#∞࿚ kinjō shirasu ( asks. )
infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] ❝ you’re smart, aren’t you? you know everything. ❞
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Shirasu chuckles, charmed. What an idealist. "I'm honored you think so highly of me but I'm afraid I'm not quite so all knowing. There are many things in this world I know little of. I'm simply.. more experienced. But if there is ever something you wish to learn more about, I'll do my best to teach you." He reaches out to pat Soramaru's head. Just don't ask things I cannot speak of.
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infintasmal · 6 months
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@starsoath asked: "Don't worry, I have a plan." No, Soramaru does not have a plan, and he expects his wavering confidence to clue Shirasu into this, but... well, he simply doesn't want the elder to try and handle it himself. They currently have no food nor funds ( thanks, Tenka ), yet as long as he can keep Shirasu out of the kitchen, at least no one will be poisoned. "I'll go into town and see if anyone needs help with anything—-groceries in exchange for manual labor is fair enough, right?"
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Living at the Kumo shrine was never dull. There always seemed to be some problem and more often than not, it fell to the second son to fix things, if only because the first son was usually the cause of said trouble. And today it was Tenka spending their grocery money on booze and subsequently sleeping the day away. And while Shirasu did his best to offer his assistance as their housekeeper, there were some areas he wasn't allowed to interfere. Buying groceries was innocent enough but anything involving the kitchen was strictly off limits. He can bake sweets but that was about it. (he still doesn't understand why people don't like his cooking...)
He looks down at Soramaru, nodding. "I'm sure the people in town would be willing to help. But if it would be helpful, I can always go hunting. If it would make you feel better, I'll stick to only catching animals and not foraging." After all, if the Kumo's can't stomach his cooking, it would be uncertain if they could handle as many wild mushroom variants as he could.
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Shirasu] magician, hierophant, judgement! Tarot headcanons / Accepting.
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the magician  :  how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ?
Shirasu is someone who will fight against a predetermined fate. His entire campaign as leader of the Fuma is about changing the fates of the shinobi in Japan. As Japan evolves, samurai and ninjas are on the way out. But Shirasu refuses to let the Fuma fade into the past. And he'll do so by changing the clan, rebuilding it from the ground up and seizing the power of the Orochi, no matter the cost. From the moment he was born, his fate was always that of an omen, of change or destruction. And if that's the role he must play, then he'll fight the entire way, for the betterment of his clan. He won't succumb to the future so easily.
the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ?
Shirasu has something of a twisted moral code. Early in the series, he explains that the three big shinobi clans are each ruled by a specific principle. And for the Fuma, their code has always been 'for the clan'. Anything is permitted as long as it's for the clan. And as an shinobi, he has no qualms about killing or destruction as long as it serves a purpose. The only major taboo is to betray the clan. And while 'betrayal' has been twisted by the former head, Shirasu intends to do right by the clan, no matter the cost. However, as much as he tries to deny it, his heart has wavered from that purpose during his time with the Kumo. The only other time he's ever felt conflicted about his actions is when it comes to his brother. When they rebelled against the former head, he always said that it was to strength the clan by getting rid of the dissenters. However, there are times when he wonders if it was really for the survival of his brother. How much do the two motivations overlap, after all?
judgement  :  is your muse forgiving of themselves ? how about of others who wrong them ?
Of himself, no. Shirasu takes every failure to heart, every failing. He is hard on himself because so much rests on his shoulders. The fate of the clan depends on him, the life of his brother is in his hands. And so any failings is a betrayal of his goal and of the clan. As for others, he isn't terribly forgiving depending on the crime. As Shirasu, the Kumo housekeeper, he's known for his patience but only toward the Kumo brothers. Any who would cross them should expect to be met with their housekeepers wrath. And as Kotaro, head of the Fuma, any misdeeds is a betrayal of the clan, the most serious of crimes. He is judge, juror, and executioner.
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infintasmal · 11 months
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] [ injury ] sender cleans receiver's wound and patches it up Comfortable Intimacy / Accepting
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How embarrassing. Shirasu is supposed to be the one taking care of Soramaru, not the other way around. And certainly he was capable enough at tending his own wounds. But Soramaru insisted, refusing to leaving until Shirasu was back in one piece. He was at least able to convince him that calling their doctor wasn't necessary. And so he sat quietly, not a single movement even as Soramaru cleaned the slice going up his arm.
It was careless of him to get injured in the first place. The band of thugs that had carelessly rolled into town, thinking themselves smart enough to stir up trouble on the prison's doorsteps without incurring the wrath of it's guardians. Shirasu had stepped in to help fend them off while in town. And one had managed to land a clean strike on him. How annoying.
