbits would reside in fancy littlehouses and b dressed in shoes & hats &trousers
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
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Contemporary American doll artists & their dolls by Kathryn Witt…. My absolute favorite book As a kid ^-^ rereading it has been supersweet & It meant a lot that my mom recently bought me a new copy Of this as a gift bcus I had wrecked the original from bringingm it with me everywhere When i was younger . it is insane& inspiring, It’s smth i recommend every1 to keep around.Godd just so pretty It is all so perfect &brings back so many happy memories! It’sm always cool revisiting things U liked as a littlekid and seeing how they stuck with you all along .Thank you
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
I do sort of hate modern retellings Of old fairytales where there Is no .idk actual retelling or expansion of anythignm rly. The ones where the entire point is just what If we made this the cheesy type Of explicit gory and edgy Or we make alice In wonderland smoke a bowl .okayman What then
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
I Miss my Alice In wonderland halloween costume.
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
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Glitterveins : )
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
little fairystream tucked behind this house And u can talk 2 the birds
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kitttenteeth · 1 year
o my twitchy witchy girl I think u r so nice
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kitttenteeth · 2 years
somewhere 2 call my own
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