#℧ 「ᴍʏ ᴛᴡɪɴ ꜰʟᴀᴍᴇ; ᴍʏ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ʜᴀʟꜰ」 * 𝐰𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝-𝐟𝐨𝐫-𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞
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blitzbuckz · 3 days ago
【𐂃】 as they gradually grew into their adolescent phase, he did overtime change his clothing style — wearing attires that no longer matched with his twin anymore. fixating on his best friend at the time; he started to wear more black clothing. spike collars. even merchandise from the King of Greed. Wherever the spotlight took Fizz, he was sure to follow quickly right after.
Nevertheless, it didn't meant he valued his sister any less. He still slept in the same tent along side her, maybe not in the same bed like when they were younger — but he still remained within sight. Checking in with her when time allowed it; when he wasn't so busy fending Fizz from his creepy fans or hanging out with him. His twin was always in his mind, even now, not a day goes by where he's not thinking about his significant other. Cursing himself for taking her for granted. wishing he managed his time better back then, maybe then she would of believed him instead of their drunkard father.
The assassin continued reminiscing; pouring out his suppressed self-hate for the second time. he had done it before with Millie, but never to this extent. this open. feeling closer to his twin, he grew compel to confide in them — however, no sooner did he temporarily regretted that decision. The loud strike of the mug on the table's surface prompted him to quickly release his iced coffee to retreat into his seat. lowering himself as far as he could with hunched shoulders, eyes widened in mere fright.
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❝ I'm sorry. ❞ he fleetingly heaved, unable to hear the distant "HEY! You'll have to pay for that!" from the cafe's cashier — given he was too fixated feeling the wrath of his twin weighing him down. However, what he thought was animosity... was anything but that. He held onto her every word as he slowly let himself sink deeper && deeper under the table. Trying to shield himself from any possible retaliation, but to no avail succeeding when he was brought back up by a tug of his chest.
With gritting fangs his hands latched onto his suit just a few inches apart where they were gripping. being careful enough not to add on to his twin's fumes any more than he already had; he didn't dare to say or act on it. Letting them finish first before thinking up of a response. Which, honestly, he was rendered speechless for awhile. He did scrunched up his face when the hard pokes were given, but nothing jabbed harder than the truth. her perspective.
Flopping back down on his seat he fixed his collar, eyes glistening as if it was everything he wanted to hear && then some.
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❝ shit — I . . . I had no idea y' felt this way. I didn't meant t' let my guts spill like that. Without mom an' you around, I spent years grieving by myself over it. It doesn't go away overnight an' . . . I guess reunitin' with ya caused me t' speak my mind without thinkin'. Since, y'know, we used t' be so close. we used t' say everything t' each other, but . . . yeah, you're right. that was fuckin' shitty of me an' I should have known better. Once a sot, always a sot. ❞ brushing off his shoulders he then tossed a weak smile, small, but genuine.
❝ It waaas pretty funny when we played "booze keep away" with that bastard. He did ended up blowin' a gasket an' made us clean the horse pens, but it was fuckin' worth it. ❞
It was same for Barbie. She had loved her life in their family owned circus. She was happy to have her whole family there, all the circus people, Fizz included. It had it's ups and downs of course, which is why Barbie as a teenager got to find her a new friend circles. Seeing her brother developing some weird relationship with Fizz, Barbie did feel like she was third wheeling when they hangout together, eventually just declining their offer of 'doing something fun'. It did hurt Barbie a little but seeing Blitzø actually enjoying Fizzarolli's company, and knowing how much shit their dad was causing for her twin, she didn't have a heart to ever bring this up. Not like she was, too, jealous or anything. She loved to see her twin happy and Fizz as well. Which is why Barbie started declining their offer of 'hanging out' more often as the time went by which led her eventually find herself someone else to hangout with... which was the start of the downfall for Barbie.
Did she miss the old times? In a way yeah. She missed the times she and Blitzø were hanging together, she misses their mom a whole lot. Times were as good as it could have been back then... but now Barbie was sitting in a café, listening Blitzø talk, while trying to keep herself calm. Push all the anger aside. Which was not easy after Blitzø just raised his voice a little while defending at ugly little imp back at the camp.