Shirasu looks down at Soramaru's handiwork. He's certainly skilled in this. Shirasu smiled and flexed his fingers, just as a test.
"Thank you, Soramaru. I apologize for the trouble but I really am fine. These sorts of things will hardly be enough to slow me down. But I appreciate your care."
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] [ SHELTER ] sender and receiver must find shelter from a storm . Dire Situations / Accepting
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With the sky constantly overcast, it was hard to tell when the weather might turn. Today it seemed to come out of nowhere. One moment, they were walking back to the shrine after dropping Chuutaro off at school and the next they were running from the sudden squall. The rain came down, heavy and unceasing while lightning split the sky.
Shirasu put a hand on Soramaru's back and pointed for him to run back the way they came. They were closer to the school building than they were home and surely the teachers wouldn't mind if they waited out the worst of it there. Chuutaro would surely be pleased to see them. With any luck the storm wouldn't last for too long, Shirasu would hate to delay his chores.
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu]⚡ - to take shelter from a storm together .
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The skies of Ōmi had not been clear in many years. The children there knew of the sunlight only through stories unless they had travelled beyond the region. And that constant overcast could sometimes make it difficult to forecast any incoming storms. They knew the seasons well and could smell the rain coming at times but the skies always looked as if they were about to give way to a storm. And that meant the people had to be prepared the storms. They had adapted to it.
And so when lightning cracked across the sky, no one made a fuss. The shops in town began to close their windows to keep out the rain. Shirasu and Soramaru, out restocking their kitchen, were still in town when the storm hit. One of the shopkeepers waved them in from the road and while they ran as quick as they could the suddenness of the storm still left them nearly soaked through.
Once inside, Shirasu bowed his head in thanks while the older woman went to fetch a few towels so they could dry off a bit. Shirasu, readjusting his headband, glanced out the window.
"It looks like a summer squall, hopefully it won't last very long. We'll wait here until it's over." he said, looking to Soramaru. "And here I thought we could get some quick shopping in before Chuutaro comes home from school. Hopefully he's not out playing in the mud."
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] ���� - to dress your muse’s wound .
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How careless of him, to let himself be injured in front of Soramaru and Chuutaro like that. Not only that but now Soramaru is insistent on helping to dress Shirasu's wounds. What a shameful keeper he is.
Admittedly, he'd gotten a bit carried away fighting against Kagami, leaving him with a multitude of shallow cuts and a few knife points embedded in his arm. He'd removed the bulk of the shrapnel and the bleeding had mostly stopped. All that was left was to properly clean them out and dress the wounds.
And while Shirasu had intended to do so privately as soon as they'd returned back to the house, Soramaru had been insistent on helping. Chuutaro, teary eyed at seeing 'Shira-nii' bleeding, had been sent away to refresh the water basin Shirasu was using to clean his wounds. Shirasu was calm through it all, brushing off any question of calling the family doctor. He was versed enough in treating his own wounds. Wrapping his arm, he glanced at the stains in his kimono, tsking at how difficult it would be to lift them from the white fabric. And then he looks to Soramaru, smiling kindly.
"I appreciate your help but I promise you I will be okay. Something like this is hardly enough to stop me. I'm relieved that neither of you were seriously hurt but you must be tired from all the commotion. Once I'm cleaned up, I'll make you some tea to settle down with."
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] ∗ 34﹕ sender is found by receiver somewhere they shouldn’t be .
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There wasn't much left of Gokumonjo Prison. The Orochi had sundered the land and split the might walls into pieces. The island it once set upon was now a series of rocky patches littering the center of the lake. In the darks following the Orochi's disappearance, city guards had scoured the ruins for any convicts who might be hiding there. They had found a few, captured them and sent them off. They hadn't found Shirasu-- no they weren't looking for a man who never existed. They hadn't found Kotarō
Getting out of Ōmi was going to be challenging. The rest of the Fūma had managed to slip out, backing into hiding beyond the once cloudy confines of Ōmi. Kotarō stayed behind. He needed to assess the damage, to gain intel on where things stood in the wake of the Orochi. His clan was wanted for their roll, dead or alive. He had to make sure none of them were left behind to be found. It was dangerous to stay, better to just move on and count their losses. But he needed time to make a plan, find a direction, lick his wounds in the dark where no one can see them. And perhaps some part of him hoped to find his brother in the wreckage, either to bury or to bring along. But the only thing he found was the mask, splintered down the center. How poetic.
Kotarō planned to leave in the coming days, there was nothing left for him here. His wounds were nearly healed, or at least enough that he could start moving, there were no accounts of his clan taken as prisoners by the local guards. It was time to move on. Occasionally, he would glance in the direction of the shrine and wonder after it. He doesn't let himself for too long. He's no longer that person, that's no longer his home. It never really was.
