#∘ ◦ 🤍 — playlist | hinata.
wishmcker · 6 months
It's not where you come from It's where you belong Nothing I would trade I wouldn't have it any other way You're surrounded By love and you're wanted So never feel alone You are home with me Right where you belong
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uuuuuhhhhlana · 2 years
i'm really sorry for asking this but i once asked you if you could explain the reasoning behind your canon komahina playlist, and i remember you made like a really lengthy post and i loved it. but i've been scouring your tumblr and i cannot for the life of me find it and it's killing me. could you please repost it or send me the link for the original post, i'm sorry lol
hi!!! you’re all good! i’m glad you loved it!! unfortunately i am the same as you and cannot find the original post ANYWHERE 😭 but, luckily i still have the response which i kept in my notes app for sentimental reasons so i’m able to repost it here!! keep in mind i have included new songs that were not part of the og post, and removed songs that are no longer in the playlist,,but without further ado, my canon komahina playlist song guide!! :D
i’ll try to explain as best as i can!! i’ll indicate which songs belong to each arc that i wish i could do in the playlist <3 (also to clarify, this playlist is just also stuff i find and include on a whim, and may not exactly fit because i haven’t had time to listen to the whole playlist in full lol sorry)
also lol this is gonna be long
pregame (despair arc anime stuff)
カミイロアワセ—binaria (this is just despair arc’s opening!! it may have been confusing if you haven’t watched the anime lol, also some songs are just here to help transition into different parts of the timeline!! ^^)
waiting in the wings—eden espinosa (this is a character specific song for hajime, i thought it was good to emphasise his feelings towards being the the reserve course, always trying so hard and never reaching what he truely wants (ah, there are a few character specific songs in this, it’s just to give them their own views and thoughts during the situation lol))
are you satisfied?—marina (okay THIS is meant to both portray their lives and actions during despair arc before the tragedy and how their lives are about to completely change (mainly hinata’s transition into kamukura) half is meant to showcase the lead up to his agreement to the kamukura project (“are you satisfied with your average life?” “it’s my problem if i want to pack up and run away…if i feel the need to hide” and the other half is about komaeda’s luck and how heavily it has affected his life before leading him to be accepted into hope’s peak (“one life pretending to be the cat who got the cream” “do i need to lie to make my way in life?” “nothing comes for free”) uh yea akskddgaksd)
never say never the animation—tkdz2b (this is just a transition to like. the udg/thh killing game shebang, nothing really important there)
e.v.o.l—marina (kamukoma nation rise,,,,just them (mostly servant) being Freaks™ together heheheheh,,, also like,,how basically junko’s influence turned them to the fucked up despair peeps they are!! (“it only takes a drop of evil to fuck up two beautiful people”,,,) :))
coming down—halsey (more kamukoma crumbs anyone??? basically komaeda worshipping kamukura and smex looolll. i imagine they encountered each other multiple times during and after udg (it’s canon i said so ansjddf :,))
game (prologue)
pixel galaxy—snail’s house (neo world program time babeyyyy)
welcome to dangan island—masafumi takada (what’s this weird rabbit thing?? we’re on an island now? ah! we’re meant to be collecting hope fragments?? this is totally normal and not a killing game right? right???)
beautiful rain (summer salt) —masafumi takada (relax! enjoy making friends (and potential love interests) on this lovey dovey school trip! :))
heart attack—loona (komaeda love at first sight bullshit like PLEASEEE (i will insert as many songs to convey my agenda as possible LMAO)
sugar rush—addison grace (komaeda’s pov, he’s only met hinata for two (2) seconds and already has a crush LMFAO also, assume that there’s been like a teensy bit of time (like two days) since they got here, it needs to have time to build up aksdkfgh my playlist my rules <3)
two time—jack stauber’s micropop (hinata’s pov, he also seems to be developing some feelings, but something seems…off? i wonder what it could possibly be…)
danganronpa super mix—masafumi takada (the killing game has begun blah blah blah you know the drill)
chapter 1
entropy—awkward mania (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 1, now in this intense situation, komaeda does his 180 and starts his descent, but it’s for hope so that’s fine :P (probably when he plans the murder set up))
ghost rule—deco*27 (komaeda’s antagonistic demeanour reveal to hinata and the others. he gets hinata to figure out his malice, if he “figured the (komaeda) he knew was just a sham”. he knows his crush? and the rest will likely dislike him from now, but needs to push on so that he’s able to assist them in overcoming any despair thrown at them)
you give love a bad name—bon jovi (hinata feels betrayed, poor bby ;( the person he once liked? (crushed on) and was kind enough to help him out during introductions and the investigation is now gone)
it should have been me—riproducer (more komaeda monologue bullshit,,,,basically saying that hinata should have chosen komaeda as the blackened and is now confused as to why hinata is mad at him. after all, all he wanted to do was lead the ultimates towards hope and combat despair, why is the one he considerably looked up to most so upset with him? oh well, now that komaeda is here to stay (potentially for now) now his pandora’s box opened, he warns hinata to keep a close eye on him unless he were to act out again….)
chapter 2 and chapter 3
pandora’s box—marina (hinata’s just hurt and confused by komaeda’s behaviour tbh, but like. fair. now he’s become like an enigma oooooohhh)
problems—mother mother (komaeda’s pov, him bad in the eyes of hinata, hinata good >:( and komaeda self deprecation™. he still loves hinata tho despite the killing game because that’s the totally normal response to all of this, i can’t really fit more here?? LOL maybe “tied up and branded, locked in a cage” can be a reference to THAT scene but like, yea that’s it ajsjsdfgh)
the outsider—marina (komaeda having a main character moment™, also, he KNOWS he’s unpredictable and hard to comprehend. uh oh)
inferno—reinaeiry (komaeda being a little shit pt 2, he wants to rile hinata up with some antagonistic flirting babeyyyy)
love trial—chano, 40mp (komaeda’s guilty of being in love (smh he should be he fell in love in a damn killing game :///) he still thinks he has a chance for hinata to love him back, while simultaneously helping him and MAKING THINGS DIFFICULT FOR HIM ansjdfghh (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 2) he also suspects hinata may like him back in some way but he’s just denying it 👀)
bodybag—chloe moriondo (hinata’s having conflicted feelings :// sometimes he wants to punch komaeda on the mouth with HIS mouth and sometimes he just wants to punch him)
vices and virtues—reinaeiry (kinda chapter 3 territory here. komahina narrative foils real?!?)
