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sabuleum · 2 years ago
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@dcviated / wylan said:
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"The downside of kicking the door down is... welp, you can't exactly lock it behind you! So much for privacy."
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...they're reminded, however briefly, of some similarly chiding words from their wife (cushioned in barely-stifled laughter); the catalyst which ultimately resulted in there being no real doors to speak of in the Adherent's home. today: she grumbles.
❝ the only downside is that our pal wasn't behind the door when it came down... if privacy was so important to them, maybe they shouldn't have fucked around and started trying to summon some company. ❞ —especially when those guests were as unruly as the creatures recently ransacking the nearby town. at least there was no sight of the ugly little skirges inside the meager residence, either; however satisfying they might be to crush, the pair 'd had their fill in days prior.
❝ ...caught wind we were coming, I guess. hmph. ❞ Emké sighed; resigning to the fact that they'd have to play detective a little longer. ❝ but it doesn't seem like they took much with them. come on, let's kick around and see if we can find something useful. ❞
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sabuleum · 2 years ago
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insert a long-suffering sigh here. ❝ nothing. you're very pretty and totally normally proportioned. please forgive me for ever suggesting that they MIGHT be anything else. ❞ the regret is sincere, at least— not for the sake of his feelings, but because now they're afraid they'll never hear the end of it.
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"What's wrong with my lips?"
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sabuleum · 5 years ago
@zelotae​ continued from [x]
It was, of course, something she’d had to seek permission for. The Chosen could not merely be stolen away on any whim, snide voices would insist, and it would not do to put the young savior in jeopardy. Unfortunately for any of those who might try to raise some words of dissent, Emké was a skilled negotiator; gifted in the art of steadfast glances and not taking ‘no’ for an answer. 
No doubt there were many who took unkindly to the Adherent’s presence as a whole, wary of the mighty outsider who suddenly declared fidelity to their divine son— but some did not. Sebastian had always been accommodating, kind. Perhaps he had an inkling as to why she’d taken so strongly to Zelos; sensed the empathy which drove her to stay.
Whatever the case may be, an arrangement was made, and they were going. After all that had happened, the very air itself in Meltokio felt heavy, oppressive, pressing in from every angle with the weight of recent memory and renewed burden. He needed to get out of there, even if only for a moment.
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“home. that is, my home.”
how often has she mentioned it? perhaps not as much as it deserves, but then, the young warrior had never been much for small talk. still, there’s no way all their conversations have escaped her quiet musings about the clear waters and shimmering sand.
“it’s only fair, right? you’ve let me stay here with you all this time.” she posits, wise enough not to explain the real reasoning, to draw his attention back again to misery. and besides... she did want him to see it. and, of course, “...there’s some folks I want you to meet, too. someone in particular, who I think you’ll like. and who I know will like you.”
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
They’d become fairly adept at merely tuning the Gloucester heir out. after overhearing some of his many misguided (and, frankly, embarrassing) attempts at flirtation, amongst other boasting and the occasional monologue on the fine tea leaves he’d recently acquired, Emké made a conscious effort to hear less of it, for the sake of her own nerves, and his bodily well-being.
Hence, why they sort of missed his words the first time around. It only becomes clear after a pregnant pause and some curious blinks that, yes, he was talking to her.
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“ what?” curt, as always. they realize it isn’t the most polite response, but, alas, can’t bring themselves to care. given the reputation she’s earned for as much or more stoicism, the smith is surprised he’s even approached her to begin with. “ –did you need something?”
@ambitionsrelic  ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 5 years ago
Clutching the pole of her lance within her palm, she looked up at Emké; the ends of her braid split where sweat clung to her neck from a rather intense round of training. But that still wasn't good enough for her. She had to be stronger. She had to be strong enough to protect everyone. Steeling her resolve, her eyes met the other's without a hint of hesitation. "Emké, I would like to ask for you to train with me, even just once would be enough." {Faye!}
They can sense it, that steel. Resolve tempered like the metal which so often bent under their hands, but all at once, it is still hot; sizzling, sparking. Fragile, even in it’s strength. Few may better understand that drive to strength than the Adherent, that nagging desire to keep pushing, to be ever stronger, ever faster— there were so many people to protect, weren’t there? How could they ever be enough if they didn’t keep pushing?