Barbie held the coffee mug between her fingers, her tail was moving slowly side to side as she was slowly getting more annoyed while Blitzø kept going and going. Too bad his sister didn't know how to comfort anyone these days no matter if she got worried over someone-...
"The fuck are you on? Seriously!?" Barbie finally hit the mark when she had enough of this self-hating pity party. Sure Barbie hated herself as much as Blitzø hated himself but she would never let it show by words, it was more like drowning her sorrows in booze and drugs type of thing for her.
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Barbie slammed the mug on the table, hard, that is got some cracks on it "I don't know how fucking bad your memory is or what fucking long term memory loss you are struggling with but fuck off with that bullshit. Dad had ALWAYS been a drunk bastard, I remember him drinking ever since we were little toddlers and weren't even part of the circus act yet! He always had to have his daily dose of alcohol which is one reason we struggled money-wise at times! It was not only because of you so shove that shit back up in your ass" Barbie slammed her hands on the table and stood up.
"How fucking much longer are you gonna compare your talents on Fizz's anyways!? No one, and I mean NO ONE can compete with him on clown act! Dad knew it yet he still had to throw you two on stage together! He didn't care of the circus life wasn't for you at all and yet kept taking it on you!" yes Barbie was aware of some shit their dad had done to Blitzø, like hitting him. How many times? That she didn't know but she had witnessed Cash laying his hands on his twin few times, but had been too scared of saying anything. "The only fucking shit that drunk asswipe cared for was Fizz, the money he brought in.... literally everything except us. If this doesn't make you hate the bastard then I suggest you go and get professional help!" yes Barbie was mad, yes she did care very loudly and aggressively here.
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"And you just made it sound like you set the fucking circus on fire on purpose! Are you not listening yourself talk!? You actually wanted Fizz to get hurt or mom die while dad probs run as fast to save his stack of cash and booze!?" Barbie took a hold on Blitzø's chest, pulling him up over the table. "Get your fucking shit together and stop swimming in that pool of self pity. Hell I have never seen someone's dick shrivel up and turn into pussy as fast as now" Barbie let go of Blitzø after giving few pokes on his forehead. During a rehab Barbie had taken some anger management but there was just some things that made her lose it with a snap. She hated talking about their past, even tho she was the one who brought their dad up first.
".... Sorry" Barbie mumbled under her breath, she didn't mean to go this far but at least she didn't punch Blitzø in the face as she was intend to.
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blitzbuckz · 9 days ago
【𐂃】 even if he tried to, he couldn't forget those treasured memories. No matter what Hell makes them go through; he will always fall back to loving his sister. The better mirror image of himself. She didn't used to be this concealed && for that he will forever blame himself. He knew what he had done && how, no matter what he did, it will never bring back what was lost in the fire. Regardless, he knew their mother wouldn't want to see them this way. He knew she loved them with all her heart, especially when they were spending time together. Reasons why he strived so hard to mend their bond. For her && for barb. He owe it to them to keep trying.
As fun as their childhood games were— he wanted them to have a better lifestyle. Taking things like a street rat wasn't the life he wanted them to have. Lowborns deserve better than that && if he had to go against the entire Hell's system to change it— he would go through it no matter the circumstances.
Taking a sip of his iced coffee he softly smiled, gathering her words while swirling his ice with the straw.
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❝ heh. that is like us— tryin' ta earn our way into this shithole. we don't want anythin' handed t' us. I'm glad y' haven't lost that side of yours. It's what I loved 'bout us. what mom loved too. ❞ He kept the last bit to himself, again, deciding it was best not to bring heartache on a day that's supposed to be theirs. their quality time. Blitz always had their best interest in heart; doing whatever he can to make her life less shitty. When he heard about her getting out of rehab on her own— it nearly caused him a panic attack! he couldn't focus on his daily tasks in I.M.P, he went through a whole week searching for her. Pistol whipping && threatening anyone for information about her whereabouts. He didn't care, he would threaten Satan himself if they prevented him from seeing his beloved sister.
❝ sorry — it's just, I don't want that lifestyle for y'. I know y' can take care of yourself but . . . you're worthy of so much more. I would welcome ya t' my business or look for job flyers. It might take some time t' find the right job, but I'll keep searchin' for ya. It's what family does, y'know, lookin' after each other. ❞
At the mention of the court trail, his head perked. looking shocked at first before scratching his own nape.
