#⊰ ° ‧: 。* ⚘ 💀 ━◞ 𝓥𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓮 ↝ Requiem of the wretched :: DBD ⊱
inimikal-archive · 2 years
victor has taken to climbing on wesker's shoulders, screeching gleefully. charlotte is fretting in the background, shouting at her brother to leave the poor man alone.
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His  whole  body  becomes  stiff  with  this.  It  takes  every  ounce  of  him  not  to  grab  the  boy  &  throw  him  like  a  bizarre  animal  into  the  vast  yonder,  not  caring  how  or  where  he  landed.  But  here  in  this  strange  world,  Wesker  was  not  attempting  to  make  any  unnecessary  enemies.  Besides.  The  girl  had  been  ...  Amicable  enough.  He  felt  he  owed  her  some  sense  of  civility.  &  this  ...  boy  seemed  to  be  having  a  jolly  good  time.  So  jolly  he  couldn't  be  the  one  to  spoil  it,  could  he ?  
Muscles  tense,  he  turns  to  face  her,  his  discomforted  demeanour  halfway  like  a  cat  who  had  just  had  a  bucket  of  water  dumped  over  it  &  a  deer  who  had  been  frozen  in  headlights.  
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❝  Charlotte,  dear,  would  you  mind  "helping"  your  ...  Companion  to  dismount  me  at  once.  ❞  At  this  moment,  he  realised  he  didn't  know  who  Victor  was;  he  hadn't  looked  that  far  into  it.
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
pokes Weskers cheek <3 | from DBD verse Sanc wywushshwhwhs
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His  lighting-quick  reflexes  have  allowed  him  to  snatch  Sonic's  hand  upon  contact  with  his  cheek;  now  he's  just  holding  the  hedgehog  there  in  the  air,  dangling  by  his  arm  with  his  burning  cat-like  eyes  squinting  over  the  top  of  his  sunglasses  at  the  blue  blur.
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  ❝ And  just  what  are  you  supposed  to  be ? ❞  he  asks  after  a  hum  of  bemusement.
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inimikal-archive · 2 years
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                   { 💀 }  ━   @nonangelic  ASKED :  WILD  CARD !   ‘ "  the  raccoon  police  station ,  you  share  that  realm  with  the  big . . . thing .  right  ?  . . .  okay.  would  you  care  if  i  refinished  the  chairs  because  they  look  god  awful  &.  the  finish  is  worn  down  from  knocking  them  over  &.  they're  not  even  comfortable  to  SIT  on  anymore  &.  they  left  a  splinter  in  my  leg  &.  --  " ’  
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Almost  immediately,  he  knows  just  what  she's  talking  about.  Of  course,  he  wouldn't  expect  anyone  to  understand,  but  he  couldn't  help  but  feel  an  odd  sense  of  pride  in  the  creature  known  as  the  Nemesis.  After  all,  he  had  been  a  part  of  the  effort  to  create  such  a  monster.  It  felt  good  to  know  that  all  that  hard  work,  all  those  sleepless  nights  spent  gathering  data  &  running  trails  on  the  T-virus  had  gone  toward  producing  something  extraordinary.  It  was  a  horrifying  beast,  of  course,  but  extraordinary  all  the  same.  ❝ The  Nemesis  T-type,  yes. ❞
That  said,  he  never  once  dreamt  this  research  would  lead  him  here.  Every  bit  a  monster  as  the  Nemesis  itself,  but  indeed  far  less  tragic.  Lifting  a  hand,  the  black  sleeve  of  his  jacket  begins  to  pulsate,  crawling  to  life  a  stream  of  thick,  black  tentacles  emerge  from  underneath  his  sleeve  with  a  wet  pop,  leathery  &  putrid  they  squirm  violently  into  the  air  as  if  in  pain.  
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Though  his  expression  reflects  no  such  anguish.  Quite  to  the  contrary,  in  fact,  his  smirk  widens  at  the  corner  of  his  lips.  ❝  You  poor  Dear.  Fortunately,  I  think  can  help  you  with  that. ❞  Certainly, none  of  this  looks  like  he  really  wants  to  help  at  all.  
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