#⇢ 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐥
iseulcwu · 4 years
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hey hey ♥, it’s nie again!! this time i’m bringing you one hot mess with so many daddy issues, kwon iseul!! like before you’ll find a tl;dr with some history regarding iseul, some potential plots, and the works below the cut. stats, bios and what not to come. can’t wait to get this train rolling once more ♥
this leo sun, capricorn moon, leo rising is the daughter of a former escort-turned-model-and-actress and the ceo of an imports/exports business. there’s a lot to unpack here.
a very brief stats situation —
name: kwon iseul age: twenty birthplace: seoul, south korea canon: lust club and position: book club, vice president major: double major in philosophy and economics with a minor in business administration birthday and zodiac sign: july 28th, 1999 — omg she’s a leo sexual orientation: bi for some reason languages spoken: korean ( fluent ), japanese ( conversational ), english ( conversational ), french ( conversational )
this life she’s lived —
♔ iseul’s mom was not her father’s first wife. no, she was the third. the two had met after he requested her once for an escorting service, and then five and then twenty more times. it was an odd marriage, still is ( if you can believe that they’re still married on paper ) ♔ mom leaves the home when iseul is four and comes back here and there between trips around the world. she brings her daughter gifts, but these are empty things and no true replacement for a mother’s love. ♔ her father, who gives her just a little more love has the young girl wrapped around her finger. but what little he gives her is never enough. ♔ why is iseul never enough? ♔ she’s not enough for the mother and father who have other priorities, and she’s not enough for the friends she’s made — she seeks them out but it is never the other way around, they only want her around when they need something from her. ♔ when she tires of chasing after the love of others, she decides that all of these emotions are more disadvantageous to her than anything else. she tires of chasing after her friends and begging anyone and everyone to lover her. she deserves so much more than this, right? sure. ♔ attendance was mandatory for company parties; as her father’s only daughter, she should ( in theory ) inherit the company one day, and the parties, more than anything, were a good way for her father to introduce her to future business partners. ♔ by the time she was a sophomore in high school, the sweet smiles that were so natural for iseul had turned bitter, and she feigned happiness at these parties. ♔ her worldview had matured ( and had become cynical ) at the same time that her body had matured; and people noticed.  ♔ the first person she sleeps with ( ever ) is the cfo of the company. a little older than her father, but much gentler in the way he carried himself. he treated her well, and in return she allowed him to indulge himself with her body. ♔ she’d sneak off to see the man often, after the after school violin classes, his driver would pick her up and spirit her away. ♔ it was taboo in every sense of the word; even more so, because iseul was underage...this was a crime. still, this was the only way she knew how to feel. ♔ the second person to ever lay with her was an actress, the wife of a client of her father’s.  ♔ the third was the president of another company, the fourth her father’s own secretary.  ♔ iseul had last slept with a governor when the rug was pulled out from beneath her feet. the governor’s husband had found the two post-coitus, and had immediately contacted the young girl’s parents. ♔ her mother is surprised but impressed. her father is mortified and all too disgusted. ♔ at home the man is enraged, calls her a string of derogatory names and laments the kwon reputation. how could she do this? they argue late into the night, the young girl’s tears matching her fathers, “was this a punishment?” he had asked her “what did i do wrong?” ♔ she wanted to feel bad, really she did, but feeling one thing would lead to feeling another and she wasn’t sure she could do that anymore. she was scared of the strength of her own emotions. it is 3 in the morning when he sits her down at the dinner table and demands she write down every last name of every last person she’s had sex with ♔ a pregnancy test, as well as several other tests and half a dozen nda’s later her father sat down with her again. “you will never do something like this again. you will not shame me like this, i didn’t raise you to be this way. iseul, i have to send you away. the nda’s reassure me that neither you nor them will talk about this, but that’s not enough for me. i’ve made a few arrangements, and you’re going to go to school in japan.”
plots? plots... ( ? )
♔ always wanna start this off with friends!! would be fun to find a dynamic for iseul where someone still hangs around despite the bitchiness and crazy amounts of sass. she’s an asshole, but she knows how to be a good friend. ♔ okay so who is lucky enough ( or unlucky enough idk ) to be her roommate????? ♔ you were going out with so-and-so and iseul slept with so-and-so and now you and so-and-so are over. maybe iseul didn’t know you were going out, but maybe she didn’t...i’m not sure she would care at this point. BUT DRAMA, you do not like her one bit. ♔ mayhaps she slept with your mom or your dad...and mayhaps that ruined your parents relationship, mayhaps not. but the first time she saw you she probably said something along the lines of “ oh!! you’re (insert mom or dad’s first name of all things)’s kid!! ” ♔ a one night stand becomes a two night stand becomes three. a long time ago. now neither one of you indulges in the other like before, but when things are rekindled between the two of you, its more intimate now, friendship more for you than the sex could ever be. ♔ you know me, a hoe for that lovie dovie shit. okay for iseul, sex has become a hobby, something that she does often and without much feeling ( but, damn, she does it well ); she wants to pretend so badly that she’s as unfeeling as they come but that’s untrue. ♔ probably someone who is not as experienced in the sexy things as iseul and iseul is just like “hey you wanna hear about the time i did [xxx] with the ceo of [xxx] in his office, right before a meeting??” and probably helps this person come out of their shell ♔ and like before, other plots?? like i said last time ( verbatim ): i can always brainstorm with you guys and see what flows. can’t wait to write with all of you <3 i’ll probably be sliding into your discord dms later!!
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