#← ouppy!! they are already my bbg <3
whorbidmore · 6 months
Hello, I'm Fang and welcome to my poor excuse of a fanfic centered blog! The aim of this is to let myself be as self indulgent in my writing as I possibly can be. Working to rebuild my love of writing, assurance in my identity and overcoming the apprehension that comes with being openly sexual.
I've only ever done one of these things once, and I've completely forgotten what's actually necessary to start it off. So, guess who's making it up as they go along!
I will write ↓
reader insert fiction specifically for trans masculine people, smut, one shots, drabbles & the occasional piece of fluff
I won't write ↓
angst, hurt/no comfort, dark fiction, non-con/rape, or write specifically from the perspective of cisgender heterosexual people — as I am neither cisgender nor heterosexual, — and will generally refrain from writing in an amab perspective, nor accept requests.
Generally speaking, I am a writer for myself and for people like me; queer, afab, trans masculine folks.
My account is exclusively 18+, and primarily for trans masculine individuals. Minors, TERF's and ageless blogs will be blocked on sight.
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