❝ Oh, fuck, y' saw that? Sorry. I had t' rise above this bias Hellhole, I had t' do things I wasn't proud of. Guess, it came t' bite me in the end. If I knew they were gunnin' for my ass . . . I would of called or left a message. I can visit the human realm legally now so . . . everythin' is taken care off. I won't get into deep shit anymore. ❞ he simply summed up, giving his drink another sip. hoping she would drop the subject considering it didn't make him feel like a hero. in fact, he felt shitty for the deadly sins almost making a fool example out of him; if he wasn't spared. It was traumatizing && embarrassing to say the least.
That's right! It started as a little child's game but as they got older they had to commit minor crimes to keep the circus life going on. Barbie did always feel bad when they had to do it, but it was less scary when Blitzø was there with her. The thought of it made Barbie flash a short smile for a split second before she got all serious again. This was not time to get sentimental over something like that. Like Barbie said those times would never come back, unfortunately. She would rather go back than continue the shit show she calls her own life.
Blitzø going there again, 'wanting to help' made Barbie frown deeply once again. In a way she understood why her twin felt like he needed to help and then again she didn't want any help, not from Blitzø not from anyone else. She could do this shit on her own, find another job that did not include working for some blue blooded asshole. Even tho she did have the Asmodean Crystal that kinda binded her to the sin of Lust but still... not directly working for him. Ever. So this is where the shit she learned in their childhood comes handy. Barbie did commit minor crimes to get easy money, hell even times hitting on some rich asshole just to rob the fucker before they woke up in the morning. She would never say it out loud to anyone tho.
Seeing her brother overly happy over some piece of soap made Barbie just shook her head in disbelief. On the inside she felt little warmth to see Blitzø this way. It had been such a long time Barbie had seen her twin actually happy. When they were 'forced' to meet while Barbie was still in rehab it was all about sobbing sorries and how he wanted to help her while Barbie threw an angry fit. This is why she tried to keep her calm for this meeting, wouldn't want yet another sad reminder how they had drifted far apart from what they used to be.
Barbie took a long sip out of her drink. The atmosphere got bit more heavy as the silence landed at their table. "After thinking it a moment, no. I don't want or need your money, Blitzo. I can do this shit on my own so easily, always have been" ever since they were teenagers when Barbie got into the life of drugs, after the accident when it was downhill from there Barbie had been doing all the surviving on her own. Literally shutting almost everyone out of her life since she didn't want any reminders from her past. But then Blitzø stepped back in and got her into rehab and all that jazz... never letting her be ever since no matter how hard Barbie tried to keep him away. "I mean don't get me wrong, appreciate the gesture but for the millionth time, no... I know how to make enough money to keep on living. If anything those Cops n' Robbers games taught me was stealth..." meaning Barbie herself was still doing all the stealing just because she was good at it.
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"Besides don'cha need to pay some trial fees or some shit. You did face all those six deadly assfuckers of hell" oh yes, Barbie saw the shit, from news. She was running in humans realm at the time it was podcast live all over Hell. Should have seen Barbie's reaction when she saw the video that someone had recorded and blast all over Voxtube. "Good thing they didn't get your ass that time..."
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blitzbuckz · 10 days ago
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【𐂃】 ❝ y-yeah, we used t' play "cops an' robbers" when we were little. then we actually committed t' the real thing when we got older. money was short supply so . . . we did what we could t' survive an' provide for- ❞ our mom. would of been what he finished off with, however, not wanting to bring back that suppressed memory— he stopped himself in the nick of time. Still, he enjoyed that game all too much. not more than treasuring hunting, but it was still pretty dear to his heart. In fact, he was still at it when it came to not having enough funds for his shit. he stole when it was necessary. Reminders that quickly ceased the minute his sister shot down his reminiscing thoughts.
"You do realize those times won't ever come back, right?"
Her words stabbed at his core. His smile slowly subsiding as he gave a forced nod. Maw growing crooked as if he was on the verge of crying, yet, he kept himself poised. composed. trying to remain strong as they carried out the gift exchange.