hermit the frog—marina (this one’s kinda iffy but eehhh, it’s a flip flop of pov’s between hinata and komaeda, first, hinata knows that komaeda can outsmart him, and is always one step head of him in the trials and it still annoys him akskddgg then it switches to komaeda (at: “well i, went to the doctors believing…”) when he’s got the liars disease and wants hinata to stay but is unable to do so (ya know THAT scene) (fun fact: this part was inspired by an animatic) then some lead up to early chapter 4 and more homoerotic tension blah blah blah. like i said, this one’s a bit hard to fit in with the timeline but the animatic part is what stuck to me keeping it in)
bizzare love triangle—new order (hinata looking back on ch 1 komahina times and missing it “why can’t we be ourselves like we were yesterday?” he’s scared of what’s gonna happen between them down the line)
chapter 4
no strings attached (enemies to lovers)—backseat vagabond (it’s when they’ve entered the fun house and takes place some days before the 4th murder. literally just (one sided) hate smex LMAO….that leads to some reignited feelings from hinata…?)
i forgot that you exist—yonkagor (the investigation is underway and komaeda has just met up with hinata and nanami after the final dead room stuff. komaeda finds out everything and treats hinata like utter garbage, they break up without even being together in the first place <\3 brocken)
backstabber—kesha (“I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!1!1!1” hinata feels betrayed again. he’s just like “wth man :(“ and komaeda is still a bitch ansndf)
fan behaviour—issac dunbar (komaeda’s just like “oh you hate me? cute <3” (condescending) and basically just talks down to him that now the “tables have turned” because komaeda used to look up to hinata and the others and basically saw himself as a loser and now THEY’RE all the losers lmao)
woke up—olivia olson, zuzu (hinata grows a pair and is basically just like “you know what, screw you you’re so annoying and literally no one likes you lol stfu” also candy kingdom=hope philosophy or whatever bajsjdfg)
wolf in sheep’s clothing—set it off (hinata just digging into komaeda (probably during the trial), he’s literally SO done with his shit, the wire is about to snap :,))
wishful drinking—tessa violet (komaeda character song, after the 4th trial, he knows he’s separated from the group now more than ever (visually i see him in his cottage, poison bottle in his hand, whilst intense staring commences) and he starts to set up for the beginning of the end…..)
chapter 5
smile—ukuletea (this is specifically during the free time event with komaeda at the military base, or lack there of, because if you try to talk to him, komaeda says something along the lines of “don’t worry about me, go talk with one of the others” with a smile on his face (hence “carry on by, i’ll see you off with a smile) it’s meant to be the final ‘normal’ encounter you have with him before what comes after. i imagine that just somehow, someway, komaeda still couldn’t let go of those lingering feelings for hinata, but knows he can’t go back to the way things were, so he’s instead pushing hinata even more away :()
冬のはなし (Fuyu no hanashi)—given (komahina duet, both are looking at their broken relationship, what they’ve lost, they’re both finding difficulty to move on and forget what happened between them, it’s meant to be a sad but bittersweet moment of clinging onto a small piece of hope that each one will still have some longing feeling there)
i just want to be the one you love—cryst (for this one i imagine that komaeda is listening to this on a record player in his cottage (don’t question it LMAO) more longing and loss for a love he can never have,,, ;()
oh ana—thquib, gumi (komaeda is conflicted :// he wants to become the ultimate hope by getting rid of the others (the remnants of despair) but he also hates having to find out this information because of what it means (from his perspective anyways). komaeda still clings onto his deep love for hinata even despite being the personification of his near opposing worldview, and is desperate for hinata to help him out of his turmoil)
bang!—ajr (now with his extremely antagonistic persona, komaeda explodes the lobby and threatens to blow up the rest of the island unless the traitor reveals themself)
crossing the line—mandy moore and eden espinosa (komahina duet, hinata says that komaeda has finally gone too far and begs for him to stop what he is doing, which komaeda refutes saying he will do anything it takes to see his plans be fulfilled, even if that means the others will see him as a complete monster for it)
nothing left to lose—jeremy jordan and eden espinosa (komahina duetttt, literally just a reiteration of same thing that’s explained in the song above (i TOLD you i like to insert as many songs as possible to convey the agenda LOL))
ready as i’ll ever be—tangled cast (another kmhn duet, hinata and the gang go to search for the hidden bombs komaeda has planted on the island, while komaeda goes to set up in the warehouse, both are preparing themselves for whatever may come next)
killer—the ready set (komaeda finally decides to let go of his feelings for hinata, as he will soon no longer be alive to still have them)
time is running out—muse (hinata is still searching for the bombs, and feels backed into a corner by komaeda’s actions, he feels komaeda has complete control in this situation, but is still somehow despite it all intrigued by him. it’s like it’s a car crash you can’t look away from )
again—crusher-p (komaeda’s lament pt 1, with a side of self torment and depreciation, he internally regrets how far he went with his antagonistic behaviour but it’s too late to go back)
eventually—tame impala (komaeda’s lament pt 2, with a side of regret and mourning, he truely believes that this is the only way out of this situation, and with that small lingering attachment of his feelings towards hinata, komaeda internally apologises for all the pain he has caused his one-sided (?) love, knowing his death will hopefully be the last time he gives hinata any grief, that he will eventually move on from komaeda,,,,)
sweet hibiscus tea—penelope scott (komaeda’s lament pt 3 with a side of dissasociation and questioning of what is reality (see: “the artificial way the sunlight bounces off the waxy leaves”) before the door opens to his demise)
arms tonite—mother mother (“i died in you armsssss” *cue dramatic komaeda dying in hinata’s arms scene*. it’s kinda like komaeda talking from beyond the grave, lol)
stuff is way—they might be giants (okay so that infamous makoto and junko animatic of the same song but replace those two with kmhn and the events that have happened over the course of the jabberwock killing school trip up til now. if you haven’t watched it pls do it’s so good)
karma—crusher-p (hinata has just been completely and utterly crushed by what has happened now. kinda like a stages of grief thing (he’s on denial and anger ansjddf) he thinks komaeda’s luck has finally failed him and got the karma that was coming to him: (a reference to the aforementioned wolf in sheep’s clothing)(but shhhh, he knows nothing yet)
all eyes on me—or3o (the chapter 5 trial, hinata basically just reflecting on komaeda’s actions, how he controlled and took centre stage during almost every previous trial and now it’s his turn to uncover the menacing truth komaeda left behind for him (salty salty aksndnfgg))