Sweat, heavy breath. Activity has already begun to tax the other, and yet, her tone is unrelenting.
“You should know that I’d agree, of course. But you shouldn’t overdo it.” Even with those words of caution, she’s grabbing her weapon— a polearm not unlike Faye’s, especially for the sake of training, (their warhammer was not well-suited to practice bouts and friendly fights)— and coming to a proper stand. 
Emké moves with a practiced confidence that tells of a storied past, handling the lance as though it were merely another limb, settling into a ready stance with their eyes still fixed on their young counterpart.
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“One round, to start. If you need to stop at any time, don’t hesitate, just give me a signal.”
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sabuleum · 2 years ago
...okay, that got them: they chuckle at his question, forge-hardened arms crossing low across their torso. ❝ well, I wasn't planning to eat my weight in fish today, but if you're challenging me— ❞ they shrug. park them in a dungeon for a day and put a few really solid fights on the table... there probably wasn't a world in which it'd be possible in one day, but they'd certainly make an impressive effort.
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❝ nah. I plan to smoke one, whole, and butcher the biggest one into cuts, ❞ that monstrosity was only a little more than a head shorter than him, at most, ❝ which'll be more than enough to cover me for a while. 's good fish, best when it's fresh. so you're doing me a favor, really.
–oh, and if you need help gutting and fileting it, just let me know. it can be a little tricky. ❞ luckily, she's had a lot of practice.
He does, but something about being called Earthmate feels reverent for Raguna? There's a lot worse things he puts up with around Trampoli, names aside. Case and point, Emke is gifting rather than tasking. . . and a whole fish at that?!
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"Bwuh? Whoa!" A really big fish, mind you! If he were to heft it up by the tail it looked as though it would be at least half as long as he is tall! "Thank you? But- are you saying you can go through two on your own? Like in a day??" Wouldn't put it past the blacksmith. Something about them.
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
a hand extends down; grace after the struggle. it was the sound of clashing steel and beastly wails which drew their attention, quickly turning heel and running to join the skirmish. no time to exchange words beforehand, her first greeting to the stranger comes with a slight crease of worry, along with their offer of help. 
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“That looked like a nasty hit. You alright?”
@pinktothepast  ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 5 years ago
‘ i want to believe in justice. i want to know i’m doing the right thing. ’
the uncertainty which steals his tone softens them in a rare way, shoulders growing loose and sinking with a gentle fold of their arms as his words are allowed to soak in. it is, of course, a familiar struggle; longing to be worthy. to feel like their efforts, the long journeys and sometimes longer nights, were not in vain. and he is still so new to this, still finding his place in this world and how to use his talents. of course he would wonder– and with that wonder, doubt.
but like every other thing in this infinitely complex, terrible, and beautiful world, there is no certain answer to give him.
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“ justice isn’t so… immutable. right, wrong… they aren’t these concrete, true things. they’re personal.” 
they take a steady breath and turn the handle of Tidebringer against their palm, reflecting for a quiet moment on how much justice the great weapon has delivered– what could be praised by some as righteous punishment, but would come as a hiss of ‘slaughter! butcher! murderer!’ on other tongues. what would the kin of beasts cry if they had voices? if they could understand? 
these are thoughts she indulges from time to time, but they do not haunt the Adherent like they once did. nor is it complacency which brings such peace. it is conviction.
“ at the end of the day, you have to decide what justice is, for yourself. it may be fluid, growing, and may not be the same from one moment to the next, but that’s just something you have to contend with… and sometimes, you might not like the results. ” 
because you aren’t always going to do the right thing. mistakes, sometimes devastating, are inevitable. they know that well, and yet, it hurts them to imagine saying it so plainly. the sentimental heart in them longs to promise they’d save him from making those same sort of fatal errors, and avoid the scars they leave behind on soul as much as skin.