❝ sorry— I really do wanna make it up t' ya. If y' really need the money, I can send some yer way with time. My business is slowly pickin' up— I can wire money t' ya monthly if needed. I . . . really wanna help. ❞ Straightening his posture he then held his breath as his twin slid over her parting gift. He wasn't expecting it! If his heart could erupt, it would give away this particular moment! The assassin couldn't hold back anymore, letting his eyes get watery he retrieved the note && wooden box. A smile resurfacing across his maw as he unwrapped his gifts.
the wooden box contained bullets && a gun carved from soap. exquisitely made! if it wasn't soft to the touch && carrying a rich scent— he would of thought it was the real deal! the "happy birthday to my most compatible organ donor" note did cause him to gulp, yet, he held everything wholeheartedly close to his chest.
❝ Fuck, this thing looks real. I . . . love love, love this! Thank you, sis. I . . . really missed this. ❞ it was nice to know they both carried the same sense in humor, however, he wasn't going to say it out in the open. not if he had a death wish.
No sooner the waiter walked up to them to place their drinks on the table. Leaving the two alone to consume their beverages && further indulge into the gift exchange moment. Which stirred the assassin to fixate his focus back on his sister; giving her pleading eyes — as if he didn't want her to leave. however, he refrained from saying anything. knowing it wasn't in his place to ask more of her time. ( resisting sounding greedy foremost )
Barbie looked around a little as the waitress took their orders before turning her gaze back at Blitzø who made a joke about them make a run for it before they had to pay. "You still do that shit?" she questioned, not really revealing that she keeps doing that as well, mostly because she is running low on money now that she had lost her work. She was gonna cover this all up by acting like she disapproved Blitzø's actions there. Even tho the idea of making a run for it was fun to say the least.
Moxxie, twink-.. whatever he is called made Barbie as his enemy the day he came in and got her supplier killed middle of a gig. A frown deepened on Barbie's face as he listened Blitzø talk how he just wanted to spend time with her. Honestly if things weren't so messy between them Barbie wouldn't mind just sneak the fuck outta this place after they got their drinks, maybe cause some havoc like they used back in the day. She loved to spend time with her twin until things started to fall apart slowly. Barbie looked down at the box which was slid to her side of the table before darting her gaze back at Blitzø as she reached to the present.
"You do realize those times won't ever come back, right? We aren't kid no more. Our time spending together isn't gonna be the same. We can't just go and annoy other circus crew members, steal shit from dad. . ." and this is where she had to stop, otherwise she might have brought mama up. She baked them the best birthday cake ever which Barbie missed, along with spending time with her family... minus their dad. She was mad at him as well. As Barbie spoke she slowly unwrapped the gift, liftin up a mug. She red the text with rather unamused expression on her face, then took a look at Blitzø.
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". . . . Seriously? Thought no one could ever make me feel awkward with anything. Well I stand corrected" on the inside she was laughing, she wanted to laugh the more she looked at the gift. This was her type of humor unfortunately. "Thanks. It'll be my first decor of the house when I have afford to rent or buy a house. Maybe on next pay check. . . . oh wait" just reminding she didn't have a job no more thanks to I.M.P. "Happy Womb Eviction Day to you as well I guess" Barbie lift her present on the table, it was a wooden box with wrapped on top and an envelope with a birthday card in it. Of course she had to buy one for her twin, like she had done almost every birthday and sinsmas, never actually giving them to him.
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blitzbuckz · 11 days ago
【𐂃】 the assassin's hues illuminated, as if he was relishing every second. He could tell she was fighting tooth && nail to say anything, but they were in speaking terms! Last time he was lucky to get a word in before getting shut down on the spot. Taking her low audible request he waved at a waiter passing by. Ordering their drinks on the fly before returning his focus back on her.
❝ Don't worry 'bout the tip either, it's all in the house. courtesy of myself. Unless we ditch this place with our drinks before they notice. ❞ he jested with a half-suppressed chuckle, promptly reverting back to his fidgety self to tone down his excitement. Bowing his head, as if he was getting scolded, he kept his mouth shut again. Eyes never wavering, fixated on hers despite his twin not looking back.
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❝ ugly twink? —y' mean Moxxie? ❞ he inquired without forethought, immediately shaking off the imagery of his employee with the teenage fem getup. ❝ uh, no, I was lookin' for you the entire time. I didn't give two shits about his botched job. I'm . . . really sorry. I've always been wantin' t' spend time with y'. like ol' times. It's "our" special day, nobody else. That's why I brought ya this— ❞ retrieving the gift he then placed it on the table. Slowly sliding it towards them with furrowed brows.