hidden in the sand—tally hall (after the chapter 5 trial, hinata mourns in his cottage once more and looks back on the time he and komaeda spent together during the prologue because those are good memories for him :,))
chapter 6
something changed—creepP (the epilogue to chapter 5 leading into the final chapter, when hinata and the remaining survivors are beginning to sense this island may not be what they’ve believed this whole time, with friends they’ve mourned suddenly appearing before them, their return to hopes peak, surrounded by glitched walls, unexpected jumps from room to room, and mangas outlining moments and events they can’t seem to remember,, in addition to monokuma’s strange behaviour, it’s easy to see that something isn’t quite right,,,,)
haze—tessa violet (inspired by another animatic of the same song, it’s hinata centric and centred around his feelings and thoughts as kamukura coming into light, and the subsequential transformation, featuring some tiny kmhn crumbs)
help me—or3o (chapter 6 trial, hinata’s pov. a final reflection of all that has occurred in the now world, also the official hinata was kamukura reveal. the inner voices of nanami and kamukura in addition to the help from the other survivors, pushing his determination to take down alter ego junko and create his own future (yeah these last few songs aren’t really kmhn centric but like. komaeda being unalivan’t doesn’t help with that ajsjdfgh))
white space—omori (ahhh this is just them getting out of the neo world, with the final walls crumbling and the venture into the unknown future ahead of them)
post game
it’s not the same anymore—rex orange county (hinata laments on how simple his life used to be, but now that’s something he can never turn back to, and he knows it. so, all he can do now is live with it and move on towards a better future with the help of his friends)
strange sight—kt tunstall (IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! to me this is like The komahina song Ever. this is once the survivors have woken up, and their comatose classmates have miraculously woken up, all except for one. hinata goes into the room with all the pods to set up the world destroyer program for komaeda, but before he does that, he looks down at the occupied pod, reflects once again on this boy, no not boy, man, this enigma, the fact that this is the one singular person in his life that has never been more interesting and confusing to him, and yet he still wants to understand him, understand him even more, wake him up so he can at last get closer to him the way he wished when they first met on that beach in the neo world>>>>>)
danganronpa 2.5 (komaeda and the world destroyer)
bitter choco decoration—syudou ((also known as: komaeda’s analysis hour) (komaeda’s perspective of his life and what he sees around him,,, komaeda has always wanted to help others instead of be helped, he tries not to hurt the ones he cares about,, he smiles and laughs with practiced ease, even if it means it’s at his own expense,,, after all, why should his classmates worry about him? he aims to praise and worship, telling them what they want to hear even if he doesn’t believe it himself because they display so much potential, so much hope, they don’t deserve to be upset or dragged down by his burdens . he will insert himself as a background character into each of their lives, and shut down his own significance in process)
i hate it here—quinn (komaeda’s artificial world,,, throughout living within the program, komaeda begins to slightly change his perspective of himself, he feels as though his luck is a complete waste of a talent and he’s becoming something he never wished to be, just another face in the crowd. rather, if he were in a more ideal world, talent wouldn’t matter much to him, his good luck rather helped those he cared about and the bad luck was instead given to himself, and he would maybe even have friends (even though they may be somewhat reluctant))
miss wanna die—jubyphonic (i see this as komaeda with the world destroyer, someone who feels somewhat familiar to him for a reason he can’t yet sustain, killing his friends and ruining his ‘perfect world’. when he meets world destroyer, komaeda knows it’s there for a specific reason, for some reason he senses and flashes back to a specific and stubborn presence continuously reaching out for him that for some reason feels that komaeda can’t continue to be in this coping mechanism world he has created for the rest of his sleeping life (i wonder who that is ajsjdfg). he realises that this is a dream he’s been living in and wishes to wake up and return to reality
絶対希望バースデ—megumi ogata (roll credits on 2.5 babey :))))
hope arc
connect—amalee (hinata’s pov, after looking at what remains of their wrecked and damaged world, clouded with loss, death, and desolate destruction, whilst observing komaeda from his personal nwp run in order to wake him, hinata gives himself a silent vow to always be by komaeda’s side, and to ensure they both can help each other recover within what remains of their despair-ridden world, and rebuild it together along with support from their friends and found family now matter how hard it may be)
心做し—akane (komaeda has woken up, hinata shows no anger, resentment or hate toward him and wonders why, he believes hinata should despise him with every fibre of his being after all the pain he had caused during the killing game, he doesn’t want hinata to be hurt by him again, so komaeda tries to push him away once more, but hinata just holds him and comforts him as komaeda cries into his shoulder)
strange sight reprise—kt tunstall (hinata comforts komaeda some more, finally being able to understand him just a little (only a little, for now, he thinks. a small success regardless) he tells komaeda that he still believes him to be a good person because hinata knows komaeda genuinely cares about him and the others in his own (quirky) way
that distant shore—jennifer paz (hhhhhh komaeda has internal hope for resolution and recovery, with the inclination that he’s no longer alone now that hinata and him are getting along again,,,sorry LMAO kinda brain dead rn to think of anything else to say here)
flaws—bastille (hinata takes at look at his and komaeda’s flaws: komaeda’s being his luck, something he’s always had to live with, how it’s affected him, affected others and how he’s never hidden the fact that he believed his luck to be a burden to him. meanwhile hinata’s flaw was his feeling towards talent, his lack there of and how that ultimately led him to forever changing his life, he hated his flaws so much that he wanted to bury them as deep as possible, so others wouldn’t see how easily they were able to control his emotions. and now, after all they’ve been through, they are able to live with the flaws they have and use them to better understand each other)
our life—fat bard (some time after hope arc, hinata’s pov, the remnants of despair are now living on the island that was once an artificial nightmare. despite the tragedy, jabberwock almost looks to be returning into a peaceful paradise again. things have begun to change: structures being rebuilt, the sky returning blue with time, crimes slowly being forgiven and bonds being formed (wink wink nudge nudge). days and months come and go, the remnants have made peace that they will be potentially spending the rest of their lives here.