Tucked in the crumbled mass of Gokumonjo, he sits quietly in the dark. It's too risky to start a fire so he eats the fish he's caught raw. He was never much of a cook anyway. The mask sits opposite him. He intends to bury it before he leaves, lay his brother to rest.
When he hears rustling near by, he jumps to his feet. There are plenty of places to hide here and he's good at watching from the shadows. Something in him twists a little when he sees who is scouting around the rubble. Soramaru, far from home. Damn. The fox mask is sitting out in the open and the second son is walking toward it. Whatever answers he hopes to gain from this place, it needs to stop.
Kotarō steps silently behind him, claps a hand over his eyes and presses the flat of his kunai against his throat. "Leave this place," he whispers, pitching his voice down low. He turns them both around, walks Soramaru several steps forward and kicks him forward into the dirt. With a momentary distraction, he dashes backward, grabs his mask and darts back into the shadows, hopeful not to be seen. Hopeful not to be followed. There's no one here for you anymore. Return to your dream.
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Soramaru; Shirasu] ∗ 3o﹕ sender wraps a blanket around receiver’s shoulders . (Or reversed, if you'd prefer! <3)
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Shirasu was, admittedly, a bit tired. Tenka had gotten up to drinking with some of the local guards and he had finally managed to clean up after they had left. Tenka was, unsurprisingly, passed out. Chuutaro, who had tried desperately to stay up with the grow ups had long since fallen asleep. And that just left Soramaru, who had agreed to help Shirasu clean up.
But things had fallen quiet as Shirasu finished drying the last of the dishes. He glanced over at the scene before him and found Soramaru, sitting against the wall, fast asleep. He had been training all day prior to the impromptu drinking party, his hands still red from gripping the wooden sword.
Shirasu smiled and walked toward him, scooping a blanket from the side. He braced his hands beneath Soramaru and gingerly moved him to a more comfortable position. He draped the blanket over him, standing to observe.
"Good night, sleep well," he whispered. He glanced toward the moon shinning through the window before walking toward the front door. There was one more person he had to check on before the night was through. I wonder if he'll be upset that I'm late.
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infintasmal · 1 year
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@petalbound asked: [Shirasu] zinnia + poppy + oak
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zinnia :   how has the loss of fallen comrades and/or loved ones affected your muse ? has it taught them anything or given them any new perspectives ?
Shirasu has lost his family, his father by his hand, his mother by the former Head, and his brother in the final battle. All of which devastated him in different ways. The deaths of his parents and circumstances of his brother were his original motivators to change the Fūma clan. But he wasn't left with much time to grieve. His people needed someone to depend on, to follow, and Shirasu moved forward for them. He wanted to create a world where none amongst his people would have to experience the suffering and loss he had. The most surprising loss for him was that of the Kumo family. Tenka's 'death' at first and then the loss that came with his own betrayal. As much as it's true that he only stayed with them to further his own agenda, he became comfortable with them. He describes it as having lived in a warm dream. And when his ambitions for the Orochi failed and left him alone, he was bitter. Not only because his brother was gone but because he had lost the family he'd become apart of. He knew he would one day have to betray them, but he never imagined that it would hurt to do so. But once again, he was left with the responsibility of carrying his people forward, leaving the weight of his grief behind. And he's okay with that. If he didn't have that responsibility, he's not sure what reason he would to continue moving forward.
poppy :   what comforts your muse ?
Shirasu isn't one to seek comfort as he's more the type to suppress his feelings. However he found comfort with the Kumo family. They were caring in a way he had never seen before, only knowing the harsh nature of the Fūma clan. During that time, drinking with Tenka or doing chores around the Shrine calmed him. Despite the ever present knowledge that this could not last, he was comfortable in this life. Sometimes, he imagined a life in which he was able to stay.
oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?
Tenka, as much as the Fūma in him is loathe to admit it. Shirasu and his brother were responsible for the deaths of the Kumo's parents as well as the severe injury Tenka sustained. If not for the Orochi experiments, Tenka would have been paralyzed at the moment if not dead. And the going through the Orochi experiments was no small feat, they were extremely painful. And yet Tenka overcame all of it so that he could return him to his brothers. He gave up his role in the Yamainu squad to commit himself fully. He even survived a full attack from the Orochi which burned half his body. Shirasu admits to his brother that out of all the obstacles they must face to raise the Orochi, Tenka is the most challenging.
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infintasmal · 1 year
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Tag dump ; Kinjō Shirasu ; my peace has always depended on all the ashes in my wake
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