❝ It's yer birthday too so, y'know . . . happy birthday, barb. It's nothin' that great but . . . I hope it brings y' some happiness in yer life. ❞
Barbie was anything but an early bird. This is usually the time she would have gone to bed or few hours earlier, depending what she's been up to on that day. Sure she should have said something through messages but instead raged out loud and then just left Blitzø on read, not answering to his messages. In the end it was Barbie's fault which she is not gonna admit, ever.
Crossing her legs and arms as she listened his brother talk, Barbie leaned back at the benches backrest. If it wasn't their birthday Barbie would have gone off and literally set this place on fire but she was trying to keep her cool, for a sake of his brother who had balls to keep contacting Barbie after she said she didn't want him in her life. Listening Blitzø's reason for this overly early meeting made Barbie raise her brow a little. Solid reason but then again 7 am, really. And Barbie would have counter this all that they should have met somewhere more private later of the day where there wasn't some random imps around them. But instead Barbie kept her mouth shut, trying not to sass at Blitzø... too much.
It was hard for her to maintain eye contact when Blitzø brought up iced coffee. A drink that Barbie had been obsessed with ever since she was a teenager and found a coffee in her life. The fact that Blitzø remembered such a detail at all made the twin imp have hard time keep her grumpy expression on. Barbie let out an audible sigh. "Salted caramel ice coffee. . . thanks" the last part was said quietly under a breath, Barbie did have manners after all even tho she was still mad at Blitzø.
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"Literally thought you'd stop contacting me since the last encounter went so well. Why not spend your birthday with that ugly twink you got with ya?" In a way Barbie was happy that her brother were such an hardheaded idiot who wouldn't stop if he had set his mind on something, but still... this was weird to be here with him, having a civil conversation. Hope it stays this way even tho when Barbie was tired it was more easy to upset her.
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blitzbuckz · 11 days ago
【𐂃】 his stomach was in knots, almost hurling out of high strung anticipation. He couldn't recall the last time he has felt this way; before his self-hatred took away the best thing he had. He wanted to love again, to feel that warmth they once had. They were twin flames after all. If he could rekindle their childhood spark — even a small portion of it, it would easily make this the best Birthday he had in decades!
Yet, he knew this wasn't going to be an easy feat. He had years worth of damage to amend; perhaps, it will always remain that way but alas — he had to try. If he could lift some of the weight off their shoulders, a smidge, it would mean everything.
Waiting with bated breath, he remained put. Scarlet hues reduced to miniature slits when he noticed the familiar silhouette bursting through the café's doors. Seeming highly peeved && gradually angry as she approached his table.
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❝ FUCK! she's already gettin' pissy? —I haven't said anythin' yet. ❞ he mused, deciding it was best not to stir the fire && let her speak up first. It was only then when he noticed why she initially disapproved of the meet up. Perhaps, he did set the timing a tad bit too early? Although — he had an excuse for it. Taking a deep exhale he beamed a weak smile, keeping his tail out of sight so she wouldn't see the spade of it wagging.
❝ s-sorry, I . . . really wanted t' see you first thing in the mornin'. Also, I wanted t' beat the crowd so we could have this conversation without the chitter chatter fillin' up the café. ❞ less crowded the better, ❝ y-yes, I've a reason but first! —want me t' order us a drink? Iced coffee? the way you've always liked it? ❞
Where Barbie was okay with this upcoming meeting she wasn't as hyped as Blitzø was. Especially after seeing the time he wanted to meet her. Corner of her eye twitched a little as Barbie squeezed her phone with all she got, shaking it violently. "Blitzø you daddy fucker!! WHO'S EVEN IS AWAKE AT THAT HOUR!?" now Barbie was regretting for not asking details, but promise is a promise. Slowly calming down Barbie got off the bed. She needed to buy that present for her twin bro after all.
The next day came and Barbie did not sleep a wink. Mostly because her sleep schedule is all over the place. Usually she would sleep until midday but not this morning. The second reason being she was feeling anxious over this meeting. Sure it was their birthday which was a solid reason for them to get together like all those years ago when they were younger but-.. still Barbie was mad at her twin for everything that had happened. She couldn't sweep that under the carpet and pretend everything was okay. Sure she could try it, but it was still weighting her mind. Walk from motel she had a room in was bit further from the café Blitzø wanted them to meet at. Holding a little gift box in her hands Barbie walked to the other side of the city. Of course she was running late, literally boycotting these early morning meetings with everything she got.