sunkissed—khai dreams (peaceful jabberwock dayze, komaeda’s pov. the feelings of his crush that he first had on the very same island from forever ago have returned tenfold, hinata has gotten closer to him and there’s a feeling of reciprocation there, but he’s to scared to confess to hinata just yet, he’s pining :()
walk but in the garden—llusion, mxmtoon (moar peaceful jabberwock dayze. hinata’s pov. him spending time with komaeda doing mundane things, hanging out and having fun despite being isolated from the rest of the world. they’ve managed to find their own peace here :))
still into you—paramore (omgggg confession time, the time has finally come!! :D aka: despite everything, it’s still you……and they were narrative foils and now they’re in love (omg they were narrative foils and now they’re in love))
come what may—nicole kidman and ewan mcgregor (komahina duetttttt *singing with intensity* “SUDDENLY MY LIFE DOESN’T SEEM SUCH A WASTE, IT ALL REVOLVES AROUND YOUUUU” each one at the beginning of their lives were shrouded with a feeling of being someone who is so worthless, one because of their talent, and the other because they lacked talent,,,but now they have both found someone they love and cherish, and make them feel their life is worth living for what remains until the end of time HHHHHHHH)
good old-fashioned lover boy—queen (kmhn marriage!! preparations….they write their vows and celebrate with their friends and kiss….yeas…)
me and my husband—mitski (pretty self explanatory ahsjdjdfg. komaeda’s pov btw)
AND WE’RE FINALLY DONE!! oof that took a while lmaooo, there’s more i could probably expand on in some songs but my brain hurts aaahhh
also take note that these songs are subject to change, i may take some out if i find a better replacement but what i have here now is just what i think fits best at the time!! i know it’s not perfect ajsjdfg and if you had some alternative songs, or new ones to potentially add please feel free to share!! but once again thank you so much! to think something i did self indulgently and as a joke became something people genuinely like makes my happy! :)
edit: as of writing this, i have replayed the playlist and taken some songs out that either didn’t quite fit or were too repetitive, but as i said, it’s subject to change :))
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thedeadthree · 2 years
my dearests @adelaidedrubman, @marivenah and @hoesephseed tagged me to make my girls in this picrew and list a few songs i think of for them! ty so much loves y’all are the sweetest 🥀❣️
— TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @cameronburke, @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @celticwoman, @yennas, @preachercuster, @jackiesarch, @taliaferros, @maeflower, @florbelles, @johnnycranes, @quentinbecks, @belorage, @jacobseed, @blissfulalchemist, @shadowglens, @smithandrogers, @nokstella, and @rosebarsoap 🥀❣️
step 1 -> create your oc (or ocs) in this picrew
step 2 -> list 5 songs that inspired (or captured the feel of) your oc. if you choose multiple, feel free to pick your favorite or do songs for all of them! (and feel free to list fewer or more songs if you want)
❄️ VIKTORIYA VAYS // cyberpunk 2077
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Сказка (fairytale) - IC3PEAK
you should see me in a crown - billie eilish
yelena belova - lorne balfe
guns for hire - woodkid
dictator - rei ami
🔪 HINATA SANDERSON // cyberpunk 2077
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snakes - pvris, miyavi
cyberninja - marcin przybylowicz
vs reality - aya gloomy
experiment on me - halsey
hit me where it hurts - caroline polachek
🍷 CHIARA DE LAURENTIS // uncharted, m*u
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eclipse - pink floyd
night call - lia lia
no escape - health, the neighborhood
the kiss - hesham nazih
last day / Новый День - ic3peak, grimes
#the amount of time i spend on making playlists for each of my ocs and doing research into how the lyrics fit them would be…. a lot ✨🤧🤍#SO A HUGE THANK U TO U LOVELIES FOR TAGGING ME i will never not refuse to yell about songs + my ocs ✨🥺🤍#oc: viktoriya vays#oc: hinata sanderson#oc: chiara de laurentis#leg.ocs#leg.tagged#t: tag games#t: picrews#i reeeaaallly wanted to add lyrics sjhxjxjc but i have to get ready bc im seeing doctor strange jsjsjnsjsj ✨🤧#l if i do lore rants about these songs I’ll go waaaay over the tag limit so if any of y’all want to message me about that pleeeeease do ✨🤧#but i will say im yelling screaming and crying about all 3! especially chiara’s!#someone please yell at me about moon knight and marc and chiara bc…… THIS WHOLE PLAYLIST#like last day? and chiara makes me think of how NOT WELL she handled marc getting sh*t. SHE WAS UNWELL for sure!#hinata’s playlist makes u want to kick a door down snxjjxck and it’s the BEST i love it#VIKA AND HERS ive had it on repeat like….. for 2 months STRAIGHT jxhjkck most of the songs on my on repeat playlist are from hers sjjxjxj 😌🤍#it’s the type of playlist that both has a sense of melancholy in some cases but overall? your taking over the world dear! 😌🤍#VIKA GETS HER CAT EYES IN THIS PICREW ✨🥺 (theyre black around the eyes but! cat eyes!)#and hinata also has black around her irises but still! red eyes!!!!!!! hinata! aaahhh! i loved this!#knife tw#smoking tw#just in case! 🖤🖤
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nishiannoya · 3 years
hii! omg i loved ur "2d vb bf writes fanfic abt u" fic! is it possible for u to write a pt 2 for that? (only if it's not too much trouble ofc) have a nice day [or night] ( ´ ω ` )
I do not have a squeal post planned, but hopefully this shall suffice 🤍
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𝗜𝗻 𝗔𝗻 𝗔𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗨𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲: 𝗬𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝟮𝗗 𝗩𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗲𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗕𝗙 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘀 𝗙𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗬𝗼𝘂
18+ Only
gn!reader x haikyuu, humor, satire, masturbation
(part 1 found here)
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✷ Lurker. Clears his browsing and search history after every fic binge. Absolutely no one can know of his shame. Cringes at himself for being such a simp.