“ honestly? it isn’t easy. nor should it be, if you ask me. you should question it all the time, to keep yourself responsible to it– the moment that you’re certain what you’re doing is right and grow comfortable in it, you turn into a zealot, losing sight of the fact that your justice is not the only justice to consider. how to balance all of that… is something you’ll have to figure out over and over again, with time. ” and yet, with all these heavy revelations, she reaches out to settle her free hand on his shoulder, demanding his eyes. 
catching his gaze in hers; a sympathetic look framed by steady lips and easy brows.
“ but you won’t have to figure it out alone. ”
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sabuleum · 5 years ago
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it’s fun— amusing, pleasant, a nice break— to see everyone talking about weddings. with how often their words are filled with war and worry, it’s a change of pace she appreciates.
memories of her own wedding are among the happiest she’s ever made; it’s a simple kind of joy she’d wish for anyone.
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
“No.” Goodness, that may very well be the fastest he’s ever heard it. Poor thing didn’t even get a chance to finish the inhale before his words. She punctuates her words by striking a steady blow against the blade she has laid over the anvil.
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“Whatever you were about to propose, whatever idle flattery you’d cooked up on the way over, just no. If you need something forged, I’ll hear you out. Otherwise, you can save your breath.” it seems reputation precedes him, as ever.
@heirofgautier  ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
“I um — Hello again,” He flushes, quite embarrassed as he slides a lance cleaved in two. Again. “It seems that my strength has gotten the best of me again and I’ve, well, broken my lance…again. D-do you think you could still repair it?” Oh, he hopes so. The professor paid quite a sum of money to get him this weapon.
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Their expression looks almost pained for a moment, taking the fractured spear in either hand. Faerghus’ prince had a real sincerity in his words, apologetic and proper, but in that moment, the smith really wanted to knock him over the head with something. And this had a pole made of snakewood!
honestly, they would almost be impressed by the strength such a break required, if a sigh wasn’t already falling from tired lips.
“I can.” hardly reassuring, considering their sound of defeat. “the break can be mended with resin, and reinforced with a steel band; but for your sake, I can’t work with anything less than black sand steel. I’m not sure you’d even make it out of the marketplace if I don’t.”
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
“ ––what? oh, no, no I don’t. uh;” it’s a rare moment to see them so nervous. as if they’ve been caught in the act. “well, I don’t really pray, I guess. daily prayer isn’t part of the Faith where I’m from... so I... well, I want to pay my respects to your Goddess, as a guest in this land, but I’m not really sure how.”
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@m3rcie  ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
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BUZZFEED UNSOLVED: SUPERNATURAL  ⟶ [ accepting ] @wayward-sword
Unsettling was a good word for it, lonely was even better–– a fact they know well, having spent so much of their life in such places. The altars lay empty, barren of favors and decoration, halls showing no trace of where dancing feet might have scuffed the marble in celebration.
“IT’S LIFELESS.” they declare, suppressing a shiver by tensing their shoulders, then letting them drop.
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“Nothing to show the memories that might have been made here, no sign that it’s been touched at all.” Places like this were made to be filled, to host great comings-together. So what happened?
They shiver after all.
“Maybe that’s why what we’re looking for shacked up here, huh? Desolation fits the aesthetic
–– in any case, let’s keep moving. ” let’s get this over with.
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
in his defense, the smell alone was intoxicating. fresh prawns and razor swathed in sauce, with fresh greens and diced peppers to accompany them, steamed and sizzled in the wok over an open flame, catching the nose of many along the harbor as they passed by, but no-one’s eyes so keenly as his.
hence why he now finds a bowl offered his way,; a healthy scoop of the still-steaming seafood at hand, with a spoon dropped haphazardly over the rim after-the-fact. 
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“go on, then; with the eyes you’ve been making, you may as well have been married the skillet. I won’t miss it.”
@miracleofnorende ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
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“ –ah, I might’ve guessed you’d be here.” it seemed she was always out lending her hand somewhere; an admirable habit, but one that could make the Martritz hard to track down. nevertheless, they’d managed before wandering too long. “ do you have a moment? I don’t want to interrupt anything.”
@seiint ♥’ed
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sabuleum · 6 years ago
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“...It’s a damn fine piece of work.” crass words, but they’re spoken with all the reverence in the world. “the weight, how it sits in your palm, and the thickness of the blade–– albion, you called it, right? was it made for you?”
@knightsterror​  ♥’ed
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