Soon the café appeared in her sight which made the imp stop for a moment. The anxiety was almost getting the best of her. Slowly reaching to her pocket to pick up her phone. Should she just call this off? Not like they were in good terms anyways and they haven't spend time together in ages. Last time they met they were beating each other up, her supplier died because of that fucking ugly twink Blitzø had with him. Barbie let out the heaviest frustrated exhale before making her way to the café. Soon the door slammed wide open like in some western movie and Barbie stepped in, scanning the area as her eyes were locked at her twin sitting in a booth. With a deep breath Barbie made her way to the booth, taking a seat. Placing the gift next to her, she was still debating should she give it to Blitzø or not.
"I don't know what you have against a good night sleep. Why not meet earlier next time, not like I needed my beauty sleep" of course she couldn't start the conversation with anything nice like 'hello' or 'happy birthday' no no, she had to complain. Not like her life was going that great, complaining was a way to go. But at least she didn't call Blitzø by any names also joke or not she just said she would be up to meet her twin once again.
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"So . . . this is awkward to say the least. Why did you even wanna meet me?"
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blitzbuckz · 12 days ago
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【𐂃】 he couldn't refrain from smiling, she answered! Naturally he wouldn't get a response; expecting to be left on 'Read' — or get some disheartening message to hit the road. However, it seemed like being persistent was starting to pay off! Be that as it may, the smaller twin tried not to get ahead of himself. Texting back almost immediately, yet keeping it brief to avoid screwing up.
[ text: / ] Srrry [ text: / ] kk [ text: / ] ill b ther @ 7AM
Beyond stoked he pressed the phone against his chest, his heart, almost on the verge of shedding tears. His entire frame shook, imaging her back in his life, reunited once more. Something he's been yearning since the incident. Needless to say, he tried not to rush anything. Retrieving his wrapped up gift, he exhaled loudly before setting it on the counter of his kitchen. Preparing to set out the next day to meet her. When the time finally came — he immediately bounced out of his sofa, giving Loona a departure holler before snatching the gift && rushing out the apartment complex. Making headway towards the cafe in foot.
It wasn't too far, besides he could use the fresh air to cool his anxiety. his nerves. Holding the gift close to his chest the entire time, he paced inside the coffee shop. Flopping down in one of the booths before placing his gift besides his tail, obscured by the table. hidden for now. Settling himself on the high-backed benches as he awaited for his sister. Fidgeting his fingers as to calm his evident nervous demeanor.
❝ fuck — what am I doing? shit, shit. don't screw up. whatever y' do... don't make things weird. ❞ he kept musing to himself, trying his best not to storm out of the cafe. if he could just hear her voice again, catch up even a little . . . it's all he could ever ask for.
Almost every single year not just during her birthday but also at Sinsmas Barbie had bought her twin a present which she never delivered and just threw away. Out of sigh out of mind, right? That and the fact Barbie was still extremely mad at Blitzø for what happened. For all the shit their dad told her, for... at times being focused on his own life and people in it rather than Barbie who should have tried harder herself to talk some issues she had in her life.
But once again it was the time of the year again, their birthday. Maybe this year Barbie just shouldn't even bother of buying a gift for her twin. Save money for other things. Currently Barbie was sitting in her regular bar after doing some of her own business, the sudden buzzing sound from her phone made her let out a heavy bit annoyed sigh. If this was the client complaining Barbie would have find the little ass wipe and make him suffer.
Her eyes widened a little as he noticed who the sender was. For a moment debating should she just ignore those. It took her several minutes to check the rest of the messages, after one strong shot of an alcohol. Reading in silence as some rock music was being played on the background, some other imps shouting and singing along.
". . . Why are you like this?" she mumbled under her breath. Why did Blitzø want to meet her anyways? Barbie did tell him to stay away, regretting it a little of course.
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<text> I know who this is, dumbo. <text> If this is about you wanting to help me or what fucking ever, just forget it. <text> But I guess I don't have anything planned on that day, so whatever. See you there then.
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