ASAHI, Kenma, Yamaguchi, IWAIZUMI, Kindaichi, Yaku
✷ Gets genuinely upset when he reads something he thinks mischaracterizes you. Vague-posts about it. Stews on it for days.
Ennoshita, Yamamoto, Yahaba, SAKUSA, Oikawa, Sugawara, Semi, Ukai, Atsumu, SHIRABU
✷ Will read anything with your name in it. Does not give a fuck if it's OOC. Is willing to imagine you any type of way. The brainrot is real.
TANAKA, Makki, Koganegawa, BOKUTO, Goshiki, Terushima
✷ Reblogs with a full on meltdown in the tags. Leaves paragraph comments on AO3. Keyboard mash king. Cries when he gets the "you've already left kudos here" message.
Atsumu, SUGAWARA, Lev, Oikawa
✷ Horny but doesn't touch himself. Squirms and maybe whimpers a little bit while reading. Face contorts when he reads a particularly juicy line.
KITA, Asahi, HINATA, Kenma, OSAMU, Yaku
✷ Horny and touches himself. Maybe just palming himself through his pants. Or full on hand pumping while imagining it's you as he reads.
Sugawara, Suna, Atsumu, TERUSHIMA, Tendou, OIKAWA, Noya, Makki
✷ Has to set the mood to read fanfiction. Puts on a reading playlist. Turns down the lights. Makes himself a cup of coffee. Lights a candle. Cozy clothes.
AKAASHI, Aone, Akiteru, Kai, Osamu, Daishou
✷ Will shamelessly read fanfiction anywhere. On public transport. In class. While hanging out with friends. At the dinner table. Zero fucks given.
MAKKI, MATTSUN, Suna, Bokuto, Terushima, Tendou, Kageyama, Kunimi
✷ Complains about the fanon version of you but won't write his own content. Has only a select few authors he'll read content from.
Kyoutani, DAISHOU, Osamu, Hoshiumi, Hirugami, Yahaba
✷ Can't or won't read anything over 500 words.
KAGEYAMA, NOYA, Hinata, Hoshiumi, Ushijima, Kenma, Kunimi
✷ Sets an entire night aside to read a 60k+ multi-chapter slowburn.
Kuroo, UKAI, Asahi, Sugawara, AONE, Ennoshita, Shirabu
✷ Just freezes after he's done reading a fic. Stares at the screen while trying to process his feelings. Has to remind himself to breathe. Blinks blankly.
Tsukki, AKAASHI, Kita, Kenma, Daichi, Akiteru, Aran, Hirugami, Suna
✷ Makes audible noise if something he reads catches him by surprise and gives him any kind of strong feeling. Sometimes has to read with a hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet.
Aran, Asahi, Hinata, Yaku, LEV, Iwa, Semi, AKITERU, Komori, Kageyama, Kindaichi, Osamu
✷ Finds himself reading the reader's lines out loud. Maybe even acts out some of the scenes a little (especially angsty fight dialogue). Don't let the theatre majors know how good he is.
Akaashi, ATSUMU, Oikawa, YAMAMOTO, TANAKA, Tendou, Hoshiumi
✷ Blushes like mad. Screams into his hand. Bites fist. Makes vocalized keyboard mash sounds. Squeezes his phone to the point of shaking.
YAMAGUCHI, Kuroo, Atsumu, Goshiki, BOKUTO
✷ Can read with a completely straight face from start to finish. Maybe his brows will raise just a little bit for a second at the good parts. Otherwise anyone who saw would think he's reading some dull news article.
USHIJIMA, Daichi, TSUKKI, KUNIMI, Kita, Mattsun, Kyoutani, Ukai
✷ Sends smut to his friends. "Here, I read this porn and thought of you." He's everybody's favorite friend.
Tendou, Akaashi, MAKKI, Fukunaga, SUNA, Kuroo, Koganegawa
✷ Has actually woken up family members or roommates from screaming, choking, and wheezing with laughter at some headcanons.
Hinata, NOYA, FUTAKUCHI, Tendou, KUROO, ATSUMU, Osamu, Komori, Oikawa, Makki, Tanaka, Sugawara
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aavocadotoasttt · 2 years
☾intro post☾
hey! I realized I never properly introduced myself on here.
The name’s Toast
Self ID: Neurodivergent, Autism and ADHD
Pronouns: any pronouns but they/them is preferred!
Age: 20 (I can’t tell if I’m old or young for this fandom)
Sexuality: very bisexual :)
Primary fandom: Naruto & Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
Secondary fandoms: Avatar The Last Airbender, Demon Slayer, & Star Wars
Favorite characters: Sarada, Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, Himawari, Boruto, Hinata, (can you tell I love these two families) Itachi, Kaguya, Obito, Hashirama, Shikamaru, Temari
Favorite ships: I love to write Borusara the most, Sasusaku comes in close second, and I also love Naruhina.
Least favorite ships: Kawasara, Borusumi and this shouldn’t even have to be said but Narusara???? DISGUSTANG.
Where can I find your work? my Ao3 is linked in my bio!
What else do you like to do outside of the fandom? I’m in school to become a Radiologic Technologist (I graduate in August!), I’m a Hellenistic pagan oracle and I enjoy working with my coven. I also love to travel and spend time with my partner and friends.
Can I send you asks? YES! I love receiving asks, fic suggestions, or other things you want to send me. I also love to give advice and would be happy to if you need it🥰
Other socials: the only other social I can link here is my Spotify:
I make playlists for most of my favorite characters. The only one I don’t have started is my girl Sakura (I will get on that I swear!)
I also have TikTok which is mostly Naruto content as well with the same username with one less T (aavocadotoastt)
Would you like to be moots with me? YES! Just send an ask or comment so I know who to follow back! I love my mutuals!
If you have any other questions for me, let me know so I can edit this post!🤍
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uuuuuhhhhlana · 3 years
i absolutely adore your canon komahina playlist, but i do have to admit that i'm kinda confused about some songs' inclusion and their meaning the context of komahina. of course, some are obvious but others baffle me lol. could you please briefly tell me what each song in that playlist means for komahina in the chronological order of pre-game, canon, and poet-game? i would be so happy :) thank you
first of all thanks so much!! i’m glad you enjoy it!! <3 ahhhh i can admit it can be confusing because some of the songs mesh together and it’s impossible to have only specific parts of the songs i wanted, so i’ll try to explain as best as i can!! i’ll also indicate which songs belong to each arc that i wish i could do in the playlist <3 (also to clarify, this playlist is just also stuff i find and include on a whim, and may not exactly fit because i haven’t had time to listen to the whole playlist in full lol sorry)
also lol this is gonna be long
and btw i would absolutely recommend searching up translations for the non-english songs, as their lyrics actually carry meaning to them and make more sense that way :)
PREGAME (despair arc anime stuff) 💖
カミイロアワセ—binaria (this is just despair arc’s opening!! it may have been confusing if you haven’t watched the anime lol, also some songs are just here to help transition into different parts of the timeline!! ^^)
waiting in the wings—eden espinosa (this is a character specific song for hajime, i thought it was good to emphasise his feelings towards being the the reserve course, always trying so hard and never reaching what he truely wants (ah, there are a few character specific songs in this, it’s just to give them their own views and thoughts during the situation lol))
are you satisfied?—marina (okay THIS is meant to both portray their lives and actions during despair arc before the tragedy and how their lives are about to completely change (mainly hinata’s transition into kamukura) half is meant to showcase the lead up to his agreement to the kamukura project (“are you satisfied with your average life?” “it’s my problem if i want to pack up and run away…if i feel the need to hide” and the other half is about komaeda’s luck and how heavily it has affected his life before leading him to be accepted into hope’s peak (“one life pretending to be the cat who got the cream” “do i need to lie to make my way in life?” “nothing comes for free”) uh yea akskddgaksd)
never say never the animation—tkdz2b (this is just a transition to like. the udg/thh killing game shebang, nothing really important there)
coming down—halsey (kamukoma crumbs anyone??? basically komaeda worshipping kamukura and smex looolll. i imagine they encountered each other multiple times during and after udg (it’s canon i said so ansjddf :,))
pixel galaxy—snail’s house (neo world program time babeyyyy)
welcome to dangan island—masafumi takada (what’s this weird rabbit thing?? we’re on an island now? ah! we’re meant to be collecting hope fragments?? this is totally normal and not a killing game right? right???)
beautiful rain (summer salt)—masafumi takada (relax! enjoy making friends (and potential love interests) on this lovey dovey school trip! :))
sugar rush—addison grace (komaeda’s pov, he’s only met hinata for two (2) seconds and already has a crush LMFAO also, assume that there’s been like a teensy bit of time (like two days) since they got here, it needs to have time to build up aksdkfgh my playlist my rules <3)
two time—jack stauber’s micropop (hinata’s pov, he also seems to be developing some feelings, but something seems…off? i wonder what it could possibly be…)
danganronpa super mix—masafumi takada (the killing game has begun blah blah blah you know the drill)
entropy—awkward mania (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 1, now in this intense situation, komaeda does his 180 and starts his descent, but it’s for hope so that’s fine :P (probably when he plans the murder set up))
ghost rule—deco*27 (komaeda’s antagonistic demeanour reveal to hinata and the others. he gets hinata to figure out his malice, if he “figured the (komaeda) he knew was just a sham”. he knows his crush? and the rest will likely dislike him from now, but needs to push on so that he’s able to assist them in overcoming any despair thrown at them
you give love a bad name—bon jovi (hinata feels betrayed, poor bby ;( the person he once liked? (crushed on) and was kind enough to help him out during introductions and the investigation is now gone)
problems—mother mother (komaeda’s pov, him bad in the eyes of hinata, hinata good >:( and komaeda self deprecation™. he still loves hinata tho despite the killing game because that’s the totally normal response to all of this, i can’t really fit more here?? LOL maybe “tied up and branded, locked in a cage” can be a reference to THAT scene but like, yea that’s it ajsjsdfgh)
pandora’s box—marina (hinata’s just hurt and confused by komaeda’s behaviour tbh, but like. fair. now he’s become like an enigma oooooohhh)
outsider—marina (komaeda having a main character moment™, also, he KNOWS he’s unpredictable and hard to comprehend. uh oh)
love trial—chano, 40mp (komaeda’s guilty of being in love (smh he should be he fell in love in a damn killing game :///) he still thinks he has a chance for hinata to love him back, while simultaneously helping him and MAKING THINGS DIFFICULT FOR HIM ansjdfghh (aka komaeda being a little shit pt 2) he also suspects hinata may like him back in some way but he’s just denying it 👀)
bodybag—chloe moriondo (hinata’s having conflicted feelings :// sometimes he wants to punch komaeda on the mouth with HIS mouth and sometimes he just wants to punch him)
vices and virtues—reinaeiry (kinda chapter 3 territory here. komahina narrative foils real?!?)
hermit the frog—marina (this one’s kinda iffy but eehhh, it’s a flip flop of pov’s between hinata and komaeda, first, hinata knows that komaeda can outsmart him, and is always one step head of him in the trials and it still annoys him akskddgg then it switches to komaeda (at: “well i, went to the doctors believing…”) when he’s got the liars disease and wants hinata to stay but is unable to do so (ya know THAT scene) (fun fact: this part was inspired by an animatic) then some lead up to early chapter 4 and more homoerotic tension blah blah blah. like i said, this one’s a bit hard to fit in with the timeline but the animatic part is what stuck to me keeping it in)
no strings attached (enemies to lovers)—backseat vagabond (it’s when they’ve entered the fun house and takes place some days before the 4th murder. literally just (one sided) hate smex LMAO….that leads to some reignited feelings from hinata…?)
i forgot that you exist—yonkagor (the investigation is underway and komaeda has just met up with hinata and nanami after the final dead room stuff. komaeda finds out everything and treats hinata like utter garbage, they break up without even being together in the first place <\3 brocken)
backstabber—kesha (“I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!1!1!1” hinata feels betrayed again. he’s just like “wth man :(“ and komaeda is still a bitch ansndf)
woke up—olivia olson, zuzu (hinata grows a pair and is basically just like “you know what, screw you you’re so annoying and literally no one likes you lol stfu” also candy kingdom=hope philosophy or whatever bajsjdfg
fan behaviour—issac dunbar (komaeda’s just like “oh you hate me? cute <3” (condescending) and basically just talks down to him that now the “tables have turned” because komaeda used to look up to hinata and the others and basically saw himself as a loser and now THEY’RE all the losers lmao
wolf in sheep’s clothing—set it off (hinata just digging into komaeda (probably during the trial), he’s literally SO done with his shit, the wire is about to snap :,))
wishful drinking—tessa violet (komaeda character song, after the 4th trial, he knows he’s separated from the group now more than ever (visually i see him in his cottage, poison bottle in his hand, whilst intense staring commences) and he starts to set up for the beginning of the end…..
smile—ukuletea (this is specifically during the free time event with komaeda at the military base, or lack there of, because if you try to talk to him, komaeda says something along the lines of “don’t worry about me, go talk with one of the others” with a smile on his face (hence “carry on by, i’ll see you off with a smile) it’s meant to be the final ‘normal’ encounter you have with him before what comes after. i imagine that just somehow, someway, komaeda still couldn’t let go of those lingering feelings for hinata, but knows he can’t go back to the way things were, so he’s instead pushing hinata even more away :()
oh ana—thquib, gumi (komaeda is conflicted :// he wants to become the ultimate hope by getting rid of the others (the remnants of despair) but he also hates having to find out this information because of what it means (from his perspective anyways). komaeda still clings onto his deep love for hinata even despite being the personification of his near opposing worldview, and is desperate for hinata to help him out of his turmoil
bang!—ajr (now with his extremely antagonistic persona, komaeda explodes the lobby and threatens to blow up the rest of the island unless the traitor reveals themself)
nothing left to lose—jeremy jordan and eden espinosa (komahina duet, hinata says that komaeda has finally gone too far and begs for him to stop what he is doing, which komaeda refutes saying he will do anything it takes to see his plans be fulfilled, even if that means the others will see him as a complete monster for it)
ready as i’ll ever be—tangled cast (another kmhn duet, hinata and the gang go to search for the hidden bombs komaeda has planted on the island, while komaeda goes to set up in the warehouse, both are preparing themselves for whatever may come next)
killer—the ready set (komaeda finally decides to let go of his feelings for hinata, as he will soon no longer be alive to still have them)
time is running out—muse (hinata is still searching for the bombs, and feels backed into a corner by komaeda’s actions, he feels komaeda has complete control in this situation, but is still somehow despite it all intrigued by him. it’s like it’s a car crash you can’t look away from )
again—crusher-p (komaeda’s lament pt 1, with a side of self torment and depreciation, he internally regrets how far he went with his antagonistic behaviour but it’s too late to go back)
sweet hibiscus tea—penelope scott (komaeda’s lament pt 2 with a side of dissasociation and questioning of what is reality (see: “the artificial way the sunlight bounces off the waxy leaves”) before the door opens to his demise)
nothing man—sodikken (okay this one’s a bit strange cause remember how i said only specific parts of the song fit into the timeline? yeah this is an example of that whsjdjffg. basically, it’s specifically meant to be the lyrics at the end with the warehouse fire, komaeda’s death and hinata and the other’s discovering his body with a “big ol’ gaping hole” ansjddf i’m sorryyyyy. hinata rushes over to him to try to wake him up but it’s too late :(((()
arms tonite—mother mother (“i died in you armsssss” *cue dramatic komaeda dying in hinata’s arms scene*. it’s kinda like komaeda talking from beyond the grave, lol)
stuff is way—they might be giants (okay so that infamous makoto and junko animatic of the same song but replace those two with kmhn and the events that have happened over the course of the jabberwock killing school trip up til now. if you haven’t watched it pls do it’s so good)
karma—crusher-p (hinata has just been completely and utterly crushed by what has happened now. kinda like a stages of grief thing (he’s on denial and anger ansjddf) he thinks komaeda’s luck has finally failed him and got the karma that was coming to him: (a reference to the aforementioned wolf in sheep’s clothing) (but shhhh, he knows nothing yet))
all eyes on me—or3o (the chapter 5 trial, hinata basically just reflecting on komaeda’s actions, how he controlled and took centre stage during almost every previous trial and now it’s his turn to uncover the menacing truth komaeda left behind for him (salty salty aksndnfgg))
hidden in the sand—tally hall (after the chapter 5 trial, hinata mourns in his cottage once more and looks back on the time he and komaeda spent together during the prologue because those are good memories for him :,))
haze—tessa violet (inspired by another animatic of the same song, it’s hinata centric and centred around his feelings and thoughts as kamukura coming into light, and the subsequential transformation, featuring some tiny kmhn crumbs)
something changed—creep-p (chapter 6 investigation, just another retrospective moment of all the events that have happened so far, including all the friends the survivors have lost along the way. but they are beginning to notice that the world they are living in is not quite as real as they thought…)
help me—or3o (chapter 6 trial, hinata’s pov. a final reflection of all that has occurred in the now world, also the official hinata was kamukura reveal. the inner voices of nanami and kamukura in addition to the help from the other survivors, pushing his determination to take down alter ego junko and create his own future (yeah these last few songs aren’t really kmhn centric but like. komaeda being unalivan’t doesn’t help with that ajsjdfgh))
white space—omori (ahhh this is just them getting out of the neo world, with the final walls crumbling and the venture into the unknown future ahead of them)
strange sight—kt tunstall (IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! to me this is like The komahina song Ever. this is once the survivors have woken up, and their comatose classmates have miraculously woken up, all except for one. hinata goes into the room with all the pods to set up the world destroyer program for komaeda, but before he does that, he looks down at the occupied pod, reflects once again on this boy, no not boy, man, this enigma, the fact that this is the one singular person in his life that has never been more interesting and confusing to him, and yet he still wants to understand him, understand him even more, wake him up so he can at last get closer to him the way he wished when they first met on that beach in the neo world>>>>>)
DANGANRONPA 2.5 (komaeda and the world destroyer)  
i hate it here—quinn (komaeda’s artificial world, he feels as though his luck is a complete waste of a talent and he’s becoming something he never wished to be, just another face in the crowd. (basically his canon™ thoughts). rather, if he were in a more ideal world, talent wouldn’t matter much to him, his good luck rather helped those he cared about and the bad luck was instead given to himself, and he would maybe even have friends (even though they may be somewhat reluctant))
miss wanna die—jubyphonic (i see this as komaeda with the world destroyer, someone who feels somewhat familiar to him for a reason he can’t yet sustain, killing his friends and ruining his ‘perfect world’. when he meets world destroyer, komaeda knows it’s there for a specific reason, for some reason he senses and flashes back to a specific and stubborn presence continuously reaching out for him that for some reason feels that komaeda can’t continue to be in this coping mechanism world he has created for the rest of his sleeping life (i wonder who that is ajsjdfg). he realises that this is a dream he’s been living in and wishes to wake up and return to reality
絶対希望バースデ—megumi ogata (roll credits on 2.5 babey :))))
心做し—akane (komaeda has woken up, hinata shows no anger, resentment or hate toward him and wonders why, he believes hinata should despise him with every fibre of his being after all the pain he had caused during the killing game, he doesn’t want hinata to be hurt by him again, so komaeda tries to push him away once more, but hinata just holds him and comforts him as komaeda cries into his shoulder)
strange sight reprise—kt tunstall (hinata comforts komaeda some more, finally being able to understand him just a little (only a little, for now, he thinks. a small success regardless) he tells komaeda that he still believes him to be a good person because hinata knows komaeda genuinely cares about him and the others in his own (quirky) way
it’s not the same anymore—rex orange county (hinata laments on how simple his life used to be, but now that’s something he can never turn back to, and he knows it. so, all he can do now is live with it and move on towards a better future with the help of his friends)
flaws—bastille (hinata takes at look at his and komaeda’s flaws: komaeda’s being his luck, something he’s always had to live with, how it’s affected him, affected others and how he’s never hidden the fact that he believed his luck to be a burden to him. meanwhile hinata’s flaw was his feeling towards talent, his lack there of and how that ultimately led him to forever changing his life, he hated his flaws so much that he wanted to bury them as deep as possible, so others wouldn’t see how easily they were able to control his emotions. and now, after all they’ve been through, they are able to live with the flaws they have and use them to better understand each other)
our life—fat bard (some time after hope arc, hinata’s pov, the remnants of despair are now living on the island that was once an artificial nightmare. despite the tragedy, jabberwock almost looks to be returning into a peaceful paradise again. things have begun to change: structures being rebuilt, the sky returning blue with time, crimes slowly being forgiven and bonds being formed (wink wink nudge nudge). days and months come and go, the remnants have made peace that they will be potentially spending the rest of their lives here.
sunkissed—khai dreams (peaceful jabberwock dayze, komaeda’s pov. the feelings of his crush that he first had on the very same island from forever ago have returned tenfold, hinata has gotten closer to him and there’s a feeling of reciprocation there, but he’s to scared to confess to hinata just yet, he’s pining :()
walk but in the garden—llusion, mxmtoon (moar peaceful jabberwock dayze. hinata’s pov. him spending time with komaeda doing mundane things, hanging out and having fun despite being isolated from the rest of the world. they’ve managed to find their own peace here :))
still into you—paramore (omgggg confession time, the time has finally come!! :D aka: despite everything, it’s still you……and they were narrative foils and now they’re in love (omg they were narrative foils and now they’re in love))
good old-fashioned lover boy—queen (kmhn marriage!! preparations….they write their vows and celebrate with their friends and kiss….yeas…)
me and my husband—mitski (pretty self explanatory ahsjdjdfg. komaeda’s pov btw)
AND WE’RE FINALLY DONE!! oof that took a while lmaooo, there’s more i could probably expand on in some songs but my brain hurts aaahhh
also take note that these songs are subject to change, i may take some out if i find a better replacement but what i have here now is just what i think fits best at the time!! i know it’s not perfect ajsjdfg and if you had some alternative songs, or new ones to potentially add please feel free to share!! but once again thank you so much! to think something i did self indulgently and as a joke became something people genuinely like makes my happy! :) <3
edit: as of writing this, i have replayed the playlist and taken some songs out that either didn’t quite fit or were too repetitive, but as i said, it’s subject to change :))
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